Home And Away 8th July 2024

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Home And Away 8th July 2024
00:00It's about Bronte.
00:09She is lying to Irene and everyone else so she can take their money.
00:12And that's a crime.
00:14Do you have any evidence that you can give me?
00:15No, I don't.
00:16Well, if that changes, come and talk to me.
00:17There are no medical records for Bronte Langford anywhere in the state.
00:21What's obviously a mistake.
00:22Well, maybe no records exist because your illness is a scam and you just need to give
00:27it up.
00:28Listen, that problem I warned you about, it just got worse.
00:31I have found stuff that proves, basically, that she's a liar.
00:34She can't say.
00:35I don't know why it is impossible to get anyone to listen to me.
00:39Who's your friend?
00:41Well, they're all about your snooping.
00:42Give it back!
00:43I'm not going to be intimidated by either of you.
00:47What's wrong?
00:48Oh, I just still haven't heard from Dana.
00:49Oh, I have.
00:50I just spoke to her.
00:51She called you.
00:52Does she even have your number?
00:53No, no.
00:54She called Irene's place and I answered.
00:55Where is she?
00:56On a retreat.
00:57Some silent meditation place.
00:58I don't know what's going on, but I do know that Dana's not the silent retreat type.
00:59Something doesn't feel right.
01:00Need a hand?
01:02Slow day at the shop?
01:03Not exactly.
01:04I just wanted to come say thanks for the other day.
01:05You were right.
01:06So, you're working things out with Matt?
01:08Well, now that Levi's been discharged from the hospital, things are finally going to
01:09be a little bit easier for me.
01:11Well, I'll see you later.
01:24So, Levi's been discharged from the hospital.
01:25Things are finally going back to normal.
01:26Good to hear.
01:27So, coming home?
01:28You know, I'm not really in the hurry to do that.
01:29You sure?
01:31It's quiet at the motel and I've got quite a lot going on.
01:32I heard the committee approved your youth program.
01:34Yeah, thanks.
01:35Still a lot to organize before we start.
01:37So, you're working things out with Matt?
01:39Well, now that Levi's been discharged from the hospital, things are finally going to
01:40be a little bit easier for me.
02:12How's that all going?
02:14So, this Bronte woman is the only one who's been in touch with Dana, right?
02:15As far as I know, yeah.
02:16Well, that's where I'd start if you need answers.
02:17Yeah, but I'm just not sure that Bronte's going to be able to tell me anything she hasn't
02:19Yeah, but it's worth a try.
02:20I mean, it seems to me that she's the only one who knows what's going on.
02:23Good point.
02:30I could do with one before work.
02:31No, thanks.
02:32I can't.
02:33Thank you.
02:39What was that about?
02:40He's worried that he can't get in touch with Dana.
02:44What else did he say?
02:46Love, we know there's only one spot left in the next trial.
02:49And our 50,000 won't meet your crowdfunding goal.
02:53It's fine.
02:54I know you've both done everything you can.
02:56Hold your horses, girlie.
02:58We haven't finished yet.
02:59We've got a plan to help you raise the rest of your funds.
03:04You've both done so much already.
03:06What if we looked at donating this week's profits from the diner?
03:09A bit like salt, only more generous.
03:12Not that it's a competition.
03:16Thank you.
03:18You're both incredible.
03:19Our pleasure, love.
03:21But I have to say no.
03:23I can't, I can't spend another week waiting for treatment.
03:27Why not?
03:29I'm out of time.
03:30The trial's about to kick off.
03:33Sorry to interrupt.
03:36Can I talk to you for a minute?
03:37Yeah, yeah.
03:38We have to head back to work anyway, love.
03:40But we're not giving up.
03:42And neither should you.
03:46See you.
03:50It's nothing.
03:52What do you want to talk about?
03:55I'm just a little bit confused about Dana.
03:59It's still bugging me that you're the only person she's spoken to.
04:02Like I said, I just happened to be here when she called.
04:05Yeah, did she say why she called the landline?
04:09I'm sorry she's doing this to you.
04:11Not fair.
04:12Did she say what the retreat was called?
04:14No, she didn't say anything.
04:17I'm sure when she's ready, she'll call.
04:19Yeah, I hope so.
04:21I'm a bit tired.
04:22I might lie down.
04:23Of course, yeah.
04:24You rest.
04:35Thanks for giving me a hand.
04:36No worries.
04:38What's that?
04:39I don't know.
04:40Maybe I missed one of the supplies dropping past.
04:44It's just a guy who wants a board.
04:45No biggie.
04:47You got time to take a break?
04:50I should get back to it.
04:51Look, I know how tough a breakup can be in this town.
04:54You can't avoid running into your ex.
04:56Thanks for the reminder.
04:58So it's definitely over then?
05:02It's for the best.
05:04I should chase up this board order.
05:09Hey, Rory.
05:10It's Marley.
05:12I got a message saying that you wanted to order a board.
05:19Thank you.
05:20And just so you know, all profits from this week are going to Bronte's crowdfunding page.
05:25Isn't that good?
05:26That's very generous.
05:27But maybe don't go telling Dana that.
05:29Ah, no.
05:30Things between those two have not improved.
05:33Actually, have you seen Dana today?
05:34She hasn't responded to any of my messages.
05:37Oh, she's gone on a retreat.
05:40She didn't mention that to me.
05:44Oh, you're working?
05:45It's a shame.
05:46I thought we could have had a girls' night.
05:48No, we don't have to do that.
05:50I'm fine.
05:51I didn't say you weren't.
05:52But since you mentioned it, I need to talk about things.
05:56Let me out.
05:58No, I'm okay.
06:00It still hurts.
06:01But I made the right call.
06:04Well, that didn't work.
06:06I spoke to Bronte like you suggested.
06:08She said the same thing she said before, except I kind of got the feeling like she wanted to be gone.
06:12Let's be honest, I don't reckon I'm getting the full story.
06:14So you reckon she's lying?
06:16I don't know, but something doesn't add up.
06:19Mate, all you can do is keep digging.
06:23Where on earth is Dana?
06:25Her patrol started an hour ago.
06:27But she didn't call you.
06:28I've been calling her all morning.
06:29No answer.
06:30So where is she?
06:31Apparently she's up the coast on some silent retreat.
06:34Dana? Silent?
06:36No one can get on to her to find out what's going on.
06:38The only person she's spoken to is Bronte.
06:40Well, that doesn't sound right.
06:41She's the last person she'd speak to.
06:42I know.
06:43None of this makes any sense.
06:44She would have told me or Harper if she was going anywhere.
06:46Yeah, well, I spoke to her yesterday and she was so upset about the whole Bronte business, she broke down in tears.
06:51So there's no way she'd go from that to confiding in me.
06:53What the hell is going on?
06:55Where is she?
06:58Please help me!
07:04Please help me!
07:08Please, someone help me!
07:09Help me!
07:11Please, someone help!
07:35What are you doing now? Grab a coffee?
07:38I might just head home once I'm done here, but thanks anyways.
07:42G'day boys.
07:43Hey Alf.
07:45So, how's the youth programme coming along?
07:48Must be starting soon, eh?
07:49Yeah, it's morrow.
07:50Well, I'm glad it's all coming together.
07:53It's a good thing he's doing, eh?
07:55Yeah, for sure.
08:01He's a bit quiet, isn't he?
08:03Yeah, he's still getting his head around things in with Rose.
08:40Help me!
08:42Help, I'm trapped! Help me!
08:46Help, I'm locked in here! Help me, please!
09:00Are you done?
09:01I'm not going to be done until you let me out!
09:14I'm surprised you had any voice left after that performance.
09:20How do I know that that's not poisoned?
09:26It's not poisoned.
09:29What is it that you want from me?
09:31I just need you to keep your big mouth shut and stay out of the picture until we get our money.
09:36No, you mean Irene's money. You mean Leah's money. You mean everyone else's.
09:40You wouldn't just mind your own business, could you?
09:42The same way you couldn't not rip off kind, vulnerable people.
09:45Seriously, just shut up!
09:53Now, all you have to do is just stay here until we're done.
09:59And then what?
10:01I don't know.
10:02What does that mean?
10:03I've never done this bit before.
10:05What does that mean? What does that mean?
10:07Don't leave me here!
10:15Wow, do you really think we can raise that much in a week?
10:18We could try.
10:20Well, darl, you know I'll do anything I can to get her to that clinical trial.
10:27Good news?
10:28I can't thank you enough. You are a literal lifesaver.
10:31I'm guessing the money came through.
10:33It means I can go.
10:35There's nothing stopping me. I'm going to book my flights to Canada right now.
10:38But don't you need to pay the clinic in full before you go?
10:40I mean, they say that's their policy, but I've got most of the money now.
10:43Yeah, but love, you're still short.
10:45Yeah, look, it's not quite where the target needs to be,
10:48but if I just show up and I throw myself on the mercy of the clinic, they might let me in.
10:53Yeah, but what if they don't?
10:55I may not have another chance. I have to take it.
10:58But if you're going to do that, why won't you just give yourself another week to pay?
11:02Look, this is how much money we can raise, so that pretty much meets your target.
11:06Surely that's going to go in your favour.
11:08Wow, I didn't realise it would be so much.
11:11Every little bit helps, eh?
11:14What do you say?
11:17I mean, it would guarantee me a spot.
11:23Okay, yes, I guess I can wait another week.
11:30Hey, you got an order for me?
11:33Huh, stick it on the tab.
11:35Hey, have you heard any more from Dana?
11:38No, she's still missing.
11:40Hey, what exactly did she say to you?
11:42That she had proof that Bronte's alive.
11:44Oh, did she?
11:45Well, apparently it could get someone into trouble, so she wouldn't say.
11:49I don't know.
11:51I just thought it was the jealousy thing coming up again. I should have asked more questions.
11:54No, that doesn't matter now. Just need to find her.
11:58Hey, guys, sorry for eavesdropping, but is Dana on a retreat?
12:02Well, that's what Bronte says, but something's not adding up.
12:04Yeah, we've got no idea where Dana is.
12:07Look, I'm the one that Dana was worried about getting into trouble.
12:10She asked me to look into Bronte's medical records at the hospital.
12:14There are none. At least none at Northern Districts or anywhere else in the state.
12:20What are you saying? Dana's right. Bronte's lying about being sick.
12:24I'm saying that that's the information Dana had. I warned her to tread carefully with this.
12:29Yeah, but Dana's not one to tread carefully about anything.
12:34What if she's confronted Bronte?
12:36I hear what you're saying, but what makes you think Bronte is connected to Dana going missing?
12:40Because she lied about everything else.
12:42There are no medical records for Bronte Langford anywhere in the state.
12:46You can verify this?
12:48Yes, I can.
12:50We're talking fraud and deception here. These are some serious accusations.
12:53Too right they are. Irene's remortgaged her house and she's taken all of Leah's things.
12:57Can we stop talking about the money? Dana is missing.
12:59You don't know that for sure?
13:00No, no, she hasn't turned up for patrol. That's really unlike her.
13:03Exactly, and I don't buy this whole silent retreat she's supposed to be on.
13:06Everyone calm down, one at a time. Who told you about this retreat thing?
13:10Bronte. She was the last person that saw Dana. Tell me that's not suspicious.
13:14Even if Bronte is lying about being sick, it doesn't mean she's responsible for Dana's disappearance.
13:18Rose, if she is capable of deceiving and lying and stealing everyone's money, what else is she capable of?
13:34Here you go.
13:35Thanks, Al. You have just donated to Bronte's cause.
13:40All of this week's profits are going to Bronte's crowdfunding campaign.
13:45True. She's certainly making a quid out of the bae's generosity.
13:49Well, she's come to the right place then, hasn't she?
13:51The poor girl has no words. Least that we could do.
13:55Irene, have you really thought this thing through?
13:59What do you mean?
14:00Well, it's no small thing she's asking.
14:03Look, she hasn't asked for anything. We decided to do it.
14:07That's very generous of you. Maybe too generous.
14:12Alf, what are you getting at?
14:13Well, I just want to make sure you're not being taken for a ride, that's all.
14:17Sounds like you've been talking to Dana.
14:23Look, I know Dana is a handful, but it's one more week.
14:28This isn't about greed, Chase. It's an opportunity.
14:30I'm not going to walk away from another huge chunk of cash.
14:35Someone's here at the group.
14:45Bronte Langford?
14:47Hi, I'm Senior Constable Delaney, and this is Constable Hendricks.
14:51Do you mind if we come in for a chat?
14:52Yeah, of course. Come in.
14:57What's this about?
14:58Your housemate, Dana Matheson.
15:00No, really? What has she done?
15:02Nothing, actually. We're just trying to find out where she is.
15:06When was the last time you saw Dana?
15:07Two days ago.
15:09You've spoken to her since then? On the phone?
15:11Yeah, yeah. She called here and said she was up the coast at a retreat or something.
15:15We'll be able to verify those phone records then.
15:17Yeah, definitely.
15:21Is that all? I just need to take some medication. The timing is kind of important.
15:24We're happy to wait.
15:26A few minutes can't hurt.
15:29So, what hospital are you getting treated at?
15:31Oh, it's one in the city.
15:34Can you be more specific? You've forgotten?
15:37No, it's Greenwood East. Their immunology department is one of the best in the country.
15:42There's no record of you having any medical history anywhere in the state. Do you have any idea where that is?
15:47Strange. I can't be held responsible for mistakes in the hospital system.
15:52How about I grab all of my records and I bring them down to the station for you? Would that help?
15:57We're happy to wait.
15:58Yeah? Okay. I'll just take my medication then.
16:04You alright?
16:05Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dizzy spell. It happens.
16:07Why don't I call Irene?
16:09Oh, no, no. It's not necessary. I just need to rest.
16:15And then I'll get those documents to you.
16:18Call when you're on your way. I'll be waiting.
16:33Okay, so when do you think we'll be able to meet on that?
16:38Cool. I'll be there.
16:40Hey. So did we help?
16:43Harper's put in together a list of participants for the youth program.
16:47And don't worry, we'll make sure to keep everything away from your surf lessons.
16:50You have to reassure Kirby. Not me. I won't be here.
16:54Well, where will you be?
16:56I've decided to head home for a bit. You know, get my feet back on country.
17:05I've decided to head home for a bit. You know, get my feet back on country.
17:11Sounds good.
17:13Plus, I won't be running into Rose.
17:19I'm sure your family would love to see you.
17:21Yeah. It'll be good to see Mum and Elandra. And my little car.
17:27I just need to get some things sorted for Kirby, and I'm out of here.
17:32Good luck.
17:33Yeah, you too.
17:35And hey.
17:38You're gonna smash this program.
17:46Right. Let me know what you find out. Bye.
17:50Still no word from Dana?
17:53What is it?
17:54Rose spoke to Bronte. Apparently she gave the name of the hospital she'd been treated at.
17:59Rose is heading to the station now to check it out.
18:03Do you think we're wrong about Bronte? Do you think she's really sick?
18:08I've got no idea.
18:14Isn't that Bronte driving Irene's car?
18:17That's weird.
18:22I'll drive.
18:32Come on.
18:42Come on. Can you step it up a gear? We're gonna lose her.
18:44If we tailgate her, she's gonna know we're following her.
18:48I swear, if something's happened to Dana...
18:50Yeah, well, hang on, mate. We don't know anything for sure yet.
18:52Well, then where the hell is she taking us?
19:03Come on.
19:22Where did she go?
19:25I don't know.
19:32Come on.
19:43You think she went in there?
19:45She must have.
19:49Well, let's check it out.
19:53This makes no sense. Where is she going?
20:02Wakey, wakey.
21:01Where is she?
21:02You had one job. One job.
21:06Dana! You get out of here now!
21:08Nowhere to go. Nowhere to hide.
21:10Wait, wait. We don't know what these people are capable of.
21:12I need to find Dana.