• 3 months ago
When the Nerd Puts on a Serious Face to Protect the Girl He Likes from the Bad Guys…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00My name is Ryuji Kurosaki, just an average studious high school student.
00:06Hey, bookworm. Thanks for your hard work until break time.
00:11No problem.
00:13Could you grab some drinks for us real quick?
00:17Hey, go get it yourself.
00:20Hey, hey, don't get the wrong idea, Haruka. I'm just giving him a breather from all that studying. Gotta refresh the mind, you know.
00:29You're just trying to conveniently boss him around. Cut it out.
00:34Got it, got it.
00:37Thank you.
00:38It's not good to stay silent about those things. You could have told the teacher or consulted with me.
00:45This person is our class representative, Haruka Yunagi. She's beautiful, kind, reliable, and a class favorite.
00:54She's like an angel who even cares about introverts like me.
00:58But it's understandable if you find it difficult.
01:03Horara is rumored to have connection with delinquent gangs outside of school.
01:08Is that so?
01:10Didn't you know? Taking advantage of that, he's been doing whatever he wants at school lately and everyone is scared of him.
01:17Hmm. There shouldn't be any noticeable delinquent gangs around here, though.
01:24One day...
01:26We're short on cash and in trouble, you know.
01:29Can you lend us some? Even just a bit?
01:33Um, well...
01:36Who would have thought I'd witness such a cliche mugging scene these days? Cut it out, guys.
01:43What did you say?
01:45Back off, bean sprout.
01:47Oh, come on. How about you back off, considering this face?
01:56This can't be happening!
02:01Thank you!
02:03You're welcome. Well, then.
02:09What was that just now?
02:12Huh? Haruka?
02:14You drove off those delinquents, right? What did you do?
02:19Oh, no. She saw it.
02:21What's going on? Tell me!
02:24T-too close! And her hand! What's with this proximity? Popular people are scary!
02:31It's nothing major, really. We just talked and they backed off.
02:35Huh? Really?
02:38Really. Thought I managed to bluff my way through that situation.
02:43The next day...
02:45Mind if I sit next to you?
02:48Uh, I'm fine, but why?
02:51I want to hear about what happened yesterday. Besides, isn't food tastier when you eat it with someone rather than alone? Is that okay?
03:00N-no problem! If you want to, then by all means!
03:04You're always studying. But is there a reason for it?
03:09Actually, I'm aiming to become a lawyer.
03:14Yeah, I want to help people in need.
03:17So that's why you always work so hard in your studies. That's admirable.
03:23It's not like that. I'm just really bad at this, so I have to study more than everyone else.
03:29The recent mock exam even gave me an E grade for my desired school.
03:34Huh? Even though you study so much?
03:38Seems like my brain just doesn't cooperate.
03:42Hmm, you might have an issue with your study method. I got it!
03:48I'll teach you!
03:51Later, after school.
03:53Teacher Haruka is all set to teach you!
03:56The energy of a person in a popular group is amazing.
04:00Alright, let's try solving this problem right away!
04:04Uh, sure! Why is she so close? She even smells nice!
04:11One hour later.
04:12Amazing! Following your advice, I can solve problems smoothly now!
04:17See, see? I'm confident in teaching, you know!
04:21You're really something, committee chair! Respect!
04:25Can't help it!
04:29Thanks a lot for today.
04:31Staying back to study isn't so bad, right?
04:34If you want, I can teach you again tomorrow.
04:37Huh? I appreciate the offer, but it really feels like I'm imposing.
04:42Don't worry about it. I want to do it.
04:45The truth is, I also want to be of help to people in need.
04:49Just like I was once helped by someone I admired.
04:53Plus, talking to you makes me feel at ease.
04:57D-does it?
04:59Definitely! So don't hesitate!
05:02Let's do our best together from tomorrow onward!
05:06Y-yes! Thank you!
05:08From then on, we spent lunch breaks and after school together.
05:12If my assumptions weren't wrong, we became quite close.
05:16One day.
05:18Ryuji, what do you do on your days off?
05:22Study, study, and more study.
05:25All study?
05:27You shouldn't get too obsessed with it. Don't you take breaks?
05:31Not really.
05:33Eh? That's not good.
05:36Then, how about we go out together next time?
05:39It could be a nice refreshment.
05:42Eh? Is that...
05:45The following Sunday.
05:47We found ourselves at the shopping mall.
05:50Alright! Let's start with a movie.
05:54Uh, sure.
05:56Haruka looks cute in casual clothes.
05:59Wait, is this a date?
06:01Huh? What's with the huge crowd?
06:05I heard there's celebrity here for an event or something today.
06:11I think the movie theater is just ahead, right?
06:14Yeah, but if we take a detour, we might not make it in time for the movie.
06:18Sorry, I didn't check properly.
06:21It's okay.
06:23We'll definitely make it. Hold on tight!
06:28Phew, we managed to get through.
06:33Despite such a mishap, we were able to have a great time that day.
06:37Thanks for today. I really had a great time.
06:43Huh? Maybe she's tired?
06:46It would be pitiful to wake her up.
06:48Let's leave her alone until we arrive.
06:50And she even looks cute when she's asleep.
06:53Isn't that the best?
06:55Short while later.
06:57Next is Koiwa, Koiwa Station.
07:01Haruka, we're almost there.
07:09Huh? D-did I, by any chance, fall asleep?
07:16Yeah, sound asleep.
07:18Did you see me sleeping?
07:21I did.
07:24Did I make weird faces?
07:26I did, right?
07:28No, not at all.
07:30Please, forget about it.
07:33Sorry, that's something I can't do.
07:36Aww, so mean!
07:39Even if I wanted to forget, I can't forget such a cute sleeping face.
07:45After spending a month with Haruka, various things happened.
07:49Wow, that's amazing!
07:54Hey, you seem to be having a lot of fun, Haruka.
07:58Harada, what do you want?
08:01Instead of hanging out with such an introvert, why not date me? You won't regret it.
08:07I'm sorry.
08:09Tch, always so stubborn.
08:12Well, let me know if you change your mind anytime.
08:16Being popular must be tough.
08:19Ugh, stop it.
08:21He's really causing me trouble.
08:24Despite refusing him many times, he keeps persisting like that.
08:29Do you know about the Black Dragoon?
08:32It's a legendary delinquent gang that used to dominate this area a few years ago.
08:37It seems they've recently made a comeback.
08:41There are rumors that Harada and his friends are involved.
08:46The Black Dragoon is back?
08:49It's just a rumor, and they seem to be causing trouble even for ordinary people.
08:55It's not how they used to be in the past.
08:58What's going on?
09:00That night.
09:01Sorry to bother you suddenly, there's something I want you to look into.
09:05A few days later.
09:07Hey, still getting along well, huh?
09:10Do you have something else to say?
09:12Actually, I found out something interesting.
09:16Haruka, seems like you were quite delinquent in middle school, huh?
09:23Well, it just so happens I have an acquaintance from the same middle school as you.
09:28What do you think everyone would say if they found out the diligent class representative used to be a delinquent?
09:35Well, if you date me, I'll keep quiet about it.
09:39What will you do?
09:41This guy, what a despicable person.
09:44Haruka, you don't need to listen to what this guy says.
09:47But I...
09:48It's okay, I won't let him have his way.
09:52Hey, are you serious, loser?
09:56Is it okay?
09:58I'm a high-ranking member of the legendary delinquent gang, Black Dragoon.
10:03Don't think you can go against Black Dragoon and come out unscathed.
10:08So, you guys are the ones causing trouble around here lately, using the name of Black Dragoon.
10:14Yeah, that's right.
10:16I see.
10:18Can you come right now?
10:19Yeah, I appreciate it.
10:21Who the heck are you calling, idiot?
10:24Are you calling for reinforcements because you're scared, loser?
10:29There's no way this guy has any friends, right?
10:33You guys have a misunderstanding.
10:35Black Dragoon isn't just a delinquent gang that intimidates others.
10:39It's a delinquent gang that helps those in need.
10:43And we never engage in despicable acts like taking advantage of someone's weaknesses.
10:48What does an introvert loser like you know about Black Dragoon?
10:52Even with these scars, can you say the same?
10:56Those scars?
10:58You mean...
10:59No way!
11:00The leader of Black Dragoon, the strongest fighter in Koiwa, the Unrivaled Dragon Lord!
11:06If you know, then this should be quick.
11:09Why you...
11:12There's no way an introvert like you could be the Unrivaled Dragon Lord!
11:16This has to be a bluff!
11:17I understand wanting to escape from reality, but this is the truth.
11:22Shut up!
11:24Let's settle this!
11:25Here I go!
11:30T-too strong!
11:34Could it really be the Unrivaled Dragon Lord?
11:38I've been saying that from the beginning.
11:40If you guys bother Haruka again, it won't end so lightly next time, understand?
11:46I'm sorry!
11:48I'm really sorry!
11:52Hey, we're not done talking yet!
11:55Oh, here they come.
11:57Boss, sorry to keep you waiting!
11:59What the...
12:01You arrived at a good time.
12:03These guys were causing trouble using our name.
12:05Settle the score with them properly.
12:07Got it!
12:08No, please!
12:11I'm surprised.
12:14I never thought you were the Unrivaled Dragon Lord!
12:18It's not something to be proud of, being the leader of a delinquent gang.
12:23It's not like that at all!
12:27Even though Black Dragoon is a delinquent gang,
12:30they're known for not picking unnecessary fights and helping people in need.
12:34You might not remember, but you once helped me too.
12:38Actually, I was quite the delinquent in middle school.
12:43I got carried away and caught the attention of a delinquent team.
12:47When I was about to get beaten up by a large group in the town,
12:52you came to rescue me.
12:54At that time...
12:57Thank you so much!
13:00No need for thanks.
13:01Instead, if you see someone in trouble, help them out too.
13:07Moved by those words, I vowed to live seriously while helping people in need.
13:12I was able to reform myself, and the person I am now is all thanks to you.
13:18Hearing you say that, it's truly heartwarming.
13:21But I didn't really understand.
13:24Did you go a bit overboard with the image change?
13:28And why did you quit Black Dragoon in the first place?
13:34To tell the truth, I wasn't originally a delinquent.
13:37I got involved in fights to protect people being harassed by delinquents,
13:41and every time I defeated one, their friends would target me.
13:45It became a vicious cycle, and I ended up being hailed as the strongest fighter,
13:49the unrivaled Dragon Lord of Koiwa.
13:52As more people claimed to be my underlings, it led to the formation of Black Dragoon.
13:58The situation got out of control, and my supposed subordinates grew in number.
14:05This is quite troublesome.
14:07Wait a minute.
14:08If I use Black Dragoon to bring all the delinquent gangs in Koiwa under our control,
14:13we could eliminate fights among delinquents and improve the town's security, couldn't we?
14:19After conquering Koiwa Town, I retired from the delinquent life.
14:24Following the advice of my middle school mentor,
14:27I decided to become a lawyer who could legitimately help people.
14:31Can someone like me, who's bad at studying, really become a lawyer?
14:36Yes, of course.
14:38However, effort is required.
14:40Got it! I'll do my best!
14:43Black Dragoon also disbanded around the same time.
14:46Influenced by me, all the members reformed and walked a legitimate path.
14:51So, up until now, if people find out that I used to be the leader of Black Dragoon,
14:57it might make everyone uncomfortable.
14:59That's why I've been playing the role of a quiet character.
15:03I see.
15:05I'm sorry.
15:07It's because of me that your true identity might be revealed.
15:11It's okay. I'm sure everyone will keep it a secret.
15:14Besides, I couldn't just overlook a pinch my favorite girl was in.
15:19Huh? Does that mean...
15:22I like you, Haruka.
15:24No way...
15:26Will you go out with me?
15:28Really? Are you sure it's me?
15:32It has to be you, Haruka!
15:34I can be surprisingly jealous and a bit spoiled, you know.
15:39That's more than welcome!
15:42Make me super happy, okay?
15:46I promise.
15:48And thus, we became a couple.
15:52After that, Harada and his game seemed to have been thoroughly disciplined by my friends.
15:57They became extremely quiet at school, and now, just seeing my face makes them run away.
16:04As you can see, now they run away just by looking at my face.
16:09As for me, it turns out that a student who happened to be there at the time spread the rumor throughout the school that I had dealt with Harada and his gang.
16:18Did you really defeat Harada and the others by yourself?
16:22You are strong.
16:25No, it's not like that at all.
16:29I unintentionally became praised as a hero for defeating the delinquents in our class.
16:36However, that led to a new problem.
16:39Hey, Haruka, is something wrong here?
16:42Are you mad about something?
16:45I'm not mad. It's just that...
16:49You become so popular with everyone. I'm worried.
16:55You can't like any other girls, you know?
16:58Oh no, she's too cute. I can't take it.
17:02My feelings for Haruka, who becomes cuter day by day, won't stop growing.
