Handy Manny S03E14 Chico Goes To Preschool Kellys Chili

  • 3 months ago


00:13What is it?
00:15It's an acaja de almuerzo a lunch box. That's a really nice Manny, but aren't you a little old for a kiddie lunchbox?
00:24No, Turner, it's the acaja de almuerzo is for my nephew Chico. I got it for him for his first day of preschool
00:31That's exciting
00:33And it has his favorite superhero on it. Macho Verde
00:43I were a superhero. I would be Supremo guy
00:57Would be the fantastic
01:29I'm just me worried rusty. Oh
01:34You can do better than that
01:38Fine I'd be first man
01:52La handyman is your pear shop you break it
01:57This is Manny
01:58Hola, Manny. Hola, Lola. Come with us. How are you?
02:03Un poco nerviosa a little nervous. So is Chico. We're leaving for preschool soon
02:09See we were heading right over with a special preschool surprise for Chico. Oh
02:16The Omani is bringing a special preschool surprise
02:20No, please go. No, it's Chico. Okay. No, he doesn't want to go to preschool
02:27Don't worry Lola. We'll be right over to help
02:30Okay, super tools. It sounds like we need to deliver like I had the almuerzo the lunchbox and save the day
03:07See this top star rating sticker fluffy
03:12That means we have the best candy store in town
03:15Now if I can just put it on the window, everyone will know all about our great store
03:21The only problem with this sticker is it's a very sticky sticker. Oh
03:29My now, where did it go?
03:31Hello, mr. Lopart. Are you okay? Oh, hello, Manny. Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you
03:42I just got this top star rating for having the best candy store in sheetrock Hills
03:47I was trying to put it on the window
03:50Looks like you missed the window
03:53Yeah, yeah, I know
03:57Where are y'all headed today?
03:59We're bringing money's nephew una caja de almuerzo a lunchbox for his first day of preschool
04:05And it has his favorite superhero on it
04:13Remember my first superhero lunchbox had had a picture of dash handsome fighting crime one
04:20Dash at a time
04:22Kapow blammo kaplooey
04:25Be careful dash
04:28Well, we better get Chico his lunchbox. Have a good day. Mr. Lopart
04:32Need a hero with muscles and might a dash of handsome will set things right dash handsome
04:47Good it's you Manny. Hello Lola. Where's me? So, but you know my nephew Oh
04:57Are you ready for preschool
05:00No, please
05:02But Chico preschool will be fun. You'll meet all those ninos other children and you'll learn nervous causes new things
05:11my surprise
05:13Well Chico for your first day of preschool
05:16Una nueva caja de almuerzo a new lunchbox
05:22And I have your favorite sandwich all ready to put in it
05:27Then we take your match over the lunchbox to school and they'll have cubbies for all the children to put their lunchboxes in
05:35Cubbies, that's your own special place to keep your things safe while you're at school
05:40So, what do you think Chico, are you ready to go to preschool?
05:45Thank you, Manny
05:47Macho, Ben and Chico go to preschool
05:51Gracias, Manny
05:53de nada
05:55Dear Manny, let's go to preschool too. Oh you want us to go with you?
06:00Si, dear Manny
06:02Claro que si, of course
06:08Let's go to school
06:17Good morning, Lola. Good morning, Mrs. Thompson. I have a new student for you
06:23Manny, I didn't expect you to be at preschool today
06:28No, Mrs. Thompson. I'm just here with my nephew Chico. We're bringing him for his first day
06:35Hola Chico, welcome to Sheetrock Hills Preschool
06:42A new lunchbox, that's wonderful Chico and we have a nice safe spot for it right against the wall
06:51No, aye, there are no cubbies
06:54No, Chico, we don't have any cubbies. We just line all the lunchboxes against the wall
07:05A lunchbox!
07:12I'm sorry, Chico. The lunchboxes are usually quite safe, but sometimes accidents happen
07:21Hmm, I might have an idea, Mrs. Thompson
07:24Anything you could do would be wonderful, Manny
07:28Don't worry, Chico. I'll be right back with something very special to keep Macho Verde safe
07:34Gracias, Manny
07:36De nada. Come on, Tools
07:39Da-na-na-na-na-na, never fear, Dash Handsome is here
07:45He's been doing that all day
07:48Hola, Manny. Hi, Tools
07:50Hola, Kelly
07:51Hi, Kelly
07:53How can I help you today?
07:55We need some supplies for the Sheetrock Hills Preschool
07:58Chico started going there today
08:00And we gave him a new lunchbox
08:03Una caja de almuerzo
08:05With his favorite superhero
08:08But the preschool didn't have any cubbies to put his lunchbox in
08:12Yeah, and Chico is worried about his new lunchbox
08:16I understand how he feels. I had a superhero lunchbox when I was young that was very special to me
08:23What superhero was on your lunchbox, Kelly?
08:26Amazing Girl. She's a girl who saves the day the amazing way
08:33Now let me get you those supplies
08:36Thanks, Amazing Girl. I mean, Kelly
08:45We're back
08:47Dio Manny
08:49Hola, Chico. We have all the supplies we need
08:52For what, Manny?
08:54Well, if it's alright with Mrs. Thompson, we're going to build cubbies for the preschool
09:01Oh, Manny. What a wonderful surprise
09:06But I'm going to need to borrow your caja de almuerzo, Chico
09:10Macho, vende. Por qué? Why?
09:13I need to measure una caja de almuerzo so I can build a cubby for it
09:18A cubby. Sí, dear Manny
09:21Why don't we see what the other kids are doing while Manny and the tools work?
09:26Yes, Chico. They're all drawing pictures of themselves
09:31Alright, tools. Let's get to work
09:37Let's get going and fix it right
09:39Twist and turn
09:41Make it tight
09:42Trabajamos juntos
09:44We work together now
09:47Cut it, measure, and tap it flat
09:50Bend and twist
09:51Just like that
09:52Feature us as a special doll
09:55We work together
09:56Todos juntos
09:57We can fix it right
10:01Mrs. Thompson, our special project is ready
10:05Oh, wonderful!
10:07Children, bring your pictures and come see what Manny has made for us
10:17And you can each put your picture over your new cubby
10:37They're perfect
10:39Where's mi caja de almuerzo?
10:42Right here, Chico. Nice and safe like I promised
10:46And now it will stay safe right in here, on its very own shelf
10:52Gracias, dear Manny. Gracias, tools
10:56Thank you, Manny. Thank you, tools
10:59De nada. It was our pleasure
11:01Hi, Chico. Do you want to play blocks with me?
11:06Si, si
11:08Adios, Chico
11:10Adios, Mama
11:12I think Chico is going to like preschool
11:15Es verdad. I think you're right
11:22I'm so glad Chico's happy at preschool now
11:26Yeah, I was a little worried
11:28You're always a little worried, rust man
11:31I'm glad he got a special place for his caja de almuerzo, his lunchbox
11:36His superhero lunchbox
11:39Manny, you never told us who your favorite superhero was
11:44That's because I had a lot of them
11:47But I think we're all superheroes when we do our best and help others
11:52And that doesn't take any special powers at all
11:55And actually, I'm pretty lucky
11:57I get to work with my favorite superheroes every day
12:03I think he means us
12:05Dash handsome, fighting crime one dash at a time
12:15Kelly's Chili
12:21Las cebollas? Las cebollas?
12:23Si, Flicker. We've got the onions
12:26We bought everything on the shopping list
12:30Ay, que bien. That's good
12:32Because I really, really want to win Fire Chief Eduardo's chili cook-off
12:37I love chili
12:40And I love cook-offs
12:44Uh, what's a cook-off?
12:46A cook-off is just another way of saying a cooking contest
12:50The winner of the chili cook-off gets a big blue ribbon
12:55Ooh, I hope we win
12:58Yo también
13:00Me too
13:03A blue ribbon would fit perfectly here
13:06Momento, hold on everybody
13:09We can't win the chili cook-off if we don't make the chili
13:13Si, let's get started
13:15Okay, so first we're going to need una olla grande
13:19A big pot we can make the chili in
13:25No pot's here
13:28Not here either
13:34This pot's pretty big, Manny
13:36That'll work great. Muy bien, Stretch
13:41Ooh, I'll help you carry that
13:51Uh-oh, Manny. It looks like this pot has a big dent in it
13:56Hmm, and the dent is shaped just like a hammer
14:00I wonder who did that
14:02Ooh, maybe it was a hammer
14:05Well, I don't see any cracks in the pot, so we can still use it
14:11Okay, first we need los frijoles, the beans
14:16Los frijoles, los frijoles
14:19Uh, Manny, I don't see any beans here
14:22But we got everything on the grocery list
14:26Well, who made the list?
14:31Oh, I was so excited about the cook-off that I wrote the shopping list in a hurry
14:36And I forgot the most important thing
14:39Los frijoles
14:41I know
14:43Está bien, Felipe, it's okay
14:45We'll just go back to the grocery store
14:48But we don't have much time before the cook-off starts
14:51I know
14:53What are we going to do, Manny?
14:55Calmense, por favor. Stay calm, everybody
15:01Honey Manny's Repair Shop. You break it...
15:04We fix it!
15:06This is Manny
15:08Hola, Manny. Hi, tools
15:10¿Cómo estás, Kelly?
15:12Estoy bien, Manny
15:14But I was hoping you and the tools could help me with a problem
15:17Kelly needs our help?
15:20That's right, Dusty
15:22I wanted to make my grandmother's chili recipe for Chief Eduardo's cook-off
15:26But the recipe's stuck in a drawer of a very old desk
15:30Do you think you can help me?
15:32Claro que sí. We'll be right over
15:35Um, but Manny, do you think we'll still have enough time to finish our chili for the cook-off?
15:42I'm not sure, Felipe, but we always help our friends whenever they need us
15:47Sí, and Kelly es nuestra amiga, a good friend
15:53That's right, Felipe
15:55Let's go to Kelly's
15:57Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve
16:05Hop, hop, jump in
16:07Come on, let's go
16:09Hop, hop, jump in
16:11Sí, vámonos
16:13Hop, hop, jump in
16:15Don't move too slow
16:16Keep up
16:17Let's get to work
16:19Muy rápido
16:25Hey, Manny, Tools, come on over, I've got a treat for you
16:29Oh, gracias, Mr. Lopar, but we're on our way to help Kelly
16:33Can we stop by later?
16:34Oh, this'll only take a minute, and believe me, you won't be sorry
16:39I doubt that
16:42Uh, okay, Mr. Lopar, we're coming
16:46Ta-da! I wanted to give you all a free sample of my famous Lopar chili
16:52I'm making it for Chief Eduardo's chili cook-off
17:00Ay, ay, ay, muy picante
17:04Picky what?
17:06Picante, it means spicy
17:09Oh, I don't like spicy
17:12Oh, you'll love this spicy, Rusty
17:15My secret ingredient is twelve super spicy peppers, try it
17:20No, no, no, no, thank you, Mr. Lopar
17:23Come on, Rusty, you don't know what you're missing
17:26The Lopar family has used this same chili recipe for years and years
17:31If there's one thing we Lopars know, it's chili
17:37See? Not too spicy
17:47Would you like a glass of water, Mr. Lopar?
17:50No, no, thank you, Manny, I'm fine
17:54Uh, well then, we'll see you at the chili cook-off
17:58Hasta luego
18:00Bye, bye
18:02See you, Manny
18:18Oh, thanks so much for coming over
18:21Here's the desk I was telling you about
18:24Ooh, Kelly, that desk is really pretty
18:27Thanks, Dusty, it used to belong to my grandmother
18:30and I keep all of her recipes in the top drawer
18:33But look
18:36It's stuck
18:38Oh, I got it, Kelly
18:41Stand back, everybody
18:48Whoa, wait!
18:50Un momento, Felipe
18:52We've got to be really careful because this desk is an antique
18:56Si, Manny
18:57Manny, what's an antique?
19:00An antique is something that's old and special
19:03And this antique escritorio is muy especial
19:07Because it belonged to Kelly's grandmother
19:09So we have to be careful not to damage it
19:12Oh, if we hurry and fix Kelly's escritorio
19:16Then maybe we'll still have time to make our chili for the cook-off
19:20Now, Felipe, remember what happened when you hurried to make the shopping list
19:24Si, I forgot the frijoles
19:28Thanks, thanks
19:30Muy bien, Flicker
19:32We have to take our time so we can do the job right
19:35Now, let's see if we can figure out what's wrong
19:41Flicker, light, por favor
19:43Luz, luz
19:46Hmm, I think I see what's wrong
19:48Un tornillo
19:50Si, Flicker, there's a screw that's sticking out
19:53The screw's loose so the glider's not straight
19:56The glider has to be straight for the drawer to go in and out
20:00But we can't use this screw because it's too worn out
20:04Kelly, would you happen to have a screw that's this size?
20:07Ooh, I don't know, Manny
20:09If we were at the store I would, but at home...
20:13Hey, what do you know, I must have put this in my pocket when I was at the store
20:18Yeah, what do you know
20:20Will it work?
20:24Aw, they're exactly the same size
20:27Gracias, Stretch
20:29Felipe, will you help me, please?
20:31Claro que si, Manny
20:34There, the glider's straight so the drawer should work fine
20:38Try it, Kelly
20:40Oh, I hope it opens
20:44Get in!
20:46Yay, Kelly, it opened!
20:51My grandmother's chili recipe
20:53Aw, thanks, Manny, thank you, tools
20:56You're welcome, Kelly
20:58What's wrong, Kelly?
21:00The chili cook-off starts soon and I don't have time to go shopping for all the ingredients I'll need
21:09Frijoles, frijoles
21:11Beans, beans!
21:15That's right, Flicker, I have the beans
21:18But I don't have any of the other ingredients I need to make my grandmother's chili
21:23But I don't have any of the other ingredients I need to make my grandmother's chili
21:28But we do, we have everything back at the repair shop
21:32The only thing we don't have are los frijoles, the beans
21:36You're right, Felipe, we've got everything else that Kelly needs
21:40Except a pot
21:42Our pot has a big dent in it, thanks to Pat
21:46You're welcome
21:48Hang on
21:50Ooh, Manny, this recipe looks muy delicioso, very yummy
21:56Is this pot big enough?
22:00Maybe we can use your frijoles and pot and all the ingredients we have back at the shop to make your grandmother's chili
22:07That's a great idea, Manny
22:10Ay, ay, ay, let's go, let's go, vamos
22:15Okay, everyone, let's get to work and make some chili
22:22Let's get going and mix it right
22:24Twist and turn
22:26Make it tight
22:27Trabajamos juntos
22:29We work together now
22:32Cut and measure and tap and clap
22:35Bend and twist
22:36Just like that
22:37Each of us has a special job
22:40We work together
22:41Todos juntos
22:43We can mix it right
22:53Well, Felipe, what do you think?
22:55Ooh, que rico, it's delicious
23:01Well then, let's get to the cook-off
23:05Mmm, that's spicy, Mr. Lopart
23:18Oh, delicioso
23:24Ay, que rico
23:28Mmm, Kelly, this is the best chili I've ever had
23:33Yay! Yippee, yippee!
23:36Yeah, Kelly's chili won
23:43Oh, Felipe, what do you think?
23:46Mmm, that's spicy, Mr. Lopart
23:49Well then, let's get to the cook-off
23:52Mmm, that's spicy, Mr. Lopart
23:56Everybody did a great job on their chili
23:59But, Kelly, you get the blue ribbon
24:02Thank you, Chief Eduardo
24:04But I couldn't have done it without Manny and the tools
24:07This blue ribbon is for all of us
24:10Oh, boy!
24:11Yay! Thanks, Kelly
24:14All right!
24:16Now that we've cooked the chili
24:18We still have one more thing left to do
24:21What's that, Felipe?
24:23What's that, Felipe?
24:25Eat the chili
24:36Manny and the tools are always busy fixing things for their friends and neighbors
24:41So it's important that I always have just what they need to help them get the job done right
24:47Today Manny needs five screws to fix a rocking chair
24:52Can you help me see if I have enough?
24:55Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco
25:01Five screws! Great work!
25:04Now Manny has just what he needs to get the job done right
