Handy Manny S02E03 All Tools On Deck Tool Dance

  • 3 months ago
00:00All tools on deck.
00:08Oh, good!
00:10Mom squeeze!
00:12Oh yeah? Let's see how you like this one.
00:23Triple jump! Magnifico!
00:26Ah, beginner's luck.
00:30Hola, tools.
00:32What are you doing all the way over here, Pat?
00:34Don't you want to watch the game?
00:36I can see just fine from here, Manny.
00:39This way I can't trip and fall on the board and mess up the game, like I always do.
00:47Hola, handyman's repair shop. You break it?
00:49We fix it!
00:51This is Manny.
00:52Hola, Manny. Como estas?
00:54Muy bien, abuelito. And you?
00:56Good. Muy bien.
00:58Do you remember our trip to Lake Nocanailing?
01:02How could I forget?
01:04Well, I am renting that very same cabin for the weekend, and some important guests will be staying with me.
01:11But there is a problem with that old cabin door.
01:15La puerta? Does it still get stuck?
01:18Si, and the door is completely stuck now. It will not open at all.
01:24No hay problema, abuelito. We'll head right out there.
01:27Muchas gracias, Manny.
01:29De nada, abuelito.
01:31Okay, tools. It looks like we have an important job to do right away.
01:35Can't we just finish this game?
01:37I'm sorry, Squeeze. There will be plenty of time to play after we get our work done.
01:42Okay. Ready to go.
01:50Let's go, tools.
01:51Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho.
01:58Hop, hop, jump in.
02:01Come on, let's go.
02:03Hop, hop, jump in.
02:05Si, vámonos.
02:07Hop, hop, jump in.
02:09Don't move too slow.
02:10Keep up.
02:11Let's get to work.
02:13Muy rápido.
02:21Hola, Mr. Lopar. Everything okay?
02:23Oh, hello, Manny. Hello, tools.
02:26I just can't seem to find Fluffy.
02:29And today is the day she's supposed to go to the veterinarian for her checkup.
02:34I think she might be hiding.
02:37Would you like us to help you find her?
02:39Oh, no, thank you, Manny.
02:41I can find Fluffy all by myself.
02:43I've got a plan.
02:45Okay, Mr. Lopar. Adios and buena suerte. Good luck.
02:51Fluffy can never resist a fresh can of tuna.
03:04Fluffy Lopar, you come back here.
03:12Hola, Manny. Hi, tools.
03:14Hola, Manny.
03:16So, what's it going to be today?
03:18Well, we need some new hinges for an old door.
03:20Oh, that should be easy to find.
03:22I just had my brother Elliot put away all the door supplies yesterday.
03:27Oh, boy.
03:28I know my brother can be forgetful sometimes, but it is nice to have him help out around here.
03:38Uh-oh. These aren't door hinges.
03:41Yeah, there's a big surprise.
03:43Elliot probably just got the boxes mixed up.
03:46All we have to do now is find the box for the doorknobs,
03:49and the hinges will probably be in that one.
03:54Yup, you were right.
03:56You always know just where to find things, Skelly.
03:59Oh, and how about some oil for these hinges?
04:02Right here.
04:04Oh, tape.
04:08Ah, brother.
04:11I can't wait to get to the lake.
04:13Me, too.
04:15Can we go fishing again, Manny?
04:17SĂ­, and play volleyball on the playa.
04:20The beach, yeah!
04:22We can build a sandcastle.
04:24There will be plenty of time to play once we finish our work.
04:28Let's not forget we have a job to do.
04:31Ah, qué vista tan hermosa.
04:34What a beautiful view.
04:36Okay, tools, let's go see what's wrong with the door.
04:45What was that?
04:47Exactly four feet, two inches.
04:57Two inches.
05:01Ooh, hole in one.
05:03Nice shot, Pat.
05:06I know you are all excited to be here and you want to play,
05:10but we have a job to do first.
05:12Abuelito is having special guests at the cabin tonight,
05:15and there's not much time.
05:22Hmm, the puerta is stuck, all right.
05:24We might have to take the door off the hinges.
05:27Okay, there's only one problem.
05:29The hinges are on the inside.
05:32Hey, maybe we could go in through the window, Manny.
05:36Buena idea, Squeeze.
05:40Why don't you come with me?
05:42Turner, Pat, Stretch, I'll need you to help too.
05:46The rest of you can wait here.
05:48This shouldn't take too long.
05:53Everyone all right?
05:55We're okay, Manny. How about you?
05:57See, I'm fine.
05:59All right, let's get started on those hinges.
06:06I guess they're not going to need us for a little while.
06:10Si, it seems silly to be just standing around
06:14when there are so many fun things to do at the lake.
06:20I'm sure Manny wouldn't mind if we just sat in the boat
06:24for a little while, till he needs us.
06:26Por que no? Why not?
06:28Why not? Because water is dangerous.
06:31That's why not.
06:33The boat is tied to the dock, Rusty.
06:36It can't go anywhere.
06:38Si, what could possibly go wrong?
06:41A lot of things.
06:43I'm staying right here where it's safe.
06:45Okay, Rusty, you stay out here in the woods by yourself.
06:49And be careful.
06:51Keep a lookout for wild animals.
07:00Hey, wait for me!
07:06Hey, let's pretend we're pirates. Piratas.
07:11Okay, I'll be the captain.
07:15Ahoy, Mikey!
07:19Could you please stop rocking the boat?
07:22Avast, star!
07:27Shiver me timbers!
07:30Cut it out! Get down from there!
07:40Uh-oh, we're moving!
07:42Ay, caramba! Now what are we going to do?
07:49Socorro! Socorro!
07:52This isn't going to be easy.
07:54These hinges are old and rusty.
08:01It's no use. They can't hear us.
08:04We'll never get back.
08:06Okay, who knows how to swim?
08:09I only know how to sink.
08:11Me too.
08:17Okay, back up, everyone.
08:19That should just about do it.
08:24Looks like we'll have to cut it down a bit to keep it from sticking.
08:27We'll need Dusty.
08:32Where is Dusty?
08:34Um, I think she's taking a boat ride.
08:38A boat ride?
08:41Look! They forgot the oars.
08:44Without the oars, they're stuck out there.
08:47What are we going to do, Manny?
08:49Calmense. Calm down, everyone.
08:51It's always best to be calm in a crisis and think through the problem.
08:57If we had another boat, we could use the oars to row out there and rescue them.
09:02We don't have another boat.
09:04Uh, maybe we could find something that floats on water,
09:08and then we could use it as a raft.
09:10Well, what would float on water?
09:15Something made of wood.
09:17Think, think, think.
09:19If we only had something made of wood.
09:26The door!
09:28La puerta.
09:33What do you think they're doing?
09:36I don't know, but I hope it has something to do with rescuing us.
09:41Tell me when it's over.
09:45These locks should help keep it balanced.
09:56Ready, crew?
09:57Aye, aye, captain!
10:01Mira! Look!
10:05They're coming to save us!
10:07Hooray! We're saved!
10:10You don't have to pretend just to make me feel better.
10:13No, really, Rusty. They're coming. Look!
10:18Okay, throw me your rope.
10:21I knew it all along.
10:28We did it! We saved them!
10:31Thanks, guys.
10:33Thanks, Manny.
10:35Yep, we can't leave you alone for a second.
10:38Don't you know it's dangerous to play near the water?
10:41Si. I'm sorry, Manny.
10:43Me too.
10:45That's okay, as long as you're all right.
10:48But next time you need to listen to me and wait until the work is done.
10:52Then we can all have fun together.
10:54Well, tools, we're running out of time.
10:57We better get that door fixed.
11:00Let's get going and fix it right.
11:03Twist and turn.
11:05Make it tight.
11:06Trabajamos juntos.
11:08We work together now.
11:11Cut it, measure and tap it flat.
11:13Bend and twist.
11:15Just like that.
11:16Each of us has a special job.
11:18We work together.
11:20Todos juntos.
11:21We can fix it right.
11:26Hola, herramientas. Hola, Manny.
11:28Hola, Abuelito.
11:31Luce, we got finished just in time.
11:35And what a wonderful job you have done on the door.
11:38La puerta se ve muy bien.
11:40Where are your special guests, Abuelito?
11:43Why, they are already here.
11:45It is all of you, herramientas.
11:47You and Manny are my special guests.
11:50And you are all invited to stay for the weekend.
11:57Gracias, Abuelito.
11:58That is very thoughtful of you.
12:05Row, row, row your boat
12:08Gently down the stream
12:10Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
12:13Life is but a dream
12:22Pool dance
12:28I'm there.
12:30Oh, colder.
12:34You're getting warmer, Manny.
12:36Warmer, warmer.
12:47You did a lot better this time, Manny.
12:50I guess I'll have to start again.
12:52Oh, come on.
12:54This is the silliest game we've ever played.
12:57It's not silly, Turner. It's fun.
12:59Unscrewing a rusted carriage bolt is fun.
13:03And not this.
13:04I want to play, Manny.
13:06Okay, Pat. You can go next.
13:08Great. Let's play.
13:12How do you play?
13:16We pick something in the room, like the chair.
13:19Then you cover your eyes and try to find it without peeking.
13:23And when you get close, we yell...
13:27And when you get farther away, we yell...
13:32Here. I'll show you.
13:35Find the chair.
13:37It's more like this.
13:42Not like that. Like this.
13:47Maybe one at a time.
13:49Me first. Me first.
13:51Okay, Squeeze. Close your eyes.
13:53And this time, let's try to find our way to the front door.
13:58Okay, Manny.
14:01You're getting warm, Squeeze.
14:06FrĂ­o. Colder.
14:10Now you're getting warmer.
14:14Cuidado, Squeeze. Be careful.
14:16Are you okay, Squeeze?
14:18I'm fine.
14:22Hola. Hanny Manny's Repair Shop. You break it...
14:25We fix it.
14:27This is Manny.
14:28Good afternoon, Manny. This is MarĂ­a Medina.
14:31I teach dance classes at the auditorium.
14:33Buenas tardes, MarĂ­a. What can we do for you?
14:36We have a broken disco ball.
14:38A disco ball?
14:39SĂ­. It's a mirrored ball that hangs above the stage...
14:42SĂ­. It's a mirrored ball that hangs above the stage...
14:45and spins little dots of colored lights all around while we dance.
14:49But now it's not spinning...
14:51and we need it for our special dance performance this afternoon.
14:55No hay problema, MarĂ­a. We'll be right over.
14:57Ay, gracias, Manny.
14:59Okay, Tumos. We're off to the dance school.
15:02Me encanta bailar. I love to dance.
15:05Me too.
15:08I'm okay.
15:11Okay, Tumos. We got a job to do.
15:21Hop, hop, jump in.
15:23Come on, let's go.
15:25Hop, hop, jump in.
15:27Sí, vámonos.
15:29Hop, hop, jump in.
15:31Don't move too slow.
15:32Keep up.
15:33Let's get to work.
15:35Muy rápido.
15:43Tutti-frutti candy sticks.
15:45Get your tutti-frutti candy sticks here.
15:51Hola, Mr. Lopart.
15:52Hello, Manny.
15:54Would you like to try a free sample of my new tutti-frutti candy sticks?
15:59I'd love to.
16:02Mmm, excelente. Thank you, Mr. Lopart.
16:05No problem, Manny.
16:07Can I have one, Mr. Lopart?
16:09Well, of course you can.
16:11I'll just lean down a little bit so you can see which flavor you like.
16:18Ooh, hang on, Mr. Lopart. Let me give you a hand.
16:21That's all right, Manny. I'll get them.
16:27Ooh, are you okay, Mr. Lopart?
16:29I'm fine, Manny. Just fine.
16:34Oh, well, it is time for a haircut anyway.
16:37Um, well, thanks again for the candy, Mr. Lopart.
16:40Goodbye, Manny.
16:44Oh, hey, uh...
16:46Oh, Fluffy.
17:02Now that's dancing.
17:06Oh, you must be Manny.
17:08Si, I'm Manny, and these are my tools.
17:10Felipe, Turner, Dusty, Squeeze, Pat, Stretch, and Rusty.
17:14I'm a hammer.
17:16It's nice to meet you.
17:18I am Maria, and this is my dance partner, Fluffy.
17:27I am Maria, and this is my dance partner, Oleg.
17:30It's a pleasure.
17:32How can we be of service?
17:35You see, the ball doesn't spin anymore.
17:38And we need to fix it before our recital.
17:41What's a recital?
17:44A recital is when you put on a music or a dance show for your friends and neighbors.
17:50That's right, and ours is going to start very soon.
17:53Then we better get to work.
18:00Right on it, Manny.
18:11Looks like the motor's burned out.
18:13Oh, that doesn't sound good.
18:16Don't worry, Oleg. We're great at replacing motors.
18:19Right, tools?
18:20Right, Manny.
18:22We'll head over to Kelly's hardware store and pick up a new one.
18:25We should be back right away.
18:27Gracias, Manny.
18:31Hola, Kelly.
18:32Hi, Manny. Hi, tools.
18:34Hola, Kelly.
18:36So, what can I do for you guys today?
18:39Well, we need a new motor for a disco ball.
18:41Disco ball?
18:46That's going to be a tough one.
18:48Yep, I thought so.
18:50We better go tell Maria and Oleg the bad news.
18:54I once took dance lessons from Maria and Oleg.
18:57Really? You know how to bailar, to dance?
19:02Show us, Kelly!
19:04Well, okay.
19:08Manny, would you like to be my partner?
19:10Um, sure.
19:20Manny, you're a great dancer.
19:22Gracias, Kelly. So are you.
19:32Okay, ready for the big finish?
19:37The big finish?
19:41I guess I'm a little out of practice.
19:43That was great, Manny.
19:48Hey, I don't believe it.
19:50What is it, Kelly? Is it a giant mouse?
19:53No, it's a new disco ball motor.
19:56I forgot I had it down there.
20:02We're so glad you're back, Manny.
20:05The dance recital is going to be starting very soon.
20:08Not to worry. We'll have it fixed right away now that we have the new motor.
20:14Look, they're practicing!
20:21Step forward.
20:23Step forward.
20:25Step forward.
20:27Step forward.
20:29Trainer, are you dancing?
20:32Dancing? No, not this tool.
20:36Okay, tools, we got the old motor disconnected, and we're ready to install the new one.
20:41All right!
20:43We're ready, Manny.
20:45Then let's get to work.
20:48Let's get going and fix it right.
20:50Twist and turn.
20:52Make it tight.
20:53Trabajamos juntos.
20:55We work together now.
20:58Cut it larger and pop it flat.
21:00Bend and twist.
21:02Just like that.
21:03Each of us has a special job.
21:05We work together.
21:07Todos juntos.
21:08We can fix it right.
21:12Okay, Oleg, flip the switch.
21:18It's beautiful!
21:21¡Qué buen trabajo!
21:23What a good job!
21:25It's perfect!
21:27Thank you, Manny, and thank you, tools.
21:30De nada. You're welcome.
21:32Well, we better do a little stretching.
21:34The recital is about to start.
21:36We hope you can stay and watch.
21:38Can we, Manny?
21:40Manny, please!
21:42Sure, we'd love to.
21:43Why don't you grab a seat in the audience?
21:48Oh, no! What happened?
21:51Oleg, are you okay?
21:53I don't know.
21:54I think I sprained my ankle.
21:56Oh, no.
21:58I don't think I can dance.
22:00Oh, Oleg, this is terrible.
22:04I'm okay, Maria.
22:06You must go on with the show.
22:08You've worked too hard.
22:10But there's no time.
22:12People have already started to arrive.
22:15I'm afraid we'll have to cancel.
22:18This is terrible.
22:20There's nothing else I can do.
22:25How about you dance with Manny?
22:28That's a great idea!
22:30Manny es un bailador fantástico.
22:33A fantastic dancer.
22:35Me? No, I don't think so.
22:38Oh, you can do it, Manny.
22:42It's a simple salsa dance.
22:44I can show you the steps.
22:46Um, I don't know.
22:47I haven't really salsa'd in a long time.
22:50Manny, have you ever had to fix something
22:52that you haven't fixed in a very long time?
22:56And how did you fix it?
22:58Well, I start at the beginning
23:00and just take it step by step.
23:02Slowly, it comes back to me.
23:04And that's all you have to do now.
23:06Okay, I'll try.
23:08You can do it, Manny!
23:10You are the lord of the dance!
23:13All right, Manny.
23:14Just look at my feet and do exactly what I do.
23:19Left foot forward.
23:21Then step back with your left foot,
23:23right foot tap, and repeat.
23:29Got it?
23:37Here we go!
23:57Turner, are you dancing?
24:00Me? Dancing?
24:02No way.
24:03You're doing great, Manny.
24:05Are you ready for the big finale?
24:08Si, I'm ready.
24:18You were wonderful, Manny.
24:21You were incredible.
24:23Muchas gracias.
24:25Yeah, the way you threw back your head.
24:29And spun.
24:33Maybe I could use some dance lessons.
24:38Oh, that's fast.
