Live Your Life S01 E01 Hindi Dubbed

  • 2 months ago
Live Your Life S01 E01 Hindi Dubbed
00:30You are listening to your favorite show, Love Academy.
00:33I am the one who is giving you special care on special days.
00:40I welcome you all.
00:42To live life from the heart.
00:44And to spread love in this world.
00:48People who live in cities, take a lot of decisions every day.
00:52To go left or right.
00:55To stop or move forward.
00:58To choose the one who doesn't have money but has love.
01:01Or the one who has money but doesn't love me.
01:05There are some people who have nothing to choose from.
01:09Sir, your complaint has been lodged.
01:11You will get the report in 24 hours.
01:13Thank you so much.
01:14Whatever you choose in life.
01:16I want you to keep believing in love.
01:19And also that everything will be fine with time.
01:29Tell me.
01:30Where are you now?
01:32You have to go for the marriage license.
01:34Don't worry.
01:35Everything is done.
01:36You go straight to the bureau.
01:37As soon as I get the license, I will come to the airport.
01:40But you don't get late.
01:41People are paying for Canada's education.
01:43And I will stay there for a year.
01:45If I don't get the license, I don't know when I will get another chance.
01:49I have taken a two-hour leave.
01:50And also lunch break.
01:51That should be enough.
01:52Yes, it's good for you.
01:54Your work, hobby and life are more important than me.
01:58I think you don't need me, right?
02:00I need you.
02:02How can I do without you?
02:04Come soon, please.
02:12Now you can drive.
02:14Now you can drive.
02:26Listen, I have to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau.
02:28Please hurry up.
02:32Hey, where are you?
02:34Because of your work, you are already late.
02:37Don't worry.
02:38I am about to reach.
02:39Listen, please hurry up.
02:44Please hurry up.
03:14Phone Ringing
03:38It's been two years.
03:40Why am I still dreaming?
03:44Vuyu, come here.
03:45Breakfast is ready.
03:52Yes, you are 30 years old.
03:54You are always at home.
03:56You don't pay the rent.
03:58I want to know when you will stand on your feet.
04:01I am also thinking that you are really my mom.
04:04I am 28 years old.
04:05There is only a difference of two years.
04:07I made a round figure.
04:10In other families, parents want their children to stay with them.
04:13But you are keeping me away.
04:15Vuyu, who wants to throw you out?
04:18Your wife.
04:20Zhuoling, you?
04:22I think you are mistaken.
04:24Think about it.
04:25How will she throw you out of the house?
04:27She thinks that you want to be independent now.
04:31Did you hear what your dad said?
04:33We just want you to stand on your feet soon.
04:35You want me to disappear from your life completely.
04:39Because you don't understand me.
04:41Is that so?
04:42Very good.
04:44Look, son.
04:45You are over 30 now.
04:47Don't trouble your mother.
04:49Okay, son?
04:50Do you know?
04:51If she wasn't going to be born after marriage,
04:53I wouldn't be the way I am today.
04:56Then I would have...
04:57I have already fulfilled my wish to see the world.
05:00But don't worry.
05:01The farthest place you have gone is Chouming Island.
05:03It is only 90 kilometers away.
05:05You are right.
05:06I wanted to travel the world.
05:08I love traveling.
05:10I wanted to travel.
05:31Did you see?
05:32Did you all see?
05:33My car didn't even touch her.
05:35She is just acting.
05:37Madam, get up.
05:38Go to the side.
05:39You can't fool anyone now.
05:41There are cameras everywhere.
05:43I am getting late for work.
05:44What do you want?
05:45Get out of the way.
05:46Madam, get out of the way.
05:47She is hurt.
05:48But she is not even chewing.
05:49I saw it just now.
05:50The car didn't even reach her.
05:52She fell herself.
05:53Excuse me.
05:54Let me see.
05:55Thank you.
05:56Let it be.
05:57Are you okay, ma'am?
05:58Are you hurt?
05:59Are you in pain?
06:00Did you see?
06:01One more.
06:02One more drama queen is here.
06:03I didn't do anything.
06:04I will tell you first.
06:05It's not her fault.
06:06It's my fault, son.
06:08Don't you feel better?
06:09Should I take you to the hospital?
06:11Thank you.
06:13I know you didn't hit her.
06:14But will you help her?
06:15But I...
06:16How can you say that?
06:17You should help her.
06:18You should help her.
06:19You should help her.
06:20You should help her.
06:21Let's go.
06:27Madam, you can return your product in seven days.
06:30We will give you your coupon pack immediately.
06:32Thank you.
06:33We don't provide freehand sketching service during King Ming Festival.
06:36Thank you, madam.
06:37I hope you will give us five stars.
06:39Thank you.
06:44It's good that you came.
06:46Boss knows that you are late.
06:48Be careful.
06:49It's okay.
06:50I had to do something important.
06:52Help me.
06:53I can't do it alone.
06:56Pick up the call.
06:57Problem number seven.
07:00I am calling from the customer service department.
07:01How are you?
07:02As I can see, you bought our company's trench coat.
07:05And you gave a very bad review.
07:07Didn't you like the quality?
07:09The quality is good.
07:10But I am angry.
07:12If you like the quality, what is the problem?
07:14You can tell me.
07:15My girlfriend bought a coat from your shop and ran away with someone else.
07:18Can you help me?
07:20Sir, it has nothing to do with quality.
07:22What are you saying?
07:23I bought it from your shop.
07:24So, it's your responsibility.
07:25If you haven't got success in your affair, you will definitely get it in your career, sir.
07:29You were looking at a keyboard which is going to be on sale tomorrow.
07:31I can give you an additional coupon, sir.
07:33But my girlfriend won't come back.
07:35Sir, the first 50 customers who make the payment will get a free gaming mouse as a gift.
07:43Thank you for calling.
07:44I hope you will give us a five star rating.
07:49How was it?
07:52There is nothing that you can't do.
07:56Problem number two.
07:57Pick up the call.
07:58Pick up the call.
08:01Thank you for calling customer service.
08:03Tell me, how can I help you?
08:07Good morning, sir.
08:08Not at all.
08:11About this project.
08:12Good morning, Mr. Shah.
08:13Not at all.
08:17Sir, you?
08:19There is a super VIP customer in our platform.
08:22Do you know anything?
08:23He has shopped for crores of rupees 1290 times in two years.
08:27Do you know?
08:28Such a super VIP customer is not more than 3% in our platform.
08:31This is the thing.
08:32Such a customer who is only 3 out of 100 people should have strong loyalty towards them.
08:37I know.
08:38You don't know anything.
08:39In fact, he has been saying no instead of you for three days.
08:41And this is your job, not his.
08:43How can we change his no?
08:45Go and hide your face in some corner with shame.
08:48Wow, what a customer.
08:49His username is some random number.
08:51And he didn't even change it.
08:54Oh, you said it too.
08:57By the way, this is not your job.
08:58You know, right?
08:59Any rich customer on our platform can change his user ID.
09:02There must be thousands of people like this.
09:04Who believe that sometimes you should say no.
09:07And ask us to take the product back.
09:09Suppliers are calling us.
09:10They are calling us 200 times a day.
09:13And what am I doing?
09:14I am just apologizing to them all day.
09:16If the suppliers leave, then who will pay their loss?
09:20And who will pay the loss of this company?
09:22Can you do it?
09:23Can you do it?
09:24Or can you do it?
09:30You are crying.
09:31Did I say something wrong?
09:32Do you make a mistake and cry?
09:34Wipe your tears.
09:35Because now listen to what I am going to say and cry.
09:38Fang Yon, let's play a game together.
09:40There are some rules of the game.
09:42And the rules are such that
09:43if you can't change the customer from no to yes,
09:46then your sweet dream of joining this company will remain a dream.
09:50Come on, cry now.
09:55Hey, what do you have to say?
09:59Hello, sir.
10:00In the customer service department,
10:02we also don't want to see negative reviews.
10:04But for just one bad review,
10:06if you give such a severe punishment to Fang Yon,
10:09then it will be a waste.
10:11You want to protect her, right?
10:13But do this only when you don't make any mistake.
10:16The day you won't be late for work.
10:17Tell me, can you do it?
10:18Sir, I...
10:19Listen to me.
10:20I am not small in this world.
10:22I am very big like this company.
10:24Now listen to me carefully.
10:26This big I don't want to lose any super customer in this company.
10:30Did you understand?
10:31And other customers don't care about your negative review.
10:36So now whatever you have to do,
10:38whether you have to go to his house,
10:39or have to apologize,
10:40or have to come on your knees,
10:41whatever you have to do,
10:42but we will have to change that customer's no to yes.
10:44If we force them more,
10:46they can also file a harassment case.
10:48Oh my god.
10:49Oh my god.
10:51Leader Buyu,
10:52why didn't I think of this earlier?
10:55Because this is your job.
10:57This is the job of your customer service department.
11:00Fang Yon,
11:01if you can't change a customer's no to yes,
11:04then I will say goodbye to you personally.
11:09Mr. Xiao.
11:12This is not right.
11:15Very good.
11:16If you think she can't do it,
11:18then why don't you do it yourself?
11:20And if you can't do it and fail,
11:22then I am sorry.
11:23I will have to ask you to go too.
11:25And then I will say goodbye to both of you.
11:28Fang Yon,
11:29now stop crying.
11:59Come quickly, there is an emergency.
12:07Hello sir.
12:08Hello sir.
12:15Hello sir.
12:18You must know that we are a technology company
12:20that makes products for female health services.
12:24When you have come here,
12:25then what will you talk about health?
12:27I am sorry sir.
12:28Please forgive me.
12:31Will you give me one more chance sir?
12:42It shouldn't happen again.
12:48Mr. Wen,
12:49I don't think it's right to do this.
12:53Mr. Liang,
12:55I have signed the document,
12:57so I will decide.
13:01Mr. Wen.
13:04It's good that you came.
13:05I had written everything in the message.
13:07Please help me.
13:08It's a matter of joy.
13:10I am going to sign a contract with you.
13:12But why do you look so sad?
13:14We have already made a deal
13:16and everything is happening as you wanted.
13:19But as soon as we were moving forward,
13:20you took a step back
13:21and made a new productive agreement
13:23with which you are joining another company.
13:25So that you have much more profit
13:27which was not happening with our company.
13:29Am I right?
13:31It seems that Mr. He knows everything.
13:33So now listen to me.
13:36if you increase 1%,
13:38we can cooperate.
13:39If you reduce 1%,
13:42then I can think about working with you at least once.
13:46Mr. He,
13:48are you really serious?
13:51I am not kidding.
13:52Next month,
13:54a new standard will come in Southeast Asia
13:56which will test the content of parabens.
13:59All skin care products
14:00made by this company
14:02have more than permissible limits.
14:04This is the data of skin care products
14:05which this company has given.
14:07Take a look.
14:10The result of this will be that
14:11at the end of the year,
14:12the products of this company
14:13which are going to be sold in Southeast Asia,
14:15either they will be banned
14:16or they will be returned.
14:18That too in large quantities.
14:19Will you be able to do production
14:20in these conditions?
14:24Would you like to take a risk?
14:28The high-end products
14:29made by our company Yemen
14:30have just reached the second round of test.
14:33I think our production
14:34will start in two months.
14:40Why are you standing on your head?
14:44Mr. He,
14:46we are old friends.
14:49We will sign the contract today.
14:52Mr. Liang,
14:53let's sign the deal today
14:54as we had decided earlier.
14:57Let's go to the conference room
14:58to sign the contract.
15:03Let's go.
15:16Ms. Jiang
15:18You are awake.
15:19How do you feel?
15:21I feel better than before.
15:24Doctor said
15:25once this trip will be completed,
15:27I can rest and go home.
15:29That's a good thing.
15:30Thank you for bringing me here.
15:33You saved my life today.
15:35I'm happy.
15:37Why are you standing there? Come, sit here.
15:42I haven't even asked your name yet.
15:46My name is Wu You. Do you know what that means?
15:49It's a lovely name, dear. It means fool, coward.
16:00Hello. I'm calling from the customer service department.
16:24Hello. The number you have dialed is busy at the moment.
16:29What? He blocked me?
16:34This won't do.
16:38I'll see you soon.
17:08Hello, ma'am.
17:14Hi. I want to meet someone.
17:16Who do you want to meet?
17:18A gentleman with the same surname.
17:20Do you know his full name?
17:22I'm so sorry.
17:23Then I can't help you.
17:25It's okay. I'll find him myself.
17:27Sorry, ma'am. You can't go in without an appointment.
17:31Please let me go. I'm sorry.
18:00You're volunteer 305, right?
18:02Come with me.
18:07Sir, volunteer 305. Come here.
18:14Welcome. New experience. Welcome to Yemen.
18:17Come in, please.
18:25You must have read the volunteer manual.
18:28It says no make-up.
18:30Then why are you wearing make-up?
18:32Oh, wow. When I'm already here, I get a free test.
18:37Sorry. I forgot.
18:39It's okay.
18:41Have a seat. Let's do a simple test first.
18:46Have you done this before?
18:49No? Come forward and put your face on it.
18:53Please don't move.
19:00It'll be done soon.
19:06Oh, God.
19:10The problem is very serious.
19:12Is this pigmentation?
19:14Yes, maybe.
19:15How did I ignore it?
19:17You're right. Come with me.
19:19No, no, no. This is very bad.
19:21Have a seat.
19:24Please have a seat.
19:26I think it's a very serious problem.
19:28Can you cure it?
19:30To be honest, there are a lot of problems.
19:33For example, you wake up late.
19:35Yes, you're right.
19:36And you don't apply sunscreen.
19:39And because of all these reasons, your skin looks aged.
19:42You have wrinkles on your face, just like your forehead.
19:45Your nose looks like this.
19:47You have a lot of blackheads.
19:48You have pigmentation on your face.
19:50But don't worry.
19:51All this can be cured with our new product.
19:54Do you want to ask anything else?
19:57Yes, just one question.
19:59Will this picture be deleted?
20:05Yes, why not?
20:06If I get this tested,
20:08will my problems be cured?
20:11Yes, of course.
20:12You'll be fine.
20:14That's good.
20:16Anything else?
20:17Yes, one more thing.
20:18How long will it take to get it tested?
20:20Only four hours.
20:21Only four hours?
20:23It's two o'clock now.
20:24It's two o'clock.
20:25Four hours.
20:26Then it won't be possible.
20:27Can you do it a little faster?
20:29In two hours?
20:30Half the problem will be solved.
20:32Excuse me.
20:33I am volunteer 305.
20:34And I have signed up for a skin test.
20:36This is my application form.
20:45I just came.
20:52I saw you on the monitor.
20:53You came in through the courier.
20:55And now you're caught.
20:57I'm so sorry, sir.
20:58I was just looking for someone.
21:00If you don't believe me,
21:02I'll call you.
21:15There's no signal on my phone.
21:19I'm sorry again.
21:21Can I get your phone?
21:23You're a very nice person.
21:26Here you go.
21:27Thank you.
21:28Just a minute.
21:29I'll find out right away.
21:48I wanted to meet him.
21:50Just a minute.
21:51I wanted to meet him.
21:52Just a minute.
21:53I'll be right back.
21:56I'm so sorry.
21:58I know this is a little weird.
21:59But you called for customer service, right?
22:01I'm from that department.
22:02Number 950613.
22:04I'm here today to solve your problem.
22:06You registered a complaint on our website.
22:09I'll show you right now.
22:12My employee ID.
22:15So you're the only customer service here
22:17who came here as a volunteer to solve your problem.
22:21Take her out.
22:22I'm sorry, Mr. Chauhan.
22:23No, no, wait.
22:24Mr. He.
22:25I'm so sorry.
22:26I didn't do it on purpose.
22:27I genuinely...
22:28Lower your voice.
22:29I'm so sorry.
22:30Whatever happened today, I didn't plan it.
22:32The thing is, I want to get this test done now.
22:35I really didn't know what to do.
22:37I sent you a lot of emails, but you didn't reply.
22:40You didn't even reply to my messages.
22:42That's why I came to you directly.
22:44If you're not satisfied with the product,
22:46then it's my fault.
22:47I want to do two things for you here.
22:49First, I want to apologize to you.
22:52And second, I want to solve your problem.
22:54The company has decided for your sad shopping experience
22:57that you can keep the product.
22:59And we'll return the money to you.
23:01And you'll see how much the company cares about you.
23:04We'll give you a special anniversary celebration card.
23:07Sounds good, right?
23:12Tell me something.
23:13As a customer, don't I have the right
23:15to give a negative review on your platform?
23:17Yes, sir.
23:18Forget about me.
23:19If you were in my place,
23:20wouldn't you give a negative review on the platform like me?
23:22Of course.
23:23Then what are you doing here?
23:24Are you here to convince me?
23:26Are you here to impress me or annoy me?
23:30It's not like that.
23:31Look, you're our old loyal customer.
23:33You mean a lot to us.
23:35That's why I wanted to talk to you face to face.
23:37I don't want to know anything.
23:38Okay, listen.
23:39I just want to know why you gave a negative review.
23:41That's the only way we can improve ourselves.
23:43You understand, right?
23:45She's after me.
23:48Come here.
23:50Leave my hand. Tell me what happened.
23:51There's a problem with the patent.
23:53Is Professor Jiang ready or not?
23:54The man we sent is secretly asking for 20% from Professor Jiang.
23:58And without our permission,
24:00he's asking Professor Jiang to be an ordinary consultant in our company.
24:03Who is he?
24:04That's not the problem.
24:05I've fired him.
24:06But Professor Jiang is not ready to meet any of us.
24:10If the production doesn't happen on time,
24:12we'll have to give Mr. Wang a 30% penalty.
24:15No need to send anyone.
24:17I'll go there myself.
24:21Don't let him in.
24:23Do your job properly.
24:24Stay here.
24:25Let's go.
24:26Where are you going?
24:28It's difficult to meet Professor Jiang.
24:29How many times do I have to tell you?
24:33Let's go, Mihari.
24:36And listen, don't come back here.
24:38Okay, bye.
24:55Let's follow them.
24:56The car is moving.
25:12Let's go.
25:21Your idea is bad.
25:22It's okay.
25:23Once we find Professor Jiang, our job will be done.
25:30He won't see anything from here.
25:31Sit. Don't think too much.
25:34Not there.
25:43Professor, can you really do this?
25:45You just came back from the hospital.
25:47I'm fine.
25:48Class is more important to me.
25:50Professor Jiang, look.
25:54I'll put it here.
25:58Good morning, everyone.
25:59Good morning, Professor.
26:01Before I start my lecture,
26:04I want to ask you all a question.
26:06What is the most effective way to heal keratosis pilaris?
26:10Can anyone answer?
26:12I don't know.
26:14What should I do?
26:15Where is it?
26:17Is it here?
26:18Maybe it's on page number 5.
26:22Is this the one?
26:26Get up. You answer.
26:30Keratosis pilaris is a very common genodermic disease.
26:34It's also called chicken skin.
26:35There's no cure for this disease at the current medical level.
26:39Only a few skin products can cure it.
26:43There's another way to prevent overproliferation.
26:47In clinical trials, we can use 2% salicylic acid and urea ointment.
26:51It will have a gentle and reliable effect.
26:55You answered my question very well.
26:57Thank you.
26:58I have a lot of students in this class.
27:00I don't remember your name.
27:01What's your name?
27:03My name is...
27:07What are you doing?
27:12Hi, Professor Jiang.
27:13My name is Hex Jiai.
27:15I'm the founder of Yaman Biotech Corporation.
27:18Our company tried to meet you many times, but you refused.
27:21That's why we had to meet you here.
27:23I'm sorry.
27:26I'm sorry.
27:27This is my class time.
27:28Please leave.
27:30Professor Jiang, we've come all the way to meet you.
27:33Can we talk?
27:34These students have valuable time.
27:36Please don't waste it.
27:44You agreed so quickly.
27:46He said it and left.
27:47Why didn't you talk to him?
27:49This is a university.
27:50It's our fault that we're disturbing the class.
27:53As far as I'm concerned, Professor Jiang doesn't want to meet us.
27:57Why don't we launch our first-generation product?
27:59I've seen all the ingredients.
28:01I think it's good.
28:02We'll meet Professor Jiang some other time.
28:04We'll get more time.
28:06And after we get the authorization, we'll launch our second product next year.
28:09That won't happen.
28:11Because those ingredients aren't stable yet.
28:13Second-generation products aren't suitable for first-generation products.
28:16And I've told you many times.
28:18We have only two options.
28:19Either we get Professor Jiang's authorization.
28:21Or we find another alternative.
28:23So that we...
28:24So that we can start production as soon as possible.
28:26Wait a minute.
28:28You said we'd have to launch the product soon.
28:30We can't wait.
28:31We have to work on plan B.
28:34Then let's get Professor Jiang's authorization.
28:37And stick to our plan.
28:38That's what I said earlier.
28:41You talk too much.
28:43Hey, He.
28:45Listen to me.
28:46Where did he go?
28:49He disappeared as soon as he came to campus.
28:54Mr. He.
28:56You came here too?
28:57Look, we're here to do our personal work.
28:59And you followed him all the way here?
29:01Mr. He.
29:02I just wanted to talk to you.
29:03About that negative review.
29:04I don't think you should talk about it anymore.
29:06It's very annoying.
29:08That's what I wanted to say.
29:09Thank you.
29:10Mr. He.
29:11Please listen to me.
29:12This negative review matters a lot to us.
29:13If you don't change it.
29:14We'll be worried all the time.
29:16Look, we have our reasons.
29:18What did you say?
29:19We have our reasons.
29:20And what are they?
29:24If you don't change the negative review.
29:26We'll be worried all the time.
29:28Can't you understand what I just said?
29:30I told you the same thing earlier.
29:32And I still want to say the same thing.
29:33I bought Aztec Thin from your platform.
29:35In which Aztec Thin is 0.7% plus 5%.
29:38Which is 0.035% total.
29:41But when I bought it.
29:42I found out that Aztec Thin is very low.
29:44I don't think you should promote it.
29:46So I ask you.
29:48Does your platform only work by cheating with customers?
29:52I want an answer.
29:55This product is selling very well on our platform.
29:58And all the other customers have also given good reviews.
30:03It doesn't matter if people know you or not.
30:07But you won't benefit from such a bad publicity stunt.
30:10Do you know what are the ingredients in your products?
30:15You may not have even heard of it.
30:16Actually, these are moisturizers and treatments.
30:18But Aztec Thin is in your product.
30:20And this is an antioxidant.
30:21Like your publicity stunt.
30:22By which customers are being cheated.
30:23And I will not change my review.
30:25One more thing.
30:27Stop following me.
30:28Do you understand?
30:30Why is he so stubborn?
30:32Are you done?
30:36This girl is very hardworking.
30:38Just like you.
30:39Don't you think so?
30:42Who are you?
30:43Ms. Jiang.
30:44I have been thinking for a long time.
30:45It's you.
30:46What a coincidence.
30:48What are you doing at the university?
30:50I came here for some work.
30:52If you have time, can we have coffee?
30:56How are you now?
30:57Better than before.
30:58That's good.
31:03Lead Abu.
31:04What are you doing?
31:05Explain it to me.
31:06I have written everything clearly in the report.
31:08Our product's publicity is not authentic.
31:11And that's why the customer has filed a complaint.
31:14The sales department should talk to the manufacturer.
31:16So that we can improve our product.
31:18Whom do you want to contact?
31:19Whom do you want to improve?
31:20Lead Abu.
31:21Why don't you say it clearly?
31:22That all these mistakes are of someone else.
31:24I didn't mean that.
31:26Don't be so tired.
31:27Tell me one thing.
31:28How can you question our sales department?
31:31I am worried.
31:32You are all useless.
31:33Customer service.
31:34This is your job.
31:35And you have taken training for this.
31:37Look at that.
31:38You reach the office tired.
31:40You drink a little water.
31:41You type the keyboard.
31:43And you sit comfortably.
31:44And you send emojis to the customers.
31:46And you keep calling honey and sweety.
31:48This is your job.
31:49This is your job.
31:50Even a donkey can do this.
31:54If you blame the sales department again.
31:59Then I swear on my favorite cup.
32:02All the bonuses and incentives that you have accumulated this month.
32:05They will all disappear.
32:07They are going to disappear completely.
32:09And one more thing, Lead Abu.
32:11Customer is God.
32:12Learn to focus on the customer.
32:14Stop focusing on these products.
32:17Mr. Xiao.
32:18He is that God.
32:19Who has told us.
32:20That we should focus on our product.
32:24That's what I.
32:32This God's eyes are really sharp.
32:34If I remember correctly.
32:36Then publicity is not the responsibility of the sales department.
32:38That responsibility is of your friends.
32:40Who sit in the marketing department.
32:45Lead Abu.
32:46Learn to solve your own problems.
32:49And then keep blaming the sales department.
32:57No excuses.
32:58Is this your first day at work?
33:01Think about your position.
33:03Why will the customer adjust according to you?
33:05You have to deliver according to the customer's needs.
33:08If you can't do it, retire.
33:18Ms. Chen.
33:19Why are you so angry?
33:21I can't handle a little stress from people.
33:24I have to treat them like Buddha.
33:26Calm down.
33:27The company has hired some interns.
33:29Choose one of them.
33:33Is it right?
33:34Don't be angry.
33:35Tell me what do you want?
33:37You never come here without any reason.
33:39You are so smart.
33:41Look at this.
33:49What is this?
34:03All the products of the company are at stake.
34:05All of them have been tested and investigated.
34:08According to this report, their hard work has been wasted.
34:11The procedure can't start again just because you say so.
34:14If it's real, it's okay.
34:16Fake news.
34:18Who will be responsible?
34:21I'll take the responsibility.
34:24You don't understand.
34:25I'm not alone in this department.
34:27If anything goes wrong, Mr. Fan will question us.
34:34What if the customer is right?
34:38That's what I'm afraid of.
34:40I'll investigate him.
34:42Do one thing.
34:43Ask the customer why he wrote such a negative review.
34:46Only if we know the reason, we can do something for him.
34:53Ms. Jian.
34:54This is what I expected from you.
34:56I think I've come to the right person.
34:58Nothing is possible without you.
35:01Stop trying to be funny.
35:02Get to work.
35:06Love you.
35:20I need detailed information about the AstraZeneca serum.
35:24Its preservative system test.
35:26Body safety evaluation.
35:29Find out everything in an hour.
35:41It will take us an hour to get there.
35:43So you can rest.
35:46You are...
35:48Sorry, my name is Linking.
35:51Why didn't my dad come today?
35:53Actually, the chairman has an important meeting today.
35:55That's why I was sent to pick you up.
35:58He will reach home straight after the meeting.
36:02What position are you in?
36:04I'm his special assistant and general manager.
36:07Special assistant?
36:09We've never met before.
36:12Before you went abroad,
36:14I was just trying to make my rank in the company.
36:17In the legal department, that's why.
36:20In such a short time,
36:22by making rank, you became my dad's special assistant.
36:26By the way, which family are you from?
36:30Lin family.
36:32Lin family?
36:34I'm kidding.
36:35I'm not a local here.
36:37After post-graduation, I used to live in Shanghai.
36:39That means, without any connection,
36:43you reached such a big position so soon.
36:46Mr. Lin, this is a very good thing.
36:48Along with promotion, I also want to do good work.
37:04Okay, listen.
37:05I've kept some gifts for you.
37:08Gifts? For me?
37:10These are some dietary supplements
37:12that your father has asked me to give you.
37:15And this is a cosmetic box that you have to give to Mrs. Lu.
37:19What does it mean?
37:20Because you must be busy abroad.
37:22You won't have time to buy gifts.
37:24So, this plan was prepared.
37:26You want to impress dad through me?
37:27It's not necessary.
37:29Now I understand how you got that position.
37:33Oh, my God.
37:44My heart is at peace after seeing you.
38:07I love you.
38:37I love you.
38:51Who is he?
38:53Oh, yes.
38:54He looks good.
38:55What are you doing?
38:56Give it back to me.
38:57Tell me who he is.
38:58Give it back to me.
38:59So, you've started hiding things from me.
39:01I'm not hiding anything.
39:07Wait, ma'am.
39:08You can't go in like this.
39:11Look, I'll call the security.
39:13Okay, there's no need for that.
39:15My brother-in-law, Mr. He.
39:17Tell him that I'm here to meet him.
39:21Your brother-in-law?
39:37Mr. He.
39:38A woman has come.
39:39She must be the one.
39:40The one from yesterday.
39:41Is she here to change her negative review?
39:43Listen, He.
39:44This is your chance.
39:45Don't lose it.
39:47So, how are you?
39:48It's only been two years.
39:49And you've found someone else?
39:51I see.
39:54So, you're here.
39:56What can I do for you?
39:58I just came to meet you.
39:59I'm sorry.
40:00I'm sorry.
40:01I'm sorry.
40:02I'm sorry.
40:03I'm sorry.
40:04I'm sorry.
40:05I'm sorry.
40:06Would you like something to drink?
40:11I'll just sit here.
40:17You go.
40:18Let's go.
40:21You had a lot of trouble because of me.
40:24So, I'm not ashamed at all.
40:26How's your life out there?
40:30You still care about me, brother-in-law.
40:34Do you need any help?
40:35I just wanted to see
40:37how happy you are now
40:39and how fun your life is.
40:43I wanted to see
40:47if you could forget my sister or not.
40:52Look, I...
40:55I've already explained it to you two years ago.
40:57There's no point in your explanation.
41:01Just remember that
41:04I'll find out what happened that day.
41:12I'm sad about it too.
41:16But it doesn't matter to me.
41:19What do you mean it doesn't matter?
41:23You proposed to her.
41:25Tell me what happened that day.
41:33I love you.
41:34I love you too.
