Almost Famous S01 E23 Hindi Dubbed

  • 2 months ago
Almost Famous S01 E23 Hindi Dubbed
00:00优优独播剧场——YoYo Television Series Exclusive
00:30每个人都会变老 Everyone will get old
00:33不变都未必就好 It's not necessarily good to not change
00:36犹豫的青春怎会被看好 How can the hesitating youth be seen as good?
00:39哪怕跌倒也要奔跑 Even if you fall, you have to run
00:43我们一起年少 跟着音乐舞蹈 Let's be young and dance to the music
00:46全心投入享受那青春美好 Let's enjoy the beautiful youth
00:49我们轻轻拥抱抱 Let's hug and hug
00:51轻轻拥抱想像着阳光 Let's hug and hug and look at the sun
00:54不惧泪与风暴 Let's not fear tears and storms
00:56我们一起年少逍遥 Let's be young and dazzling
00:58我们倾心迷途方向 Let's go in the same direction
01:02让我们一起冲向最强达达的远方 Let's go to the best far away
01:07不惧泪与风暴 Let's not fear tears and storms
01:09我们一起年少逍遥 Let's be young and dazzling
01:11我们倾心迷途方向 Let's go in the same direction
01:15让我们一起冲向最强达达的远方 Let's go to the best far away
01:28我们一起年少逍遥 Let's go in the same direction
01:31我们一起年少逍遥 Let's go in the same direction
01:34我们一起年少逍遥 Let's go in the same direction
01:37我们一起年少逍遥 Let's go in the same direction
01:40我们一起年少逍遥 Let's go in the same direction
01:43我们一起年少逍遥 Let's go in the same direction
01:46我们一起年少逍遥 Let's go in the same direction
01:49我们一起年少逍遥 Let's go in the same direction
01:52我们一起年少逍遥 Let's go in the same direction
01:55叮咚咚 Ding dong dong
01:56你有什么要说的吗? You have something to say about yourself?
01:58你要做什么? What are you going to do after graduation?
02:00我希望我们的最终计划会很受欢迎 I hope our final project will become very popular
02:04然后我可以找到投资者 Then I can find investors
02:07为我这部电影做生意 To work on this film
02:09如果我能做到,我会为我电影做生意 If I can do that, I will work on my film
02:12那你给我一个角色,好吗? Then give me a role in it, okay?
02:16嗯,为什么不? Yes, why not?
02:17嗯 Yes
02:18组织是不错的 It's a good combination
02:19一个导演一个演员 One director and another actress
02:22非常好 Very good
02:26无论如何 No matter what
02:27我希望我们的未来都会很好 I want our future to be very good
02:30好吗? Okay?
02:31好 Yes
02:32越来越好越好 Yes, the more the better
02:34向梦想前进 Let's move towards our dreams
02:35是的 Yes
02:36这是我们四年的学院生活和未来 This is our four-year college life and future
02:39干杯 Cheers
02:55谢谢 Thank you
03:15哈喽 Hello
03:16我很高兴你能够来看 No Escape的广告 I am very happy that you can watch No Escape's sneak preview
03:20首先,由导演来说 First, on behalf of the producer
03:22我想感谢您的支持 I would like to thank all of you for your support
03:28这是一个低调的广告 This is a low-key melodrama
03:30因此在拍摄的过程中 So during the filming
03:31我们遇到了很多困难 We faced a lot of difficulties
03:33虽然说实话 However, to be honest
03:35我们能够通过您的支持 We were able to make this film with your support
03:43这部电影将会纪念世纪 This film is going to go viral
03:46喲喲 Yo, yo
03:47尤兹基的演技在拍摄过程中变得更好 Yo Ziki's acting has improved over time
03:51我认为他将会获得很多奖项 I think he will win a lot of awards this time
03:55对 对 Yes
03:56现在您有了尤兹基 You have Yo Ziki
03:58这是一个很好的例子 Such a good example
03:59现在没有人能够批评了 No one can criticize it
04:03那么我们有机会合作吗? So do we have a chance to work together?
04:06当然 Yes, definitely
04:09这是第一次在PTSD上拍摄的电影 This is the first time a film has been made on PTSD
04:14这个角度非常好 This is a very good perspective
04:18尤兹基的演技非常出色 And Yo Ziki's acting is amazing
04:22他会很高兴 He will be very happy
04:24这部电影将会纪念世纪 This film is going to go viral
04:27我们应该为他开个派对 We should throw a party for him
04:29对 非常感谢 Yes, thank you very much
04:32我会期待很好的消息 Really, I will be waiting for good news
04:34我们走吧 Let's go
04:37走吧 Sir, let's go
04:38这边走 Let's go this way
04:40走吧 Let's go
04:45尤兹基的演技非常出色 尤兹基的演技非常出色 Director, Yo Ziki's acting is amazing
04:48这部电影将会纪念世纪 尤兹基的演技非常出色 这部电影将会纪念世纪 This film has inspired Yo Ziki
04:51下次我会给你一个惊喜 I will give you a treat next time
04:52好的 好的 好的 Okay, okay
04:53但是我要告诉你一件事 但是我要告诉你一件事 But I have to tell you one thing
04:55我正在制作一部新的电影 我正在制作一部新的电影 I am going to make a new film
04:57请你给我尤兹基的时间 请你给我尤兹基的时间 Please give me Yo Ziki's time
05:01没关系 No problem
05:03导演 这次你能给我付费吗 Director, can you pay me this time?
05:06我会和导演谈谈 I will discuss this with the producer
05:09没问题 No problem
05:10协议成功了 Deal?
05:11成功了 Deal
05:17够了够了 Stop it
05:18太多了 It's too much
05:20我可以喝很多了 I can drink a lot now
05:22这么多杯子 I can drink this much
05:23我可以再喝两杯 I can drink two more
05:26你喝这么多就不能控制了 You can't control yourself if you drink this much
05:29听着 Listen
05:30我从来没见过你喝酒 I've never seen you drink
05:33今天我要看你能喝多少 Today I want to see how much you can drink
05:35没错 没错 没错 Yes, you're right. I've never seen you drink
05:37我们都没见过V-Fan喝醉 We've never seen V-Fan drunk
05:40对吗 对吗 对吗 对吗 对吗 Yes, right? Yes, right?
05:42没错 没错 没错 没错 没错 Yes, you're right. You're right
05:44你们都在我面前都没什么 You're all nothing in front of me
05:46要不然就打个赌吧 Let's bet
05:47好的 好的 好的 好的 好的 Okay, okay. Let's bet. Let's bet
05:48好了 好了 好了 好了好了 好了 Okay. V-Fan你多喝点酒 Okay, V-Fan drink some more
05:58你哪里来的? Where is it?
06:01看来你会没喝完 Shanming. I think you're gonna make me drink
06:05对不起 Kevin.你回家吧对不对 Sorry Kevin. I'll be right back
06:08好吧 Okay
06:09我看你没事 Bye
06:12他们不喝酒很好喝的 Who drinks too much alcohol gets drunk
06:15他们不会杯啊 No, they don't
06:19Let's eat something.
06:20No problem.
06:21Let's eat. I'm starving.
06:22Let's go.
06:26I didn't expect there to be such a romantic place in Farmer Manor.
06:39You wait here. I'll go downstairs and get it.
06:42Can you carry it?
06:46Yes. Wait for me here.
07:04Cheng Ming?
07:06What happened?
07:12Cheng Ming?
07:15Cheng Ming?
07:24Cheng Ming? Are you okay?
07:26I'm fine.
07:29Why did you come downstairs?
07:35Cheng Ming?
07:37I think my fear of the dark is gone.
07:45I think my fear of the dark is gone.
08:16My love!
08:21I'm impressed with you.
08:22I can't sleep well here.
08:24And you've been practicing since morning.
08:26You've become my passion.
08:28That's why I was wondering why the room was so empty last night.
08:32It seems like someone had a good time.
08:35It's nothing like that.
08:37She was reading her lines last night.
08:39That's why I couldn't sleep.
08:44Ding dong dong!
08:46Why are there dark circles under your eyes?
08:49What did you do with Zhang all night?
08:51Please don't even mention his name.
08:53He kicked me three times from the bed.
08:55He kicked me every time I lay down.
08:58As if I'm a football.
09:00And then he hugged me all night long like an octopus.
09:04He didn't leave me alone.
09:07You're laughing a lot.
09:09Let me tell you what he said to me last night.
09:11Yes, what did he say?
09:12He said, Yali is the person he wants to follow all his life.
09:16He says she's his dream girl.
09:18And he'll always love her, no matter what happens.
09:23Here you go.
09:24Oh, thank you so much.
09:25You're welcome.
09:26Anything else?
09:28Yali, I made this special breakfast for you.
09:33Good morning.
09:35We were supposed to live together.
09:37But there were only two of us in the room last night.
09:40Where were you last night?
09:42Where were you last night?
09:44Look at her.
09:45Where else could she go?
09:49Let's go.
09:50Let's go.
09:56Did you see No Escape?
09:58I want to know who the murderer is.
10:00I was looking it up online.
10:02The photographer could be the killer.
10:04Otherwise, who would keep evidence in their house?
10:06You mean, the murderer?
10:07It can't be anyone else.
10:09It can't be.
10:10Have you read the book?
10:12I think it's someone else.
10:14But if he's the killer, he can't be the servant.
10:17Let's go.
10:18Yes, let's go.
10:21Cheng Ming.
10:22Now that No Escape has become famous and popular,
10:25I think Yo-Zi-Ki made the right decision by choosing him.
10:29That means the actors should choose the right role.
10:32He worked very hard when he was in the crew.
10:34But he did it.
10:36To be honest, I'm very proud of him.
10:38The special thing is that this film proved his ability.
10:41The final project is coming.
10:43Your boyfriend is going to be even busier now.
10:47You're the investor's girlfriend in this film.
10:50So, you're the boss, right?
10:52Listen, please take care of my Yo-Zi-Ki.
10:56It depends on him what his girlfriend will do.
11:01Let me help you.
11:03Ding Dong Dong said he has to make an important announcement.
11:07We're all here.
11:08Why hasn't he come yet?
11:10Yes, big names always come last.
11:13Cheng Ming, are you still reading the script?
11:16You read the script while eating, drinking and even going to the toilet.
11:21Are you okay?
11:22After all, this is our final project.
11:24I just want to read it completely.
11:26But you don't even have a lead role yet.
11:29You only have a few lines.
11:31How can you say that?
11:33Do you know why Stephen Chow is called the King of Comedy?
11:36Because he does something that the audience will always remember.
11:40Learn something from him.
11:42Cheng Ming, you made me happy with your words.
11:50Fang, are you okay?
11:52Don't take so much stress for the lead role.
11:55I've been very stressed since I woke up.
11:59I don't want to affect the rehearsals because of me.
12:02I feel like I'm not Fang Yali anymore.
12:05In fact, I've become Fang Stress.
12:10It's not easy to play a lead role.
12:13Yali, you don't have to put yourself under so much pressure.
12:17Your dance is the best in the class.
12:19We trust you.
12:20You can do it.
12:21But for some classmates, this will be their last show.
12:24I don't want to influence them because of my personal reasons.
12:28Whenever I think about it, I feel like I'm going to fall.
12:31I feel like all of us should have equal lines in this play.
12:35We have worked hard for four years.
12:37This is our final project.
12:39But some people have very few lines.
12:41Why is that?
12:42Aren't we worth it?
12:44You're absolutely right.
12:46I agree with you for the first time today.
12:49Good artists think alike.
12:51Friends, I want to tell you something.
12:55Our script has been changed.
13:00Actually, I was thinking about rewriting my script before the trip.
13:05Because I felt that everyone should get a lead role in this project.
13:09And when we were eating hot pot, I realized that I was right.
13:12That's why I rewrote this script thinking about everyone's talent.
13:17Everyone will have their own scene.
13:19I have spoken to the teacher and he has agreed.
13:21So from tomorrow, we will rehearse on our new script.
13:24Everyone will play a leading role in this project.
13:27Got it?
13:28Wow, Ding Dong Dong.
13:29You are really amazing.
13:31You understood my heart.
13:33And Fang Yali, you dance the best.
13:36That's why you should dance in the center.
14:12Yali, you are doing it wrong.
14:14Now do it carefully.
14:15Got it?
14:31Yali, you are moving too much.
14:32Your attention is elsewhere.
14:34If this continues, the rehearsal will be long.
14:38Tomorrow is the official rehearsal.
14:40You can't do this.
14:42Ding dong dong.
14:43Help me in the rehearsal.
14:45Forget everything and focus on yourself.
14:47Got it.
14:48Take a break now.
14:50Practice later.
15:13Fang Yali.
15:14Why didn't you pick up my call earlier?
15:16I was practicing.
15:17I have heard that there is nothing like a leading role in the final project.
15:20Is this true?
15:22Yes, it's true.
15:25Then why didn't you tell me earlier?
15:26This is such a big thing.
15:27Did all this happen because you didn't perform well?
15:32No, it didn't happen because of me.
15:33Fang Yali.
15:34You have lost the leading role.
15:37Don't deny this.
15:38I told all my friends and relatives that you are playing the leading role.
15:44What will happen now?
15:45You have spoiled everything.
15:46How will I explain to them now?
15:48I am telling you that it didn't happen because of me.
15:51Fang Yali.
15:52What kind of attitude is this?
15:54Your dad asked you to join Haima Troop.
15:56You refused.
15:57And you focused on the final project.
15:59Now he is also gone.
16:01Your dad had paid the money.
16:02Still you refused.
16:04Now you are doing this to us.
16:06Aren't you ashamed of this?
16:13You are always worried about this.
16:15Am I important for you or not?
16:19Hey, Fang Yali.
17:08Cheng Ming.
17:11I don't think I can do this.
17:17Ding Dong Dong told me what happened to you today.
17:20I went to find you in the theater.
17:23I thought you would be around.
17:26You have always performed well.
17:28But today you put yourself under too much pressure.
17:33When you go back, don't think anything.
17:35Sleep well.
17:37Cheng Ming.
17:39You don't understand.
17:41I don't trust myself anymore.
17:47You have always performed well in these four years.
17:50You have to believe that you can do it.
17:56Cheng Ming.
18:00Everything will be fine.
18:03I can't do it.
18:05I really can't do it.
18:08I can't sing well.
18:11I can't dance well.
18:15I am afraid that I can't do it.
18:18You have always performed well.
18:20You know that.
18:21Have faith in yourself.
18:23Don't think too much.
18:39Is this okay?
18:49Ali, are you okay?
18:52Listen, I am still nervous.
18:56Look at me.
18:57These are just rehearsals.
18:59Don't take stress.
19:01You can do it.
19:05Is everything okay?
19:06Why are you nervous?
19:07Cheng Ming, I am still nervous.
19:10I have faith in my dance.
19:11But I don't think I can stay in the center.
19:14Fang, you have to have faith in yourself.
19:16You are the best.
19:17Being nervous is a common thing.
19:19Everyone is nervous on stage.
19:21I am very nervous myself.
19:23You are not alone.
19:24I will give you a tip.
19:26Whenever you are on stage,
19:28don't look at the audience.
19:31Give your 100 percent.
19:33Yozhiki is right.
19:34I know you can do it.
19:37Take a deep breath.
19:40I will do well.
19:42Ding dong dong.
19:43How is it going?
19:44Everything is ready.
19:46If there is no problem,
19:47you can start.
19:50Guys, get down from the stage
19:52and get ready for the last rehearsal.
19:55You can do it.
19:56All the best, Ali.
19:57I will cheer for you.
20:06Is everything ready?
20:13Sub-sectors, get ready for the last rehearsal.
20:16Let's start with Fang Ali.
20:17Lights off.
20:23Lights on.
20:28Lights off.
20:31You have always performed well
20:32in these four years.
20:34You have to believe in yourself.
20:36Getting nervous is a common thing.
20:38Everyone gets nervous on stage.
20:40So, it is not easy to play the leading role.
20:43You are doing it in the wrong way.
20:45Ali, I know you can do it.
20:47Will you perform successfully or not?
20:49I have heard that there is nothing
20:50like a leading role in a final project.
20:52Is this true?
20:53If this continues,
20:54the rehearsal will be very long.
20:56Why didn't you tell me this earlier?
20:58This is a big deal.
20:59Is this because you didn't perform well?
21:02We have faith in you.
21:03You can do it.
21:27Doctor, how is he?
21:29The reason for his unconsciousness
21:30is hypoglycemia.
21:32There was a lot of pressure in the pulse.
21:34Remember one thing.
21:35He shouldn't get too tired.
21:39Thank you.
21:40It's okay.
21:41Thank you.
21:42Thank you.
21:43Thank you.
21:44Thank you.
21:45Thank you.
21:46Thank you.
21:47Thank you.
21:48Thank you.
21:49Thank you.
21:50Thank you.
21:51Thank you.
21:52Thank you.
21:53Thank you.
21:54Thank you.
21:55Thank you.
21:56It's okay.
22:04Let's go.
22:05Let the fan rest.
22:07I will stay here with him.
22:10Don't go.
22:13I want to tell you all something.
22:18First, forgive me.
22:21This is our final project.
22:23Because of me,
22:25our rehearsal went wrong.
22:28I am sorry.
22:31It's okay.
22:32It's not your fault.
22:33Everything will be fine.
22:34It's okay.
22:35This happens.
22:36You are very good at dancing.
22:38We all have faith in you.
22:39You should have faith in yourself.
22:41Have faith in yourself.
22:44Best of all,
22:45once again,
22:47when I was a child,
22:49I wanted to learn ballet.
22:51But my mom,
22:53she didn't want that.
22:55She said,
22:56if I come first in the class,
22:58she will let me learn dance.
23:01That's why I studied very hard.
23:03Then I came first in the class.
23:05But still my mom didn't agree.
23:08She and my dad
23:10decided my life
23:12when I was born.
23:15That I have to go abroad and study finance.
23:18And come back and take care of their business.
23:20And then what happened?
23:23Then my ballet teacher
23:25took me back home.
23:28And told my mom
23:30that I was born to do ballet.
23:32And I will be successful in it.
23:36I requested my mom.
23:38And told her
23:40that if she let me dance,
23:42I will study hard.
23:44I will come first in the class
23:46and become the best dancer.
23:51Thank you, Ali.
23:53I thought my life was very difficult.
23:56But your life is not easy either.
23:59Life is difficult for everyone.
24:03After telling you this,
24:05I feel good.
24:07But I have to tell you
24:09one more thing.
24:13I have decided
24:15that I will not stay in the center.
24:18Ali, is it necessary?
24:21Listen, Frank, calm down.
24:23Don't be hasty.
24:25Are you really serious?
24:36I can understand this pressure.
24:39I have experienced this
24:41when we were in the second year.
24:43I have experienced this
24:45when we were in the second year.
24:47I know.
24:49It is really difficult
24:51to stand alone on the stage.
24:53But if this is the case,
24:55have you ever thought
24:57to try again?
24:59What have you thought?
25:03I can understand your worry.
25:05But if you are not excited
25:07to stay in the center,
25:09then you are not what I know.
25:11You have worked so hard.
25:15I have to stay in the center.
25:17But I know
25:19that my performance
25:21was worse than Frank's last time.
25:25Anything can happen on the stage.
25:27But the stage
25:29feels the hard work of that person.
25:34everything is fair on the stage.
25:36Cheng Ming,
25:38we all have one goal.
25:40Perform well in the final project.
25:42This script
25:44is based on our own stories.
25:46And let me tell you,
25:48this stage belongs to everyone.
26:03I will be back soon.
26:05You are still here?
26:07Is Frank Ali back?
26:09The doctor said
26:11he has to stay there for one more night.
26:13So I am going there.
26:15Perfect boyfriend.
26:17How is Frank Ali?
26:19Don't worry.
26:21She will be fine.
26:23So I am leaving now.
26:25She must be waiting for me.
26:35Say yes.
26:45What are you thinking?
26:51I am jealous of Cheng Ming.
26:53His mom
26:55didn't accept him from the beginning.
26:57But after seeing Cheng Ming's hard work,
26:59his mom started supporting him.
27:03But my mom
27:05will never stop
27:07controlling my life.
27:11No matter how hard I try.
27:15It's okay.
27:17You will have your own life.
27:19Everything will be fine.
27:21I am sure
27:23it won't happen.
27:25You tell me,
27:27what should I do?
27:31Don't worry.
27:33I am sure you are brave.
27:35And you will do it.
27:37I know you have worked very hard.
27:39You will get the reward.
27:45Okay, that's enough.
27:47Take rest and sleep for a while.
27:49Maybe you will feel better
27:51by doing this.
27:55Okay, take rest.
27:57Everything will be fine.
28:03Go to sleep.
28:33I love you.
28:35I love you.
28:37I love you.
28:39I love you.
28:41I love you.
28:43I love you.
28:45I love you.
28:47I love you.
28:49I love you.
28:51I love you.
28:53I love you.
28:55I love you.
28:57I love you.
28:59I love you.
29:01I love you.
29:03I love you.
29:29You have done a lot of shopping today.
29:31Are you happy now?
29:35You made me happy today.
29:37I will give you a treat.
29:39What will you give me?
29:41I don't have a lot of money.
29:43But I can eat something good.
29:45Isn't it?
29:47Why not?
29:49Let's eat something.
29:51Ding dong dong.
29:53You have become a director now.
29:55Will you give me roles in your films?
29:57I will have more money
29:59to give you more roles.
30:01I will find good roles for you.
30:03I will try my best.
30:05I will also try to be a good director.
30:07You should also work hard
30:09to become a good actress.
30:11And yes.
30:13In this way,
30:15our film circle will have our own respect.
30:17And when we
30:19go to an award ceremony,
30:21the host will say,
30:23Ding dong dong, the famous director
30:25and his wife,
30:27come here for the awards.
30:31We should be happy.
30:33Isn't it?
30:35We both will be happy.
30:37Because you will always
30:39be in my heart.
31:17Was I a fool?
31:19You are going to miss the stage.
31:27I came to Starry
31:29with my dreams.
31:31I did everything
31:33to perform on stage.
31:35In these four years,
31:37I have worked very hard.
31:39I have worked hard every day.
31:43Now we are going to graduate.
31:45And we will leave from here.
31:47We are leaving from here.
31:51There will be a bigger stage ahead.
31:53But I am sad.
31:55But I am sad.
31:57If you are sad,
31:59then we can come here again.
32:03Cheng Ming,
32:05do you know what I was scared of before?
32:09The road
32:11before stepping on the stage.
32:13That dark,
32:17crowded road.
32:19Whenever I passed from there,
32:21I felt like my breath was gone.
32:23Until I fell in love with you.
32:25You are the
32:27brightest light in my life.
32:29When I was treated in Japan,
32:31the side effects were very serious.
32:33I was able to go through that pain because
32:35at that time,
32:37I was missing you.
32:39Cheng Ming,
32:41I love you very much.
32:43It doesn't matter
32:45where you are.
32:47I will always be with you.
32:49No matter what you have to do,
32:51I promise
32:53I will
32:55watch all your performances.
33:21I need you.
33:23I am persistent for you.
33:25I won't look back.
33:27I will always be there for you.
33:31I am persistent for you.
33:33I will catch your eyes.
33:35In the end,
33:37I have a reason to let you go.
33:39It's okay.
33:43I will secretly touch your sleeve.
33:45My thoughts are wandering.
33:47My love for you
33:49will never change.
33:51Love is still
33:55There is no rehearsal in life.
33:57We have to move forward.
33:59Sometimes we had hopes.
34:03But in the end,
34:05we only got disappointment.
34:07Look around you.
34:09It seems like you tried a lot.
34:11But you
34:13didn't get anything.
34:15You thought
34:17no one's life will be worse than yours.
34:21you lost your confidence.
34:23You didn't
34:25believe in yourself.
34:27In every moment like this,
34:29I always feel
34:31that I was lucky
34:33that you were with me.
34:35Thank you for being with me.
34:37Thank you for bringing happiness to my life.
34:39It's okay.
34:43I am persistent for you.
34:45I am persistent for you.
34:47In the end,
34:49I have a reason to let you go.
34:51It's okay.
35:15Can you make Mr. Dao look more handsome?
35:19This photo is good.
35:21It looks natural. All of you will like it.
35:23Everyone is looking good today.
35:25Isn't it?
35:27Time flies.
35:29It's been four years.
35:31Yes, you are right.
35:33Mr. Dao, we will keep coming to meet you.
35:35We don't know when we will meet again.
35:37Okay. I will wait for you.
35:41You guys go. I have to go.
35:45Let's go.
35:47Let's take a photo.
35:49Hurry up.
35:51Take my photo.
35:53Take it from your phone.
35:55Hurry up.
36:01Why did you come here, mom?
36:03Did I make any mistake again?
36:07I talked to your teacher for the final project.
36:09I misunderstood you.
36:11And I scolded you.
36:15I thought about it these days.
36:17I put a lot of pressure on you.
36:19Not just now.
36:21I have put pressure on you since you were a kid.
36:23I have always asked for more from you.
36:25Sorry, you had to go through all this because of me.
36:29It was all my fault.
36:31Can you forgive me?
36:37Please don't say that.
36:39From now on,
36:41I will never put pressure on you.
36:47Actually, there is something
36:49that I didn't tell you.
36:51That you won't stay in the center.
36:53I knew it.
36:55It's okay.
36:57I just want you to be happy.
36:59I don't want anything else in life.
37:01I am not talking about that.
37:03Actually, I passed the elementary exam
37:05of the Royal Ballet.
37:07I passed the elementary exam
37:09of the Royal Ballet.
37:11That's great, Lily.
37:13You are the best.
37:15Let's take a picture together.
37:17It's a big day.
37:19Let's take one more.
37:31How are you?
37:33Oh, hi.
37:35You could have called me
37:37somewhere else.
37:39Why did you have to come here?
37:41After all, you are a star.
37:43It is our duty to protect
37:45the privacy of our patients.
37:47This is the result of your last exam.
37:51You have recovered completely.
37:53As your chief doctor,
37:55my paper will be published
37:57at the Lancet.
38:01We don't need to meet in the future.
38:03What are you thinking about?
38:05You are my special driver.
38:07Who is your driver?
38:09He is a devil.
38:17I am very excited.
38:19What's the matter, Lily?
38:21It's not that bad.
38:23Look, Zicky has done a great job.
38:25Yes, that's true.
38:33Thank you, Zicky.
38:35You are welcome.
39:03I love you.
39:05So love you.
39:07I need you.
39:09I need you.
39:11I need you.
39:13I need you.
39:15I need you.
39:17I need you.
39:19I need you.
39:21I need you.
39:23I need you.
39:25I need you.
39:27I need you.
39:29I need you.
39:31I need you.
39:33I need you.
39:35I need you.
39:37I need you.
39:39I need you.
39:41I need you.
39:43I need you.
39:45I need you.
39:47I need you.
39:49I need you.
39:51I need you.
39:53I need you.
39:55I need you.
39:57I need you.
39:59I need you.
40:01I need you.
40:03I need you.
40:05I need you.
40:07I need you.
40:09I need you.
40:11I need you.
40:13I need you.
40:15I need you.
40:17I need you.
40:19I need you.
40:21I need you.
40:23I need you.
40:25I need you.
40:27I need you.
40:29I need you.
40:31I need you.
40:33I need you.
40:35I need you.
40:37I need you.
40:39I need you.
40:41I need you.
40:43I need you.
40:45I need you.
40:47I need you.
40:49I need you.
40:51I need you.
40:53I need you.
40:55I need you.
40:57I need you.
40:59I need you.
41:01I need you.
41:03I need you.
41:05I need you.
41:07I need you.
41:09I need you.
41:11I need you.
41:13I need you.
41:15I need you.
41:17I need you.
41:19I need you.
41:21I need you.
