• last year
Historia completa de Marta y Fina - Mafin
00:04Can hear a lot of us or trust, okay, but I think all of it is just a bit of
00:10No, sissy, it's a corriente de que queremos lanzar una nueva francia algo distinto a lo que hemos hecho hasta ahora
00:15Si algo había movido pero nada oficial es que no es oficial pero os lo adelanto porque necesito de vuestra colaboración
00:24Colaboración a de las dependientes la de las trabajadoras se entiende y cómo podemos colaborar nosotras a llamar
00:33hemos decidido que la imagen de la nueva francia
00:36sea la imagen de una de las empleadas de la empresa
00:41Por eso queremos que una de vosotras preste su rostro a perfumerías de la reina
00:46pero como modelo exacto
00:50hemos contratado a un fotógrafo que hará algunos retratos a las trabajadoras que estén interesadas
00:54y de allí seleccionaremos a la elegida
00:58Hay que os parece claudia pues que no me parece doña marta por un sueño
01:05no que muy bien no es muy moderno esa es la idea
01:10bueno voy al resto de departamentos a comunicarlo antes de que se corra la voz con los chismos reos
01:17hasta luego doña marta toma kati
01:20Ya verás como a tu madre le encanta y a la próxima te llevas un perfume muchas gracias pina las que tú tienes guapísima
01:26y pásate más a menudo que va a haber novedades muy pronto hasta luego
01:32Se puede saber qué manera son esas fina
01:35desde cuando tratamos a las clientas de tú
01:39No ni doña marta ni nada no me repliques encima que te he hecho una pregunta y yo le estoy intentando responder
01:46Es una amiga del colegio la conozco de toda la vida
01:49aquí no hay amigas del colegio en cuanto una persona entra por esa puerta se convierte en un cliente está claro
01:56está claro de verdad que yo no quería incomodar da igual lo que quieras o dejes de querer
02:01aquí tratamos a todos los clientes con el máximo de los respetos
02:04que no se te vuelva a pasar por la cabeza ni por asomo hablar de tú a un cliente
02:10Entendido entendido doña marta
02:13no volverá a pasar pues ahora que ha quedado claro deja listo el almacén y cierra la tienda que
02:18Tengo una cena familiar y llevo llevo tarde
02:29Yo soy ella y me busco otro trabajo
02:32que dice si acaba de empezar
02:35parecía que hubiera prendido fuego a la tienda la chica no sabía dónde meterse
02:39marcos hay cosas que no se pueden dejar pasar
02:41no te cae bien verdad
02:46Porque dices eso
02:50Espero no molestarte si te digo que ha sido todo un poco exagerado
02:55No no me molesta
02:58Supongo que cuando uno de mis empleados pierde la profesionalidad me enerva
03:28Como ves la sesión
03:30a mí me da la impresión de que ninguna de ellas acaba de explotar
03:34tranquila no son profesionales pero he visto gestos muy interesantes
03:38confía en tu idea que remedio y que presión
03:44Ahí están los siguientes
03:46fina y carmen verdad eso es enseguida estoy con ellas
03:50Yo no tendría que haber venido no sé por qué me ha dejado convencer ni se te ocurre de algo ahora
03:54Carmen por favor no me hagas esto es que ya sabes que yo cuando tengo a doña marta delante no puedo
03:59Dijan y que te fuera a morder
04:02Carmen de verdad entre todo lo que sabe de mí y la bronca que me he hecho ayer
04:10Estaba muy nerviosa y me he ido de un paseo pues muy bien ya somos dos yo te dejo con ella yo me voy
04:17Tú te podría haber peinado un poquito también hija que me trae unos pelitos que parece que ha salido del ojo del huracán
04:24Quién es la siguiente fina
04:27Y marcos ya está listo simplemente sigue sus instrucciones
04:36Hola fina un momento
04:42Te explico lo que vamos a hacer y no te apures que soy un poco más suave que tu jefa
04:49Quiero que cojas uno de esos perfumes y me lo enseñes como si yo fuera una clienta de acuerdo de acuerdo
04:56Y digo algo
04:58no hace falta
05:00simplemente coges el frasco
05:02te giras hacia mí y sonríes con naturalidad
05:08No lo cojas con tanta fuerza como si se lo enseñaras a una clienta de toda la vida
05:18Pero no me des la espalda
05:31Fina tan difíciles seguir sus instrucciones
05:35solo tienes que hacer lo que te dice
05:37estás más tisa que una vara ya pero es que no estoy muy centrada y no quiero hacerles perder el tiempo
05:43es normal que te cueste entrar en situación
05:48Para tu información eres más fotogénica de lo que crees
05:56Poder nos disculpas un minuto necesito un momento a solas con ella
06:10Vamos a jugar un juego vale
06:13Quiero que imagines que soy una clienta de toda la vida que se ha dejado los rulos en la cabeza
06:26Sí este truco nunca falla ya verás vamos a la fina
06:37Es como era tan difícil
06:40Así así así así así eso es me encanta
06:46Ahora sí que eres tú misma
06:50Eso es así
06:53Bueno tú cuéntame que viste ayer donde vas alfonso 12
06:57no me encanta vincente para como es de guapo
07:00a ver la verdad es que
07:02en quien dije yo era
07:04en otra persona
07:06claro en quien te dije antes
07:08no se puede saber de que ocurreis
07:12fina que me estaba contando que ayer fue al cine
07:14pues os esperáis a salir
07:16para hablar de vuestras cosas
07:18sabes la impresión que da entrar y veros riros a carcajadas
07:21Sí disculpe usted doña marta
07:23fina que le ha pasado a tu falda
07:25no se es la falda de siempre
07:27no es esta mas corta
07:29bueno porque me he metido un poco el dobladillo
07:31en serio no me digas corta y mal hecha
07:33bueno es que al llegar por debajo de las rodillas
07:35y ser tan estrecha
07:37apenas podía caminar
07:39pero es que no te tienes que pasear
07:41es un uniforme tienes que estar quieta en la tienda
07:43atendiendo las clientas
07:45nada más
07:47bueno también tengo que ir al almacén
07:49y subir las escaleras
07:51y agacharme
07:53el otro día ya te tomaste cierta licencia con una clienta
07:55ahora esto
07:57y me replicas
07:59no me esta gustando nada tu actitud
08:01con todo mi respeto señora
08:03a mi tampoco la suya
08:07que no entiendo porque me trata así
08:09como te trato si se puede saber
08:11pues con tan poca consideración
08:13que solo ve que me equivoco con las clientas
08:15que tardo mas de la cuenta en devolverles el cambio
08:17pues claro que es lo que veo
08:19pero no se da cuenta de que siempre llego 10 minutos antes de mi hora
08:21y que no me importa salir mas tarde
08:23y que de los dos descansos solo me cojo uno
08:25tan mala empleada no seré no
08:27no lo que eres eres una descarada
08:29si no fuese por el tiempo que llevas y por el afecto que le tengo a tu padre
08:31ahora mismo estarías despedida
08:33lo que no voy a hacer es permitir
08:35que sigas tratando
08:37con las clientas
08:39hasta nueva orden vas a estar en el almacén ordenando productos
08:59alia alfina
09:01cómo ha aguantado el tipo
09:03a ti te parece que lo de la falda es como para que me trate con este desprecio
09:05no claro que no
09:07estoy segura que me trata así porque sabe
09:09que me gustan las mujeres
09:11alfina yo no quiero pensar
09:13que sea por eso
09:15It's that and you know what I'm telling you Carmen that I'm not going to take a step back. I am as I am and that's it
09:26Carmen listen to me you can't sacrifice yourself like that for me this opportunity you have to take advantage of it
09:31If you have taken advantage of it to sing in the 40s I have taken advantage of it and I am so pleased that I have left
09:35Let's see if with the nonsense he is going to take it with you now
09:39Carmen this is your future and I would feel terrible if you ruined it for my sake
09:46Well, let me decide
09:49Don't you see that Mrs. Marta is like this with me because she knows my secret since Petra told her
09:53You have no fault in that
09:55Well, neither do you and I don't think about you
09:58Carmen you are too good sometimes you should be more selfish and think more about you
10:05I'm not going to let you let it go
10:07In fact, sign this paper right now or I'll take my things and leave
10:11I wouldn't be able to look you in the face and then see the posters and see someone else who doesn't deserve it
10:16So you decide
10:22I'm going back to mine
10:23If it doesn't bother Carmen, you can stay
10:25No, of course not, it doesn't bother me
10:28I wanted to know if you have already decided
10:35Well, yes, Mrs. Marta, I will do the campaign
10:40Well, I'll call the photographer and the printing house right now so they can start with everything
10:46I'm glad
10:53My model friend
11:06You can leave the boxes behind the counter if you want, Carmen will place them later
11:23Mrs. Marta, I would like to talk to you for a moment
11:27You say
11:30I know that my behavior the other day was not exemplary
11:36I'm glad you realized
11:40But if you allow me, I don't think I deserve Ferdinand to see me
11:45You already made that clear
11:48If you don't have anything else to tell me ...
11:49Because he's so hard on me
11:53Is it because of what Petra suggested about me?
11:59I don't even know why I'm asking you, I know it's because of that
12:02Zina, this conversation ends right now
12:04No, Mrs. Marta, we have to have this conversation now because it's been a long time since we should have had it
12:08Because I, no matter what they say about me, I'm a good worker and I've tried very hard to do it right
12:15So if you're going to fire me for that nonsense, do it now
12:19But don't punish me or tell me I'm a bad worker
12:23Zina, leave him
12:27We all know that you are severe
12:31But just as well
12:33I should continue to be because he is an example for all of us
12:39You're telling me how to do my job
12:41Between Carmen and you, I don't know what I'm going to do
12:43But don't you realize that we all admire her?
12:46That she is the woman we would all like to be
12:48I don't know a girl, not one, who wouldn't change for you
12:52A woman capable of managing herself in a world of men without anyone shading her
12:57I myself would like to be like that
13:00And that's why it hurts me twice to be told that I don't do my job well
13:03No, ma'am, it's not fair because it's not true
13:09Anything else?
13:13You tell me
13:15I can dress however you want me to
13:18And I can behave however you want me to
13:25But I will never be another person
13:28And it's fair that you know that
13:32And I don't bother you anymore
13:38I love you
14:08I love you
14:32Mrs. Marta
14:36I wanted to talk to you
14:40I called you because...
14:42Because I have something important to tell you
14:51I've been retraining and...
14:54I think I haven't been completely fair to you
14:58You can leave the warehouse and go back to your position
15:02I need you as a dependant
15:06Thank you
15:08Thank you very much, really
15:10Just get dressed
15:12As always
15:14You won't have any complaints
15:17The incorporation is immediate
15:19So take off your shoes and go back to your uniform
15:22Right now
15:31Excuse me, could you put this together?
15:39People have come
15:40A lot, a lot
15:45We should start now
15:47If you'll excuse me
15:48A moment of attention, please
15:51Welcome and thank you for being here today
15:54For us, presenting you the essence of the queen
15:57means a before and after
16:00This aroma has been created for today's women
16:04To accompany them in the day to day of this new and modern world
16:09In which they are the protagonists
16:14Without further ado, I give the floor to Damian de la Reina
16:18Who has made this moment possible
16:26Thank you very much
16:27Good morning, everyone
16:30I listen to my daughter and I feel so proud
16:35The same pride that invades us all who have collaborated in the creation of this perfume
16:41Essences of the Queen
16:43As my dear daughter has said
16:45A perfume that connects with the tastes of today's women
16:49That is not defined by their age or their class
16:53But by the new role they play in today's society
16:58Without renouncing their duties and obligations
17:02That is why we want this campaign to be different
17:05And for this we have chosen the face of a worker from the factory itself to lead it
17:11Miss María del Carmen Recas
17:23Thank you, Carmen
17:25As you can see, this is the spirit of this company
17:30The closeness, the family, the union of tradition and modernity
17:36Well, without further ado, I wanted to introduce you to the perfumer who has created Essences of the Queen
17:42Luis Merino
17:43Thank you
17:51Luis is the son of my partner and co-founder of this company, Gervasio Merino
17:56One of the best perfumers this country has given
18:00Luis is the real protagonist of this day
18:03Thank you
18:11Thank you
18:13We will soon give you a sample of our Essences of the Queen so that you can get to know it
18:18Where is Claudia? She should be helping
18:21It's bad luck, Mrs. Marta, it's bad
18:24We will learn
18:26The menu for tomorrow was a success
18:29You have done a great job, Fina
18:31Thank you very much
18:44You don't deserve the treatment I've given you these days
18:47Mrs. Marta, you don't have to apologize, really
18:51Let me admit when I'm wrong and this time I've done it
18:54Sometimes the business can do me and it gets the most demanding version of me
18:59I'm sorry
19:01Well, it's normal, business is the most important thing in your life
19:05Now it is
19:07Although no one expected me to be part of it
19:11Everyone expected me to get married and take care of the family when I left the hospital
19:16But then I got married and my husband left
19:19Which is normal, because you know he works as a doctor in a nursing home
19:22But you were living abroad for a while, weren't you? With Mr. Jaime
19:27Let's say that after the first year I got tired of being at home making socks
19:32So I went with him when he was assigned to Niza
19:36I even thought about starting a business there
19:39Yes? Perfume business?
19:41It would be obvious, wouldn't it?
19:43Well, no
19:45At that time I was much less pragmatic than now
19:49A pastry shop
19:53Strange, isn't it?
19:54No, no, it's just that...
19:56It's what I've always wanted to have
19:59If I had my own money, I would have already set it up
20:05When I was little, my father took me to Switzerland to the Café Libertad
20:10And I imagined myself as an adult doing something as rich as that
20:15I loved it
20:17And it would make so many people happy
20:20I'm fond of my mother
20:21And I liked her so much that she convinced the Swiss owners to teach her how to make them
20:25You don't know how delicious they were
20:28I liked them so much that for my birthday, instead of a cake, I'd ask for a mountain of buns
20:33I know
20:37Well, I was little
20:39And obviously it wasn't her birthday, but...
20:42Her mother would look at me with those sweet eyes and she always kept one for me
20:48I didn't know
20:49I didn't know
20:51If I'm not being indiscreet, her birthday wasn't because of this...
20:55Tomorrow, precisely
20:58Yes, it sounded familiar
21:01Well, let's leave it. These are just memories
21:05My mother hasn't been here for a long time
21:08And now I work here
21:11You can still make your dreams come true
21:14She's not happy at the shop
21:17Now she is
21:20But if I think about it...
21:24I've never been able to decide about my own life
21:28The Queen's last name means a lot to me and I've always done what everyone else expected of me
21:32Even if I didn't like it
21:35Well, if you didn't like it...
21:37It didn't go wrong
21:40Well, imagine if you had done something that I really liked
21:44How would you put that shop?
21:49I'll leave you. We both have things to do
21:51Of course
21:57Oh, Mrs. Marta, wait
22:10It's a letter for my husband
22:13I was thinking about visiting him. He'll be in Naples for a few days
22:19With my husband so far away...
22:21Sometimes I forget that I'm a married woman
22:39Oh, Carmen
22:41The clients are going to line up. Why are you taking care of them?
22:43Look, look
22:45Shut up, Carpina. I'm overwhelmed
22:47Where are you going? That's the price of fame
22:52Good afternoon, Mrs. Marta
22:53Hello, Mrs. Marta
22:55What do you want us to do with that?
22:57It's for you
23:02They're sweets
23:04I know that yours is to drink them with hot chocolate
23:06But you keep them and then you have a snack in the canteen
23:09With the good appetite you have, I don't expect to eat them in the canteen
23:13I hope they're good. I made them
23:15Oh, mother
23:20Come on, go to the canteen. I don't want a client to come in and see you eating
23:24Of course
23:29Thank you very much. They're very good
23:32Well, I have to confess something
23:34Let's just say that Dina has helped me a lot
23:38Her secret is safe with me
23:51Well, can I leave you?
23:53Of course
23:55Thank you for this delight
24:06Good morning. Don't you dare tell any of these two
24:10They're traitors
24:11They could sell the cat for the hare
24:15But they're two great girls. I know them
24:18Ms. Pilar
24:20How are you?
24:21I see that they haven't given you the miniature size of Essences de la Reina that we gave away today
24:26To the clients who make good purchases
24:27And I know that you never leave empty-handed
24:30Fina, please
24:32Yes, right now
24:38You'll say that I can help you
24:40Yes, you can help me
24:41I'm looking for something for my husband
24:44Come with me
24:46Go to the gift-wrapping shop for wrapping paper
24:48Can't I get another one?
24:49I'm asking you
25:01Hi, Elena
25:03Is Ms. Marta here?
25:04Yes, come in
25:10Can I come in?
25:11Yes, of course
25:12Close the door
25:16Carmen won't be able to get her feet off the floor again
25:18Because what happened before was unacceptable, no matter how modern it is now
25:21No, no, no
25:22I'm very sorry about what happened before
25:24It was all the fault of a misunderstanding
25:27A lack of love
25:29If I told her
25:30But if I did, Carmen would kill me
25:32And Claudia, too
25:33Both involved
25:35I'm sorry
25:36It has to do with Tasio again
25:39How do you know?
25:40I try to stay informed
25:42My duties also include taking care of my workers
25:45Especially you
25:47The thing is that
25:49There's someone else involved
25:51And Carmen has felt very betrayed
25:53By that someone
25:54For not telling her anything
25:56Come on, you've seen yourself in the middle
25:57Without eating or drinking
26:00It's just that I don't get along with my friends
26:02I don't get along with them
26:05You never know where loyalty is with friends
26:08I'm sorry
26:10Sometimes I envy the relationship you have
26:15But don't worry
26:16Carmen is still a very valuable worker for us
26:19She's impeccable and I'm not going to take any reprisals this time
26:22If that's what you were worried about
26:24Or can I do something else for you?
26:26For me? No
26:28Well, actually, yes
26:32I came to give you this
26:37It's for me
26:39It's your birthday
26:41You remembered
26:43Of course
26:44Thank you
26:47It's not much
26:48I hope you like it
26:50But I made it with a lot of love
26:52But it's wonderful
26:55You made this in one night?
26:58Do you really like it?
26:59A lot
27:00A lot?
27:01I've always liked to embroider and sew
27:04I'm terrible at it
27:06But you're very good at cooking
27:08That's why I thought you'd like to have your own apron
27:13It's a very nice detail
27:15Thank you
27:21Do you want to try it on?
27:23Of course
27:25I'll help you
27:29Thank you
27:45Excuse me
27:46Am I bothering you?
27:48Not at all, Elena
27:50In fact, you're just in time to tell me how I look
27:57You look great
27:59It's your birthday
28:03Do you want me to book a special place to celebrate it with the family?
28:06Leave it, I don't know how to celebrate
28:08I see
28:09Well, I'll book the day well for next year
28:12And I'll give you the rest of the compliments
28:14How lucky
28:16I'll leave you your mail
28:24Have you seen the look on her face?
28:26She's in a bad mood
28:28You can't even imagine
28:32Well, I'm going back to the store
28:33I can't leave those two bitches alone for long
28:35No, please
28:41Thank you