Coronation Street 9th July 2024

  • hace 2 meses
00:00Er, will you get to see Toya today?
00:09I know I'm taking Sam to school.
00:11You say that like I'm five years old.
00:13Yeah, but I enjoy our chats on the way to the bus stop.
00:15Well, then what?
00:16Er, then I've got to do some vat, I've got to see John Mooney, show him me some low-alcohol
00:21No, that's tomorrow.
00:22It's just I've got this, er, session booked.
00:24With Rowan.
00:25He's still going?
00:26Well, yeah.
00:27There's people travelling.
00:28Leeds, Sheffield.
00:29He said one woman's coming from Glasgow.
00:31OK, they do know your sister's in hospital, don't they?
00:34Yeah, she's pregnant, not ill.
00:36All right, I know, I know, with her history, but I will be nipping back and forth.
00:40It's just...
00:41Well, this malware session, it's a really big...
00:43OK, OK.
00:44I'll go.
00:45Right, thanks.
00:49For Toya.
00:51Oh, Sam, that's really sweet.
00:54There's not many boys your age that would do something like this.
00:57It's got to be my cousin.
00:59And fingers crossed.
01:00Play chess.
01:02Right, see you later.
01:09Just a coffee for me, please, Nina.
01:11No, we'll take a seat because you're in for a wait.
01:13Tea, then.
01:14Just pour some boiling water in a mug.
01:16Er, there's people waiting here.
01:18I'm parched.
01:19My daughter, she took the last drop of milk.
01:22Sounds like cussing.
01:24Was it toast, sorry?
01:25No, bread.
01:26Bread, bread, yeah.
01:28Where's Shona?
01:29Oh, she's sick.
01:31Oh, dear, that's not good.
01:33Yeah, tell me about it.
01:34I'm all raggedy.
01:36Go on, then, I'll give you a hand.
01:38Starting with your own brew, no doubt.
01:40Just so that I can get this queue down.
01:42Er, no, thanks, I've got my own little system going here.
01:45Looks like it.
01:47You know what, I give up.
01:48Some of us have jobs to get to.
01:50See you.
01:51Evelyn, can you just sit down, please?
01:53You're making me more stressed.
01:56There we go.
01:57Sorry about your wait, sorry.
02:00Right, that is it.
02:01He's gonna have to listen to me now.
02:03Oh, you're wasting your time, I've told you.
02:05Yeah, well, we're losing customers.
02:07He's gonna have to come down here and smell the...
02:09No coffee.
02:10There's no point in threatening Roy.
02:12He could put a gun to his head
02:14and he'd just fret about the mess on the carpet.
02:16Evelyn, please.
02:18Sorry, yeah, I think it's
02:20being around all this processed meat and...
02:22It puts me in a grizz...
02:24It puts me in a grizzly frame of mind, yes.
02:27I don't mind bailing in.
02:28It's not rocket science, is it?
02:29No, it's culinary science, actually,
02:32and you're not exactly a boffin of the balm cake, are you?
02:35What do you want?
02:36Black pudding, mashed, two sausages
02:38and two rashers, please, on brown.
02:40Oh, on brown?
02:42Ah, yes, the healthy option, eh?
02:43This body's a temple.
02:50Whoa, whoa, whoa.
02:51I don't go into Grand's and muck around with your scissors, do I?
02:54Only cos you cut yourself.
02:55Yeah, golden balls.
02:57Oh, wow, naughty.
02:59Like the man who scars a bull's eye after a one-night stand.
03:02Oof, don't.
03:03At least your swimmers are supercharged.
03:05Come on, that's not funny, is it?
03:07You must be half-tempted to, you know,
03:10suggest she gets rid.
03:12Oh, wow.
03:13You're all heart, you are.
03:14How could I?
03:16It's all Twitter's ever wanted, a baby.
03:18What, even if it means ruining both your relationships with Leanne?
03:21Is that what she...
03:22Does she want, like, a full meal deal?
03:24You know, you, baby, Sam.
03:27What do you want?
03:29Do you want to fight for Leanne?
03:31The question is, does Leanne want to fight for me?
03:33I mean, a year ago, I would have said, yeah, 100%,
03:35but now I'm not sure.
03:38Car keys, please.
03:40Why aren't you in work?
03:42I'm poorly. Sick as a dog.
03:44You don't look very sick.
03:45Well, when the cafe grinds to a halt,
03:47Roy'll have to come out hiding, won't he?
03:49Oh, you're not sick, you're on strike.
03:52I'm taking one for the team.
03:53Is it a paid one?
03:55Oh, right, great. Who needs money, anyway?
03:58It's the principal.
03:59So when Roy gets wind,
04:00all you're doing is swanning around stuff in your face?
04:03On principle.
04:04Are you going to take a P45 for the team and all?
04:06Stop nitpicking.
04:07When Roy comes to his senses...
04:09When's that likely going to be?
04:10He'll thank us.
04:11Yeah, of course he will,
04:12cos you're halving his wage bill.
04:13Who wouldn't?
04:14Right, you haven't seen me, have you?
04:16Who said that?
04:24Come on, Roy.
04:26What happened to your chatty cafe?
04:28Your oasis of calm?
04:29We can't hear your soothing playlist
04:31from people kicking off now.
04:32Once again, I can only apologise.
04:35Alex is due home from Amsterdam this week.
04:38Yeah, and whatever lurgy Lily's had isn't shifting.
04:41Shona won't be back behind that counter for another week yet.
04:45Yeah. That's what I said.
04:47No, you said Lily was ill.
04:51Just, sorry.
04:52It's just that, you know,
04:54they're getting a bit testy down there.
04:56Somebody's just asked me for Sriracha.
04:58Roy, please, can you just come down?
05:01Just till the rush dies off.
05:02I've already told you I can't.
05:04If you cared about your business, you could.
05:06Try to make me feel guilty won't work.
05:09Oh, yeah.
05:10Whereas wallowing, that's working a treat, isn't it?
05:12Well, not for me, or your regulars,
05:14or your friends, for that matter.
05:16Because at full disclosure,
05:17they're going to get tired of asking for you.
05:19Well, that would only go to prove
05:21that they weren't true friends to begin with.
05:23Right, she has got a point.
05:25Would you please both be careful on the stairs on the way down?
05:30Oh, well, thank you for your concern.
05:43All right, then.
05:44OK, both our names on, and you give me a hug.
05:53Who are you treating?
05:54Funeral flowers.
05:56For Kit's mam, his real mam.
05:58That's nice of you.
06:01How about I throw in a tenner and a tenner for our Gemma?
06:05You put your purse away, love.
06:07Here's 20.
06:15It's just the hanging around, innit?
06:17I thought they'd take me down first thing.
06:19Well, they'll be fitting you in between appointments.
06:21For normal pregnancies.
06:23This is a normal pregnancy.
06:25These pains.
06:26Come on, I didn't have these last time, did I?
06:29Well, you can't compare this to a rose.
06:31Or maybe it's one of those ectopic pregnancies.
06:34Well, is worrying about it going to change it?
06:37No, but...
06:38So, what can you change?
06:40Oh, don't give me the institute pep talk.
06:42You can change your attitude, Toya.
06:44Not today, OK? Not when I'm so wound up.
06:48We're still waiting on your bloods, Toya,
06:50but I can take you down for your scan, right?
06:53Yeah, just in time.
06:55Here's Dad.
06:57Hey, Dad. Not this Dad.
06:59Are you all right to wait here while I go down with Toya?
07:02Oh, you don't have to.
07:03Why don't you go for your session? We'll ring you after.
07:06No way.
07:07Come on, let's go.
07:08As soon as you have your scan, it's all going to feel real.
07:19What is it that Shona's got again?
07:22Stomach bug.
07:24Only Roy was right. You said it was Lily.
07:27Yes. She calls it off, Lily.
07:29Well, doesn't make any difference.
07:31I could have told you.
07:33Carrot and stick don't wash with his lordship,
07:36so why don't I go round to Shona's and tell her she's got to come in to work?
07:41What? Spreading the germs around?
07:43No time.
07:48Nina, there is no bug.
07:51Whose bright idea was it, anyway?
07:53Shona's, eh?
07:55Is that why she's lying under a duvet having extra days off
07:59when you're in here knocking your tripes out?
08:02Ooh, brilliant plan, Shona. Mastermind.
08:05Oh, for goodness sake, Evelyn, just shut up for once in your life.
08:09You're making my teeth ache.
08:11Oh, that's a new one.
08:14Well, I thought you, out of everyone, would understand.
08:17What if you get so used to being up there that you never come back down again, eh?
08:23Coffee to go up to her?
08:32Hello. I'm just waiting for Bethany.
08:35The dear Swain's been digging.
08:37She's on to that hush money you bunged Nathan Curtis.
08:41I haven't bunged any...
08:45How? It was cash, no paper trail.
08:48How? It was cash, no paper trail.
08:51Nathan's not stupid enough to grasp me up.
08:54I'm not here for a debate. I just thought I'd give you the heads-up.
09:00On the house. I'm sorry for your loss.
09:02Thank you. I appreciate it.
09:06Has he heard a case go belly-up or something?
09:09The suit? Has he been in court?
09:11He's burying his mother.
09:21Sorry, Fiz. Betsy's first day, innit? Forgot.
09:25Has she been driving her nuts-breaking needles every five minutes?
09:28No, no. She knows her way round a machine, all right.
09:31I mean, she's not very fast.
09:32Well, who is, compared to you, like?
09:34Well, you know what? Considering she eats only work experience, no, she's excellent.
09:39I have not had to crack the whip once.
09:42Do you know, in Peru, they have over 4,000 types of potato.
09:45Oh, imagine a trip to the chippy.
09:47I haven't thought of that. Mind-blown.
09:49I struggle enough with cod versus haddock.
09:51Oh, throwing a battered sausage on Friday nights must be a nightmare for you.
09:55Friday night is Chinese night. Less queues.
09:59So, cod versus haddock is a struggle,
10:02but chow mein versus fried rice, that's a doddle, is it?
10:07Oh, kids. Do you think we should rescue her?
10:17Oh, God.
10:18Can you believe we're here after all them rounds of IVF?
10:21All those disappointments.
10:23Well, not today.
10:25Will I get a printout?
10:27It's a bit early for that yet.
10:29You get that at your 12-week scan.
10:31Hey, you can put it on a T-shirt.
10:33Oh, please. You'll be getting me a baby-on-board badge next.
10:36Will you excuse me for a minute?
10:38What is it?
10:39I just need to speak to my colleague.
10:41Why? What's it showing? Is there something wrong?
10:43I'll only be a minute, Tanya.
10:48What did I tell you?
10:50I knew it was too good to be true.
11:06Just tell me.
11:08I'm used to bad news. Have I lost the baby already?
11:13Well, what were these pains, then? Cos they're not normal.
11:16I'm sorry, Toya, I don't think you were pregnant at all.
11:21But the doctor said that she was. He did a test and everything.
11:24Yeah, I'd given up on having a child of my own.
11:26She's had seven rounds of IVF. Seven.
11:29I'm sorry.
11:31But the test was positive.
11:33There can be other explanations for a false reading.
11:36Well, we want a second opinion.
11:38I mean, it's not fair, cos one of you's got it wrong,
11:40either you or the other doctor,
11:41and after everything she's been through, it's not fair.
11:43Absolutely. I'm going to refer this up to my consultant.
11:45Wait, erm...
11:47When you say other explanations,
11:49like, what, a faulty pregnancy test or...?
11:52Medical explanations.
11:54But I look after myself.
11:56I eat well, I exercise.
11:58Mr Tago's very good.
12:00A very experienced gynaecologist.
12:02Glad somebody is.
12:05I'll bleep him now.
12:07I'm sorry, it's not the news you wanted, Toya.
12:15Let me take that for you.
12:26Have you got deliveries? Mm-mm.
12:28So you could close early, then?
12:31For some afternoon delight, I'll close up now, if you want.
12:34Yeah, you would, wouldn't you?
12:36No, for Liam's birthday.
12:38I thought he said no fuss.
12:39Yeah, but he doesn't mean it, does he?
12:41He loves it at speed, darl.
12:43And I think we're right to celebrate.
12:45He's made it through the year from hell, I'm proud of him.
12:48And I am proud of you.
12:51You sure you don't want me to shut up shop?
12:53Ooh, sorry.
12:55I didn't mean to interrupt. I can come back later.
12:57No, it's fine.
12:59It's a shopping list, just pretend I'm not here.
13:03It's a factory thing.
13:05I know you sold the building, but there's a patch.
13:08Yeah, look, I said goodbye to all these questions when I sold the place, no?
13:11Yeah, I'm a free call-out.
13:13Won't you give Ed a ring?
13:15Yeah, that's what I was going to say.
13:17Literally five minutes.
13:18Oh, sorry, hang on one sec.
13:24Look, I've told you everything I know.
13:26The brass neck of her. Spoilt rat on her.
13:29Battered her eyelashes her whole life and no one's ever said no to her.
13:32And when's anyone said no to you?
13:37Hang on, caterpillar cake? How old is she, five or 15?
13:41Are you saying no to me, Gary?
13:43You're never too old for a caterpillar cake.
13:50How can they get it so wrong?
13:52Something as big as a pregnancy.
13:54What do you want to know?
13:58I'm sorry.
14:00I know it was only a day, but...
14:02A day? An hour? I mean, it's long enough to start dreaming, isn't it?
14:06Imagining a whole new future.
14:12We're here for you.
14:14You know that, don't you?
14:18Don't you get upset too?
14:21No, it's just Sam and family.
14:27Yeah, well, maybe it's for the best.
14:29You don't think that?
14:33You don't deserve this.
14:37Well, I think they've got a cheek, especially after everything you've done for them.
14:40I lied. That's all they can see.
14:43Come on, they're acting like a couple of stroppy teenagers.
14:46How long have they known this kid? Five minutes?
14:48They feel for him.
14:50I feel for him myself, even if he did stick the knife in.
14:52And twisted it.
14:54Honey, family rows, they fester.
14:57You dig your heels in work because you think you're a parent,
15:00the respect isn't right. Wrong.
15:02Because unless they think that you have earned it, they will cut you out.
15:06And look at me and my other kids, the older ones.
15:08So you think I should just suck this up, then?
15:10Yeah, short-term pain for long-term gain.
15:12OK, and forget Paul and Gemma's silly mind games.
15:15You just buy and send your own funeral flowers.
15:18Oh, Kit won't stand for that, no. I think I'm muscling in.
15:21Yeah, I mean, if you've rocked up to the cemetery all gussied up in black,
15:24then maybe, but, er, nice bunch of lilies, nicely worded card.
15:28Come on, he's going to have to have a heart of stone not to appreciate that.
15:31And where that Kit leads, the other two, they will follow.
15:36Thank you.
15:41Nina, sorry, I'm not hassling you.
15:44Aren't you?
15:45It's just, I am.
15:46Yeah, you're due back at work, he said,
15:47and then again you asked how long your order will be,
15:49to which I responded...
15:56I'll open the door for you.
16:02Look, I told you.
16:06Plan B does not work, you have to look at Plan Z.
16:10You're not helping, you know.
16:13Fine, fine, fine, I will go round to number eight
16:17and I will drag Shona from under that...
16:19Won't be necessary.
16:21Fiz, can you just keep the door open a bit longer, please?
16:24Roy, please tell me you're stopping.
16:27Ah, seems like the fair thing to do.
16:30Thank you.
16:31Right, Fiz needs a food pronto, and Evelyn, Evelyn.
16:35Let me get you a cup of tea.
16:36Oh, thank you.
16:37Maybe a slice of humble pie to go with that?
16:40Well, let's just see if Fiz stays down, shall we?
16:49Don't tell me you're searching out us all like a pro.
16:53Don't take up poker.
16:55Well, your face is screaming guilt, so...
16:58Is that your fella?
16:59Or girlfriend, or...
17:01object of your affection?
17:03Could be, if he plays his cards right.
17:05Well, stick to snap, otherwise there'll run rings round you.
17:08Ah, I'll let him think that for a bit.
17:10OK, well, I won't breathe a word to the detective sergeant.
17:15Do you mind keeping the DS bit to yourself?
17:18You're not going to be judging.
17:20Oh, you're preaching to the choir. My mum's the local bank.
17:23Better than the local bobby.
17:24Hmm, it really isn't.
17:26Anyway, I won't breathe a word to her.
17:29If you do less of that texting and more of this stitching.
17:33You don't want to dent your halo, do you?
17:36Fiz has already said this morning you play the blinder.
17:39Oh, Fiz isn't as dozy as she looks.
17:49I just don't get why you've had to caution me again.
17:52It's to protect you as much as us.
17:55Do you know why we've asked you here?
17:57I'm confused. Like I said to you when you rang,
17:59I did not plant that evidence.
18:01And you can pull me in as many times as you like,
18:03but the answer's still going to be the same.
18:05We've been going through Nathan Curtis's finances.
18:09We seized a bank statement from his address.
18:11He deposited a large lump sum of cash into his account.
18:19Do you know anything about that?
18:21Me? Why? Would I? I can't bear the man.
18:23Curtis says you gave him the money.
18:26Well, he's obsessed.
18:28Do anything to drag us down.
18:30Yeah, I was shocked, I'll admit.
18:33Why would a loving mother give her daughter's abuser £10,000?
18:37Have you asked him why?
18:39Why he's insulting your intelligence with a pack of lies?
18:42He says it was hush money.
18:47Did you know that Curtis retracted his statement?
18:50He starts off alleging he was jumped on and battered in the street,
18:53then a big fat wadge of cash lands in his account,
18:56and the next day he confesses the attack was all made up.
19:02Who knows why that animal does anything?
19:06Straight question, Sarah.
19:08Do you know that bribing someone to change their evidence is a criminal offence?
19:12It's perverting the course of justice.
19:14The courts take a very dim view on...
19:16I was married to a solicitor.
19:18Then you'll know it wastes police time and resources.
19:21Sorry, what was the question?
19:23Did you pervert the course of justice?
19:25Do you know who attacked Nathan Curtis?
19:28Did you hand over £10,000 to buy Curtis' silence?
19:37We're holding you up.
19:40Pleased to meet you, Toya.
19:42I'm Calvin Taygo, consultant gynaecologist.
19:45This is my sister, Leanne, and her partner, Nick.
19:49We're hoping you can clear this mess up, Doctor.
19:52It's not the news I'd like to be delivering.
19:57I've taken a good look at your scans.
19:59We've found a growth on one of your ovaries.
20:01It could be benign, right?
20:03Some tumours can give a false positive on a pregnancy test.
20:07Hence the misunderstanding here.
20:10We've checked your bloods.
20:12They show elevated levels of a protein called CA-125.
20:16Sometimes that can indicate ovarian cancer.
20:20Not always.
20:22We're going to move quickly.
20:24We'll do a biopsy and a CT scan to give me a clearer idea.
20:29When you say quick, how quick?
20:31This afternoon.
20:32One of my colleagues will do the biopsy,
20:34then we'll bring you back in for the CT scan.
20:36My secretary will give you a letter.
20:38It'll all be explained.
20:40It can be hard to take in the detail
20:42when you're hit out of the blue like this.
20:52Yeah, erm...
20:54Do yourself a favour, Toya.
20:57Don't go online.
20:58People disappear down rabbit holes, torment themselves for weeks,
21:02and then find that the prognosis isn't as bleak as they'd feared.
21:07Trust us to do our job.
21:10Yeah, I'll try.
21:12What choice have I got?
21:30All the symptoms add up.
21:32I told you not to look at the internet.
21:34It might not even be cancer.
21:36Yeah, well, I'm not pregnant, am I?
21:42Rowan hasn't texted me back. Maybe he didn't get the message.
21:45Does it matter?
21:46Yeah, because we've got loads of people travelling.
21:49I'm going to go and tell him that I can't do the session.
21:52I need to go in person, but I'll be back before the biopsy, I promise, OK?
21:56I'll be straight back.
21:58I'll come after her.
22:16I'm so sorry.
22:20Yeah, me too.
22:32I'm, erm... I'm actually not allowed.
22:36It's OK, you can get one. OK.
22:40I'll be straight back.
22:55OK, OK.
22:59Three custard slices, a cream heart and two...
23:03What does that say?
23:06Oh, er, no idea. Whose writing is that?
23:09Mine. It looks like Daniel's.
23:12Why would I have ordered a pastry for Daniel?
23:16Yes! I remember now.
23:18Well, it's good to have you back, Roy.
23:20Yeah, it's good to be back.
23:22No, no, I haven't finished that yet.
23:24It's stone cold. You've been nursing it for over an hour.
23:27No, I'm just taking my time over it.
23:29Sorry, I didn't know there was an embargo.
23:32It's fine.
23:36Oh, yeah, well, so far.
23:38And I'm here anyway.
23:39You ought to do a break, aren't you?
23:41I'll keep it short.
23:42Yeah, but what if all the people suddenly come in screaming teenagers?
23:45I mean, that's happened, like, twice in two years, so...
23:48Yeah, but what if some fusspot comes in, like, say, Brian,
23:51and stresses him out with all those general inanities?
23:55Fine, I won't take a break.
23:57But just look at him. I love him being back behind the counter.
24:00Oh, so.
24:02Right, well, I'll go.
24:04But that does not mean that I approve of what you did.
24:08No, just want to get on with my own life.
24:12If you can call working for Dev in a corner shop a life,
24:17sometimes wonder about that.
24:21Put that away, she'll see.
24:23Yeah, yeah, one sec.
24:26What have I said?
24:28Hand it over.
24:29I won't text anyone, promise.
24:31No, that's what you said before. Give it to me.
24:33What is this, school?
24:35If you behave like that, you can have it back at the end of today.
24:38Look, I've actually done some good work.
24:40She has, actually, to be fair.
24:42Well, just think how many pairs of knickers you could actually make
24:45if you concentrated.
24:47Is she always like this?
24:49Pretty much, yeah.
24:58I paid Nathan to leave Weatherfield.
25:02I see.
25:03Bethany was... She was, like, falling to pieces
25:05and she was seeing him round every corner.
25:07I just did what I had to do.
25:09It could look like a bribe to get him to change his statement.
25:12It wasn't. It wasn't a bribe. I just paid him.
25:15Are you a mother?
25:17That's irrelevant.
25:19Where did you get the money?
25:22Does it matter?
25:25I'd save some up.
25:28Then you won't mind us going through your accounts to check?
25:30Oh, right, fine. A friend gave it to me.
25:34Generous friend, to give you £10,000.
25:37He is, yeah.
25:46What's his name?
25:50I don't see why that's important.
25:52Would it be Damon Hay by any chance?
25:55Because there's a large chunk of stolen cash missing
25:57from the robbery he was arrested for.
25:59It wasn't from Damon.
26:00Then you're going to have to prove exactly who it was from.
26:03Otherwise, it's looking very much like you paid Nathan off with dirty money.
26:07And we might have to charge you with possessing criminal property.
26:11Not just this time.
26:16Are you quite all right?
26:18Oh, I've got cramps and a terrible stomach bug.
26:20You could be infectious.
26:22She isn't.
26:24Go on, you can stop acting now,
26:26because Nina told me all about your little plan.
26:29Oh, did he work?
26:31When I left, he was behind the counter.
26:35But I don't approve of subterfuge.
26:38Excuse me,
26:39but weren't you the woman who ran illegal bookies
26:42from right behind the very counter?
26:44Ha-ha-ha! Did you?
26:45That was completely different.
26:49Yeah, that's way worse.
26:53Well done, girls.
26:55Did you get my message?
26:58I can't do the session today.
27:00Erm, my toy has had to have a biopsy.
27:03They think she might have cancer.
27:05She's not pregnant. It was a false positive.
27:07Blimey, I am so sorry to hear all that.
27:10Yeah, me too, but she's really shaken up.
27:12I need to get to the hospital.
27:16I understand you want to help her,
27:19but surely the best way is to do the session.
27:22Well, no, I need to support her.
27:24Holding a hand and being sympathetic is one way,
27:27but there are other, more powerful ways.
27:30What do you mean?
27:32This malware session we've been prepping for
27:35is by far the most crucial part of your development.
27:38Well, yeah, I know it's important.
27:40Not just important. Game-changing.
27:46Should have seen the squaddies on the roundabout.
27:49They're all giggling their heads off.
27:51You've got to see their faces.
27:54Yeah, I can imagine.
27:56You've got to see me and look at their faces.
28:02It just went today.
28:06I don't want to make a big deal out of it.
28:09It's your hand.
28:11It's just a thing.
28:14Another thing I'll have to get used to.
28:18Don't have to be a big thing.
28:21And you don't have to tell anyone else yet.
28:26And you don't have to tell anyone else yet.
28:30I can't bear this.
28:32Don't come round.
28:34But Paul's going through hell and he needs me.
28:37There's something going on.
28:39I'm going to find out what it is.
28:42Hey, how was your funeral?
28:45It's emotional.
28:47It's a good turnout.
28:49She would have been proud.
28:51Thank you for the flowers, by the way.
28:54At least we could do it.
28:57Did you get any other flowers?
28:59What are you doing?
29:00Well, I'm asking him if he got your flowers.
29:03Yes, I did.
29:05I just wanted to say how sorry I am.
29:09So did he say thank you?
29:11Because the least you could do is say thank you, yeah?
29:14But I'm not thankful.
29:16Listen, I'm sorry for your loss, but you really are a rude one, aren't you?
29:20Today was supposed to be about my mum.
29:22My proper mum.
29:23The woman who raised me.
29:24So the last thing I needed was some flowers from the woman who gave me away.
29:27She was trying to be kind.
29:29She was trying to make it about herself.
29:30Mum, you should just go.
29:32Now, there's something going on.
29:34And I want to know what it is.
29:36There isn't.
29:38Why don't you just go, eh?
29:43Look, I don't know what you're trying to do,
29:45ruining a lifetime of kids against their...
29:47But I will not let you do that.
29:49You got it?
29:53Come on.
30:02I suppose you're relieved?
30:07I mean, that I'm not pregnant.
30:11Actually, no.
30:13It's easy to say that now.
30:16No, I mean it.
30:19I was reeling at first, and then I got to thinking.
30:24I don't know, I...
30:26I really wanted it to...
30:29I really wanted to be a father to our baby.
30:33Even with what it would have done to Leanne?
30:37To Sam?
30:43Anyway, yeah.
30:45But I don't need to worry about that now, though, do we?
30:50We just need to worry about you.
30:54Mrs Habib, it's time for your biopsy.
30:57Are you coming in with her?
30:58Oh, no.
30:59My sister was meant to come, but...
31:01Yeah, she's obviously been held up.
31:03Yeah, she's obviously been held up.
31:34Are you ready?
31:54Why are you here?
31:56You don't deserve to be here.
31:58We know what you did.
32:00The universe knows what you did.
32:02A liar.
32:03Drug addict.
32:08Sell your body.
32:10Your son was conceived in the Dothraki.
32:11You'll do anything for money.
32:13Pure evil.
32:14You're a vortex.
32:15Manipulate a man with dementia.
32:16Sucking in darkness and pain.
32:17You didn't deserve to be among us.
32:18Hurting all those around you.
32:19Driving everyone away.
32:20You were a terrorist.
32:21You were a murderer.
32:22You didn't deserve to be loved.
32:23Everyone died.
32:24You deserve nothing and no suffering because of you.
32:27Stop it.
32:28Stop it.
32:29We see you.
32:30Admit it.
32:31You broke him.
32:32Broke him!
32:33Say it!
32:34Say it!
32:35Say it!
32:36Say it!
32:37Say it!
32:39Say it!
32:42Broke him!
32:44Okay, enough!
33:03Do you want to fix yourself?
33:08Do you want to rid yourself of your past, your mistakes, your old self?
33:14Do you want to be reborn?
33:20Are you strong enough? Can you do it?
33:26You can do it. You're strong.
33:28You can be amazing.
33:30Shining. Powerful.
33:33Brilliant. Successful.
33:35Kind. Generous.
33:37Loved. Adored.
33:40You can be anyone you want to be.
33:42You can be free.
33:46Say it.
33:48I want to be free.
33:53I want to be free.
33:57I want to be free.
33:59Shout it out!
34:01I want to be free!
34:09You did it.
34:11You did it.
34:20Thank you. You're welcome.
34:22Take care of her.
34:28How'd it go?
34:30It was OK. It was a bit uncomfortable, but it wasn't painful.
34:34Is Leanne not back?
34:36No, I can't say I'm surprised.
34:40So, er, what happens now?
34:43Well, they've told me to go home and rest.
34:45I've got to come back next week for a CT scan,
34:48but other than that, it's just waiting for the results.
34:52I've got Amy to cover so I can take the afternoon off and look after you.
34:56You don't have to do that.
34:58Thank you.
35:03By the way, I've put an extra pastry in there for Shona.
35:06How's she doing?
35:08Er, yeah, well, thanks.
35:10I think he means how's her terrible stomach bug?
35:12Oh, terrible.
35:14Yeah, yeah, really bad.
35:16But other than that, well.
35:18Well, er, please, give her my best regards
35:20and tell her not to worry about coming in tomorrow.
35:23I can cover her shift.
35:25Are you sure?
35:27Oh, well, I'll let her know.
35:29Thank you.
35:31I mean, you don't have to go back working full-time straight away.
35:33I can just ask Bernie if she'll come tomorrow.
35:35I've been enjoying myself.
35:37For the first time in a long while,
35:39I think that Shona's illness has been a blessing in disguise.
35:44What can I get for you?
35:47I feel amazing.
35:49I mean, it was awful.
35:51It was terrible, and I thought, why am I even doing this?
35:54But I just...
35:56Told you.
35:58I feel like all the heaviness inside me had gone.
36:01And I feel like I did it myself.
36:04Like I conquered it all through my own strength,
36:07even though it was just a load of people shouting at me.
36:10It wasn't just a load of people shouting at you.
36:12It was you facing yourself.
36:16The ultimate test.
36:18And you passed, Leanne.
36:20You passed with flying colours.
36:22You're now a level six.
36:28You've attained a high level of consciousness.
36:30Yeah, I feel it.
36:32I really do.
36:34Tamara's going to thank you,
36:36because you are now really able to help her.
36:38Happy birthday, matey.
36:40Happy birthday, mate.
36:42So I thought we could watch a film at home after this.
36:44I've got some popcorn. What do you think?
36:46Oh, nice one. Come and watch Barbie.
36:48I've still not seen it.
36:50I've still not seen it.
36:52I've been told I'm a bit like Ken.
36:54I mean, I do have a look of Ryan Gosling.
36:56Yeah, why don't we let the birthday boy choose, eh?
36:58Yeah, of course.
37:00In the meantime, you can open your presents.
37:02That's from me.
37:04And your mum.
37:06What is it?
37:10Oh, cheers.
37:12Oh, that's mint, that.
37:14Can I borrow it?
37:18Do you know what?
37:20I think I only got sweet popcorn in.
37:22So I'll just nip to the shop and get some salted.
37:24Well, just get it on the way home.
37:26No, it's all right. I'll go before we have the cake.
37:28You stay with the boys.
37:30I won't be long.
37:36What's going on?
37:38Oh, sorry.
37:40It's Liam's birthday.
37:42DS Swain's hauled me in.
37:44She knows about the £10,000 that I gave to Nathan.
37:46I need you to prove that the money came from you.
37:48Why? I thought we were going to keep it quiet.
37:54Yeah, I know.
37:56She thinks the money came from Damon.
37:58She thinks it stole the money.
38:00And she's saying that she could charge me with possessing criminal property.
38:04All right, well, I'll have to go and see the police tomorrow.
38:06Thank you.
38:10Hey, babe.
38:12I was just asking how Liam was.
38:14Yeah, yeah, he's doing really well, thanks.
38:16Considering everything he's been through.
38:18Oh, I'm glad to hear it.
38:20Well, tell him happy birthday from me.
38:22Yeah, see you.
38:24Right, popcorn.
38:30Make yourself comfy. I'll get you a blanket.
38:36Sorry I didn't come back.
38:38I wouldn't find out why, you'll understand.
38:40What, that your session was more important?
38:42Just shut up.
38:44Look, I'm trying to explain.
38:46The whole point of the session was that it clears me of all my past negativity.
38:48I could really do without this right now.
38:50No, it was all for you.
38:52I've now reached this higher level of consciousness.
38:54So I can help you properly.
38:56We can navigate your recovery together.
38:58Oh, will you shut up?
39:00Your sister needed you today and you weren't there.
39:02You're not listening.
39:04No, I'm listening. I'm just sick of this idiotic rubbish.
39:06No, it's not rubbish.
39:08Look, Liam, I'm sorry, I just don't want to hear this, OK?
39:10You haven't even asked how it went.
39:12You don't understand.
39:14I was doing this for Toya.
39:16You're not doing it for Toya.
39:18You're doing it for yourself.
39:30Is Betsy OK?
39:32I've messaged her twice to say I'd pick her up,
39:34but she's not answered.
39:36That's because I have her phone.
39:38Because I have her phone.
39:40It was kind of helping her concentrate.
39:44She's never off that thing.
39:46I hope she's not been a pain.
39:48She's actually really good at selling.
39:50Just her attitude, eh?
39:52Why are you here?
39:54I've come to give you a lift home.
39:56I was in the area.
39:58But I don't want a lift home.
40:00I've got plans.
40:02What plans?
40:04Meeting some friends.
40:06Who's JD?
40:10A boy?
40:12Stop treating me like I'm one of your suspects.
40:14I'm 16. I can meet who I want.
40:16Well, not tonight, I'm afraid you can't.
40:18Unless you want to invite this JD over to meet me.
40:20No, thanks.
40:22Right, then. Back to plan A.
40:24Dinner at home, then tidy the room.
40:26Which is a tip.
40:28Thanks again.
40:30Can I come in again tomorrow?
40:32I'll turn my phone off.
40:34Despite the distractions,
40:36you did good.
40:38Right, come on, then.
40:40See you in the car. I just need to get my coat.
40:42See you later.
40:52Sorry to bother you like this.
40:54Time for a chat.
40:56Yeah, everyone's home.
40:58Well, everyone except Shona's.
41:00She's in bed, still pretending to be ill.
41:02Although, why she actually needs to stay in bed,
41:04I don't know. She's got no method.
41:06So how's the
41:08baby-daddy situation?
41:12There is no baby.
41:14What do you mean?
41:16Tori's not pregnant.
41:18She lied?
41:20No. It's Fox Positive.
41:22She's got raised protein levels.
41:30She might have ovarian cancer.
41:34Went for a biopsy today,
41:36and we're just waiting for the results.
41:44Well, that's a shock.
41:48Poor Toria.
41:52How do you feel that there's
41:58I'm sad.
42:02I know it would have been a mess,
42:04you know?
42:06And things haven't been great between me and Leanne,
42:10I mean, she didn't even turn up for Toria's biopsy.
42:12She went off and had some session
42:14with the Institute, and then when she came back,
42:16she had the gall to say
42:18that she was doing it for Toria,
42:20that she was on a higher level of consciousness,
42:23that she could help her recover,
42:25you know?
42:29I walked out.
42:31I'm not surprised.
42:35I mean, surely she doesn't
42:37believe all this stuff?
42:41That's the problem. She does.
42:43She really does.
42:47It just...
42:49It doesn't sound like Leanne.
42:53It's like she's turned into someone else,
42:55someone I don't recognise.
43:03I'm not sure if I'm in love with her anymore.
43:07You think you might be in love with Toria?
43:13I don't know.
43:15I don't know anything anymore.