Coronation Street 3rd July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Coronation Street 3rd July 2024
00:23Don't tell me you've tricked me with this one before.
00:26Eight. No, nine.
00:28Technically eight. Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006.
00:32It'll always be a doctor, mate.
00:34Hey, I'm thinking I might not come in today.
00:37My stomach doesn't feel great.
00:38Oh, no. Do you need to go and see someone?
00:40Er, no, I'm sure I'll be fine.
00:42I know you don't want to hear this,
00:44but negative emotions can lead to physical symptoms.
00:46You're right, I don't.
00:47Aren't you meant to be catching your bus?
00:49They're not running today. Leanne says she'll take me.
00:51Ah, right. Trip to the bakery, then, is it?
00:54Well, he's a good lad. They like to spoil him.
00:56That suits me. I'm going to work from home this morning.
00:58Oh, right. Erm...
01:00Do you know what? I might go in, actually.
01:03Everything all right?
01:05Er, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:07You want a roll?
01:08No, no. I mean, no, I just don't want to be getting in his way.
01:11Yeah, it's nothing. Just leave him.
01:13Yeah, besides, I mean, who's going to open up the bistro
01:15if these two are skyrim?
01:16All right, whatever you want to do. Come on, Sam, we'd better go.
01:18Right. See you later.
01:23You ready?
01:29This is all too much.
01:31I should never have got in touch.
01:33You're all right, Bernie. You did. So, erm...
01:35I'm going to have it out with him. No, I wouldn't.
01:37Getting methanol is going to make things worse,
01:39especially after yesterday.
01:40Gemma's been evicted, Paul's dying, I can't cope.
01:44He's turning my family against me when they need me the most.
01:46Darling, they know you and they will come round.
01:49Well, maybe I should talk to him again, you know,
01:52explain what's going on.
01:53OK, Bernie.
01:54Are you not listening?
01:56Gemma said she, what, needed space?
01:59So I should just do nothing?
02:01So give them space.
02:03Give things time to calm down.
02:05Show them more that you're the reasonable one here, yes?
02:11He's nothing like James Bond. James Bond's a spy.
02:13Yeah, but he's dead dishy, though.
02:15Bet he'd look good in a Torx or trunks
02:17coming out of the sea with a spear gun.
02:19Mum, will you stop it? Kit is a colleague.
02:22I think you should try and be useful.
02:24Why don't you try and be his partner?
02:25I could just see you two, like, stasky and hutch.
02:28I would love to be back in CID, me.
02:30You know, he is exactly the sort of copper that I would want to be.
02:33You sure about that, mate?
02:36He's got an offer on beans. Two for one.
02:39Oh, nice, I love beans, mate.
02:40Here, I'll put them peas back, ready.
02:43There's no point mouthing off.
02:45You said it yourself, it'll only make things worse.
02:50He's a good-looking fella, really, isn't he?
02:51Don't use that.
02:53What are you going to do with him?
02:55Put him in the loft till it all blows over.
02:57The loft?
02:59That's what I meant.
03:00Are you out of your mind?
03:02That's ridiculous. Anyone could find him up there.
03:05Only minute goes in the loft.
03:08Now, you need to get rid of him, permanently.
03:11Chuck him in the canal.
03:13Well, I would, but, you know...
03:15What's wrong now?
03:17Well, someone might see me.
03:19All right.
03:20All right, put him in the bin, then.
03:22Well, then, the bin man might see it.
03:25You can't do it, can you?
03:27What do you mean?
03:28After everything he's done to you,
03:31nobbling your missus in your house,
03:33in your marital bed,
03:35you still love Tommy Opington, don't you?
03:37Wash your mouth out, no I don't, I flippin' hate him.
03:40Go on, then.
03:42Smash him up.
03:43What, now? Go on.
03:45Smash his cheating face in.
03:48All right, I will.
03:51No, I can't.
03:57Can I borrow your bag?
03:58What, this bag?
03:59Yeah, I'm going to go to the gym after work.
04:01Erm, no, I'm using it.
04:04What for?
04:06I'm going to put stuff in it.
04:08You never use that bag.
04:09Well, I'm using it today, so get off.
04:12OK, I'll just use a different one.
04:14All right.
04:15What's the hammer for?
04:23Listen, you're going to have to sort this out and fast.
04:26Cos if you don't and you get caught,
04:28there'll be a load of county fans in Weatherfield Nick
04:31wanting to have a little word with you.
04:38There you go, toasted tea cakes.
04:40Oh, thanks, love, thanks.
04:43Is Roy coming down?
04:44He said he will, but I wouldn't hold out much hope.
04:52Ah, Yasmeen.
04:54Lovely to see you.
04:56Ditto, ditto.
04:58How are you feeling?
04:59Eh, we're good, yeah, fine.
05:04Something you wanted?
05:05Yes, yes, I...
05:07I have a gift for you from Kathy.
05:10Oh, very kind.
05:11She sends her best wishes.
05:16Excuse me, there's something I need to...
05:19I'm sorry.
05:22Oh, well.
05:23I suppose it's progress.
05:25A miracle.
05:26Just keep trying, onwards and upwards.
05:31Finally, I was supposed to finish quarter past.
05:33I'm so sorry.
05:35I've got the bacon, the sausages, salad and all the veggie stuff.
05:38I can't stay.
05:39Why not? It's your shift.
05:40Yeah, I know, but Lily's sick and she's off school.
05:42Well, can't David look after her?
05:44Well, he's at work.
05:45Well, can't someone else? He's loads of you.
05:46Yeah, but they're working and Claudia's got a migraine
05:48and Gail's at a live drawing class again.
05:49I just wanted a break.
05:51Yeah, well, Bernie's doing the lunchtime shift, isn't she?
05:53No, she's booked the day off.
05:55Look, I've got to go. She's on her own. I'm really sorry.
06:03Peppermint tea.
06:04That's what you need.
06:05I'd probably add one.
06:07Hey, how's your stomach?
06:08Yeah, it's getting better, I think.
06:09Oh, good.
06:10So, I was wondering,
06:12have you had any more thoughts about the Institute?
06:14Not really. Why?
06:16Well, I was just wondering if you fancied
06:17one of the in-person seminars. They're really good.
06:20I don't know. Might just watch a few more videos first.
06:23Oh, right. Well, that's fine. That's fine.
06:25I'll send you some links.
06:27Oh! Are you OK?
06:30I don't know.
06:31Right, come on, get yourself down to the medical centre now.
06:33Oh, come on, they're not going to have any appointments, are they?
06:35Tanya, this is an emergency.
06:36No, it's fine. I'll just go home. I'll have a lay down.
06:39Well, do you want me to come with you?
06:41No, no, no, I'll be fine. Can you...?
06:43Oh, sorry. I'll go.
06:45Sorry about that.
06:46I'll get my bag.
06:52Them steps, they kill me every time.
06:56Well, use the stairlift, if you like.
06:59Can I?
07:00Yeah, of course.
07:01Oh, Ta, I have always wanted to go on that.
07:04How fast does it go?
07:05Not fast enough when he's hungry and he needs his tea.
07:09Take it he's filled you in?
07:11About Kate?
07:13Yeah, yeah. Can't believe it.
07:14Another flipping bother.
07:15Yeah, a cop.
07:18Could come in handy, though.
07:20Like, if we were to get nicked or out like that.
07:23It's good that you're focusing on the positives.
07:25Yeah, unlike Mam.
07:27Did he tell you? She chucked her remote at him.
07:29He could have arrested her. She totally lost her head.
07:32Why would she do that?
07:34Well, she thinks he's stirring up trouble for her.
07:37He was only telling the truth.
07:40Yeah, exactly.
07:42I can't believe she gave him away when he was just a baby.
07:45I could never do that with any of my kids,
07:48no matter how bad things got.
07:50There must be some explanation.
07:53Yeah, that she don't care, she never has.
07:56No, that's not true.
07:57We hardly even saw her when we were kids.
07:59Isn't that right, Paul?
08:01Still, it must have been terrible for her to have to give up a child.
08:05Terrible for Kate?
08:08Still did it, though.
08:09Well, maybe you should speak to her.
08:12Find a reason she's still your mum.
08:15She'll try and spin it, make out like she's the victim.
08:18Right, she always does.
08:21Hey, I'm going to meet him later, you know.
08:23We're going to go for a few beers
08:25and I'm going to get to know him better.
08:26Do you want to come?
08:27Yeah, sure.
08:29Do you think maybe you should invite Bernie?
08:31What, so she can chuck something else at him? No chance.
08:34She might just feel a little bit left out.
08:36Oh, like he was his whole life?
08:44You can go into work if you like, I don't mind.
08:46Oh, no, it's fine, honestly.
08:47She's really poorly, it wouldn't be fair.
08:49What are you up to?
08:50Well, I've just got the credit card statement through
08:53from the magazine I used to work for.
08:54Oh, right, and?
08:56And I was hoping that this would prove
08:58I didn't buy all the stuff they're saying I did.
09:00So you really didn't do it?
09:01No, of course I didn't.
09:03Well, I won't blame you.
09:04I mean, company credit card, who'd notice?
09:06Erm, the company.
09:08But these are all online purchases.
09:10Oh, yeah, so they'll be delivery addresses?
09:12Yeah, but I've rang the few and none of them have got the address out.
09:15What about that one?
09:17Erm, yes, again, online purchase. You really need to listen.
09:21Yeah, but that's a supermarket, is that?
09:24So it might have been a click and collect.
09:26You know, they might be CCTV.
09:27Oh, yeah, that's a good idea.
09:29Right, I'll ring them and see if they've got any footage.
09:33Oh, hey, er, wasn't expecting you back.
09:36Yeah, I'm not feeling great.
09:38Oh, sorry. Look, er, why don't I go to Roy's and I can work from there?
09:42Er, no, no, no, it's fine. You can stay.
09:45You sure?
09:47Yeah, it'd be nice to have some company.
09:49You'll miss it when you move out.
09:51Yeah, I will.
09:53Can I get you anything?
09:55No, I'm all right. I'll probably just have a bit of a lie down.
09:58What about some tomato soup, Sam?
09:59Sam swears by it, says it cures all illnesses known to man.
10:02I suppose he is a genius.
10:04Great, I'll pop up and get you some. Why don't you just relax, yeah?
10:07Yeah, thanks, Nick.
10:09Well, someone's got to look after you.
10:58Oh, God!
11:01I just forgot my wallet. I'll just see if I can...
11:05OK, OK. It's all right, it's OK.
11:07It really hurts.
11:09OK, try and get up. Try and sit here. Come on.
11:14I think we need to get you to hospital.
11:17It's all right. It's all right. I'm here.
11:23Talk about bad publicity.
11:25It's on the front page of the Gazette.
11:27After everything that man has done for county.
11:29Who'd do something like that?
11:31Some idiot.
11:35It's all over the papers now.
11:37Are you kidding? Have they got any suspects?
11:39I don't know. They'd have got it on CCTV, wouldn't they?
11:42I was careful.
11:44It don't matter if you're found with it, you're done for.
11:46Why'd I walk out of prison? You need to help me.
11:48Well, give it back here. Give it to Debbie now.
11:51I can't just fess up. Well, say sorry. They might be lenient on you.
11:54I can't risk it.
11:56Let's go and bury it in your garden.
11:58You're joking, are you? I'm already an accessory.
12:00I'm not going to make things worse by burying it in my garden.
12:03What am I going to do, then?
12:05I've got an idea.
12:07How do you feel about role play?
12:12Yes, I have heard of data protection, actually.
12:15Ah, good, you're back. Can I go to work now, please?
12:18No, I've just bobbed back from my butty, that's all.
12:20I'm bombed at work with Granny's. Blue Rinse Brigade.
12:23Oh, well, thanks for all your help. Enjoy your day.
12:26No joy.
12:28I have called every supermarket, cafe, kebab shop on that list
12:31and nobody will help me.
12:33Oh, is this about that money you nicked? It wasn't me.
12:35Why won't they help you?
12:37Data protection, too much effort to trawl through the CCTV,
12:40put it in writing, blah, blah, blah.
12:42But this is a crime. Yes, I know it's a crime.
12:44I've said that, but they're not interested.
12:46So what are you going to do? What can I do?
12:48Well, you're not paying it back, cos you haven't spent it.
12:51I haven't got the money to, anyway.
12:53Just tell the magazine that, then.
12:55I hope they don't come after you for it.
13:01Oh, so you're the new Columbo, are you?
13:04Got something you want to confess to?
13:06Oh, only having a killer body.
13:08I'll take your word for it.
13:10Well, maybe you should take down my particulars.
13:13Very funny.
13:15Hey, your son's a copper as well, you know. Craig Tinker.
13:18Have you heard of him? Craigie?
13:20Yeah, I've met Craig.
13:22Are you CID, then?
13:24I am.
13:25Oh, it's cos he did a placement, though, and he really enjoyed it.
13:28It's a laugh a minute. Yeah.
13:30Hey, do you think you could put a word in?
13:32You know, get him a transfer, cos he's like that.
13:34It's what he really wants to do.
13:36That's not how it works, unfortunately.
13:38Yeah, but I bet you could say something.
13:40And if you do,
13:42I won't tell my Kirky that you were coming on to me.
13:46Hiya! You still up for a drink later?
13:49Hey, when? I'll come.
13:51Oh, no, you can't, sorry. It's family only.
13:54Hey, are you two related?
13:56I can't see that at all.
13:58I'm her brother.
14:00How's that work?
14:01Well, my mam's his mam.
14:04She never is.
14:15Roy, I'm really sorry to have to ask,
14:18but please could you come and help me in the cafe?
14:20No, I'm sorry, I don't think I can.
14:24It's just I was supposed to finish hours ago
14:26and I've still not had my break yet.
14:28What about Shona?
14:29She's not coming in, cos Lily's ill.
14:31Well, Bernie, doesn't she normally work at this time?
14:33I don't know, a family crisis or something.
14:36Alex, then?
14:37I rung him and he's on a five-day bender in Amsterdam.
14:41I don't know what to suggest.
14:43I do.
14:44Put your pinny on and come down and help me.
14:46I'm not up to it.
14:48I know you've had a tough time, but hiding away in here
14:50is not going to help you.
14:51I'm not hiding.
14:53Right, what are you doing, then?
14:57OK, we'll come and do that downstairs.
15:00Well, I'm sorry, but I really would rather not.
15:05Listen, you don't have to serve anyone.
15:07You can just do some cooking in the back
15:09or, I don't know, clear some tables or something.
15:12I'm not ready.
15:20You can go if you like.
15:23No, no, I want to stay.
15:28You're feeling pain?
15:32What do you think it is, an ulcer?
15:36Yeah, maybe.
15:39You've had a lot of stress, haven't you?
15:42You know, rows and meat.
15:45That is true.
15:48So many things I want to say.
15:53I know I can't.
15:56I understand.
15:59So, hey, let's just enjoy these moments, shall we?
16:03You and me, you know?
16:05A lot of ill people, smell of bleach.
16:10Thanks very much. Enjoy your day.
16:13Oh, sorry about that.
16:15I've been so busy today, full-on.
16:17I've been on my own. I've been right busy, Miss Lizzie.
16:19It's no problem.
16:21Actually, I wanted to ask you about my malware session tomorrow.
16:24Sure. What do you want to know?
16:26Well, er, what is it?
16:29It's something we all do at this stage.
16:31Nothing to worry about.
16:33It's just a bit of work.
16:35It's a bit of work.
16:37It's something we all do at this stage.
16:39Nothing to worry about.
16:41Right. So what happens?
16:44You'll be engaging with other members,
16:46assessing how far you've come,
16:48how strong you are.
16:50Right, and that's it?
16:52Pretty much. You'll breeze through it.
16:54Oh, sorry I'm late. I'll make my time up.
16:57Oh, no, it's OK. Don't worry about it.
16:59What's got you in such good mood?
17:01Nothing. Just being positive.
17:03Leanne was telling me you might be interested in joining us.
17:06Might be. Thinking about it.
17:08That's great. And there's no rush.
17:10The Institute isn't for everyone.
17:12But those that do join us tend to really get a lot from it.
17:16Er, Leanne, where have you been?
17:18Er, here. Why?
17:20It's just Nick's been trying to ring you.
17:22Oh. Oh, my phone's in the office. Why? What's happened?
17:25Er, it's Toya. She's in hospital.
17:32Oh! Well, am I glad to see you.
17:34Right. How come?
17:36Look, I know you've booked the day off,
17:38but is there any chance you could just work for a few hours?
17:41Oh, sorry, love. My head's not right. I've got family stuff going on.
17:44Can we have two coffees, please?
17:46What's the problem?
17:48It's just I was meant to finish my shift hours ago, and, well, I am knackered.
17:52If you started at eight, that's only half a day.
17:54You know, there are some people in the world
17:56that actually work, like, full days, man.
17:58Yes. I had a bit of a late one last night.
18:00Oh, you're feeling a bit ropey.
18:02Well, you see, that's the folly of youth.
18:04Remember those days, not a care in the world, drinking till the early hours?
18:07You still do that now?
18:09I know, and I never miss work.
18:11Aren't you the great big action hero?
18:13Yes, I am.
18:15That'll be £2.50, then, please.
18:17Oh, don't forget my staff discount.
18:19£2.25, then, please.
18:27Hey. You're a dark horse, aren't you?
18:30Why? What have I done now?
18:32Secret, son. You kept that from everyone.
18:34Oh, what's this?
18:36Oh, that new copper kit. She's his mum.
18:39Well, I wasn't expecting that.
18:41So, come on, then. What's the story?
18:44None of your business, Beth.
18:46Right. I was only asking.
18:48Yeah, Kit's my son, and it's been really good
18:50getting to know him after all these years.
18:52Hey, tell me what. I've learnt to get to know him.
18:55Aren't you with Kirk?
18:57Yeah, but just cos I bought some that,
18:59I can still browse the shelves.
19:01Anyway, I hope we have a nice family get-together later on.
19:04Yeah, we will.
19:05Oh, and put a good word in for us, eh?
19:07See if you can get our Craigie into CID.
19:09Come on, Beth. Leave these nice people alone
19:11and get to my heart of you.
19:13Oh, yes, I will have a full English breakfast, please.
19:25What are you walking like that for?
19:27I'm just keeping a lookout, aren't I?
19:29What? Since when did the delivery man need to keep a lookout?
19:32I'm just being careful.
19:33You're playing a spy film this summer.
19:35It's not normally.
19:36You know, you're a delivery man, chest out proud.
19:40That's better.
19:42What now?
19:44I'm just going to leave it there.
19:46Right, let's go.
19:49She's doing two full-on lunches here.
19:51Ooh, chicken wings.
19:53Are you out of your mind?
19:54I'm hungry.
19:55We've got to go. Come on.
19:57All right, lads. Did you leave that box?
19:59Yeah, it's just a delivery that, mate.
20:02Who's it for?
20:03Erm, events.
20:05I'll need a name, really, fella.
20:07There was no name on it.
20:09All right, then, just wait there a second.
20:11I'll check in with the boss.
20:12Get out of here all good, pal.
20:14Sorry, lads, there's a procedure, health and safety.
20:16I think there could be anything in that box.
20:18Fine, we'll take it, then.
20:19What, will we?
20:21Oh, hello, boys.
20:23What are you two doing here?
20:25All dressed up like lollipop men.
20:27They dropped that box off, boss.
20:29Yeah, we've got a sideline at Streetcars.
20:31We just do a bit of delivery now and again.
20:33Good idea, yeah.
20:34There's money to be made in that.
20:36Only, there was no address on that, so...
20:39It's all wrong.
20:40Yeah, we'd better go now, anyway.
20:56Is it in this room?
20:59Are you sure it's R? Cos I've done everything.
21:01Well, you haven't clearly done everything, have you?
21:03Right, I give up.
21:05Radiator valve.
21:07Oh, come off it. You cannot have that.
21:09What? That's part of the radiator.
21:11That should have been V for valve, not R.
21:14You are unbelievable.
21:15Mm, unbelievably good at this game.
21:18Right, come on. Your go.
21:21I can't believe how long these tests are taking.
21:24Do you want me to go and get someone?
21:26Yeah, maybe. I can't stand any more eye spy.
21:29Tanya, I am so sorry. I didn't see my phone.
21:33It's OK, don't worry.
21:34What's happened?
21:35She collapsed at the flat. They're just running some tests.
21:38Well, have they said anything, what it might be?
21:40Not yet.
21:41And have you got pain?
21:43No, it's better.
21:44She's deceptively eyeballs on painkillers.
21:47Mrs Habib.
21:49How are you feeling?
21:50Yeah, all right. Improving, I think.
21:53Good. I've got the test results. Are you happy for me to...?
21:57Oh, yeah, they're family. Yeah, that's fine.
21:59Well, it's good news, potentially.
22:02You're pregnant. Congratulations.
22:26When was your last period?
22:28Um, I don't know, like, three, four weeks ago?
22:33I can't be.
22:35The blood results will take a while and I'm booking you in for an ultrasound.
22:38It's too early to see the pregnancy,
22:40but with your abdominal pain, I think it's good to take a look.
22:43OK. Yeah, um, thank you.
22:49Wow, little bro, the big lick's come back.
22:52Yeah, which means that you and my husband
22:55are now part of the establishment.
22:57All of everyone is.
23:00Oh, who, our kit?
23:02Oh, it's Detective Constable Green to you.
23:06So you might want to show me a bit more respect. Thank you.
23:09He's armed and dangerous.
23:12Extremely dangerous. Notebook, check. Walkie-talkie, check.
23:15Well, mobile phone.
23:17Stun gun?
23:19I'm non-uniform. They don't let me have one.
23:22Hey, did you ever put that blue light on?
23:24You know, if you're dying for a Waz or you want a Mackey's.
23:27I can never confirm or deny.
23:29Oh, I wish I could zap our landlord with a stun gun.
23:33Don't even joke about it.
23:35Terrible having an eviction over here.
23:37Paul's in a worse position.
23:39Hey, it's not a composition.
23:42Your bro, he's the bravest man you'll ever meet.
23:46I can see that. I just wish I met him sooner.
23:49I just wish we were never separated in the first place.
23:57Don't go quiet on my account.
23:59We're not.
24:01Same again for this lot and two halves of lager, please, Jenny.
24:04Is it a family gathering?
24:06That's right.
24:08I couldn't help but overhear, so Kit the copper is Bernice?
24:11He is indeed.
24:13Well, thanks for the invite.
24:16You're here now, and I'm glad.
24:18Maybe this is a chance to build some bridges, maybe.
24:21Right, so Jenny's bringing the drinks round?
24:23Sit down, darling.
24:25It's a family gathering.
24:33Yeah, yeah, it was just lying there on the pavement, like, you know, dead surreal.
24:37In that box? Yeah.
24:39So, you know, cut to operation, get Tommy back to the Echaria Hotel.
24:43Pronto. Pronto.
24:45And where exactly did you find it?
24:48On that bit of wasteland next to the British Legion.
24:51On the pavement next to it.
24:53So someone went to all that trouble of robbing it just to dump it next door?
24:58Some people are as thick as pudding, love.
25:03Right, well, I'd best let the club know.
25:08They'll be chuffed, won't they, as he's all back in one piece?
25:11Right, well, coolio. Better get back on the switch.
25:14Yeah, well, I've got an airport run at two, so I'd better have a...
25:16Boys, why don't you grab a seat and take the weight off your personalities?
25:20I'll get you a couple of cappuccinos, yeah?
25:22That'll give you time to work on your story.
25:24Or, first up, that you robbed it.
25:26I never robbed it.
25:28Stitches get stitches.
25:30And the flaming mafia.
25:33Hi, could you put me through to comms, please?
25:36It's Demi Webster here from the Chariots Club.
25:39It's Demi Webster here from the Chariot Square Hotel.
25:44Regarding the stolen bust of Tommy Orpington.
25:50Bust. Bust.
25:58The million-dollar question. Who's her father?
26:00I can't believe you're asking me that.
26:02Oh, I'm sorry. My free and single sister gets pregnant.
26:05I can't believe you can't believe I'm asking.
26:07It's irrelevant.
26:08Oh, well. I'm sure he'd be thrilled to hear that.
26:10I reckon he would.
26:12Oh, do you know what, Tyre, actually? Why should you know?
26:14Oh, what am I, the Weatherfield bike?
26:16No, I didn't mean it like that.
26:18Sorry. Sorry, I just heard myself sound like some mad Victorian throwback.
26:22It's forgotten.
26:24Oh, Tyre, you're going to have a baby.
26:26It's all you ever hoped for.
26:28He's going to be so loved. Nick, please, will you stop pacing up and down?
26:31There's a chair there.
26:33Yeah, he's hospitalised.
26:34It was a one-night stand.
26:36Oh, well, hats off to him and his little swimmers, eh?
26:41All that IVF, all that hoping and waiting,
26:44and now out of the blue...
26:49..all if it was a one-night stand.
26:51I know.
26:53He's your local, then, Mr Superspray.
26:55OK, come on, like, just don't push her, OK?
26:58No, sorry.
27:00You don't know him.
27:03But I, um...
27:05Are you going to tell him? You know, assuming you're keeping it.
27:07Sorry, too many questions.
27:09Yeah, well, I might not get to make that decision, Leigh,
27:11not if this pain keeps up.
27:12Hey, come on, you've got to stay positive.
27:14It'll be fine.
27:15We'll be here for you, me and Nick, won't we?
27:18Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course.
27:23They are not remotely interested in the truth, just the bottom line.
27:27At least you tried your best.
27:28Two weeks they have given me to come up with this money.
27:30Otherwise they're taking me to a small claims court.
27:32Right, all that data protection stuff.
27:34Oh, well, at the end of the day,
27:36I am a total stranger asking them for a favour
27:38that involves a bit of hard work.
27:40I could hear them losing the will.
27:42Well, why don't you try again?
27:43You never know, next time you might get someone more helpful.
27:46No, I think my time would be better spent ringing round for a loan.
27:52I wasn't trying to get my version in first.
27:55I just wanted you to see what was going on at the time.
27:58Do you think maybe he had a bit of postnatal depression?
28:01I mean, that is quite common.
28:04I knew I'd made a terrible mistake
28:06if you read the letters, you'd see.
28:08And the number of times I wanted to ask the social worker
28:11if I could get you back...
28:12You wanted to, but you never quite managed it, right?
28:16As I knew deep down, I couldn't cope.
28:19You were already settled with a new family.
28:21My wonderful mum and dad.
28:23God, you were pleased with such good people.
28:26Actually, I thank the social worker, but, yeah, the best.
28:30And for years I wish I could forget about it.
28:33I thought, yeah, it would have made life easier.
28:37But your lovely little innocent face kept haunting me.
28:41Mum, I can't get my head round this.
28:44I know what it's like to be born tired, ready to drop.
28:48I thought of giving one of them away.
28:50You were amazing with the quad squad and I am in awe of you,
28:53but you've had support, Gemma.
28:56I had no-one.
28:58Literally no-one.
29:00I do get that. It might have been hard.
29:02Oh, you do?
29:04Well, that's good. You hear that, darling?
29:07The thing is, man,
29:10you should have told us years ago.
29:15I know.
29:16I've got months left.
29:19You robbed us, man.
29:21I'm so sorry.
29:23I'm a coward.
29:26I'm a disgrace.
29:29Gerv, you should take her back to yours.
29:31If you'd just let me try and explain...
29:33Gemma, I think I'd probably leave it there for today, Bernie.
29:40Come on, love. Let's get you home.
29:48Is everything all right?
29:50Is everything all right?
30:03I can't walk, me.
30:05Is she crashing us up?
30:08I was... You know, what's it to the fact I'm small?
30:12I... Yeah, smiling.
30:16Oh, maybe we're home and dry.
30:19You know what? We have to start grassing us up. Class act.
30:22You know what? I'd have a go, but I'm only as a mate.
30:26She'd squash you like a moth.
30:28She'd sit up.
30:30Oh, incoming. Tommy home.
30:32Oi, Tommy.
30:34It's him.
30:35Right, I'm paraphrasing here, but long story short,
30:39you found it by the Legion car park?
30:43You two?
30:44Yeah, and they recognised you immediately.
30:47Yeah, well, I'd never forget that face.
30:50Anyway, they very carefully shoved you in a box
30:54and brought you back safe and sound.
30:58Yeah, count it till we die.
31:01Scarn's day off for me. Go, Scarn.
31:04Right, there we go, then. All's well that ends well.
31:08I'll let the police know I've been found, then.
31:13Oh, and by two county fans.
31:16One county fan.
31:18Scarn's deal.
31:21I'll get the box.
31:23You must be really worried. I mean, this is pretty big.
31:27I'm OK. I'm just, you know, thinking things through.
31:30Well, you know, people surprise you.
31:32I mean, maybe the father wants to be involved.
31:36I know many an alpha male who coat-gag her over a baby.
31:40OK, look, do you need any clothes to wear?
31:42I don't know, underwear, something like that?
31:44Oh, yeah, she really wants her brother-in-law
31:46rifling through her smalls.
31:47Listen, I'll go and get everything,
31:49and I'll go and get you some nice food.
31:51Yeah, that'd be great, Lee.
31:52Well, happy to be of use.
31:54Right, see you in a bit.
32:01OK, straight question.
32:03Of course it's yours.
32:06Yeah, I knew that.
32:09No, look, I'm the one that should be sorry,
32:12and I am, I'm sorry for stressing you out,
32:14but I've spent years having IVF.
32:21Yeah, I understand.
32:23It's just such a mess, isn't it?
32:26This could be my last chance to have a baby.
32:28Do you understand that?
32:36It just makes it ten times harder.
32:40Not for me.
32:42I'm keeping it.
32:58Honey, you were brutally honest up here, and that takes guts.
33:01I hope your kids never look at you the way mine have just looked at me.
33:04Kit, darling, listen, Kit, you're so hurt
33:06that you can't see your things straight,
33:08and Paul and Gemma, they just need time.
33:10Which is why I need to see them on my own.
33:12Darling, what you need right now is to rest.
33:14I think I'm a good mum at the moment.
33:16You're a wonderful mum. You're a wonderful grandmother too.
33:19Thanks for saying that.
33:21And I get it, I get it that he's angry,
33:23but trying to turn Gemma and Paul against me, well, that's just low.
33:26It is, it really is. OK, now, listen, baby,
33:28you need to go home, OK?
33:30Get the kettle on, you put on your favourite meditation tape,
33:32I just need to check into a shop and I'll be with you in five, OK?
33:35OK, go. Go.
33:39Hey, Craig.
33:42Come here.
33:44A word to the wise.
33:46Be careful around your new colleague, Kit.
33:49What? He seems pretty cool, you know.
33:51What's he done?
33:53Well, let's just say he can be rather ruthless.
33:55Yeah, well, he did a bit of that in our business.
33:57Can you be more specific?
33:59Oh, what's this? Oat juice?
34:01Dev reckons Kit's the wrong one.
34:03What makes you say that?
34:06Just be on your guard.
34:08Look, I think you're worrying over nothing, mate.
34:12He seems sound.
34:15Oh, that was weird.
34:17Oh, it's never good when Bobo goes, hmm.
34:20So, anyway,
34:22your sexy Sarge is Bernie Winter's abandoned kid.
34:27What? No chance.
34:29Gospel truth.
34:31She gave him up for adoption when he was in nappies.
34:33She's kept it quiet all these years.
34:41Look, um...
34:43I get you're going to keep the baby.
34:47You'll be a wonderful mum.
34:51I'll try my best.
34:53I hope you realise I can't make a quick decision.
34:58What do we do?
35:00Keep it from Leanne forever or stay in Weatherfield
35:03and you and I live with this guilty secret.
35:06Business as usual.
35:09You and the baby move away.
35:13Whatever happens,
35:15someone gets hurt.
35:18Hey, Toya, just to let you know,
35:20your ultrasound's booked for in the morning.
35:22Oh, right, thanks very much.
35:33The truth is...
35:38I don't know what to do.
35:44I don't know what to do.
35:48And the last thing you need is me reminding you
35:50that there's a clock ticking.
35:52But, Nick, there is a clock ticking.
36:04Ah! Life saver.
36:06Oh, no worries, girl's got Lily.
36:08Is Bernie on a break?
36:10She pulled out and she's not coming in tomorrow either.
36:12How come?
36:14I don't know, David, but she wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.
36:17Now, what can I get you?
36:19Extra hot latte, please, to go.
36:21And when I say hot, I mean hotter than hell.
36:24Roy needs to come out of his hibernation soon.
36:26Ah, no change, then?
36:28I've been upstairs, practically begged him to come down,
36:30but he's just not himself.
36:32What, he actually refused to help you?
36:34Yeah, he's not coming down from that flat any time soon.
36:37Well, shall I go up and have a word?
36:39No, I'd just leave him to it.
36:41Why don't you call his bluff?
36:43Stick a clothesline in the window. That'll smoke him out.
36:46It's not a game, David. He likes being holed up in his own little world.
36:50That'll teach me for sticking up a sister up.
36:55Just the person. Ask me if I've got news.
36:58I hate this game. Obviously you've got news.
37:01Oh, charming. Well, since you couldn't be bothered
37:03to do another ring-around, yours truly had to step up.
37:07And Dave from Rest In Pizza in Leicester,
37:10a.k.a. my new Bessie, has agreed to take another look at CCTV footage.
37:13Ah, you're a star.
37:15Yep, a quattro stagioni at 7pm might be the world's most expensive pizza.
37:19Who knew? Tell you what, take a seat. I'll bring a brew over.
37:25I'd listen, empathise and then use some reverse psychology.
37:30I can be very persuasive.
37:33Well, it's like he doesn't care any more.
37:35I've tried and tried. It's just like the lights have gone out.
37:38You know what they say about desperate times.
37:40Desperate measures.
37:42Yeah, like what, though?
37:44I've no idea. But I'm sure if we all worked together,
37:47we could come up with something to jolt him out of this fog of depression.
37:54Tea. One sec.
38:00I can just have it.
38:03How's Toya?
38:05Er, yeah, yeah, she's OK. It's all been a bit scary.
38:08And how are your resilience levels?
38:10Er, yeah, good. Good, thank you.
38:12I'm hoping Amy will be joining our ranks soon.
38:16We need intelligent young women.
38:18Oh, I'll take that.
38:19My Amy's a diamond. Listen, I might need you to lock up later on, OK?
38:22Yeah, no problems.
38:24Interesting chat, Amy. I hope we'll have more.
38:28You were right to spot her potential.
38:30No, she's always been a great kid.
38:32Oh, sorry.
38:34Oh, it's just Toya.
38:36She wants a Kindle and an eye mask.
38:38She sounds fairly chipper.
38:40Er, yeah.
38:42Listen, you won't tell anyone, will you, Bob?
38:44She's pregnant.
38:48You sound surprised.
38:50I didn't realise she had a partner.
38:52Well, no, she doesn't.
38:54She said it was from a one-night stand,
38:56which really isn't like her.
38:58But she's had loads of IVF over the years,
39:00so I'm struggling to get my head around it, to be honest.
39:03Listen, I'm sorry. I'd better go and get her stuff.
39:05I'll see you later.
39:10I can't believe yous took her back.
39:12I mean, why rob it in the first place?
39:14Well, we did what I'm trawling through the CCTV, did we?
39:17Yeah, and then you get collared by Kevin's sister.
39:22Smooth operators, aren't you, eh?
39:24Go on, what's funny I could do with a laugh?
39:26Oh, these two clowns here.
39:29You'd have to be there.
39:31Oh, all right.
39:33I was just writing her wrong, anyway.
39:35I was doing it as a favour for him.
39:37Doing it as an apology for deserting me on my 50th birthday?
39:41That must be the 50th time you've mentioned your flipping 50th.
39:44It was a landmark, eh?
39:46A millstone. Milestone.
39:48A millstone's something you wear around your neck.
39:50It drags you down. Funny, that.
39:53Oh, very nice.
39:55I think I prefer a big 40, though.
40:00You all right?
40:02Look, I'll keep it short.
40:04Two season tickets.
40:06It's bad enough you've lost Tracy.
40:08Don't lose the team you've loved all your life.
40:10Are you stopping for a drink, Tommy?
40:13No, thanks.
40:15I'm getting off, so...
40:17You're an officer and a gentleman.
40:19Tell me how that's what you are. You're an officer and a gentleman.
40:22I'll, er...
40:26They're mine. Get real.
40:28Mine, or else I'll tell Wethercounty
40:30how you both robbed them in the first place.
40:32It was you two. I was just the idiot that took it back.
40:34Tell her. What?
40:36No chance.
40:38You're an officer and a gentleman, Tommy.
40:40An officer and a gentleman.
40:48Hey, er, Sam's at David's.
40:51Yeah, he texted.
40:56Hey, little sis.
40:58I've got you everything you need.
41:00Oh, you're a lifesaver. Thank you.
41:02That's OK. Right, I have got you
41:05some little cans of ginger ale.
41:08Er, there's... Oh, some tangerines.
41:11And some Lancordial.
41:13Oh, and I got you some, er, hair drops to shred the roof of your mouth.
41:17And good old Weather Gazette.
41:20And if you can bear the excitement, spoiler alert,
41:22there's going to be a new bus lane.
41:24Thanks, Lee.
41:26I'm sorry, I'm really worried about you.
41:28There's no need to be.
41:30Listen, I could tell the Father if you want.
41:32Lee! What?
41:34It's only Nick. He's one of the girls.
41:36Erm, look, who's going to lock up the bistro?
41:39Oh, don't worry about that. It's all sorted.
41:42Look, I'm sorry to nag, but...
41:44There's no way you and the Father...
41:46No, there's no way. OK?
41:50Well, I just want you to know that me and Nick,
41:54we've got your back.
42:01All right? How's it going?
42:03Yeah, fine.
42:05Well, drumroll, you and Gemma, brother and sister, eh?
42:09That's right. Good news travels fast.
42:12Bit of a shock, eh?
42:14You know, a bit of a bolt from the blue.
42:17Didn't realise it'd have such an effect on you.
42:19It's just I always thought Bernie just had the two kids.
42:22You know, Paul and Gemma.
42:24Right. You see how it blew your mind?
42:26It's all good.
42:28I guess it means that Gemma's got an ally.
42:33She's got another brother.
42:35It's just Bruce, the shoe shop owner.
42:37Well, he was proper gooding for her.
42:39And you spoke to him.
42:41If you've got something to say, Craig, spit it out.
42:45I'm just riffing.
42:47Well, this is riveting.
42:49But I'm going to miss my tram.
42:58What's with deep and meaningfuls?
43:02Are you all right? Has something happened?
43:04Yeah, something has happened.
43:06You ill? No, bit sick, maybe.
43:08You fancy a pint? No.
43:11What's up?
43:13Don't judge me.
43:15I'm not in a position to judge, am I?
43:17Might as well just spit it out.
43:19I mean, Earth's going to carry on spinning.
43:21We're just little insignificant specks of dust
43:23running here for a nanosecond. How's that for reassurance?
43:26Right. Toy's pregnant. It's mine.
43:29Am I?
43:33Yeah, I know.
43:36Was she keeping it? Yeah.
43:38What do you want?
43:40It's a million-dollar question, isn't it? Time machine'd be good.
43:43Then what am I going to do?
44:13I don't know.