Coronation Street 1st July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Coronation Street 1st July 2024
00:30And escape room
00:33Spooky escape room for you in three part. Ah, you know what? I've always wanted to do one of these
00:37I know great gift. Thank you. Sweetheart. How come you always get me the nicest gift?
00:43I just think about what 14 year old boy with one jackpot. Oh
00:49Happy birthday
00:50No card. How about a birthday brew instead? All right
00:54So, what have you got planned today?
00:56Well, nothing as good as Andy. He's having a beach party. I could fetch the old paddling pool out the attic
01:02Ah, they're funny. No, I've taken the day off. So I'm just gonna go with the flow
01:06I thought you didn't want to celebrate. Well, you know me don't like to make a fuss. Oh
01:12Maybe we could have a bit of lunch. Yeah, is that right? Kenneth spot of luncheon?
01:17I can't now. I've got a shift at the bistro. Yeah. Yeah gotcha shift at the bistro. Well, here we go
01:23Cheers cousin. Right. Well, I think I'll go upstairs have myself a birthday bath, you know, make myself look pretty for let do
01:30Wow, what's happening later?
01:40He thinks that we're planning a surprise party for him. Bingo
01:44How what was it something you said something Tim said?
01:48Well, it sounds like he's bought two and two together and come up with 57. Yeah
01:52Well, I suppose we could start looking for people to bring round. I've got to get to work
01:57Well, I'll phone around look you get yourself off to work love leave it to the experts
02:02Because if there's one thing I know how to do it's how to throw a party. I
02:07Mean, how do I tell him?
02:09See that copper the one that got Gemma off a shoplifting. He's your brother. I
02:14Love a conversation starter
02:17Yesterday and you know me gung-ho little to reality bites. It's gonna be a shot. What were you gonna do keep stung?
02:23When his mom only passed yesterday. He said must be in bits
02:27Maybe that's why I suggested it
02:32Fish paste you are paste the fish you make it a comeback going to the Gross's Gazette. I love yeah, can I push it?
02:39No, it's all right. I'll get that for you. Go on you get the kids to nursery. Are you sure? Yeah
02:43Cheers mom
02:47Gems are you and Paul about later on? Yeah, Billy's doing the big shops or beers, right?
02:53Well, there's just something I need to talk to the pair of you about. Oh, it's not bad news. Is it? No, no
02:57No, no, it's not bad news. It's good news. Really. I'll do with a bit of that. See you later. I'll call you darling
03:07Janice could see me now a I can't even look at a dirty mug without rinsing it out
03:11Me energy levels are through the roof. It's Nick. Not here. Uh
03:15No early start
03:16Coffee. Oh, no, I can't I'm heading out. Oh, listen. Do you mind if I start a bit late today?
03:23Why what's up? No, nothing. I'm fine. I'm finally looking for somewhere to live. So I'm seeing a place in half an hour
03:29Why well, I can't stay here forever. Can I come on middle-aged woman living with a sister and a brother-in-law. It's positively Dickensian
03:38Yeah, but have you seen the rents around it, I mean, I know it's Hadley Mayfair
03:41But I'm sure I can manage a deposit on a little flat on the wages. We pay you
03:46Listen, I've got a go. Um, I'll see you later
03:54I just slept on it funny. I feel rotten keeping you on the couch
04:00Maybe I should spend a bit more time at yours. At least then we both have a bed. It's not that bad
04:05Anyway, my tenant is up soon and I'm not sure I even want to renew it
04:09Hey, you ready? Yeah, let me just pay up for these. No, I'll get it. No, it's fine
04:14I want to get a quick coffee. Anyway
04:18Well, I spoke to Gemma and she's round our polls later so well we could go once I finish my shift
04:28Yeah, thanks Kate
04:31Sorry to keep you waiting love. Don't bother Bernie. I don't suppose you're any good at neck massages
04:36I've passed out on that thing myself. I thought you'd been
04:39It's probably seems quite odd to you me sleeping on the sofa, don't it?
04:44Well the things we do for love, eh? Yeah, I hear you
04:50Thank you very much
04:54Yeah, so I'll be around at 2 darling
04:58No, you're gonna have to wait and see
05:01All right, I'll talk
05:04No, everything's fine here. Yeah
05:08the house
05:10Still standing
05:13Yeah, love you too, bye-bye love
05:17Take it you didn't tell her then
05:20Tell her what? That the house looks like a skip around the back of Oxfam. Why worry you?
05:25It's not gonna be here long. Anyway, believe you me. How you expect me to do my jazzercise in here?
05:30I have no idea and I I do not like the way he's looking at me this morning. It's gotta go George all of it
05:37Please make it up with Glenda for goodness sake, you know, I've tried not to interfere but I do have some experience as a mediator
05:45Mother once fell out with a gynecologist and I had to step in a story for another time perhaps Mary
05:53Either come to an agreement with Glenda or
05:56Check it out for the bin men cuz all this stuff needs to go today. I
06:04Thought you said you knew how to throw a party
06:06I sorted the snacks and booze didn't I and you were in charge of the guest list my fault. It was rather late notice
06:13Here we go
06:15Thanks, oh, it's a pleasure anything else you need just ask it's very kind. It's just a finger buffet, right?
06:26And where's the birthday boy getting spruced up after his birthday bath
06:29What's a birthday bath like a normal bath, but with a can of lager in the radio on?
06:37Tim and Sally not come in. Yeah, they had something booked this afternoon
06:42Amy dev
06:45Kevin anyone
06:46Working as our most people
06:49Unfortunately, it's a very select guest list. We shook the shop for this. Oh, here he is
06:55Oh, you want us to hi
07:08There's a party and this is a popper, sorry, it's very confusing. Happy birthday, Steve
07:18All right, well, thank you, where's everybody don't tell me you got the paddling pool out we're having a beach party in the yard
07:23Nah just us the the select few happy birthday
07:36You've been a bit quiet everything, okay
07:40Do you remember me telling you that my mum was supposed to be coming over the stupid unveiling of a boyfriend's head
07:45Yeah, vaguely what turns out she can't even bother coming which won't be so bad
07:50But her and Mary was supposed to be having a meeting with the accountants saw out the flower shop
07:53I mean, so now she wants me to run the shop and me to sort it and it's not because she thinks I'm capable
07:58Or that she thinks I might even be good at it. It's cuz she can't be asked getting on a plane Amy
08:02Just take a breath. Okay, so she wants me to run the shop
08:06Whilst finishing my degree whilst looking out for granddad and doing shifts here. Okay, right?
08:11What you need to do is clear your mind
08:13Break things down into manageable chunks and make a plan
08:19Need to get these tables done. It's all right. I can cope with that and I think I've got exactly what you need
08:31Is there anything else to eat beside them crisps is it teeth
08:38Now wrong with my teeth look and I stopped eating Chris for me dinner when I was 10 a
08:44Hole the size of a wagon wheel and I'd only worn it twice. Did somebody mention a wagon wheel?
08:54Well, this part is good shall I've not up stick the radio on yeah, that'd be great
08:58I think the arches is starting a don't be tight Ken that the best he could I know that but we're all me mates
09:03I mean, where's Tim for a star plans?
09:05And I thought he were lying to me to cover up for me birthday extravaganza
09:09No, no, no, he's here
09:13Sally just posted it where the county are unveiling a bust for Tommy or pull open to him. Sorry
09:20You know what? I'm a patient man, but even I've got me limits. Where you going?
09:24Well, I'm going down there on a Tommy open to and he steals me wife now me supposing best mate is celebrating him
09:29Not my watch. You've had a drink. You can't drive
09:33Look you're not leaving me with the cast of cocoon. I'll drive you
09:50How are you
09:52Just wish I've been there
09:54Look we don't have to do this today of all days. I was too short etc
09:59Learned I've nothing over the last couple of days
10:02Only I was wondering maybe you and I could meet a bit earlier
10:06Decide how we're gonna break the news
10:09Right. Well, we can now we can talk now if you like
10:12Go to the station, but how about the pub at half one a drink to steady my nerves? Yeah
10:21yeah, I
10:24Should be able to get off a bit earlier
10:26Here you go freebie. Don't report me
10:31See you at 1 30
10:52Buy the power of my magic
11:05Magic I pipe down there's some money. Oh, hello
11:12Yeah, come on up
11:16It's that copper you're the one who helped me get off yesterday
11:25Oh again, I'm really sorry about your mom. Yeah. Thanks
11:33Sorry to intrude I
11:38Don't know how to say this I see that shoe shop guy. No, no, it's personal how
11:48This is gonna sound bad, right, but I'm your brother
12:10People probably think we're dead weird being engaged not living together
12:14Now maybe it was totally standard years ago. Yeah
12:18Poor Joel, you know, he stays on the sofa
12:20Adam comes in late and wakes him up or wanders through for breakfast in his pants
12:25I thought Adam was only there temporarily. He was I tell him to pull his finger out just feel tight asking to leave
12:33What about Joel's place that'd be nice just a two-year. Well, he's coming up to the end of his tenancy
12:39He's not sure if he wants to renew. Oh, we see flat hunting and all I'll tell him I said good luck
12:43I looked at place this morning. How was it? Oh grim. Yeah, when I got there the mice were throwing themselves on the job
12:51You know when he mentioned it I did wonder if he was angling for us to move in together
12:55I'd hate to leave the flat, you know, it's so close to work and the family
12:59Oh, all right, did you get your brother? Yes. Thank you. Let's be off anyway. Yeah. Yeah
13:06He's Amy not here. I thought she was voted on
13:08Oh, she's in a right state Tracy's lumbered with all the shop finances what on top of uni and working here
13:14I mean, come on. I know she's bright, but that's a bit much. Yeah. I know. Anyway, I've set her up in the office
13:19She's watching one of these two seminars. I mean really helped me when I was at the end of me rope
13:29What do you want to do wreck the place
13:33How about classic feel the carpet switch the heating up
13:37How's that a classic? What are we gonna do? You're gonna have to make your mind up because they're all gonna be coming in soon
13:50Well, if that's what you call art you can stick it used to where I worship him, you know
13:57Begged him to let me in here and pay homage
14:00It must be weird when the bloke you love turns out to be the bloke you eat
14:06Now as for Tim, it's not the first time he's lied to me flipping lied about him decorating his house
14:11Oh the clock's ticking what we can do
14:18These adoption papers look really off
14:22And I can't argue with mom's name on your birth certificate
14:26Christopher green
14:29That's me I
14:32Remember seeing that name on some letters in a roll biscuit tin. She said it was the old boyfriend
14:45Why is this all coming to light now
14:48She tracked me down. I don't know why
14:52Maybe you being ill Paul
14:56We should hear a sign of it. Well before you do, let me tell you mine
15:02You know, she will come up with all sorts of excuses of how she treated me
15:06Just hear me out, please
15:08That's all I ask
15:21I'm pleased
15:25You're happy now
15:27I've had the right actor to me this morning. Todd's threatening to chuck all me stuff out
15:33No need. Oh
15:35Finally you've seen sense. You've already got storage space all the stuff from the house is in there
15:41So you can just sling the rest of it in there, too. What do you mean? Oh
15:47The bill
15:49The lady said you were best off with a 12-month option. So I went with happen
15:53You don't give a monkeys about me where I live. You live at number 11. I could report you to the police
16:00Oh, I'm not look good. Wouldn't it pillar of the community Archie shuttleworth and his swindlers son? Oh
16:07Nice piece for chit-chat. They love a human interest story. I
16:12Can see it now
16:14Exclusive with sister. He left destitute destitute. You spent three quarters of your life camping it up on the ICS. You got everything George
16:22The house the Undertaker's
16:26It's not just about the money
16:28Feel like I've been cut out a dad's legacy like I don't even exist
16:32It wasn't like that who it feels like that and believe it or not. I really wish you hadn't come to this
16:42Yes, please
16:44Hi, I
16:46Just want to check you okay. Yeah, fine. Why well after yesterday, I wondered if you want to talk
16:54Do you mind?
16:55Come around later. I've got a couple of hot pots. I need to sort out
17:03Couldn't have a word for me. Could you about her squatting in me house?
17:07Not much point. We're not together anymore. Hey
17:10Well, if I'm being honest all this stuff with the house and you two I'd shove a throat since it right with me
17:28Just met the most fascinating woman angular angular with a hard G angular. Oh
17:36So it's talking about her face
17:38Anyway, don't feel right being yourself
17:41Don't be daft. How often do we come to somewhere swanky for our dinner?
17:46How often do we get to use the word swanky?
17:49Steve would have a breakdown if anyone was here
17:51I put on a different voice or the barman didn't recognize me. I'd see free drinks now
17:55Don't show yourself up. It's not about the free alcohol. This is a very important occasion. Oh
18:02Oh, here we go on his birthday and all I'm a rotten mate me. Oh, hi Angela
18:11Ladies and gentle gentlemen
18:14Thank you. Um, please. Oh, well, welcome to the stage that the weather feel wonder himself the legend that is
18:22mr. Tommy Alpington
18:27Don't really
18:29Right. Well, this is all a bit weird if I have any more smoke blown up me. I'll set off the fire alone
18:37Cheers Kirk
18:39no, seriously, I'm I'm genuinely moved by this generous and
18:45Much appreciated gesture. It's a good speaker, isn't it? Oh, please
18:49Somebody's written it for him
18:57Don't know what's like it. It's modern art. Have you never heard of it Kirk? It's not supposed to be representational
19:11Okay, I'll take the fall
19:15Well, I should have got involved
19:21What would my record this is light relief
19:26Right. What's next? Oh
19:28Let the punishment fit the crime. What the hell's that supposed to mean? I'll throw in on the way. It's it Thelma
19:38Answer phone
19:40Right. You said he'd be here ages ago. I
19:43Said I'd be at the flat at 2 and it's nearly that now. He must be held up. Oh, look at me hands are shaking
19:49I listen you are the strongest person. I know and if you ever need me, I will come running. Okay
19:58Now I can't all men be like that I
20:00Cuz then he won't be special. I see it's getting sentimental in our old age. Yeah. Well, maybe it's about time
20:08Honey the one thing I've learned is the truth. It's a truth. There's no running away from that
20:12Okay, you will be so relieved when this is over. I promise I hope so
20:25This turning up out the blue it's happened before
20:30When I
20:33Was 21, you know, I knew I was adopted and I hadn't given my birth mother I thought in years
20:41Bernie gets in touch arranged to meet me
20:46Was so excited
20:49What happened
20:53Sat there in this little cafe and
20:59And sat
21:02She never came no
21:07It's only recently I found out that she got drunk and bald it
21:12that morning
21:14Just before she was supposed to meet me the son. She abandoned her. I mean who does that?
21:20This time she told me about used to
21:24So that's where I helped when I could
21:27Paul with a car
21:29And you Gemma
21:31This is a mad days, but she didn't want me to meet you. You know, I had to practically beg her to for this today
21:40Sorry, can I just
21:50He's your head as Friday's mine, yeah, we need to speak to mom now
22:15I smell young
22:22She unhappy pills
22:24It's not Glenda's fault
22:27Well, this only means one thing done it
22:30He's bottled it
22:32And maybe he's got a pint. Maybe we should just keep storm
22:40She's obsessed with me
22:45She's just like a happy barmaid
22:48Right, I've decided I'm gonna get this down me and then I'm gonna go over there. Yes. See those twins
22:56It's time. They knew the truth, even if he's there or not. I deserve at least that
23:01You know honey, perhaps I should just stay here
23:04Do you mind sure not at all? No, no, no, no, no, if he turns up on Korea Oh target
23:39Don't care what anybody says that wasn't a party
23:44I've been to worse not a patch on that Glenn Close party. I went to
23:49Summer of 85 Glenn Close the movie star. No, it's a coldest act behind flyover. Oh my goodness
23:58bottomless Long Island iced tea and
24:01They got a professional Tom Jones sound alike. Now. That's what I call the party
24:22Next stage of the plan to break it to Tim's house
24:26My ex was a housebreaker witness Keith ever heard of him
24:30Was he from witness?
24:31Yeah, no, I haven't. Do you know what he said was the best way to break into an average gaff? I'm not interested
24:38No, no, no, no, because I know that Tim's got a spare key underneath the plant pot in the back garden
24:43All I need is for you. Give me a bunk up over the fence
24:56So, what did you think of the seminar it's a loads of things away from it Oh brilliant
25:01Got me really excited about running the shop. Well, you know what you should do come to one of the in-person seminars
25:05It's a really great place to network. I just want to wrap my head around it all first yesterday
25:11I was just a student today. Well, it sounds to me like you need all the support you can get
25:15I don't think I can afford the membership fees. I'll definitely look into it. I
25:22Have got to get to work Oh in your own time, sorry guess back in with the boss
25:29Go on then out with it
25:31No, it's nothing to do with me Amy's a grown-up careful, I think you've had a bang to the head
25:42No, we think about it, so we opened his bounce have loads of a is any I mean
25:46He's probably a proper troll magnum's music anybody that statue thing. It's probably someone who's a massive fan
25:51I'm kind of wishing I'd nicked it now. Hmm
25:54Be a statue of me
25:56What for well for my philanthropy my selfless council work my campaigning for LGBTQ plus rights
26:04Texting selfie don't make you a campaigner love. No what I'm a very well-known figure in this area. Where would it go this statue?
26:13Well, you could get rid of Maxine's bench for a start stick me there
26:17It's just something to mull over Tim
26:20You know
26:20Somebody says do you think Sally I'd like an MBE and you could say well
26:23How about an MBE and a statue and I could be wearing my Merrill chains
26:29I best get off. I probably dream of statues tonight. No, I'm not like that. I always dream really lucky out there stuff
26:36Players by Kirk
26:41Fancy bear
26:43What did you turn into Sid James
26:46I'm just surprised that you'd be so inappropriate while we're discussing the possible commemorations of my life dear though
26:53Yeah, go on. We have to be quick because come down with me is on in a bit
27:00Hey now listen, there's something I need to talk to the pair of you about hi Bernie
27:06But it looks like someone might have beaten me to it
27:10What have you said to him?
27:13Is it true no, I need to know what he said, you know what I've said is he our brother
27:20Is that
27:22No, it wasn't meant to be like this. This isn't fair fair
27:26You're literally me about fairness
27:28Why did you do it without me? You've not even told us yet
27:38Yeah, it's true he's your brother
27:42It's your baby brother. Oh
27:45Don't look at me like that Paulie
27:48He sold us all sorts. I what stop fighting it fighting what well your life's built on lies Bernie
27:55No, I didn't lie about yeah, I just I didn't tell anyone the truth
27:59It was that hard to be honest with myself. You know, I was I was ashamed
28:04And there it is
28:07It's over the genie's out the bowl
28:12I'm so sorry son
28:18So I've been having a little ponder
28:23You know just thinking about our living arrangements
28:28And well moving forward, you know what was getting married and you're gonna suggest I move out
28:36It was only ever meant to be
28:39Talk about a kick in the teeth
28:41Don't be like that. I've just uploaded a picture of me and you so my story is hashtag roomies forever
28:46I'm going to change it hashtag stabbed in the heart
28:49Are you taking the make you die?
28:52Would I?
28:55So you don't mind then no, no, I think it makes sense for Joel to take my room
29:00I'll start looking for someone else today. Okay, I can see how much he means to you
29:04You guys need your own privacy and this way you can have your own room each
29:10And yeah, we're really good. I'm excited
29:12It's not getting away from him being the one. Okay. Okay enough now try to keep my food down
29:30Are you determined to give me a heart attack
29:32How are you Emma was an hour ago when you saw me
29:36Why the sudden concern I?
29:38spoke to Michael
29:40bully for you
29:42Told me you two would split up. Yeah, I'm not bothered. I'll give me more time to do what I want
29:49He told me everything
29:54I went a bit mad didn't I got all carried away with our fight about the house
30:00Carried away with our fight about the will I do this all the time, you know
30:05Throw myself into the drama
30:07It's like the Starlight Express where he calls all over again
30:11But I swear George I didn't mean to trip that guy over just got caught up in the moment
30:17I'm just as much to blame as well. What for me not getting starlight about the will
30:22And now cock. I'm sorry. I let it get so out of hand. I hate rowing with you
30:29You're all I've got
30:32Just you me and the blusher kid I
30:39Want you to have the house you are I'll keep the business you can have the house really
30:51No one's that hungry
30:54Hey, I know you chip that feather up on purpose who me
31:05I'm serious. I
31:11Have a brother and don't have his time to get to know him proper
31:20To the words right out my mouth pop
31:23You treated him so badly man
31:30You know me
31:32Right, you know my heart and you know my soul
31:37And I don't know what he's told you. He's got a name, you know full
31:41Well, if you chop me enough, I've got love written through me like rock. So you're denying he gave him up for adoption
31:48Of course not so why didn't you just tell me when I found them letters to Christopher Green I don't know
31:58It's like you had a game of favorites we won
32:03It wasn't a competition you made it one
32:07So are you denying that you arranged to meet him?
32:10Ten years ago, did you or did you not arrange to meet him?
32:14I did and did you or did you know? All right, love?
32:17He's the copper not you did you or did you not bottle it and stand him up? Oh
32:26I see you're part. They're no common brigade. I
32:32Was scared you okay lied three sheets to the wind
32:36You get the chance to meet the one you gave away and what do you do go down the nearest boozer and rock them all
32:43Are you being like this Gemma because we had a chance to know him. I was scared and full of shame
32:49You're full of ale. I'm a screw-up. Okay, but you've always known that mom
32:54You denied us our own brother because you were being selfish
33:09Seen this one before. It's a really good one. It's the one where it really kicks off at the end
33:25You've seen them programs and you like them programs and you always feel sorry for the mom don't ya
33:31This isn't an episode of long-lost family
33:34You ain't gonna be soppy piano music playing under there
33:37But you know how much shame is involved in giving up a kid a baby
33:42It's the worst thing a mother can do tell me some I don't know or is it
33:50Maybe the worst thing a mother could do
33:53Would be to reunite with a long-lost son while the other one is dying line up a replacement
33:58Will you just shut your big copper gob surely even you can see what it looks like Bernie?
34:03I said shut up. No, I won't because I've been hidden away far too long
34:29Didn't have to kick her out I did
34:35Just when you think you know someone they're gonna throw you this kind of curveball
34:39Mom of all people doing something like this
34:42Listen in a way. I should be grateful
34:46What for?
34:48About how I came into this world what happened to me?
34:52How can you be grateful for being abandoned? Yeah? Why?
34:58Because it made me the man I am today
35:01She must have been desperate and embarrassed
35:06Still that don't give it the right to
35:12Yeah, well not today she could have really hurting me that remote it's one way of changing the channels, I guess
35:19She was just lashing out must have been a really hard day for her
35:24God you're so nice
35:27Any nice Paul?
35:28No all this coming out this dark secret. She kept from though. She allegedly loved so much
35:35It's a lot. Yeah, it is I
35:38Feel like I should go and check on her. You know make sure she's okay
35:42This is all my fault
35:44No, it's not. This is all on her tell him Paul. Don't try and stop me. My mind's made up
35:57He's amazing he's so kind are we that kind I
36:03Don't think we are
36:10Supposing that was funny
36:11Lily had another flaming heart so I can sell you nearly had a stroke
36:14Oh, let's see flipping day cuz the chicks go flipping mad for him. Don't they how did you get in our house anyway?
36:20I thought you'd appreciate it having the head of your red-hot lover
36:23Hey choosing that little rat over your best friend on his 50th birthday
36:28And don't say you did it cuz I know you did Sally was flashing that bash all over social media. You're a liar
36:34I had no choice. I was caught between a rock and a bar place
36:37I mean, where does he get off first of all, he steals me wife
36:40Then he steals me best mate and gets him to lie to me
36:42You need to calm down mate. Give yourself an earn here. Tell me what part of all that ain't true
36:46Oh, come on. I had to take a look at myself in the mirror this morning
36:49I just have a lot of our questions. I am 50 and what have I got?
36:55Allitosis nothing nada
36:57Silks are you crying? No. Yeah. Yeah. Come here. Get up. Get up get off. Nothing wrong with me. I'm fine
37:10Can I give you a bit of advice I mean I can't say too much because I've signed an NDA
37:15Leanne said that you've bad mouth at all
37:18Okay, if I was aware of a similar organization to them one where I hadn't signed anything. I would say avoid them
37:26Now certain people might have got it into their heads that they're the good guys, but I think they target vulnerable people
37:33With all respect toya. I am a grown-up and I am capable of making my own mind up
37:39Yeah, I know. I wouldn't join anything unless I was sure it was legit. I'm not an idiot
37:44Well, neither is Leanne, but she's I get to work
37:48I'm sorry if I offended you. My mom's Tracy Barlow take a lot more than that to offend me
37:58Go love
38:00I'm impressed that you crumbled so easily surprised but impressed. I'm not no, I you know, I get it
38:06I do life's too short for these
38:10Interpersonal sibling style conflicts to roll on indefinitely. I mean look at oasis
38:18It's Michael
38:20Hello didn't have you down as particularly interested in the Gallagher brothers Mary all those pesky chum nuts, you know
38:27Sometimes I I just want to bash their heads together and say come on guys
38:32Sort it out. Which one is your favorite? Let's just say I'm a little bit of a swinger one day
38:38It'll be team Liam and then the next day I swing and it's team Noel all the way
38:44pocket call I
38:46Don't think you should have given in so easily
38:49Can't win with you. Well in my book capitulation is key
38:53Mary stop trying to make out that you some massively successful negotiator you work in a shop
38:57No, I like to see myself as the least to set of weatherfields calm in a crisis unflappable and no stranger to conflict
39:06Yeah, well
39:08It was time to wave the white flag
39:11Don't be bothered arguing anymore
39:14An image of me mother came into me mind's eye actually
39:18Sat there in a chair with a bag of baby Tom's
39:21Shaking her head as if to say let it go
39:24Let it go
39:26Did you mum right frozen?
39:29And I did
39:38Okay, so can I get a drumroll, please
39:41Well, can I got my hands fully?
39:43That's a fair point hold the drums. Um, I do have a question for you though. Okay, how would you like to move in here?
39:53But there's no room Adams gonna move out
39:59And then we can have a room each well at least until we get hitched you sure he doesn't mind no, he's totally up for it
40:05It's quite surprised actually. I mean obviously we'll have to wait till he's found somewhere else. Well
40:09Surely it's cause for celebration. Yeah. Well, I demand something stronger than TV
40:17Why not why not
40:33Missing you already
41:10Why did you go behind me back like that
41:13We had a plan
41:14Just wanted you to get a taste of your own medicine
41:17I'll pharmacist now. Are you?
41:20Man of many talents so you'd know how it feels
41:23To have your own flesh and blood turn the backs on you. Yeah, well them to love me and yet they're hurting now
41:29But they'll come round. They're just in shock. That's all. How did it feel when you sat in the pub waiting for me?
41:35Wondering if I'd show not nice. Is it when all your emotions are invested in it?
41:40You geared yourself up for ages. All your dreams are about to come true and then
41:47They're gone
41:48And a puff of smoke. You couldn't make me feel any guiltier than I already do
41:53You can always lash out again
41:55If you want make my day to arrest you for assaulting a cop
42:01Or maybe I do it retrospectively
42:04Got witnesses now
42:07Just be honest with you brother and sister I have been
42:12Because I see you Bernie
42:15And I know you're scum
42:26That's dreading it, you know turning 50 didn't exactly cover myself in glory turning 40 why I
42:34Got depression tonight. Well, it's not your fault. That's nothing to be embarrassed about
42:40No, what to be found on all cylinders ten years later, you know
42:44Walking down the road spring in me step everyone giving it. All right, Steve top bloke him
42:49And then life happens, doesn't it?
42:53He was a son and there one of me daughters goes to hell and back
42:57The other one moves to the other side of the world and then my wife hopes and leaves with a guy out on a flippin
43:03Tea towel. Well, you've still got me, you know, I didn't earlier did I?
43:07Yeah, I'm sorry about that
43:10Well, you're stronger than you think, you know
43:13You build yourself back up in no time
43:16I suppose the big question is what we're gonna do with this flippin I saw
43:31Gemma can we talk? No, I don't want nothing to do with yet. Neither does our pop. Look you're in shock. I got that
43:37Oh, I'm throwing stuff at the poor lad poor lad. He's a piece of work him
43:42Well, what do you think I don't want you anywhere near the kids
43:47Hey, and I don't want you anywhere near me either