Accidentally Saw My Scary Female CEO's, And Then ...

  • 2 months ago
Accidentally Saw My Scary Female CEO's, And Then ...
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00I'm Kenji Yamamoto, 27 years old. I work in the sales department of this newish
00:06knick-knack company that was established a year ago.
00:09Kenji, where's that presentation you were supposed to work on yesterday?
00:13Sorry, there were some customer complaints I had to handle.
00:17I didn't ask for excuses, did I? I told you to report any complaints first, right?
00:24The total looker here is the boss lady, Lisa Kato.
00:28She's just 27 but already runs this company after breaking away.
00:33I'm sorry, it was after hours and I thought it was best to handle it pronto.
00:38You know, sometimes you can't handle everything by yourself, right?
00:43Next time give me a heads up, got it?
00:46She might look like a scary boss at first glance,
00:49but everyone knows she's got the employees' backs with her words.
00:53Turns out my boss and I used to work at the same company before.
00:57She was the superstar in sales and I was just dead weight in the planning department.
01:03When she scouted me to work as a sales guy for this company, I was shocked.
01:08But at that time, I just found a kitten and I needed more time.
01:13So I didn't hesitate to switch jobs.
01:18I haven't closed a single deal yet.
01:21Honestly, I might be even more useless here than I was at my old job.
01:26Kenji, I'm heading out for some field work.
01:29Counting on you for the rest.
01:30Call me right away if something happens, okay?
01:34Ugh, b-b-b-black!
01:38Huh? What's wrong?
01:40Is her skirt caught? What should I say?
01:44Uh, boss, it feels kind of cold today, doesn't it?
01:48Ugh, it's hot as heck, isn't it?
01:51Well, yeah, but I sort of feel like I need an extra layer, you know?
01:57They say you gotta be careful about catching a cold.
02:01I'm fine with...
02:04You saw, didn't you?
02:08You saw it, right?
02:11Um, yeah...
02:14I'm really, really sorry.
02:18Yes, ma'am?
02:20Come to my office later.
02:22Yes, ma'am.
02:24I thought I'd let her know subtly.
02:26Why did it turn out like this?
02:29Knowing the boss's secret, I've got no choice but to take responsibility.
02:35After work, I went to the boss's office with my resignation letter,
02:39which I poured my heart into during break time.
02:42I guess there's no other option.
02:45Farewell, my life in a nice company.
02:48Excuse me, it's Kenji.
02:50Come in.
02:52So, you came.
02:54Yes, I'm truly sorry.
02:56I know I've caused you trouble in the past,
02:59and while I'd love a chance to make up for it with good performance,
03:03this time it's different.
03:05I see.
03:06So what are you planning to do?
03:08I'm here to accept responsibility.
03:11I'm prepared for that.
03:14Are you seriously planning to take responsibility?
03:19I'm a man, too, so there's no other way.
03:22Plus, if I don't do this, I don't think your heart will be at ease, boss.
03:27Yeah, but you sure you're okay with that?
03:31Of course.
03:34You're really sure?
03:36Well, to be honest, I had a lot on my mind, since it's a tough decision.
03:42I see.
03:43I understand.
03:44But if that'll make you feel better, I'm ready.
03:50If you say so.
03:52I'll accept your determination.
03:54Yes, and this is the necessary-
03:57Documents already?
03:58But there's still...
04:00You know, I haven't even, like, met your family or anything.
04:06You have to do that, too?
04:08Just for resigning?
04:10Of course.
04:11Well, I'm super excited from now on.
04:18So, a few hours later, who showed up at my place with the massive load of stuff was...
04:26Oh, at home.
04:28It's Lisa, alright?
04:30Sure, Lisa.
04:31But why, though?
04:35Because we're getting married, aren't we?
04:37You're the one who proposed.
04:41I haven't done anything like that.
04:46I thought...
04:47I mean, you were about to file our marriage papers, weren't you?
04:51No way.
04:53Why would I have those papers ready to go?
04:56Uh, yeah, true.
04:59So then, was everything you said earlier a lie?
05:04I mean, I did say I'd take responsibility, but I didn't think it'd be like this.
05:10I mean, getting married just because I saw your skirt?
05:14Seriously, would you want to marry me?
05:17I'm more of a cat person, but maybe you're a dog person.
05:22I was only going to show it to the person I dedicated my whole life to.
05:26It was a secret for a special someone, so I've cherished it.
05:30Besides, I'm a cat person, so no problem here.
05:34I'm really sorry.
05:36You're right.
05:37Maybe there's a different way to take responsibility for this.
05:41I'll discreetly toss that resignation letter.
05:45I'm inexperienced, but please treat me well.
05:50That's awesome!
05:52But, boss?
05:54I told you, I'm not the boss at home.
05:57Just Lisa.
05:58Say it, come on.
06:03Yes, darling?
06:04Wow, she's a whole different person at home.
06:08And so, our cohabitation life began.
06:12Here comes the plane.
06:16Lisa, what's, um, this?
06:19What do you mean, what?
06:21It's braised pork belly.
06:23Cooked it up real good in the pressure cooker.
06:25It's my masterpiece.
06:27It looks delicious.
06:29I mean, uh, I can eat it myself.
06:34But it was my dream to have meals like this with my hubby.
06:39Can't even do that much for me, huh?
06:42I'm sorry.
06:43I'll eat it.
06:44Please, feed me.
06:46There you go.
06:48Is it good?
06:49Yeah, it's really good.
06:52There's plenty more, so have seconds.
06:55And on another day.
06:57There, there.
06:59Good girl.
07:01Here's your food.
07:02Eat up and grow big and strong, all right?
07:07Do you think this kitty's cute?
07:09Oh, absolutely.
07:11I think it's fate that brought us together.
07:14I see.
07:16Hey, what about me?
07:18Am I not cute?
07:21We're working at the same company and living together like this.
07:25Isn't that fate?
07:27Which one's cuter?
07:28The kitty or me?
07:32What kind of question is this?
07:35Tell me properly.
07:37No secrets between husband and wife, right?
07:39Husband and...
07:42If we're going to get married, isn't that how it works?
07:45Am I not cute to you, Kenji?
07:47You're not just cute.
07:49I mean, you're beautiful, Lisa.
07:54What did you say?
07:55I didn't quite catch that.
07:57Look me in the eye and say it again, Kenji.
08:01Well, Lisa, you see...
08:08It was the perfect moment.
08:11Kitty's jealous of me now.
08:13I get it, though.
08:14Even kitty likes you, Kenji.
08:17What is she?
08:21And at the office.
08:23So, Scramble Inc.
08:24What's the proposal for the new kids' stationery?
08:27Well, we thought this design would appeal to all of us.
08:31We thought this design would appeal to our target audience.
08:35I like it.
08:36Try to find an illustrator who's a mother.
08:39She's so different at work compared to at home.
08:42I always thought she was kind-hearted, but...
08:47Oh, our eyes!
08:50Let's go, Kenji!
08:57I love you!
09:01Wait, did she just say, I love you?
09:05During these days, it was obvious that my boss had feelings for me.
09:10With familiarity comes a sense of security.
09:13And Lisa's affectionate gestures became a familiar sight.
09:17Lisa, I've been wondering for a while.
09:21My vital stats?
09:24Why did you recruit me?
09:27I mean, I wasn't exactly the star employee at my previous company.
09:31And I was in a different department.
09:34So, I'm curious.
09:36You are a fast worker, Kenji.
09:39When you were in the planning department, you worked faster than anyone, didn't you?
09:44Didn't you know you had the utmost trust from the sales department?
09:50Everyone in the planning department envied you and dumped their work on you.
09:55I warned them several times, but they evaded it.
09:58Because they're another department.
10:01That's why when I started this company, I headhunted you.
10:04Your former colleagues must be screaming by now.
10:07I had no idea.
10:10Kenji, you're kind and considerate.
10:14And I always thought you were suited for sales.
10:16It must be tough at first, but I'll support you.
10:19So let's do our best.
10:21Thank you very much.
10:23Hey, kitty.
10:25You know all of Kenji's good points, right?
10:29She really thinks of me that way.
10:32I want to live up to her expectations and support her wholeheartedly.
10:38Afterward, I threw myself even more into my work.
10:41I realized that sales could be so much fun.
10:44And with each interaction, I got better.
10:48This is fun.
10:49I never knew sales could be this exciting.
10:53I need to study the products more so I can explain them to clients better.
10:57And I should do more research.
11:00Time flew by and I often ended up working late.
11:04I'm home.
11:06Kenji, you were working late again?
11:08You're overdoing it.
11:10Try to come back on time tomorrow.
11:12I'm sorry.
11:14I'll be more mindful.
11:16Thanks for the meal.
11:17I'll go change first.
11:18I'll take care of the cleanup and bathroom cleaning.
11:21Sure, thanks.
11:23Wait, is this?
11:25A resignation letter?
11:29One day.
11:30Are you planning to work today?
11:32It's your day off, isn't it?
11:34I have something I want to check, so I'll go to the office.
11:37I'll be back soon.
11:38It's great that you're enthusiastic, but don't overdo it.
11:42Make sure to apply for overtime pay.
11:44Thank you.
11:46However, I received a sudden call on my way to the office and had to change my destination.
11:53I ended up at a cafe near one of our clients.
11:57Thank you for meeting with me today.
11:59The pleasure is mine.
12:00Sorry for contacting you all of a sudden.
12:03Not at all.
12:04I really appreciate your time.
12:06I managed to secure an appointment with Koiwa Corporation, which rarely happens.
12:11I can't miss this chance.
12:14And a few hours later.
12:17That was a good feeling.
12:18Maybe I'll get a positive response.
12:21Welcome back.
12:22Lisa, what's wrong?
12:24You seem down.
12:26Is something bothering you?
12:29I'm feeling a bit down.
12:32Oh, no.
12:33Do you have a headache?
12:35An upset stomach?
12:37If there's anything I can do, I'll do it.
12:39So please don't hesitate.
12:41Oh, I'll get some medicine and a warm blanket.
12:45Not my body.
12:46It's my heart.
12:49Kenji, only you can heal it.
12:54So you'll take responsibility, right?
12:57Yeah, but...
12:59Well then, I have a favor to ask.
13:05Hello, this is Kenji Yamamoto.
13:08I'm surprised.
13:09What was that just now?
13:11Did I not express my feelings properly?
13:14Huh, really?
13:16Thank you so much.
13:20The next day, I successfully secured the contract with Koiwa Corporation during a weekend meeting.
13:28A major contract with Koiwa Corporation!
13:32You're amazing, Kenji!
13:34Thank you.
13:36Congratulations, Kenji.
13:38Thank you, boss.
13:39Huh, she still seems down.
13:43Shall we celebrate today?
13:45Maybe it's just my imagination.
13:47If I express my feelings today, I'm sure I can put Lisa at ease.
13:52After work, we prepared a modest celebration together.
13:56Thanks to you, Lisa, we landed that contract.
14:00Thank you so much.
14:01I didn't really do anything.
14:04It's all a result of your hard work.
14:06It's not like that.
14:08I was able to work so confidently because you were here for me.
14:13Before things get busier, there's something I want to tell you.
14:16I understand.
14:18There's also the handover to consider, right?
14:22You're planning to change jobs after securing the contract with Koiwa Corporation, right?
14:27No way!
14:28Why would I do that?
14:30It's okay, don't push yourself!
14:32In our industry, it's not uncommon.
14:34Also, who would want to work at a place where there's a boss like me?
14:39Besides, you never really wanted to live together when I first suggested it, did you?
14:46Because you're a kind person, I took advantage of you.
14:49And I'm sorry for that.
14:51You don't have to worry about anything anymore.
14:54I'll support your future.
14:56Lisa, what are you talking about?
14:59Hey, listen to me!
15:01I don't want to hear it!
15:04I knew you'd prepare the resignation letter.
15:06And even that time when you said you were going to work and left,
15:10you didn't actually go to the office.
15:14Please let me explain.
15:17I did write a resignation letter, that's true.
15:20But that was just a preparation I made, thinking I need to take responsibility.
15:26I didn't want you to find out about my intention to leave the company,
15:30so I secretly prepared it.
15:32But living together made it difficult to find the right moment to discard it.
15:36But I have no intention of quitting the company.
15:39So the reason why you were meeting that woman was?
15:44I met with the general manager of Koiwa Corporation.
15:47She's a busy person, and I asked her to contact me during any spare moments she had.
15:52That's why she suddenly called me the other day.
15:58So it was all my misunderstanding?
16:03I'm sorry, I-
16:04Please don't apologize.
16:06It's my fault for making you worried.
16:09Actually, was working hard,
16:11cause when I secured a big contract, I wanted to properly confess my feelings to you.
16:17Lisa, I love you.
16:19Will you continue to be with me?
16:23How much do you have to make me love you?
16:27Did I do something?
16:29You did it, don't you remember?
16:32About six months ago,
16:34Lisa, who was competing for the top sales position in the sales department and was very busy,
16:39seemed to have suffered from health issues.
16:42I'm so tired, but I don't want anyone to know about this weakness.
16:48Oh, I'm sorry.
16:50Oh, my body.
16:53You okay?
16:54Don't tell anyone.
16:58A few minutes later.
17:00Wait, where is this?
17:03It's best if you stay in bed and rest.
17:07But, Kenji?
17:09Wait, gotta work.
17:10Don't worry, I haven't told anyone.
17:13Please take your medicine and rest for a while.
17:18I've been into you all this time,
17:20but I couldn't bring myself to talk to you.
17:23I tried to make things easier for you at work, Kenji,
17:26but being just an employee had its limits.
17:28I had been thinking about independence,
17:31and if that was the case, why not recruit you?
17:34So, that's how it was?
17:36Of course I appreciate your skills at work, Kenji,
17:40but I also fell for you.
17:43So, when the opportunity arose,
17:46I was so happy I went a little overboard.
17:49I feel the same way.
17:51Thanks for finding me.
17:53Hey, are you sure about this?
17:56We're really going to get married, you know?
17:58Yes, not out of obligation,
18:01but because I want to be with you.
18:06After that, for six months,
18:08I worked as a rising star in the sales department.
18:11Starting with a major contract with Koiwa Corporation,
18:15I was able to secure various projects.
18:17The company's performance was on the rise,
18:20and boss continued to work hard.
18:22And as for my personal life…
18:25I officially married Lisa.
18:28A.K.A. the CEO.
18:30And we enjoyed a settled married life.
18:33Where are we going today?
18:35It's a surprise for later.
18:38I was thinking of buying a new one.
18:40Or why?
18:42Don't you already have a lot?
18:44Well, this black one is the first one
18:47you saw and complimented me on.
18:50I mean, well, yeah, that's true.
18:53It left quite an impression.
18:56And besides,
18:57you say cute things to our kitty all the time,
19:00but you don't say them to me so much, so…
19:03I'd be happy if you chose something
19:05that could make me cuter, you know?
19:09You're already incredibly cute.
19:12I didn't hear that.
19:14Say it again.
19:16You're cute!
19:17Will you say that every day?
19:21With her, it seemed like my heart
19:23would never stop pounding.
19:27Hi, it's me, Mel!
19:30Thanks for watching my channel!
19:33I'm super happy if you watch the next
19:36and other videos, too!
