00:00Dans le jardin, c'est là qu'on aime aller
00:05Dans le jardin, c'est là que les choses s'épanouissent
00:09Dans le jardin, l'imagination coule
00:12C'est là qu'il y a de la glace
00:14Il y a de la pâtisserie
00:15Et de la joie entre vos pieds
00:18Dans le jardin, nous voulons grandir avec vous
00:30Hey Lucy, which came first, the chicken or the egg ?
00:34Well, it's obvious Lenny, the chicken !
00:37It had to lay the egg so other chickens could hatch
00:41Right Randy ?
00:42My money's on the chicken
00:44But the chicken had to come out of an egg before it could even lay another one, right ?
00:49Ok, you know what, this question makes my head hurt
00:53It makes my whole body hurt
00:55Let's play video games
00:58The hurting has stopped
01:08Hello Lenny, hello Lucy
01:11Have I got an amazing job for you two today
01:15It involves babies
01:17Babies, I love babies
01:20Me too, they're cute and cuddly
01:23But sometimes they smell and not in a good way
01:26Oh Lenny, you're being silly
01:29What kind of babies are we talking about boss ?
01:31Well, technically they're not babies yet
01:35They're eggs, toucan eggs to be precise
01:41They look like candy, but you know, in an egg
01:44I need you guys to watch over these eggs until they hatch
01:48It will take a lot of time and patience
01:51But I believe in you two
01:54Oh, and I believe I just won
01:59No fair, the boss distracted me with treats
02:08This must be where the eggs are
02:10Going up
02:12There they are Lucy, the candy eggs
02:14Not candy
02:15Right, I knew that
02:16They are so pretty
02:18They're so small
02:20Oh, I can't wait to see what the babies look like inside
02:23Hang on Lenny, we can't just open the eggs
02:26We can't ?
02:27No, remember what the boss said
02:30We're gonna have to be patient
02:32The eggs will hatch on their own real soon
02:34Well, I'm so curious
02:36Hey, I'm a cat, so I guess that makes sense
02:38Okay, I'll be patient
02:41Tell you what, I'll go get us some yummy fruit to munch on
02:44While you watch the eggs
02:46Sounds great
02:48Okay, patience, patience
02:52I am Mr. Patience
03:02Waiting, waiting
03:18I can't take it anymore
03:20Just one little peek
03:22Lenny, stop, what are you doing ?
03:25I'm sorry, I was weak
03:27You were gone so long
03:29I was gone three minutes
03:31It felt like three years
03:33I just got so impatient
03:36I wanted to see what the baby birds looked like so bad
03:39But Lenny, if you break the eggs open too early
03:42You could hurt the baby inside
03:45You know, there's a great Bible story about patience
03:48That I think can help you out
03:50Will this take long ?
03:51Lenny !
03:52Sorry, go ahead
03:53In the book of Genesis, chapter 17
03:55There's a story about a man named Abram and his wife Sarai
03:58Abram and Sarai were very old and had no babies
04:01In fact, Sarai was not able to have babies at all
04:04One day, when Abram was 99 years old
04:07God told him that Sarai was going to have a baby
04:10The Lord also changed his name to Abraham and her name to Sarah
04:13At first, Abraham didn't believe God
04:16But learned to trust God
04:18Then Abraham and Sarah had to be very patient
04:21They had to wait four more chapters
04:23Until Sarah finally had her baby Isaac
04:26But when Isaac was born, Abraham said he was worth the wait
04:30And he thanked God for his beautiful new baby boy
04:34See Lenny, in the end it will be totally worth the wait
04:37To see the baby birds
04:39The Lord will help you be patient
04:41You know what Lucy ?
04:42I think you're right
04:44Lord, thank you for helping me be patient
04:47And thank you for keeping these babies safe
04:50In Jesus name, Amen
04:56So, Lenny, now that the babies are hatched
04:59Was it worth the wait ?
05:00Absolutely !
05:02Thank you Jesus for six incredible new toucans
05:05They are so cute !
05:08And hungry
05:12Yes !