DRАGULА S02Е08 (2017)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Listen up boys. Tomorrow is a very important dinner for me. It's my famous candlelight
00:21supper. Go and show me how you're going to pour this. Come on.
00:28Oh, look what you did. You ruined it when you brought it back to life. You know that?
00:33Who cares? Who cares? What difference does it make? He still knows how to do the important things.
00:41Oh, come on.
00:45What was that? I told you to defrost some of the meat, not the whole damn freezer.
00:57Oh, my God.
01:03Stop that. I will not have old meatballs ruining my candlelight supper.
01:33Oh, my God.
02:03Oh, my God.
02:33Oh, my God.
03:03You know, I didn't even know she was still in there.
03:12Look at him. Go on, get rid of her. Come on. Wait, wait a minute. Wait a minute. We've
03:21got a huge dinner party tomorrow night, and this is the kind of roast that just keeps
03:25on giving.
03:33Oh, my God.
04:03And here they are. Right where we left them. Rise and shine, uglies.
04:34Oh, my God.
04:42Dolly, I served you fame and fortune on a silver platter, and you choked.
04:51Disasterina. Always so full of confidence. You know, a little low self-esteem or some
05:05jealousy, some hate, something could have made you so much more deadly. I mean, after
05:11all, if you can't hate yourself, how in the hell are you going to hate somebody else?
05:21Who the fuck's this?
05:32Look at Abora. Why did you have to melt her? This is a mess. It is going to take me all
05:42night to reconstitute her.
05:44Get them all upstairs. Now.
08:54Welcome to a very special dinner party. It's our Dragula Last Supper.
08:59We've also invited the recently departed, because everybody knows even dead girls love
09:04the opportunity to show off their dinner party vest. We wanted to give our ghouls one last
09:09moment in the spotlight. Let's dim the lights, dust off these corpses, and let the floor show
09:39Welcome to a very special dinner party. It's our Dragula Last Supper. We've also invited
09:45the recently departed, because everybody knows even dead girls love the opportunity to show
09:51off their dinner party vest. Let's dim the lights, dust off these corpses, and let the
09:57floor show begin. Let's go.
10:09Welcome to a very special dinner party. It's our Dragula Last Supper. We've also invited
10:15the recently departed, because everybody knows even dead girls love the opportunity to show
10:21off their dinner party vest. Let's dim the lights, dust off these corpses, and let the
10:27floor show begin. Let's go.
10:39Welcome to a very special dinner party. It's our Dragula Last Supper. We've also invited
10:45the recently departed, because everybody knows even dead girls love the opportunity to show
10:51off their dinner party vest. Let's dim the lights, dust off these corpses, and let the
10:57floor show begin. Let's go.
11:09Finally, ghouls, our guests of honor have arrived.
11:39Here we all are. Well, welcome, uglies.
12:07It's so fantastic to have the entire filthy family together again.
12:15Now, we really have had an exciting season with all of you, but as you know, we're down
12:19to our final three competitors, and soon one of them will be crowned our next drag super
12:24That's why you guys are here today. We need your help. You guys have grown with these
12:28competitors. You've fought with them, you've cried with them, you've competed with them,
12:32and I think you have all the information we need to help us make our decision.
12:36Basically, you know all the dirty secrets, and we want everything laid out on this table.
12:40And before we're done, we're going to ask each of you who you think most deserves to
12:45snatch that crown.
12:47And I'm guessing that it's going to be like any good family reunion, a messy, emotional,
12:52dramatic train wreck.
12:54So let's begin at the beginning.
13:00With the appetizer course.
13:03Now, you guys dropped your lives and moved across the country so that you could become
13:07a part of this competition.
13:09Let's take a look back at the origins of your journey.
13:14Hi, it's me, Abora.
13:18Hi, I'm Steven Guindile, otherwise known as Bitch Pudding, and I'm here to tell you,
13:24that not only I eat ass, I swallow too.
13:32Hey, I'm Kendra Onyx, the bloodthirsty sex demon.
13:36Welcome to my nightmare.
13:38Well, hello there, naughty boys and girls. It is I, Disaster Inman!
13:43Thank you, mister.
13:45Thank you, mister.
13:47Thank you, mister.
13:49You guys gave me it for some excitement tonight.
13:52And that's just what you're going to get.
13:54Who wants to die for art?
14:09Being in the body bag for that amount of time with like being in like a side of a used condom
14:14is absolutely terrible.
14:17Bitch looks like a Beyonce video reset, not a Dracula super monster.
14:22Bitch Pudding seems messy to me.
14:26This Abora bitch, she is fucking frightening to look at.
14:32Girl, what the fuck was she wearing?
14:34Well, I don't understand what's up with the majesty. She's not really thread roti as far as I'm concerned.
14:40There's some pretty sickening talent here, except for the one to my right.
14:46Gag me with a spoon, this bitch is awful.
14:49Body bags are just not good for sweaty drag queens.
14:52Erika Clash is cute, but let's see what she does.
14:56Disasterina looks like she just walked off the fucking street. Like, is she a hooker?
15:00Kendra Onyx seems awfully basic to be on this show, to be honest.
15:04I love Kendra Onyx. She's loud, she's an idiot, and she knows how to have a good time.
15:09She's not a dramatic person at all, and I appreciate that.
15:12I don't mind fighting anybody.
15:14They always tell me if anybody's got something to say to you, you can handle it in a grab. There's plenty of grabs to roll around in.
15:19You're not a monster, though. I don't consider you a sister.
15:22Yeah, what did you say about me, girl? Since we're on the subject.
15:25Trigger-happy alcoholic, that's what I said, bitch. You gotta pop a Xanax every ten fucking minutes.
15:29He's not pretentious at all. He's just a cunt.
15:37It was quite a rocky beginning for some of you, wasn't it?
15:42Kendra, I want to ask you, what ran through your mind when you came out of that body bag and you saw your sisters for the first time?
15:47I mean, I was impressed by most everyone, but not everybody, to be honest.
15:51Who? Who were you not impressed by?
15:54Honestly, bitch, you look like a Beyonce redirect coming out of the fucking bag.
15:58Well, you see where the queen is, girl.
16:02Now, Abora, you were a big fan of the first season.
16:05I was.
16:06So, is it sort of surreal to be here today?
16:08I just realized where I am.
16:10Like, right now.
16:12I believe you.
16:13I'm right where Meatball, Vander, Xochitl, and they all were when they were drunkenly stabbing each other in the back.
16:20And I'm so excited for this opportunity to do the same.
16:25What do you think, Dolly?
16:27I love being surrounded by trash.
16:30Thank you.
16:31I feel so at home.
16:32Thank you.
16:34I have a really big bond with Victoria now, but I was stoked to see what a diverse group of people it was.
16:40It was absolutely amazing.
16:41Monique and James, you guys actually ran into each other at the airport before we even started filming.
16:47So, what was your reaction when you saw each other?
16:49What did you think about seeing each other and figuring out that you were on the show?
16:52You know, I wasn't too surprised right away because she is quite obviously a monster.
16:56I mean, look at her speak.
16:58I think she fits here.
16:59She is that animal, that trash, that dirt, that underground kind of vibe.
17:03So, I was kind of excited to see what she could do on the show.
17:05To see her walk up in front of me and we were on the same show and I was just like, Jesus.
17:12She carried my bags for me at the airport.
17:14I literally was like, Jesus Christ.
17:17Here we go.
17:19Here comes the drama.
17:21You brought one suitcase, Monique?
17:23You brought one suitcase?
17:25It's just all masks.
17:26Hashtag team one look.
17:27Monique, you got to watch it.
17:29You got to watch it.
17:30I do want to ask you guys because, you know, James…
17:33To be honest, I am so happy with James right now.
17:36Me and James' friendship, everything…
17:38I don't want to talk about that and you're interrupting me.
17:41Okay, I'm not going to say it again.
17:42We're not talking about that.
17:43You got it?
17:44Does everybody understand?
17:45Okay, great.
17:46I think James gets extreme reactions to the people that he meets.
17:49And some of you guys got those extreme reactions too.
17:51So, what is it about James that sometimes rubs people the wrong way?
17:54What do you think?
17:55Do you really want me to be like that now?
17:57She's really off-putting when you first meet her.
18:00Because she's like, oh, I'm this.
18:02Oh, I have this many followers.
18:03I'm this.
18:04I'm that.
18:05I'm this.
18:06Well, this is…
18:07Hold on.
18:08Let me finish.
18:09I let you talk.
18:10But when you actually get to know James' majesty, she's really sweet.
18:13But her persona is a bitch and I do not like her.
18:17I am a very confident person, but it's all an act that I put up.
18:20Coming to meet all of you queens, you scared the fuck out of me.
18:23All of you.
18:24It was very intimidating.
18:25So, I put up a whole front when I first got here.
18:28And each one of you let me know that I was a bitch.
18:30And that's when I learned to like, okay, let me humble myself real quick.
18:33I could see that you were doing that because you felt uncomfortable.
18:36Not because you were actually a bitch.
18:38I was very scared by all of you.
18:39She's a bitch.
18:40All right.
18:41Well, that was a nice appetizer, but I'm definitely still hungry for more.
18:44So, let's move on to the main course.
18:54Now, we took you guys to some crazy locations to finish out some of your challenges.
18:58So, we're going to take a quick look back and just see what it was like on Season 2 of Dragula to do drag out in the wild.
19:12Pulling up in that truck was a fucking disaster.
19:14I knew that was going to be just a shit show from the beginning.
19:17I don't know where the fuck we are.
19:19I don't know who I'm with.
19:25What a rude awakening to the old west.
19:27We pushed out of that truck right on the floor.
19:30So, drink a lot of water, pace yourself, because the temperature threatens to reach a hellish 100 degrees today.
19:37Hello, uglies.
19:39Welcome to our cabin in the woods.
19:43I'm going to have to fucking shave my eyebrows off.
19:45I'm finally going to become a naked ball rat and not shave these eyebrows.
19:48And we're never going to get a dick in here.
19:50You want any shaving cream?
19:52We're in the fucking woods.
19:53We're camping.
19:55That's how you shave Dragula style.
20:00I feel like there should be violins playing or something.
20:02That's right, we're all going to Wasteland Weekend.
20:11This car ride is taking forever.
20:13I'm going to bore his breast sticks.
20:15I'm a little nervous to go to Wasteland Weekend.
20:17Although I'm a filthy queen, I do like a shower.
20:19So, it'll be interesting.
20:23Oh, my God.
20:28Fucking crazy.
20:31I washed my face and everything and then full coat of dirt again.
20:35These are definitely the craziest conditions I've ever had.
20:38I love this, though.
20:39Like, who ever would have thought we'd be getting ready in the middle of the desert?
20:41Like, we thought the woods was...
20:43Wait, are we still in California?
20:44We've arranged a photo shoot in a really red hot spot out in the desert.
20:48In fact, it's going to reach close to 100 degrees out there.
20:51So, while you're modeling for the cameraman, your challenge is to try to keep your cool
20:55and deliver the hottest photo of the day.
20:57And whoever does, scores the highest for that portion of the challenge.
21:02That was fun.
21:03Boy, oh boy.
21:05That was hot.
21:06Erica, what did you think of doing drag in those crazy locations?
21:10Girl, you have not done drag until you have tucked in the fucking woods, okay?
21:16But you know what?
21:17Those are the perfect tests.
21:18Because, like, there's the challenges, but then there's, like, get yourself in drag in the woods.
21:22Or stand out in the heat for hours and hours and don't let your eyebrows crack.
21:26You know, like, that is part of the hell of drag, so I totally embraced it.
21:30And I think we all were troopers.
21:31Teaches you quite a bit, doesn't it?
21:33Bitch, what about you?
21:34You survived a lot of the location challenges.
21:36What did you think was, like, the toughest and why?
21:38Uh, the woods fucked me up because I had to shave my brows in order to be pussy.
21:42That fucked me up.
21:43That was ballsy, bitch.
21:44I have to tell you that sitting there with Peaches Christ and Coco Peru,
21:47seeing you cry about your eyebrows was pathetic.
21:50Yeah, I was, like, getting over it.
21:52If it makes me feel better, I still hit it.
21:54So, I mean.
21:55All right.
21:56Okay, doll.
21:57On top of that, I have to tell you guys, this is really secret information,
22:01but it will help you deal with this.
22:03They grow back.
22:05Not that bad.
22:08You guys were tougher, you know, than you know.
22:10You know, and that's what that challenge was really about,
22:12to go in there and just let it out and be rough and tumble
22:15and roll in the dirt with another queen and work your problems out,
22:18like Kendra said, in the grass.
22:20In the grass.
22:21There's plenty of grass.
22:22There's plenty of grass to roll in, bitch.
22:24That's why we designed those exterminations.
22:26You know, it is to test you in various ways
22:29and help you push your limits so you can realize things like,
22:32I'm alive, I feel like a primal being,
22:34and I can be hurt, and I can hurt people, and I'm tough.
22:37And it's fun as fuck to watch you guys do all that shit.
22:40It just is.
22:42So, Erika, you have actually faced more extermination
22:46than any contestant on this show ever.
22:49So congratulations, first of all.
22:54And I will say, even when I did go home,
22:57I went out kicking and screaming,
22:59and, Abora, bitch, you limp into that next challenge,
23:02because I got you.
23:03Dolly, you were skyrocketing in the competition,
23:08and then you went up for extermination,
23:10and what happened?
23:12You guys play fair.
23:13You play hardball.
23:14So I knew that if I did poorly, you would exterminate me.
23:17To be honest, this competition's way more pressure
23:20physically and mentally than a lot of people see at home,
23:22and they'll never understand that
23:24until you are a competitor on the show,
23:26and, I mean, I fell short.
23:27That's an honest answer.
23:28It is a lot harder.
23:29You guys all know that now.
23:30People at home don't realize how much we torture you all,
23:33but I'm sure you think it's worth it.
23:35Yeah, these bitches are badass.
23:37I want to talk to Felony, too, about exterminations,
23:39because the one that you faced, I think,
23:41calls for a certain steely nature.
23:44Because you went home first, how did that feel?
23:46What did that experience do to you, do for you?
23:49I learned a lot of humility.
23:51Pinchay and I are getting along great over this.
23:57It's a lot of feelings of rejection,
23:59and rejection is a lot of feelings of no control,
24:02and Monique fuels my resentment,
24:04because we were all in the bottom,
24:07and her attitude was bad.
24:09She had a bad attitude.
24:11She was screaming for Vicodin and screaming for alcohol.
24:14Zanuck, not Vicodin.
24:16Not Vicodin, Zanuck.
24:19And if you're not grateful to be here, don't be here.
24:22Don't elect to be here any longer.
24:24Girl, I wore a mask, and I got here.
24:26You got there.
24:27And it fueled my resentment,
24:30and for all the gratitude I have to the Boulets
24:32for letting me be here.
24:33I'm so sorry that you felt that.
24:34Don't talk over her, please.
24:35I still validate you as a performer,
24:37and I think you're amazing.
24:38But I'm still making, still creating,
24:40still sewing, still doing,
24:41and I'm going to keep on doing it.
24:43Fucking awesome, man.
24:44And I still have gratitude for it,
24:46and I'm not going to scream like a baby about it either.
24:49Now, we were not aware of the questions
24:51that the polygraph operator would ask
24:54to try to embarrass you,
24:55and then he asked the incest question.
24:57So, girl, and then, and I think,
24:59and I think, which I love and live for,
25:02you stunned us with honesty,
25:03and I was like, you're finished.
25:04We thought James was the incest queen.
25:06I'm the incest queen of season two.
25:08She's the undercover incest queen.
25:10I can explain. I can explain.
25:11It was a cousin on my father's side.
25:15Now, if you know from watching the show,
25:17I don't know any of the family on my father's side, really.
25:20So it was someone that I didn't really grow up with,
25:22but then I was like, oh.
25:23I was like 15.
25:24I was like, yeah, I'd blow you on the way to the supermarket.
25:28This actually brings up the moment of truth for James.
25:33What is this incest bullshit?
25:37Here is your chance. Explain it.
25:40Oh, okay.
25:41So, my brother is a brother
25:44that I've adopted into my family.
25:46So it's chosen family. It's not biological family.
25:48He is chosen family.
25:49We are not related, but biologically,
25:51we each actually have the same last name,
25:53and we are best friends, and we did grow up together.
25:55And he is the closest family I have.
25:57And we have actually never slept together at all.
26:00At all.
26:01Even though he's a porn star, I do the porn, I'm the drag.
26:03We're all mixing everything together.
26:04Like, no. God, no.
26:06Is that just a rumor? How did that happen?
26:08There was a queen online who got kicked out of DragCon.
26:12And she made up a rumor about me,
26:15and it just spread with all the bearded people on Reddit.
26:20And, you know, it went crazy. That's all.
26:22Does everybody feel satisfied with that answer?
26:26But I would fuck him, yeah.
26:27I'd fuck your brother, too.
26:29Now, Disasterina, something interesting came out about you
26:32when you first started the competition,
26:34that you are actually married to a biological woman
26:36and have a stepdaughter.
26:38And she's hot.
26:39She's so hot.
26:40Are you calling my daughter hot?
26:42No, your wife.
26:43No, no, no, no, no.
26:44Okay, just checking.
26:45I wondered, you know, was it hard for you
26:48to feel like you fit in with these girls
26:50because of your sexual preferences?
26:52I was a little worried when I came onto the show.
26:54I mean, I am a little bit different from everybody else.
26:57But once I got to know everybody,
27:00I was really surprised at how loving everybody was.
27:04And I made friends here
27:06that I'm going to have my entire life.
27:09I love you.
27:10You're probably one of my favorite people here.
27:11It was such a non-issue.
27:12Disasterina is amazing.
27:13Disasterina's, like, top.
27:14She's amazing.
27:15We were all like, duh, there should be a straight drag queen.
27:17Like, that is a perspective that has not been showcased.
27:21And it is a valid perspective.
27:23Just like biological women or cisgender women doing drag
27:26or trans women doing drag.
27:27Queer doesn't mean being gay.
27:30You fit right into this fucked up family, bitch.
27:31Yes, you queer bitch.
27:32It has so much more to do with the state of mind
27:33than it does sexual identity.
27:35And you are so queer.
27:36She is queer.
27:37So, Kendra, during the rock and roll challenge,
27:42you seemed to have some conflicts with your bandmates.
27:45And it ultimately ended in you getting exterminated that night.
27:49How do you feel about that?
27:50Is there things that you think people at home maybe didn't see
27:54or didn't understand about what was happening?
27:56I was going through a lot of stuff in my personal life,
27:59to be honest.
28:00And I just didn't have the means to go to one of the two practices we had.
28:05It's not like we had many.
28:06So, I mean, let's just be honest.
28:08We didn't have many because you weren't there.
28:10Bitch, we had two.
28:11We had many without you.
28:12You weren't there.
28:13Okay, we had two practices.
28:14And what we did on stage is exactly what we practiced.
28:16Am I right or am I wrong?
28:17Yeah, but we could have practiced so much more.
28:20My question is—
28:21I wish you practiced not to lose your wig twice.
28:23Well, if you didn't hit me in the head like you did, I wouldn't have.
28:26You should practice not busting your seams in your pants, bitch.
28:28That's what you should practice.
28:30Sorry, but the choreography was for her to hit you in the head with that TV.
28:33That was part of that plan.
28:34And you guys knew what hair I was going to wear.
28:36And you should have prepared for that because you knew too, didn't you?
28:38And I superglued it on.
28:39I mean, how hard are you going to hit me?
28:40It was styrofoam, bitch.
28:41It was a fake TV.
28:43Bottom line, there was two practices I was told about.
28:46I made it to one, and we did exactly what we practiced on the stage.
28:51I mean, I'm sorry that your costume came apart, your costume came apart, and you were boring.
28:56I didn't ask for that.
28:58My choreography killed yours, though.
29:00I'm sorry.
29:01Honey, so the thing is, we had more rehearsals, and you didn't respond quick enough,
29:04and I would message you before anybody else,
29:07and you would never respond within the amount of time to get back to us.
29:09Does that make sense?
29:10Bitch, I have messages for two practices that you guys told me about.
29:15I don't know if you guys had more than that.
29:17I wasn't told about more than that.
29:19And I'm sorry.
29:20You shouldn't have been messaging me.
29:21Victoria should have been because she was the captain, am I right?
29:23You said I was.
29:24Am I right or am I wrong?
29:25I was messaging you, and I didn't hear back from you.
29:27No, you weren't.
29:28You were six hours late also?
29:30And you guys still didn't have anything when I got there.
29:32No, we did.
29:33No, you didn't.
29:34No, you didn't.
29:35You didn't have anything when I got there.
29:36We did everything.
29:37No, no, no, no, no.
29:38When I got there, we decided that all together as four people.
29:41Am I right or am I wrong?
29:42That's a yes or no question.
29:44It's a yes or a fucking no, bitch.
29:46No, Monique, you're a happy alcoholic.
29:48Are you fucking kidding me?
29:49Well, we didn't want to make any moves.
29:51Okay, okay.
29:52You're right, you're right.
29:53We did it.
29:54Okay, you're right.
29:55I'm dying.
29:56This is the best.
29:57Am I in the Twilight Zone?
29:58We didn't like.
29:59Be honest, Zephora.
30:00Was there a clear, concise, we knew we were doing neon.
30:03Was there a clear, concise plan when I got there six hours late?
30:07We spent days conceptualizing our band's identity.
30:11But if we weren't all there together to experiment with space.
30:15I'm sorry.
30:16You guys are worried about the performance aspect.
30:17I'm not.
30:19I perform.
30:20You guys model.
30:21We experimented with a lot of elements that we were not sure of.
30:25I believe the duck sat there and said that he couldn't keep his eyes off of me.
30:28And he said, you look cheap.
30:29Hey, if we're talking about cheap outfits, why don't you talk about your runway look
30:32that was from the Walgreens set sheet for Halloween.
30:34Okay, and your mother sat there and said she hated everything you did.
30:36You put some titties on, bitch.
30:38Oh, right.
30:41Well, I.
30:42In the back, but I mean.
30:43Why would I tell you?
30:44Tell me because you're a real bitch.
30:46So tell me how you feel.
30:49Okay, look.
30:50We all collectively focused on ourselves and hoped that it would mesh together well.
30:54And it didn't.
30:56Didn't matter because we fucking nailed it.
30:58You fucking bitch!
31:00I honestly, I said what I had to say because I felt like you guys pretty much just showed
31:06your true colors right now.
31:07Monique, you've had some drama on social media since the cast was announced.
31:11Oh, sorry.
31:12I want to, you know, ask you if you have anything to say about your behavior or the outcome.
31:18Yeah, I actually do.
31:20The stuff that happened on social media, I really do regret.
31:24And it doesn't matter if it happened long ago, if it happened last week, if it happened
31:28yesterday or the day before.
31:29It doesn't matter.
31:30I'm starting to realize that I did, I did make a mistake and I want to correct it.
31:36And I want to be a better person.
31:38Are you upset that you hurt somebody's feelings?
31:42Actually, to be honest, I didn't sign up for Dragula to be a fucking role model.
31:49I didn't want to be like, I didn't want to be that person because to be honest, like
31:54who's going to fucking look up to me?
31:56This is your opportunity to really fix things, girl.
31:59Can you let me finish?
32:00Can you let me finish?
32:01I want to hear what she has to say.
32:02Can you let me finish?
32:03Thank you.
32:04Yeah, I didn't sign up on Dragula to be a role model.
32:07I didn't sign up for everybody to look up to me.
32:10I don't want people to look up to me.
32:11I can't even look up.
32:13I signed up on this show to be the fucking monster that I know that I could be and everything.
32:21And then once it came out that I realized that I do have a platform, I do have an audience.
32:27I do have people that do look up to me.
32:29I apologize for that.
32:31I do immensely apologize for the shit that I said.
32:34I still to this day, I still apologize for that.
32:38Like I am not a perfect person.
32:40I still make mistakes no matter fucking what.
32:43There it is.
32:44I feel bad that some people have to look up to me.
32:49But at the same time, the only thing I can do is apologize.
32:52Monique, I'm going to interrupt you and I'm not going to kiss your ass.
32:54But what I do think you should realize is you don't have to self-deprecate.
32:57If someone looks up to you, they see something in you that inspires them.
33:00You're creative.
33:01You're unusual.
33:02You make me laugh.
33:03I love this wild spirit that you have about you.
33:05I think there's plenty of aspects in your character and your creativity as an artist that are worthy of looking up to.
33:11But you also are a person and none of us here are perfect and no one watching this show is perfect.
33:15And to condemn anyone and just death threats and all these other ridiculous things because someone made a mistake,
33:20no one is above forgiveness.
33:22And if they are, they have no idea what life is about yet as far as I'm concerned.
33:25If someone says something that we don't like and as a community we say,
33:30let's attack that person.
33:32Let's drag that person.
33:33Let's destroy them.
33:34Let's tell them to kill themselves and all this sort of crazy stuff.
33:36You know, this is how Trump gets elected.
33:39Because what you're doing is if someone fucks up, you terrify them.
33:44You don't get an opportunity to teach them how to grow or anything.
33:47You basically scare them into being terrified.
33:49You ostracize them.
33:50They hide their feelings.
33:52They hide their feelings because they can't share them.
33:53And when they do share them, they're attacked.
33:55So you have all these people out in our country that hide their true feelings.
33:58And then when we have an election or when you can voice your opinion in private,
34:02then you find out what people are really thinking.
34:04And by then it's too late.
34:05You can't change someone or help someone grow.
34:07All we're doing is bullying them as a community.
34:10What we need to do is dig our hands in and change people's minds.
34:14And I think that Monique did that.
34:15I don't know what you're going to do in the future.
34:17I don't know your whole fucking history.
34:18You know, we research the cast as much as we can.
34:21We dig into your history for about six months.
34:23And what the hell else can we do at that point?
34:25So we were surprised we didn't know it.
34:26But I really applaud that you publicly apologized several times.
34:30And I really applaud that you and the person who this happened with spoke.
34:36You made up.
34:37That's progress to me.
34:38You know?
34:39That's positivity.
34:40That's taking a negative and turning it into something positive.
34:42Cheers to that, bitch.
34:43Cheers to that.
34:44She's a Christian now.
34:46Don't say that.
34:49We all haven't been together like this since we started this journey.
34:53I want to give each of you the opportunity to either ask a question of one of your ex-sisters here
34:59or maybe confront an issue that you wish you had but you didn't.
35:03Would anybody like to start?
35:06Abora, why did you lie and say that I should stay when you felt,
35:11according to the polygraph test, that you felt you should stay?
35:15Where I'm from, lying is an easy solution to solve all your problems forever.
35:21Now I see through this show that it's only putting your problems back a little bit.
35:28But it will come forward.
35:30I have changed who I am.
35:32I've adapted who I am.
35:34I've overcome insecurities and things that have been in the way of me being a truer artist.
35:41And now I see that you haven't.
35:44Well, I think that's...
35:45I really wish I'd just been honest.
35:47Because I was honest.
35:48And you claim to be such a monster this, that.
35:51You talk a lot of shit to these other girls about me beforehand.
35:54And we all had a whole discussion about how petty you were.
35:58But you couldn't say it to my face.
36:00And I find that to be the bitch-assness that kept you from top three.
36:04And I feel like that kind of behavior is unfortunate.
36:08Well, it's not like I did that bad either.
36:11I hope you guys have let the bad blood out.
36:13But I'm growing tired of this subject.
36:14I hope that that has helped your relationship in some way.
36:17I mean, I feel like she's answered the question.
36:19And maybe it shed some light on the situation.
36:21But I think your relationship is a little complicated.
36:23And you guys could probably go back and forth for a while.
36:26I love you.
36:27I still love you.
36:28But you're a bitch.
36:29And you don't own it like I owned it.
36:32Well, you guys could go fight each other in the alley by the dumpster after this if you want to.
36:35But for now, that conversation's done.
36:37They just need to fucking get it over with.
36:38Get away from me!
36:39I've had it.
36:40Listen, girls.
36:41Listen, girls.
36:42That was a very filling course.
36:43And thank you all for that.
36:44But I think it's time we move on to my favorite part of the meal.
36:54So this is the moment of truth.
36:56This is the moment you all get to speak up on.
36:58We cast all of you for a reason because we respect your opinions and we respect your creativity.
37:02But now we have to decide who's going to win.
37:05And we want to call on each of you to tell us who you think should win and why.
37:09And we're going to start with Thelony.
37:11Bitch Pudding.
37:12She has something that is indescribable.
37:14It's easy for her.
37:16She wants to do it.
37:17It's not work for her.
37:18In short, she's just kind of a star in the simplest words.
37:24What do you think, Monique?
37:25Yeah, Monique, what do you think?
37:26Me and Bitch Pudding, like, girl, I had so much, like, angst against her in the whole fight.
37:34And I think that she has worked so fucking hard.
37:37And I would not be so fucking prized if she won and took the fucking title of Dragula season two.
37:44Also, but also, Victoria does too.
37:48Like, so it's kind of a toss-up.
37:50Dolly, what do you think?
37:52Although my answer may seem a little biased, Victoria is my fucking homegirl.
37:56And it has nothing to do with, like, our personal relationship.
38:00But it has everything to do with everything she's brought to the table.
38:03She is a absolute fucking disgusting monster.
38:06I don't believe you would tell us that if you didn't believe it, so.
38:09I don't have a reason to lie.
38:10I mean, come on, what are you going to do, exterminate me?
38:14We might.
38:15We might.
38:17Kendra, what do you think?
38:18Honestly, I'm torn between Victoria and Abora.
38:21No, I'm just saying.
38:25Victoria and Bitch Pudding.
38:26I mean, James, you know I love you and you're fucking creative.
38:29But I think you have a big head and you don't deserve it.
38:31Bitch and Victoria, you guys are fucking phenomenal.
38:34I've never seen drag in this genre to the caliber that you guys bring, to be honest.
38:40So I would be glad with either of you two winning.
38:43Thank you.
38:44Abora, what do you think?
38:46Victoria, all I want to know is do you have the fear that you may not win this?
38:53Or do you feel like you have this in the bag?
38:56That's really hard to say at this point.
38:57All three of us are fucking phenomenal.
39:02Bitch Pudding, I don't feel scared, though.
39:03Bitch Pudding, do you think you're going to win this?
39:09I fucking want it.
39:11I pick Bitch Pudding.
39:12I'm so goddamn proud of you.
39:14Well, I'm glad to hear that.
39:16Now at the turn of events.
39:17Sure is.
39:18That's what the show's about a little bit, right?
39:20You guys grow, we push you to grow and develop, and I think all of you have.
39:24Disasterina, what do you think?
39:27Victoria is best with visuals.
39:29Bitch is the best performer.
39:31James is the hardest worker.
39:34Bitch and James are super monsters.
39:37I love you, Victoria, but I'm not sure James should win.
39:46Bitch Pudding.
39:52You have Dracula in your bones, babe.
39:55You do.
39:56You do.
39:57And I saw it when we worked together in L.A. the first time, and I see it now.
40:02I saw all these bitches turn on you, and we had our moment, too.
40:07The way that you led our team in the Rock Challenge was so inspiring
40:11because you did not let everything that happened change you.
40:16And you have the personal strength that it takes to be Dracula.
40:21I love you, Victoria.
40:22The personality and performance is not there for me to say that you are deserving.
40:27James, you have been the best at showing them exactly what they are looking for.
40:33But I don't know if you have Dracula in your blood in the same way that bitch does.
40:38So for that reason, I think that bitch deserves to win.
40:41Well, thank you all for your opinion.
40:43I want to allow the three finalists to respond briefly.
40:48James, do you have anything to say as a response?
40:50You know, I've always been underestimated.
40:52Even where I am in home right now, even though I run a lot of the scene,
40:57I'm not liked by any of the queens there.
40:59And coming here and not being liked by everyone, too, shows me that I know I deserve to win.
41:04Because I work so hard to stay who I am in every element of what I do.
41:07And these other two girls, they also deserve to win. That's the thing.
41:10We all deserve to be the Dracula winners.
41:13But I believe, and I know it, that I'm going to win.
41:16And that's why I'm still here.
41:17It's because you have to have that inside of you.
41:20You have to know it already.
41:21Also, I need that money because I spent over $10,000 already.
41:25So delicious.
41:27Your comeuppance will be so delicious.
41:29Victoria, what do you think?
41:32I feel like everything that they said, I understand.
41:36Visually, they all love me.
41:39But I feel like I'm growing as a person.
41:42Growing as a person and my personality is coming quickly with my drag that's also still growing.
41:48I really just want everyone to see me fully bloom into that full character.
41:52And I really feel like Dracula is in my blood.
41:55I don't think that I should be underestimated in the personality area
42:00because she's right there knocking at the door, being like,
42:04she's here, she's ready to fucking win.
42:06She's not sleeping.
42:11I'm pretty fucking speechless to be on a stage with such talented fucking bitches.
42:16I mean, look.
42:18We are fucking changing the face of drag.
42:21There's no fucking question about it.
42:23I love doing this profession more than anything else in the world.
42:26Like that first day, I just came in with such a like,
42:29oh my god, I get to have sisters that are like me and I don't have to fucking be crazy.
42:33And it was like, girl, here's 800 tomatoes, a chainsaw, and a fucking toothpick.
42:38Have some fun, bitch.
42:40And I think if they had all loved you, maybe you wouldn't have grown as much as you have.
42:43I don't think I would have grown as much.
42:45That's exactly where I was going to get to.
42:46Well, I'll go back to hating you.
42:48You know, it just told me what I've had to do my whole life was just buck up in that moment
42:52and just like, you know what?
42:53Fucking ride through this ride and show what the fuck you can do.
42:56And I feel like I've done that.
42:57Well, listen, ghouls.
42:58We want to thank you for everything that you guys have done this season of Dragula.
43:02And we're sorry that you all had to die.
43:05But, for now, our time is up.
43:11So, listen, ladies.
43:12Now that we're alone, from the two of us, we just want to say congratulations to the three of you.
43:16Everything you've done this season has been amazing.
43:18We couldn't be more proud.
43:19And it's going to be very exciting to see what you do at the final floor show.
43:23We would actually like to see each of you in our private opera box for a nightcap.
43:28I think the ghouls are coming. Let's go.
43:31Ah, here we are.
43:36Well, look at this.
43:38This is it, girls.
43:39It's the moment of truth.
43:41Everything comes at the same time.
43:42And you have to embrace this moment.
43:45All right.
43:48Let's go.
43:49No, no, no, no, no, no.
43:51Don't, don't.
43:52Don't, don't.
43:54Don't, don't.
43:55Don't, don't, don't, don't.
43:56Everything comes down to this.
43:57You've all been working so hard.
43:58We're so proud of all three of you.
44:00You each bring something really different to the table,
44:01and we couldn't be more pleased and excited to see what you're
44:04going to do in the final grand finale floor show.
44:07As you know, Dragula has three primary principles,
44:09filth, horror, and glamour.
44:11Your final challenge is to put together a look at a floor
44:13show to show us your ultimate expression
44:16of those three principles.
44:18It's going to be very difficult, and you
44:20know the stakes are really high.
44:21And obviously, the competition is fierce.
44:23So you need to put everything you have into this
44:26and blow our minds, all right?
44:28I want to cheers you guys to good luck
44:30and hoping that we don't fuck up and pick the wrong bitch.
44:34Cheers to that.