DRАGULА S02Е07 (2017)

  • 3 months ago


01:30I'm going to do a quick run through of all the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
01:37I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
01:44I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
01:51I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
01:58I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
02:03I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
02:08I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
02:13I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
02:18I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
02:23I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
02:28I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
02:33I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
02:38I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
02:43I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
02:48I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
02:53I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
02:58I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
03:03I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
03:08I'm going to be talking about a few of the things that I'm going to be talking about in this video.
03:13It's all going exactly as planned.
03:18Are Four Horsewomen remain? And just in time for the Apocalypse?
03:22Although in the end there can only be three.
03:26Are you ready darling?
03:28Let's finish this.
03:31Are you afraid?
03:34Are you happy?
03:39Are you ready, darling?
03:41Let's finish this.
04:13Do you believe we're here right now?
04:37Oh, God.
04:38This has been an intense competition.
04:41It has been the most crazy thing I could imagine.
04:44That's still the best thing of my life.
04:45Oh, totally.
04:46Oh, my God.
04:47The best experience.
04:48I wouldn't give it back for anything.
04:55It's so weird how one person not being in the room makes this feel so much more, like, elevated.
05:10Oh, God.
05:11It's fucking surreal.
05:12It is surreal.
05:13It's amazing.
05:14Good morning, uglies.
05:15Israel, get them some coffee.
05:16Chop, chop.
05:17If you're waiting for Disasterina, you're going to be waiting a long time because she's
05:20This place is a fucking dump.
05:21You bitches have really trashed this.
05:22I mean, no one is getting their security devices back.
05:23I'm sorry to say.
05:25Well, enough about that.
05:26Listen, we have some exciting news.
05:27What is it?
05:28Oh, my God.
05:29Oh, my God.
05:30Oh, my God.
05:31Oh, my God.
05:32Oh, my God.
05:33Oh, my God.
05:34Oh, my God.
05:35Oh, my God.
05:36Oh, my God.
05:37Oh, my God.
05:38Well, enough about that.
05:40We have some exciting news for you all.
05:43We're going on a little field trip.
05:45That's right.
05:46We're all going to Wasteland Weekend.
05:50Oh, yeah!
05:52If you don't know what it is, it's a giant festival in the middle of the desert.
05:56It's all post-apocalypse.
05:57It's a little dangerous, it's a lot of fun, and it's very hot.
06:00I want you to picture a couple thousand people rolling around in like giant tanks.
06:04And there's flamethrowers, and turret guns.
06:06Oh, my God.
06:07Mad Max. It's about heavy metal, big guns, loud music, spikes. There's no cops.
06:13Ooh, bitch.
06:15You know, it's time for us to decide our final three of this season.
06:19You're going to have to come up with your most creative, epic, post-apocalyptic look.
06:24And then you guys are going to get together and come up with a group show
06:26that you're going to perform live on the Wasteland stage.
06:30Ah, yeah.
06:32So we've told you our next drag super monster needs to be able to entertain a crowd
06:36and this is going to be a tough one. It's a tough group of people. It's a tough location.
06:39You need to figure out how to make them love you.
06:42Abora, that means no more falling on stage or fucking up your prop.
06:47And Miss Victoria, no more snooze fest from you. You're a lot better than that.
06:50Thank you.
06:51Bitch, you're going to have to try a little harder than that.
06:54And James, that little fucked up attitude has gotten you about as far as it's going to in this competition.
06:58You're a trigger happy alcoholic. That's what I said, bitch.
07:00We've got to pop a Xanax every ten fucking minutes. Okay?
07:03We want to see T-A-L-E-N-T, talent.
07:08Listen, girls, this is it.
07:09This is the last challenge that decides which of the four of you is going to go on and compete for the title and the crown of Dragula.
07:15Everything that you've worked for all season, the pain, the struggle, all the bullshit, it all culminates to this.
07:20And honestly, it's anybody's game.
07:22So you guys work on your outfits, get packed, get ready.
07:25We're going to send some cars to pick you up and they're going to take you out to the desert and drop you off.
07:29We want to wish you all bad luck. Now get to packing.
07:34Congratulations, ladies.
07:36Well, cheers, bitches.
07:39To the top four motherfuckers.
07:40No, turn it back.
07:41Yay to Empty Stomach.
08:02When the Blaze said we were going to Wasteland, I was fucking floored.
08:06They're going to put us through it.
08:08It's going to be intense.
08:09There's no police, no laws. It's going to be fucking dangerous.
08:12People walking around with guns and flamethrowers.
08:14I'm excited for the danger part.
08:16Like, I could get hurt.
08:18Yeah, I've always wanted to blow a guy in a tank.
08:20You will get hurt.
08:21I'll stay away from you.
08:24Today is Wasteland weekend.
08:25I feel like the brothers have finally put us through the test.
08:28This is going to be the make or break a challenge.
08:30This is the danger.
08:31This is the pain that they're putting on us.
08:34This is the challenge that proves whether you're meant to be in top three or not.
08:37It's a big deal.
08:38It's a really big deal.
08:39I don't know what Wasteland weekend is.
08:41But for what the Boulet said, it's like Mad Max on steroids.
08:44Because it's like real life and not like TV.
08:46So, I'm kind of excited.
08:48I'm really excited for Wasteland weekend, honestly.
08:50It's going to be fucking awesome.
08:51It could be rough or it could be like, you know, kind of a cool experience.
08:55Like, if we own our look and just be like, yeah, we're fucking here.
08:59They can respect that.
09:00They're probably going to fucking live.
09:02They're going to love what we're doing.
09:03Like, we're not there to like trash the party.
09:06We're there to like raise hell.
09:08Trash the party.
09:09Trash the party.
09:10We're going to crash the party.
09:11It's going to be a blast.
09:12Even if they hate us, we'll make them love us.
09:14I'm into it.
09:15I am not worried at all that we're going to be in drag at a straight event.
09:19I introduce drag into my straight workplaces, into straight culture all the time.
09:24And if you just like put your foot down and say, this is who I am and you're cool,
09:29like, then they'll be cool.
09:31Victoria does really well in punk settings, so she's going to kill it.
09:33It's going to be a good time.
09:35I'm going to really flourish in the middle of all these weirdos.
09:38Damn, you guys.
09:39Disasterina went home.
09:41I cannot believe that.
09:42She was so talented.
09:44It sucks that Disasterina's gone.
09:45I loved her.
09:46We had a really good connection.
09:47We became really good friends in the last few weeks, too.
09:49Like, I really bonded with her.
09:51But, you know, you got to have the excitement and the energy.
09:55When we were in those ice buckets, she was over it.
09:57And you could tell her time was done.
09:59I mean, you have to expect somebody to go home.
10:02I thought it was going to be you.
10:04I thought it was going to be you, too.
10:05And then you win.
10:06And we're in the bottom.
10:08What kind of?
10:09That was crazy shit.
10:10So, like, the whole week I was like, I have to win this in order to stay in the game.
10:13I have to win it.
10:14And then they're like, you won.
10:16But you also lose.
10:19That was some...
10:20I was like, I can't even be safe when I win.
10:24I can't imagine what extermination is going to be for us.
10:27I'm sure it'll be very hot.
10:28It's going to be fucking crazy.
10:29It has to be.
10:30It's going to be fun.
10:31I can't wait.
10:33But I'm excited to see what they have for us today.
10:34They always post through crazy shit.
10:36So I'm sure there's going to be some plot twist or something.
10:38I think everyone's finally come to the conclusion that this is the end.
10:42And, like, we're all rooting for each other at this point.
10:44And we're just wanting everything to look as best as it can.
10:48So I don't think there's any more drama, really.
10:50It's really, at this point, just getting to that finish line.
10:55Last week I laid it out to Abora in the boudoir.
10:57And she's really been receiving it.
10:58She's come full circle, I feel like.
11:00She's here to win now.
11:18And I love it.
11:19I mean, I do drag to start shit.
11:21Like, if I wanted to play safe and have fun, I'd be, like, a lawyer or something.
11:24Where it's, you know, you follow the rulebook and do what you have to.
11:26But, like, drag for me is changing a social thing.
11:30It's changing social structures of the world.
11:32The way that we live.
11:33And we're told to live a certain way.
11:34And base our lives on this structure of you go to school, you get a job, you get married, you live out that job, you retire.
11:41And that's the American dream.
11:43But where is the actual dream in that?
11:44Like, it's just a balance.
11:46It's just a balance.
11:47People are having to, like, hustle now.
11:49It's time for people to get more creative and figure out ways.
11:53Other ways.
11:54To help each other make a new commerce.
11:57If you want to be big, if you want to do big things, you've got to put out, and you have to sacrifice a lot.
12:02You have to give up a lot.
12:03It's all about the power of one.
12:05The power of the law of attraction.
12:06How you feel about who you are and what you want to do and what you want to accomplish.
12:09If you believe it, if you can conceive it, you can achieve it.
12:12Don't let anyone tell you that you can't fucking do it.
12:14Because it's not true, ever.
12:15Because they're just more likely not as smart as you.
12:18And they're correct.
12:19They don't believe in themselves.
12:20You've got to hustle.
12:22You've got to make your own opportunities.
12:23You have to.
12:24This is like, it's that kind of industry.
12:26No one's going to hand it to you.
12:27If someone likes you, that's great.
12:29But they're not going to give you a job.
12:30You have to take risks to make big imprints in the world.
12:35You have to.
12:36I mean, absolutely have to.
12:38It's drag.
12:39It's your own self-expression.
12:40Like, when bitch is on stage, it's 100% this, like, creature that comes out in me.
12:44It's just like, fuck you.
12:46Fuck you.
12:47It's just that whole middle finger mentality you have to have in order to make it.
12:51I'm all about fuck society.
12:54That's my biggest thing, is fuck society.
12:55Fuck the society's standards that were put on us.
12:57And I think you really roll into that so well.
12:59Your character.
13:00You're that.
13:01I have taken so many punches, like, and still standing here.
13:05It's crazy how people's reputations can get totally mistreated here.
13:09Like, with bitch, you're the first week girl.
13:11We really came for you because of reasons that were really not fair.
13:15It was bullshit.
13:16And I'm really happy that we actually are friends now.
13:18I love you so much.
13:19Like, I could not be a part of Dragula without you being here.
13:22And I'm happy to be your friend too, like.
13:25Shut up.
13:26And speaking of friends, like, even though you're a little shit most of the time,
13:30and, like, you really, you do kind of, like, leech a little bit from all of us.
13:36A little bit.
13:38I've realized this past few weeks while we've been working on our outfits
13:40and getting ready for this challenge, like, we've come together as a sisterhood.
13:43For sure.
13:44And, like, even though you're petty and you're tacky
13:46and your makeup's always fucking horrible.
13:48Put it on a t-shirt.
13:49She's less petty than when she started.
13:50I'm going to put it on a t-shirt.
13:51Like, you're much less than, like, you originally were.
13:54Vicky was right.
13:55Like, you've come full circle,
13:56and I'm really proud to call you my Dragula family.
13:58I'm really proud of everyone I'm in the car with right now.
14:03Please don't touch me.
14:04Don't touch me.
14:05Wish granted.
14:07But, no, we're going to storm into this place,
14:09and we're going to fucking take their heads off.
14:19I'm really glad that I've made it this far.
14:24I can't hope to make it to top three,
14:26but I'm just going to make the most out of this trip.
14:31I did everything that I could this week,
14:34so whatever happens, happens.
14:36But it could be me going home.
14:40I don't know.
14:41I just feel, like, totally separated from the other girls,
14:44and I don't think I can fix it.
14:46Honestly, it would be between...
14:53It would be between Victoria and James.
14:58Bitch has surprised me a lot,
15:01but I think that...
15:07I think that we all have limitations,
15:10and I'm finding mine out.
15:16I don't know what my limit is, so I'm pushing to it.
16:01I don't know what my limit is, so I'm pushing to it.
16:33This is so fucking fun.
16:40You guys look sick!
16:42You guys look sick!
17:10How you doing?
17:11told me to come talk to you.
17:13He told me to come do some ass contests.
17:16I want to suck a dick.
17:18I would love to suck a dick here.
17:20A nice, dirty, sweaty, dirty dick.
17:22Everyone wants to fuck me here.
17:23What's up with that?
17:25You got the goods.
17:25I guess I am responsible for the tickle-ish.
17:31Let's do it, come on.
17:38Come on.
17:39Come on, baby.
17:49Fucking crazy.
18:00You see Monique back there?
18:09Look at that warrior queen.
18:13That's a fucking harpoon.
18:15That shit killed John.
18:16Can we just keep her in there, please?
18:18OK, girls.
18:39Let's fucking go!
18:49That was really cool.
18:49Oh my god, you guys.
18:50This is so cool.
18:51They have so much awesome shit here.
18:52All the cars, have you seen these?
18:54Yeah, girl.
18:55That guy was driving with his feet the other way.
19:00It would take days to see everything here.
19:02I really wish we could have gotten the full experience,
19:04but it's just so inspiring.
19:06We'll come back for this, for sure.
19:08Oh my god.
19:08Oh, look.
19:10Oh, there she is.
19:13Hey, where are we going?
19:22I think we're supposed to follow him.
19:25Y'all don't need to say anything else.
19:26I'll follow you.
19:26Slides on the house down.
19:29He's such a warm heart.
19:31And tush.
19:34Keep looking at things, guys.
19:53It's so cool to be here.
19:54It's really fucking awesome to be here,
19:55but I'm over this wind.
19:57Yeah, it's fucking everything up right now.
19:59It's so cool here.
20:00The people are amazing.
20:01Everyone's so nice.
20:02Even though they look crazy and scary, honestly,
20:04they're just here to have a good time and enjoy themselves.
20:05Yeah, everyone here wants just like we are.
20:06I'm down.
20:07I felt like I was part of a tribe, you know?
20:09I know, right?
20:10This is.
20:11We are.
20:11Dragula is a tribe.
20:12No one else has been through what we have been through
20:14right now.
20:14Yeah, we are.
20:15What we're doing, season one did, but not with us.
20:18Not in the way that we're doing it.
20:19And nobody in the competition has
20:20been through as much as us, because everyone's
20:22been exterminated.
20:24We've made it past.
20:25We've had to kill all of our sisters.
20:28It had to be done.
20:38Such good competition.
20:40I'm really glad she's gone.
20:42I miss Erica the most.
20:43I obviously miss my best friend Dolly,
20:46because we always hung out and always best friend.
20:49Erica had the best energy.
20:50She always brought the party, whether it was even
20:52in a bad mood.
20:53She was like, you know, let's stick to our senses.
20:55We got this.
20:56We can do this.
20:57I'm like, girl, yes.
20:58She embraced Dragula really well.
21:00Yeah, she was something.
21:01But on the other side of that, Abora,
21:03you've been really negative a lot in this competition.
21:05And I think last week was, I think
21:07we finally got it to you.
21:08Like, we got in your head, and then
21:09you finally listened to us.
21:10Like, I saw you come around this week.
21:12I feel like, you know, you really, you're coming, too.
21:15I hope we weren't too mean to you,
21:16but we were really saying it from the heart
21:18of what we, like, actually felt, because we had
21:20the better interest for you.
21:22I'm so happy that we have all become sisters.
21:24It has been such an incredible ride.
21:26We weren't trying to be assholes.
21:27It came off really, you know.
21:28But it's because we love you.
21:30I was just worried that you guys didn't,
21:32and that you were, like, finally done with me.
21:34No, honey.
21:35We saw you were taking a turn that was not right.
21:38And we knew that it was not you.
21:40And we just wanted to guide you away from that.
21:42Remember I told you, I didn't think until last week
21:45you were yourself at all in this competition yet.
21:46Like, you didn't have time to be you.
21:48And last week, you finally got that opportunity.
21:50And you fucking won it.
21:50Good job.
21:52I should have, but you did.
21:53Good job.
21:54She could have, too, and so she should have.
21:55But you still got it somehow.
21:58I felt pretty alone, you know, even though I
22:02did push myself further than I thought I could go.
22:06And I was really trying to win just so that I could be safe.
22:11It didn't work out that way.
22:12I won, and then I was on the chopping block anyway.
22:16It was really-
22:17Crazy shit right there.
22:18Yeah, the twist of all twists.
22:20You pulled it off.
22:20I did not expect that.
22:21That's insane for them to be like, you won.
22:23And also-
22:24And you were in the bottom.
22:25And you were in the bottom.
22:27This is new.
22:29No other game is like that.
22:31Oh my god, I just got-
22:33I washed my face and everything, and then full coat of dirt again.
22:37Don't moisturize your face.
22:39Why don't you ever tell me not to moisturize my face?
22:41It's gonna be sick.
22:42These are definitely the craziest conditions I've ever had.
22:45I love this, though.
22:46Like, it's such a fun challenge, but crazy.
22:48Like, whoever would have thought we'd be getting ready in the middle of a desert?
22:51What are you most, like, nervous for today?
22:54My hair.
22:54Your hair?
22:55Your hair is sick.
22:56I'm excited to like-
22:56It's so windy, though.
22:58Girl, that's why you need a nice little glue-on.
22:59It's so long, I know.
23:01I should have done that.
23:02That and a little bit of the performance.
23:04Just because of the past critiques I've had of not being alive enough.
23:10So that is-
23:11I can't stop thinking about that.
23:13Well, don't get in your head about it.
23:14No, no, no.
23:15I'm just really trying to break down in my head what I want to do.
23:19Well, I'm glad you're here, because like, in the car-
23:24I don't know, like, I knew you were scared about the bride challenge,
23:27but I knew that you would be good at it, because you can sew.
23:31I- My sewing came in only a little handy.
23:35I think-
23:36It was weird, because that challenge was so much of a look,
23:37but also about the performance.
23:39I really focused all of my energy on that performance.
23:42I felt like that's what they were lacking from seeing for me, and-
23:47Well, you showed them.
23:48I fucking-
23:49I was really happy with that.
23:51I'm really excited about this concept we came up with for our performance,
23:54of the four horsemen.
23:55I think it's going to be really good.
23:56It totally fits this fucking vibe.
23:58Yeah, yeah.
23:58People are going to eat it up, I think.
24:00And it fits with all of our characters, each one we did.
24:03I'm Death, and-
24:04I'm War.
24:05And then-
24:07Flint, and-
24:07And I'm Famine, because I'm so skinny.
24:09It's perfect.
24:12We preemptively tried to think like the Blaze,
24:14and came up with the four horsewomen of the apocalypse.
24:18So we're doing the four horsemen of the apocalypse, and I'm Death.
24:21Imagine that, the dead queen of the season.
24:23I chose to be War, because I thought I could be a little more aggressive.
24:26I've been really safe and quiet so far in this competition,
24:29and I wanted to show that my fear is wild and monstrosity.
24:32I can take on any crowd, so bring it on, bitch.
24:36When I think of famine, I think of rotting crops and dying children.
24:42So combining them in one cannibal is perfect.
24:46I hope they really appreciate it.
24:47Yeah, I do.
24:48I hope they enjoy it.
24:49I hope they don't see it as a waste of our time.
24:51A waste of land.
24:53Get it?
24:54Get it?
24:54You're fine.
24:56I'm going to call it.
24:57That's my humor for you.
24:58That's what I said.
24:59I'm going to stop you right there.
25:00I'm going to call my attorney.
25:02What are you guys most nervous for today?
25:04I think they're going to put us all up for extermination.
25:0690% sure.
25:06Oh, shit, of course.
25:07I haven't done it yet.
25:08I mean, episode two was Kate with the fucking paintball,
25:10but I feel like shit's about to hit the fan.
25:12We're all going to fucking do something hot, I'm sure.
25:15Something to a fire.
25:18Something torturous, because it's-
25:19Walking on something hot.
25:21Complimenting Monique.
25:24Oh, bitch.
25:27I need healing after that one.
25:30I think Dragula is a really positive thing.
25:35What it has in store for the kids just coming into, like,
25:40being drag queens or being into drag queens in general,
25:43they're going to fucking shit themselves.
25:46Bringing out the weirder side of kids instead of-
25:48Like, you don't have to have a sequined dress to be a queen.
25:51You don't have to wear a Beyonce outfit just to be,
25:53you know, a drag queen.
25:54Or a simple black dress with a fucking lace.
25:57You want a gun now?
25:58Break it, bitch.
26:00Hey, I wore a simple black dress because I knew I'd have
26:02kicked your ass later to bring out my good stuff, okay?
26:06I expect to be the bitch.
26:09I assume I'm going to be-
26:10Because I'm a very-
26:12You might be a bitch, but you're not the bitch.
26:14No, I'm not-
26:15Trust me, I'm not a bitch.
26:15But I'm going to be the bitch.
26:17I know I'm going to be that girl this season.
26:19And that's only because I'm so-
26:21I have no boundaries.
26:22I don't have any limits.
26:23Like, I will confront things like that.
26:25It's all for fun.
26:25It's all a joke.
26:26Like, my character is a cunt, but I'm really nice.
26:29I know you're a cunt, but do you ever worry about actually
26:31hurting people's feelings?
26:32Yeah, like somebody might take you seriously.
26:35You know, if they do, they should let me know.
26:36I'm not limiting or silencing my art when I do to not hurt
26:40someone else's feelings.
26:41But I'll never intentionally hurt someone's feelings with
26:44my art.
26:44A lot of times you won't get the chance for somebody to
26:47say, oh, well that hurt my feelings.
26:48I don't know.
26:49You're going too deep, girl.
26:50We don't know.
26:50Shit, I'm offensive all the time.
26:52That's what I do.
26:53I'm not trying to save people's feelings anymore.
26:56Because of the girls here, I feel like I've been very
26:59humbled in this competition.
27:00I came into this thing wanting to be a hardcore bitch.
27:03It comes all the way to the top, but they hit me at the
27:07They brought me down to a level where I feel really comfortable
27:09to be vulnerable now.
27:11I feel like this is my family.
27:12Like, if I hurt someone's feelings, I'm sorry and I'll
27:15apologize and we'll talk about it and I'll move on, but it's
27:17never an intentional thing and it's never going to be an
27:19intentional thing.
27:19I've just never been a confrontational person.
27:22You've never been a confrontational person?
27:24You took that moment from me.
27:26Dragula awokened a part of me that I didn't know was there.
27:32I didn't know it was there and I got a rude ass awakening
27:35that first day.
27:36Honey, this is really frustrating because nothing's going on
27:40the way it's supposed to right now.
27:41So if I get bitchy, I'm sorry guys.
27:42It's not on purpose.
27:45These brows are fucked.
27:55What's up?
27:58Why so quiet?
28:54Welcome to Wasteland Weekend, uglies.
29:21We brought you to this hellish location to test you to your
29:26core and find out which one of you is going to move on and
29:28compete as the final three in the Dragula Grand Finale.
29:32Do you smell that ladies?
29:35Breathe it in because it smells like carnage and cadavers and
29:38death here and soon you're going to find out exactly why
29:41because this entire festival celebrates what life would be
29:44like after the end of the world and there's only a few poor
29:47unfortunate souls scuttling around trying to survive.
29:50It's kind of a celebration of death, guns, metal, and fire.
29:55So I thought you guys might like it.
29:56If you're going to be crowned the next Drag Supermonster, you
29:59guys are going to be doing photo shoots in much shittier places
30:01than this and you have to be able to rise to the occasion.
30:04So for the first segment of your challenge, we've arranged
30:06a photo shoot in a really red hot spot out in the desert.
30:10In fact, it's going to reach close to a hundred degrees out
30:12So while you're modeling for the cameraman, your challenge
30:15is to try to keep your cool and deliver the hottest photo of
30:18the day and whoever does scores the highest for that portion
30:21of the challenge.
30:22So as we told you earlier, the second part of your challenge
30:24is the main event.
30:26You're going to be performing live on the Wasteland Weekend
30:29So we asked you to put together a group number.
30:31So you need to bring it a hundred percent and this crowd is
30:34really rough.
30:34So they're very hard to impress.
30:36If you guys become our next Drag Supermonster, you're going
30:38to be performing everywhere for all sorts of people and all
30:41sorts of weird situations.
30:43So you need to be able to kill it and adapt no matter what
30:45kind of stage we put you on.
30:47We'll consider how well you do in your main stage floor show
30:49performance here at Wasteland Weekend as well as your best
30:51photo from the afternoon to determine who scored the highest
30:54for the day and we won't be judging you alone.
30:56In fact, we have the perfect judge even way out here who has
31:00seen everything you guys have done all season long.
31:03She's literally been in the background watching every challenge
31:06you guys have faced and seeing how well you've been doing in
31:08the competition.
31:09She's the only person we feel is truly qualified to help us
31:12choose the top three this season because she is already the
31:15world's first Drag Supermonster.
31:19Please welcome your queen, Vander Von Odd.
31:42Quick, come on!
31:43Vander is our judge this week.
31:45I'm so excited to see that ghoul and I'm curious what she
31:47thinks of us.
31:48When I saw Vander arrive as our guest judge, I died.
31:51Like, it's the queen of queens of monsters right now.
31:54Like, how insane is this?
31:56All right, bitches, your challenges have been issued and
31:59now it's do or die time.
32:00You'll be moving on to your photo shoot very shortly and
32:02then we're moving right on to the main stage.
32:03You have an hour or two so you can do whatever you want, but
32:06do be careful because if you take a wrong turn out there,
32:08you might just end up one of these biker bitches.
34:51No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
35:21no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no