DRАGULА S01Е06 (2016)

  • 2 months ago
01:28This is more difficult than we thought
01:33Let's get dressed
01:47Just can't decide I mean honestly, I'd love to kill all of them, but one of them has to win
01:54And I think I know some bitches that can help us decide
01:58What a perfectly
02:00Disgusting idea let's go
03:25What was wrong with you this wasn't a joke
03:28I've never had to yell at a girl like this, and I knew when my mother yelled at me. It was because she loved me I
03:36Was rooting for you. We were all rooting for you
03:49My dear sweet
03:52You made us so proud
03:55You got all your sisters that hate you and in such a short amount of time
03:59You're a monster after our own hearts
04:06She still has a pulse
04:09This changes everything
04:14On second thought
04:17No, it doesn't
04:22Israel get the girls cleaned up and bring them to dinner
04:33Except for poor pincher there doesn't seem to be much left of her
05:40Look our guests of honor have arrived
05:43The whole family together again for one last
05:49We couldn't decide who to give the crown to
05:52So we've invited your exorcist errs here to help us decide
05:59They're a little
06:00Dead at the moment, but I think it's time we give
06:05them life
06:35Welcome back to the land of the living darlings
06:38We have brought you back for one hour so that you may help us decide
06:43Who will take the crown and who will die
06:47While the six of you managed to get yourselves killed competing for the dragula crown
06:51Frankie Melissa and Vander remain and
06:55We are well aware that no one knows better than you how difficult this competition can be so we require your
07:02Expertise each of you may ask one question of one of the remaining girls and when you're done
07:10You will tell us who you think should walk away with the dragula crown and who you think should join you in
07:16the land of the unliving
07:20We'll begin with you
07:22Vander if you choose somebody else that is more deserving than yourself for the dragula crown
07:26Who would it be?
07:27If I chose one of the other girls to win it would be Melissa because I've seen her perform on stage and I think she
07:31Really packs a punch
07:33And she always leaves an impression on me when I see her perform
07:36Well, I think so G can attest to that that she really does pack a punch doesn't she
07:48Ursula who do you think should get the chop?
07:56From what I've seen and what I know I would say Melissa be fear should get the chop and why is that
08:05I think the other Queens show a little more
08:09monster ability and
08:12Although Melissa's outlasted me. I don't know if she necessarily has what it takes to be the next drag super monster
08:19Interesting words well spoken from the great beyond
08:26Zoci what's your question?
08:30What makes you think you're punk rock enough to be dragula's next super monster?
08:35I think my drag even before the competition very much embodied with dracula is all about and through the competition
08:41I'm from what I understand
08:43I'm the only one with two challenge wins and I'm the only one that has not been on the bottom and I'm not afraid it
08:47He finds or do whatever I have to do to get the crown
08:51And you would send the grim reaper after which one of your beloved sisters here as much as I love her
08:59And as much as I don't oh enough with all that just get to the name. Okay, Melissa be fierce
09:04I'm sorry, baby doll, but you have not been a monster before this change. What makes you think you're gonna be a monster afterwards?
09:14That a question or no, that's meant time to go. Oh, really?
09:24Know that I came in as an underdog that because I am NOT a dragula girl or in the scene of it
09:32But you know what? I think that
09:34Me coming in this competition have has made me switch from one
09:39drag to another and I do you know what I night I love it and I enjoy it and
09:43If people think that I don't deserve to be here, honey, I'm still here on top three
09:47You guys are gone and peace out bitch. Do this
09:54That's all
10:01You came so close
10:04What is your question for the girls that were me
10:09My question is gonna be for Frankie, you know, I love you, you know, I love what you do
10:16How do you think that you've grown or changed in this competition?
10:22I've always been a monster. I think I'd have everyone here. I'm the only monster here. I
10:27Consistently wear orange teeth. I'm a creature. I don't want to be a woman. I want to be a monster
10:31I'm sorry, you said consistently and I asked how did you change? Um
10:35my changes I
10:37Learned a lot from here. I learned that it takes more than just coming out and being bloody
10:43So I've learned to make my own stuff. I've learned to make clothes. I've learned to make outfits
10:47I've learned to put things together and to step up to polish a little more
10:50Because every critique gave me something to work on giving something to try harder for and I really think I kicked its ass every time
10:55Which is why I'm here. I have one more question
10:58What was your favorite outfit, but I wore though
11:11Meatball if you could off one of the remaining three
11:15Which one would it be in one?
11:17Honestly, this is so hard because I love all three of them so much. I know I do
11:22Quit trying to put words in my mouth. I do love all three of them so much. I do think that the one person
11:28That was a late bloomer was Frankie I do love her look tonight and I do love what she did in San Francisco
11:34I love everything about it. I do not think that she deserved to make it to the top three. Oh
11:39Okay, I'm here now, but I know
11:44All right, let's shift gears and move on to the other side of the table miss Laura's
11:48Okay, so my question is for my good Judy Vanderbilt odd
11:53So I'd like to know you've been very I feel fair
11:57modest and humble in this competition
12:00But I would like to hear why you feel like you should win this competition and why you're better
12:06Than these other two girls
12:08I feel like I should win because like I mentioned earlier my drag since before the competition very much embodied what dragula is
12:15All about and this competition really lit a fucking fire under my ass to sort of take my dragon put it on steroids
12:22Especially being someone who's just entering the scene
12:25It's so easy to have those feelings of sort of self-doubt about what you're doing
12:29And I think for me being in this competition really validated me who I am in my artistry
12:33I'm right there with you down to it and and I earned this shit
12:36I worked so fucking hard to be where I am right now. So I know I deserve it. Wait
12:40Laura's there's a second part. Oh to what we needed from you. Melissa be fierce
12:51Would you send Melissa to the great beyond this
12:55first of all, I would love to say that I really I do I have a lot of respect for you you have established yourself as
13:01an entertainer in our community and you are
13:03You're divine. But this look tonight. I mean this makeup
13:08We've seen from Sochi Mochi's promo look the no eyebrows the glitter crease the clown under eye
13:13I mean, you know like I feel like you're so talented at drag, but maybe this isn't the type of drag for you
13:25Very happy
13:26Good. I'm glad. I'm not you. You don't want bitch. You are always trying to fucking come from somebody all the motherfucking time
13:33All the fucking time bitch me. She's with you. You want to come for all of us up here, bitch
13:38You're not fucking tired of it. Well, did I come for besides you? This isn't the only one who's that? Excuse me?
13:44Me ball your hair. Sorry. I
13:47Yeah, Laura's isn't the only one who said that tonight though. I what about your makeup though?
13:51We have seen that and it's also what just because I'm doing this means that you're the only person that does it
13:57No, but I think bitch. No
14:00What you do, I think this shows that you aren't the monster. Maybe I'm not
14:09There you go, I fucking thought fucking to be on top three and I fucking did it a week after week and I fuck I'm
14:15Here, I'm a bitch. Huh? It does you should know better bitch. It's done. You should know
14:22Maybe you should you should do it more often. No, I agree with you. Okay, that's part of my personality that I could channel more
14:28And I'm the one tell you that
14:32You're that's your opinion
14:37Me too anyone anyone foxy
14:44Does anyone have objections as to me being a bitch
14:48No, none of us have objections. You are a bitch
14:51Okay, but it's not a part of this competition. I think we all have our personalities. Yeah
15:02Okay, if we've taken a moment to retract our claws
15:09Let's move down the line what Foxy I'd like to hear what she has to say
15:13Okay. So the most important thing here at this table, I believe is to ask
15:19Miss Frankie
15:22Who the hell do you think is the prettiest bitch on this table me?
15:29Come through I mean come through biggest hair biggest hips biggest shoes biggest body
15:34And that should be everyone's answer at this table is your goddamn self
15:39team team
15:43Okay, before you even ask me the question. I know what the answer is and
15:49Who I give the chop to?
15:51Melissa I
15:52Love you, and you know that
15:55You've had my back since the beginning. I've done drag. You've seen me you gave me support
16:01But the truth is who I see as a monster is not you and you have your hole in the drag community, bitch
16:09So you take that you run away with it and you stay the fuck away from you
16:29Have to say that I am glad that our little family can work out their differences here at the dinner table instead of on the internet
16:37I'm glad that you all have grown to be able to say what you think to people's faces
16:43Families fight in this family is no exception
16:46You've had your chance to say who you think should die and who you think should win
16:51But the truth is three of these girls have made it to the final three and since we are a family
16:57I would like to ask each of you to give one girl a piece of advice that will strengthen them and help them make it
17:04Through to the finale and to snatching the crown for themselves
17:10Ursula let's begin with you again one piece of advice for one of your remaining sisters
17:16Frankie I would tell you to keep going because I feel like you're the most deserving
17:20Thank you, because you embody all of the attributes that it takes to be Dragula
17:26But not just some of them. Thank you so much. Okay. Thank you so much
17:32Boxy miss Melissa be fair
17:37What I would give you as advice is don't fuck with me that's one thing
17:43Secondly say you
17:47Meatball who would you choose to bestow with your worldly wisdom?
17:52Uh, I'd say
17:55Vander don't be afraid to get fucking dirty bitch. I know you can do it when you ate them brains
18:00I thought get nasty get dirty you do it already, but you can go further with it. That's it
18:06Thank you. No problem
18:08Thank you, no problem bitch
18:11So Chi I
18:13Have to agree with Ursula and meatball
18:16Frankie I feel like you are the monster you have been the monster from day one and you have proven yourself
18:23Vander I feel like I have not seen you get pretty and dark enough to be
18:29Dragula's next super monster
18:31But I feel like you have the potential to be that as well as Melissa and I agree you are a motherfucking star already
18:39But the next drag super monster I feel is definitely Frankie
18:43Thank you so much
18:45and Laura's
18:47okay, so Vander I have an
18:51Extreme amount of respect for you because you give a voice to
18:55the people like us that don't have one in the queer community and I
19:00Just want to implore you to like remind, you know
19:03Your fans who you've garnered so many of through your success
19:06That it's also okay to be different and weird and like, you know, kind of not perfect
19:13because I feel like you do embody sort of the grunginess and the horror, but I would like to see a
19:19Little bit of you know, just embracing the the flawed
19:23That is a part of a part of Dragula, you know the punk component and you have that in you
19:28I just think it's important for people to see that
19:37Well, listen ladies our time is running short and that was very insightful you've given us a lot of food for thought
19:44But the final decision cannot be made until our final three ladies have faced the grand
19:52extermination challenge
19:54That's right
19:55The remaining three of you will have two weeks to create three runway looks for the ultimate floor show starring you
20:03These looks will embody the three primary principles of Dragula built
20:09Horror you will use everything you can all of your resources and prove to us that you have what it takes to be crowned
20:17our drag super monster
20:20Right now it's anyone's game
20:22Each of you ironically possess one of the main qualities of Dragula Melissa the glamour
20:29Vander the horror and Frankie the film it will be interesting to see which one of our principles prevail
20:36Now for our exorcist errs here
20:40We're sorry that you had to die but it was a necessity
20:43This competition is difficult and only one person can come out on top
20:48But now it's time
20:52to sleep
20:57All right
20:58For the three of you remaining in two weeks time the final floor show will take place and when it's all done
21:05One of you will be walking out of here crown the world's first drag super monster
21:11Now off to your cribs. It's time to toil do your best darlings and don't bore us
21:18It's a matter of life and death
21:44Feel confident I feel confident as fuck and I wasn't very confident like when we started when we when we started like episode 1
21:50I remember thinking like as long as I make it to like two episodes like maybe three that'll be cute and then like some bitch
21:56Is gonna knock me off or like totally murder me?
21:59But then like episode 3 happened and I shared the win
22:02Melissa and I did the extermination challenge and I had never been in the bottom and once that happened
22:07There's kind of a switch where I was like, I can't be in the bottom. Like that's not an option. I can't go home
22:13I can't like not make it to top three at this point. Like I have to make it
22:18It's been work man
22:20It's been so much fucking work and I worked so
22:23Hard for this like I never went to set on more than like an hour to have sleep because even up to the last minute
22:29I was like gluing the stones and like so like a hemming shit and I just worked really fucking hard for it
22:35And it's so close now like it's almost in my claws
22:39Yeah, I do have some final thoughts and they're not about me. They're actually about Melissa throughout the competition
22:43I've just heard people especially when we got announced people not just like Queens
22:47But also a lot of fans saying like what is Melissa doing here? Like she's too polished. She's a WeHo queen
22:52She's a beauty queen this this and that she doesn't belong there
22:54and like I can't help but be reminded of when Sharon got on drag race and
22:59Everyone was saying like Oh Sharon shouldn't be there. She's not polished enough. She's not a beauty queen. She's not there
23:04She's not that and this sort of like
23:06Policing of drag and who can do what kinds of drag and what platforms they can or can't do them on
23:10I feel it's just like a bunch of bullshit. I feel like
23:14Beauty queen or not
23:15Melissa's a fierce bitch and she earned her spot on the top three and like all this like shade being thrown at her is
23:19Kind of stupid. I think dragula is really gonna affect the future of drag and that there's no longer
23:24just a
23:26Limited reference of what drag can be. I think dragula really opens to spread the spectrum to be able to say
23:31Anything and everything can be drag. It's just you know, the way you present it and
23:36I think a lot of kids like me growing up like I would have loved to have something like dragula
23:41You know having these sort of figures that are like freakish and crazy
23:44But at the same time very sane and grounded and intelligent
23:46I mean as far as grounded as you can be when you're fucking drag queen
23:50but you know these people going out into the world and saying like this is me like fuck you if you don't like it and
23:54If you do like come on, like let's hang out
23:57Being it like kids being able to see that I feel so eye-opening
24:00And like I wish I would have had something like dragula when I was growing up
24:11It's been a beautiful time I've spent in this dragula competition, I will not change it for anything. It's
24:18It has changed my thinking and in what I first came in the competition with in my mind
24:25Like at first I thought drag was this one sort of sort of thing where you have to always look your best or polish
24:31And this and that you know, this is what I had in mind
24:34But honestly, it's drag is just it's more than that drag
24:37It's just it's more than that drag. It's you don't have to be fierce
24:41You don't have to fucking be pretty all the time
24:43You could fucking step out of the box and fucking be ugly and fucking be monstrous and be spooky
24:48You don't have to always be fierce. Yes at the Last Supper. Oh my goodness
24:52I did get attacked very very bad and
24:57Honestly, I don't give a fuck, you know, I like
25:01I'm here. Like I said, I'm here
25:03They're not and I think it's just they're better because of the fact that I've made it this far and then I think I think
25:09Me going in the competition. They didn't think I was gonna be good enough to stay this far, but I'm here
25:15So probably that's why they thought
25:17They think that I was in monster material for me to take the crown, you know
25:20But bitch better beware, honey, just because I come from a different scene doesn't mean I won't be able to win
25:26Being in the final top three. I feel fucking excited it is
25:34It's fucking bomb, you know, it's the fact that you're up here and top three and the other bitches are not
25:42It feels good, it feels fucking good. It's it's it's amazing. It's just a
25:49Very happy moment actually
25:52Yes, I did have read the comments on and read it and so and so on
25:56But you know, I did try to kind of stay away with it from it
25:59Just for the same fact that they just want to fucking talk shit and just bring you down
26:03It's not cool, you know, just sit back and take a chill pill and relax and enjoy the fucking show
26:09You know, it's like a fucking ride. Enjoy it. Just fucking
26:13Have fun with that. You know, we're having fun with it. Why can you have fun with it? Just
26:17Shut the fuck up
26:26It's it's crazy that it's almost over
26:28It's crazy that I'm here that I made it to the end and that I could potentially take this crown home
26:34It means a lot to me and out to win would mean to be incredible
26:37I mean aside from just the money and the prizes or whatnot
26:40I mean for me
26:41It's more than that would validate my career and validate my choices my aesthetic because like I said before
26:47I've competed other places
26:48I've done drag for a while and I've been going other places and people think I'm cool people like what I do
26:52when it comes to being scrutinized with a lot of other girls, it's
26:57Always kind of push it aside because it's weird because it's too out there because it's not
27:01You know fish or I'm not trying to look like a passable woman or I'm not doing a regular pop number
27:07Because usually I'm killing people or pulling guts out of somewhere. So it's not your typical day-to-day
27:11So this would be cool to be recognized and to win something for being as intense and monstrous as I am
27:16That's what I do and I would never change that
27:18Yeah, I tend to like very similar hair do so that I like to throw myself all over the place and get dirty
27:22I'm not one of the girls like to have well changing now because I do like to have pretty hair now, but
27:28Predominantly my Frankie style has always been having a huge big nappy dreaded out-of-control hair. That's just what I do
27:34I mean if you don't like it, I'm sorry. I'm so grateful this opportunity. I'm glad that it happened for me in my drag career
27:40I'm glad that I'm able to be a part of this because this is kind of I feel like it's
27:44The first of its kind
27:46It's cool to see an alternative
27:47There's so many of us that are different that aren't trying to do a certain aesthetic or a certain look or a certain
27:52Type of drag and there's so much more to it. I think people need to be open and need to see that
27:58There's blood. There's gore. There's I mean, there's so much more. There's just references even comedy. There's just so much more than
28:06Simply being beautiful and looking like a lady
28:25Here we are the final floor show of dragula we're down to the best of the best
28:31Only the top three ghouls remain and we've given them each two weeks to come up with their looks
28:36And we're just dying to see what they've done
28:38We've challenged each of the girls to come up with their own
28:42interpretations of the principles of dragula fill glamour and horror
28:47After they present them here in the floor show
28:49We will finally decide who takes the crown and who will become the world's first drag super monster
28:57Let's let the floor show
34:38Girls we just want to start off by saying thank you
34:42Thank you for taking everything that we threw at you turning it around and making it amazing and serving it up hard on the stage
34:49Before we begin. I want to remind you guys of why we're doing this pageant in the first place drag has
34:56Blown up in the world
34:57But only a certain sort of aesthetic has taken off and it's left a lot of really creative talented people feeling left behind
35:05To us we feel it's almost a responsibility of ours to make sure that people know about all the different kinds of drag that there
35:13Are celebrate them bring them out and put them on display for the world to see
35:18You know, that's right because we're kind of all a family of outcasts. That's what we are. We've invited you into our family
35:25It's what we all are and out of pain comes creativity and out of that creativity comes this level of art
35:31It's what we've all come together to celebrate ladies. Your floor show was absolutely breathtaking
35:37You excited us. You thrilled us. You look gorgeous. You scared us. You disgusted us. It was everything we've been looking for this whole competition
35:44Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you
35:46We're gonna take a minute to go down the line and speak with each of you and just share our thoughts and feelings about what
35:51You've done not only on the stage tonight, but throughout the competition
35:59Consistently delivered right from the start you mentioned that you had never been in a competition before you were a baby queen
36:04I mean, these are things that people remember and all the comments and their first exposure to you
36:07But consistently throughout every single episode you stepped up you've impressed everyone and you've showed them whether you have experience or not
36:15It really doesn't fucking matter in this game because there you stand as one of the final three and it's well-deserved
36:20You not only are fierce Queen you come alive on stage
36:24You perform very well. Your costumes have been immaculate and you also have a brain for marketing
36:29Which is very important in going forward in the competition. Thank you. So so so much
36:34I think like going into the competition
36:36I really underestimated myself as a queen and as an artist and being in the competition
36:41Again, so many fucking amazing Queens really sort of pushed my work and my art onto places
36:47I don't think I had quite taken it yet. So thank you so much for giving me this platform to showcase my art
36:51It really means a lot
36:52Well, thank you for sharing it. Oh miss Frankie Duman her two girls right up front. You do not disappoint
36:58You're my punk rock princess. You're my demon baby sister
37:02I think what you've shown us through this competition is your ability to adapt and change
37:07I think one of my favorite looks tonight is that you can polish it up and show a glamorous look and really own
37:13I love the horns
37:14I love seeing you adapt and change and take our advice and transform yourself into a more powerful more beautiful
37:22Monster Wow, I've learned so much. I've changed so much. I've evolved
37:25I feel like my character Frankie has grown so much from being just a girl covered in blood and
37:30Throwing it up on the floor to a girl in beautiful gowns
37:33Great tits, you know, and it's just been really fun to grow and still keep my
37:38Punk side, but not be afraid to embrace like glamour and beauty and just different facets of it
37:42It's been really cool to express my demon and I just want to thank you guys so much for it
37:46It's been a dream come true
37:49And Melissa be fierce mother of the house of be fierce and I think now we can all see why I
37:57Respect you more after having gone through all of this because you showed everybody how you were going to redefine yourself
38:04You didn't let anybody's feedback define you. They saw you as one thing a glamour queen
38:09Why is she even here and honestly at the end of that runway show?
38:13There should be not one question in anybody's mind
38:16Melissa you have so so proved to the world that you are a super monster
38:21You know
38:22It takes a lot of strength to enter a competition like this do all these controversial things and come out without losing sense of who
38:28They are and you never did that you always stood up
38:30You said what you thought when you thought you were going home
38:32You fought your ass off to stay here and you impressed us. You are like I said a super monster already
38:39It's been such a beautiful journey having to be part of this competition
38:44I think it's kind of switched my drag a little bit, you know, like it's not just one certain style now
38:50I could do something just filthy and you know, just slay, you know, and and I think you guys
38:57honestly, thank you guys for seeing something in me and allowing me to
39:01Bring this fierceness that I am to you guys this competition and I am like beyond thankful
39:07And I would never ever in my life regret anything that I did throughout this competition because I enjoyed and I loved every single
39:14Minute of it. Thank you so much
39:17Well, listen girls
39:18You've given us a lot to think about because of course we came here tonight with preconceived notions of what we might see and I
39:24Think that those preconceptions have been shattered. Absolutely. Honestly, it's anybody's game at this point
39:29You all three are so strong in your own arena
39:31We really have a lot to think about but why don't we take a moment discuss what we must discuss?
39:37And when we come back, we will be crowning dragula the world's first drag
39:42super monster
39:54Well, what do you think
39:59Redefine herself today. I know every time every look the glamour was amazing that fabric could wear Queens
40:07She wore it. She owned it
40:09Like a thousand diamonds wrapped around her. She looked brilliant. I think that fallout from the previous extermination
40:15She got a lot of hate for that
40:17I really feel that that woke her up like in a way
40:19Like she came out hard a bitch could buckle under that too, and she didn't made her stronger
40:24But what about Vander because Vander not only like he brought some punk filth tonight that he doesn't always bring and you know
40:31I love a little bit of that. That was some extreme shit that he pulled on the rum. Oh, like like making himself get sick
40:38on the prop that was there was pretty like incredible and she was really cute too because that
40:43The look with the puppy. She was owning her king. She was owning her puppy. She was owning that reveal amazing
40:48I think so, too
40:50Frankie. Oh
40:51I think she was giving a little bit of a bullet fantasy
40:55She woke up in the sense of like you said she realized who she was tonight
41:00I've always looked like, you know, some people don't see what we see in her
41:03But she's like this really gutter punk Frankenstein drag queen, which is like so much to do with drag you like tonight
41:09You could feel that she felt like she was oh, no
41:12We've been pushing her that since the first or second episode like we feel you we see you
41:15But you need to bring it up. You need to bring it to ten
41:18You're like holding everything back and I really feel like the floodgates have opened and doom is like pouring out every but you know
41:23What if you look at her if you compare it to the other two during the competition she went up and down
41:28So, how can you you know, if she thinks oh, well if she wild you tonight, right?
41:32But she can you can you ignore some of the times she fumbled in the past?
41:36Vander was steady right out of the gate and always delivered which is a lot to celebrate
41:41But Frankie was a surprise. We saw this whole transformation as metamorphosis coming into his own strength, right?
41:48But then there's Melissa too who took all of this heat. We had all these preconceived notions of like, what is it?
41:52Melissa be fierce. I know she's glamour. Oh, she's this side of town
41:55She does these kind of shows but then all of a sudden she's giving us blasphemy on level 10. That's making you gag
42:00Yeah, well, that's the thing. I've always thought through the competition with Melissa was that she's this killer beauty queen
42:06That's why she's in the competition. A lot of people didn't see that but I'm like this girl is a strong bitch
42:13You know, I think this conversation is just affirming a lot of my feelings inside and it's always good to check in with you
42:18Oh, well, but how would you know what to think?
42:23Pop those two eyes out, but I think I know you think you know, I think I know
42:30All right. I think it's time that we crown ourselves a super monster
42:43It's been a long sadistic and painful ride to the top just as we designed it
42:49And of course, we love all of our ghouls, but there could only be one winner and we've made our final decision
43:00The winner of dragula the world's first drag super monster is
43:07Vander von odd
43:13There you are love
43:17Go forth and spread the gospel of filth horror and glamour