• 3 months ago
00:30Gajra Kottari, Prakash Kapadia, Puneet S. Shukla
00:40Director V. Tavan Puranik, Director B. K. Modi
00:50With the participation of the actors Himanshu Soni as the Crown Prince, Dukphat
01:01Kabir Bedi as Tien Atuda, Samia Tamati Kari as the King of Pune
01:09Deepika Upatiai as the Queen of Maya
01:13Gengen Uprari as the Empress Basa Bade, Dukphat's aunt
01:20Kachan Chahin as Princess Yayu Dala
01:24Jagat Singh as Deba Dada, Sanket Choksi as Sanak
01:30Sitath and Sudev as Hock Phan, King of Pune
01:36With some other actors
01:39I left home and came here to meet you
01:51I have fulfilled my promise
01:58I can't bear to see Yasodara continue to torture herself
02:03I have never seen a girl as determined and courageous as Yasodara
02:10When she found out that her son was sleeping on the ground
02:14She began to sleep on the cold ground, without a blanket
02:20Without any jewelry
02:23Without any silk clothes
02:26Only a simple shirt
02:30When she found out that she could only eat once a day
02:36She also began to eat once a day
02:42For me, these things are not difficult
02:45Because I live in the deep forest, no one comes to bother me
02:50But for Yasodara, living here
02:54is like escaping from the prison
02:57Everyone wants to be happy
03:00If she wants to do this, she must overcome all the temptations
03:04Her faith, determination
03:16Can you call me Goba?
03:20The name Yasodara sounds so strange
03:28In the past 7 years, every minute
03:32I always thought you would come back
03:35I always waited for you
03:37I always waited for you to come back
03:40It's not 7 years, Yasodara
03:43It's been so long
03:46I finally understand
03:50the truth
03:55I never thought I would come to this world
03:59To have such a great wisdom
04:02to become such a fool
04:08Come here
04:29There is a problem
04:31It's been bothering me all the time
04:36Can you explain it to me?
04:39I will answer any question
04:42Tell me how you can do it
04:47All these things
04:50living in the deep forest
04:53going through all the sufferings
04:58Let me know
05:03you can't accept the life as it is
05:07Do you have to be desperate to achieve enlightenment?
05:12Then I won't stop you
05:18A woman living in the deep forest
05:21can achieve liberation
05:24But a woman's mind
05:26and a man's mind are not the same
05:30If the water doesn't ask for sunlight to bring up the air
05:35then the water can't form the raindrops
05:41We need to cut off the relationship with the world
05:46Take all the sufferings to train the body
05:49Cut off all the negative thoughts in your mind
05:54Live in a lonely place
05:59to heal your mind
06:02Find the answer for yourself
06:05the doubts about life and death
06:10When my mind is liberated
06:14I achieve enlightenment
06:18This eternal truth
06:20not only belongs to me
06:23but also to all beings
06:25So you mean
06:27you won't stay with Rahula anymore?
06:33If we only think about the pain of your mother and son
06:37then what about the suffering beings in this world?
06:42The whole world is my home
06:52Your heart is so big
06:56Don't force yourself anymore, Yasodara
07:00Thanks to Dibamkara Buddha
07:03we can live together for many lives
07:06And in this life
07:09thanks to your perseverance
07:12and your patience
07:14I can achieve this enlightenment
07:17I owe you too much
07:25I owe you too much
07:44Dad! Mom!
07:50Grandpa is calling you to have dinner
09:23Have some cake.
09:24That's right.
09:29This is made by my father.
09:32I think you will like it.
09:47The life of a hunter is not easy at all.
09:50If you like something, don't enjoy it.
10:23I heard that you only eat one meal a day.
10:28And you eat such a sweet cake.
10:31Is it like when you go on a hunger strike?
10:40I eat the food of everyone's father.
10:43Not just sweet cake.
10:53When you don't focus on food,
10:56there is no difference between food and sweet cake, mom.
11:01That's right.
11:03There is no other choice when you are a hunter.
11:07You have to keep your mind calm when you eat.
11:15I'm back.
11:16I'm back.
11:22You should practice more.
11:25Now Sireta is not only your brother,
11:28but also Buddha.
11:42How are you?
11:46Now you have to get used to calling me Buddha.
11:50Time is not waiting for anyone.
11:54I am no longer the child of the past.
11:59I can walk on this path.
12:03The one I am most grateful for
12:07are the three women.
12:13You have sacrificed so much for me.
12:18All my love is like a bright light.
12:22Just give it to me.
12:25Your blessing is always a form of support for me.
12:31Words cannot express all my gratitude.
12:39You have given up all your love
12:44to support my journey of suffering.
12:49You are responsible
12:51for taking care of my parents and my son, Rahula.
12:55It's all because of you.
12:58You make me feel at ease.
13:01I am also very grateful for this.
13:08There is a third person
13:12and that is Sir Mangala.
13:17If it wasn't for Sir Mangala
13:20who guided me on this path,
13:23I would not have been able to achieve my dream.
13:32Thanks to Sir Mangala,
13:34the world is full of pain and suffering.
13:41Thanks to you,
13:43I have finally overcome all my doubts
13:47and all the answers to the meaning of this life.
13:57Sir Mangala,
13:59you have always loved me.
14:01I ask you to continue taking care of Rahula.
14:31Now that I have been given permission to die,
14:35I must return to the Nygoda Garden.
14:51I have been waiting for you for so long.
14:55I have been waiting for you for so long.
14:59Can we follow you to the Nygoda Garden?
15:04You have learned the truth.
15:07Can you teach us again?
15:11Of course.
15:33It's been seven years.
15:36How much do you get here?
15:40A bag to beg for food.
15:46An ugly chair to lie on.
15:49A bag to beg for food.
15:52A bag to beg for food.
15:55An ugly chair to lie on.
15:59A bag to beg for food.
16:02A bag to beg for food.
16:05A bag to beg for food.
16:08A bag to beg for food.
16:11A bag to beg for food.
16:17what are you talking about?
16:19He is no longer Siddhartha.
16:22He is Buddha.
16:24There are thousands of disciples
16:26teaching Buddhism all over the world.
16:29Do you know that?
16:33I see.
16:36So Buddha,
16:38please tell me
16:41what you have learned
16:43in the past seven years.
16:56You say you love peace.
16:59You can't even use a sword to win, can you?
17:05I conquered the whole world,
17:08but I couldn't control my heart.
17:12That is also considered a victory.
17:14So what did you win?
17:16I left not for the gain,
17:19but for the loss.
17:20What loss?
17:22That's right.
17:24I lost my anger.
17:26I lost my greed.
17:29I lost my jealousy
17:32and my hatred.
17:35I lost my jealousy.
17:37Now I have nothing left.
17:39I can only reach the shore of tranquility.
17:42I see.
17:45You mean
17:47you are very peaceful, right?
17:50And I...
17:52I am living in anger, right?
17:56That's what you said.
17:58Anger will make you suffer.
18:02I just argued for a few sentences.
18:06Arguing will cause anger
18:09and make people stop being reasonable.
18:13It's just a way to protect yourself.
18:17I have no greed.
18:19That's good.
18:22Because anger
18:25is like a fire in the palm of your hand.
18:29You want to spread it to others,
18:32but before you spread it,
18:35your hand is already burned.
18:45I see.
19:16I can only offer you this bed.
19:19I hope you will accept it.
19:29Your Majesty.
19:33Your Majesty.
19:46Take a rest.
19:53I can't sleep.
20:01To wait for this day,
20:05I have been awake for many nights.
20:12Now he is back.
20:16Your Majesty.
20:19I am not Siddhartha's biological mother.
20:23But Siddhartha has called me his mother.
20:27I am very grateful for that.
20:31Today, my son
20:34was begging
20:37in front of the house of a poor woman.
20:41He took a bowl of rice
20:43and threw it on his own territory.
20:46This is a kingdom
20:48ruled by him.
20:51So when you met him,
20:53you didn't see
20:55the bright color on his face?
20:58It turned out that his identity was a soldier.
21:05But he has become a blind man
21:08who helped all sentient beings get out of misery.
21:10His merits will be remembered all over the world.
21:14The respect
21:17that sentient beings have for your son
21:21will not be wasted
21:23to make your reputation spread all over the world.
21:32My father is a very special magician.
21:35He has the power of the Kabbalah.
21:37Very special.
21:39This Kabbalah
21:41can't find anyone like you.
21:44Why is that?
21:49You are completely different from the people in the palace.
21:52You don't wear beautiful clothes and jewelry.
21:55You don't wear a sword and you don't bully others.
21:58But you are much more harmful than those people.
22:01That's right.
22:03My father is the richest man in the world.
22:05Do you know why?
22:07Because your father has conquered himself, son.
22:11People can conquer the world
22:14but they can't conquer themselves.
22:16They are not conquerors.
22:18But people can control their inner self.
22:21In fact,
22:23they have conquered the whole world.
22:27Can I live with my father?
22:29I can't stop you.
22:31You are your father's successor.
22:34What does a successor mean?
22:37When you meet your father,
22:39you can ask him for anything.
22:41Anything you want.
22:43Just ask your father.
22:47Let's go find my father tomorrow.
22:58I used to be close to Siddhartha.
23:01In my heart,
23:03there was only hatred and contempt.
23:08Everything I did to him
23:11was all evil.
23:14I only wanted to benefit myself.
23:19But father,
23:21in today's meal,
23:23Siddhartha thanked me in front of everyone
23:26for seeing me as an important person like Pachapati and Yasodhara.
23:40In his heart, he respected me so much.
23:43He respected a person
23:45as evil as me.
23:48A person who has never thought good for him.
23:51Not even once.
23:53Five times, seven times.
23:55I have written so many bad things for him.
23:58But Siddhartha said
24:01I helped him achieve what he has today.
24:06It's not true, father.
24:08It's not true.
24:10It's not true.
24:12My conscience.
24:14My conscience is very hard.
24:17What should I do now?
24:19What should I do?
24:21Because every time I think about this,
24:24thinking about the bad things in my heart,
24:27I feel ashamed.
24:29What should I do?
24:31What should I do?
24:34In my heart,
24:39Siddhartha also left a mark.
24:44Now I understand
24:47why Siddhartha is always different from others.
24:51And we,
24:53except for Vibhishana,
24:55we don't think about anything else.
24:58The other king
25:01Siddhartha just touched his hand and came.
25:04But he left.
25:07We will never understand this.
25:10Mangala, I have created too much karma.
25:14Ajatashatru is right.
25:23knows how to captivate people's hearts.
25:29Look at my mother.
25:32Now you two are sitting there,
25:35regretting, aren't you?
25:43What needs to come will come.
25:48It's best to stop before it's too late.
25:50These are all cowardly things.
25:53Cowardly people like you,
25:56now is the time to overthrow Siddhartha, you know?
25:59But you all ran away.
26:04you should learn from Siddhartha.
26:06Shut up!
26:10I have prepared everything.
26:14The first step of the plan
26:16is that I have to become the king of this Kamilavatthu.
26:22And then,
26:25once the rope is pulled out,
26:29there will be no turning back.
26:32Your army
26:34has come to Magadha
26:36to support Ajatashatru's rebellion.
26:45will be your tool.
26:49What you want
26:52is the king lying in front of your eyes.
26:56Is the king lying in front of your eyes.
27:04Search every nook and cranny of the palace for me.
27:09Get King Bimbisara
27:11to meet me.
27:13Search the whole palace for him.
27:19Search everywhere
27:20to find him.
27:26Your Majesty,
27:29I have been waiting for you for a long time.
27:32I came here to warn you
27:34that Ajatashatru has betrayed me.
27:37Now, his soldiers
27:39can come here at any time.
27:41We have searched everywhere
27:42but couldn't find King Bimbisara.
27:45Your Majesty,
27:46we also couldn't find the king.
27:49You should bring our Zivaka and run away.
27:53this is not the time to be emotional.
27:55I heard that Ajatashatru wants to trap me.
27:57Ajatashatru will kill Magadha's king.
28:00He doesn't trust me anymore.
28:03It seems that King Bimbisara has run away.
28:07Does it mean that he has known
28:09all our actions?
28:11If so,
28:12I can't let him escape easily.
28:15Magadha's king must be mine.
28:19Your Majesty, don't worry.
28:21We have prepared the army
28:23at Magadha's border.
28:24Many of our generals
28:26are following him.
28:27The army of Kapilavatthu
28:29is also in his hands.
28:31Your Majesty,
28:32you can't run away.
28:34Hurry up.
28:35Search every nook and cranny of Magadha.
28:37Even if he is hiding in the well,
28:38you have to find him for me.
28:39Don't let him escape.
28:46I am Ajatashatru.
28:48I am Ajatashatru.
28:50No matter where your enemy is,
28:52you can't escape from me.
28:55I will go to hell with you.
28:57It doesn't matter where you go.
29:00don't say that.
29:02Once Ajatashatru comes here,
29:04not only you,
29:05but also our Jivaka
29:07can't survive.
29:08Just follow me.
29:09I won't wait for you.
29:12do you believe me?
29:14We only have one advantage.
29:16Ajatashatru has never met you.
29:18Even if he comes here to find you,
29:22he won't recognize you.
29:26My people will escort you back to Vesali.
29:29If your people
29:30can escort me back to Vesali,
29:32why don't you go with me?
29:34I can't leave you
29:35to go to Vesali.
29:38We have to go together.
29:43Bimbisara is the king of Magadha.
29:47I haven't fulfilled my responsibility.
29:50If I run away today,
29:52I will lose
29:53the dignity of a king.
29:55My life has no value.
29:57There is not much time left, Ambabali.
30:01If the gods still love me,
30:04we will meet again.
30:07Listen to me, Ambabali.
30:09Go right now.
30:21Your Highness,
30:23we have searched everywhere
30:25but couldn't find the king.
30:27We want to enjoy the king's blood.
30:30But the king is a coward.
30:33He doesn't dare to meet me.
30:35Bimbisara, the kingdom of Magadha,
30:37is not a coward.
30:42You traitor!
30:44Open your eyes and see
30:47who I am.
30:49The King of Magadha
31:08A man who stabs behind his father's back
31:10is a coward.
31:12In the heart of a traitor,
31:15I don't swear by a father's law
31:18How can you still stand here
31:20without knowing the truth?
31:22If you had killed me earlier,
31:24there wouldn't be this day.
31:26But now,
31:27you are in my hands.
31:30Either you forgive me
31:32and let me live,
31:34or you fight with me
31:36to the death.
31:37It's up to you.
31:42you are wrong.
31:44I am not your prisoner.
31:47I came here to kill myself.
31:50Since I followed Buddha,
31:54I am no longer afraid of death.
31:58This palace
32:00means nothing to me.
32:02It's just a mess in a cave.
32:05Arrest him.
32:07Tie him up.
32:10Go to the cave
32:12and learn Buddha's teachings.
32:17The King of Magadha
32:48Greetings, Lady.
32:50Greetings, Crown Prince Dien Ha.
32:52Please follow me.
33:18Uncle Nanda and Uncle Anan,
33:20where are they?
33:23Today is the day
33:24when all the generals
33:25go down to the cave
33:26to become a monk.
33:27They have all gone to worship.
33:29Can I go there?
33:33Let's go.
33:51you give up all joy
33:53and live a simple life.
33:55Is it because of me?
33:57I am a part of you.
33:59Following your footsteps
34:01is my duty.
34:03Before you
34:07fully accept me,
34:10don't easily
34:12follow someone else's teachings.
34:14My heart
34:16is always with you.
34:20Can I become
34:22your disciple?
34:27Why can't a woman
34:29escape all suffering?
34:32Why can't I
34:34be a good woman?
34:38To practice the Dharma,
34:40first, you must
34:42achieve liberation.
34:46But now,
34:48it's not yet time
34:50for you to become a good woman.
34:54Until then,
34:56I will tell you clearly,
35:00You can't stay here now.
35:08Can I stay here?
35:13I know you will agree
35:15because you are
35:17my successor.
35:20Of course.
35:23When the time comes,
35:25I will give you
35:27what you deserve.
35:33can I go down to the stream?
35:35What do you want me to do?
35:37Of course,
35:39but you must be allowed
35:41to do so.
35:47Your nature
35:49is not decisive.
35:51You are lacking
35:53in integrity
35:55in your life,
35:57whether you are a king
35:59or a concubine.
36:01You are right.
36:04You are very interested
36:06in your concubine's life.
36:08If you allow it,
36:10let her live with you
36:12for a month
36:14to experience her life.
36:16Next week,
36:18the Dharma teacher will come
36:20to help her understand
36:22more about her own path.
36:24If she wants to
36:26make you a monk
36:28just because of you,
36:30she won't be able
36:32to bear that one month.
36:34During this gathering,
36:36you can help her
36:38a lot
36:40and improve her mind.
36:51I agree.
36:54One more thing, father.
36:58It's time
37:00for me to leave.
37:02In seven days,
37:04I will come to Kosala.
37:06My son!
37:10please don't be sad.
37:12You still have
37:14this Kapilavatthu.
37:18My son,
37:20I still have a request.
37:22The queens of the Sakya clan
37:24want to hear your Dharma.
37:26I request you
37:30to use the identity
37:32of a monk
37:36to share your wisdom
37:38with us.
37:40Of course.
38:04starting today,
38:06you have become
38:08a member
38:10of the Sangha.
38:12From now on,
38:14you have to follow
38:16the Dharma teacher.
38:18During the meditation,
38:20you have to
38:22devote yourself
38:24to the Dharma teacher
38:26every day.
38:28You have to
38:30follow the Dharma teacher
38:32every day.
38:34You have to
38:36follow the Dharma teacher
38:38every day.
38:46will Nanda
38:48always be with me?
38:50I want to be
38:52like Nanda.
38:54You will be like them.
38:57Are you really
38:59my successor?
39:01Now you can be
39:03my successor.
39:05Bach Thetung,
39:07how can a young man
39:09become a monk?
39:11Later, when Rahula
39:13has grown up,
39:15I will teach him.
39:17Rahula is ready
39:19to become a monk.
39:22Now let him
39:24join the Sangha
39:26and learn some simple sutras.
39:28Bach Thetung, I will help Rahula
39:30learn these things.
39:54What are you doing, son?
39:57I have agreed
39:59to allow Nanda
40:01to be a monk
40:03for a month.
40:05But Rahula,
40:07my grandson,
40:09is also a monk.
40:11I have agreed
40:13to allow Nanda
40:15to be a monk
40:17for a month.
40:19But Rahula,
40:21my grandson,
40:24why don't you
40:26think of
40:28our feelings?
40:42Once upon a time,
40:44there was a king
40:46who was looking for a way out.
40:50He wandered day and night
40:52in sorrow
40:54because he missed his son.
40:56You understand everything.
41:00So a father like me
41:02must also understand.
41:06We are getting close to heaven.
41:08Our relationship
41:10is our life now.
41:19I only ask for one thing.
41:24before I give birth
41:28to my children,
41:30I must have
41:32their consent.
41:36when Rahula
41:38insisted on joining the Sangha,
41:42I was a father
41:44with no pride.
41:46That's why
41:48I chose this path.
41:50On this path,
41:52there are only two mistakes.
41:58that is
42:00giving up halfway.
42:04there is no beginning.
42:10has taken his first step.
42:14My path
42:16has rules.
42:18My path
42:20has rules.
42:22My path
42:24is self-realization.
42:28So the realization
42:30in your life
42:32and in our life
42:34are the same.
42:36I have realized
42:38and seen clearly
42:40the eternity of life.
42:42Living together
42:44with all beings
42:46is the eternal
42:48liberation of the world.
42:50In my heart,
42:52there is no hesitation
42:54and no fear.
42:56You have been liberated
42:58and no longer bound.
43:02I have found
43:04the path to be liberated
43:06from all sufferings.
43:08The path I have taken
43:10cannot be
43:12passed on
43:14to my loved ones.
43:16If Rahula
43:18and Nanda
43:20can walk on this path
43:22and apply it in their lives,
43:24they will also
43:26achieve the unparalleled truth.
43:30And this truth
43:32is my legacy.
43:34I will pass it on
43:36to all beings
43:38without holding anything back.
43:44I will pass it on
43:46to all beings
43:48without holding anything back.
44:14Copyright © 2020 Mooji Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
44:16No part of this recording may be reproduced
44:18without Mooji Media Ltd.'s express consent.
