• last year
Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video.


00:00One morning, Gordon was in the yard taking on a large supply of coal.
00:09That's the third load of coal you've had today, Gordon, said James.
00:14Some might say you're being rather greedy.
00:16I'm an important engine, replied Gordon.
00:19Important engines need plenty of coal, but I doubt if you would understand that, James.
00:24James snorted and went about his work.
00:31Later, Gordon was taking on water from a standpipe because the water tower was under repair.
00:38I wouldn't drink too much of that water if I were you, Gordon.
00:41It might give you boiler ache.
00:43Bah! said Gordon.
00:45What's this? Educating Gordon Day? First James and now you, Doc.
00:50Big engines have big needs. Little engines are just annoying.
00:53Don't say I didn't warn you, laughed Doc.
00:57Later, Gordon steamed into the yard at the big station.
01:05That's what I need, exclaimed Gordon.
01:08There, emerging out of the sheds, were two shiny tenders.
01:12Now, if I had two tenders, said Gordon,
01:15I wouldn't need to stop so often and I wouldn't have to listen to silly little engines.
01:20Those tenders belong to a visitor, replied his driver.
01:25Diesel sidled up alongside.
01:29Everyone knows that tenders are a mark of distinction,
01:32but I'm afraid that no amount of tenders will save you in the end.
01:37We diesels are taking over and we don't need tenders to make us important.
01:42Not even one. Gordon was most upset.
01:46He was feeling just the same the next day.
01:50I'm not happy.
01:52I know, put in Doc brightly. It's boiler ache.
01:56It's not boiler ache, protested Gordon.
01:58It's... Of course it is, interrupted Henry.
02:01That water's bad. Your boiler must be full of sludge.
02:04Have a good washout. Then you'll feel a different engine.
02:09Don't be vulgar, huffed Gordon.
02:13He backed down onto his train, hissing mournfully.
02:17Cheer up, Gordon, said the Fat Controller.
02:20I can't, sir. Is it true what Diesel says, sir?
02:23What does he say?
02:25That diesels are taking over.
02:27Don't worry, Gordon. That will never happen on my railway.
02:31And one more thing, sir. Why did the visitor have two tenders?
02:35Because he lives on a railway with long distances between coal-in depots.
02:40Gordon felt better.
02:43But Henry started complaining.
02:46He banged some trucks angrily.
02:53I always work hard enough for two, he puffed.
02:56I deserve another tender.
02:58Doc whispered something to Donald.
03:00He was going to play a trick on Henry.
03:03Henry, he asked innocently, would you like my tenders?
03:07Yours? What have you got to lose?
03:10Yours? What have you got to do with tenders?
03:13All right, said Doc. The deal's off. Would you like them, Donald?
03:18I wouldn't deprive you of the honour, replied Donald.
03:22It is a great honour, continued Doc thoughtfully.
03:25But I'm only a tank engine. Perhaps James might.
03:29I'm sorry I was rude, said Henry hastily.
03:32How many tenders have you, and when could I have them?
03:37I have six, and you can have them this evening.
03:40Six lovely tenders, chortled Henry.
03:43What a splendid sight I'll be.
03:49Henry was excited all day.
03:52Do you think it'll be all right, he asked for the umpteenth time.
03:56Of course, said Doc. They're all ready now.
04:01The other engines waited where they could each get a good view.
04:09But Henry wasn't a splendid sight at all.
04:12His six tenders were very old, dirty and filled with boiler sludge.
04:18Had a good wash out, Henry, called a voice.
04:21That's right, you'll feel a different engine now.
04:24Henry was not sure, but he thought the voice belonged to Gordon.