• 4 months ago
05:01He doesn't want to let go.
05:04I'll leave the deadbolt open.
05:06I'll tiptoe.
06:38We've gone over all the available information, Charlie.
06:42Problem is, we're not sure exactly what we're dealing with.
06:46Mr. Howell, what are we dealing with here?
06:49The Las Vegas police are calling Mary Phillips' death accidental.
06:53Mary Phillips was a very good driver,
06:56and when she left the casino, she was sober.
06:59Now, there's no reason for her to hit that car at that speed.
07:02Mr. Howell, the attendant who was run down in your parking lot last week,
07:06the police are calling that a hit-and-run?
07:08I'd call it a killing.
07:10A nice kid that never hurt anybody.
07:13So you're saying it was deliberate?
07:15I didn't think so until Mary was killed.
07:18All right, then let's assume that the accidents weren't accidents.
07:24At the risk of sounding paranoid,
07:27I'd say somebody was trying to gaslight me.
07:30I mean, I get phone calls and nobody's at the other end of the line.
07:34I go up to my suite and I notice that my furniture is slightly moved.
07:40Anything taken?
07:43Mr. Howell, you're in an extremely competitive and lucrative business.
07:48You no doubt have enemies.
07:50I'm the sole owner of the Tropicana.
07:53No ex-partners. I've never hurt anybody.
07:56I've never cheated anyone, and I wouldn't even if I wanted to.
08:01Vegas is a clean town.
08:03All I want are answers, and I want them fast.
08:06I want them fast because I don't want any more of my people killed.
08:10And I don't care what it costs, Mr. Townsend.
08:12I love that song.
08:15Then I suggest, Mr. Howell, the five of you take the next plane to Las Vegas.
08:21Uh, Charlie, you think maybe we could take a later flight?
08:26Um, I think maybe we're gonna need a cover.
08:29Yeah, like some new clothes.
08:31Some new shoes.
08:33I think maybe I'm gonna do something with my hair.
08:35Maybe a perm.
08:38I don't know.
08:40Yeah, maybe.
08:50Uh, Charlie.
09:21Tell me something, do casino owners gamble?
09:24You mean, do I?
09:25Yep, that's exactly what I mean.
09:27Well, I won this place in a crap game.
09:29Love a client with a sense of humor.
09:47Come on in.
09:51You inherited.
09:55I said you got this place for family money.
09:58Look at that.
10:01Are you gonna gamble?
10:03Listen, you know, I'm not trying to pry into your personal affairs.
10:06It's just that how you got all this could be relevant to the case.
10:10Miss Tucker, you're hard to convince.
10:12I won this thing in a crap game.
10:13Oh, come on now.
10:14Nobody gets all this that easily.
10:16I didn't say it was easy.
10:17It took three days and three nights.
10:19You're really not kidding, are you?
10:21No, I am not.
10:22I'm not kidding at all.
10:24All right, then where's the man that you got all this from?
10:27He is nowhere.
10:29He just walked right out that door and shot himself right through the head.
10:36All right.
10:38We'll hold our command post here.
10:41Command post?
10:43Tank corps.
10:44And here, four bedrooms in an office.
10:48And each of you have a special entry through the hall,
10:51so no one will know you're all together.
10:55And the four phones, you all have your special extensions.
10:59Well, we ought to get busy establishing our covers.
11:02Well, I told the business office that you're here as my personal executive consultant.
11:07I'm not sure I know exactly what that means.
11:10Well, don't worry about it.
11:11Neither do they.
11:13Marty Cole is looking for a backup girl singer for his lounge act.
11:17Bosley said you sing, so I set up an audition for you this afternoon.
11:22Marty Cole?
11:24I used to listen to his records when I was a kid.
11:27Tell him you played him in college, okay?
11:30And you have an audition with the dance captain.
11:36What about my cover?
11:38Oh, I have yours right here.
11:52Hitch, hip, kick, ball, change, kick, ball, change, hitch, hip, hitch, hip, kick, ball, change, kick, ball, change, hitch, hip, and stop.
12:03Excuse me. Could you point out Joan Wells?
12:07Thank you.
12:11Miss Wells?
12:13Listen, I hate to bother you.
12:14My name is Kelly Garrett, and I'm a friend of your roommate Mary Phillips.
12:18Well, I guess you haven't heard about Mary's accident.
12:21Yeah, I heard.
12:23Yesterday when I arrived from Dallas, it's not bad enough to find out Mary's dead than to get here and find out the auditions to replace her.
12:31You knew Mary in Dallas?
12:32We studied dance together.
12:34She had written and suggested I come out and try for a job.
12:38Listen, I'm kind of upset.
12:41Can we talk more later?
12:44Thank you.
12:50Guess what?
12:54You win this week's piece of free advice.
12:57Lucky me.
12:58It goes like this.
12:59Go back to Dallas, because I've been waiting to audition for this job.
13:03And as far as I can see, you're the only competition here.
13:06Thank you very much. Very nice.
13:12Goes like this.
13:13And step, ball change, step, ball change, step, hip, step, hip, step, two, three, step, two, three, step, hip, step, hip.
13:23I think I have it.
13:24Okay, let's see it.
13:26And step, two, three, kick, two, three, step, hip, step, hip, kick, two, three, kick, two, three, and stop.
13:34You learn quick.
13:36I've called a rehearsal with the other girls.
13:38You think if I ran you through it once with them, you could make the dinner show?
13:41I think I can make a run at it.
13:43Okay, we'll give you a chance.
13:44Great, thank you.
13:45Audition's over.
13:47Take five girls, and we'll go through the whole number.
13:52Hey, you've got some nice moves.
13:53Thank you.
13:54Think I can cut it?
13:56Now guess what you win.
14:02Mr. Howell, do you care for me?
14:25Oh, formality makes me nervous.
14:27Now let's get down to the first name.
14:29Okay, do you have any reason not to trust any of the people who work for you here?
14:34Oh, no.
14:35They've all been with me since the roundhouse days.
14:37What are the roundhouse days?
14:39First joint I operated, it was in a train shed on the east side of Philadelphia.
14:45You had a casino in a train shed?
14:47Well, only at night.
14:49You see, they cleaned the engines during the day.
14:51It was sort of a floating crap game.
14:54Did you show a profit?
14:56I always show a profit.
14:59How do you do that?
15:00I'm blessed.
15:01You mean you're lucky?
15:02No, I mean I'm blessed.
15:04Well, the word blessed usually has a theological connotation, so I would assume...
15:10When you were a kid, you never spent much time on the street.
15:13It shows.
15:14Well, you're suffering from structured thinking.
15:19You sure about that?
15:20I'm sure of only one thing, that's winning.
15:23And that you and I are going to be more than just friends.
15:28But that you already know, don't you, Sabrina?
15:31I might have known it before you did.
15:53I want to be around to see how he does it when he breaks your heart in two bits.
16:14Let's see if my puzzle fits so fine.
16:24And that's when I'll discover that revenge is sweet.
16:29As I sit there applauding from a front row seat.
16:33When somebody breaks your heart like you broke mine.
16:42When somebody breaks your heart like you broke mine.
16:57I'll see you guys at 3.30.
17:00Sounded terrific.
17:02Thank you.
17:04You tell me your name is Leslie, and I'll drop in a dead faint.
17:08Well, I would hate to have you do that, Mr. Cole.
17:11My name's Chris Monroe.
17:13I heard you were looking for a backup singer.
17:16You, uh...
17:18You sing like you look.
17:20I'm not a backup singer.
17:22I'm a backup singer.
17:24I'm a backup singer.
17:26You, uh...
17:28You sing like you look.
17:30Well, I don't know. Do I look hungry?
17:33Are you?
17:35Well, let me put it this way.
17:37I am probably closer to fainting than you are.
17:43Okay, let's hear you sing something.
17:48Anything in particular you'd like to hear?
17:50Anything you want.
18:04Keep on searching
18:08Love is what you find
18:10Never change your mind
18:12Never give up
18:15Try and take a chance and see
18:19What's next beyond this
18:26You're staring.
18:28I'm listening.
18:30Well, you were sort of staring and listening.
18:33And listening.
18:36Who's Leslie?
18:38My wife.
18:42Oh, man, I'm sorry.
18:44Leslie Cole, of course.
18:46I forgot.
18:49Blonde hair.
18:51Same height.
18:53You even have her sound.
18:57She died a few months ago, didn't she?
19:02You, uh...
19:04You really rocked me when you walked in here.
19:15You'll do fine.
19:18You mean I got the job?
19:21That's exactly what I mean.
19:25I think I'm gonna faint.
19:28Well, Dr. Cole prescribes a very large steak.
19:33Dr. Cole?
19:35You got a lot of style.
19:42It's exciting for you, isn't it?
19:48I said it's exciting for you, isn't it, all this craziness?
19:51It's not crazy. This is all very ordered.
19:53This is very real.
19:55I think you're the only one who sees it that way.
19:58I'm the only one that has to.
20:11The air feels rich today, Frank.
20:13If you don't breathe too deeply, a person could choke.
20:18Gotta give Frank credit.
20:20He's always trying to class up his act.
20:22Well, if that's a compliment, thank you very much.
20:25Oh, it is, it is. And you're welcome.
20:28I'm Mark Haynes. Sabrina Duncan.
20:31I run the casino up the street.
20:33Well, what'd you do, come over to borrow a cup of money?
20:37No, just looking in on the action.
20:40You look...
20:44Nice to have met you.
20:49Frank, somehow you don't look like a man without amicus.
20:53Just a little competition.
20:58Send this up to a counselor.
21:00I've arranged dinner for us tonight.
21:03Ten o'clock.
21:05My sweet.
21:07I didn't hear you ask.
21:09I didn't hear you say no.
21:12Well, um...
21:14I guess somewhere between that floating crap game in Philadelphia
21:18and all this glitter,
21:20there's gotta be a gentleman and a scholar, so, um...
21:24So, ten o'clock?
21:42You look like a lady with a man on her mind.
21:47Hey. Yoo-hoo.
21:49I said, you look like...
21:51I hear ya, I hear ya.
21:53Yeah, well, you gotta look at it this way.
21:56There are worse things.
21:58Come on, let's go find Kelly.
22:01Yoo-hoo. Kelly?
22:07No, that's at the beginning.
22:09It's three turns to the left, and then you go off.
22:13Hey, wait a second. This is my favorite machine.
22:16Just one, okay?
22:25Friend of yours?
22:27That man over there, do you know him?
22:29No. No.
22:30Listen, I've got some costumes to check on,
22:32so I'll see you later.
22:39Uh-oh, she's frowning.
22:41Maybe she flunked her dance audition.
22:43Oh, no, we're great.
22:44Oh, yeah?
22:46Tell me something.
22:47Do you know who that man is over there?
22:49Which one?
22:50The one in the tan suit.
22:52Yeah, that's, um, Mark Haynes.
22:54He runs a casino down the street.
22:56Why, is something the matter?
22:58I'm not quite sure yet.
23:00Well, come on. Let's go see Bosley.
23:02See how he's doing.
23:24Hey, where'd you get the...
23:27The whistle.
23:28I've been here six years. I don't have a whistle.
23:31Do you think you really deserve one?
23:33I think you should be carrying luggage like the rest of us.
23:36When you get a whistle, you don't have to carry luggage.
23:39Who says so?
23:40The person who gave me the whistle.
23:42Yeah? Who's that?
23:44I am not at liberty to say,
23:46and I think that you should hurry.
23:48Hurry, hurry.
23:52Sly devil, where did you get that whistle?
23:55From the person who told me I should do no heavy lifting.
23:58Oh, and who was that?
23:59I bet he's not at liberty to say.
24:01And you would win that bet.
24:03Joey, he's terrific.
24:05Joey January.
24:06Hey, Joey.
24:07Hey, Joey January.
24:08Mr. January, welcome to Las Vegas.
24:10Very nice, but I asked for vanilla.
24:12I told you we're out of vanilla.
24:13Very funny. Get out of town.
24:15Hey, Joey, there's been a lot of publicity
24:17concerning your appearance here at the Tropicana.
24:19We hear you're involved in a legal battle
24:21to maybe get out of your commitment.
24:23Hey, the people of Las Vegas, I love them.
24:25My beef is strictly with the manager.
24:27You mean Mr. Frank Howell, the owner of the Tropicana?
24:29You got it, pal.
24:30Frank Howell was the bad news himself.
24:33The truck!
24:46Anybody hurt?
24:47It's just a lot of bruised knees.
24:49Anybody got a chance to look at the license plate?
24:51No, I didn't.
24:54There wasn't one.
24:55One for Dad.
25:03Okay, okay, the mortar, we got it.
25:05Was the bullet really meant for Joey January,
25:08or could it have been meant for one of us?
25:11Well, I figure it was meant for Joey January,
25:14only I think it was meant to miss.
25:17Wait a minute, you lost me.
25:19Well, I just got a call from Joey January's lawyer,
25:23and he's using the incident to break the contract.
25:26What contract?
25:27The contract to break the contract.
25:30He's using the incident to break the contract.
25:33He said it would jeopardize him to appear down here.
25:36Are you saying that Joey January
25:38might have staged that little fracas himself?
25:41Well, I'm saying he's not above pulling a stunt like that.
25:44But for what reason?
25:46I mean, what's this trouble between you and him?
25:48A couple years ago, when Joey was flat broke,
25:50I gave him a job, 5-year contract,
25:53at a wage that he was thrilled to get at the time.
25:57Which is considerably less than what he's now getting elsewhere.
26:00Yeah, well, Joey's not too heavy into gratitude.
26:04So that brings us to the really big question.
26:07Is what happened here today
26:08connected to the deaths of Mary Phillips
26:10in the parking lot attempt?
26:12I don't know about the connection,
26:14but it certainly accomplishes the same thing.
26:17What you said before,
26:19that someone's trying to gaslight you.
26:22Someone or several someones.
26:25Well, that brings us right back to wine.
26:30Well, that's what I hired you for, isn't it?
26:33Drinks are on the house.
26:39Next move.
26:41Kelly, this is Mark Haynes,
26:42the one that manages the casino down the street.
26:45Tell Charlie he can get us a computer checkout.
26:47Why don't you see what you can find out about him?
26:49I'll call Charlie about the readout right now.
26:54I'd like to know why Joan Wells got so uptight when she saw him.
27:00I think for the moment,
27:01I'm gonna spend some time with Marty.
27:03I mean, he and Frank have been friends for a long time.
27:06He may be able to give us some insight
27:08into our uptight client.
27:10Wait a minute. What are you talking about?
27:12I don't know.
27:13Look, we've got a case with no suspects,
27:15no motives,
27:16and a client that is a total loner.
27:19I don't think we're gonna get any answers
27:21until we find out what's going on inside his head.
27:25Why do I have a feeling that might be scary?
28:50Whoa whoa!
28:52I meant to tell you steadily somebody's foot on the exit.
28:55Yeah, I know.
28:56The dance captain.
28:57Oh, well, if they fire me, I got another offer.
28:59For real?
29:00Another offer, huh?
29:01Yeah, a hotel down the street.
29:02A Mr. Hanks.
29:03Do you know him?
29:04No, I never heard of him.
29:08Hello there, baby.
29:31I'm Sabrina Duncan.
29:34Things are looking up.
29:35Right this way.
29:36Thank you.
29:39I've been telling Frank you can't be doing your wash at midnight.
29:44You don't know what that means, do you?
29:45No, I'm sorry.
29:46I'm afraid I don't.
29:47It means you can't spend all your time under the car.
29:51Oh, I see.
29:52Well, I'm glad you cleared me up on that.
29:56If it doesn't turn around, call me, huh?
30:04Oh, hi.
30:06He means all work and no play.
30:08All right.
30:09Just one.
30:10Let's sit down.
30:34You really can't turn a phrase, can you?
30:36He's a prince in the pantry.
30:38You cool?
30:39Frank, she's getting on to the lingo.
30:41No, not really.
30:42It's the apron.
30:43It's a dead giveaway.
30:44I didn't catch your name.
30:46Oh, I'm Jip Baker.
30:48Make nice?
30:50Oh, yeah.
30:52Uh, how about tonight, Frank?
30:55Oh, Frank.
31:00Oh, no.
31:01You better take a walk in the moonlight.
31:04Good night.
31:05Good night.
31:08Who's your friend?
31:10Well, the floating crap game I told you about.
31:13Yeah, the train shed in Philadelphia.
31:15Well, he was the night watchman.
31:17Oh, but he liked the dice better than the steam engines, huh?
31:22When I moved on, he came with me.
31:25He's family.
31:27The only one you ever really had?
31:29Why, will I?
31:31Now, that sounds like a pretty lonely place to live.
31:35That's one of the things what people do when they roll out of bed in the morning.
31:38I don't go beyond that.
31:41How does this work?
31:43Well, that's how I won the place.
31:46Standing around the tables for about 60 hours.
31:49A million and a half ahead.
31:52Then I was down to my last $10,000.
31:55I was beat, tired on my feet.
31:57You know, whether to quit or keep rolling the dice.
32:01But I called Jip over, and he flipped the coin.
32:04He obviously came up with the right decision.
32:07And things turned my way, and 30 minutes later, this place was all mine.
32:13You really believe a lot in that, don't you?
32:16Everybody believes in something.
32:20Excuse me.
32:29Frank, this is Jake.
32:30This cutie pie with the computer wants to raise the table limit.
32:34How much?
32:38What's the interest for?
32:40A little over $90,000.
32:42All right, let him have it, but keep in touch.
32:45Okay, Frank.
32:47Okay, folks.
32:49Table limit is now $3,000 per bet.
32:54Bet's down.
32:57Comin' out.
32:58Comin' out raw.
33:00Comin' out raw.
33:04You did terrific in the dinner show.
33:06What are you talking about?
33:07I made three wrong turns while they were serving the flaming Alaska.
33:10So, who cares about dancing when you're ice cream?
33:27Hey, I'll see you at the midnight show, okay?
33:39A man at one of the tables trying to beat me with a computer.
33:43Is that possible?
33:44I don't know.
33:45Why not?
33:47Well, winning is instinct.
33:50It's a feeling.
33:52Winning is instinct with feeling.
33:58I've been wondering if you ever use any of that.
34:01Oh, well, stop wondering.
34:17Chris Kelly.
34:19Listen, I'm on my way over to the Dooms.
34:22Right, Haynes' place.
34:24I'm gonna check him out.
34:27Yeah, I've got some time before I have to get back here for the midnight show.
35:20Scotch to you.
35:38I guess it's all right to sit here since I'm alone.
35:43House rules.
35:45How do you know?
35:47I make the rules here in the house.
35:51You mean I have to leave?
35:54No, you're all right.
35:56But you just said...
35:57I know, I know.
36:00But now you're not alone.
36:04I'm Mark Haynes.
36:07Now that you know all about me, what about you?
36:11Well, my name is Kelly Garrett and I'm from Dallas, Texas.
36:15And I'm out here visiting my girlfriend.
36:18You know, kind of a drop-in surprise visit.
36:22Only I got the surprise.
36:24What'd she do, move back to Texas?
36:28She passed away recently.
36:30How? What happened?
36:32She was in an auto accident.
36:34You might have read about it in the newspapers.
36:36Her name was Mary. Mary Phillips.
36:40Yes, I think I...
36:42I think I did read something about her.
36:45You're really close.
36:47I'm sorry. It's too bad.
36:51And ironic.
36:52Ironic? Why?
36:57About a month ago, Mary phoned me.
37:01She was unhappy about something.
37:03And she said she'd write and tell me.
37:05Last night, my mother called and said a letter had arrived,
37:08so she's sending it over.
37:11Maybe I'll find out what was bothering her.
37:17I gotta go.
37:21Maybe, uh, we can get together and talk some more.
37:41What did she want?
37:43Who cares?
37:44Do you know her?
37:46I just met her. Why?
37:48Well, I just saw her at Frank's place.
37:50She was with that Phillips girl's roommate.
37:53You sure about that?
37:55Sure I'm sure. They came up to the table
37:57while I was with the professor.
37:59They seem pretty tight.
38:01Maybe you better keep an eye on her, see what she's up to.
38:04I'm not sure.
38:06They seem pretty tight.
38:08Maybe you better keep an eye on her, see what she's up to.
38:11All right. I'll keep an eye on her.
38:13Hey, how's the professor doing with the computer?
38:17Very good. He's having about a hundred thousand.
38:32There we go if our moonlight walk.
38:36All right.
39:06All right.
39:24Go, baby, go!
39:28I did it again!
39:37Hey, Mr. Howell,
39:39I may not have to work for you after all.
39:41You know why?
39:43Because this place may not be yours much longer.
39:45I mean, Smiley here may have this joint in his pocket.
39:50Marty, I need some good vibrations down here.
39:53Will you get Jip for me?
39:55Coming out again. Come out, Roland.
39:57Fence down.
40:07Clear five.
40:13Come on, let's roll the dice.
40:15Get your bets down.
40:17Come on. Let them roll.
40:20Don't pass, eh?
40:22All right, roll them.
40:34Hell, you don't pass.
40:44You don't look so grim, Mr. Howell.
40:46Your face is cracking.
40:55How'd you make out with Haynes?
40:57When I mentioned Mary Phillips' name, he got very nervous.
41:00Meaning he knew her?
41:02I don't know yet.
41:04Roll the dice.
41:10Take your back numbers.
41:12Take your odds.
41:14Nine's the point. Looking for nine.
41:24Still looking for nine.
41:29Nine. Winner!
41:37Hey, look at Mr. Howell. His hair is holding his color.
41:40His face is turning gray.
41:45Mr. January was funnier on television.
41:48By the way, guess who I saw on TV?
41:51By the way, guess who I saw laughing it up with our friend Mr. Haynes?
41:55None other than Mr. January, and they seemed quite chummy.
41:58Maybe we ought to have Charlie run a computer check on Joey January, too.
42:04See you later.
42:06You sure?
42:08Where is he now?
42:14Thank you.
42:19Make your bet.
42:25Yeah, did you find him?
42:27Frank, Jip's been hurt.
42:30He's in the hospital.
42:32What the hell are you talking about?
42:34They found him in the parking lot.
42:39Six is the point.
42:44Excuse me, please. Excuse me.
42:47Hey, the point is six.
42:49What's wrong?
42:51Just keep the six. Come on.
43:07Are you Mr. Howell?
43:09Yes, sir.
43:12He's been asking for you.
43:16Don't stay long.
43:18Come on.
43:20Hey, Jip.
43:22What the hell are you doing here?
43:25Picking up some new threads.
43:29You always did look good as white.
43:31Frank, you really do need to know what happened.
43:35Hey, sport.
43:37What was it that hit you?
43:41Big truck.
43:43Dark windows, lights.
43:46Couldn't see the driver.
43:49Just came at me.
43:54Hey, Jip, don't fade on me now, man.
43:57I'm tired, Frank.
44:00Just want to catch a little nod, okay?
44:03All right, you put it away for a while, and I'll see you in the morning.
44:08Tell you what.
44:10If I make it tomorrow morning,
44:13will you show me how to do that trick?
44:16You're evil.
44:18You're evil, Jip.
44:21You're evil.
44:24You've been teasing me with that piece of business for 20 years.
44:31Okay, I'll show it to you in the morning.
44:35I'll be here.
44:56He's gonna be all right.
44:58He'll be fine, Frank.
45:04Two dead.
45:06Jip's halfway there.
45:08Who the devil is doing this?
45:09We'll find out, Frank.
45:11It just takes time.
45:12Time? I don't have time.
45:14That's what's eating me alive.
45:16You know, when we're working on a case and we keep coming up empty,
45:19I always ask myself, where's the profit?
45:22I don't know.
45:24Frank, your competitor from down the street, Haynes,
45:27Kelly said she saw him this morning talking to Joey January,
45:30and they seemed pretty chummy.
45:32Well, Joey and I are hassling.
45:34I mean, Haynes is taking advantage.
45:37We're all angling for top acts.
45:40Everybody does that here.
45:42Okay, we'll call that normal procedure.
45:44Listen to this.
45:46When Kelly asked Haynes about the dead girl, Mary Phillips,
45:48Haynes got very uptight.
45:50You sure?
45:51Did Haynes know Mary Phillips?
45:54Well, I thought I saw them together about a week ago in a cab,
45:58and I meant to ask her about it, but I never did.
46:02Frank, Haynes resents you.
46:03I could tell that the minute that I met him.
46:06Why does he resent you?
46:08I own my own place, and I've got no one to answer to.
46:12And he does?
46:14Everybody in this town has somebody to answer to.
46:17How well did you know Mary Phillips?
46:20Well, when she first got here,
46:23we went together for a while.
46:26Well, then, um,
46:29Haynes' personal feelings for you could be more than professional envy.
46:35Maybe that's the prophet.
46:37You trying to tell me that this is purely personal,
46:40that maybe Haynes or someone is just trying to tear me up?
46:44Well, until we come up with something else, we have to consider it.
46:48This is crazy. Nobody can hate that much.
46:51Frank, people can.
46:54And they do.