00:00:07아마 난 너를 사랑하나봐
00:01:00아마 난 너를 사랑하나봐
00:02:00아마 난 너를 사랑하나봐
00:02:20아마 난 너를 사랑하나봐
00:02:50아마 난 너를 사랑하나봐
00:03:30아마 난 너를 사랑하나봐
00:03:40아마 난 너를 사랑하나봐
00:03:50아마 난 너를 사랑하나봐
00:04:10아마 난 너를 사랑하나봐
00:04:20아마 난 너를 사랑하나봐
00:04:30아마 난 너를 사랑하나봐
00:04:40아마 난 너를 사랑하나봐
00:04:50아마 난 너를 사랑하나봐
00:05:001등, 23호
00:05:30여보, 언제 깼어요?
00:06:16오랜만에 언니랑 손맛 맞추니까
00:06:18옛날 생각도 나고 젊어지는 기분인거 있지?
00:06:21그치 오빠?
00:06:24근데 이번에 잡은 고구 정체가 뭐야?
00:06:28아니 이런걸 갑자기 어디서 구해온거야?
00:06:30무슨 재주로?
00:06:35아니 뭐 이게 살짝 애매한 것이
00:06:39여기서 세금을 공지하고 나면
00:06:41약속한 20억에 훨씬 못 미치거든
00:06:45살짝 때문에
00:06:59춤만 춘거에요, 건전하게
00:07:04정말로 딱 춤만
00:07:05내가 바보인줄 알아요?
00:07:07춤만 췄는데 어떻게 저런 사진이 나한테 날아와
00:07:10아니 신여사 남편 그 나쁜 자식이
00:07:16나도 협박당했다구요
00:07:18나한테 돈은 돈대로 뜯어놓고
00:07:20당신한테 그 사진을 보낸거라구요
00:07:23돈을 뜯겠어요?
00:07:25뜯길 돈이 어디있어서?
00:07:29당신이 가져갔어요?
00:07:33당신까지 그 더러운 꼴에 휘말리게 하고 싶지 않았어요
00:07:37평생 곱게 당신 꿈만 꾸고 산 사람인데
00:07:40여태 날 감쪽같이 속여놓고
00:07:42어디 갓장께 위해주는 척은
00:07:49취미생활을 숨긴건 미안해요
00:07:54나 평생을 당신 꿈 뒷바라지하며 살았어요
00:07:59나도 소박하게 작은 꿈 하나쯤은 가져도 되는거잖아요
00:08:06그렇게 오래되지는
00:08:08내가 꿈을 못꾸게 된 다음부터
00:08:12아니 꼭 뭐 그런거는
00:08:14내가 꿈에서 당신을 못보니까
00:08:17날 철저히 속일 수 있을거라고 생각했겠지
00:08:21난 그동안 당신 믿고 눈 감았는데
00:08:24눈을 떠도 감아도 암흑뿐이었지만
00:08:27자도 자는게 아니고 깨어있어도 깨어있는게 아닌
00:08:30지옥같은 불면의 밤에도
00:08:32그래도 난 당신을 믿고 눈 감았는데
00:08:35내가 가장 취약해졌을때
00:08:37내 등에 칼을 꽂은거야 당신
00:08:51그래요 솔직히 나
00:08:56늘 당신한테 일거수일투적을 다 들키는 기분이었어요
00:09:01내 인생에 무슨 일이 벌어지던 당신이 먼저 알았고
00:09:06복시집안 비밀을 짊어진 죄로
00:09:09함부로 외부인과 왕래하기도 조심스럽고
00:09:13당신 손바닥 안이 답답하기도 했구요
00:09:19나는 우리가 같은 꿈을 꾸는줄 알고
00:09:25그런데 답답했다고
00:09:29그럼 놔줄게요
00:09:32내 손바닥에서 나가요
00:10:15다 썼네
00:10:18다 썼네
00:10:58잠깐 여행
00:11:02들어가서 자
00:11:04라면 많이 먹지 말고
00:11:31어? 그게 다야?
00:11:34눈부셔 섹시해 엄청 핫해
00:11:47이게 여기...
00:12:10여사님이 길목을 건나 했는데
00:12:13너랑 복기주가 낳은 황금알이었니?
00:12:18역시 우리 딸 수고했다
00:12:24엄마 대단하네
00:12:29어떻게 한거야?
00:12:30니가 흔들리면 엄마가 꽈악 붙잡아준다고 했잖아
00:12:54어머니도 없이 혼자?
00:12:57어 지안씨
00:12:59그럼 준비됐지
00:13:01걱정말고 이따 봐
00:13:26여행 간 거 아니...
00:13:40엄마한테 당한거야
00:13:42돈은 돈대로 털고
00:13:44그나마 복시 집안을 떠받치던 기둥같은 존재도 제거한거지
00:13:49이제 알겠어?
00:13:51날 구한답시고 가족들을 어떤 위험에 처하게 했는지?
00:13:57심지어 인하도
00:13:59엄마가 그리는 그림 안에 있어
00:14:03이래도 날 구할거야?
00:14:05그 복권이 왜 우리 집에 있었는데?
00:14:07빚 갖고 거기서 나왔어야지
00:14:09엄마가 놔주겠어?
00:14:11우릴 묶어두면 황금알이 쏟아지는 걸 알아버렸는데?
00:14:15우리가 같이 있는 한
00:14:17기주씨도 가족들도 안 놔줄거야
00:14:23과거로 돌아가서 날 구한다고?
00:14:28나한테 복시 집안 반지를 끼워주겠다고?
00:14:35그럴 이유 없어
00:14:37아니 그래도
00:14:38비슷한 반지겠지
00:14:40다른 건 기억 못해도
00:14:43그 사람 목뒤에 붉은 반점은 기억나
00:14:46나 구해준 사람
00:14:50복기주 아니야
00:14:53구해야 할 건 내가 아니라 기주씨 가족들이야
00:14:57아버지는 시작에 불과해
00:14:59엄마가 정말로 노리는 거 아버지 아니야
00:15:01목표를 파고들 틈새를 확보한 것 뿐이지
00:15:06진짜 목표는
00:15:09예지몽으로 황금알을 낳아줄
00:15:35설명을 드릴게요
00:15:37다가올 미래사회에 능동적으로 대처하려면
00:15:39인간에 대한 심미적인...
00:15:48어머님한테만 제가 소개해드리려고 이렇게 찾아왔습니다
00:15:56듣고 있어요?
00:15:58머리가 빠개지는 것 같네
00:16:01우리 지안씨가 아무래도 전문가다 보니까
00:16:05설명을 좀 어렵게 했나 보다
00:16:07내가 너무 깊이 들어갔나?
00:16:09제가 간결하게 정리를 드리면요
00:16:12그 아름다움을 원하는 소비자 시장을 통합적으로 인식하고
00:16:18쉽게 말해서
00:16:20한 건물 안에 성형외과는 물론이고
00:16:22뷰티, 스파, 운동, 식당까지
00:16:25예뻐진듯 필요한 모든 서비스를 다
00:16:28다 때려 넣겠다
00:16:32조금 다른 말로는
00:16:34스마트 케어 창의 융합형 서비스라는...
00:16:37그렇게 거창한 사업을 어디다 다 펼치시려고?
00:16:47헬스장 건물
00:16:50결혼하면 나 준다며
00:16:52한 놈 팔았다며
00:16:54그레이스인지 제니퍼인지
00:17:06제가 병원 홍보차 몇 번 본 건데
00:17:09우리 집안에 되물림 되는 매력에 대해서는 들었고?
00:17:15그 정도 신뢰도 못 쌓았고?
00:17:19평생을 같은 꿈을 꾸는 줄 알았던 사람도
00:17:22알고 보니 동상이몽인데
00:17:25이거는 뭐 안팎으로
00:17:27사방이 사기꾼이네
00:17:40먼저 나가 있어
00:17:51엄마 좀 너무하네
00:17:53니 아빠 하나로 충분히 골이 깨지는데
00:17:56너까지 보태야겠어?
00:17:58아빠가 뭐
00:18:01그냥 여행 간 게 아니었구나
00:18:05얼마나 숨이 쉬고 싶었으면 그랬겠어
00:18:08난 200% 이해한다
00:18:11엄마 꿈 때문에 온 가족이 휘둘리는 거
00:18:13엄마만 몰라
00:18:16나도 그래서 여태 엄마 꿈대로만 살았잖아
00:18:19내 꿈 버리고
00:18:20나 때문에 꿈을 버려?
00:18:25내 꿈을 어떻게 망쳤는지?
00:18:28얌전히 결혼하라며
00:18:31그 잘난 전통이을 손주 낳으라며
00:18:34그 시대 최고적인 꿈 이뤄주겠다는데
00:18:36왜 말이 바뀌어?
00:18:38500억 준다며
00:18:40내가 왜 이렇게 굶고 뛰고 살을 빼는데?
00:18:43살 빠졌니?
00:18:50엄만 안 보이는구나
00:18:54엄마 꿈 내가 이뤄줄게
00:18:57그렇게 바라시는 대로
00:18:59나도 가정을 이룰 거야
00:19:01그래야 지긋지긋한 엄마한테서 벗어나니까
00:19:48계산 안 하셨는데요?
00:19:55이 사기꾼 새끼 돈도 안 내고 있어
00:20:07결제가 안 되는데
00:20:09혹시 다른 카드는 없으세요?
00:20:15우선 이걸로 하시고
00:20:18여기서 뵙네요
00:20:20난 여기 개모임이 있어서
00:20:27또 못 주무셨구나
00:20:30나삐치 말이 아니네
00:20:48전원이 꺼져있어 음성사정으로 연결되며
00:20:51이 소리 후 통화료가 부과됩니다
00:21:40우리가 잘 어울리는 거지?
00:21:41그런 거 없나요?
00:21:42같이 사는 게 사람인 척이냐
00:21:44I'm sorry. I didn't see you. Are you okay?
00:22:03You should have been careful. What if you had a heart attack again?
00:22:06She had a heart attack on Hyerim too.
00:22:08Really? I'm scared.
00:22:11I can't even look at a gangster-looking man.
00:22:14How do you know a gangster?
00:22:16Are you her dad?
00:22:18Is that bracelet a gangster's daughter?
00:22:24Where are you going?
00:22:25Stop playing around.
00:22:27That's not it, is it?
00:22:29Mina, are you okay?
00:22:32Hyerim, are you okay?
00:22:34The bracelet is back.
00:22:36Shouldn't you take a look?
00:22:45Yes, boss.
00:22:55Ina is gone?
00:22:56I heard she ran away from school.
00:22:58Have you called her?
00:23:00Her cell phone is off, too.
00:23:03It's broken.
00:23:05It's not off, it's broken.
00:23:07Cell phone.
00:23:10Last time it was glasses, and this time the cell phone is broken?
00:23:16Are you being bullied?
00:23:21I know a few places to go.
00:23:32I think I went to eat malatang with my friends.
00:23:35Home rice is cup ramen.
00:23:38Home rice.
00:23:40Eating alone.
00:23:42You know that, right?
00:23:48How long have you been following her?
00:23:51It's your dad.
00:23:53Isn't it too little to know?
00:23:56Thank you.
00:24:16I'm tired.
00:24:29I'm tired.
00:24:40I'd like to ask you something.
00:24:42Is this student...
00:24:44Do you like Asha Chu on this day?
00:24:47Uh... Chu?
00:24:49Ice tea, espresso, extra shot.
00:24:52No, a little kid eats that kind of caffeine?
00:24:55No, did you hang out with your friends who like to pretend to be adults?
00:24:58Mainly alone.
00:25:29What do you do when you come here?
00:25:34Do you ride a bike?
00:25:36I don't know how to ride a bike.
00:25:44Look at the cell phone.
00:25:49I'm hiding with my cell phone.
00:25:51Avoiding people's eyes.
00:25:54Maybe you're hiding somewhere now.
00:25:58This is all I have to go.
00:26:04The woman in the sauna didn't do anything, did she?
00:26:09I'll check the sauna.
00:26:22You should go home.
00:26:24You might be at home.
00:26:47Who's inside?
00:26:48A precious guest.
00:26:52Was it your mom?
00:26:54Where did you bring it from?
00:26:56I picked it up on the street.
00:26:58What are you going to do?
00:27:01I just fell asleep.
00:27:03Oh, get out of the way.
00:27:21Why are you here?
00:27:23Did you fall asleep?
00:27:24I was in a very dangerous state of extreme insomnia.
00:27:28Even if I went to the hospital, I wouldn't want to go to the hospital.
00:27:34Didn't your mom give you medicine?
00:27:37I remember you gave me medicine.
00:27:42My mom really wants the happiness of Doda and Bok Gi-ju.
00:27:50That's why I brought you here. To get close to you.
00:27:54Do you know how deep my mom's heart is?
00:27:58She's trying to get the golden egg back.
00:28:04Bok Gi-ju gave me that lottery ticket to pay off my debt.
00:28:11I could have left my mom right away.
00:28:13Why didn't you do that?
00:28:15Because of the time I called my mom.
00:28:21You thought I was caught because of the money, didn't you?
00:28:24No, I've never been caught. I was next to my mom.
00:28:35I felt sorry for her.
00:28:40She's trying to keep me next to her even if it's money.
00:28:44The only way to keep me next to her is to believe that there's no other way.
00:28:51That's what I thought.
00:28:54If my dead daughter was in my heart, would she try to keep me next to her?
00:29:01That's why I stayed with her.
00:29:03I called her mom.
00:29:05Sometimes I felt like a real mom.
00:29:08I thought she thought of me as a daughter, at least on behalf of her daughter.
00:29:14But I guess she wasn't.
00:29:17She didn't press it to be with me.
00:29:20She just wanted to step on me.
00:29:23If that's what you want, okay.
00:29:29I won't be your daughter, either.
00:29:34If you don't.
00:29:38Do Da-hye!
00:29:40It doesn't matter what happens to the guests in this room!
00:29:51Just touch Bok-shin.
00:29:54I'll pay you back with what I've learned from my mom.
00:29:58The most cruel thing.
00:30:00You! How could you do this to me!
00:30:04Thanks to him.
00:30:12What are you doing?
00:30:34I'm sorry.
00:31:04I'm sorry.
00:31:24Where's In-ha?
00:31:26She didn't come home.
00:31:29The sun will set soon.
00:31:30Did you go back to the past?
00:31:32When In-ha disappeared, we weren't together.
00:31:39You should look for clues in another time.
00:31:43What about the time you spent with In-ha?
00:31:46You still can't go back?
00:31:48I don't have much time with In-ha.
00:31:54I want to go back and look.
00:31:57I don't know what I'm enduring alone.
00:32:00Why are you hiding?
00:32:03Why are you hiding?
00:32:18What's wrong?
00:32:25In-ha's birthday.
00:32:29It's clearer now, right?
00:32:32Someone I have to save.
00:32:42She's here.
00:32:50In-ha's at school. In the gym.
00:32:52We have to hurry. Hurry!
00:33:03Hey, hey, hey.
00:33:05Do you know why Jun-ho left the dance club?
00:33:08Mom said he was studying.
00:33:11It's a secret.
00:33:13One of us confessed to him and got rejected.
00:33:17Really? Who?
00:33:19Who else?
00:33:25It's not me.
00:33:27Who else would like a guy like Jun-ho?
00:33:31I knew it.
00:33:32He's gotten really dark lately.
00:33:35Bad girl.
00:33:36How much did you hurt Jun-ho?
00:33:38How can I perform without Jun-ho?
00:33:40It's a lie.
00:33:41Let's not do it.
00:33:42Fold it. Fold it.
00:33:43Just eat it.
00:33:44Eat it all.
00:33:47Hye-rim, let's eat together.
00:33:49Hurry up.
00:33:50Hurry up.
00:33:51Hey, I'm going to eat it all.
00:33:53Hey, where's the tteokbokki?
00:33:55Jun-ho ate it all.
00:33:57How can you eat it all by yourself?
00:34:00Oh, I'm hungry.
00:34:02Hey, you ate a lot.
00:34:04Kim Jun-hee, you ate the most.
00:34:06What are you talking about?
00:34:07Hey, hurry up.
00:34:11You're late.
00:34:12Hurry up and clean up.
00:34:14Hurry up.
00:35:05There's someone here.
00:35:08Excuse me.
00:35:10There's someone here.
00:35:16Excuse me.
00:35:44I'm here.
00:35:47I'm really here.
00:35:59I'm really here.
00:36:10I'm here!
00:36:11Min-ah, I'm here!
00:36:13Min-soo, the door is locked.
00:36:15I think I should call someone.
00:36:17Min-ah, wait a little bit.
00:36:19It's okay.
00:36:23Who's there?
00:36:25Oh, here?
00:36:26There's a student here.
00:36:28I checked that there's no one here.
00:36:31Look, there's no one here.
00:36:52It's okay.
00:36:53It's okay, Min-ah.
00:36:59Thank you.
00:37:04Why were you there?
00:37:06Who did it?
00:37:10Tell me.
00:37:12What happened at school?
00:37:14Can I not go to school?
00:37:26You have too many eyes.
00:37:56It's because of you.
00:38:01It's better to be invisible.
00:38:06You read my mind.
00:38:10I wanted to be your friend.
00:38:13I wanted to be a friend who you can trust.
00:38:16But I don't know what went wrong.
00:38:23How do you feel?
00:38:26Even if I don't tell you, no one understands you.
00:38:31Other people don't have a superpower like you.
00:38:35I don't know how I feel, either.
00:38:38You look into other people's hearts, but you don't know how you feel?
00:38:44When I look into my eyes, I wonder if I can know how I feel.
00:38:57I can't hear anything.
00:39:14I was invisible, too.
00:39:19When I was in school, I was trapped in a warehouse.
00:39:24No one knew I was there.
00:39:30But there was a fire outside.
00:39:38The best thing that goes well with an invisible person.
00:39:42It will disappear without anyone knowing.
00:39:45But someone found me through the fire.
00:39:54I thought I was invisible, but I had a color, too.
00:40:00Who was it?
00:40:02The one who found you?
00:40:12I don't know.
00:40:14I don't know.
00:40:19I'm sure you have it, too.
00:40:23Someone who will find you even if you go through the fire.
00:40:33Don't be too afraid of the person who comes to you.
00:40:38What you heard may be a very small piece of your heart.
00:40:48It's like a feeling that passes for a while.
00:41:00What did he say?
00:41:02What kind of guy is he?
00:41:04Don't get too close.
00:41:05Don't get too close.
00:41:08Don't ask anything.
00:41:10Just look at his eyes.
00:41:16Don't say anything.
00:41:19Just look at his eyes.
00:41:35It's cold.
00:41:38It's right.
00:41:43Drink it.
00:41:47Take it.
00:41:48No. Caffeine at night.
00:42:01I'll wipe it for you.
00:42:05I'm sorry.
00:42:33I'm sorry.
00:42:35I'm sorry.
00:42:39You were alone.
00:42:44You were scared.
00:42:49You were very lonely.
00:42:54I want to be with you now.
00:42:56I don't know how to approach you.
00:43:13But I'll try.
00:43:15I'm going to spend time with you from now on.
00:43:29I will definitely find the time when you were born.
00:43:36What are you going to do?
00:43:40The time when I first hugged you was the best time of my dad's life.
00:43:52It must be the worst time.
00:44:01That's the time I hugged my dad.
00:44:05No way.
00:44:07Can you hear me?
00:44:09Can you hear me?
00:44:16I can hear you.
00:44:19What are you doing?
00:44:21What are you doing now?
00:44:31Is that why you avoided your eyes?
00:44:33No, since when?
00:44:35Why did you hide it?
00:44:37Why didn't you tell me you had eyes?
00:44:39Because I wanted it to be gone.
00:44:45The time I ate my dad...
00:44:50In the end, I even ate my mom.
00:44:55It's me.
00:44:58Shall we move to our pretty house?
00:45:01What about dad?
00:45:07I can't go with you.
00:45:12Especially that day.
00:45:15Because you were born.
00:45:20Because I was born?
00:45:27Did I do something wrong to be born?
00:45:34How can you drive like that?
00:46:07It's my fault.
00:46:10It's not my fault that I couldn't hide my heart.
00:46:15It's my fault.
00:46:17My mom, my friends, they all died because of me.
00:46:27But because you died,
00:46:32I'm like a monster.
00:46:37Because I was born.
00:46:40No, In-ha.
00:46:43It's not because of you.
00:46:46It's not because of you.
00:46:51It's not because of you.
00:47:01How can you do that to yourself?
00:47:12It's because of dad.
00:47:15I'm sorry.
00:47:18I didn't know anything.
00:47:26The time you were born.
00:47:30To dad.
00:47:34How much time is that to dad?
00:48:38I'm here.
00:48:41Why don't you change your role?
00:48:43You don't have to be an angel.
00:48:47How about being sexy?
00:48:51My lucky girl lost a lot of weight.
00:48:54I'll get rid of her fat.
00:48:57I'll put on a pretty wedding dress and ask for 500 won.
00:49:01That's all I have to do.
00:49:05Can you do that?
00:49:08I'm sorry.
00:49:12Did you wake up?
00:49:27What's so big?
00:49:29You're a con artist.
00:49:33Is it good?
00:49:34I had a vivid dream here last time.
00:49:37Did you have a good dream?
00:49:42I told you I had a daughter.
00:49:45I'm dead because I'm young.
00:49:48What's that?
00:49:50I think it's alive.
00:49:56In my dream.
00:49:58I was crying with a daughter who had grown up.
00:50:05I'm glad you're alive.
00:50:11The daughter who died in prison?
00:50:14It's my only weakness.
00:50:17It's the card I opened when we first met.
00:50:20Is that a weakness?
00:50:22Weaknesses are not weak at the moment.
00:50:25It's a lethal weapon.
00:50:28I'm going to dig you up somehow.
00:50:31I'd rather blow up.
00:50:34If you use your weakness properly, you'll be shaken.
00:50:40You're the one who's in charge.
00:50:46I thought you were following me too smoothly.
00:50:50I just told you what my dream showed me.
00:50:53Like the last wedding.
00:50:57I'm sorry.
00:51:27What are you doing?
00:51:28What are you doing?
00:51:56What are you doing?
00:51:59You have to wear a dress.
00:52:25That's enough.
00:52:28That's enough.
00:52:59I'm going to pick up 500 billion rice cakes and eat them.
00:53:08I'll help you.
00:53:11Let's eat together.
00:53:17It doesn't help at all.
00:53:20When I see your face, I lose my appetite.
00:53:25If you look at it, there's a corner that looks like us.
00:53:30Isn't it like a side menu in Nana's sister or both families?
00:53:34There's a mom's favorite.
00:53:36Hey, can you not be sympathetic?
00:53:55Sister, do you want to fly with us?
00:54:06Let's fly.
00:54:08Just once.
00:54:25Be careful.
00:54:38Be careful.
00:54:55It hurts.
00:55:05It's done.
00:55:07Yuna, run.
00:55:10It's done.
00:55:13It's done.
00:55:15It's done.
00:55:16Run, Yuna.
00:55:22You're good.
00:55:25You're good.
00:55:30Keep running.
00:55:54Yuna, wait a minute.
00:56:10Do you hate me that much?
00:56:12I'm sorry.
00:56:23I'm going to give you this.
00:56:40I'm sorry.
00:56:42I tried so hard.
00:56:44I wanted to talk to you at school, but I couldn't.
00:56:47I didn't want to go to you, but I couldn't.
00:56:53I'll hold it in.
00:56:55I'll avoid you as much as I can.
00:56:59Don't run away.
00:57:08I'm sorry.
00:57:22I like you.
00:57:28You knew about Yuna's ability, right?
00:57:37Thank you.
00:57:39Thanks to you.
00:57:42Did you save Yuna this time?
00:57:47I don't know.
00:58:08It's a return weekend from the future.
00:58:12We have to hurry. Hurry up.
00:58:32You looked a little sad.
00:58:42There's another one.
00:58:44A happy time for the return weekend.
00:58:47You'll be back, right?
00:58:50I'm going to close the door when I'm in puberty.
00:58:53I'm going to play with someone else.
00:58:55I'll be back then.
00:59:06You'll be back a lot.
00:59:08I'll be back a few times.
00:59:12No matter how many years have passed.
00:59:15The time you came to me.
00:59:18I'll never lose it.
00:59:24It's the happiest time of my life.
00:59:29Time that will never disappear.
00:59:34I finally found the time when Yuna was born.
00:59:38It was so precious and happy.
00:59:40Why did you come back now?
01:00:11I found it.
01:00:17Where have you been?
01:00:21For Yuna.
01:00:24For me.
01:00:28Happiness that must be found again.
01:00:37The time Yuna was born.
01:00:40I found it.
01:00:48Now it's time to save you with that happiness.
01:01:00That sound again.
01:01:03What do you keep saving?
01:01:06Why do you have to go back and save someone who's alive?
01:01:10Why the hell?
01:01:14I still don't know.
01:01:18I know.
01:01:30I'm going to meet you after 13 years.
01:01:34I'm going to meet you and love you like this.
01:01:40I'm going to meet you and love you like this.
01:02:13Honey, come out!
01:02:29What did you say?
01:02:37Ki-joo is dead.
01:02:49Go and protect Ki-joo's family.
01:02:53I'll protect you.
01:02:55I'll risk my life.
01:02:58Including you in that family.
01:03:06I'm not.
01:03:11Don't look back.
01:03:14The ring I gave you 13 years ago.
01:03:20With love.
01:03:24Someday in the future.
01:03:25Our future.
01:03:29A letter I'll give you.
01:03:31I miss you.
01:03:38The night I screamed and cried.
01:03:43Forget it.
01:03:46It can't be love.
01:03:51It'll disappear again.
01:03:57Spring outside the window will pass by.
01:04:03I'll be back.
01:04:06Let's go far away.
01:04:11Summer is like sweat.
01:04:16It'll go away and dry up.
01:04:27Don't fall down.
01:04:43There's only one thing I can do.
01:04:45The rest of the time.
01:04:47Make you happy.
01:04:50Ki-joo is dying because of me.
01:04:51How can I be next to Ki-joo?
01:04:53What should I do?
01:04:55You said you wanted to eat it.
01:04:58Aren't you being punished for being greedy?
01:05:03You're a superpower.
01:05:06What did you do?
01:05:08Why didn't you get it?
01:05:11I'll be back at this time later.
01:05:20I'm very happy now.
01:05:25I'll be back.