The Commish Season 4 Episode 11 A Christmas Story

  • 4 months ago
The Commish Season 4 Episode 11 A Christmas Story


00:07Now you listen to Lucille honey
00:09That cousin of yours on the White House lawn. He may be bigger, but you don't have to hang your bowels in shame
00:15Repeat after me I am
00:33Sorry Freddy you okay
00:41Morning Lucille trimming the Christmas twig
00:50You planning to adopt
00:53There for David
00:54We've been going nuts trying to figure out what we're gonna get him for Hanukkah the other night
00:59I overheard him on the phone and he was saying how much he wanted crash test dummies crash test dummies
01:05Sounds nuts to me too. What do I know? I don't think they're what he had in mind. Are you kidding me?
01:12Did the real thing crash test dummies is the name of a band?
01:16Why David was probably talking about their latest CD who would call a band?
01:21Crash test dummies would name a band Smashing Pumpkins. Oh
01:27He was talking about Smashing Pumpkins, too. I thought it was a dessert
01:32Next time don't eavesdrop when he's on the phone next time he could shut his door
01:36I can't they give these bands names that make sense like the kinks or Santa sham and the Pharaohs
02:27So, who do you like better smashing pumpkins or crash test dummies, I'm surprised you even know who they are
02:33What am I the most unhip guy in the world? Well, I haven't traveled that extensively boss
02:38Just had another burglary over at the new Vista Retirement Hotel. It's a third since Thanksgiving
02:44Don't these guys take time for the holidays like everybody else if we can't be safe here
02:49What's the alternative a plot at Oak Lawn Cemetery?
02:53Mr. Loomis everyone. This is just as upsetting to us as it is to you. Oh, yeah
02:58When was the last time your place got robbed somebody cut my radio in two pair walking shoes
03:04Copped whatever. Have you seen any unfamiliar faces? It's not a job to watch for unfamiliar faces
03:11Why don't we all just try to relax look who's here little Mary sunshine
03:16Go organize a field trip
03:19Why should it matter to you Joe? You've never been interested in our activities. I'm 76
03:25Breathings the only activity I'm interested in we're not asking for much. We just want to feel safe
03:31It'll be okay. I don't want to live like this. We're gonna increase patrols in this area
03:37This guy has already hit this place three times
03:40He's probably gonna try to do it again. Lock your doors. There's advice for you
03:45I wish there was more I could do
03:48Maybe Sandy Claus will grant that wish
03:51Maybe that fat old elf will slide down your chimney pop into your living room and say Merry Christmas
04:02Hey kid Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, sweetheart
04:07Thank You Frank
04:11No, no, no, don't worry. I didn't forget you or your sister. There'll be something delivered tomorrow. Thanks
04:19So what everybody put on their list
04:23Well, David got himself a new CD player about a month ago. So we're getting them a bunch of new CDs
04:28And Sarah's really easy. All she wants to do is play with the boxes and the wrapping paper
04:37Thank You David
04:40I've been thinking about a new reel for my fly rod, which is certain party with an earring is well aware of
04:48Let's have dessert in the living room
04:58Am I stuffed
05:00Hey, uh, I saw Milt Levine yesterday. He said he's been leaving messages on your phone machine for a couple of weeks now
05:08Unplugged the damn thing. He and Donnie want me to go over to their house and play pinochle. So I don't want to be no fifth wheel
05:16Cannolis. Oh
05:21No, Rach honest, you know, I'm filled right up to here no kid and I
05:25Like all right
05:39Sensational what part of Italy do you people come from Minsk?
05:51Meant to bring those old pictures I found down in the cellar from when I used to play semi-pro football. I
05:57Didn't know you play ball. I was a private eye, too
06:00Hey kid when Marie and me were first married. She was afraid I'd get hurt. So I gave it up
06:09That was my first Christmas present to her I tore up my PI license
06:1551 Christmases ago
06:28I never thought I'd spend one without
06:35No, Tony, it just isn't the same guy he used to be so young
06:41Something you could do
06:44Well, I can't bring Marie back. He needs something to give him a jumpstart
06:47I used to be meeting new people people that don't remind him of her. Where am I supposed to find them?
06:54I don't know
06:55Must be around somewhere
07:03I know exactly where they are
07:05It's the stupidest idea you ever had and you've had some beauts
07:10Secretly, I know you love it. How am I supposed to catch a burglar?
07:13I haven't been a PI since since Truman just keep your eyes and ears open. Yeah
07:18Well, this guy better show up early. I go to sleep at nine o'clock, you know
07:23All of a sudden I'm getting calls from the IRS blood suckers
07:27They tell me my accountant is under investigation for embezzlement. That's what I'm gonna do
07:33Accountant is under investigation for embezzlement and I get all fortune. What's your accountant say?
07:38He says who you're gonna believe pop them or me
07:45Supposing I hear something about this burglary call no heroics Frank
07:50Excuse me
07:53You you wouldn't happen to be a baritone
07:55Would you we're doing Oklahoma next weekend our Judd Frye fell in the bathtub and broke his hip. I'm desperate for a baritone
08:03Can't sing. That's fine. Half our audience can't hear. Oh
08:09I'm Ann Palmer resident social director. Welcome
08:14Frank Frank. Oh, well, welcome
08:16Commissioner, do you two know each other only since I used to mow his lawn back in Brooklyn?
08:21Well, if the theater's not your thing, how about group night of the garden Knicks versus Golden State?
08:28No, I we have a group going to the Met to see the new Monet exhibit and we teach a ballroom dancing class here
08:35every Thursday night
08:37No, thanks. Oh
08:41Well, um, we'll let you get settled in nice to meet you Frank Commissioner
08:49Hey, she's a pain in the neck
08:52Remember Frank if you see anything, yeah. Yeah. I'll call. Goodbye. Aunt me
09:08Anything good eat? No, it's all garbage
09:12Hey, did you wrap up the fish and meal for your dad?
09:15Not yet. You want me to
09:18Haven't bought it yet. Hey, but Hanukkah's in four days. I know I'll get it when I will
09:38Hello, hey mark, it's me
09:41Listen, I'm sorry. I'm not in the mood to talk to you. I'm not in the mood to talk to you
09:47Listen I need a favor Hanukkah's in four days. I'm or 40 bucks
10:35We've never had anything like this
10:37Mr. Nardino, I can't thank you enough for stopping him. Well, I'll just pass him by
10:42My luck Captain Courageous goes for a walk
10:48Nice going cap
10:59Commissioner I'm Alan Potter. I'm the administrator of the hotel. I feel it's my responsibility to be in on this have a seat
11:07You see no point beating around the brush. I was breaking into Harry's room. Just like you broke into the last three
11:14Joe Florio serve terms to stay prison each of the last three decades
11:20nice touch
11:21Copping your own radio and walk-in shoes. You're lying things over the years
11:27Publicity over this could be extremely damaging if you don't mind. I'm gonna go get a drink
11:32I think I can convince them not to press charges if the merchandise is returned and he leaves I'll go for that
11:38I want to talk to those people tonight
11:41Breaking into Harry's room and he's a friend of yours. What are friends for I?
11:49Want to talk to Harry too
11:52I want to talk to Harry too. You get nothing out of him. He's a very sound sleeper
12:05Mr. Loomis
12:13Hey Harry Harry
12:22He's a really sound sleeper
12:34See no point in beating around the brush
12:37Harry woke up and saw you going through his stuff. So you killed him that linebacker Nadino
12:42He stopped me before I even got in the room could have been locking up to cover your tracks my prints in there
12:48You find one piece of evidence that I was in that room not yet why you won't
12:53You don't even know he was killed could have been natural causes. It happens in places like this
12:59And me said he was suffocated
13:01You think I waited 76 years to get in the muscle end of this business if you didn't kill him who did since when am I?
13:07A fortune teller the other detectives do what you do
13:12Welcome take him out the back door. This case is a loser. I can tell you that right now
13:17Thanks for the tip
13:38Did you get your to confess I don't think he killed Harry
13:42Now he could be covering for someone else we'll see if jail loosens him up does he have any relatives, you know, I
13:49Heard about a girlfriend
13:52Well, we'll find out what's what anyway you're out of here the hell I am you put me here to catch a guy
13:58We don't happen. We're not talking about petty theft. Now. This could be dangerous who's in charge here
14:04I want to talk to whoever's in charge
14:07I'm police commissioner Scali my father. They said
14:14Someone killed my father Oh
14:17Mr. Loomis, I'm very sorry
14:32Was an old man
14:35Gonna spend Christmas together
14:38We think he was killed during a burglary did he have any valuables in his room
14:44I lived on Social Security and a union pension. I feel up to making a formal statement
14:55Mr. Lewis
14:59I'm I'm an Palmer. No, we've never met but I I was a friend of your father's
15:07It it may not help much now, but I
15:12Just wanted you to know that there are a lot of people here who loved him and who are going to miss him
15:23Forget about it. I'm Stan
15:27Why can't you guys leave Joe alone he's in the twilight of his years you still giving him grief
15:33Did you know that Joe committed over a hundred burglaries, I know he was good with his hands still is
15:40This part of Charlie Laverne
15:43Now I'm not gonna have anything to do with your further prosecution Joe is being held for murder. Oh
15:50No, it's got to be some kind of
15:53He's got no violence in him in all the years. We lived together. He never even raised his voice at me
16:00He's the sweetest old bird I ever knew yeah, well he's in a lot of trouble you know that dope I
16:05Warned him not to take that job. What job? No, he wouldn't listen. He said Bernie
16:10There's a pot of gold at the ends of the rainbow
16:13He's good with his hands, but he's not too bright
16:15What job he'd been living over the hotel a few weeks
16:19Then someone hired him to pinch an item from a fella's room in the rest home
16:22He didn't say anything about being hired by anyone cuz he has ethics
16:27But well, do you know whose item he was hired to pinch
16:31Larry no a Barry Harry Harry Loomis could be it
16:37Well if Harry had something worth stealing and why did Joe break into the other two rooms first? I don't know
16:43He likes to work
16:45You find the guy who hired him. I bet you'll find you killer believe me Joe was just a prawn in the equation
16:52Thank you
16:58Hey, did you work at the Club de Perea on Pitkin Avenue? Oh perhaps you viewed me there. I
17:08Didn't think so it was torn down when I was nine. Oh
17:14Yes, I was the featured dancer
17:16I had a parrot in the act. He snipped my straps with his beak and then boom
17:22He was the sweetest old bird I ever knew
17:34You're so right it does fly my son's 42 and I'm the only one who's ever seen a bird fly
17:42It does fly my son's 42 and my daughter's 37 37
17:50Grandchildren and my daughter's expecting in May. Yeah
17:54She took that little test, you know, and they say it'll be a girl. Oh, that's wonderful. Yeah, I
18:00keep thinking
18:01How much Marie that my wife how much she'd have loved to?
18:09Be nice if they named the baby after her
18:14Do you like living here?
18:18After Jack died, my son's asked me to come and live with him. I think they were hoping that I would turn him down
18:26Still it was sweet of them to offer
18:29It's been nice here
18:31until that
18:33Thing with Harry. Oh, yeah. Well, you were pretty close to him weren't you? I mean
18:37The way you talked to his son we spent time together, huh? He had a little
18:43Crush on me. It seems so silly. Oh
18:53Thank you
18:56There were little gifts on my birthday there would always be something for me under the tree in the rec room
19:03How'd you feel about him
19:11Haven't been on a swing
19:15What do you say
19:18Said you were hired to steal something from Harry's room. All right. How'd you find her? We're detectives. It's what we do
19:26Nobody hired me. Nobody hired you. That's what I said. Why would Laverne lie?
19:31It's not a question of that
19:33It's just Laverne spent too much time in nightclubs with no clothes on Poco Pato a little daffy
19:40You find my prints in Harry's room
19:43No, all right
19:45The night in jail was nostalgic. We got no grounds to hold me. So let me out before I call the schmoes at ACLU
20:02Fellas pin a tail on him only if I get ice cream and cake
20:11For two years after Jack died I was so
20:17Angry how dare he leave me I
20:20Stopped seeing the friends who used to see I stayed in the house. I
20:24Became an expert on the sleep-inducing qualities of single malt scotch
20:31I'm not angry at Marie. I just miss her. I know
20:37But after the tears dry up and the anger goes away there's life to be lived and we can choose how we live it
20:45For our ever long we've got it's rough. I know
20:51But what else can we do?
20:57When'd you say that Nick's game is
21:07David you ready? Come on. The stores are gonna close in half an hour
21:16You please move come on
21:21I've been thinking
21:23Maybe I won't get dad the flywheel. Maybe I'll get him a woolly worm instead a worm for Hanukkah
21:28Well, it's not a real worm. It's a fly for fishing. Well, how much does a woolly worm cost?
21:35Well three bucks. Oh, you're gonna splurge on a three buck present. I'll buy him too
21:41It's the thought that counts, isn't it? Besides, I don't think he really wants the real
21:45I think he'd be just as happy with it. He does want it. You know, he does
21:49David two weeks ago. You're gonna spend $40 on a fishing reel and now you're talking worms
21:54What'd you do with your money what
22:03I spent it on Carol Bennett
22:05David I bought her a scarf
22:08She was always saying how cold her neck is
22:11No, I'm broke mom
22:13Woolly worms are all I can afford
22:16Could you lend me the money? I'll pay you back by the end of January with interest
22:20Not a chance
22:23No, you made your decision you're gonna have to live with it
22:40Oh, she's it the cops Allah. I'll see you later
22:55Find out anything about Harry. Yeah, everybody liked them
22:58He was compulsive and that's the worst thing anybody could say against them compulsive about what everything what he ate his clothes
23:07Every morning seven o'clock rain or shine. He'd take a walk up Denton across commercial and back up grant
23:15Maybe we should too. Oh a little gumshoe work
23:19Excuse me. I'd like to collect Harry Loomis's personal belongings
23:23Excuse me. I'm Police Commissioner Scali. Who are you?
23:26Alan Jeffries Harry's nephew. Um, we released his personal effects last night to his son
23:34Harry's son died two years ago. He had no other children
23:39What's going on here?
23:49He really is Harry's nephew couldn't keep it from you could I
23:54Why would anyone pretend to be Harry's son?
23:57Probably because he thinks there's something valuable among his effects and you gave them to him
24:01Which makes him a lot smarter than you are. The guy had a bogus idea in power of attorney
24:06I happen to be an attorney
24:09Has it occurred to you that he might have killed my uncle in order to get at something valuable and that in fact you were
24:15Staring a murderer in the face. Yes, and the thought may also have occurred to you
24:19Did you just opened yourself up for a negligence action? That's gonna turn your life into a nightmare
24:28He's covering it well, but I think he's annoyed I
24:32Had Phil work up a sketch of our phony son. We put it out on the air
24:35Well, if he hasn't left town yet, maybe we'll get lucky
24:42You ready? Yeah, let's go
24:45Harry used to take this walk every day. He was in better shape than I am. I
24:50Figured Joe Florio
24:52Lead us to the man who hired him who I have to assume is the phony son
24:56But Joe hasn't left this apartment since we released him
25:01Tony I want you to know there's nothing going on between Ann and me. There's just in case you thought about well
25:07Don't be offended, but I hadn't thought about good because there's nothing going on. Well Frank I had thought about I mean when you walked
25:13In I was telling her a joke and she laughed and that's what that was, but there's nothing going on fine
25:19So if anybody should ask, you know, like Rachel or anybody what's going on?
25:26Haven't you heard a word? I said I mean, how would it look if I who cares what it looks like I care why?
25:34You're both adults. You can do what you like
25:39Frankie this is a good thing
25:45Marie's not even gone a year
25:48That ain't right. So what makes her wrong?
25:51Because you like and does that mean you loved Marie any less
25:56Look it doesn't honor Marie's memory to shut yourself off from other people it dishonors it because that's not what she'd want you to do
26:04It's like you always say to me. Yeah, no father. There's too much too muddy, right?
26:08I mean if something's gonna happen, why not let it
26:14That's why you put me there in the first place, huh hoping something like this had happened I crossed my mind
26:24It's like school I
26:27See her coming down the hall and I get I get glad
26:35So, why don't you go and claw in
26:47Lost my clerk gotta do this stuff myself
26:53Commissioner Scali what's wrong?
26:56Did you know a man named Harry Loomis?
26:59Sure, it's regular. I heard about him getting killed. How well did you know just to talk?
27:05You know, he'd come in by his paper toothpaste tickets that kind of thing tickets bought ten a week
27:11You sold the winning ticket worth a million bucks, nobody's claimed it yet and it expires on midnight Christmas Eve
27:18Uh-huh. Does this man look where is he? I want a pound of his flesh. That's Bobby Crenshaw
27:24He was my clerk to last Saturday
27:26Well, when was the winning ticket drawn Friday night? Well, is it possible? He could have sold the ticket to Harry Loomis
27:32He worked Friday sure as possible
27:35Thanks a lot
27:49Let's see you owe me six hundred and twelve thousand dollars want to go for double or nothing
27:59What's the matter
28:01I'm trying to figure out a way of saying something. I haven't said in 50 years
28:06No, thanks. General Patton. You take the hill
28:11It's been that long since I told a girl I'm falling for
28:16Frank I never thought I'd feel this way again. Hello in
28:23Commissioner Frankie, we may be getting somewhere. Harry Loomis may have had a winning lottery ticket
28:31Could you excuse us a second? Yes. Sure. Excuse me
28:35I've said he was Harry's son was the clerk who sold him the ticket a guy named Crenshaw
28:42Where didn't Harry turn it in?
28:45Maybe he didn't know he had it. Anyway, I figured Crenshaw hired Joe Florio to steal it when that didn't work
28:51He killed Harry and claimed his stuff, but he still hasn't found it. Otherwise, he would have claimed the prize by now
28:58What's next? Oh
29:00We're searching here. Maybe it's still around and I got an APB out on Crenshaw
29:08Gotta go. How's it going? Well, I I think I'm over the tough part
29:25And what I want you to know is don't you think the cloak-and-dagger stuff has passed you by
29:31What do you mean it all makes sense now
29:34You came here to get information about the burglaries and then about Harry and if taking a walk with me in the book
29:40There's nothing to do with oh, I'm not stupid Frank all of a sudden you want to see Monet. I want to be with you and
29:48Don't you understand? No, I guess I don't and I don't want any more misunderstandings
29:55And I don't want any more misunderstandings
30:08Wrap it a stack of CDs is a lot easier than wrapping a crash test on me
30:11Yeah, well, I still say we spent too much money on these things. Oh, come on Rach. It's Hanukkah
30:17Besides what I think of David's scrimping and saving for that fishing reel
30:21Tony what's a couple of more bucks?
30:23I mean frankly, I can't wait until he slaps him in that CD player and
30:28Cranks that puppy up
30:41What happened
30:43nothing and
30:45nothing's going to
30:46he doesn't understand it and
30:49To be quite honest, neither do I do you always meddle in other people's personal lives? It's a character flaw
30:58Frank has been miserable since his wife died until he met you now. He wants to do things again
31:07He's back to being the way he used to be because of you
31:16You feel tricked or misled, please don't blame Frank it's my fault. I
31:25Mean he is crazy about you. He didn't even want to be but he is
31:32And it seemed as though you liked him too I
31:37Like him very much I
31:41Just didn't realize how fast things were going what's wrong with fast let's face it none of us knows how much time yet I
31:51Do know
31:56It's all right
31:58Well, no, it's not. All right
32:01But it's the way it is. I
32:04I just
32:06Didn't want to start something with him, but I wouldn't be around to finish. I
32:10Didn't want him to be hurt again
32:13Don't you think you should give him that option?
32:16No, I
32:19Couldn't sleep last night thinking about it
32:21But it's better this way
32:25You don't really believe that and he's gotta know don't tell him please Tony don't tell him
32:34Consider it my
32:37Last Christmas wish
32:54You're not thinking of telling Frank I'm thinking of it Tony she said it was her last Christmas wish I know
33:02She and Frank want to be together too, I know that
33:07And it's pretty much a stranger but Frank is my friend
33:10Oh, what kind of a friend would I be if I kept them from knowing the truth?
33:16Well, I'm waiting for what advice and it better be good
33:23You can't tell him that's not advice that's an order
33:30Tell him I can't give up on him without an explanation
33:34He can say he's a grown man. He can deal with the truth and he deserves to know it
33:39That's where you get them talking, but you haven't betrayed her confidence
33:44I'll call him when we're done
33:47We're done
33:50They look right to you
33:57Checked Bobby Crenshaw's last-known address his girlfriend's and he hasn't gone to the lottery office to claim his winnings
34:02Cuz he still doesn't have that ticket. Yeah. Well, he's got less than 36 hours till it expires. He's got to be going batty
34:08So let's make him go batty and smoke him out at the same time
34:13Crenshaw thinks that tickets still out there. He's got to make a grab for it. He's gone too far to stop now
34:22What if we put a notice in the paper
34:25There's gonna be a memorial service for Harry at his weekend home tomorrow morning at 10. It doesn't have a weekend home
34:32How does Crenshaw know? Well, he's not gonna be dumb enough to show up with people around. Ah
34:38Maybe he'll be smart enough to show up before they get there
34:43All right, I'll have units taken out the place as soon as the paper hits the stands
35:02Want an explanation I'm not giving up on you until I get one
35:09Frank look, I'm a grown man. I can deal with the truth. I deserve it and
35:36Didn't want you to be hurt
35:39If I handled it the wrong way sure
35:42Isn't it possibly? No
35:44There's no mistake
35:47The funny thing is that if this had happened three years ago, I really wouldn't have cared
35:57But now
36:01Oh Frank, I want to live more than ever
36:17If there's
36:20Anything you need
36:25You'll let me know
37:09Clock's ticking Crenshaw is a no-show
37:12You know, maybe this guy doesn't read the papers
37:14I'll bet she's looking for every piece of news. You can find about that ticket. You sit tight. It's 30 degrees
37:20How else can I sit?
37:24Hey, I've been looking for you said you knew about and didn't you didn't you?
37:30Yeah, then why'd you tell me to go back and ask for the truth what was that supposed to accomplish
37:36Was supposed to listen to me Buster
37:39You're not Cupid
37:42I felt like a big sumata a jackass
37:46What do you want me to say to her that it doesn't matter that I'll stay with her till the end
37:51I thought that's how you felt you were wrong
37:54Who needed you to send me there in the first place? I was doing fine by myself. You were a mess
38:00It's my mess my life my mess
38:13You don't know what I went through with Marie you may think you do but you don't I
38:20Can't put myself through that again. You mean you're afraid to okay fine. I'm afraid no, but fine
38:31But maybe it's not my place
38:32What the hell am I apologizing for it is my place a lot of people never fall in love once
38:38You have the chance to do it twice
38:40May not be the greatest timing in the world. But if I were you I'd take it Frankie
38:45But that third chance might not ever come. I
38:48Can run my own life Tony?
38:55I've been doing it long enough. Come on Frankie
39:04Yeah, what Crenshaw just went up the walk we left the back door open for him on the way
39:20He's inside all right Marianne you and Steve post here Jimmy and I'll take the front
39:54Don't flag in the play
39:56Got up
39:58You all right, I
40:00Feel like a bull in a china shop, but I'm fine
40:03Hey, how'd you know you sold Harry the winning ticket? He always bet the same numbers
40:08Numbers the Yankees retired, huh? I love it
40:12Get him out of here Jimmy
40:14Wait, I gotta know one thing
40:18Where's the ticket?
40:24Like to get my hands on that ticket myself forget about it Pauly
40:29It's just stuff dreams are made of
40:32All right, Connie get out of here. Oh
40:37Look at what mommy got
40:42Isn't that pretty
40:46That'll go great with my suit. Oh, oh
40:50And what have we here?
40:53to dad love David
40:57Well bet this will make rainbow trout quake with fear. Oh
41:05What a surprise, how did you know? Oh
41:11Thank You David happy Hanukkah kid, thanks
41:16To David from mom and dad that's it
41:29Thanks guys
41:31Go ahead go get your player. Uh
41:34We still have some more stuff to open. I want to hear how good crash test dummies really are
41:40Maybe later. Oh, come on. You've been dying to hear those CDs go up and get the player. Yeah, I
41:50It's at Mark's place
41:52It's his now. What are you talking about? You say for that play for six months. You love that thing. I know
41:59But Carol Bennett's got a cold neck and I was gonna buy you woolly worms
42:03But they were a lousy gift and Mark wouldn't lend me the money
42:06So I sold him the player
42:11I'm proud of you
42:16Anyways, happy Hanukkah. Thanks. I think
42:25What was that all about
42:28I'll tell you later
42:37Now I want to answer my calls he won't come to his door
42:41I really hate to think of him being alone tonight. Yeah, me too
43:03Very smart very beautiful lady once told me
43:11There's life to be lived
43:14And we can choose how to live it
43:18For however long we've got
43:23I'd like to be part of your life and for however long we've got
43:51You know
43:55They had a Christmas special of the most beautiful plate of linguine you ever saw
44:03We know it was short notice, but we just wanted to share the holidays
44:08Yeah, Merry Christmas
44:13Merrier than I thought it was going to be for both of us
44:20Thank you
44:31Here I left this under the tree
44:38He'd want you to
44:49Lucky day lottery
44:54Seven that's mad 16. That's whitey Ford five. That's DiMaggio DiMaggio. Oh
45:02my god
45:04That's worth a million dollars you better get it to the lottery office
45:14It's expired when two minutes ago
45:19You you mean if we hadn't gone to dinner with oh, I'm sick
45:25And you lost a million bucks
45:33Haven't lost