The Commish Season 4 Episode 17 Cry Wolf

  • 4 months ago
The Commish Season 4 Episode 17 Cry Wolf


00:53How's Ryan Dunnigan, oh, hey man, I'm still working the loading docks it's a long way from the action
00:58Well, we're kind of hoping you get a little closer to the top of the food chain. Yeah
01:02Well, there's not much upward mobility in the man's company gonna have to bring that up at the next stockholders meeting
01:07We need something on the gold coin heist Dunnigan was involved. I know it but we can't prove it
01:13The insurance company up their reward to 25,000 Wow
01:26Can you give us anything, okay
01:28What I heard there's trouble in paradise. Well quarter million in gold coins people gonna get testy, right?
01:34Someone isn't getting this fair share. Yeah, Augie Brooke Dunnigan's right-hand man thinks he's getting the short end of a long payoff
01:40Dunnigan no, he's unhappy. No, I don't think so
01:45Maybe I should pull them in. Oh, gee, no, I start trouble. I'll be ashamed if those two fell out of love
01:52And if Augie needs a shoulder to cry on I'll tell him your suits are drip-dry. Thanks, Tommy
01:58Hey, thank you
02:00Be careful
02:38Ma'am ma'am, excuse me, ma'am. Uh, I'm afraid there was some kind of a mix-up when they were bagging your groceries
02:46Did you buy this no
02:51I'm afraid you got my whole order here. Do you mind if I borrow one of these bags? Oh, yes, sir. Thank you
02:57Got the dry-cleaning what's going on here?
03:03Charlie Charlie Wolf Tony
03:06Boy, it's been forever. I heard you're a big shot in Eastbridge. I was gonna look you up
03:11No, hey listen, I made him the man he is today you must be his lovely wife
03:16Somehow his groceries got put in our bags. Let me see the receipt
03:21Well, you know tell me the receipt is only as good as the checker
03:24Once you get out
03:29Now look there are people who might look on this as larceny I prefer to use the word ingenuity
03:36And you ever hear how I got him his gold shield
03:43Here's young Scali a fresh out of the Academy beating his head against a brick wall
03:48When I feed him a key piece of intelligence
03:51I'm not looking for any credit mind you I'm not trying to say anybody in this room owes me
03:55But I did point out that apartment to you an apartment building somewhere in Flatbush
03:59All right
04:00So it didn't come all wrapped up with a bull but it broke the case wide open that in about six months of work in
04:05the streets
04:06Journey of a thousand miles starts with one step
04:09Hey, what do you think you're going? Well, I just assumed
04:12Hey, listen, there's a taxpayer. I don't think you're gonna waste your time with some little simple grocery store mix-up
04:17I seriously doubt that you're a taxpayer and it wasn't a mix-up sit down, you know, I can see every vein in your neck
04:24That happens when I'm aggravated. Oh
04:26Tony you should do something about that tension. I mean pick up jogging or something Charlie. What are you doing?
04:33You were pulling stuff like this ten years ago. Actually, I was doing it 30 years ago
04:39Luce a challenge please say I'm in shows
04:43That's French for the more things change the more they stay the same
04:47Who's gow?
04:48That's English for jail
04:51Hey, nobody got hurt. You're not really gonna charge me. Are you I'm trying hard to think of a reason not to
04:56But you keep talking
05:03You can't keep flying by the seat of your pants
05:06Your age is gonna catch up to you. You're gonna be destitute out on the street with nothing
05:10I feel like I'm in a Dickens novel
05:13Closer to the end than you are to the beginning. Those are the cold hard facts Charlie
05:21Maybe they are
05:24Hey Tony my favorite coin thief's waiting, huh?
05:29Paulie and I have to go talk to Ryan Dunn again give Charlie here his stuff
05:33I'm gonna let you off the hook this time Tony that squares us. I mean I helped you now you helped me Charlie
05:39Shut up, if I catch you here again, I know I know I know I know who's go
05:52Have heard of this Ryan Dunn again guy, he's a big real estate guy right trucking
05:56Yeah, but he's a he's a lot of trouble, huh? The worst tell you stories ever curly ahead
06:10You're ready or lefty
06:14Let's think and tell you whether you hook slice fade draw I'll tell you how far you shot went
06:20Some toy my father always said money was good for two things education and medical emergencies you forgot about computer golf
06:27So you want to ask me about that gold coin robbery?
06:30Understand you invest in precious metals from time to time. Does anyone ever approached you about?
06:37$275,000 worth I mean
06:42At least that's what the paper said all papers had it wrong
06:49No, nobody said anything to me they do I'll let you know Thanks
06:58265 yards
07:04And you told me
07:06250,000 Augie, that's what was there when I counted the coins
07:10Scali said 275
07:12that life of yours
07:14Ain't worth it. Lousy 25 grand. How is it Augie? I
07:18Wouldn't crush you. There was only a quarter of a million Scali's playing with your head. I find out somebody was cheating me
07:25I'll be playing with their head
07:28Understand Augie
07:38See the look on Dunn against face when you said 275
07:42Set up a meet with Tommy tell him we planted the mom. We want to see if it'll go off
07:46I'll drop you off at the precinct. I gotta go meet with Rachel. Oh midweek lunch with the wife
07:50I'm very correct politically speaking. Actually, it's not a lunch Rachel got invited to the opening of an art gallery
07:55The artist spoke to her class at school. Do you want to come?
07:59Only thing dull and I'm watching paint dry is watching paint. That's already dried. I
08:04Don't know I was kind of looking forward to a nice quiet hour of fine art
08:13This isn't hot
08:16Tony this is Aaron to fool so nice to meet you. Welcome to my new show
08:23We love it
08:25Actually, we would like to buy one of your paintings
08:30Your husband doesn't seem to agree
08:32What it's just not my style
08:40What is your style connect the dots
08:50Mr. Tabor, yes, you've broken new ground here. Thank definitely ahead of its time. Oh terrific
09:06Come on give it a chance just
09:09step back and
09:12And what
09:14Now this is going to shake up the art world. It's my most important work to date. Oh
09:22I can see it's a very important thought
09:26It's in the shape of a dot
09:29But it transcends dot
09:36You have to forgive my husband he's very traditional well, not everyone can appreciate my subtleties
09:46Do you think this is subtle
09:50No offense, but I could paint the dot just like this. Oh, really I
09:55Apologize, mr. De Ford no need mrs. Scali. My art is beyond
10:02some people
10:03Dots are not beyond me. I could paint this. Oh, really? Well, why did you go ahead if it measures up?
10:10Well, I'm sure you could start a fabulous new career
10:19At 5,000 a dot I just might
10:28Told me what are you doing back here? Remember the apartment house in Flatbush? Yeah peanuts compared to what I got now. I
10:37Can give you Ryan Dunnigan on a platter I
10:44Know that it gets your interest
10:46Holy cow, is this really joke to Masio's autograph? Yeah. What do you know about Dunnigan the Yankee Clipper?
10:54I met him once, you know, he seemed kind of sad wish I got his autograph
10:57You can't have the ball even if you get me done again, but there is a $25,000 reward out
11:03If your information leads to an arrest and a conviction I followed Dunnigan out into the country
11:08I think he sold some of those gold coins you think what not?
11:12Well, did you see the guy's face? I barely it was kind of dark. Could you pick him out of a lineup?
11:18Possibly what about the Jeep's license plate? Oh Tony, I didn't even think of it
11:22But I did see the guy in the Jeep past an envelope to Dunnigan. Can you describe the sack?
11:26Ah, yeah, that's some kind of drawing on it. Yeah like a tree
11:32The almond car company's logo is an oak tree
11:38The almond car company's logo is an oak tree. Could you find the place again? Definitely
11:45You're gonna rub off the signature, let's go
11:51Two sets of tire tracks just like the old guy said one of them could be a Jeep
11:56Dunnigan works the warehouse district and Morgan Heights. What's he doing out here? Maybe figures were watching the warehouse district, which we are
12:04What you find something
12:11Cigarette but then again smokes like a furnace. Yeah, these are recently smoked. I'll check and see if this is his brand great here you go
12:17With what Charlie saw we connect Dunnigan to those coins in any way. We got a case
12:22Are you sure no one saw you? I don't think so. I was careful. Okay, don't talk to anybody about this. You understand?
12:39Was a dark-colored late-model sedan, New York partial Apple Queen Charlie, there was primer paint in the left front fender Roger
12:50Donovan must know I saw him. I'm gonna take a rain check on that reward
12:53I can understand you want to run but you can't watch me
12:57You're the only one who can connect Dunnigan to those coins
13:00Exactly I can protect you put you in a safe house not even for that DiMaggio baseball. You'll have 24-hour armed protection
13:10What a wonderful way to spend my twilight years, is this what you meant by settling down? It's your civic duty
13:16You don't gotta be kidding
13:18And you leave me no choice. You're under arrest for what stealing my wife's groceries
13:24We'll have an officer inside here with you and we'll have another man outside
13:30These windows got locks on them. Yes. Yeah
13:34What about these bushes out here? You know, somebody could be hiding there. Take a shot at me Charlie
13:38We're not gonna let that happen to you. Will you relax? All right, where's the food come from?
13:41How do you know somebody wouldn't try and poison me? Everything comes from Burger Barn. It's already poisoned
13:47Well, how long do I have to stay here?
13:49Well, it's hard to say with what you told us. We're gonna get a warrant and find out what we can find out a
13:54Few weeks anyway
13:56All right, I guess I can handle it
14:00Calvin here will take the first shift. They'll rotate every eight hours. I feel like playing some golf. How about you?
14:08Sit tight
14:11Mind if we play through
14:13Just can't barge in here with this warrant. We can go through everything business records containers trucks
14:21Walk all over his putting green
14:31Just exactly what evidence is this warrant based on
14:34I might be willing to cooperate if I know this is all about frankly, I don't want you to cooperate
14:48Gee the wall safes behind the painting our original
14:52You gonna give us the combination
14:57Drill it 89 left 37 right 56 left
15:01You going to give us the combination?
15:10Drill it.
15:1189 left, 37 right, 56 left.
15:22You got a lot of gold coins here.
15:39I invest in precious metals, as you know.
15:46Same mint mark as the ones taken in the heist.
15:48A lot of coins have that mint mark.
15:53Drop your putter.
15:54You'll never make this stick.
15:55I'll be out in an hour.
15:57That's one hour Eastbridge will be a better place.
16:01Six hours I'm stuck in that cell.
16:03Hey, they made me fill out a hundred forms.
16:05What do they need with my mother's maiden name?
16:07Ah, never mind.
16:09Somebody inside my company's talking to the police.
16:11You sure?
16:12Scali said so himself.
16:13They got the warrant on a confidential source.
16:16Start with a new hire.
16:17Six months or less.
16:18It's going to be some drone.
16:19Minimum wage.
16:20I'm looking to earn a few extra bucks.
16:21It's going to take time.
16:22I don't have time.
16:23They found gold coins in my safe.
16:24They linked those to the heist.
16:25It's going to be a long time between rounds of golf.
16:26Find the guy, whoever he is.
16:28I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
16:29So I guess you want to know if that little bomb you planted has gone off.
16:31Any bad blood to do with it?
16:33I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
16:34So I guess you want to know if that little bomb you planted has gone off.
16:36Any bad blood to do with it?
16:38I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
16:39I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
16:42I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
16:43I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
16:44I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
16:45I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
16:46I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
16:47I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
16:48I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
16:49I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
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16:55I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
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16:58I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
16:59I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
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17:01I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
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17:03I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:04I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:05I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:06I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:07I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:09I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:10I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:11I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:12I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:13I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:14I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:15I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:16I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:17I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:18I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:19I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:20I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:21I'm going to have to change my name to Deep Throat.
17:23Some business we're in, huh?
17:24We're going to have to find ourselves a relaxing hobby.
17:28I already got one.
17:35When do I get to skip?
17:37Patience, David.
17:38You can rush the quarterback, but you cannot rush the artist.
17:56Nice dot.
17:57You mean, nice dot-ness.
18:01It's just like the Fords.
18:06What's going on?
18:07You're just in time.
18:09Exactly like the Fords.
18:17I don't know.
18:18Something's missing.
18:19His was more...
18:21More round?
18:22More expensive?
18:24Tony, this is very nice.
18:26It's just that...
18:28Well, you're not exactly breaking any new ground here.
18:31Don't feel bad, honey.
18:32Artistic genius is rare.
18:34If the Fords signed this painting,
18:35you'd be saying it was artistic genius.
18:39And I can prove it.
18:42I'm going to have the Fords sign this
18:44and hang it on the wall.
18:46I'm going to have the Fords sign this
18:47and hang it up in his art gallery.
18:50Tony, the Ford will never sign this.
18:54Oh, yes, he will.
18:56Because if no one buys it,
18:57I'll buy one of his overpriced paintings.
19:00You mean, we will own an original DeFord?
19:05I'm going to go up and pick out a spot for it.
19:07Don't count your dots, Rachel.
19:15Maybe I should have made it blue.
19:19Is this the kind of sack Dunnigan handed to his buyer?
19:21Yeah, I think so.
19:22Well, we found this a mile from where the heist took place.
19:26They must have dumped one of the sacks.
19:27Well, it looks like you're close to making a case.
19:29And you're getting closer to your payday.
19:31But you might have to split it.
19:33We have another source.
19:34Shucks, there goes the condo and the keys.
19:41I know you take pride in this
19:42vagabond, no-account lifestyle of yours,
19:44but this could be your last chance to make a new start.
19:48Are you always this meddlesome in people's affairs?
19:51You're the one who made me a detective, remember?
19:53Well, maybe you ought to aim a little higher.
19:54I'm barely a crook.
19:55I don't understand you.
19:57You're smart, you're well-read.
19:59People like you.
20:01You could have been a contender.
20:04Anything you wanted.
20:06I am, Tony. I am.
20:08I am.
20:11Oh, gosh, do you have any idea
20:13what it's like to see the sunrise
20:15over Kilimanjaro?
20:16Or to sail across the equator in a tramp steamer?
20:19That's fine when you were a kid.
20:21But at your age, you can't go around acting like
20:23you're in an Indiana Jones movie.
20:27Well, I would have said a Hemingway novel,
20:29but I guess that's a generational thing.
20:32Tony, I'm the oldest of five brothers.
20:35Doctors, lawyers, MBAs.
20:38I've already outlived three of them.
20:41They died of heart trouble, liver trouble,
20:43worked themselves to death.
20:44And for what purpose?
20:46The Bible says dust to dust,
20:49not dust to dollars.
20:51As long as you're not hurting anybody,
20:53what difference does it make?
21:01I think that's a phone.
21:10Yeah, Pauly, I'll meet you there.
21:13We ran that license plate.
21:14We may have found the guy who tried to pop you.
21:31Police, open up.
21:35Hold it!
22:06Walter Lowe!
22:08You're under arrest for the attempted murder of Charlie Wolf.
22:14No, no!
22:26Come on, it's not that far.
23:05Come on.
23:21You're under arrest, Walter.
23:25Hey, why'd you tell me it wasn't that far?
23:29I didn't want to die alone.
23:32You got the wrong guy.
23:34It's the right type of car.
23:36There was primer paint on the left fender.
23:38Look, a lot of cars have primer paint.
23:40Yeah, but they don't have a license plate that matches our partial.
23:42You got a witness. Saw the whole thing.
23:44Well, your witness is wrong.
23:45I don't think so. The witness is me.
23:49That's right, Walter.
23:50Not too bright trying to hit your target in front of the police commissioner.
23:53He didn't tell me you were gonna be there.
23:58Walter, we don't want you.
24:00We want Dunnigan.
24:01Who's Dunnigan?
24:05Who hired you to kill Charlie Wolf?
24:07Charlie Wolf did.
24:10He paid me a hundred bucks, gave me a starter's pistol.
24:13Of course, he didn't tell me cops were gonna be there.
24:16You find Charlie. You tell him I'm gonna kill him for real.
24:20Not if I get there first.
24:23You made up the whole damn thing, didn't you?
24:25You know, I can see the veins in your neck again.
24:27Answer me!
24:29That kid shot at us. What if I returned fire and killed him?
24:35I never thought of that.
24:37You planted the tire tracks and the cigarette butt.
24:40It wasn't hard to figure out the brand the man smoked.
24:42Ah, what about the sack?
24:44I'm out on the streets. That information's out there.
24:47Why did you do it?
24:50You gave me the idea.
24:52That Oliver Twist speech about destitute and on the streets with nothing.
24:55If you hadn't meddled, none of this would have happened.
24:57I didn't tell you to commit a felony.
24:59But nobody got hurt, right?
25:01Wrong! We got a warrant based on what you told us.
25:04That warrant is no good.
25:06Which means any evidence we got, like the gold coins, is inadmissible.
25:10Dunigan is gonna walk because of you.
25:12You told me you had a second source. Maybe he'll come through.
25:22What were you doing in my office, Tommy?
25:24I was looking for a time card.
25:27A time card?
25:303 a.m.?
25:31Yeah, yeah. I forgot to turn mine in, right?
25:33I wanted to get it on your desk, make sure I wouldn't miss this week's check.
25:36I got a feeling you're gonna miss out on a whole lot more than that, Tommy.
25:39No, no, look. No, I see you've got it all wrong.
25:43Well, tonight it's a time card.
25:44And yesterday you were grilling poor Augie here about that gold coin heist.
25:48Yeah, it's a $275,000 job. People are gonna talk.
25:55How come everybody I know thinks it's $250,000 except for Scali?
26:02You didn't get that number from Scali, now, did you, Tommy?
26:05No, no, no, no. Look, no, come on. Maybe I got mixed up.
26:09Hey, you're making me nervous here. Come on, it means nothing.
26:12Oh, it means a lot, Tommy. It means...
26:14It means that, uh...
26:16You've played your last round of kiss and tell.
26:23Look at all those people around my painting.
26:25Of course, we're gonna have to tell them the truth before they actually buy it.
26:29Yeah, well, I don't see anybody reaching into their wallet.
26:32Rachel, you're just gonna use a little salesmanship.
26:36What a magnificent work.
26:38I think he's breaking new ground here.
26:41I don't think so.
26:43I don't think so.
26:45I don't think so.
26:47I don't think so.
26:49I think he's breaking new ground here.
26:52How much is it?
26:54Whatever it is, it's too much.
26:56What's wrong with it?
26:58There's no essence here. It's not one of his better efforts.
27:01So bad, it's as if he were making a statement.
27:04A dot without a soul.
27:06Yeah, a dot without a soul.
27:08It's about the state of modern life.
27:11Not everyone can get the subtleties.
27:13Or is it just a fascinating jab at the commercialization of art?
27:19That's right, I can see it.
27:21It's consumerism run amok.
27:27Aren't you gonna buy this fascinating jab at the commercialization of art?
27:31To buy this would be to validate his whole nihilistic view of the consumer.
27:36Besides, who'd want something that ugly hanging on their wall?
27:40There's still two days left in the show.
27:42Maybe somebody will buy it.
27:44Don't count your dots.
27:51Bonnie, what are you doing here?
27:53Paulie sent me.
27:55It's about Tommy Mills.
28:01Mrs. Mills?
28:03I'm Commissioner Scali.
28:06Mrs. Mills?
28:08I'm Commissioner Scali.
28:11Devin, you watch your little sister, okay?
28:23This is the money that we owed Tommy.
28:26Plus a little extra.
28:28The guy is all pitched in.
28:36Well, I guess Tommy's death wasn't for nothing, then, was it?
28:40I know how you must feel.
28:42I have two little ones.
28:44No husband and no job.
28:47You know how that feels.
28:51He was doing okay.
28:54How come you had to come along and mess it up?
28:56I'm sorry, I tried to warn him off.
28:58Well, I guess you didn't try hard enough.
29:01I know he was just a snitch to you.
29:05But he wasn't just a snitch to me.
29:10I'm so sorry.
29:12I wish there was more I could do to help you.
29:14You want to help me?
29:16Then tell those children why their daddy is never coming home.
29:35Because of you, Dunigan started looking for a snitch.
29:40He found Tommy Mills.
29:42You still think no one got hurt?
29:47Charlie Wolfe, fresh out of one-liners.
29:50I'm bringing you up on felony charges.
29:53Falsifying police records.
29:55Fraud, conspiracy, and anything else I can come up with.
29:59I'm going to jail.
30:00No, you're not.
30:03I'm going to jail.
30:04Not yet.
30:05First, I want Dunigan to try and kill you.
30:10Paulie, come here.
30:14Tony, I appreciate the sentiment,
30:17but using him for live bait is frowned upon in some circles.
30:20He's not going to be in any danger.
30:21Bring Charlie back to the safe house.
30:23Then plant the rumor on the street that we have an eyewitness.
30:26Tomorrow, we'll bring Charlie somewhere else.
30:28And I will leak the location of the safe house to Dunigan.
30:31And you think Dunigan might try ahead?
30:33Desperate men take desperate measures.
30:35We just have to apply the pressure.
30:39Too bad we got to use him to do it.
30:43Dinner, sir.
30:47Yeah, I used to work for a French chef once.
30:50Actually, what I did was wash the dishes.
30:52But I did learn the secret of onion soup.
30:54I could make us some.
30:55Burger's fine.
30:56Hey, look, I'm just trying to...
30:58Just eat. Small talk isn't required.
31:05I guess you guys are pretty mad at me.
31:10Isn't there anything I can do to make it right?
31:12Short of busting Dunigan? Not much.
31:19I'm going to get myself a glass of water. You want one?
31:26Thank you.
31:36Hey, there's not a clean glass in here.
31:38This isn't a maid service. Clean one yourself.
31:57Hey, fire! Fire!
32:02What the hell's going on?
32:03What did you do?
32:30What the hell are you doing?
32:33I'm really sorry, boss.
32:35You just suckered me.
32:37It's all right, Jimmy. He's not gonna get far.
32:39He has no local contacts, no money.
32:41Paulie, what do you have?
32:43The good news is, we got everything covered.
32:45Trains, buses, taxis, planes, rollerblading paths.
32:47The bad news is, he hasn't shown his face anywhere.
32:50He knows we're watching all the exits.
32:52He's probably just waiting for his chance.
32:54Unless he's got something other than running in mind.
32:58Jimmy, did he say anything that could help us?
33:01He tried to make nice.
33:03I told him to shut up. That's about it.
33:05Nothing else?
33:07Well, he asked what he could do to make it up to us,
33:11and I said, short of getting Dunnigan, not much.
33:15He wouldn't go after Dunnigan alone.
33:17He just might.
33:19You saw the look on his face when Tommy's widow walked out.
33:23Grab Ronnie. Get over to Dunnigan's. Check it out.
33:25If he's with Dunnigan, he's in way over his head, Tommy.
33:48You want to hear what's going on? Step inside.
33:56You were on my property, and you weren't invited, Mr...
33:59Wolf. Charlie Wolf.
34:02I've only been in town a couple of days.
34:05I heard you're hiring.
34:07Hiring? We're in a recession.
34:11You play the game, Charlie Wolf?
34:13No, no, but I sure would love to learn.
34:16Well, it's not for everybody.
34:20You know what I like most about it?
34:22It's all about nerve. You know, who's got it, who doesn't.
34:25It's just you. You're out there all alone.
34:27Pure pressure.
34:29See, you never want to mess with a guy
34:31who can make a ten-foot putt with a million bucks on the line.
34:41Why are you messing with me, Charlie Wolf?
34:44Hey, I'm not Mr. Dunnigan.
34:48Augie, you ever notice how when I got some clown by the zipper,
34:51the cops called me Mr. Dunnigan?
34:56Hey, wait, wait, wait a minute.
34:58I can help you.
35:00The cops took some coins out of your safe. You want them back, right?
35:02Yeah, a long way from the green, Charlie Wolf.
35:05They're in the evidence room.
35:08I can get them for you.
35:11You work for the cops?
35:13No, no, but they know me at the precinct, and I can move around that place.
35:16I bring you back those coins, you let me off the hook.
35:22Hey, look, killing me is not going to get your coins back.
35:26Letting me live just might.
35:28And it'll keep you out of jail, too.
35:36Try to leave town. You're a dead man.
35:39Hey, I'm too old to outrun anybody.
35:43This is your million-dollar putt, Charlie Wolf.
35:47Don't miss it.
35:51Don't miss it.
35:57Look, I was trying to help you nail Dunnigan, so I really followed him this time.
36:01He went to a warehouse someplace in Morgan Heights.
36:03What warehouse?
36:04I thought, Tony, all warehouses look alike. You know that.
36:07But there was something different. There was a kind of a strange noise, like a heartbeat.
36:11You sure it wasn't your own?
36:13Go on.
36:14Well, I followed him back to his office, and that's where they nailed me.
36:17Where you made this deal to steal his coins from our evidence room.
36:20That's the only thing I could think of to keep him from three-putting me on this spot.
36:23All right, Charlie, here's what we're going to do.
36:25You have half the coins that we took from Dunnigan's safe.
36:28That's five grand.
36:30Now, you tell him that you've hidden the other half.
36:32He can't touch you until he's got them all back.
36:34All right, your wire's all set. We'll be listening to every word.
36:38If you can get him to admit that he stole the coins, we'll move in.
36:41If not, make another appointment to deliver the other half.
36:44Listen, why don't I get him to take me to the rest of the loot,
36:47then you could nail him big time and I could get the 25 grand.
36:49No, just talk to him, understand?
36:51We're going to have a lot of cops in the park, but this is still going to be dangerous.
36:57Hey, hey, hey, you think this is dangerous?
37:00I once dated two French girls in the same chorus line.
37:03That was dangerous.
37:17I'm sorry.
37:36All right, guys, Charlie's approaching the car.
37:39Got him running.
37:44This is half of what was in the evidence room.
37:47Anything happens to me, the cops get the other half back.
37:50What are you talking about? Those coins are mine.
37:52Those are the bank's coins. You stole them from the bank, right?
37:57Right now, I'm a little more concerned about who stole them from me.
37:59Well, if those are the bank's coins, there's a reward out for them, 25 grand.
38:03What do you want?
38:05I want a cut, 50%, otherwise the cops get the other coins back.
38:08Hey, that wasn't part of the game plan. What's Charlie trying to pull?
38:11I don't know. I'll give you 10%, equal to the reward.
38:14Hey, I am not selling used cars here.
38:17Frankly, I don't think you have much choice.
38:23All right.
38:25What do you say we go get that 50%, huh?
38:27No time like the present.
38:29But remember, anything happens to me, the cops are going to have you by the zipper.
38:37I can't believe he's double-crossing us, and he knows we're listening.
38:41Everybody, get to your cars, now!
39:04I lost them.
39:06They're gone, Tony.
39:08They're gone, Tony.
39:10Keep monitoring the wire. Maybe Charlie'll tip his position.
39:17Hey, look, Joe's Deli.
39:19You ever had that pastrami on rye? Best in the state.
39:21Shut up.
39:26Sure are a lot of warehouses around here.
39:28What's with the travel log, huh?
39:30Nothing. I just like to know where I'm going.
39:33I've been this far east on Vernon before.
39:39Step on it, Augie.
39:44The wire went dead. Sounded like they were headed for Morgan Heights.
39:47I'm already there.
39:49It's a 40-block area, Tony.
39:52Charlie said something about hearing a heartbeat. I don't know.
40:09For an old guy, you're a lot of trouble.
40:11We don't have time to worry about this guy, boss.
40:13The cops might be here any minute.
40:15He's right. You don't have time to worry about me.
40:17Listen to him.
40:19Just kill the old guy, and let's get out of here.
40:21Hey, don't listen to him. I can't hurt you.
40:23Get out of here.
40:25I don't want to hurt you.
40:27I don't want to hurt you.
40:29I don't want to hurt you.
40:31I don't want to hurt you.
40:33I don't want to hurt you.
40:35I don't want to hurt you.
40:37Get up.
40:59All right, let's get the gold in the car.
41:01I'll bring the old man. I may need a hostage.
41:08Hey, move it, Charlie.
41:10Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait.
41:12Don't you think it'd be better if you tied me up and left me here?
41:17I don't want to hold you back.
41:19You do that, I'll feed you to the fishes.
41:21Hold it!
41:23You're under arrest.
41:31You're under arrest.
41:33You're under arrest.
41:35You're under arrest.
41:47Don't work, Charlie. Give me the gun.
41:49Don't be an idiot, Charlie.
41:51Get me out of here, you can have the money, all of it, all of it.
41:57Charlie, you don't want to do this.
41:59Four million bucks he wants to do it.
42:01It's not worth it, Charlie.
42:03He's a good man.
42:07Good choice, Pops.
42:19That means love of money is the root of all evil.
42:21Four years of Latin with Father O'Malley.
42:25What the hell were you thinking about going into Donegan's car?
42:27I knew you'd find me, Tony. You're a good cop.
42:29Well, I guess I made my million dollar putt, huh?
42:35Here's a gimme.
42:37Listen, come here.
42:39This 25 grand reward,
42:41is that considered taxable income?
42:51Now, you can't want this.
42:53Oh, we do.
42:55But it's not even mine. He painted it.
42:59You're a talent.
43:01He's not a talent.
43:03That's not a painting.
43:05It's coating.
43:07We happen to like it.
43:09That's because my signature's on it.
43:11You wouldn't think twice about it otherwise.
43:13We buy paintings,
43:15not signatures, Mr. DeFord.
43:21I can't believe that those people actually bought it.
43:23Like they said, Rachel, I'm talented.
43:25I think my next work will be...
43:35Hey, isn't this your painting?
43:37I don't think so.
43:39Yes, it is.
43:43Tony Scali, you paid those people
43:45to buy this painting, didn't you?
43:47Money did change hands,
43:49but the transaction
43:51transcended dollar-ness.
43:55Well, the transaction that I'm about to make
43:57will also transcend dollar-ness.
43:59You owe me a painting.
44:07Mrs. Mills?
44:13I just came by to say thanks.
44:15What for?
44:17Tommy's reward money.
44:19Reward money?
44:21The $25,000.
44:23A man came by the house.
44:25He said it was from the department.
44:27Did this man look like
44:29a 70-year-old leprechaun?
44:31Yeah, that's him.
44:33He said to thank the commissioners,
44:37I'm thanking you.
44:39You're welcome.
44:53Ah, young Scali.
44:55I just came to say goodbye.
44:59you're gonna take your fortune
45:01and head for parts unknown, huh?
45:03Well, the truth is, I don't have it anymore.
45:05What happened?
45:07Belmont. Lost every penny.
45:09You lost it at Belmont?
45:11Mm-hmm. You know how it is.
45:13You got 25, you want 50.
45:15It's like I said to Delegate Radix, omnium.
45:17So what are you gonna do now?
45:19Oh, well...
45:21I thought I'd go out,
45:23check out Kilimanjaro again, see if the snow's still there.
45:25Just stay out of the grocery business.
45:27Are you kidding? That's my best bet.
45:33Take care, Tony. It's been fun.
45:37Yeah, it's been fun.
45:43Ah, Charlie, I'm gonna...
45:47I'm gonna kill him.
45:49What? Charlie!
45:51Give me back my ball!