The Commish Season 4 Episode 19 Letting Go

  • 4 months ago
The Commish Season 4 Episode 19 Letting Go


00:40Need to make it a little later as late as you can
00:45Grab one. Oh
00:48Six o'clock good. That's great. Thanks. Are you going at six? Oh
00:52What's doctor's appointment everything? Okay. Yeah, it's just a regular checkup. Listen if I'm not home in time
00:58Just heat up the macaroni and cheese in the fridge
01:00By the way, I thought you're gonna fix that shower head over the weekend. I'll get to it
01:04Tony hire a plumber and pay him a fortune. I'll fix it myself when
01:09Mom, I'm dying on this English report. You got to help me find the meaning of Moby Dick. That's easy
01:15Stay on dry land
01:29Have to get Sarah to take care, I don't suppose you got a budget meeting in 20 minutes. I can't be late but I can
01:42We at least remember to fix the shower tonight, I'll fix it
02:02Where's the purple he's in the lobby with a hostage be careful
02:22One false move and I'll blow his head off
02:27I'm through taking it easy. If I go he goes with me. Nobody's gonna go now. We're gonna stay real calm
02:34I'm gonna talk this over talking won't help. I've talked till I'm blue in the face
02:41Ma'am ma'am, I don't want to use handcuffs. So calm down. Okay
02:48I'm trying good. Take your time
02:51You're a very nice considerate young man
02:54Are you going to take me away now? I'm afraid we have to know I understand
02:59May I may I apologize to him first?
03:03That might be a good idea
03:07Mr. Dudzik, I pointed a gun at you and I'm very very sorry that it wasn't loaded
03:16I want to press charges. Mr. Dudzik. She's a seven-year-old woman. I don't care. She's dangerous. The gun wasn't even loaded
03:22It didn't even have a firing pin. It's still an assault, isn't it? Yeah, technically then do your job
03:32That's the guy she went in yeah
03:35Found this in her purse some sort of investment advisor. He's a common thief
03:41He stole all of my life savings
03:44$50,000 every cent I have in the world. Thank you very much. Careful. It's hot. No, he stole it
03:51Lost it
03:53It's the same thing. The money is gone. He promised that he would triple my investment
03:59He said there was very little risk and he took 20% off the top 20% the rest
04:05He lost inside of three months. This is terrible. Mrs. Simpkins, but
04:09Technically you committed assault battery assault with a deadly weapon
04:14The gun wasn't even loaded, but he didn't know that you scared the guy half to death
04:17I was hoping that he would be scared into giving me back my money
04:22This contract doesn't say anything about tripling your money or low risk, but he said it to me
04:29in front of anyone I
04:32Was a fool I could see that now this guy's pretty slick
04:37Takes a flyer with other people's money and he keeps a share of the profits and if there are no profits
04:42He still makes out because he took his cut up front. He was charming and
04:47You might have a case in a civil suit
04:50Soon, we'll recommend a good lawyer. Mm-hmm. I can't afford the fees
04:55And I certainly can't afford the time
05:00Well, I have to go to jail now I
05:02Think we can avoid that but you have to promise never to do anything like this again. I
05:08promise now
05:10Can I at least get my gun returned? It was my husband's World War two. It has special meaning for me
05:18Not that I don't trust you, but maybe I should give it to a gunsmith and he'll cement the barrel first
05:24It'll still look the same. Oh, that's fine
05:28Can I go now sure
05:33Will you be all right
05:35My husband died 12 years ago commissioner, and I've been able to take care of myself ever since
05:43And I can manage now too, thank you
05:53Are you sure there's nothing you can do no, no, I understand
05:58If you could recommend someone else
06:00Thanks, give me a bus
06:03Trying to get someone to take the Ruby Simpkins case on contingency. No luck so far
06:07I did some checking up on Dudzik. This guy makes his living scamming old people
06:12He wins their trust promises him the moon verbally, but the written deal is always above board
06:17That's fraud if you can prove it
06:19But it's always the victim's word against his several people have filed complaints Tony, but nothing ever sticks
06:24He ought to be in jail not her
06:26Well, she's not gonna be the DA reduced the charges to a misdemeanor nuisance provided. She stays at least a hundred yards away from him
06:35I'll let her know
06:36When I go return her husband's gone. Listen, do you mind if I come with you? She reminds me of my mother a little
06:43What you think that's sappy very
06:47Except she reminds me of my mom, too
06:57You know, there's got to be something more we can do for her that's what I was thinking but apart from finding her a lawyer
07:07Mr. Simpkins, it's Commissioner Scali
07:14It's gas
07:25Let's get her out of here quick
07:29It was bad enough that I lost all my savings
07:33It was an eviction notice waiting for me when I got home this morning. I thought
07:39Water that's when I thought of the gas
07:43Have you tried to explain things to your landlord for three months I've been explaining the rent to my landlord instead of paying it I
07:50Mean you can't blame him
07:53It's so funny. I
07:55Was so worried that the money I had wouldn't be enough
08:00Now I would give anything to have it back
08:06Let's try to get some sleep
08:12I'd like to talk to you about Ruby Simpkins. Oh the nutcase who shoved a gun in my face. She tried to commit suicide today
08:19Like I said, she's a nutcase. I
08:22Mean, you know in this business you pays your money and you takes your chances
08:26She had some hard luck, but it's nothing to do with me. You lied to her prove it
08:32He told her the investments weren't risky. That's not what the contract says. That's what you said. You got any witnesses
08:39You left it with nothing at least refund the 20% you took off the top
08:43That's my fee for services rendered like what losing the other 80%
08:47Like I said, you pays your money and you I heard you the first time
08:53I'm a busy man Commissioner. Are you gonna arrest me or what? I wish I could but you can't
09:02Don't let the door hit you on the way out
09:09This will just take a minute Rachel, why don't you lay down?
09:20How's work good
09:23Tony and the kids. Oh, they're great whenever I catch a glimpse of them in between errands
09:30What I just want to look at something on the ultrasound I'm sure it's nothing do you want to slip your gown down for me
09:38Now the gel is gonna be a little cold
09:59Okay, you can sit up
10:04Now there's no cause for alarm
10:06But I do seem to be picking up a small growth
10:10In my breast. Yes, now it could be anything a fatty cyst irregular cells or cancer
10:21When my mother got breast cancer
10:24She was younger than I am right now, which is why we monitor you so closely now. I want to biopsy this
10:29I'll make arrangements at the hospital and I'll call you at home. It's a minor procedure
10:34And we're not gonna worry until we know more, right?
10:46You like it sweetheart try it it's macaroni it's like little telescopes
10:51You know, the food's not as good without mom, but the entertainment's better
10:55Hi, how's the doctor?
11:09Set up the biopsy at East Bridge Memorial for Wednesday at noon. Okay. Thanks. Have you told Tony yet?
11:20Well, I'm sure it's going to turn out to be nothing but I'm a big believer in getting all the support you can
11:46Who is that?
11:48wrong number
11:49Mom, have you gone over my moby-dick report? No, not yet. It's due Thursday. I know I'll get to it tomorrow
11:59Just you today I missed you too
12:05Landlord withdrew the eviction. How'd you manage that? Hey, you're not the only one with special powers of persuasion
12:11So you explained the situation eloquently what a nice lady. She is brought tears to his eyes and then you paid the back rent
12:19482 bucks
12:23Morning mr. Simpkins
12:26I'm okay. Please call me Ruby. Oh
12:30What a nice young man
12:33Nobody has brought me flowers for longer than I care to remember and nobody's called me a nice young man for longer than I care
12:40to remember
12:41Doctor says you're doing fine
12:43And as long as I don't do anything foolish again, I'll outlive us all it's the standard pep talk
12:50Did you listen I?
12:52Hope you did cuz we got some good news
12:56First of all, you're not evicted
12:58Paulie talked to your landlord
13:04You thought that'd make you happy
13:07Both so kind
13:09How am I gonna pay my bills my utilities my food my clothes?
13:13One day at a time
13:15Easier said than done at my age
13:18Well, the thing is
13:20We have a plan to get your money back
13:23You do
13:25What kind of a plan?
13:29Real good one. Yeah, so you just leave the rest to us and get some rest
13:42Didn't think there was any way we can nail this guy might just have to use a different kind of nail
13:50We might not be able to put him away like he deserves but with a little luck you might be able to get Ruby's 50
13:56grand back however
13:58This is strictly volunteer on your own time if you kill the captured I'll disavow any knowledge of your activities
14:07Got it
14:10Dud's extensive morality is not very well developed
14:14But his sense of greed is we still have an empty office from the Prinkman stakeout Paulie can use that
14:20I'm not sure I can pull this off
14:23Listen to this
14:24convertible subordinated the bencher
14:27Coupon equivalent rate callable preferred stock and this is just to let us see I
14:33Don't think I can learn all this stuff. You won't have to just enough to throw out a few terms
14:39If that's it was all that good. He wouldn't have to fleece old ladies
14:42You've left your way through plenty on the cover gigs before that. This won't be any different. I hope so
14:49Convertible debenture sounds like a car with false teeth
14:59Sorry to bother you, but we couldn't get hold of your wife the hospital just called they need to reschedule her biopsy her what?
15:07Why didn't you tell me I didn't want you to worry I'm your husband I'm supposed to worry you think I want you to go
15:13Through this by yourself
15:17You all right
15:21I'm pretty scared. I
15:23mean, I know it's probably nothing but
15:26No, I'm sure it isn't I mean you don't feel weak or anything, right
15:31It's not the way it works
15:34I'm gonna take a couple of days off until we get the results. We should be together
15:40honey, I appreciate it, but I
15:42Just want to keep going
15:44Same hectic routine that I'm always complaining about
15:49Maybe people are supposed to stop and smell the roses more often
15:53I'd like our life. I like having a job and a house husband two kids. I
16:01Hope not, but
16:04I'm in a high-risk category
16:07Next couple of days. They could be the last normal ones. I'm never gonna have I
16:14Don't want anything to change unless it has to
16:19Okay, you want normal you got normal be so normal they'll have to put us on the cover of normal magazine
16:28If there isn't one we'll be so normal they'll have to publish one I
16:35Should get back
16:41What about David I
16:44Don't think we should worry him. Tell me now something
16:48Listen, I'm going to the biopsy with you. That's not open to the negotiation. Okay, I like that
17:14Short a hundred thousand of the convertible preferred and hedge on the option side, but don't exercise the putz
17:24Larry long time no see. Yeah. Listen, I really don't have a lot. That's it. You've got time for this
17:32The same please
17:35You went to apples now just call me Isaac Newton
17:40Take a bite of that and try and guess where it came from
17:48Mmm, that's really good, Washington
17:54New England in a test tube
17:57It's genetic you can grow it year-round and it costs half what a normal apple does
18:03Okay, I'm interested
18:07Few weeks ago. I made friends with this guy at my club CEO of a small outfit called fruit tech
18:12That's their Apple. They're going public in 10 days, but I can get shares now
18:21CEOs got a little gambling problem
18:23He's got options up the wazoo
18:26But he's desperate for cash
18:27So you pre-buy shares from him at 50% and he postdates him after the IPO a
18:34100,000 today is half a million in six weeks
18:39It's also illegal. No, I'll know I don't know Franco. Yeah, it sounds risky
18:51Take my card, I got a new number
19:26Well, it just seems to me she should be resting or something
19:29Well, she can if she wants to but it's really not necessary. Well, what can I do?
19:33I there must be something there is Tony and it's probably the hardest thing of all you just have to wait
19:42All right, all right, thank you Kate
19:50This finance stuff isn't so hard after all I think he bought it, you know
19:55I never understood the difference between a stock and a bond, but it's real simple
19:58you just
20:01Hey Paisan, what's wrong most likely it's gonna turn out to be nothing but
20:09Even if it is something
20:13Very good chance. I'm gonna be able to beat it
20:18Things were a lot different now than they were when my mom got sick
20:20If I'm not around you're still gonna be taken care of
20:27Daddy loves you very much
20:31So does David
20:33You know that don't you?
20:39And of course
20:44I'll always love you
20:51Where I am
20:57What happened you are gonna be one normal and healthy
21:10If I'm not here, I don't want that to hold you back I know
21:21Forget me, will you?
21:26I had no idea you should have told me before just found out this morning
21:34Chances are it's nothing. I mean doctors these days are super cautious
21:40You know, I
21:42Just wish it was me going through this instead of her
21:45Not just because I love her but because it would make it so much easier
21:50I just feel so helpless
21:53I've always had this
21:56It's fear that she would die before me
21:59because of her mother
22:01Maybe maybe just because it was the worst thing I could think of I
22:07Wouldn't be any good without a Polly. I just know I wouldn't you would but you won't have to be
22:14We've known each other since we were kids, I mean life without it wouldn't be life
22:18It would just be an early death. Hey, hey, come on now. It's not gonna come to that and then
22:23What would I do without her? I can't raise two kids by myself in a job like this. I'd have to quit and then do what?
22:32I know that sounds selfish, but no
22:37Just human
22:39Why don't you go home now be with her that's the hardest part of all
22:45She says she wants everything to be normal until we find out. I
22:50Don't think I can do it if that's what she needs
22:54You can do it
23:10And don't you fall for the first man who comes along take your time be choosy
23:18Of course I did fall for the first guy who came along
23:22We waited five whole years before we got married I guess what I'm saying here is
23:30Take the time to get to know yourself first before you start worrying too much about getting to know anybody else
23:37Get all this now
23:43Daddy's home. I want you to help me out. No, okay
23:58Hey dad, hi there
24:05Hi, how you doing? Good. How are you? Good
24:17The anesthetic has taken effect by now, you won't feel a thing
24:24Simple procedure won't take very long. No any good songs Tony
24:29Mostly opera, I wouldn't want to crack any windows
24:32You okay, yeah, you come to all my operations, they're not gonna be any more operations
24:41There we go two stitches you'll be back to work tomorrow
24:46How soon we know something should hear from the pathologist by 3 on Thursday
24:50There's no way to find out any sooner
24:53I'm afraid not
24:57We'll come by your office at 330
24:59In the meantime
25:05We just wait
25:14And the City Council wants to cut the training budget in half that's fine
25:19You've been fighting that for two years
25:26Right have Lucille draft up a letter of protest for my signature
25:33You'll know something on Thursday, right?
25:37330 I'm counting the seconds
25:41Even knowing the worst is better than knowing nothing
25:44Hey, there's a call on a dedicated line for mr. Franco. I'll take it here
25:56It was Franco speaking mr. Franco or should I say mr. Newton
26:04You have the wrong number. Oh, I don't think so. You like apples, right? Who is this?
26:09I was sitting here wondering whether I should tell the police what I know about you and fruit tech IPO
26:15What do you think?
26:17What do you want? I want what the whole world wants a piece of the action
26:22I'll come by your office in say about an hour
26:25Be there
26:30He bit
26:43Who are you and how'd you find out about fruit tech? I'm an investment advisor like you and
26:50Like you I have my sources. I looked into fruit tech
26:53There isn't one single system analyst with any major brokerage following it. Nobody knows anything about it. It's a gold mine
27:02So why mess it up? Oh, I have no intention of messing it up as long as I'm on the inside
27:09Well, I'd love to cut you in but all the shares are spoken for but next time I get a tip forget next time
27:17You don't have any more shares
27:19Then I'll have to take some of yours
27:23Or you could go to jail
27:25It's your call
27:37I've got 20,000 shares. I bought him at 10. That's $200,000
27:45I'll let you have them for 100
27:48I'm assuming you're lying by say
27:52Which means you paid a hundred grand?
27:54I'll pay you 50
28:01It'll have to be cash there can't be a paper trail. Okay, that'll take a day or so. How about Thursday four o'clock?
28:10It's been a pleasure doing business with you, mr. Franco, what are you kidding?
28:29He's bringing the 50 grand Thursday afternoon, I can't wait till we turn it over to Ruby
28:34Oh, what are the stock certificates gonna be ready?
28:38The phony stock certificates. Oh
28:42Sorry, yeah
28:43I'll pick him up Thursday
28:45I'll do it. You shouldn't have to think about work at a time like this
28:49I have to think about work or I'll go crazy. Tony. I said I'll handle it. Okay, fine
29:04So, how's captain Ahab?
29:08I'm ob dick report. Remember? I forgot to read it. I'm sorry
29:12Again, come on mom. It's due tomorrow. Hey, don't talk to your mother in that tone of voice
29:17Tony I just want to know you heard what I said. Okay. Sorry
29:28He should be doing his own reports just wants me to read it over
29:35I'm gonna put in the shower head
29:37honey, I
29:39Thought we were gonna act normal. I am
29:41Well, if you were acting normal, you'd put off doing that for two more weeks at least
29:50Feel like I never want to put off anything ever again
29:58Get the shower head forget normal forget everything you just hold to me
30:12You remember this my senior year picnic
30:19remember that day
30:21so do I
30:23You went out afterwards with Harry Skinner
30:26Well, cuz you were paying so much attention to Judy Crawford. What attention she dropped the plate
30:31I helped her clean up for two hours. She was heavily smudged
30:38You know, I never told you this but I followed you to that night me and Harry yeah, you followed us
30:46You went to see mash then you went out to dinner. You had a hamburger a shake no fries, but you had some of his
30:53And then he took you home. I
30:57Had to see if he was gonna try to kiss you good night
31:02What if he had he'd have been pushing up daisies now
31:08Sure, what's crazy about you still him
31:13Look you graduated from the Academy. You look so handsome in your uniform
31:21You still do
31:29The day of days
31:33Happiest day of my life
31:37I do
31:54Must give a course in medical school how to keep patients waiting these people majored in it
32:03Scali yeah, put him through it's David school. Yes. This is he
32:13No, we didn't I
32:17Well, thanks for letting us know
32:20Terrific. What?
32:22David left school after his first class. He hasn't been seen since
32:25He probably didn't want to turn in that stupid English paper because you hadn't read it all the times for him to pull a stunt
32:31Like this honey. Look, he doesn't even know what we're going. Well still he's got to take responsibility for his own work
32:37He knows that or if he doesn't he soon will
32:41Mr. Mrs. Galley, dr. Gordon will see you now. I
32:51Thought we were supposed to hear something today now, I know and I'm terribly sorry, but dr
32:56Ruskin hasn't finished analyzing the sample call him. It won't do any good. We're just gonna have to wait until Monday Monday
33:04We waited for the biopsy. We waited for the results now
33:07We have to wait for the weekend his office called and said that's how long it's gonna take
33:11Get him on the phone personally. Tell him it's important. All his patients are important
33:17Call him
33:28Hi, this is Kate Gordon is dr. Ruskin available
33:37Thank you
33:41Did I hear the word racquetball
33:52Police Commissioner Tony Scali you're supposed to be analyzing my wife's biopsy. Why are you playing racquetball?
33:59I resent this you resent this being police commissioner does not give you the right to come barging in here and treat me like a
34:05Criminal, you're right forget all about police commissioner
34:08This is man-to-man and you better have a damn good reason for being here instead of in your office finishing your work as it happens
34:15I do have a good reason for being here. I'm finished analyzing your wife's sample and you couldn't be bothered to make a phone call
34:23Because of a racquetball game I ran two tests one gave favorable results the other unfavorable
34:30That's why I didn't call. I have to do a different test for the sample
34:35But I couldn't arrange it till Monday
34:37Now the minute I know anything I'll call Kate Gordon
34:41She'll call you. I
34:47Was way out of line, I apologize I
35:05What are you doing here
35:07What are you doing here? I had a meeting with Dudzik at four o'clock
35:10The stock certificates. I completely forgot what happened. That's it showed up
35:16Briefcase full of money and he left with a briefcase full of money
35:20Tony I had nothing to give him
35:23So Ruby Simpkins still out in the cold
35:27You're a guy who likes to have things under control and you usually do but you just got to let go
35:34Concentrate on the things you can do something about
35:40Snap out of it
35:42Stop feeling sorry for yourself
35:44You have any idea what this is like? No, I don't
35:48You want to be with Rachel go but if you're bothered by it, you're not going to get out of it
35:53You want to be with Rachel go but if your body's here and your mind is there you're just in the way
36:06Okay, I'm here let's get to it, okay
36:14Mr. Dudzik I
36:18Want to file a complaint
36:20Stock fraud insider trading tax evasion. You name it. The guy's name is Franco
36:26The IRS hands out rewards for turning in guys like this, don't they?
36:30Yeah, I suppose they do. Well, he's been doing an illegal stock deal with a company called fruit tech. How do you know?
36:36He told me
36:41His word against yours not a very strong case
36:46Although if we were able to set up some sort of sting
36:50You could split the reward money with the department. It could be as much as 10 or 20 grand
36:55This deal is setting up. I don't suppose you could get in on it. Well, he offered it to me
37:00Of course, I turned it down because it was illegal. Of course. I
37:05Could tell him I changed my mind
37:07We could catch him in the act
37:10Good idea
37:12One problem though, it's really not in our budget. We'd have to use your money for the sting
37:18I'd have to have interest on my money one day's interest
37:22Every little bit helps
37:25Good you got it
37:27The whole thing should take a little less than an hour ten grand plus interest and less than an hour's work. Not bad, huh?
37:34I can do business along those lines
37:36Good set up for noon tomorrow and listen, I'm sorry. I unloaded on you the other day
37:43You're obviously a law-abiding citizen people make mistakes. They certainly do
37:52Look I'm not gonna come down on you too hard. I
37:56Haven't been exactly perfect myself these days
37:59but I
38:01Mean you skip school David. Don't you think you owe us an explanation?
38:04Are you gonna die?
38:11David what are you talking about? You know what I'm talking about. You wouldn't tell me so I went to the library to find out for myself
38:21Causes of breast cancer rates of survival types of treatment I
38:26Found out everything except for the one thing I want to know
38:29Is my mom gonna die or not?
38:35We don't even know if I have cancer yet we're still waiting to hear
38:41The other day when dad yelled at me I knew something had to be wrong I
38:45Came back down the stairs and heard you guys talking David you misunderstood
38:51Your mom just had a biopsy. She's not well. She's in a coma
38:54You misunderstood your mom just had a biopsy we won't know anything until Monday
39:03Why didn't you tell me that in the first place I wouldn't have gone through all this I
39:09Thought it was part of the family
39:11Honey, I'm so sorry. Your mom didn't even tell me right away. We didn't want you to worry David
39:18You know, honey
39:20They don't give out instruction books for this kind of thing. I mean
39:24We're just trying to muddle through
39:28You forgive us
39:30I'm just scared
39:33So are we
39:36But at least now we can all be scared together
39:44Just go in there make the deal and leave once you're out of the way
39:48We'll make the bus and we'll meet you at the precinct later. Wait
39:51What if he makes a break for it with my money don't worry about it
39:54We got the whole place covered like a blanket look around you see the hotdog vendor. Yeah, he's one of ours
40:05And the gardener one of us Wow, well then here goes
40:21Thanks for giving me a second chance I was afraid you'd turn me in well, I wouldn't do a thing like that
40:32You got the stock it's all right here
40:37Congratulations my friend you're about to be rich. See you around ace
41:08It's okay I'm in on it
41:13This everything
41:19How did you manage
41:21It might be better if you didn't ask
41:23You boys aren't going to get into any trouble over this. Are you? No, I think we'll be okay
41:29How can I ever thank you?
41:32You already have
41:34Now listen, I've been reading up on this stuff. You might want to think about convertible debentures
41:39There's some very attractive rates out there. Also an index fund might be good. I
41:44I think I'll just put it in a federally insured bank account
41:51Good idea
41:55Where's my money Scali what money
41:57$50,000 in that briefcase you told me to take it into his office got any witnesses. It was a scam. You're in with Franco
42:04Prove it. I'll ransack his offices. What offices the office was a front. Okay, I'll find the president of fruit tech
42:11He knew Franco personally. Good luck
42:14scam, too
42:16I've certainly never heard of it. I want my money back Scali. I'm gonna call the mayor. I'm gonna call the governor
42:22Well with your reputation, I'm sure you'll get all the consideration you deserve
42:26You know the thing about investments is it pays your money and it takes your chances. Oh
42:32And don't let the door hit you on the way out
42:41I figured we watch a couple of movies this weekend
42:44And if we get bored with that, we'll go into the city catch the next game. We'll stay busy and we'll stay together
42:51So, what do we watch first?
43:00Dr. Ruskin come in, please. I
43:08Got to thinking about what happened yesterday
43:11Like I said, I'm really sorry. Well, I'm sorry too in retrospect
43:16I should have called if only to tell you that there were no definite results yet. I
43:21Felt so badly about it. I pulled some strings got the additional tests done this afternoon
43:27Dr. Gordon said it'd be okay if I stopped by in person
43:31It's not malignant. There's no trace of cancer
43:36You sure positive mrs. Kelly, you're fine
43:45Thought you'd want to know I
43:49Thank you doctor, thank you
44:07We can really get back to normal, that's right
44:10Yes, that means I got to finish my book report, but we should do something special to celebrate. Oh
44:16Wait a minute. I have a great idea
44:24Know the showerhead Rachel, you're the one who said I know back to normal
44:38Normal is beautiful
