The Commish Season 4 Episode 6 - Nancy with the Laughing Face

  • 4 months ago
The Commish Season 4 Episode 6 - Nancy with the Laughing Face


00:08What I found oh, oh there's behind some boxes of junk in the garage. Oh, I remember this were you a biker
00:16When where'd you get it then back in Brooklyn?
00:20Well today I came this close to being killed by a buffalo
00:29Buffalo Bigelow was the leader of the Avenue a motorcycle gang
00:33He owed the city 12 grand and traffic tickets
00:37Sarge one of them busted. I've been out of the Academy six weeks. My partner was Vince O'Rourke toughest cop on the beat
00:45Buffalo loved his wheels almost as much as he hated cops
00:49That bike was the envy of everyone who wore leather and studs. I'm gonna enjoy busting his clown. Oh
00:55Vince he's got 20 guys with him. Maybe we should call for some backup backups for sissies
01:01Let me show you how to land the big ones
01:05Hey Buffalo, you're under arrest
01:12Now what shrimp you think these guys are gonna let you take me I
01:17Could see this was a tight-knit group. I had to think of a way to split them apart before they did it to me
01:22Take you in mr. Buffalo
01:25I think you must have misunderstood
01:27We didn't come for you. No, not at all. We we we came for your bike what?
01:35I've been authorized to conduct an auction to pay off your traffic citations. Who'll start the bidding?
01:42No one's gonna bid on my bike. We're like brothers. Oh great. Then I'll stay in the family
01:46Do I hear 100 100 100? I have a hundred four from the man with the ring up his nose
01:53Do I hear 200 200
01:56$200 I have $200. Thank you very much, sir. Do I hit 300 bucks 300 bucks for the best bike in town?
02:02Look, I told you we're like brothers here 300 brother
02:23Hey, give me that one
02:29But you never arrested Buffalo, oh we got him and
02:33The experience inspired a little poem that kept me in one piece throughout my entire career a poem
02:40When a tough guy is your target and the odds are far from fair
02:45Inside a fight then bust them when he leaves intensive care
03:55Work here. Yes. Yeah. Well, who's your boss? Well, there's no need to be rude. Mr. Mandino is on vacation
04:01Can I help you the keys to the vault?
04:04Who's got?
04:23There's not much in here
04:26We had our weekly pickup last night. Yeah. Sure. You did. Mr. Costa is a Christian sir. He doesn't lie
04:32Well, I'm a Christian and I'm robbing a bank
05:00Call the police
05:07This guy's got to be the MVP of the old world stupid team
05:10He waltzes into the vault forgets to take a hostage Lopez have any trouble we're gonna miss
05:16So there's a what time you want me over tonight seven spy. Yeah, should I bring some pretzels beer?
05:21It's dinner Pauly not a poker game
05:24All habits die hard. Hey Lopez nice call check this guy out
05:29Who is he Marcel Marcel from what I can make out?
05:32He hasn't opened his mouth since I picked him up off the floor. All right, book him take a look at his assault weapon
05:37It's a dart gun
05:38Hey still on robbery genius
05:43Well, you know this guy Pauly Pentangeli didn't know about the career change
05:47This one seems to have hit a snag help me Paulie. Get me out of here. Hey, come on. It's not so bad
05:52The coffee's always lukewarm. No secondhand smoke. It'll be an experience you ever cared for her. You'll get me out of here
06:04Brian Lambert investment broker real high flyer in the 80s and
06:11He's married to Nancy
06:13You're Nancy
06:16My Nancy
06:21Paul please I've got to talk to Nancy now. Is she here? No
06:27Come on sit down
06:29Look, I know I've screwed up. I'm willing to pay the price Commissioner, please. I must talk to my wife
06:35What was that comedy you were played out this afternoon?
06:39He's asking you a question
06:42Well, it's a long story, yeah, well, we're just a couple of civil servants we got nothing but time
06:49Look you still work for Pendragon investments. Yes. Yes. You have a five-year-old boy. You live in the best part of town
06:56You got no prior record
06:58What's going on?
07:00Okay, I can subpoena your bank records I can run a TRW a done Brad look I
07:08Just need to talk to my wife. Your wife can't help you. What's going on Lambert? Somebody's squeezing you
07:17His wife's here
07:22You'll see you when we're done here
07:54Can't be any more surprised than I am. When did you come back a couple of months ago?
08:04I was married life. That's supposed to be funny. Yeah
08:10Where's Brian he's talking to Tony
08:14You post bail? No, no
08:16Why not? Well, how much is it a hundred thousand? Well, you only got to come up with 10%
08:24What don't tell me Brian invested in Whitewater too, I'll have the money by tomorrow
08:30You'll be safe here overnight won't you Polly?
08:35Now I'll make sure nobody pukes on his thousand-dollar shoes
08:38That's not do why don't you give the bondsman ten pair of loafers? You're a first-class jerk better than a third-class crook
08:49I'm so sorry
08:54No bail you're kidding
08:59Hi Tony
09:02Take him downstairs
09:04Put him in a separate cell. Come on. Wait a second. Wait, can't you walk down with me?
09:16Why don't you run Lambert's financial records see what kicks out
09:23Yeah, she looks good too thin
09:29You want to make dinner another night? No, I'm fine. Sure. I'll be there at seven
09:37I'm fine. I
09:40Don't know how much Tony told you but you know, we were together for five years. I
09:43Thought we were in it for the long haul
09:46until the day I should have married me then
09:48She freaked out freaked. I mean she gave me that speech, you know about how she didn't know if she had what it takes to
09:54Be a cop's wife, you know what I'm talking about, you know, right?
09:57So, I mean we kept going out but but you know, the mojo wasn't working anymore
10:02No mojo. She said she needed her space
10:05Well, the next thing I know Lambert's in the picture and it's weekends in Jamaica and diamond bracelets
10:11Um, they were married six months later. I mean, I can't say that I blame her. He treated it like a queen
10:17I married Diane on the rebound and well, we all know how that ended up
10:26God I sound like a hit case
10:29Well, how long is it since you've seen her? Oh
10:33Six years and four months next Friday
10:37Or roughly
10:39And you're still waiting for her to come running back into your arms, no, no, that would be crazy
10:45She's you know, she's got a kid. She's married. I
10:49Don't know I guess it was just seeing her, you know
10:51We were soulmates Rachel
10:54You don't leave your soulmate for mr. Wall Street, you know, obviously she loved him and give her some credit
10:59oh, but this guy is a
11:02Pauly I mean admit it. It's not gonna happen. Move on
11:08She's tough
11:11You know, yeah, yeah, you're right, you know that was in the past it was beautiful while it lasted but now it's in the past I
11:18Happen to know a whole lot of cute single women names and numbers, right? You got it
11:24Oh, excuse me
11:30You got a girlfriend
11:35Not really we'll talk later hang on
11:39It's the precinct
11:42They want to transfer a call from Nancy to Pauly Nancy's on the phone
11:54Put it through really got through to him mom
12:04No, I'm not busy I mean now it's fine sure I could meet great I
12:15You know, she
12:18She you know, she wants to see you tomorrow Pauly dinner was great great. Thanks
12:29Do you still jump up like that whenever I call every time I
12:36Love it when you lie
13:07Same old songs, huh Pauly? We're in trouble
13:11Three days ago Julian
13:14Our son was kidnapped by who we don't know they called and said that if we don't come up with half a million dollars
13:23They'll kill him
13:24Should have gone to the cops right away. He warned us not to but why don't you give him the money?
13:29We didn't have it. It's complicated
13:32Our money's tied up
13:34Tied up your son's life is at stake your money. Don't you think I know that?
13:43We sold everything we could you know the cars the jewelry
13:48Just wasn't enough that's why Brian was trying to rob the bank and why I couldn't post bail
13:57They said no cops and you know, you haven't told anyone
14:02And when I saw you today you got a stall no, no, we can't we can't no more calls
14:10But you don't have it I do now
14:16Explanations later
14:19Come with me to make the exchange
14:33Meats behind Box Canyon off the 44 and Nancy's got the money
14:37So I'm going with her for the exchange if they ask I'm her brother. Look all they care about is the Brad right?
14:44Go on
14:46There's a ridge that runs along this north end. You can post up there
14:49They said if they see any police, they'll kill Julian on the spot. They won't see us
14:53I asked you not to bring Tony into and I told you why I had to Pauly had no choice
14:59Look if you still feel uncomfortable, we can wait until they call again and see if we can trace it
15:03No, they said it has to be this morning
15:12Stay with Pauly do what he tells you to do. Oh at no time. Do you act on your own understood?
15:19No radio contact we'll be up on the ridge. Okay, let's go right a time
15:28Stand behind me and close. Let me do all the talking
15:32Do you have a gun?
15:34They're gonna search us
15:35Don't worry, Tony. I'll have an army back in a second. Yeah, what if they don't let Julian go don't play the what-if game?
15:42Let's just get lucky. Okay
15:48They'll be all right, I'll take care of it
16:15Don't see anyone don't worry. They're up there
16:32Where's the money there's nowhere near half a million dollars here I lied I
16:37Had to and you might not have come. You're right. This is crazy. I
16:41Didn't know what else to do. Well, we can't go through with this
16:45Damn it
16:48Gray van just pulled up stay alert
16:55What are we gonna do stay calm
17:14So who are you my brother
17:37Let me see the money where's Julian
17:57Boys fine, you'll have a story to tell his friends on the schoolyard now about the money
18:05Something's wrong
18:20Stay down. Are you all right?
19:34Name is Ross Novacek
19:36Armed robbery in 75 salt in 80 first-degree manslaughter also in 80
19:40Our sources say he does jobs for some of the New York families, but he's essentially an independent
19:44Why is this guy into kidnapping all of a sudden?
19:47Gus is tracking down the ownership of the van labs dusted it for prints. What about the helicopter?
19:52We're getting a list of all landing pads in a hundred mile radius
19:55Contact the feds. Yeah, they're backing us up. Thanks, Jimmy
20:09Did Nancy say anything to you about what I know this morning is she
20:16You know mad at me is she mad at you you took a bullet for her shouldn't have gone down like that, you know
20:24You asked me to go back and check Lambert's financial records. Yeah, Jamie
20:28This came up
20:31What is it on February 9th of this year a check for $75,000 was posted it was from Ross Novacek
20:41He was one of your clients, why didn't you tell me that I were you talking about
20:48The man who kidnapped Julian
20:51You knew him you you did business with him. I
20:56Had no idea he'd do something like this. How could you not tell me that?
21:00I was afraid
21:02What you think?
21:04Think what about Julian? I thought I could handle it, honey. I tried to do it the way we
21:09Look my business was falling apart. We were going broke. No, but check called me up one day
21:14He heard about me through a friend of a friend said he had some money to invest
21:18How much?
21:21400,000 my losing streak continued I lost it. He went ballistic
21:27Said if he didn't get it all back
21:30Did you know he was connected
21:32Not till this happened. I
21:34Mean, I know I should have checked him out, but he seemed legit. He had a couple of hotels. He owned a restaurant
21:41How did you do business over the phone?
21:44You never met him face to face just once
21:47Where coffee shop in Stouffville mayors Myers. I don't know something like that
21:53Did it seem like he went there often? I don't know
21:59I'm gonna need all the bank accounts phone numbers all the recorded contacts you had with him. Yeah, I'll get you everything
22:07Honey I'm so sorry. Yeah
22:11Just send an over check down
22:15I'm gonna do everything we can to get Julian back. Okay
22:21We're gonna get him back Nance, I promise
22:35What was that about what you don't make promises to someone in her position why can't I give her some hope that's not what you
22:42were doing
22:44You were trying to show up Lambert so you can be her shining knife that he can't be
22:49I'm gonna keep that promise
23:01Know the show what's it gonna take to get the kid back one phone call and return for what?
23:06What half the world is fighting the other half for?
23:12You return him unharmed and I'll try to get your sentence reduced he dies and you're gone forever
23:18Hey with my record, I'm gone forever either way. No, I
23:23Walk out of here. Well, there's no deal
23:26You know that can never happen never say never you are going to the stony lonesome chump federal prison
23:32Because of you the Lamberts will put flowers on an empty grave every year. Oh, I'd love to spend some time alone with you
23:45Are we serious about this or not?
23:48I'm listening. I mean, what do you think you're gonna hear?
23:52Million cash and small bills the Gulf Stream to fly me to Libya a piece of paper is all I want
23:59From the US Attorney saying when I return the kid, there'll be no charges pressed. I
24:07Could try I need to talk to my people
24:12You got a phone
24:14You got a phone
24:21Well, do you want me to make a deal or not
24:32They got a portable too, it's a nicer model
24:45Impossible to trace
24:53Yeah, that's me, where are you if I'm not where we said by noon tomorrow kill the kid
25:01Great reception
25:05What's it mean that no the check won't negotiate
25:08Time is on his side. He's trying to make the best deal he can so why can't we just give him what he wants?
25:13He wants to walk. So let him
25:16Look, why can't you just give him everything he wants and then you can arrest him again after we get Julian back
25:21Honey, the man's not stupid. Oh, that's right
25:24Fooled you pretty good, didn't he?
25:29Did he say anything else are there any leads at all
25:32I'm gonna go down to the lab after this to see if they've come up with anything
25:35So that's the big plan sit and wait
25:38It's not enough
25:44Look there's some way I can stay up here with Nancy. It's against regulations. Oh, don't give me regulations for God's sakes
25:50Have some humanity. Will you she needs me here with her can't be done. Sorry
25:55For the record pens Anjali. I know what you're doing. What am I doing? The promises the touching keeping us apart
26:01I'm doing my job. Don't forget. She's my wife. You're out of line here. You're shameless. You got the monopoly on shame
26:07Oh, stop it
26:10Julian's out there somewhere. God knows if it's even still alive and the two of you are acting like a couple of
26:18I'm sorry
26:21Look I got to get back. Come on
26:27Is there anything you need
26:33Take him downstairs
26:36Oh, it's the truth Nance, I can't let him stay up here with you
26:52I'm not gonna be able to make it home tonight, sweetie. I'm sorry. I'm just really under the gun
26:57How's Nancy and her husband holding up? I could expect
27:00Not looking forward to the next few hours
27:03How's everyone over there
27:06We miss you
27:08We're all fine
27:12Look I gotta go. Love you. Me, too
27:19What we hear from the lab only Prince they found in the van with Julian's
27:23DMV says the van was stolen three days ago in Passaic
27:26Got everyone pulling double shifts. I had the phone lines rerouted from Lambert's house to here
27:30You talked to the US Attorney's Office here. The most they'll consider is a reduced sentence. There's no way they're gonna drop the charges
27:39You think Novacek's bluffing my guess is he'll cut a deal at the last minute and if he doesn't
27:46Look I made some calls
27:48Turns out Novacek's got a teenage son lives down in Atlantic City with the mother and a word is he'll do anything for this kid
27:54I say we grab him we trade him for Julian. I
27:57Know it's crazy, but we're running out of time. You got to consider everything not breaking the law
28:03Bending it no breaking it Pauly
28:06This is about saving a kidnapped little boy. That's it
28:10Meaning what you see? This is your opportunity to win Nancy back. You'll do whatever it takes
28:16If you can't leave your personal feelings for out of this I'm under control
28:27Never heard anything. Oh
28:30Nancy please. I hate myself for what I've done. I sit in that cell and I want to die
28:35Oh, well, it doesn't feel much better out here
28:38In my mind I was doing what was best for you and Julian
28:42Doing business with gangsters. I told you I didn't know that
28:48What are we doing here you might say something we can use
28:55Making more money so important. I was this close to filing for bankruptcy. It wasn't a question of more money
29:00It was holding on to what we had the house
29:03God saves who cares about the house. It was my job to provide for you and Julian if I couldn't do that
29:11That's what you think, isn't it?
29:14Then I married you for your money
29:19Well, if I did what does that make me
29:22Come on Nancy Brian, I love you for who you are
29:28Or at least I did
29:44I don't know how much more of this I can take. I really don't
29:58Am so scared, you know, I just feel like I'm dying a little every moment that he's away from we're gonna get him back
30:10Put your arms around me the way you used to
30:25It's gonna be okay
30:38We got a location of Julian Polly
30:42If I'm a helicopter on a landing pad Stouffville, there's an old cabin on the property
30:48Neighbors saw two men and a boy going in last night
31:32Want a full search of this area five mile radius break up into details long gone Polly do it
31:37We're out in the middle of nowhere. They're not gonna hang around. What do you want to do Tony?
31:40Huh? Stick the kids face on a milk carton and wait
31:43You fellas give us a minute
31:53Look I'm gonna forget all about the whole idea of chain of command because at a time like this it doesn't matter
31:58What I'm not gonna forget is that your judgments turned to mush. You're not a detective here
32:03You're you're a lovesick teenager who Tony wanted to just who just wants to win back his old girlfriend
32:10Kidnap Novichok's son said these guys out on some useless
32:18I'm taking you off the case. No, you can't do that. I just did it Tony. Wait. No, listen, please
32:24Okay, look I'm out of line. You're right. You're right
32:30You know, I saw the blood and and I just
32:34It won't happen again
32:37Okay, I'm sorry look you gotta let me be in on this one
32:49We got six hours left let's go
33:01Hi Ronnie, oh hi Tony, you're up. No, but he should be back soon. Oh
33:08clean shirt
33:09Some bagels for you guys. Hey, thanks
33:12Excuse me. Can I get some aspirin? Uh, sure. Let me find something
33:17Fancy yes. Hi. I'm Rachel Scali Tony's wife. Oh, hi. Hi. I
33:25Think I have some aspirin
33:30Thanks, yeah, I think that I'll make sure you get this
33:37Is there anything I can do no, thank you
33:47Sit down
33:53You know, I just keep thinking that
33:56What if they come back and tell me that my son is dead
34:01It could happen, you know just
34:07These men are greedy all they want is money keeping your son alive. It's the only hope they have of getting it
34:17You know when I was a little girl and and I was upset about something my mom would say to me
34:26Kiss it up to God and he'll take care of it
34:31Just kiss it up to God
34:38How's your husband doing not much better than me I guess
34:47To tell you the truth, I feel like I don't even know who he is anymore
34:54Your husband and Polly have been I I
34:57Don't know where I would be if they weren't helping me. Those two guys are like a couple of pit bulls
35:03They are not gonna quit until they get your son back. Believe me. They'll come up with something
35:12Look who's here the dynamic do and we're here to visit the Joker open up
35:21Let's go yeah, we're to are you one of the US Attorney you got him? Yeah making my deal
35:26We're cutting the deal. All right, maybe not the one you wanted
35:30He's got a witness is gonna put you away for the rest of your life. Yeah, right Julian Lambert
35:34That's what you get for using amateurs your boys lost him just outside of Morgan Heights
35:48Those morons
35:50Yeah, they are. Come on. The hell were they doing in Morgan Heights? They got a Dairy Queen there
35:56Maybe they stopped for a moment supposed to be waiting at the Motor Lodge in Grosvenor. Hold on. What do you mean?
36:01What's going on?
36:04See one of what is this?
36:07Calvin take it to lockups. That's not the kid
36:11That's not the kid. Yeah, but now we know where he is. Great work Nance
36:2820 minutes to do the kid
36:42Got Julian in room three
36:57How we doing Ronnie ready
37:00Susan is that move out?
37:21Stupid jerk you blind
37:26Check it out
37:30Hey sweet thing, I'll find out
37:43We're doing
38:01Don't you come on?
38:04I got you
38:26Remember why I do this
38:31No one's ever gonna hurt you again
38:35How do you say thank you to someone who's giving you your family back
38:39He just did
38:42My attorney told me the banks dropped the charges after you talked to them you've been through enough
38:48Why don't you go home get some rest
38:51Polly listen
38:53I'm glad it all worked out. Okay, he's a brave kid
38:59Let's go
39:23You busy no, not at all
39:26How's Julian, um first few days were tough it it's getting better
39:35Look now that this is over. Um, I just wanted to tell you how grateful it
39:42No, that's not what I wanted to tell you
39:46I came here to say that I am really confused
39:49About what?
39:51I came here to say that I am really confused
39:54About what?
39:55about how to go back to my life after
39:59Everything that's happened
40:04Crazy or is there still something between us? I guess we're both crazy
40:32Have you told Brian yet? I'll tell him tonight when he gets up. Do you want me to go with you?
40:42I'll meet you later. I'll be at loose
40:51Happening, right
41:21What's up Casanova, well, it looks like Nancy and I getting back together
41:28When did this happen? Oh, it's happening as we speak
41:32Things work out for you
41:35Even though you don't think it will
41:37Say that. Hey Scali. I known you since we're in short pants. I can read your face
41:43Well, it's pretty quick, I mean emotions run high
41:47But you both went through is pretty intense
41:49You mean like when I rescued her son while her husband did nothing you were trained to rescue him Brian wasn't a Brian's the reason
41:55This whole thing happened. He made a mistake. It didn't seem like a very bad guy. Why are you defending him?
41:59I'm not defending him. It's just yeah, just what?
42:03We're talking about a family breaking up here. I mean, it's got to be the right thing
42:07Not just for now, but forever Tony. She came to me. Don't make me the homewrecker. I never said you were I
42:14I love her
42:16She loves me
42:18Did she ever say that to you that she loves you? She didn't have to she said it to Brian. It's just words
42:24Okay, I know what's in her heart
42:27This is my life. Okay
42:47Paulie what are you doing here? Listen to me very carefully. I'm only gonna say this once everything
42:52Okay, go out get the thickest knee pads. They sell get down on them and I want you to beg Nancy to forgive you
43:00Don't ever lie to her again
43:02Don't ever let me catch you running around with the wrong crowd. Believe me. It's not worth it
43:07You've got a family
43:10It lives or dies by what you choose to do
43:14You know something I don't I
43:18Love her bully
43:20It's just that since the bottom fell out
43:23I don't know how to show her doesn't take a bank account to wrap your arms around someone and make them feel loved
43:29Why are you telling me this?
43:31I'm certified
43:34The arm slammer all the way around her
44:51To the end