The Commish Season 4 Episode 16 The Trial

  • 4 months ago
The Commish Season 4 Episode 16 The Trial


01:05Fire was awesome. I don't care what this says Tony. It's been a month. We got bupkis
01:10Fire started in the warehouse owned by Tommy LaGrange and then the wind blew it over to the apartment
01:14But the warehouse was owned by Tommy LaGrange
01:18He's been involved with three insurance scams we know of yeah, but none that we've proven and so far
01:23We can't link up to this one either
01:26How are those kids doing two of them got out last week and the other one's still in the hospital
01:32Stay on this Pauly. I'm telling you sooner or later. The trails gonna lead back to LaGrange
01:41Speak of the devil
01:43Well, I hope you're not speaking of me. Hope Springs eternal
01:46When are you gonna close the file on the fire when I'm convinced it wasn't intentionally set have any evidence
01:52Why'd you give you a security guard the night off he works hard he earned you didn't hire a replacement
01:57I didn't think it would matter just for one night
02:01Your office in the warehouse had some family photos in it
02:05Your employees told us that you took him home two days before the fire. We're
02:10Redoing our den the photos look nice with the new decor. Uh-huh
02:15You know each day the file stays open
02:18You know each day the file stays open is another day I don't get my insurance money
02:23Oh, I feel for you anything I could do to speed things up
02:29Like what oh, I don't know there must be something you'd find useful
02:38What a pleasure to deal with such incorruptible public servants, we're all poorer but honest
02:48Call off the witch hunts Kelly you got no case. I'll decide that
03:03Man's a charmer. No question. Oh, this makes me want to nail him even
03:10This shirt was getting sweaty
03:12Uh-huh. I don't suppose this has anything to do with the computer project
03:17No, it doesn't
03:20Once you gonna go and nail Tommy LaGrange, yeah
03:46Crime scene
03:48We were just you know, seeing if you needed anything this wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the computer project
04:03Hi ready to do battle with the computer ready as I'll ever be
04:11He's supposed to be working late again tonight
04:20This activates the backup system
04:22So you don't really need to have any paperwork in the office at all. I
04:25Don't have that much faith in computers. Hmm. How much faith do you have in me?
04:30He's done a great job. It's just uh, I like having the original copies handy. I
04:36Don't feel comfortable with anything that doesn't have feelings. Well, you drive a car, right? They don't have feelings not true
04:44I once had a 65 Mustang that actually cried when I sold it
04:51It's one of the most attractive things about you
04:55Miss Rivers phone call says he's the man in your life
05:00Take my office
05:04Line one
05:06What do you want?
05:17No, stop threatening me
05:28You all right? Yeah. Yeah
05:34No, not really
05:36That was my ex-husband. He
05:39Likes to call when he's drunk and threaten you. Oh, I'm sure he'd never actually
05:43Do anything you don't sound sure. The funny thing is I was a
05:49Once so in love with him. I don't know how it got to be this
06:01I think I got a lead on the LaGrange case
06:06Tell you about in the morning Pauly. No, it can wait really it's okay. Tell me now
06:13This guy Artie Krause rumors out there connect him with LaGrange, I want to check it out good
06:25I'm sorry. No need no need. You want me to have a talk with your ex?
06:29I don't want to burden you with this protecting people's part of my job
06:35But I'm sure it'll be fine
06:39Remember if this thing gives you any more trouble
06:41Call me. I'll come running
07:05You didn't have to wait up. I was reading
07:09That cologne
07:12Yeah, I found something in my desk I figured I'd use it up
07:16computer projects finished
07:18Thank God finally. It's been almost a month. Well
07:23You know computers not as well as Christine Rivers knows him
07:27You know Christine
07:29Don't you mean Miss Rivers?
07:31Usually I call his sugar buns. Yeah, I hear she is
07:36Mike Rose's wife told Peggy hips. I heard it through the grapevine
07:42Well, you know what Tony?
07:45You better be really careful. You're gonna end up with a grapevine wrapped around your neck
07:51Why does David leave his stuff out I mean what's his room for
07:55David you're the greatest best always acid-washed
08:00That's a local band I've heard him talking about I don't think he plays in their concerts
08:06How do you fake that picture I don't know it sure doesn't look fake
08:19Hello Marty
08:21Three-letter word for song
08:24You know, you've got to have a good vocabulary it's the key to successfulness
08:31Four-letter word for money, that's easy cash
08:45Conjecture you want to be a singer
08:50Conjecture you want something in return
08:53Do for me what you did for Tommy LaGrange he speaks very highly of you name of your establishment
08:59Grayling's furniture fifth Street. I
09:03Wouldn't have surmised that particular enterprise was in a state of financial
09:08Exigency I want you to put it out of its misery by the end of the week
09:14Mean open the recompense is
09:18Insufficient it's an advance you get another thousand after the place is torched make it to
09:34Hey, hey, hey, that is entrapment. It would be if we arrested you for conspiring to burn down Grayling's
09:42But we arrested you for burning down LaGrange's warehouse. You've got no evidence
09:46When I said you did a job for LaGrange, you didn't deny it. That's not the same thing as confessing
09:54What's this supposed to be her name is Sharon Caldwell, she's a cute kid, isn't she? Yeah, she's cute
10:00So she lived in that apartment building you torched
10:04She's in a burn ward now
10:06Not so cute anymore. Is she I
10:09I checked out your rap sheet, Artie
10:14You're not a model citizen but burning down a building with children live why
10:21Nobody wants to hurt kids
10:22How else could the fire have spread from the warehouse to the apartment building you got carried away you started torching everything in sight
10:30It was the wind there was no wind at all. Yeah, there was came up out of nowhere
10:35Look I got I got kids of my own if I thought that this fire was gonna
10:45You gotta believe me Commissioner I never meant to hurt any children
10:51How much did Tommy LaGrange pay you?
10:55Two grand you'll make a complete statement. Yeah
11:08Get a statement for Marty, yeah as it turns out the Granges in Chicago till the weekend
11:14Call the Chicago PD and have him make sure he doesn't get out of the country and pick him up when he gets back
11:35Thanks for coming by didn't expect a problem too soon
11:39I'm embarrassed. I'm sure it's not your fault. The thing just froze up on me
11:44Well hitting returns should get you back to the menu. I hit it 50 times
11:55Talk about embarrassed I wouldn't budge for me
12:07Tony you don't have to make up excuses to see me Christina. I didn't make up anything
12:17Think it's time that we stopped
12:30Okay, I'm married happily I can make you happier
12:39I'm sorry if you got the wrong idea
12:44Why'd you why'd you call me over here? Like I said the computer froze up
13:07System get fixed. Okay. Yeah, I hope so
13:14Anything wrong
13:17No, everything's fine
13:22Morning hey, how'd the Knicks do last night?
13:27Check it out on the tube
13:30After you explain this oh
13:33Well, I got this new computer program digitizes photos
13:36You can scan in negatives pictures make any kind of photograph you want. I figured it was something like that
13:41I guess this is my week to learn about computers. It's just for fun. Good
13:46You wouldn't use this to say
13:49Make someone think you really played for the band. Would you?
13:55You know, maybe to sort of help me, you know with Sheila Wurzel might seem harmless, but this is lying
14:01Well, not really it is really do you want your whole relationship with Sheila to be based on a lie
14:09You think about it go check on the Knicks
14:17Thank You Jim Christine Rivers a computer consultant filed suit against the city and against Commissioner Scali who she accuses of sexually harassing her
14:25While she was working in the police department under a city contract
14:28Miss Rivers claims that mr. Scali fondled her and propositioned her repeatedly despite her objection
14:34Councilman Gilford Jane
14:36I just called a special session of the City Council and I promise you we're going to get to the bottom of this now if
14:42Commissioner Scali has indeed done the things this woman says well, then he's going to have to pay the price here. She is now
14:50Lawyers told me not to make a statement. I just want to say that this is just for me. This is this is for women everywhere
14:58Excuse me
15:16We need to talk
15:18This is a court order instructing you to stay a hundred feet away from this rivers at all times
15:21I just want you are in violation, right?
15:24Oh you after what you've put me through get him away from me. Why are you doing this to me?
15:29You stay away or you're gonna end up in your own jail
15:59Rough morning. Yeah, you were some help Scali's gonna pay the price
16:04You don't think for one minute. Oh, no, of course not. But you know, it is. No, how is it?
16:10Look Tony sexual harassment is a very hot issue
16:14Cameras were rolling. What could I do?
16:17Anyway, I came here to tell you that I believe in you until the cameras start rolling again
16:21Look the council's gonna hold some hearings in a couple of days
16:24And if she can't prove her case, and I'm sure she can't then you'll be in the clear and so will the city
16:28She doesn't have a case. She made the whole thing up. Well in that case, we'll all blow over in no time
16:35I'm with you all the way Tony
16:54Hey cheer up if you lose your job here
16:57I got you all lined up as the poster boy for the National Organization of Women. This is crazy
17:01She made a pass at me. I didn't do one thing to encourage her
17:06At least I don't think so
17:09Come on we gotta get some work
17:11When's the Grange gonna be back in town flies in this afternoon, all right
17:15Well pick him up as soon as he gets here and I have Ronnie double up patrols out in Oakmont. There was another break-in
17:26Tony you can't ignore what's going on out there. We have to at least for now. How else are we gonna do our jobs?
17:31Let me investigate
17:33Investigate what her she's unstable Tony anybody do something this crazy. He's got to have a history
17:39So what we're gonna turn this into a big mudslinging contest it already is and you damn well better have some mud to sling
17:48Tony most of those people out there don't even care if you're guilty
17:51They just want a good show and she's given him one now. You need somebody you can trust
17:56Unless you got a better candidate. I humbly nominate myself
18:02Okay, tell me what you know about Christine
18:06Not much
18:09She got a call from her ex-husband
18:11Upset her quite a bit
18:12That's why she was crying when she you got his name
18:16No, but the phone number he called from should be in the log. He called her on 830. All right good. I'll start there
18:22Hey Paulie
18:31Problems you got lately I'm surprised you have time to hassle innocent people
18:36Buddy cross gave us the whole story. You don't have a prayer. You should never underestimate the power of prayer
18:41I Jerry sees the pictures those little kids in the hospital. You'd be staring at concrete walls for a long time
18:48Well, let's see on one side me a respectable businessman
18:52No priors my wife loyally beside me on the other a scummy arsonist with a record
18:58Fingered me in a desperate attempt to reduce his own sentence
19:03No, I don't think I'll break down and confess just yet
19:05Da won't even bring charges. You want to bet? Yeah
19:09In the meantime, I believe my lawyers posted bail
19:17Get out of here
19:29Hi, how was school today?
19:34Ain't wrong
19:38What they're saying about you and that woman it's not true, is it
19:43That you tried to kiss her and everything. No, it's not true
19:47It's all over the news. I'm sure the kids at school having a field day with it
19:54Look at me
19:57For some reason that woman wants to hurt your father
20:00People who don't know him I believe it you do know him you really think he would try to force himself on a woman
20:08You think I would try to force myself on a man
20:13Well, your dad loves me just like I love him
20:16Never do anything to hurt each other
20:30I own son. Thank you
20:48Why did you have cologne on that night?
20:54It was for her wasn't I found it in my drawer it didn't mean anything
20:59Are you telling me you've never looked at another man and think he's cute maybe hope that he thinks you're cute, too
21:09Well, that's all it was in other words nothing I
21:13Told you this morning. She came on to me and I said no
21:17It's just really hard
21:20Hearing these things all day long
21:23People looking at me and whispering. I know it's hot
21:27It's hard for me too, but we gotta stick together we'll never get through this
21:33I will
21:36Tomorrow I start putting together my counter-attack, which is what anything Pauly can dig up on her
21:43Nothing so far
21:45Nothing Christine's doing well on her job. She's got no money problems. No history of psychotic behavior
21:50Never filed harassment charges against anyone else
21:53What about under another name?
21:55What about under another name not that I can find
22:00How about relatives a boyfriend that I put behind bars
22:04Did we find the ex-husband we traced the call to a bar in Fall Creek. We'll track him down eventually
22:16How are the guys handling it
22:19They're behind you
22:20In other words half of them think I did it not the ones who count
22:24I don't mind telling you. I'm a little worried here
22:26You're gonna have a lot of character witnesses on your side
22:29You got me the guys every woman who's ever worked for you and against that just the word of Christine Rivers
22:36How much trouble could you be in?
22:39It started during the first week. I was on the job
22:43he would
22:45Brush up against me
22:47Call me into his office for no reason that sort of thing. I told him to stop
22:52But it just got worse
22:55Why didn't you report it to anyone?
22:57Commissioner Scali is a powerful man. I
23:01Was afraid that a public dispute with him might
23:05hurt my career
23:07But finally, I realized that I had to make a stand
23:11Why what happened? Well, the job was over or should have been
23:17Mr. Scali called me at my home
23:19Told me the system was frozen
23:22So I drove down to the station
23:25And what time was that? Mr. Rivers about?
23:29Nine o'clock at night
23:31When I got there the the system was working just fine
23:36He closed the door to his office and tried to kiss me and
23:43Undress me I
23:46I managed to get away, but I knew I had to come forward. I had no choice
23:56My record speaks for itself
23:58I have a long-standing policy against sexual harassment and I enforce it unequivocally
24:03Why did you calm as rivers at home that night computers weren't working? They were working when she arrived. She's an expert
24:11She could have programmed a temporary breakdown knowing it would have self-corrected by the time she got there
24:16Why would you do that?
24:17You'll have to ask her you do admit that the two of you were in your office with the door closed
24:23She closed it and she put her arms around me and kissed me
24:28But you didn't respond. No. Oh, I see. In other words, you didn't inhale
24:35My name is Rita Davis, I'm a file clerk at the precinct
24:40I've worked there for about five years now during that time. You've ever been sexually harassed by mr. Scali
24:47No, I haven't ever seen anyone else harassed. No, you ever hear anyone complain about harassment? Yes
24:55Christine Rivers complained to me several times about mr. Scali bothering her. I
25:00Was surprised but well, he's only human
25:09During the last few weeks of you observed interactions between miss rivers and mr. Scali. I have
25:15Mr. Scali behave unusually in any way
25:18No, did he act or talk differently when miss rivers was around?
25:23dressed differently
25:25Talked differently when miss rivers was around dressed differently
25:31Detective uh, no, not really. You're under oath detective just as though this were a courtroom
25:42No, I mean he changed his shirt once but when he knew miss rivers was coming in the office
25:47I'm, not a mind reader sir. Did he give you that impression?
25:52Yes, but if anybody behaved improperly it was her
25:57What do you mean? Well, I saw her leaning up against him, you know
26:02Was he embracing her he had to I mean she draped herself all over. She was very upset or
26:09Pretending to be she used that as an excuse to get close to him. Very interesting interpretation
26:15But what did you actually see I told you you saw miss rivers crying. Mr
26:19Scali holding her you assumed she was seeking comfort. Yeah, isn't it likely that she was crying because he was holding her
26:27No, and that his constant advances finally drove her to tears. No, why not?
26:35It's not how do you know?
26:52The question is whether the evidence is sufficient to justify the suspension
26:57Or possibly the termination of mr. Scali's employment
27:01Like everyone here. I have tremendous respect for mr. Scali and the job he does as commissioner, but
27:07It must be said that there seems to be substantial evidence to support miss rivers claim
27:13We're going to take the matter under advisement
27:15And we'll announce our decision within 48 hours
27:18The hearing is adjourned
27:36Rachel you're not buying into this are you?
27:39I don't know what to think
27:42Pauly is your best friend
27:44When he had to admit you had your arms around her she was crying about her ex. There was nothing sexual about it
27:50What about the cologne the shirt anything sexual about that? I told you it was nothing
27:57Rachel I did not come on to her. Well, maybe you were hoping she would come on to you
28:03Rachel I love you. I have always loved you. I have never been unfaithful to you and I never will be
28:09As bad as it would be to lose my job and my reputation it's nothing compared to how i'd feel if this came between us
28:17I feel exactly the same
28:33Get away from my car not until I get some answers leave me alone
28:39I just want to talk. I'm not gonna hurt you
28:43Why are you doing this?
28:44You're destroying me. You should have thought about that before you came on to me
28:48I didn't come on to you and you know it. It's all of this really because I pushed you away that night
28:52I wasn't rejecting you
28:54It's just that i'm a happily married man
28:57Well, did did I bust a favorite uncle did I put a boyfriend away for 20 years? What?
29:03Leave me alone. So it's just for the money then
29:06You destroy a man's life for a few bucks
29:10Whatever you say now you can easily deny but my life is falling apart. My own wife has turned against me
29:17So just so I don't spend the rest of my life wondering
29:20Why are you doing this?
29:24You're sick commissioner need help
29:41She didn't fall for the wire well, she spent a lot of time around cops, I mean she probably figured we'd try something like this
29:49Look tony
29:50I've been meaning to apologize about the way things came out at the hearing nothing you could help now
29:55They twisted everything around forget about it. Pauly. I got a novel idea. Why don't we do some police work?
30:00You got anything more in the grange?
30:01Well, you know a couple of people claim they saw him with arty krauss
30:04But when you pin them down, they're just repeating rumors. Well, let's track down the rumors. They had to start someplace
30:10Yeah, yeah i'm working on it
30:14Yeah in between trying to get me off the hook i'm sorry paul about what
30:22I think we found christine river's ex-husband a guy named neil stevens hit rock bottom when she left him. Let's go
30:35Bye hi, honey
30:41Hi lani, come on in just checking up on you wanted to see if you needed anything
30:48Yeah a copy of tammy wynette singing stand by your man
30:57I keep thinking i've been too hard on tony and he's going through hell
31:02Maybe I should trust him completely, but you know better
31:07No pun intended he made his bed now he's got a lie in it
31:11I'm sure he's telling the truth, honey. He's a man which means at any given moment. He can turn into a pig
31:19It's genetic
31:21You're really cheering me up here lani. Hey, i'd have sworn my harry was faithful too till I got him with the babysitter
31:27My advice do whatever it takes to keep your marriage together, but don't kid yourself men are all alike
31:37If you need anything you let me know, okay
31:45You know, sharon stone came on to me once
31:48No, this is true, man. I'm in atlantic city three years ago
31:52I'm walking through the taj mahal
31:55And she gets bumped into me
31:57And I always met for a second
32:00It was like this bolt of electricity, man
32:03Best sex I never had jimmy
32:08George sergeant says one bourbon one scotch one beer neil stephens police commissioner tony scali
32:15Yeah, I recognize you from the news
32:18poor schmo
32:20You were married to christine rivers
32:23Look at that
32:25I didn't even twitch when you mentioned your name
32:27I must be on the road to recovery, huh?
32:30Why did you split up?
32:32Well, you know tony she wanted to do the house country french, but me I was insisting on southwestern
32:37We just couldn't come to a compromise. You know how it is
32:41Excuse me
32:45Who had the affair neil
32:48Huh, I got an ex-wife too. Yeah, what species is she?
32:54Because you know mine's from the shark family
32:57Of course, you know all about that. Don't you she's done this kind of thing before under an alias maybe
33:03You know, you guys are barking up the wrong bush
33:07Or whatever it is you bark up you think i'm gonna tell you anything why?
33:11Come on, you just told me she's jaws. You don't owe her anything. Look. I didn't harass her
33:16She's setting me up for some reason
33:19Yeah, no kidding. What do you know neil? Oh, I know enough tony. Hey, this is not a game pal lives are at stake paulie
33:26Look if you know anything about this, please
33:29It's got nothing to do with me pal
33:31You still think that if you protect her be a stand-up guy. She's gonna come running back to you
33:37I've been there. It's not gonna happen and even through that cheap whiskey fog. You can see that's the truth. Come on
33:47I know enough
33:49I can guess the rest put her in that rich sleaze bag in jail. Okay, some rich sleaze bag is involved in this how?
33:59Tommy lagrange, hey, did I mention i'm out of work? No, I know you couldn't tell from looking at me here
34:07Ten thousand dollars you want to hear the rest of my little story? Oh, come on. Tony. He's got nothing. He's another scam artist. Yeah
34:13Ten grand you get your old life back sounds like a deal to me
34:19Of course, I don't know tony, you know, maybe uh
34:22Maybe didn't like your old life all that much, huh?
34:27Nine thousand two hundred and twenty forty sixty eight
34:38Paying for dirt on someone stinks. Yes, it does
34:45Paying to clear my name for something I didn't do stinks worse. I agree ten thousand
34:51Why don't we hold off for a while look for a connection between tommy lagrange and christine in the first place
34:57We don't even know for sure that it is lagrange. Oh, it makes sense
35:00He wants to get rid of me because of the arson investigation in the second place. We only got 48 hours till the hearing
35:07The money can be replaced your reputation can't
35:10I mean if these charges stick who knows if you'll even be able to get another job
35:13Just that money is right out of david and sarah's college fund. I know it's
35:21We found christine's ex. He's tony. Look
35:24Somebody said something to me today
35:26All men are alike
35:29The second she said that I knew it wasn't true
35:33I'm really sorry. I doubted you because I believe in you now and always
35:42Hate the idea of paying this money, too
35:45I really think it's lousy. So if you can think of another way i'm all for it
35:50if you can't
36:20You want me paulie I gotcha jimmy I gotcha
36:35All right, what's going on inside the bar
36:37He's not in there. I still think this is over kevin. Hey paisan carrying a suitcase with 10 000 in small bills
36:45Better safe than subtle
36:53Oh man old edgy
37:01Hey paulie, it's already five after
37:05Tony what's going on? Oh my god
37:14Well, that's one way to stop drinking
37:17Suppose he went to christine after we were with him yesterday
37:20Well, then i'll demate him get back together or i'll tell scali everything and then she tells lagrange and lagrange kills him
37:25Well, that's what i'm betting. I mean lagrange is certainly capable of that's for sure
37:31Well, it's just a hunch but it's all we got to go on. Yeah, so i'll bring him in
37:37Not yet
37:38Come on. Uh
37:40Marty how long has he been dead? Well, not more than a couple hours
37:44Oh, can you tell how far away the shooter was the size of the entry wound a few feet at most angle wasn't much of one
37:53Uh, he could have been about here
37:54Yeah, that's about right
37:56Hey, ralphie. Take my picture
38:00Do it
38:07All right now cut and paste take me out of there and put lagrange in
38:14Like that
38:15Yeah, but it's gonna look more natural
38:18Well, uh, I can blend it a little bit but you're gonna lose a lot of detail. Try it
38:24That's better
38:27How's that
38:30Wow, that's perfect. I just have to bring this to a lab any place with the right equipment can print one out
38:38Thanks champ
38:41Uh, what are you gonna do with it? Well, i'm gonna give it to someone who'll think it's real really
38:47Yeah, why?
38:48Nothing. It's just
38:50Well the other day when I made up that picture of me in acid wash you said that yeah I did uh
38:56But i'm in a lot of trouble here champ
38:58These are extreme circumstances
39:01Understand. Yeah, I guess so extreme circumstances
40:28Oh looky here
40:46Moment of truth
40:49You bought it i'm impressed I complained when I had to shell out for david's computer
41:06Come on come on turn around pal so we can get a look at you, huh?
41:12Guilford what's he got to do with this? Hey, nobody was following me. All right. I was careful not careful enough
41:19Did you get a blackmail note not yet? Oh, just give them time
41:23What if it's the cops this isn't a play the cops would make they just arrest you
41:26Maybe they're messing with me first. Look just take it easy. All right
41:30Now what we need here is just a little damage control. You caused the damage you control it
41:34I caused the damage. That's right
41:35You set the fire in the first place and then you get yourself photographed committing a murder
41:38Your girlfriend has an ex-husband with a big mouth
41:41Somebody I could trust you understand that it's lucky for us. She got the contact. Oh, yeah, I feel real lucky
41:45Hey, hey, this is getting us nowhere
41:48Once these sharks start circling each other it won't be an hour before one of them's down at the precinct spilling their guts
41:56And i'll bet on christine
41:58Underneath it all she's a nervous type guilford. He's a politician
42:03Hey, wait a minute
42:06I had a raincoat on
42:08With a hood
42:09And I had it up the whole time. Yeah
42:12To help hide my face
42:17This was faked
42:19And if it's faked that means there's no actual witness
42:25He got his own computer expert did a little trick photography
42:30It has to be him
42:32That's why we haven't been blackmailed
42:34Wait a minute. Are you telling me he knows about us? He suspects us, but he can't prove it
42:39That's why he mocked this up to try to flush us out
42:42He hopes we'll panic and turn on each other which is what you two almost did
42:52We're in this together
42:54the fire
42:55The kickbacks the harassment charges their dominoes
42:58If one falls they all fall right now. He's got nothing
43:02And as long as we keep our heads and stick together
43:05That's all he'll ever have
43:14Any thoughts about your next career forget photography you don't have what it takes
43:31Sexual harassment is a very serious charge
43:35Such behavior cannot be tolerated least of all in a law enforcement agency
43:40Yet we are all aware that what constitutes harassment is a tricky question
43:44What is harassment for one may well be nothing but a harmless flirtation for another
43:50Facts in this case seem reasonably clear
43:53And while we are mindful of commissioner scali's service in this community
43:58The evidence would suggest if the council would permit
44:01New evidence has surfaced
44:05What is it
44:07I have the result of a court authorized surveillance. I'd like to play it for the committee. Go ahead
44:18You caused the damage you control it I caused the damage that's right
44:22You set the fire in the first place and then you get yourself photographed committing a murder
44:25Your girlfriend has an ex-husband with a big mouth. I needed somebody I could trust you understand that it's lucky for us
44:30She got the contract. Oh, yeah, I feel real lucky. Hey, this is getting us nowhere
44:34The microphone was planted inside the manila envelope
44:38I just didn't want you to lie awake at night wondering about it in prison
44:42I did it to protect him. You heard the tape. He was in on it, too
44:46I had nothing to do with the murder nothing
44:49We're in this together
44:51the fire
44:52The kickbacks the harassment charges. They're dominoes
44:55If one falls they all fall
45:04I brought you a little gift christine
45:14Take them
45:25They're climbing all over each other trying to cut a deal we got the whole story which is what
45:31Well guilford and lagrange had a little kickback scheme
45:35Guilford through lagrange city business for a cut of the profit
45:38on the fire
45:40Insurance, like I thought when I kept investigating it lagrange pressured guilford into getting rid of me
45:49So guilford had his girlfriend accuse you of sexual harassment
45:54Oh what horrible people can't accuse him of being dull
46:00I'm, really sorry about letting my imagination get carried away
46:04Have I ever told you that your imagination is one of the things I love about you?
46:12You know, um
46:14David's going out tonight and sarah sound asleep really
46:35Hi, mr. Scali. Hi. Sheila. Well, let's go. Do you know tommy toxic too?
46:41Tommy toxic
46:42Uh, come on, sheila. We're gonna be late. He's the lead singer for acid wash
46:46You must be so proud of david to play drums with acid wash is so major
46:52Uh, we really got to get going dad
46:55You could say we're under extreme circumstances
46:57Well, i'll talk to you later. Have a good night. Thanks