Love of Course 2024 - New Hallmark Romance Movies 2024 - Romantic Movies 2024

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Love of Course 2024 - New Hallmark Romance Movies 2024 - Romantic Movies 2024
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00:00:00Right now, I've got to impress my new boss because she is the answer to my prayers.
00:00:05Which one?
00:00:06The blue.
00:00:31Excuse me, I'm sorry, wait for me!
00:00:42Alright, I'm leaving.
00:00:44Good luck.
00:00:45Thanks, you too.
00:00:47Oh, and have you checked your hand for your phone?
00:00:50Well, then.
00:00:51Well, then.
00:00:52Love you.
00:00:53Love you!
00:01:08It's alright, I didn't want it anyway.
00:01:18Excuse me!
00:01:20Excuse me!
00:01:21Excuse me!
00:01:22Excuse me!
00:01:23Excuse me!
00:01:24Excuse me!
00:01:31Hi, Jenny!
00:01:32Hi, Scarlet!
00:01:33Great to see you again!
00:01:34Thanks for coming!
00:01:35Sorry, I know I'm early.
00:01:36No, I'm glad you are.
00:01:37Now I don't have to count 46 bottles of wine and log it into my little clipboard.
00:01:42I swear, event planning is not as fun as people think.
00:01:45Let's make you want to count up to 45 and crack open the last one just to get through it.
00:01:51It's 9.30!
00:01:55No, I couldn't!
00:01:57A morning mocktail, then?
00:01:58May I?
00:02:01Here's how I see it.
00:02:02You work hard, or else you wouldn't have your own business.
00:02:06And you know the drink supply list inside and out because it's just part of the job description.
00:02:11And because it's the morning, you have something light and fruity.
00:02:15So, I hope you like mango.
00:02:23What's going on?
00:02:24Oh, I see.
00:02:25You're one of those people, aren't you?
00:02:26What's going on?
00:02:27Oh, I see.
00:02:28You're one of those people, aren't you?
00:02:29What people?
00:02:30One of those people that's just good at everything.
00:02:33I mean, you're a photographer, but you look like a model.
00:02:36Well, I used to be one of those, too, once upon a time.
00:02:39Of course you were.
00:02:40Don't get me wrong.
00:02:41The clothes, the catwalks, all of that was great.
00:02:45But there was no control, you know?
00:02:48What am I saying?
00:02:49You're clearly an independent woman.
00:02:50You get it.
00:02:51Yeah, totally.
00:02:52I became a photographer, you know the rest, and here I am.
00:02:57I love you.
00:02:58Your work.
00:02:59I love your work.
00:03:00Really excellent work.
00:03:03I'm just so flattered you even took this job.
00:03:06With views like these?
00:03:07I mean, this is every photographer's dream.
00:03:10I bet it's pretty useful to own a place like this when you have a date, right?
00:03:17Sorry I was late.
00:03:19I had a little problem with the elevator.
00:03:21Somebody wouldn't hold the door open for me.
00:03:25I hate it when people do that.
00:03:27Yeah, you know, it really makes you wonder what happened in somebody's childhood to make them such a hoot.
00:03:32Then again, if you were meant to be here at 9.30 and it is 9.34, let's say you were at the lobby at, I don't know, 9.29?
00:03:41Yeah, good guess.
00:03:42That elevator takes a minute and a half to get up here.
00:03:44So, you probably would have been late either way.
00:03:47Even if that person that you mentioned, who we shouldn't make baseless assumptions about, did hold the elevator for you.
00:03:54Well, aren't you just the ray of sunshine?
00:03:56Scarlett Jones.
00:04:00Lucas Sharp.
00:04:01We, uh, we spoke on the phone?
00:04:03Oh, hi!
00:04:04Yes, of course you are!
00:04:06Oh, I mean, not of course, obviously, I didn't know what you looked like because we spoke over the phone.
00:04:11Sorry, oh my god, I'm rambling.
00:04:14Why are you here again?
00:04:16Uh, the, uh, the piano auditions?
00:04:19The piano auditions?
00:04:22But those were yesterday.
00:04:24That can't be because, you know, well, today is, uh...
00:04:27It's Thursday.
00:04:30Yeah, and is that a filo?
00:04:34Um, hey, it's okay.
00:04:37Um, oh, sorry, um, look, I haven't chosen anyone yet, no one's blown me away.
00:04:44Why don't you show us what you can do while I show Scarlett around?
00:04:49I'm sure she wouldn't mind.
00:04:51And actually prefers silence.
00:04:53Oh, and Scarlett is New York's top urban and city photographer.
00:04:58Scarlett, this is Lucas.
00:05:00Lucas, yeah, a pianist with absolutely no timing.
00:05:03This is gonna be interesting.
00:05:05I promise you, you're not gonna regret this.
00:05:08Oh, I'm sure I won't!
00:05:22Oh, sorry, one sec, it's my insurance guy.
00:05:40Sure, no problem.
00:05:42Oh, Scarlett, did you fill out the online health and safety forms yet?
00:05:45Says he needs them today.
00:05:46No, I completely forgot, but I will do that right now.
00:05:49Oh, and Lucas, you wanna do one too?
00:05:52So, I got the job?
00:06:00Well, you're not gonna like this one.
00:06:02In case of emergency, do not use the elevator.
00:06:05Oh, that's really good, very funny.
00:06:07Yeah, eyes on the prize.
00:06:09Oh, there's a prize now.
00:06:11You don't even know who you're working for, do you?
00:06:14Jenny's mom is Joan Clark.
00:06:19The Joan Clark?
00:06:21The Joan...
00:06:24You have no idea who that is, do you?
00:06:26Not a clue.
00:06:27Joan Clark is only the second biggest architect turned real estate mogul in Manhattan.
00:06:32Get an in with Jenny and you slipstream your way straight to Joan.
00:06:36Oh, sorry about that.
00:06:38Oh, before I forget, Lucas, can you send me your headshots for the website?
00:06:42Oh, actually, I don't have any headshots.
00:06:44I didn't mean to get around to getting some, but...
00:06:46Oh, that's okay, we'll sort something out.
00:06:48How are those forms coming?
00:06:48Good, I was just educating Lucas on who your mom is.
00:06:51Oh, yeah, it's a whole lot of fun living up to her expectations.
00:06:54She is my absolute hero.
00:06:56I would love to meet her one day.
00:06:58Hey, what about drinks tonight on me
00:07:02to kick off the official countdown to the launch of this place?
00:07:05I'd love to.
00:07:06Good, what is it, 13 days?
00:07:08Lucky 13.
00:07:09And we can see if your mom is available.
00:07:11Hey, look how that worked out so easily.
00:07:13Sure, Lucas, you wanna join?
00:07:15No, you're probably...
00:07:17Hmm, Daisy, yeah, shame.
00:07:19But you know what?
00:07:20We should go to that new blues bar on Sullivan.
00:07:23Yes, that's actually where I'm playing.
00:07:25Great, we can come watch you play.
00:07:27Yeah, great.
00:07:29Well, I will see you two ladies tonight, then.
00:07:36Does nine work?
00:07:37Nine's perfect.
00:07:38Oh, Scarlet, before I forget, can you do me a huge favor?
00:07:43Lucas' headshots.
00:07:45I needed them, well, yesterday.
00:07:47I can be totally honest.
00:07:49I know you big time.
00:07:50He has a phone, right?
00:07:52Yeah, but it's actually for this magazine editorial.
00:07:55Everyone at opening needs to be featured.
00:07:57It's part of the deal I have with my mom.
00:07:59I don't think the quality of the painting...
00:08:01Do not worry about it, I...
00:08:03I would love to.
00:08:04Oh, really?
00:08:05Oh, thank you.
00:08:06I don't want anything stopping me from hiring him,
00:08:08if you know what I mean.
00:08:09I understand.
00:08:10Just so pretty.
00:08:11Yeah, no, I was with you.
00:08:18I take it you are not the new face
00:08:20of the vegan dog food revolution, then.
00:08:22It was awful, Scar.
00:08:24They asked me to explore the room as a dog.
00:08:28I know.
00:08:29I was only in there, like, ten minutes.
00:08:31I definitely didn't get it.
00:08:33Oh, I'm sorry, Elise.
00:08:34Phone-free dog dinners just won't be the same without you.
00:08:37I know.
00:08:38But, hey, would you mind if I joined you?
00:08:41I'd love to.
00:08:47Would you have honestly looked back at this commercial
00:08:49and thought, yeah, that was my best work?
00:08:52Well, I guess it would have depended
00:08:54on what breed I was doing.
00:08:57Makes sense.
00:08:58My yabby chihuahua was definitely a showstopper.
00:09:04And the buyout was $10,000.
00:09:07For $10,000?
00:09:08Who cares if it was your best work?
00:09:10Who cares if it was even good work?
00:09:12How was your meeting?
00:09:14Oh, it was fine.
00:09:15The place is great.
00:09:16The new boss is nice.
00:09:18I'm pretty sure she has a massive crush on the new pianist,
00:09:21who, by the way, is the one you were telling me about
00:09:23from the bar.
00:09:24Well, I don't blame her.
00:09:26He's a charmer, right?
00:09:27Uh, no.
00:09:28No, he was rude and obsessed
00:09:30with some kind of elevator etiquette
00:09:32as if that exists.
00:09:33Yeah, you've lost me now.
00:09:35And I'm trying to get drinks with Jenny
00:09:36and her hot shot mom tonight,
00:09:38but he is going to be there
00:09:39and probably completely mess up my chances.
00:09:41Chances at what?
00:09:43At convincing Joan to hire me full time.
00:09:47Of course.
00:09:49Her own personal photographer.
00:09:51I mean, imagine it.
00:09:53And how exactly is that going to work?
00:09:55Oh, simple.
00:09:57It's just like dating.
00:09:58The same rules apply.
00:10:01First things first.
00:10:03Make an entrance.
00:10:05If everyone else in that bar is interested in you,
00:10:08they will be too.
00:10:10Use their names as often as you can.
00:10:13It makes people feel like you're invested in them.
00:10:15And if you keep saying their names,
00:10:17they'll only be thinking about yours.
00:10:20Buy them drinks.
00:10:22They'll feel like they owe you.
00:10:24Tell a genuinely funny anecdote.
00:10:26I'm not talking boring bar banter.
00:10:29You're going for snort your drink out your nose funny.
00:10:34Good, you've broken the barrier.
00:10:36Then you can pull out the big guns.
00:10:38Eye contact signals availability.
00:10:41Keep it firm, but not aggressive.
00:10:43Friendly touching.
00:10:44The boundaries change when it's professional.
00:10:46So keep it brief, light, and in the safe zone.
00:10:50The real test of whether all this has paid off
00:10:53is in the feet and the handbag.
00:10:55You want her feet pointing towards yours,
00:10:57which means that she is not going anywhere.
00:10:59And the handbag?
00:11:01Women use their handbags like little shields.
00:11:03And if she holds hers down to her side...
00:11:09I'm in.
00:11:11Well, I must say, you're a very impressive young woman.
00:11:16Jenny's shown me your portfolio,
00:11:18and you've got a great eye.
00:11:20Thank you, Joan.
00:11:22I think we should discuss you doing some work for me next.
00:11:26I'll give you a call.
00:11:28Really? That would be amazing.
00:11:30I'd be so honored.
00:11:32Now, I'm going to leave you girls to it.
00:11:34Enjoy the rest of your night.
00:11:35Enjoy the rest of your night.
00:11:46House cocktail, please.
00:11:54Honey, I thought you'd be one of those people
00:11:57with a very specific drink.
00:11:59Well, I wouldn't knock it.
00:12:01Might help you pick up the pace a bit.
00:12:03Clearly you haven't listened to jazz before.
00:12:05That's why I wanted to fall asleep quicker.
00:12:07Well, this is technically a blues bar, so...
00:12:11Curse run's okay.
00:12:14So means three.
00:12:19Come on, Andy.
00:12:23Would you stop looking? Stop.
00:12:25At what? The brunette over there by the entrance
00:12:28who's going to look this way any second now?
00:12:30Yes. Would you stop?
00:12:32She's my ex, okay?
00:12:34And on good terms.
00:12:36Yeah, no, I can clearly see that
00:12:38and she is hanging off the arm of an absolute knockout.
00:12:41And you're cowering behind a silk blend, by the way.
00:12:44I'm not cowering.
00:12:46I just don't want to have to deal with that right now.
00:12:48Well, I really hate to be the one to break this to you.
00:12:50Oh, do you?
00:12:52But she's coming over.
00:12:54Hi. Yes, it's me.
00:12:56Oh, God. Why did it have to be me?
00:12:59Wow. Wow. A lot of baggage there.
00:13:01Look, look, I can't believe I'm about to ask you this.
00:13:04But would you consider pretending to be my date
00:13:06for the next two minutes of your life? Thoughts?
00:13:10I'm going to need some more details.
00:13:12What? Why?
00:13:14Because I want to make sure that I'm defending
00:13:16the injured party in all of this.
00:13:18For all I know, you could be the awful one.
00:13:20What? I wasn't.
00:13:22Oh, see, now that's what the awful one would say.
00:13:24You better hurry.
00:13:26Okay, okay.
00:13:28You see that rippling knockout over there?
00:13:30It was off of him.
00:13:32But there was some overlap between the two of us
00:13:34that she didn't tell me for, you know, well, long enough
00:13:36for it to really hurt my feelings, and by the time
00:13:38I finally figured out what was going on
00:13:40and confronted her about it, she told me she never
00:13:42really loved me, completely broke my heart
00:13:44and my PlayStation.
00:13:46Ooh, heart. How did she break it?
00:13:48She threw it against the wall.
00:13:50Classic technique.
00:13:52She almost hit her cap.
00:13:54Okay, see, now that's why you always survey
00:13:56the crash zone first.
00:13:57Oh, great.
00:13:59It's the new PlayStation.
00:14:01Scarlett, Lucas' girlfriend.
00:14:03Aw, cute. How did you meet?
00:14:05Oh, from work.
00:14:07Through work.
00:14:09Oh, so you're a struggling musician, too.
00:14:11Yeah, I'm an urban and city photographer.
00:14:14Look at you two.
00:14:16How is this the first I'm hearing of this, Lucy?
00:14:19Oh, well, Lucy and I have been keeping it kind of quiet.
00:14:24But we've been together for how long now?
00:14:29Four months.
00:14:31Four-month anniversary tonight, actually.
00:14:36Is that your boyfriend over there?
00:14:40We're much more casual, you know?
00:14:44We like to see where the context is.
00:14:48You know, I really admire that in people.
00:14:50I feel like they can have their cake and eat it, too.
00:14:52But good for you.
00:14:54Lovely to meet you.
00:15:00Uh, that was pretty...
00:15:02I just want to say thank you.
00:15:04You're welcome.
00:15:06Yeah, that's what I was going to say.
00:15:28I think this needs more time.
00:15:30Do you have to go to work?
00:15:32Can't you just cough over a few drinks?
00:15:34And just ask for the afternoon off?
00:15:36No, because unlike you,
00:15:38my boss doesn't think I'm irreplaceable.
00:15:40Aw, that must suck.
00:15:42Yeah, it does.
00:15:44Come on, back to it.
00:15:48Sandra, I can't believe it.
00:15:50David's left me again.
00:15:52What? That's like the fifth time.
00:15:54Something's got to change.
00:15:56Yes, with Smart Meal,
00:15:58the world's leading recipe box,
00:16:00getting your life back on track,
00:16:02one meal at a time.
00:16:04Is that...
00:16:10Harassing the general public?
00:16:12What are you doing?
00:16:14I just had the worst first date I've ever had.
00:16:16Actually, the worst first date anyone has ever had.
00:16:18Well, I don't think that's true.
00:16:20The guy was more interested in the waitress
00:16:22the whole time we were there.
00:16:24Actually got her number right in front of me.
00:16:26And then he invited her onto his boat later.
00:16:29There was no mention of a boat when he asked me out.
00:16:31Not even a mention of any boat.
00:16:33No, oh, hey, by the way, I have a boat.
00:16:35Do you like sushi? Nothing.
00:16:37Well, at least he had a boat.
00:16:39I once went out with a guy who had no shoes.
00:16:42He didn't believe in them.
00:16:44Who doesn't believe in shoes?
00:16:46Well, at least he didn't ask out
00:16:48another woman right under your nose.
00:16:50I think that justifies me
00:16:52drowning my sorrows at 2.30 on a Thursday.
00:16:54With a popsicle.
00:16:56The thing is, I've never really dated before.
00:16:58I was with my ex for 15 years.
00:17:01We started dating in college
00:17:03and broke up three months ago now.
00:17:05It was the right thing to do.
00:17:07I mean, he was a horrible person and...
00:17:09I'm pathetic, aren't I?
00:17:13I'll be straight with you, Jen.
00:17:15Your date story there, it did make me sad.
00:17:17And with all that new information you just gave me
00:17:20about your non-existent dating history
00:17:22is even worse.
00:17:24Terrible, in fact.
00:17:26I'm assuming you haven't developed your dating side
00:17:28since your last relationship.
00:17:30But you know what?
00:17:32All of this is about to change.
00:17:34So I'm gonna need you to set that down.
00:17:36Hand it over.
00:17:45Get ready to take notes.
00:17:48Oh, mental notes.
00:17:50I just need you to focus
00:17:52because this advice is usually not free.
00:17:54Do you want my help, Jenny?
00:17:56Of course you do.
00:17:58Why do I want to help you?
00:18:00I don't know, because I'm bored,
00:18:02because I need a new project,
00:18:04because Lisa is a lost cause.
00:18:06Hey! He smells like dust.
00:18:09But you?
00:18:11You've got potential
00:18:13and I'm gonna make something out of you.
00:18:15Any questions?
00:18:17I'm great. How are you doing today?
00:18:19Can I do a regular old latte, please?
00:18:21Yeah, sure.
00:18:28Do you want a...
00:18:30No, it's okay. I'll get my own.
00:18:33Actually, I needed to talk to you.
00:18:35Jenny asked me to do your headshots.
00:18:37Oh, well, you don't have to do mine.
00:18:39Because she needs them ASAP.
00:18:41And she doesn't want you to take terrible ones on your phone.
00:18:43They wouldn't be terrible.
00:18:45Tomorrow sounds good to you.
00:18:47I'll be there.
00:18:49See you then.
00:18:51Can't wait.
00:18:53Make it two regular oat lattes, please.
00:18:56Thank you.
00:19:18The library is two doors down, you know.
00:19:24Oh, the library. Yeah.
00:19:26Yeah, the library. I know.
00:19:28I go there all the time.
00:19:30But, you know, they close at 5 p.m.
00:19:34What about all the folks who want to enjoy a cocktail
00:19:36and a good book on a Friday night?
00:19:38Ah, the forgotten few.
00:19:45I'm Will.
00:19:54Hi! Where have you been?
00:19:56We've been waiting for you.
00:19:58I was at the bar.
00:20:00I just met the most amazing guy.
00:20:02He was reading Moby Dick.
00:20:04Who goes to a bar to read?
00:20:06What? I like that about him.
00:20:08People only go to bars to read
00:20:10if they have no one to talk to
00:20:12or they're trying to seem more interesting
00:20:14than they actually are.
00:20:16Since when?
00:20:18But going to a bar to read
00:20:20is like eating soup in a movie theater.
00:20:22You just don't do it.
00:20:24I mean, as a very interesting person,
00:20:26I'm gonna have to go with Scar on this one.
00:20:29It's just not the vibe.
00:20:31And the lighting is all wrong.
00:20:33No, I liked him.
00:20:35Maybe he's just shy
00:20:37and still putting himself out there.
00:20:39I don't know.
00:20:41I felt something there
00:20:43and thought I could see things
00:20:45maybe going somewhere.
00:20:46Not for a relationship or anything.
00:20:48Good, because I've known this sidewalk longer.
00:20:50But maybe a relationship down the line.
00:20:52You've got to be kidding me.
00:20:54Like in Serendipity
00:20:56when Kate Beckinsale meets John Cusack
00:20:58just out buying gloves
00:21:00and then years later
00:21:02fate brings them back together
00:21:04on the ice rink, remember?
00:21:06This is not Serendipity
00:21:08and I need you to know that.
00:21:10I know, but...
00:21:12Look, if it's fate that you're after,
00:21:14let's just put it to the test.
00:21:16I know, but it's too early
00:21:18for you to get back into a relationship.
00:21:20Can I not be the judge of that?
00:21:22Clearly not.
00:21:24And I need you to make a drastic change
00:21:26because you are attracting the wrong men.
00:21:28Couldn't I just held on to that?
00:21:30It had to be dramatic.
00:21:43Not again.
00:21:45A cacao ceremony
00:21:47is nothing to sneer about.
00:21:49All I want to know is
00:21:51do you really need the gong?
00:21:53The healing vibration of the gong
00:21:56gives us a more grounded practice.
00:21:59What does that even mean?
00:22:01Why don't you just try it?
00:22:03Open your heart
00:22:05and offer it up to the universe.
00:22:07Tell it what you're grateful for.
00:22:09I'd be grateful for sleeping in past 6 a.m.
00:22:12And your intention for the day?
00:22:15I intend to destroy that gong.
00:22:21I don't suppose you picked up
00:22:23anything else off the grocery list?
00:22:27But I did use your credit cards.
00:22:29Oh, good.
00:22:31So I'm the one funding this.
00:22:33This breakdown.
00:22:35And that's what I'm grateful for.
00:22:38I'm meant to be making my boss
00:22:40more visually acceptable
00:22:42to the outside world today.
00:22:44Not visually acceptable.
00:22:46Helping her find her authentic self.
00:22:49Big difference.
00:22:51And be nice to her today, okay?
00:22:53She's not like you.
00:22:55She's shy.
00:22:57She has feelings.
00:22:59I have feelings.
00:23:01Yes, but when you hide behind
00:23:03these little jokes
00:23:05and snarky comments all the time,
00:23:07sometimes even you forget that.
00:23:10I get why you do it.
00:23:12I'm just saying.
00:23:14Go easy on her.
00:23:16That's all.
00:23:18I can't make any promises.
00:23:20No, try.
00:23:22Enjoy your little chocolate party.
00:23:25It's the cacao ceremony!
00:23:27The same thing!
00:23:43Hand it over.
00:23:47You know what.
00:23:51Give it to me now.
00:23:53Oh, right here.
00:23:55You'll thank me later.
00:23:59Best date spot in town.
00:24:01Capriccios, by the way.
00:24:03Never fails.
00:24:05It's time to shock.
00:24:13Not half bad.
00:24:15Not half bad.
00:24:17I'm a knockout.
00:24:25Don't mind me.
00:24:27Spiritually speaking,
00:24:29I'm a knockout.
00:24:31I'm a knockout.
00:24:33I'm a knockout.
00:24:35I'm a knockout.
00:24:37I'm a knockout.
00:24:39I'm a knockout.
00:24:40Don't mind the spiritual healer.
00:24:43Welcome to my sound bath.
00:24:45Let the waves of sound wash over you
00:24:48and cleanse your soul of its daily stresses.
00:24:51You know, some level of stress is actually quite good for you.
00:24:54You know, being open-minded
00:24:57and allowing new people into your life
00:24:59to change it for the better can be good for you too, Scarlet.
00:25:02You'll learn that someday.
00:25:04Take a seat over there and I'm just going to get set up.
00:25:23Good choice.
00:25:25It was between this and Lisa's teen pop album.
00:25:28I went with the safe option.
00:25:32Besides, I need you to relax
00:25:34because you clearly don't like having your photo taken.
00:25:36Well, no, especially by a woman who, frankly,
00:25:39terrifies me.
00:25:41And now I'm all alone in her lair.
00:25:45Look at the camera.
00:25:47Not me.
00:25:50Why do I terrify you?
00:25:52Well, for one thing,
00:25:54you're just so mean.
00:25:58And that's terrifying.
00:26:00Yeah, for most people it is, yes.
00:26:02But not you, apparently.
00:26:04What are you afraid of?
00:26:06Besides joy and the sound of laughter.
00:26:08Chipped nails?
00:26:10Chipped nails?
00:26:12Yeah, chipped nails, wrinkled clothes,
00:26:14everything that doesn't make you look perfect.
00:26:17And that's it?
00:26:19What do you want me to say?
00:26:21Rats on the subway?
00:26:23No, no, it's good to know.
00:26:25It's weird.
00:26:27But it's good to know.
00:26:32So tell me,
00:26:34when did you know you wanted to be a pianist?
00:26:36Oh, uh, in college.
00:26:39I majored in history,
00:26:41but I didn't really like it,
00:26:43so I spent most of my time in music school.
00:26:45And I never really left.
00:26:47What about you?
00:26:49When did you decide that photography was your thing?
00:26:53When my dad walked out.
00:27:00Do you remember those lined-up disposable cameras
00:27:03we were all obsessed with when we were little?
00:27:06Like, seven?
00:27:13I had one of those.
00:27:15And after that, it just became easier
00:27:17to see the world through this tiny little lens
00:27:19than to face it head-on, I guess.
00:27:22Probably not the therapist-approved way
00:27:24of handling it, but hey.
00:27:27And photographing buildings and cities
00:27:29just made sense because
00:27:31they have a kind of hidden baggage, too, I guess.
00:27:35And, um, yeah.
00:27:37They also can't say no to you taking their picture,
00:27:39which helped a lot.
00:27:41Also, I don't like people, so...
00:27:45Makes sense.
00:27:47You know what?
00:27:49Let's go to the roof.
00:27:51To the roof?
00:27:56I found my love in Avalon
00:28:00Beside the bay
00:28:04I left my love in Avalon
00:28:07And I sailed, I sailed away
00:28:11I dream of him and Avalon
00:28:15From dusk till dawn
00:28:19So I think I'll travel on
00:28:23To Avalon
00:28:35I dream of him and Avalon
00:28:39From dusk till dawn
00:28:43And so I think I'll travel on
00:28:47To Avalon
00:28:53So? Tell me!
00:28:56You've got to give me something, sweetheart!
00:28:58You've got to give me something!
00:29:00You've got to give me something!
00:29:02You've got to give me something, sweetheart!
00:29:04You know your mother loves all those little details!
00:29:07All those little details?
00:29:09Shut up!
00:29:11What did you say, honey? I didn't hear you.
00:29:13Yeah, go ahead. Say that again, Willie.
00:29:15Oh! Is that Lucas?
00:29:17Yeah. Yeah, Mom. It's Lucas.
00:29:19Hello, Lucas dear!
00:29:21Hello, Mom. How are you?
00:29:23It's such a shame that Lucas has to leave right now.
00:29:26Yeah. You just said that, didn't you?
00:29:28You have to go? You're running late.
00:29:30All right.
00:29:40Mom, I don't know what else to say.
00:29:42I gave her my number and she hasn't called me yet.
00:29:45I guess. I don't know.
00:29:47Call me crazy. I just think that's a no.
00:29:49And that's it, huh?
00:29:51You're just going to give up, right?
00:29:53Oh, come on!
00:29:55There could be all kinds of reasons why she hasn't called you.
00:29:58Maybe she lost your number.
00:30:00And you know what? She is searching for it right this very instant.
00:30:03Maybe she...
00:30:05Maybe she lost her cell phone.
00:30:07Or maybe she accidentally brought it into the shower with her.
00:30:11You know, your father did that once.
00:30:14Oh, honey, maybe there was a disaster at work
00:30:16and it is just taking up all her time.
00:30:18I get it. I get it, Mom. I do. I really do.
00:30:21Okay? Thank you.
00:30:23Just don't rule her out yet, okay?
00:30:28Thanks, Mom. I really do. I got to go right now, so...
00:30:31Bye-bye, honey. I love you.
00:30:33Bye. I love you, too.
00:30:37Is somebody having lady troubles?
00:30:39Oh, come on. Okay, fine.
00:30:41Jump aboard the dating advice train.
00:30:43Next stop, my life is in shambles.
00:30:46You're not going to like this.
00:30:48But Mom is totally right.
00:30:50I know. Now, there could be a thousand reasons
00:30:52why she hasn't called you back,
00:30:54including the fact that she has a life, okay?
00:30:56It's only been two days.
00:30:58You're right. Give her a chance.
00:31:00And then if you still haven't heard anything from her,
00:31:02you got to find a way to see her in person
00:31:05to see where you stand.
00:31:08Thank you for that.
00:31:10You're welcome.
00:31:16That's what I'm talking about. You're gorgeous.
00:31:18Get out of here. Bye.
00:31:32I brought coffee.
00:31:34I know how much you like drinking lattes I've paid for, so...
00:31:37I do, indeed.
00:31:42Come sit.
00:31:49You think that one's bad?
00:31:51Take a look at this.
00:31:53Oh, my God. It's awful.
00:31:55Is that really what I look like?
00:31:57It's like I'm in physical pain.
00:31:59They get better.
00:32:03Oh. Yeah.
00:32:05I actually look pleased to be alive in that one.
00:32:08Can I get a copy of that one?
00:32:12I've actually starred in the six best ones,
00:32:14in my opinion.
00:32:18That's the nicest one, I think.
00:32:20In terms of lighting and everything,
00:32:22they're all gonna be on the hard drive, though.
00:32:25It's amazing.
00:32:27Thank you so much.
00:32:29I mean, considering what you were working with.
00:32:31You're not that bad.
00:32:37Dang it.
00:32:39I think I left the hard drive at my apartment.
00:32:41When do you need them by?
00:32:43Today, really. Sorry.
00:32:47Come on, then.
00:32:53Thanks again for all these.
00:32:55Don't mention it.
00:32:57Hey, guys!
00:32:59Hi, Lisa. Bye, Lisa.
00:33:01Oh, no, no, no, no.
00:33:03Stay for dinner, Lucas.
00:33:05It's take-out night,
00:33:07so you're safe from our cooking.
00:33:09Every night is take-out night.
00:33:11Sure, yeah. I'll stay.
00:33:13But it's on me as a thank you.
00:33:15Oh, thank you.
00:33:17Oh, thank you.
00:33:19Oh, thank you.
00:33:24Well, you have to thank us.
00:33:26Of course.
00:33:28You think she would, honestly?
00:33:30Maybe it's a collaboration.
00:33:32I'll get it!
00:33:34I'm gonna go help her out.
00:33:39Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
00:33:41Which way?
00:33:43Behind the pillow.
00:33:45Yeah? Okay.
00:33:47Don't say anything.
00:33:48Oh, hey!
00:33:50Didn't see you there.
00:34:21Do you remember
00:34:23when we were little
00:34:25and Millie Riley
00:34:27would push your head into the sandbox?
00:34:29Yeah, thank you for reminding me
00:34:31of that wonderful childhood memory.
00:34:33You're welcome.
00:34:35But she did that
00:34:37because she actually liked you.
00:34:39Yeah, she did.
00:34:41Do people still do that as adults?
00:34:43Did somebody push your head
00:34:45in the sandbox?
00:34:49I just mean, like,
00:34:51do people who still pretend
00:34:53like they're mean
00:34:55when in actuality they like you?
00:34:57Well, that depends.
00:34:59On what?
00:35:01On if they're a psychopath!
00:35:05Normal, functioning people in society
00:35:07don't go around being horrible
00:35:09to the people they want to date
00:35:11because, unlike preschool,
00:35:13you can just leave.
00:35:14So, so much for my work.
00:35:16Okay, and she's being mean to you?
00:35:18Well, yeah, she's, uh,
00:35:20she's mean to everybody
00:35:22aside from her boss
00:35:24who she kind of, like,
00:35:26wants me to ask out on a date.
00:35:30But the other night
00:35:32she was, uh, different.
00:35:34Do you like her?
00:35:36No, no, no.
00:35:40I just haven't figured it out yet.
00:35:42Generally speaking,
00:35:44boys, they like to go on dates
00:35:46with other people.
00:35:53Yeah, you're right.
00:36:05how should I do it?
00:36:07I mean, I don't even know
00:36:09the kind of things he likes.
00:36:11Hence the date.
00:36:13He's not the kind of guy
00:36:15or late-night cocktail kind of guy.
00:36:17I mean, he does work in bars.
00:36:19No, Lucas is definitely
00:36:21the low-key kind of guy.
00:36:23You know, he'd rather joke around
00:36:25than go to a fancy dinner
00:36:27at a stuck-up restaurant
00:36:29despite the kinds of places
00:36:31that he works at.
00:36:33Like the events I plan?
00:36:35Yeah, like the events you plan.
00:36:37But, you know, he's old school
00:36:39and not in a stuffy way.
00:36:40I guess those were novelty.
00:36:43I think the key to him
00:36:45is just keeping it laid back.
00:36:47Old school.
00:36:49You got all that from him already?
00:36:53I guess so.
00:36:58You didn't need to come meet me.
00:37:00I would have seen you at home.
00:37:02I had to get plant food
00:37:04for the little guys.
00:37:08I hope you know what you're doing.
00:37:10It's more than just water.
00:37:12Can you believe it?
00:37:16Come on.
00:37:17What do you want me to say?
00:37:19That you should be asking Lucas out,
00:37:21not Jenny.
00:37:23I don't do relationships
00:37:25and you know that.
00:37:27So why should I stop Jenny,
00:37:29my boss, remember,
00:37:31from asking Lucas out?
00:37:33Who would have already asked me out
00:37:35by now if he actually liked me?
00:37:37Listen, I know you're used to guys
00:37:39getting excited when I first met you myself.
00:37:41At least we were eight.
00:37:45But my point is,
00:37:47maybe you like Lucas
00:37:49because he's different.
00:37:51He clearly likes you.
00:37:53I don't.
00:37:55He doesn't.
00:37:57This is all just a flutter.
00:37:59It'll pass.
00:38:01Besides, I need the work
00:38:03with Jenny and Joan.
00:38:05So I don't want anything
00:38:07to mess that up.
00:38:09You know, I will be the first one
00:38:11to hand Lucas over, okay?
00:38:16You know what?
00:38:18I'm gonna get some fresh air.
00:38:20That's what plans are for!
00:38:22Hey! I know where you live!
00:38:30Jenny showed me the photos
00:38:32you took of Lucas, by the way.
00:38:34He's a good-looking young man, isn't he?
00:38:36Yeah, I mean, I've seen worse.
00:38:37I gave Jen a little nudge
00:38:39in his direction the other night.
00:38:41She's been so shaken by the breakup,
00:38:43and he seems like a nice boy.
00:38:45What do you think?
00:38:47She did mention that, actually.
00:38:49Oh, good.
00:38:51I know I shouldn't ask this,
00:38:53but she can be a bit shy.
00:38:55So if you can, I don't know,
00:38:57work some magic behind the scenes...
00:38:59I am waving my wand as I speak.
00:39:08Oh, those champagne glasses.
00:39:10I'm just gonna check the label.
00:39:12No, you are not.
00:39:14Tonight, you are not an event planner.
00:39:16You are just Jenny.
00:39:18So no harassing other women
00:39:20for crockery recommendations,
00:39:22because we're here to have a good time.
00:39:24Besides, I like spending time with you,
00:39:26and you're gonna have a good time, too.
00:39:28Oh, I'm sorry.
00:39:30I'm sorry.
00:39:32I'm sorry.
00:39:34I'm sorry.
00:39:36Hey, it's always fun spending time with you,
00:39:38and you're gonna have fun tonight.
00:39:40It's getting you back on the team.
00:39:44And you're a really nice person.
00:39:46I actually like spending time with you.
00:39:48These compliments are almost making me uncomfortable.
00:39:50I am just saying that there are certain things
00:39:52that we need to focus our energy on.
00:39:54Tonight, you are not gonna be yourself.
00:39:56Instead, you are gonna be
00:39:58Jenny's cool, older sister
00:40:00who likes listening to vinyls
00:40:03and staying out past 10 p.m. on the weeknights.
00:40:04Don't try so hard, because short answers are mysterious, but not in the way that you say yes or no, because those people are the worst.
00:40:14What else? Oh, don't actually laugh at their jokes, unless they're funny, which they usually aren't.
00:40:21And, oh, always, always, always excuse yourself early, okay?
00:40:27Off you go.
00:40:28So, basically, just be a terrible person.
00:40:32A terribly awesome person.
00:40:37Not bad.
00:40:39It's just, all this, it's not me. I'm not a twelve numbers on a napkin kind of girl.
00:40:45And, I'm, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm a big fan of it, personally.
00:40:51I just, I know I want something more than that. I mean, does all this really make you feel good?
00:40:56Confidence is the most powerful weapon a woman can have, and you have come so far. Do not give up now.
00:41:02I'm not, because I'm going to get one more number tonight.
00:41:11Well, you already have his number. He works for you, remember?
00:41:13No, I mean, I'm going to ask him out. I'm going to do it. Tonight.
00:41:17Tonight. Are you sure?
00:41:19Oh, God, this is stupid, right? I mean, there's no way he'd ever like me.
00:41:24I mean, look at him, and then look at me.
00:41:28Hey, hey, of course he would.
00:41:32And I know that I don't normally say nice things, but he would be so lucky to have you.
00:41:38So I think, if you like him, you should go for it.
00:41:42Um, watch him say yes.
00:41:45I'm really concerned about you. Are you feeling okay?
00:41:49And, uh, what kind of evil, wicked schemes are we playing tonight?
00:41:52Helping friends find love, making dreams come true, you know, the usual.
00:41:57Lucas, do you want to go out later? Like, on a date?
00:42:02Oh, uh, sure, yeah. Uh, I get off at ten.
00:42:08See you at ten.
00:42:13It worked. That's amazing. I didn't have to do too much.
00:42:26And just talking to guy after guy about nothing, really, I just realized I want something more meaningful.
00:42:33So I just went for it.
00:42:35Good for you. If only all our thought processes made such cold, hard sense.
00:42:39I just want to be with someone I like again. You know, someone I can see a future with.
00:42:44Who I can fall in love with.
00:42:46Ryan Reynolds is the only man I've ever truly loved.
00:42:49Oh, if he could just meet me, I know we'd be happy together.
00:42:52Oh, I'm not sure his wife would agree with that. She'd soon forget about him.
00:42:57Oh, well, that would be something. You'd have to tell me your secret sometime, Lisa.
00:43:00No secret. Just my magnetic personality.
00:43:03But, Scarlet, seriously, haven't you ever thought about pursuing anything with any of the guys you've been with?
00:43:08No. Never.
00:43:10Well, then, when was your last serious relationship?
00:43:13I've never had one last more than a few weeks. On and off.
00:43:17You've never been in a long-term relationship?
00:43:19Now, why does that sound like a very bad person's done a very bad thing?
00:43:23Oh, no, I'm sorry. I'm just surprised.
00:43:26Ryan values a long-term relationship. That's why he's a keeper.
00:43:30Hate to love and leave you both, but I've got to run. I've got big things to do before the launch.
00:43:38Your celebrity crush.
00:43:44Hey, Lucas.
00:43:45Hey, Hank.
00:43:46You remember how you told me to go see that girl in person?
00:43:50Well, I've got a plan.
00:43:51I'll go get it.
00:43:57The whole of New York City, and here you are.
00:44:00I've really got to stop telling people about this place.
00:44:03But what can I say? It is the best in town.
00:44:05Yeah, Jane's been going on about this place, so we figured we should try it.
00:44:09Oh, my gosh. You've got a date tonight.
00:44:12Yeah, we figured we'd celebrate the press launch.
00:44:15You're welcome to join us if you like.
00:44:16Uh, no. No, I mean, it's just, you know, it's your date.
00:44:20You don't want me to third wheel.
00:44:22Hi, Scarlett. I can see why you love this place so much.
00:44:25Get the steak. Trust me.
00:44:27We should try a double date here sometime. That would be fun.
00:44:30Yes, I'd love that.
00:44:31No, I don't think so.
00:44:32But you guys have fun.
00:44:45Everything okay?
00:44:47Jenny and Lucas are on another date.
00:44:50I told you.
00:44:51I know. What do I do?
00:44:53Well, you're going to have to figure it out fast.
00:44:57Actually spend some time with them.
00:45:11Why did I agree to this again?
00:45:13I don't do double dates.
00:45:15That's what happens when you have a couple of friends.
00:45:17Oh, please. You are not my friend.
00:45:20I must admit, I'm surprised you even agreed to a blind date.
00:45:23I didn't.
00:45:24I lost a bet with Lisa over who could eat the most peas with chopsticks.
00:45:28That girl's got freakishly nimble fingers.
00:45:30Or maybe deep down,
00:45:32what you really want is to settle down with a nice young man.
00:45:35No, I don't have a deep down.
00:45:37And where is Jenny?
00:45:42It's perfect. He is a male you.
00:45:45Look away or he'll know we're here.
00:45:47Sorry, I hate to break it to you, but...
00:45:49Wow. Not many women look like that Instagram photo.
00:45:52But you.
00:45:53Anchor issue 2004.
00:45:57You must be Nate.
00:45:59An absolute pleasure to meet you.
00:46:01Fuck me.
00:46:17What are you doing here?
00:46:19Just, you know.
00:46:23Did you see her go back in the house?
00:46:26This is nuts, because...
00:46:29My editor was at your PR launch event,
00:46:31and she wants me to write a feature about it.
00:46:34And you, obviously.
00:46:36If that's okay.
00:46:37Oh, my God. Absolutely.
00:46:39That'd be amazing publicity for us.
00:46:41Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
00:46:42Take a seat.
00:46:43Oh, sure.
00:46:45Yeah, and I would have called and planned ahead to meet you,
00:46:49but, well, I didn't have your number, and...
00:46:52Oh, yeah, no, that's no problem.
00:46:55I kind of lost yours.
00:46:57Well, it got thrown away. Not by me.
00:47:00Anyway, it was a whole thing.
00:47:03All I know is that there's a four in it.
00:47:06Yeah, there is a four in it.
00:47:08You're a tenth of the way there.
00:47:11But, listen, I can get your contact details,
00:47:13and we can plan this for a different time if this is no good.
00:47:15No, no, no. We're both here now. Let's do it.
00:47:22Jenny just messaged.
00:47:24She can't make it.
00:47:27Whatever happens at this table stays at this table.
00:47:37Look at this. If you'll excuse me.
00:47:41Actually, I have to go to the bathroom.
00:47:47You can't leave me here with him.
00:47:49I have been in the presence of that man for a whole five minutes,
00:47:5140 seconds longer than I deserve to be.
00:47:53So, I don't get it.
00:47:55I work the same hours as you, and I don't get any tips.
00:47:59I'm coming with you.
00:48:08It's not tight. It's not tight.
00:48:16Come on. Come on.
00:48:19Come on. Come on.
00:48:21Oh, yeah.
00:48:24Uh, no.
00:48:26No, you've got jokes, but I'm definitely not going to win.
00:48:29What, are you afraid you'll get your hair wet?
00:48:31No. No, I'm just not good at this kind of stuff.
00:48:34So, I'd rather spare people from...
00:48:39Oh, my God.
00:48:41It says shoot here, star.
00:48:44Oh, my gosh. All right. Let me help you out.
00:48:46Here we go. Here we go.
00:48:48There we go. Come on.
00:48:50This is a pity party.
00:48:51No, it's not.
00:48:55Good job. Good job. Good game.
00:48:57I'm sorry. See, this is why you don't take me here.
00:49:00I told you.
00:49:01It's really not good. Now, there's a lot of people that are watching.
00:49:07Can I interest anyone in a hot dog?
00:49:10On me?
00:49:16What's a dog?
00:49:19All right. So, let's just get this clear once and for all.
00:49:22So, even when you're bad at something,
00:49:24you are the absolute worst at it.
00:49:27Is that it?
00:49:30Yeah, seems like that.
00:49:33What about you?
00:49:34What about me?
00:49:36I feel like I don't really know anything about you.
00:49:38Well, that's a good thing.
00:49:39And also not true.
00:49:40We know that my taste in music is much better than yours.
00:49:45But really, I mean, where are you from?
00:49:47What is your favorite New York moment?
00:49:49Oh, oh no, I have a good one.
00:49:51What is your deepest, darkest secret?
00:49:53Oh, my deepest, darkest secret?
00:49:55Yeah, or something deep.
00:49:57Uh, I got a deep room of trust issues.
00:49:59Don't we all?
00:50:10My family is everything to me.
00:50:13Very good.
00:50:19I don't really have any friends.
00:50:21Because my entire life, I've dedicated it to my family.
00:50:27Well, that's kind of sad.
00:50:33Remind me again why I'm telling somebody with an emotional range of a teaspoon all this.
00:50:36Oh, hey, now that's rude.
00:50:38Well, you hurt me first.
00:50:39Well, you hurt me second.
00:50:40Okay, we're doing this one.
00:50:44And my last question is...
00:50:46Can I give you my number again?
00:50:50I'm kind of seeing someone right now.
00:50:54Yeah, no, that's...
00:50:56Yeah, obviously, look at you.
00:50:58Obviously, you're seeing someone.
00:51:00That's fine.
00:51:01That's totally fine.
00:51:02It's fine.
00:51:03Is it getting hot in here?
00:51:05I'm really sorry.
00:51:07Don't apologize.
00:51:08You don't...
00:51:09You don't have to do that.
00:51:10It's okay.
00:51:11Obviously, it's totally fine.
00:51:13I think I got everything I need for the interview.
00:51:17Actually, do you have any photos that I could use for it?
00:51:20My photographer Scarlett has taken some amazing photos.
00:51:23I'll give you her details.
00:51:33I have to go to the bathroom, but I'll be right back.
00:51:42What are you looking at?
00:52:06All right, what do we think?
00:52:08Should we go on the Ferris wheel?
00:52:11Actually, I think I'm going to head home.
00:52:15I want to make sure Jenny gets home safe, so...
00:52:23But, uh...
00:52:27Can't have the big bear.
00:52:29I don't think it'll fit in my apartment, so...
00:52:32Okay, yeah.
00:52:37See you.
00:52:49I had fun tonight.
00:53:01And then he shoved this massive bear in my face and left.
00:53:05Well, something must have happened.
00:53:08So then I saw a text from Joan thanking me for helping Jenny get the guy.
00:53:13Which, in my defense, he did already know about.
00:53:16I just think that he thought it was more of a joke than a genuine plan.
00:53:20If it were me, I'd be furious.
00:53:22Thanks. Yeah, really helpful.
00:53:24I mean, to have this earth-shattering connection with someone,
00:53:28only to find out it was some covert love operation between them and their boss's mom?
00:53:34I mean, isn't all of that much?
00:53:36It wasn't exactly like that.
00:53:37I mean, it's almost like a betrayal.
00:53:39Oh, right.
00:53:40The deception, the dishonesty.
00:53:42I mean, that's hardly grounds for a friendship, let alone something else.
00:53:47Especially for someone with deep-rooted trust issues.
00:53:51Yup. You really hammer that point home now.
00:53:54I think I just need to distance myself as much as possible from Lucas and Jenny.
00:53:59Starting tonight.
00:54:00Things have gotten too complicated, and I don't do complicated.
00:54:04Oh, imagine you having to experience a real human emotion.
00:54:07Exactly. And you're not the first person to tell me that this week.
00:54:11I think it'd be best if I just sit back and let all of these
00:54:15natural feelings of love and desire between you and Lucas,
00:54:18all these things, just blow over.
00:54:21That way no one gets hurt.
00:54:23That way they don't get hurt.
00:54:26What about you?
00:54:28I'm fine.
00:54:35Oh, we won't be needing these. It's just the two of us.
00:54:39Thank you.
00:54:40I invited Scarlett, but my mom's prepping her for some big shoot, apparently.
00:54:45Well, Joan comes first.
00:54:48Not to forget I said anything.
00:54:56She's a bit work-obsessed, if you ask me.
00:54:58You wouldn't say that if she were.
00:55:00She's a bit work-obsessed, if you ask me.
00:55:02You wouldn't say that if she were.
00:55:04Oh, I would.
00:55:05Oh, I would.
00:55:08It's like it's not her ambition or it's not her aspirations that are the issue here.
00:55:13It's the way she goes about doing it.
00:55:18What's that supposed to mean?
00:55:22I just don't think she cares who she hurts on her way up.
00:55:27That's all.
00:55:31What's she having?
00:55:35I'm having fish.
00:55:38Oh, I can't decide.
00:55:48Hey, uh, I was just thinking.
00:55:52So my parents are going to be in town tonight.
00:55:55And, uh, you know, I was thinking maybe you'd want to meet them.
00:56:00Yeah, I've met your mom however many times, so I think it's only fair that you met mine.
00:56:04I'd love to.
00:56:05Oh, yeah?
00:56:09Okay, that's good.
00:56:18Um, this has everything on it, but I'm going to need it back when you're done because it's the one I'm giving Jenny.
00:56:23Uh, sure, thanks.
00:56:25Okay, I gotta get this in by six, so I'll give it right back to you.
00:56:31Thank you.
00:56:34There's my boy.
00:56:35Oh, hi, sweetie.
00:56:37How you doing?
00:56:38Look at you.
00:56:39You are looking so young.
00:56:40I love it.
00:56:41Oh, thanks.
00:56:42Hey, Dad.
00:56:45Hi, dear.
00:56:48Every time I see you, you're taller.
00:56:51And, well, you must introduce us to this lovely young lady.
00:56:55Oh, no, no, no.
00:56:56No, this is Scarlett.
00:56:58Scarlett's a photographer, and she brought over photos for an article I'm writing.
00:57:01Whatever you say, dear.
00:57:03I would love for you to join me, Scarlett.
00:57:05No, that's very kind of you, but...
00:57:07She has other plans.
00:57:08Yeah, work.
00:57:09I have a work thing.
00:57:10They're making you go back to work now at this hour.
00:57:13Yeah, afraid so.
00:57:15My boss is this crazy workaholic type.
00:57:19And that's my baby.
00:57:21Come here.
00:57:23Look at you.
00:57:24You are so, so handsome.
00:57:26You're so beautiful.
00:57:27Oh, here we go.
00:57:28Let me see your face.
00:57:33And you're taller, too.
00:57:35I sense the pattern.
00:57:38What are you doing here?
00:57:39Well, I was hoping that Scarlett would join us for dinner.
00:57:42Uh, why?
00:57:45Because your brother wants her to stay.
00:57:47That's why.
00:57:48I really don't.
00:57:49Sorry about that.
00:57:50Hello, everybody.
00:57:54Lucas is the guy you're dating?
00:57:57Wait, hold up.
00:57:58You two know each other?
00:58:01Are you two...
00:58:04Scarlett brought over photos for the article I'm writing about Jenny.
00:58:06Apparently Scarlett has to go back to work tonight because her boss is making her.
00:58:12Apparently her boss is some kind of crazy workaholic.
00:58:16Actually, that is my boss.
00:58:22Well, that is settled.
00:58:24First, Lucas, introduce me to this woman, please.
00:58:27So how long have you been doing a feature on Jenny?
00:58:29Hi, I'm Jenny.
00:58:30Oh, Jenny, it's so nice to meet you.
00:58:32And you, Mrs. Sharp.
00:58:34How long have you been working for her?
00:58:35Please, just call me Grace.
00:58:37For like two weeks.
00:58:39Hold up.
00:58:40If you guys are brothers, do you guys not, like, communicate?
00:58:43And this is Martin.
00:58:44Martin, say hello to Jenny.
00:58:45Hi, Martin.
00:58:46Hello, Jenny.
00:58:47And my mother, Agatha.
00:58:48Hi, Agatha.
00:58:49Nice to meet you.
00:58:50Oh, and you are not tall.
00:58:53Is anybody else, like, really confused right now?
00:58:57If I'm doing this for real,
00:59:04this is gonna be fun.
00:59:07Oh, boy.
00:59:14On the menu tonight is beef bourguignon,
00:59:17dauphinoise potatoes, and spring vegetables.
00:59:19Oh, delicious, sweetheart.
00:59:23And how long till it's ready, honey?
00:59:26More wine, anyone?
00:59:28Yes, please.
00:59:30Uh, just put it on the table.
00:59:38Thank you, sir.
00:59:40Thank you, Jenny.
00:59:41It's fine.
00:59:43There you go.
00:59:44Oh, oh, I'm sorry.
00:59:46Come on.
00:59:50Um, I'll just get you another one.
01:00:05My dauphinoise didn't quite go as planned.
01:00:17Oh, would you mind passing me the wine, Scarlet?
01:00:20Of course.
01:00:21How rude of me.
01:00:22I've been keeping it all to myself.
01:00:24That's a surprise.
01:00:26What's that now?
01:00:28Oh, I just thought you didn't even really like the wine.
01:00:30Now you're trying to take it all for yourself,
01:00:32even though you have everything.
01:00:35Would you like the wine back, dear?
01:00:39You go ahead.
01:00:40Why don't I just open up another bottle, huh?
01:00:47Here, here, here.
01:00:51This game has become a bit of a family tradition.
01:00:54Okay, all right.
01:00:55I assume everyone else knows the rules?
01:01:00Uh, I think we ought to split up into three teams.
01:01:02So Mom and Dad, you're a team.
01:01:04Lucas, Jenny, you're a team.
01:01:07And Scarlet and I will also be a team.
01:01:17All right.
01:01:20Oh, this will take no time.
01:01:21This is what Scarlet likes to steal from everyone.
01:01:23Oh, wine!
01:01:26That's not nature, is it?
01:01:28Come on, Lucas.
01:01:29You've got to guess something.
01:01:30Uh, what is she, uh, what is it?
01:01:32Clock's ticking.
01:01:34What do people steal?
01:01:38You would say that, wouldn't you?
01:01:40The correct answer was thunder.
01:01:41She steals everyone's thunder.
01:01:44I think it's probably my turn.
01:01:45Uh, I actually think it's mine.
01:01:47Set the timer, Will.
01:01:55Uh, it's world.
01:01:57Random it is.
01:01:58Don't worry, Will.
01:01:59Let her cheat.
01:02:00She can't help herself.
01:02:02This is what Jenny pleads when, in fact, she knows exactly what she is doing.
01:02:07Famous novel by Edith Wharton, Age of...
01:02:14This person thinks there's so much of a heartthrob they can train other people in finding a date
01:02:18when they've never been in a relationship themselves.
01:02:24Also, person.
01:02:25This person should get off their high horse because they've, in fact, only been in one relationship their whole life,
01:02:30which, by the way, sounded toxic as hell and a complete waste of an entire decade.
01:02:35And even with all that deep and meaningful relationship,
01:02:38And even with all that deep and meaningful relationship experience,
01:02:41they still can't go out on a date without a guy asking for the waitress' mistake.
01:02:46Scarlet, that's enough.
01:02:48At least I'm not in love with the guy my supposed friend is dating.
01:02:51She's the mean woman from work?
01:02:54You'd rather just date your boyfriend's big brother.
01:02:56That's much better.
01:02:57You told me I couldn't go after him!
01:02:59Wait, what?
01:03:00Wait, wait.
01:03:01You're into my brother?
01:03:02I must admit, I am totally confused.
01:03:06You don't have to listen to what I say.
01:03:08You are a grown woman.
01:03:09You can make your own decisions.
01:03:11Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:03:12Let me get this straight.
01:03:13You were driving me away from Will.
01:03:16Falling for Lucas?
01:03:17While at the same time trying to set me and Lucas up?
01:03:20Okay, people really need to stop phrasing it like that.
01:03:22What is wrong with you?
01:03:24What, are you so afraid of your own feelings you organized this entire charade?
01:03:29Get it?
01:03:31Not entirely.
01:03:33There were other factors. your mother since day one.
01:03:37I thought you were kidding.
01:03:39And then I saw the text.
01:03:41It's true.
01:03:43I admit it, but things changed and I tried to distance myself from you two.
01:03:47Which was working before this guy started introducing me as his secret girlfriend to the in-laws.
01:03:52You know what?
01:03:53I can't even be around you right now.
01:03:55I'm gonna go.
01:03:56Wait, Jenny.
01:03:57I really don't think you should be the one to leave.
01:04:04I think you should go.
01:04:19What did I miss?
01:04:28Good morning!
01:04:30Geez, what happened to you?
01:04:32Why do you look so awful?
01:04:34Because an awful, awful thing happened last night.
01:04:38So I'm gonna need you to make some of your French toast stat.
01:04:41Well, you're gonna have to tell me every little detail so that I know how big a portion you get.
01:04:47Well, let's see.
01:04:49Will is Lucas' brother.
01:04:53And I was there when Lucas, Jenny, and his whole family, including his elderly grandmother, showed up for a reunion.
01:05:01Oh, please tell me you just left them to it.
01:05:04Oh, I wanted to, but Will's mom made me stay because she was convinced that I was Will's crush or something.
01:05:10Which, as we know, is Jenny.
01:05:13Geez, this just gets worse and worse.
01:05:16Long story short, Lucas knows that I like him.
01:05:21And Will and Jenny know that they like each other.
01:05:23They also know that I tried to push them apart.
01:05:26And it was all to get close to Joan.
01:05:31And so they all hate me.
01:05:34So, how big of a portion does that get me?
01:05:37Oh, this is bigger than French toast.
01:05:44Oh, yes! There's only one thing for it!
01:05:51We start today's session by giving thanks.
01:05:54I want you to do this properly.
01:05:58Thank you.
01:06:02Thank you, Mama Cacao, for giving us this sacred cacao.
01:06:11And now we thank the elements.
01:06:14You know what?
01:06:15I just don't think so.
01:06:17You know what?
01:06:18I just don't think so.
01:06:20Scarlett Jones, sit back down!
01:06:28Now, I didn't want to have to do this, but I'm going to give you some tough love right now.
01:06:32I know this hippy-dippy stuff isn't for you, but it means something to me.
01:06:39So couldn't you, for like one second, open your mind to the possibility that it may do you some good?
01:06:48I know your dad leaving was hard.
01:06:54But he did a real number on you.
01:06:59He turned you into this guarded, paranoid, afraid of any embarrassment at all person.
01:07:06And that is just not the girl I first shared my juice box with.
01:07:10So, we have a lot of soul-searching to do in the next six hours.
01:07:19And we haven't even gotten to the shamanic drumming yet.
01:07:44I brought this for you.
01:07:46You forgot it at our place last night.
01:07:51I also brought you this.
01:07:55Thank you.
01:08:02Thank you so much.
01:08:09Do not tell him I told you this, but he's one of the good ones.
01:08:14The best, actually.
01:08:15So, if you do like him, he won't let you down.
01:08:21Thank you.
01:08:23So, should I come by later, or are you going to go with another piano player that, you know, you didn't get into a weird love quadruple with?
01:08:32I was, but they're all booked up, so I guess you're going to have to do until then.
01:08:40Thank you.
01:08:42And, you know, if you like Scarlet, you should just go for it.
01:08:47You two are a good fit.
01:08:49I think I knew that all along.
01:08:52And everything we said about each other, last night aside, she's been a real good friend to me.
01:09:00It wasn't all an act. She's a pretty bad liar.
01:09:04She wouldn't have quit working for my mom if she had just been in it for herself.
01:09:09Wait, she quit?
01:09:11Yeah, last night.
01:09:18Did not see that coming.
01:09:23Catch you later.
01:09:25See ya.
01:09:28Hey, see you tonight.
01:09:35However, the most astonishing thing about this brand new venue might just be its owner, Jenny Clark.
01:09:42As I sit opposite this remarkable woman, I can't help but notice how she brightens the place with her own lovely light.
01:09:48A woman who knows a little something about burning the candle at both ends, which even the most cursory glance at her resume will prove.
01:09:57She possesses a disarming charm without even knowing it, and effortlessly brings elegance to the commonplace.
01:10:13Hi, Will. It's Jenny.
01:10:19Okay, you've got to ask yourself the important questions.
01:10:24One, are you in love with Lucas?
01:10:28Yes! That much is obvious.
01:10:31Two, do you secretly really care about Jenny and are worried that you might have ruined your friendship forever?
01:10:41Are these two relationships salvageable?
01:10:43Yes, because they both truly love you. I can see it in their eyes.
01:10:48Three, did you really have to quit working with Joan?
01:10:53Me? Probably not.
01:10:56But who doesn't love a grand judicial?
01:10:59And we'll get you back in there. I'll talk with her.
01:11:03Four, how are we going to do all this?
01:11:07Well, I can tell you for certain that your pride's going to take a big hit.
01:11:10But that's long overdue, anyway.
01:11:13How about this?
01:11:34This is it. The moment we've been waiting for.
01:11:37This is it. The moment we've been waiting for.
01:11:40And hey, even if things don't go exactly as planned, repeat after me.
01:11:45I am not defined by a moment.
01:11:48I am not defined by a moment!
01:11:51Hap, hap, hipper. The son of hippers!
01:11:56Hurry, hurry, hurry!
01:11:58Come on, we don't want to be late!
01:12:04Good evening, everyone.
01:12:07I know, I got this.
01:12:10Hi again.
01:12:13Wow, it looks incredible here tonight, doesn't it?
01:12:17You're probably wondering who this random elevator-emerging stranger is, which is fair.
01:12:23I, um, I'm Jenny's photographer.
01:12:28And friend, I hope.
01:12:31You see, the thing is, I have made a real fool of myself for the last, well, for my whole life, if we're being totally honest here.
01:12:40And I've taken my friends for granted.
01:12:43I've used people to get what I want, relying on their willingness to let people in, which is something that I can't do for the life of me.
01:12:50So if anyone has any tips on that, please see me after.
01:12:54But I know that that's the only reason I've only ever had one true friend in my life.
01:12:58So then, when another one came along, I, I think like I always do.
01:13:03No, I convinced myself that she was going to let me down as well.
01:13:07And that is my own issue that I am dealing with through chocolate and incense and a spirit guide named Lisa.
01:13:16But the problem is, when you're always assuming that people are going to let you down, you actually end up letting them down instead.
01:13:23And even though there were definitely some fashion and dating and general life lessons she absolutely did need to hear, I really do stand by that.
01:13:33She actually didn't need my help at all because she is pretty great just as she is.
01:13:38I mean, look at what she can achieve when you leave her to it.
01:13:41And that's with me throwing a jazz pianist at her.
01:13:44Especially one that has made me feel something that I have never, ever felt before.
01:13:49And, I have found that you can reason with yourself as much as you'd like, but sometimes it doesn't make a blind bit of a difference.
01:13:58Even though that person might be completely incompetent, really quite annoying actually, and who still uses a filofax.
01:14:06I mean, where do you even buy those nowadays?
01:14:09The point is, that despite that person being so wrong for you in so many ways, and despite the fact that following them is not a bad thing,
01:14:19falling in love with them is terrifying.
01:14:23The thought of watching Ryan Reynolds movie marathons every night is much scarier.
01:14:28So, I know that I have let you both down, but would you maybe consider not hating me?
01:14:35Because I really, really started liking you guys.
01:14:42So, to my friend Jenny, who I tried so hard to change, but who ended up changing me instead.
01:14:49And to Lucas, who really, really needs to make a change to an electronic calendar ASAP.
01:14:56Cheers, to Jenny and Lucas.
01:15:00To Jenny and Lucas!
01:15:03See that? All down to the power of the camera.
01:15:19So, I was wondering if you maybe want to go out on a date sometime, with me?
01:15:34What are you doing tomorrow night?
01:15:37Well, you have got your big job with Joan tomorrow.
01:15:42I spoke with her, and she'd be happy to have you back.
01:15:45Wow. Yeah, well, she is pretty into me.
01:15:47Yeah, well, then we still must.
01:16:17I don't know.
01:16:19I don't know.
01:16:21I don't know.
01:16:23I don't know.
01:16:25I don't know.
01:16:27I don't know.
01:16:29I don't know.
01:16:31I don't know.
01:16:33I don't know.
01:16:35I don't know.
01:16:37I don't know.
01:16:39I don't know.
01:16:41I don't know.
01:16:43I don't know.
01:16:45I don't know.
01:16:47I don't know.
01:16:49I don't know.
01:16:51I don't know.
01:16:53I don't know.
01:16:55I don't know.
01:16:57I don't know.
01:16:59I don't know.

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