New Hallmark Movies 2024 - Best Hallmark Romantic 2024 - Hallmark Romance 2024

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New Hallmark Movies 2024 - Best Hallmark Romantic 2024 - Hallmark Romance 2024
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00:00:00and cultural belief systems, we cannot consider them truth or fact.
00:00:04Here's an example, does knowledge of Zeus help us understand the religious habits of ancient Greeks?
00:00:10Yes. Does this mean Zeus was real?
00:00:13Fair enough.
00:00:15That was a great question though, Mary.
00:00:17We have a responsibility as the gatekeepers to the past
00:00:21and it is our job to uncover its secrets using logic and science.
00:00:25And remember, a career in ruins isn't necessarily a bad thing.
00:00:32Well, I guess that's it. Have a great summer, everyone.
00:00:36Professor Ray, can I talk to you for a second?
00:00:38Of course.
00:00:43I just wanted to let you know that I got accepted
00:00:47to the Manhattan University Archaeology Program.
00:00:50I'm going to be transferring.
00:00:52Oh, that's a great program.
00:00:56I like it here and you're a great teacher.
00:00:59But they just have lots of amazing research opportunities,
00:01:02a chance to go on actual digs.
00:01:05I'm so sorry.
00:01:07Hey, there's no need to be sorry, Mary.
00:01:09I know wherever you go, you will make a great archaeologist.
00:01:13You know why?
00:01:15Because your work will be groundbreaking.
00:01:19I will definitely miss it here.
00:01:22Good luck.
00:01:28You know, this brings me no pleasure to relay this news.
00:01:34You can't be serious.
00:01:38The board was very clear.
00:01:44If we can't bring more students into the archaeology department for the fall term,
00:01:47they're going to shut us down.
00:01:49The whole department?
00:01:51Can they do that?
00:01:52Unfortunately, they can't.
00:01:54Because we don't have enough students.
00:01:56That's right.
00:01:57But they won't if we can bring in more.
00:01:59Well, yeah, but I just don't know how.
00:02:01There must be a way we can stop this.
00:02:02Okay, we have three months summer break.
00:02:07Skyler, the dean said that the board was very clear.
00:02:10We only have one month to get student enrollment up.
00:02:14So it would take a miracle.
00:02:16There's a logical solution.
00:02:17We're just going to have to...
00:02:18Skyler, I hate to say this, but I think the only solution is for you to dig up and dust
00:02:22off your resume, honey.
00:02:23There are so many schools out there that would love a teacher with your passion and your
00:02:27and your drive and your credentials.
00:02:29What about you?
00:02:30You're the first female head of the archaeology department in university history.
00:02:34They can't just...
00:02:35They can.
00:02:37Maybe this is an opportunity for both of us.
00:02:40I mean, I've been feeling restless, wanting to get back into the field.
00:02:44That's it.
00:02:45That's what Mary wanted, to be more hands-on, the chance to go on actual archaeological
00:02:51I know, but honey, we tried programs like that in the past, and without student interest,
00:02:54the university won't subsidize those types of opportunities.
00:02:57But without those types of opportunities, we can't attract more students.
00:03:01So there's your catch-22.
00:03:46Well, what about the crowns, Eric?
00:03:53Crowns weren't here.
00:03:54This is a clue.
00:03:55I'm sure of it.
00:03:59Well, I don't know.
00:03:59What am I supposed to do with half of a coin?
00:04:02It's a medallion, actually.
00:04:05I'm no archaeologist, but this has to have meaning.
00:04:08Somehow, I doubt that a broken medallion is going to get my name on any museum walls.
00:04:13I got a hunch we're only a few steps away.
00:04:16But your hunches have not been producing much of late.
00:04:20This might seem meaningless to you, but it must be an important piece of history,
00:04:24enough to be protected and buried.
00:04:27It's evidence that we're on the right path.
00:04:29Or it is nothing but an ancient myth, a costly dream sending men like me on a fool's errand.
00:04:37The crowns are real, and I'm going to find them.
00:04:40And when I do, you'll not only get your family name on a wall,
00:04:43you'll get an entire wing of the museum dedicated to you.
00:04:47Very good, Eric.
00:04:50Charles, where are you going?
00:04:51We got to take the stuff to the museum.
00:04:53That's why I hired you, my young friend, to do the heavy lifting.
00:05:12Iris Porter.
00:05:19Iris, this is Dimitri, Papa Dimitrio.
00:05:23Oh my gosh, what a blast from the past!
00:05:26What, has it been 10 years since we were on a date together?
00:05:28Oh, at least that long.
00:05:30Well, how are you?
00:05:31Are you still in Greece?
00:05:32I am, I am.
00:05:34And I need your help with something.
00:05:38Helen of Troy, the face that launched a thousand ships.
00:05:42And could save our department.
00:05:44Helen of Troy is a mythological figure.
00:05:46She's not real.
00:05:47Yes, but even enough history, even a myth can become reality.
00:05:51This is the story.
00:05:53Before she left for Troy, uncertain of her fate,
00:05:56she had gifted a set of these ornate wedding crowns called Stefana to one of her maids,
00:06:01saying that the bride who wore these crowns would live a long, happy life in love.
00:06:06Now the crowns were passed down for generations until they finally disappeared.
00:06:11It's a nice story.
00:06:12Not according to the Society for the Preservation of Greek Artifacts.
00:06:16They found new evidence that would suggest that these crowns are in fact real.
00:06:22Well, it's rumored that the crowns were last seen in possession of Princess Daphne
00:06:26around the year 986.
00:06:28Now, Princess Daphne hid the crowns for safekeeping.
00:06:31She left clues for future generations worthy of the quest.
00:06:36And this is what you think we should do?
00:06:38Skylar, think about it.
00:06:40If these crowns are in fact real and we find them, it would be the discovery of the millennium.
00:06:46It would substantiate a myth, it would alter historical timelines,
00:06:49and it would change our approach to archaeology forever.
00:06:52With all the press, needless to say, our department would never be in danger again.
00:06:57Where do we start?
00:06:59When was the last time you were in Greece?
00:07:11I've received a call from the Society for the Preservation of Greek Artifacts,
00:07:20and evidently they have discovered some supplementary evidence
00:07:25that indicates the crowns may in fact be real.
00:07:31Charles, I knew it.
00:07:32Dimitri, the head of the Society, has agreed to invite you to be part of the team.
00:07:39Yes, you'll be working with a pair of archaeologists from a universe.
00:07:43I don't need a couple.
00:07:44Eric, you said yourself you're no archaeologist, but you want to be taken seriously, right?
00:07:50Of course I do, but I don't see...
00:07:51Now this will be an opportunity for you to show me that you've still got it.
00:07:56I'm telling you, I will find those crowns.
00:08:06I'm in here!
00:08:07Okay, you are really doing this.
00:08:10You have to do something to help the department, you know?
00:08:14Okay, well, in that case, I brought you some things for your trip.
00:08:17What's all this?
00:08:18People send me things all the time that I never use, so take whatever you want.
00:08:21Thank you, but I don't really think this is the type of thing I'm gonna need.
00:08:25You know, I don't know how I missed that.
00:08:27I will take that.
00:08:29People just send all this to you?
00:08:30Yeah, one of the many perks of being a social media influencer.
00:08:34Oh, these could be useful.
00:08:36Yeah, well, I'm glad someone will use them.
00:08:38Could you imagine me hiking?
00:08:42Okay, so like, what are these crowns?
00:08:44Ancient Greek wedding crowns that supposedly belong to Helen of Troy.
00:08:49Oh, found them.
00:08:50Apparently other people are looking for them too.
00:08:52Oh, look at him, he is hot.
00:08:58He's a treasure hunter.
00:09:00Ancient artifacts are pieces of history that belong in museums.
00:09:03They shouldn't be sold for profit.
00:09:04He is an enemy to archaeology.
00:09:07Girl, that is a bit dramatic.
00:09:09I mean, come on, you can't tell me he's just not, like, a little bit hunky.
00:09:14I thought you were coming over to help me pack.
00:09:16I mean, seriously, okay.
00:09:17Front page, hot, single, young professor teams up with handsome treasure hunters
00:09:23to find Helen of Troy's long-lost crowns.
00:09:26That is clickbait gold.
00:09:28First, I would never team up with him.
00:09:30Second, we don't even know if these crowns are real or not.
00:09:32Which makes it all the more exciting.
00:09:34Trust me, I know what people like.
00:09:36You get paid to tell people what to like.
00:09:38Yeah, well, that's a distinction without a difference.
00:09:42But seriously, if you team up with this handsome treasure hunter and find these crowns,
00:09:47the story goes viral and romance skyrockets.
00:09:50Department is safe, easy peasy.
00:09:52Which part of that is supposed to be easy?
00:09:55This hunky guy.
00:09:59He's so cute.
00:10:01You date him then.
00:10:02I don't think I do.
00:10:20Checking in, Iris Porter.
00:10:21Welcome to Garten of Eros Bed and Breakfast.
00:10:23Thank you.
00:10:24Thank you.
00:10:26Fila de linica.
00:10:29Well, let me show you to your rooms.
00:10:31This way, please.
00:10:49He's really got the better of you this time, huh?
00:10:50Finally found out what I can't do in heels.
00:10:52Crystal Daniel.
00:10:55So, you must keep this here.
00:10:57Is that an order?
00:10:59I would listen to Xander.
00:11:00He used to be a doctor.
00:11:05As the owner of the Garten of Eros, I sincerely apologize.
00:11:09And I will look into the lobby tiles immediately.
00:11:12Iris, we need to change and get ready for our meeting with Dimitri.
00:11:15Are you able to walk?
00:11:16Um, I'll give it a shot.
00:11:26You're gonna have to go to the meeting without me.
00:11:28I'm sorry.
00:11:29I'll go.
00:11:29Just feel better, okay?
00:11:31Thank you.
00:11:33Good luck.
00:11:37There you go.
00:11:40Keep this here.
00:12:03Mr. Papa Dimitriu?
00:12:05Hi, I'm Skyler Ray.
00:12:07Oh, yes, come.
00:12:09Come, sit.
00:12:09Nice to meet you.
00:12:10Nice to meet you.
00:12:11And, uh, where's Professor Porter?
00:12:14Unfortunately, she had a minor accident and twisted her ankle.
00:12:18She'll be all right.
00:12:19She just, she does need to rest.
00:12:21I'm sorry to hear this.
00:12:22I hope that she recovers quickly.
00:12:24And Iris speaks very highly of you.
00:12:27I've learned a lot from her.
00:12:28She has a knack for saying things that others cannot.
00:12:31Which is why I brought you here on this unusual investigation.
00:12:34Ah, Eric Duncan.
00:12:40You're that treasure hunter.
00:12:42Oh, I prefer explorer, field director, local liaison.
00:12:46Eric, this is Professor Skyler Ray, one of the archaeologists at Duke University.
00:12:51Dimitri, you didn't mention you'd be working with anyone else?
00:12:53It's not like I need supervision.
00:12:55Well, actually, that is what you need because you're not a trained archaeologist.
00:12:59How do you expect to find anything when you've barely stepped foot outside a classroom?
00:13:03Does Boots know?
00:13:05When I find these crowns, it'll be because I followed the signs.
00:13:08Enough, okay?
00:13:10You'll both find the crowns because you'll be working together.
00:13:15With your scientific education and with your existing knowledge of the crowns,
00:13:20discovery, it's inevitable.
00:13:24Come, let me show you.
00:13:25This box, which Eric discovered in the ruins of the family estate of Princess Daphne,
00:13:31has been authenticated and dates back to the 10th century.
00:13:36The box contained this.
00:13:39What Eric didn't know is that we found the other half.
00:13:44Any inscriptions in ancient Greek?
00:13:48The key to Helen's crowns lies in catastrophe.
00:13:52Helen's crowns lies in catastrophe.
00:13:56We believe that this proves that the crowns really exist
00:14:00and someone went to great lengths to hide them.
00:14:03They just need to be found.
00:14:06That's where you two come in.
00:14:09Mrs. Rieu, I'm here if you need anything else.
00:14:12Good luck.
00:14:18Okay, so we should probably get everything organized,
00:14:20go through everything we have.
00:14:22I know a spot next to the hotel, the Argosoli Beach Club.
00:14:25How about a drink?
00:14:27Oh, I'm not getting on that thing.
00:14:29This thing is the best way to get around the island.
00:14:32But I get it, I'd be scared too if I never found anything exciting in my life either.
00:14:35I'm not scared, I just don't trust you.
00:14:38Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
00:14:40I think I'll walk.
00:14:58Oh, hey girl.
00:14:58Whoa, what is going on?
00:15:00Why are you so sweaty?
00:15:02You're making me work with that treasure hunter.
00:15:04Oh, I'm telling you, this is how it begins.
00:15:06Young, hot, single professor.
00:15:09No, this is my job, not a romance novel.
00:15:11Okay, so working with him goes against your morals or whatever.
00:15:14But you need to try something at this point.
00:15:16Time is not on our side, that's for sure.
00:15:19Guy, what's the worst that can happen?
00:15:23I guess we'll see.
00:15:37You made it.
00:15:39You must be exhausted.
00:15:42No, thank you, I'm not really an olive person.
00:15:46He's a coaster.
00:15:47Hey, I wasn't done with that.
00:15:50Clearly this situation isn't ideal, but Dimitri wants us to work together, so...
00:15:53You were a teacher's pep, weren't you?
00:15:57All right, treasure hunter, what would you do next?
00:15:59So, we know these crowns were last in the hands of Princess Daphne sometime around...
00:16:04The 10th century.
00:16:05We know she loved the ocean and this island because she could see the water from every
00:16:09room in her palace.
00:16:10How do you know that?
00:16:12And did you notice the shell on the lid of the box?
00:16:15I have a hunch that if she hid the crown somewhere, it would be the beach.
00:16:19So, your plan is?
00:16:21Start there, the beaches.
00:16:24Okay, which beach?
00:16:26Let's start with these two.
00:16:31There, because according to these two men and local legend,
00:16:34there are ancient treasures buried there.
00:16:37So, your plan is based off the word of two random men and a bottle of ouzo?
00:16:42Okay, professor, what would you do?
00:16:45Look at the evidence we have in hand.
00:16:48The inscription must be a clue.
00:16:51We can decipher that.
00:16:51We can figure out where.
00:17:04Goes that way.
00:17:10How about this?
00:17:12We work on this for one day.
00:17:14We don't find anything together.
00:17:15We go our separate ways.
00:17:19But I'm taking all this stuff.
00:17:21Methodology works for a reason.
00:17:23All right.
00:17:25May the best man win.
00:17:34Well, I reviewed everything we have last night.
00:17:36I went over every tiny piece of evidence we have.
00:17:39And we definitely have our work cut out for us.
00:17:42There is worse ways to spend your summer.
00:17:44Look at me.
00:17:49Well, you look better to me.
00:17:51Come on, Xander, this is too much.
00:17:54Well, this is a bed and breakfast, no?
00:17:56Thank you again for letting us set up in the business center.
00:17:59Of course, no problem.
00:18:00Because nobody really uses it.
00:18:02Because people come to Kefalonia to enjoy the water.
00:18:06Enjoy the people.
00:18:07The beaches.
00:18:09Not to work.
00:18:12To relax.
00:18:18These men are gonna drive us crazy here.
00:18:20All right, well, I'm off.
00:18:22Good luck.
00:18:23Thank you.
00:18:24Enjoy your breakfast.
00:18:26Doctor's orders.
00:18:27Wow, did you even sleep last night?
00:18:30When starting on an archaeological investigation,
00:18:33there must be a consensus about where to start.
00:18:35A clear objective.
00:18:37I listen to my gut.
00:18:39Well, we're trying to find an ancient artifact,
00:18:41not decide what to order for dinner.
00:18:44I also talk to people.
00:18:46Listen to the locals, the legends, the stories.
00:18:48You asked how I know so much about the Princess Daphne?
00:18:50Well, that's how I know.
00:18:51I'm a good listener.
00:18:52I'm a good listener.
00:18:54I'm a good listener.
00:18:54I'm a good listener.
00:18:56Well, that's how.
00:18:58We should start with the beaches.
00:18:59Well, we don't have time to search random beaches
00:19:01based on legends and hunches.
00:19:03I went over the inscription on the medallion last night.
00:19:05It says, the key to Helen's crowns lies in catastrophe.
00:19:09The Greek word for catastrophe can also mean ruin.
00:19:11That's where we should start.
00:19:13All right.
00:19:18Which ruin?
00:19:19Glad you asked.
00:19:20These three are off limits to the public,
00:19:23which would have protected them from pillagers or tourists
00:19:25who would have found anything of value by now.
00:19:27You've already excavated the Princess Daphne's ruins.
00:19:30And that leads to...
00:19:32I just had to come up with a link back to Helen of Troy.
00:19:35There's nothing specific to Helen on this island, though.
00:19:38But there is to the god Poseidon.
00:19:40Poseidon's temple ruins.
00:19:41That's where we start.
00:19:46Zeus was Poseidon's brother.
00:19:50And Zeus was supposedly Helen of Troy's father?
00:19:53That's the closest link you can think of.
00:19:57Well, Poseidon was the god of the ocean.
00:20:00You said it yourself, Princess Daphne loved the sea.
00:20:02It's the simplest connection.
00:20:05We'll play it your way this time.
00:20:17Thank you.
00:20:21Yeah, it goes...
00:20:48Take a left turn when the sign said right
00:20:50What if?
00:20:51You were holding the wheel
00:20:56You won't say whatever
00:20:58Things could be better
00:21:00Imagine what if
00:21:04The world goes forever
00:21:07We'll drive it together
00:21:10Imagine what if
00:21:13What if?
00:21:14So you really think there's something in these ruins?
00:21:21There's only one way to find out.
00:21:23We're gonna have to dig a little deeper.
00:21:44Think of all of the history right where we're standing
00:21:52It's amazing, isn't it?
00:21:59All right, we'll start over there.
00:22:14What are you doing here?
00:22:16Oh, you scared me.
00:22:18You know what you should be doing, yes?
00:22:19I know, I know, resting.
00:22:22What I should be doing is out there helping Skylar.
00:22:25I mean, that's why I'm here.
00:22:27Yes, I understand.
00:22:29There is an old Greek proverb
00:22:35Which means the unripe grape will soon become like honey
00:22:41Slowly, good things.
00:22:43They take time.
00:22:48Well, this isn't exactly the welcome back into the field that this grape was hoping for but um
00:22:54I'll take it.
00:23:07There's nothing here.
00:23:13This place has to have been excavated multiple times.
00:23:16It hasn't been since the earthquake in 1953.
00:23:18So it's possible something shifted.
00:23:20Just keep looking.
00:23:30What is that?
00:23:33Come on, step up.
00:23:35Keep moving.
00:23:37One, two, three.
00:23:43I got it.
00:23:45I got it.
00:23:47I got it.
00:23:49I got it.
00:23:51I got it.
00:23:53I got it.
00:23:55I got it.
00:23:57I got it.
00:23:59I got it.
00:24:01I got it.
00:24:03You good?
00:24:15It's in Greek.
00:24:17You're gonna have to translate.
00:24:27What does it say?
00:24:31Beware the curse.
00:24:33Any who dare open this box are doomed.
00:24:39I'm messing with you.
00:24:41It's just a bunch of letters.
00:24:43You crack the code, the box opens.
00:24:47What do you say?
00:24:49You wanna work together for one more day?
00:24:53Alright, that's a yes.
00:25:13It has to be something simple.
00:25:15It's just five letters.
00:25:17Something here must be a spell.
00:25:21The simplest explanation is usually the correct one.
00:25:25It has to be something relating to
00:25:27Helena Troyer and Princess Daphne.
00:25:35Helen is five letters.
00:25:37The Greek spelling
00:25:39of Helen.
00:25:51Of course.
00:25:55Five letters.
00:26:07It worked!
00:26:29What is it?
00:26:31I don't know.
00:26:33We should get this back to the hotel.
00:26:35Log it with the rest of the evidence.
00:26:45Where are you going?
00:26:47I gotta hunch.
00:26:49Hunches don't play a role in archaeology.
00:26:51Why can't you just trust me?
00:26:55You coming?
00:27:15Eric. Skyler.
00:27:17How's everything going?
00:27:19We found something, but...
00:27:23He has a hunch.
00:27:31May I?
00:27:39We found
00:27:41this puzzle box.
00:27:43Thank you.
00:27:45Much contained.
00:27:55Notice anything?
00:27:59The topography of the coastline.
00:28:01It looks like it could lead this area.
00:28:05And where do all of the lines
00:28:07seem to be leading?
00:28:09The Acropolis of Ancient Siam.
00:28:15Yeah, maybe.
00:28:17There's gotta be something there.
00:28:19X marks the spot.
00:28:21X marks the spot.
00:28:25Oh, thank you.
00:28:35Well, I knew you would find me eventually.
00:28:37Well, it is my job
00:28:39to locate ancient treasures.
00:28:43Thanks for the crutches.
00:28:45Of course. You should not keep still.
00:28:47I had to think of another solution.
00:28:49There you go. Okay.
00:28:53It is so peaceful here.
00:28:55Yes, it is.
00:28:57You know, in another life
00:28:59I worked for an organization that used to provide
00:29:01medical care for people
00:29:03in war zones.
00:29:05I sustained an injury to my hand and
00:29:07well, I did not let it heal correctly
00:29:09because I did not want to stop working.
00:29:11But eventually they forced me to quit.
00:29:13Of course.
00:29:15And that is when I fell in love with the kitchen
00:29:17and the gardening.
00:29:19And very good therapy for my hands.
00:29:21Well, now it makes sense
00:29:23why you're so strict.
00:29:25Well, if you let the body heal
00:29:27it will heal you in return.
00:29:29How do you always know the perfect thing to say?
00:29:33Well, actually, Delia says
00:29:35it's one of my most annoying characteristics, but...
00:29:39Can I help?
00:29:41I mean, I'm stuck here.
00:29:43Might as well make myself useful.
00:29:45Mind getting your hands dirty, of course.
00:29:47Mind? Are you kidding? That's my job.
00:29:49That's the best part of my job.
00:29:51Getting your hands dirty.
00:29:53Being in the thick of the action.
00:29:55But I'm sure I don't have to tell you.
00:29:57I'm sure you've seen a lot of
00:29:59action and adventure, huh?
00:30:01Actually, I've come to realize
00:30:03that adventure is a relative term.
00:30:16There was nothing at the Acropolis, Eric.
00:30:18He can just admit you were wrong.
00:30:20It is trying to tell me something.
00:30:22I can feel it.
00:30:24I just don't think this is a traditional map.
00:30:26I don't know what that means.
00:30:28We normally think of a map
00:30:30in a two-dimensional sense.
00:30:32But there are multiple layers to this paper.
00:30:34I think we need to be thinking
00:30:36about this image in the three-dimensional sense.
00:30:38Okay, you're talking in riddles now.
00:30:40What does that mean?
00:30:42I don't know yet.
00:30:44If you have any ideas,
00:30:46I am all ears.
00:30:48I think we should go back to the books.
00:30:50Check the history again.
00:30:52We might have missed something.
00:30:54I just know there's something
00:30:56different about this map.
00:31:02We need to run.
00:31:08Eric, what is going on?
00:31:10You didn't see that guy following us?
00:31:13Do you think someone is following us?
00:31:21We got to jump.
00:31:23Are you crazy?
00:31:36Are you okay?
00:31:38You know, as I was falling,
00:31:40I was looking up at you,
00:31:42my life flashing before my eyes.
00:31:44You're fine.
00:31:46Yeah, I'll just climb up myself.
00:31:54So, you think someone was following us?
00:31:58Or why?
00:32:00Someone who knows what we're looking for
00:32:02and wants it just as badly.
00:32:04I saw him earlier in the library.
00:32:06He was definitely the same guy.
00:32:08We should assume
00:32:10we're being watched from now on.
00:32:16We should probably be more careful then.
00:32:22I think I'm good.
00:32:24The map.
00:32:38It looks like half the image is gone.
00:32:40I'm sorry.
00:32:42You know, this might be one more discovery feather
00:32:44in your cap, Eric,
00:32:46but for me, this is really important.
00:32:48Maybe if you would think for a second
00:32:50before literally jumping off the lift.
00:32:52If you don't remember, you kind of knocked me in.
00:32:56It was a mistake.
00:32:58You're right.
00:33:00This was a mistake.
00:33:30I need an update, Eric.
00:33:32Meet me tomorrow morning.
00:33:34I told you this was a bad idea.
00:33:36So this is the map from the puzzle box?
00:33:38Yes, but it's ruined.
00:33:40Did you take a picture of it?
00:33:42Make a copy?
00:33:44How could I have made such a rookie mistake?
00:33:46We all make mistakes.
00:33:48Listen, why don't you leave this with me
00:33:50and I'll see if I can't work some magic, okay?
00:33:52Thank you.
00:33:54You're welcome.
00:34:06Please, make yourself comfortable.
00:34:10So, tell me,
00:34:12how close are we?
00:34:14Things are going well.
00:34:16We found some more evidence.
00:34:18What have you found?
00:34:20A puzzle box.
00:34:22Were you able to get it open?
00:34:24Was there anything inside?
00:34:26A map.
00:34:28You found a treasure map
00:34:30inside of a puzzle box?
00:34:32Well, we had an unfortunate accident.
00:34:36It got ruined when...
00:34:38It got ruined.
00:34:44You do realize
00:34:46there's more chatter about this around now.
00:34:48More people know of the crowns,
00:34:50which means
00:34:52more people are on the ground.
00:34:54There's at least one here already.
00:34:56He's following us.
00:34:58Then find the crowns quickly, Eric.
00:35:00If they should fall into the wrong hands,
00:35:02they could remain lost
00:35:06I won't let you down.
00:35:12I'm in.
00:35:16You've been
00:35:18working hard all morning, so I thought
00:35:20maybe you could use some sustenance.
00:35:22Thank you.
00:35:24The coffee is strong, but I am sure
00:35:26you can handle that.
00:35:28I appreciate it.
00:35:30I, um...
00:35:32I want to cook you something special
00:35:34for dinner tonight.
00:35:36I would like to bring Kefalonia
00:35:38to you.
00:35:42Eight o'clock?
00:35:44I won't be late.
00:35:52So you haven't missed us.
00:35:54Big deal. You'll find the answers.
00:35:56I know you will.
00:35:58I'm jealous. It sounds so romantic.
00:36:00Running through the forest, escaping
00:36:02danger with a handsome treasure hunter.
00:36:04Trust me, there is nothing romantic
00:36:06about this situation.
00:36:08Uh-huh. What color are his eyes?
00:36:10Sky blue. Why?
00:36:12No reason.
00:36:14Hang on a second.
00:36:22Come in. I have to go. Eric's here.
00:36:24Can I talk to him? Just for a second.
00:36:26I promise.
00:36:28What's up?
00:36:30I wanted to say sorry
00:36:32about yesterday, the map,
00:36:36Thank you.
00:36:38And look, you clearly know what you're doing.
00:36:40So if you want to go your own way,
00:36:42I totally understand.
00:36:46You know it's not entirely your fault
00:36:48that we're in this mess.
00:36:50I didn't take a photo of the map
00:36:52so you might have gotten it wet
00:36:54but I didn't document it.
00:36:56So we're both human.
00:36:58Imagine that.
00:37:08Do you want to keep working together?
00:37:10I don't know. Want is a strong word.
00:37:14Honestly, though,
00:37:16I'm kind of at a loss, so
00:37:18if you've got any hunches,
00:37:20now would be the time.
00:37:22I know exactly what we need to do.
00:37:24Oh, great.
00:37:26Should I change? No, you're perfect.
00:37:28I mean,
00:37:32no, you don't have to change.
00:37:42This was your bright idea?
00:37:44Walking clears my head.
00:37:48Have a little faith.
00:37:50Let me do that.
00:37:52Do what?
00:37:54Just have faith that it'll all work out.
00:37:56I guess whatever happens is
00:37:58meant to be.
00:38:04How about a game?
00:38:06Truth or dare?
00:38:08What? No.
00:38:12Yeah, go first.
00:38:14Ask me anything, I'll tell you the truth.
00:38:18Why treasure hunting?
00:38:20I grew up in a small town.
00:38:22Just me and my dad and my three younger siblings.
00:38:24And I always dreamed
00:38:26of being an archaeologist.
00:38:28To travel the world,
00:38:30uncovering ancient artifacts.
00:38:32But it's the oldest dad
00:38:34responsibility to know.
00:38:36So when I wasn't working,
00:38:38I was reading and learning all that I could.
00:38:40You wanted to be an archaeologist?
00:38:42Yeah, ever since I was a little kid.
00:38:44It seemed like pure magic to me.
00:38:46That literally right beneath our feet
00:38:48are actual treasures.
00:38:50History, a way to
00:38:52hold the past in your hands.
00:38:56So what?
00:38:58I feel the same way.
00:39:00I might not have a fancy degree hanging on my wall,
00:39:02but I've always learned best by doing.
00:39:04Sometimes you just gotta get your hands
00:39:06a little dirty.
00:39:08You know, I have that fancy degree.
00:39:10My whole life has been
00:39:12study hard, graduate with honors,
00:39:14get a job.
00:39:16And yet here we both are, searching for the same thing.
00:39:20Imagine that.
00:39:24Your turn.
00:39:28Okay, I don't think you know how truth or dare works.
00:39:30I get to choose whether it's truth or...
00:39:38Try the olive.
00:39:40This is a real Greek olive.
00:39:42It's unlike anything you've ever had before.
00:39:44Trust me.
00:39:58You were gonna say I told you so, weren't you?
00:40:02Okay, my turn.
00:40:04So good.
00:40:10Sometimes when I look around
00:40:12and see
00:40:18What once was my prize
00:40:20is now not enough for me
00:40:26Did it all die
00:40:28or is there nothing to chase?
00:40:32It's like I'm stuck in the middle of a stretch
00:40:34and my body can't get back to its place
00:40:36It hurts like ooh
00:40:44And now I don't recognize
00:40:46what I see
00:40:52Don't know where I'm headed
00:40:54but I know who's in front of me
00:41:00You are a man of many talents.
00:41:02Thank you.
00:41:04Thank you.
00:41:06And wow, you look wonderful.
00:41:08Thank you.
00:41:10Please, sit.
00:41:16There you go.
00:41:18Now, because you have been working all day
00:41:20now it is time for your medication.
00:41:24Okay, so the ancient Greeks
00:41:26they believed that food had healing power.
00:41:28And here in Catalonia
00:41:30we are known for olive oil
00:41:32and its anti-inflammatory properties.
00:41:34Ooh, anti-inflammatory.
00:41:36That's hot.
00:41:48I wish all medicine was this delicious.
00:41:52Now, I've also heard
00:41:54that the ancient Greeks believed
00:41:56that wine had healing properties as well.
00:41:58Well, indeed they did.
00:42:02You must.
00:42:04You must.
00:42:08Ah, that's just what the doctor ordered.
00:42:10What is that?
00:42:12Oh, this is just a clue
00:42:14to where the crowns might be
00:42:16but we really don't know what to make of it.
00:42:18Maybe I can help?
00:42:20Xander, you made this lovely dinner.
00:42:22I don't want to talk about...
00:42:24Stop, stop, stop. Stop, please.
00:42:26If you're going to be stuck here
00:42:28maybe I can make myself useful. Yes?
00:42:30Thank you.
00:42:32So, please
00:42:34as we say in Greece
00:42:36we'll assemble. What's that?
00:42:38Talk to me.
00:42:42Everything we've found so far
00:42:44connects to Princess Daphne.
00:42:46You said she never married? Never.
00:42:48It was rumored that she loved the man
00:42:50beneath her station but her family
00:42:52forgave her marriage. What happened to him?
00:42:54It's lost history.
00:42:56But one of the locals told me
00:42:58that legend says that
00:43:00the two of them would meet together in secret on this island.
00:43:02It was the only place
00:43:04that they could be together.
00:43:06Can you imagine a love that strong?
00:43:08That you'll find a way to be together
00:43:10no matter what?
00:43:12The kind of love everyone wishes for.
00:43:14I mean, obviously without the
00:43:16you're forbidden to see each other or marry part.
00:43:26So, any brilliant ideas?
00:43:32so many places I can barely
00:43:34make it out but then again maybe I'm just
00:43:36losing my eyesight.
00:43:38You know
00:43:40gentle steam is a great way to smooth
00:43:42out antique maps
00:43:44without damaging them.
00:43:46You just want to
00:43:48hold the map
00:43:50right above the steam
00:43:52where it starts dissipating
00:43:54without getting any more liquid on it.
00:44:00Okay, that
00:44:02is not expected.
00:44:08And my youngest sister
00:44:12she's the feisty one.
00:44:17You're not the feisty one.
00:44:21Last one.
00:44:23How dare you.
00:44:55You're going to have to coach me.
00:44:57I don't know what I'm doing.
00:46:14You won't uncover
00:46:16what you seek.
00:46:20You trust this.
00:46:22But you must learn to trust this.
00:46:24I don't understand.
00:46:26Only then
00:46:28you will uncover what you seek.
00:46:39Oh, where did he go?
00:46:40Are you okay?
00:46:45Iris thinks she's got something.
00:46:49It's a cave.
00:46:50How did this happen?
00:46:52Invisible ink revealed using gentle steam.
00:46:55It's amazing.
00:46:56Actually, there is a hidden cave on the other side of the island.
00:47:01Not many people know about it, but I do.
00:47:05Being stuck with me is not so bad, yes?
00:47:08It's worth a shot, right?
00:47:10Honey, first thing tomorrow, you two may be the first to lay eyes on those crowns and overrule any.
00:47:28I can see why Princess Daphne loved it here.
00:47:31On a night like this, you can almost imagine what it was like a thousand years ago.
00:47:35What if we don't find them?
00:47:38What are you talking about?
00:47:39I'm serious.
00:47:41There's a lot relying on this one potentially impossible discovery, and it's a lot of pressure, and I don't think you realize...
00:47:46Hey, hey, hey.
00:47:47We are going to find them, alright?
00:47:50And if we don't tomorrow, we'll keep going until we do.
00:47:53Nothing is impossible if we work together, okay?
00:47:57Yeah, you're right.
00:48:02I'm sorry.
00:48:04What was that?
00:48:06You're right.
00:48:21I should get some rest.
00:48:22Yeah, me too.
00:48:24Good night, Eric.
00:48:31Good morning.
00:48:57Good morning.
00:49:02I have a good feeling about today.
00:49:08Come on, what are you waiting for?
00:49:17It's okay.
00:49:20It looks like the swelling is gone now. This is very, very good.
00:49:23I think we can remove the bandage.
00:49:26Good, because I'd love to be back on my feet again before we head back to the university.
00:49:33Well, if they find the crowns today, and once we get everything settled, then yeah, I guess we'll be heading back.
00:49:39I see.
00:49:46What is it?
00:49:48I don't know.
00:49:50I've had a lot of time to think while I've been here, and there's not much else to do but think.
00:49:55And enjoy the view.
00:49:56Pondering what's next?
00:50:02I think I'm ready for a new chapter.
00:50:05That sounds intriguing.
00:50:07Not sure what it is yet, but at least I know I'm ready for it.
00:50:12Maybe you'll find it somewhere where you least expect it.
00:50:16Patience, remember.
00:50:18Are you telling me to be a patient patient?
00:50:21Maybe I am.
00:50:22Are you telling me to be a patient patient?
00:50:24Maybe I am.
00:50:53It's over here, right?
00:50:55Seems like a good omen, right?
00:51:22It's incredible down here.
00:52:15Do you see that?
00:52:27There's something under the rock.
00:52:31I'll lift this so you can grab whatever that is.
00:52:53Yeah, they're fake.
00:52:57They're just modern replicas.
00:53:00That can't be.
00:53:02I'm gonna go for a walk.
00:53:04I need to clear my head.
00:53:53Iris, hey, I think I...
00:53:57What's wrong?
00:53:59When were you going to tell me about the fakes?
00:54:03How do you know...
00:54:04That man, the one you said had been following you, came to see me.
00:54:09He was going to leak the story.
00:54:12I'm not gonna let that happen.
00:54:14I'm not gonna let that happen.
00:54:16I'm not gonna let that happen.
00:54:18I'm not gonna let that happen.
00:54:19He came to see me.
00:54:20He was going to leak the story to humiliate me.
00:54:25I had no choice.
00:54:27What did you do?
00:54:29Helen of Troy's crowns.
00:54:31A treasure over a millennia old, or an archaeological hoax?
00:54:34What is this?
00:54:35Honey, someone leaked the story to the press.
00:54:37And unfortunately, it doesn't paint a very flattering picture of us.
00:54:41What's worse is the Dean saw it, and the board is now moving the meeting up
00:54:44to vote on shutting down the archaeology department.
00:54:48You paid him off?
00:54:49He was going to leak the story, either with our names or without.
00:54:53What about Skyler?
00:54:55My apologies to your associate.
00:54:58I am going to inform Dimitri that I will be leaving Kefalonius.
00:55:02I suggest you do the same.
00:55:09I did say it was gonna take a miracle.
00:55:11Well, what's going to take a miracle now is for someone to hire me after this article.
00:55:14Oh, no, no, honey.
00:55:15You are going to brush yourself off and move forward.
00:55:17You're going to land on your feet and find your next adventure.
00:55:20I promise you.
00:55:41Mrs. Ray.
00:55:42Mrs. Ray.
00:55:43Mr. Duncan left something for you.
00:55:45Oh, he did?
00:55:48There you go.
00:55:49Thank you, Delia.
00:55:51I was sure you'd find them.
00:55:53You were?
00:55:54But whatever happens is meant to be.
00:56:10How do you do that?
00:56:12Have faith that it'll all work out.
00:56:15I guess whatever happens is meant to be.
00:56:25Hey, it's Eric.
00:56:26Sorry I missed you.
00:56:27Leave me a message.
00:56:29Eric, hey.
00:56:30Delia gave me the stuff you left for me and now you're not answering your phone,
00:56:35so I assume that means you're giving up.
00:56:38But we have to keep looking.
00:56:39We're getting close.
00:56:40I can feel it.
00:56:42Come on.
00:56:43Our adventure isn't finished yet.
00:56:45If you're in, meet me at the waterfront.
00:56:50You finished?
00:56:56I'm not finished.
00:57:06I thought for sure you'd be packing up by now.
00:57:09Probably should be.
00:57:13My department's being shut down after this article came out.
00:57:23I'm sorry, Skye.
00:57:26You told me whatever happens is meant to be, right?
00:57:29Sometimes you have to make things happen for yourself.
00:57:31This is too important.
00:57:33If these crowns are real and we find them, it could change everything.
00:57:37We could change history.
00:57:40Come on.
00:57:42Now is not the time to throw in the trowel.
00:57:49You know, like the little shovels used by archaeologists.
00:57:52Oh, I get it.
00:58:00So let's get to work.
00:58:13You're walking so much better now.
00:58:15Thank you. Yeah, it feels so much better.
00:58:18Xander really knows what he's doing.
00:58:20You will be leaving us soon, correct?
00:58:22Unfortunately, yeah.
00:58:24Or you will be missed around here.
00:58:29What if we went all the way back to the box?
00:58:31Your first discovery.
00:58:34All that was in there was that half a medallion.
00:58:36A depiction of Han of Troy.
00:58:40What's that?
00:58:43I don't know. I've never noticed that before.
00:58:49Where are you going?
00:58:51I have a hunch.
00:58:54You coming?
00:59:09Oh, hey.
00:59:11It's nice to see you on your feet again.
00:59:14Well, I wouldn't be so soon if it hadn't been for you.
00:59:17It's all part of the service.
00:59:19Turns out it's not so bad being taken care of by a handsome man.
00:59:22Handsome? Whoa, wait a minute. What happened to the ancient treasure?
00:59:26Well, the treasure part is true.
00:59:28I'll take it.
00:59:31And I would have never realized that I wanted something different
00:59:33if I hadn't been forced to relax.
00:59:35So, have you figured out your next chapter?
00:59:39Yeah, I have.
00:59:41And, um, it's unexpected.
00:59:46But it was definitely worth the wait.
00:59:55Shall I just take the door off its hinges?
00:59:57Sorry to barge in, but we really need to see the box from Princess Daphne's Ruins.
01:00:01Yeah, sure. I was about to package this up to send it to Athens, so you're just in time.
01:00:09May I ask what it is that you think you're looking for?
01:00:18The interior of the box is shallower than the exterior would imply.
01:00:22Why is that?
01:00:38It's beautiful, but it doesn't tell us anything about where the crowns are.
01:00:42Now who's skeptical?
01:00:52We reviewed everything. The history, the mythology, the physical evidence.
01:00:57I'll be right back.
01:01:20What are you?
01:01:27OMG, did you see this article?
01:01:33Yeah, I saw it.
01:01:45I can't believe Eric wasn't mentioned. How did he manage that?
01:01:57Hey, Delia. Have you seen Eric?
01:01:59Yeah, yeah, he went outside. I think it was Phoenix Hall.
01:02:02Okay, thank you.
01:02:04Word on the street is...
01:02:27I don't know what this is yet, but we are onto something.
01:02:38Hey, do you need a hand?
01:02:39They're working together.
01:02:42I should have known.
01:02:44Skylar, what are you talking about?
01:02:45I just caught Eric talking with the same man I saw with the guy who's been following us.
01:02:48Wait, what?
01:02:49He must be their benefactor or something.
01:02:53This must have been his plan all along.
01:02:54To use us to find the crowns and then sell them to some rich art collector.
01:02:57Wait, wait, wait. Are you sure?
01:03:00Did you notice anything about that article?
01:03:03Eric isn't mentioned.
01:03:05It's only logical that he leaked the story.
01:03:08I can't believe I trusted him.
01:03:23What's going on?
01:03:25I don't know. Why don't you tell me?
01:03:41I just don't think this is a traditional map.
01:03:45But there are more than one way to get to the crowns.
01:03:48I don't know.
01:03:50But there are multiple layers to this paper.
01:03:55I think we need to be thinking about this image in the three-dimensional sense.
01:03:59No way.
01:04:06Slow down, okay? We can't afford any more sprained ankles here.
01:04:11I know where the crowns are.
01:04:23Okay, I can do this.
01:04:35Skylar left already.
01:04:38Where did she go?
01:04:40She said she knows where the crowns are and she took care of my bed.
01:04:46We thought you knew.
01:04:47We thought you knew.
01:04:53Come on, level drive.
01:05:14I talked to Iris. She got it all wrong.
01:05:18Charles is my boss, and yes, he is a very rich man, but we were never working with that other treasure hunter.
01:05:24Then why was he?
01:05:25He planted the fake crowns and tried to use that failure to get Charles to hire him over me.
01:05:30But Charles said no.
01:05:34And what about the article?
01:05:36Charles paid him to keep our names out of it.
01:05:38His name and his reputation are everything to him.
01:05:41He is really not a bad guy.
01:05:43Charles funded this whole operation. He wants us to find them.
01:05:48And the crowns will stay here? In Greece? In a museum?
01:05:51They were never going anywhere else.
01:06:00So, come on. Don't keep me in suspense. You think they're here?
01:06:06Our first day working together, you told me that Princess Daphne loved the beach,
01:06:10by the water where she felt the most at peace.
01:06:12I remember.
01:06:13And the box you found, with a seashell carved into the lid.
01:06:16All the evidence kept pointing to the sea, and I kept wanting to dig into the dirt.
01:06:21Well, time changes things.
01:06:27Stop being so mysterious.
01:06:31Your gut kept saying they were here.
01:06:36you were right.
01:06:38The sea glass revealed a name.
01:06:43This beach.
01:06:45They're here.
01:06:47Are you sure?
01:06:49We're just gonna have to have faith.
01:07:38You good?
01:07:41Do you think this is where they would meet?
01:07:43Princess Daphne and her true love?
01:07:45It's certainly the place for it.
01:08:16There's another one over here.
01:08:21There's something back here.
01:08:37I'm so sorry.
01:08:50I'm so glad I was here.
01:08:52I love you.
01:08:53So much.
01:09:07I'm so glad I was here.
01:09:20I'm so glad I was here.
01:09:36I have a feeling that you two may have just changed the course of history.
01:09:45As far as I can tell, they're authentic.
01:09:49You're sure?
01:09:50You're sure?
01:09:51We did it.
01:09:57Check again.
01:09:59It is this kind of care and reverence for our culture that makes us admire you both so much.
01:10:04I couldn't have done it.
01:10:08The Society would like to offer you and your university a partnership.
01:10:13Your students will have full access to our resources and all that the Columbia has to offer.
01:10:20Thank you, Dimitri.
01:10:21I should like to make a generous endowment to your university
01:10:25to fund future research opportunities.
01:10:27I don't know what to say.
01:10:29And Eric, we hope that you'll be here to spearhead all of the efforts.
01:10:35This is only the beginning of what we can discover together.
01:10:50Hey, you almost ready?
01:10:52Hey, you almost ready?
01:10:54Just about.
01:10:55I'm just finishing packing.
01:10:56Some baklava for me and Xander.
01:10:58You and Xander?
01:11:00Thank you.
01:11:01So I just got off the phone with the dean.
01:11:04They are overwhelmed at your dedication to keeping the department running.
01:11:08You took a huge leap of faith and it paid off.
01:11:11Now it's time for me to do the same.
01:11:16I'm staying.
01:11:18It's time for my next adventure.
01:11:21That's great.
01:11:23I'm so happy for you.
01:11:24Thank you.
01:11:29Can I talk to you for a second?
01:11:50I'm really going to miss this place.
01:11:53Sounds like we'll be working together again soon, though.
01:11:56That's true.
01:11:57I'll be back soon.
01:12:02I'll miss your crazy driving.
01:12:06And I guess I'll miss your lame archaeology books.
01:12:10Now I've got a real bone to pick with you.
01:12:17Until our next adventure.
01:13:03And so, these 3,000-year-old crowns that were thought to be a myth
01:13:08are now on display on Cephalonia.
01:13:11In order to find success in archaeology,
01:13:13you must remember that logic can only take you so far.
01:13:16We search for facts, yes.
01:13:18But facts can change as new discoveries are made.
01:13:21We study the past, yes.
01:13:24But the past can also change.
01:13:26And so, I'm going to tell you a story.
01:13:29The past, yes.
01:13:31But the past can also help inform our future.
01:13:34Keep an open mind.
01:13:37And an open heart.
01:13:39Because you never know what you might discover.
01:13:42Before we go, does anyone have any questions?
01:13:45I have a question.
01:13:52What are you doing here?
01:13:54I had a gut feeling from the moment I first met you.
01:13:57I decided to think about things logically,
01:14:00and I came up with a list of all the reasons we should be together.
01:14:05Number one,
01:14:07I am incredibly handsome.
01:14:11Number two,
01:14:12you drive me absolutely crazy.
01:14:15I thought these were reasons we should be together.
01:14:18You drive me crazy because you challenge me to be better,
01:14:21and together we make a pretty incredible team.
01:14:25Number three,
01:14:26you talked just now about the past and the future.
01:14:30Well, in our past,
01:14:31we unearthed one of the most magical treasures ever discovered.
01:14:37But I discovered something even better and even more real.
01:14:40And now I know exactly what I want my future to be.
01:14:48I dig you.
01:14:57I thought you said you had a question.
01:15:01Truth or dare?
01:15:22Nice and firm, nice and firm.
01:15:24Nice and firm.
01:15:26There we go.
01:15:28There we go.
01:15:43Thank you.
01:15:44Yamas! Yamas! Yamas! Yamas!
01:15:50Boy, these guys really did drive us crazy, didn't they?
01:15:53Come on, it's almost time for speeches.
01:15:55Oh, I'm ready.
01:15:56Let's go.
01:15:58So, no cards?
01:16:01I'm going with my gut, speaking from the heart.
01:16:04Well, I guess we found it.
01:16:09The love everyone wishes for.
01:16:13It was meant to be.

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