Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Dave E007 A Pirate Adventure

  • il y a 3 mois
00:00C'est Ruff Ruff, Tweet and Dave
00:01What a fun day, here we go
00:04Ruff Ruff, Tweet and Dave
00:05The Spinning Girls take us on another great adventure
00:07Say their names
00:08What a great game!
00:09So play along at home
00:11We are all the Spinning Girls
00:13Who knows what we might find
00:15With Patti the Hamster taking us there
00:17We know we'll have
00:18A magical time
00:19A magical time
00:20Play along at home
00:22Say their names
00:23Here we go, it's Ruff Ruff
00:25Ruff Ruff
00:28And Dave
00:30Ruff Ruff, Tweet and Dave
00:34Yo ho ho!
00:35Ahoy there, shipmates!
00:37All hands on deck!
00:39The seas are stormy today!
00:42I'm Patti the Hamster
00:44With my hat full of questions
00:46Can you say
00:48Like a pirate?
00:51What kind of adventure do you think we'll have today?
00:56Watch and listen to
00:58Ruff Ruff, Tweet and Dave
00:59And see if you can tell
01:01Ruff Ruff Ruff Ruff
01:02Ahoy there, Ruff Ruff!
01:05I forgot where I buried my bone
01:07Oh, you sound like Black Hat
01:09The most forgetful pirate on the seven seas
01:12He forgot where he buried his treasure
01:14Tweet Tweet, treasure?
01:17Wait, don't tell me
01:18I'll find it
01:19Good morning, Hattie
01:22I'm OK
01:23Tweet, the treasure!
01:24I found it!
01:25It's big
01:26And blue
01:27It's me
01:29It's Dave
01:31What adventure are we going on today, Hattie?
01:34Ask the hat
01:35Ask the hat
01:39Today, we're going on
01:41A pirate adventure
01:45A pirate adventure!
01:49We can look for Black Hat's treasure
01:51Great idea
01:52To your rollipods!
02:06All aboard the spin again
02:08For a pirate adventure!
02:24Welcome to Black Hat Island
02:37I'm Long John Dave
02:38The furriest pirate ever
02:41I'm Captain Ruff Ruff
02:43The saltiest pirate ever
02:45Tweet Tweet
02:47I mean
02:49I'm Tweetbeard
02:50The prettiest pirate ever
02:52If you're going to be pirates
02:54You need pirate hats
02:58Ruff Ruff
02:59I want to search for Black Hat's pirate treasure
03:02Maybe it's a chest filled with yummy bananas
03:05No, bones
03:06Captain Ruff Ruff loves bones
03:08Not me
03:09Tweetbeard loves shiny sparkly treasure
03:14Ruff, it could be buried right here
03:16Ruff Ruff Ruff Ruff
03:18Tweet Tweet Tweet
03:19All hidden up there
03:21Avast me hearties
03:23Look what I've found
03:25Is it a banana?
03:26Only joking
03:28Is it though?
03:29I'm hungry
03:30Yo ho ho!
03:31It's Black Hat's treasure map
03:34It'll show you how to find Black Hat's lost treasure
03:36Let me see
03:39This hill here
03:40Looks like that hill there
03:43And this bendy tree here
03:45Looks like that bendy tree there
03:48This is a map of this island
03:50Aye, Captain Ruff Ruff
03:52But what about this big red X?
03:54X is a letter
03:56Is it the start of a secret word?
03:58Yo no no
03:59In pirate adventures
04:00X always marks the spot where the treasure is buried
04:04Ruff Ruff!
04:05So X is where we'll find Black Hat's buried treasure
04:08I get it
04:10This dotted line must be the path we take to get to the treasure
04:14That's right
04:15Where does it start?
04:17Next to this thing
04:19But what is it?
04:23I feel a question coming on
04:25Are you ready to play?
04:27Game time! Game time!
04:31To discover where the path starts
04:33We need to know which thing on the beach looks most like the shape drawn on the map
04:39That seaweed looks like the shape on the map
04:42No, it's those rocks
04:45I think it's the seashell
04:48So me hearties
04:50Who's chosen the thing on the beach that looks most like the shape on the map?
04:54Ruff Ruff says the seaweed
04:56Tweet says the rocks
04:58And Dave says the seashell
05:00Who is right?
05:01Ruff Ruff, Tweet or Dave?
05:06Aye aye! It was Tweet
05:08It looks just like it
05:10Yo ho ho! Let's go go go and find that treasure
05:14Follow me! This way!
05:16Now here's a hatty hint
05:18If you're lost, don't get in a flap
05:21Just look at the map
05:25We go over the bridge
05:27Over the bridge!
05:29We go past the banana tree
05:31Past the banana tree!
05:34Now we go past the rock pool
05:36Past the rock pool!
05:40Smells crabby
05:42Ruff Ruff Ruff!
05:45So where are we Long John Dave?
05:47We're absolutely positively here
05:51Or here
05:52No, we're here!
05:53No we're not, we're here!
05:56I feel a question coming on
05:58So let's play!
06:00Game time! Game time!
06:05We need to find out how far along the path we've come
06:08So the question is, what was the last thing we passed along the way?
06:12I think it was the rock pool
06:14Was it the bridge?
06:15I know it was the banana tree
06:17Mmmm bananas
06:20Right! Ruff Ruff says the rock pool
06:22Tweet says the bridge
06:24And Dave says the banana tree
06:26Who is right?
06:28Ruff Ruff, Tweet or Dave?
06:33Aye, you're right! It's Ruff Ruff!
06:36Ruff Ruff!
06:37You're great at remembering Captain Ruff Ruff
06:39So that means we're here
06:42And we just have to go past these trees
06:44And we'll be at the treasure
06:46Yes! Hooray!
06:49Why are my fellow pirates dash away?
06:51I've got a pirate trick to play
06:53Shh! Don't tell Ruff Ruff, Tweet and Dave
06:57The map says we should be at the red X any second now
07:07Look! We found the red X
07:09Just like on the map
07:11And it's on its treasure chest
07:18Are you ready to play a game pirate style?
07:22Game time! Game time!
07:24You can only come on board if you answer this question
07:27Who am I?
07:29You're the crab
07:30You're Black Hat the pirate
07:32You're Hattie the hamster pirate
07:35Who has guessed who I am?
07:37Is it Ruff Ruff, Tweet or Dave?
07:42Shiver me timbers! Dave is right!
07:47It's me, Hattie the hamster
07:50I knew because I saw the bubbles on the ship
07:53I had a blue panda idea that bubbles mean Hattie's hat
07:57Ahar! Come aboard shipmates
08:00I made up Black Hat and the map
08:02So you could all have a fun adventure
08:04I'm nice like that
08:06And now you can have your treasure
08:12Shiny shells!
08:13And bananas!
08:16That was a great pirate adventure Hattie
08:20We searched for the treasure
08:21We searched high and low
08:23The map showed us all which way to go
08:26X marked the spot where the treasure chest lay
08:29It was put there by Hattie
08:31The pirates
08:36Yo ho ho!
08:37It's time we set sail for home
08:40I hope I can remember the way
08:42Don't worry, we won't get lost
08:44We've got a map!
08:46Come on everyone, to the spin again!
08:59Here we go!
09:07Thank you very much
09:09We couldn't have found the treasure without you
09:16The final guessing game, just for you
09:20Can you guess who will fall asleep first today?
09:24Ruffruff, Tweet or Dave?
09:31It was Dave
09:33It's always Dave
09:37Until our next adventure
09:39Bye bye me hearties!
09:41Yo ho ho!
