Never Be Hopeless In Cancer HD ( Comedy, Drama )

  • 3 months ago
Never Be Hopeless In Cancer HD ( Comedy, Drama )
00:00:00Hope. What an ironic name for a girl dying of cancer, don't you think? And what's more
00:00:08depressing than a kid dying of cancer? Nothing, of course. So, I have two options. I can either
00:00:16be depressed, emo teen, so wobs, or I can embrace it. It's my note from the doctor
00:00:23for life. No homework, teachers let you slide ice cream in the lunch line, people are nice
00:00:29to you because they feel bad for you. And why shouldn't they? It's cancer and why shouldn't
00:00:37I use it? I know how my story ends. Terminal is terminal. You know, there are no unwritten
00:00:47chapters yet to come and I'm comfortable knowing that. So don't judge. I'm not giving up. I'm
00:00:57just practical.
00:01:27You know what? Hands out. Hey. Hi. Oh, but one of them are ready. I can have the other
00:01:50one sent to the hospital later if you'd like. Oh god, no. Curbside service is enough. Don't
00:01:54do that. No, mom, it's my Zofran. If I don't have it, I will be vomiting everywhere. That's
00:01:59gross. Yeah, it would be great. Thank you. You're welcome. You know what? You haven't
00:02:04eaten anything yet, so put the phone down and you can vlog later. Eat this banana. Banana.
00:02:10What's that? Eat me, Hope. Eat me. Okay, give it to me. My mom had the brilliant idea of
00:02:27naming me Hope after her favorite line from some dead British guy's book. It's not her
00:02:32fault. Who would have known that this would have happened? Hope. You shouldn't have. It's
00:02:41on me today. Oh, thanks. I promise I won't be around for much longer. I don't want to
00:02:46put you out of business. But she's amazing, if at times a bit much. Okay, so I'm picking
00:02:53you up after school today for your doctor's appointment. Is that today? Mm-hmm. Yeah.
00:02:59Hope, your test results came back. Yay, more bad news.
00:03:05All right.
00:03:09You're strong and beautiful. Chemo's nothing. You got this. I love you. We really answer this
00:03:14every time. Okay, I'm strong and I'm beautiful and I've got this and I love you too.
00:03:21Bye. Okay.
00:03:44Kids are supposed to be like Twinkies. Born with no sign of an expiration date.
00:03:51I'm more like milk. There's one stamped right on me.
00:03:57And sure, you can try and run away from it. But you're in for a rude awakening.
00:04:04Yeah, coming to make way for the dying girl. You know,
00:04:07don't want to be late for chemo. Got to get my drip on. So yeah, you might not, might not make it.
00:04:18Chocolate's still your favorite, Stephanie? You know it.
00:04:23So, I learned to embrace my situation with a sense of humor.
00:04:27They say that laughter is the best medicine. Two white blood cells bump into each other
00:04:32and one says to the other one, funny seeing you here.
00:04:35It's been a real lifesaver.
00:04:44Let's do this. Okay. Sarah, it is time to distract her. Okay.
00:04:52I just learned about guided imagery. Okay, let me see if I remember.
00:04:58You are laying on the floor.
00:05:01Okay, let me see if I remember. You are laying on a nice warm beach.
00:05:09Your feet are in the sand and you're laying on that tie-dye towel that I-
00:05:16That's Sarah. The best thing to come out of this entire situation.
00:05:21We met almost five years ago in a hospital support group.
00:05:24She has cancer too, obviously. And when you have cancer, you just get it.
00:05:30All flushed. Ports seems to be working just fine.
00:05:33I'm ready to hook you up as soon as pharmacy brings up the bag.
00:05:38It's important to get it.
00:05:45How we doing here? Oh, just, you know, chilling to some chemo.
00:05:50And the Fault in Our Stars. Any pain?
00:05:54Well, if I had to give it a number, it'd be an eight.
00:06:00So, can I have more snacks and a ginger ale, please?
00:06:06Of course.
00:06:11You should really start a patient of the month contest.
00:06:14Don't you think that'd be an unfair competition?
00:06:17God, you love attention.
00:06:19I love attention just as much as the next person, but I wouldn't say that I take advantage of it.
00:06:25And how are you doing? Any pain?
00:06:29Um, I guess I'd say the second one, who just looks constipated.
00:06:35That reminds me, um, my mom wants you to text her something about fibrous juices.
00:06:43I'm sorry, I know she's a lot.
00:06:45No, no, it's sweet. I welcome these overprotective doting.
00:06:51Sweet. I welcome these overprotective doting.
00:06:56My mom's been so busy these days.
00:06:59Okay, I'm going to disconnect you and flush you again.
00:07:16I can taste it.
00:07:21Water, though.
00:07:34Thank you.
00:07:35You all set?
00:07:39You should come over this week.
00:07:40Any days your mom's working late,
00:07:42Dee can make us something extra bland for us to not want to eat.
00:07:50Love you. Love you more. Not possible.
00:08:05That's Seth. He's my best friend, too.
00:08:09Yes, you can have two best friends. It's 2016.
00:08:12Like most people in the world, he doesn't have cancer.
00:08:16He's only 17, but sometimes he acts 40.
00:08:20Hey, how you feeling?
00:08:21Hey, yeah, I'm fine.
00:08:23Did you eat before chemo?
00:08:24You did? Okay, cool.
00:08:25Do you need the notes for Mrs. Lagas' class, by the way?
00:08:27Yeah, here, I saved your ginger ale.
00:08:29No, you drink it. You need it.
00:08:30Okay, well, let's go. We're going to be late for school.
00:08:31Wait, since when do you care about school?
00:08:33Since I have art first period.
00:08:39Oh, my love, my darling.
00:08:47That's Kai, my boyfriend.
00:08:49That sounds weird to say out loud.
00:08:50I've definitely said it in my head thousands of times.
00:08:53Yeah, my boyfriend.
00:08:54My boyfriend. Okay, yeah, that sounds great.
00:09:00Hang on, babe. You're doing too much.
00:09:03Yeah, I should probably just take a nap or something.
00:09:05Yeah, yeah, let's get you a kip.
00:09:09Come here.
00:09:10So, my mother and I were on my make-a-wish trip this past summer in Australia.
00:09:24I always wanted to snorkel the Great Barrier Reef.
00:09:27Turns out snorkeling is harder than it looks, especially with health issues.
00:09:31But there we were, just trying to capture some fish with a GoPro.
00:09:35I must have looked like I was drowning because Kai swam up and offered his assistance.
00:09:40Instant sparks.
00:09:42But he showed us around the city for the next few days.
00:09:44Most romantic experience of my life, even with my mom three steps behind.
00:09:50So, when he found out I didn't have long, he came to the States with us.
00:09:54Applied for some kind of grant.
00:09:56Apparently, Australia is all right with wanting young people to see the world.
00:09:59So, that's cool.
00:10:03You make dying look so desirable.
00:10:11Are you talking to me?
00:10:13Is anybody else dying in our class?
00:10:17Sorry, I just thought you didn't know who I was, so.
00:10:21Of course I know who you are.
00:10:23You're Cancer Girl.
00:10:25And Kai's girlfriend, of course.
00:10:27Where did you get it?
00:10:31You can get a Hawkeye at make-a-wish.
00:10:33No, no, it was the trip.
00:10:35And it was just a bonus, so.
00:10:37Oh, I was gonna say, I want Cancer!
00:10:39I'm kidding.
00:10:40Is he a good kisser, though?
00:10:41I'm not kidding, because I was looking at him, and I was like, I feel like he'd be a good kisser.
00:10:47You know, I don't really have much to compare it to.
00:10:51So, if it's bad, it's probably me.
00:10:54Yeah, probably.
00:10:57Can I have him when you're done?
00:10:59Wait, wait, what?
00:11:01Just think about it.
00:11:08No, no, no.
00:11:09Please stop.
00:11:10Stop, I look terrible today.
00:11:12You don't, actually.
00:11:15Did you study for bio, by the way?
00:11:20Sort of.
00:11:20No, look, I talked to Mr. Mazur, and he said that I didn't have to worry about the test, so.
00:11:25When was the last time you actually took a test?
00:11:29I took a blood test this morning.
00:11:30Something that requires a little more effort?
00:11:32And a PET scan.
00:11:33You know, sometimes they make you hold your breath.
00:11:35Well, if you feel like studying tonight, I'm going to outline chapter 23.
00:11:39It wouldn't hurt to, you know, try.
00:11:48I'm listening.
00:11:49What'd I just say?
00:11:50I'm listening now.
00:12:05So, this is for you.
00:12:12We think you're so brave.
00:12:13You're like the girl from The Fault in Our Stars, but real.
00:12:16What's it like to be Zoe's new best friend?
00:12:19Did she say that?
00:12:20Did she say I'm actually her new best friend?
00:12:22Oh, she's never spoken to us.
00:12:24Oh my gosh, if she talked to us, I would die.
00:12:27Could you put in a good word for me when she, you know, needs a new you?
00:12:31Yeah, um, I can tell her you said hi.
00:12:36What is your name?
00:12:38Like a Jolly Rancher.
00:12:42Okay, wow.
00:12:44I think they mean well.
00:12:45Aren't those the girls that got in trouble for cyberbullying last year?
00:12:48You know, I don't know.
00:12:49Everyone loves me on the internet, so.
00:12:52Yeah, because I disabled the comment section on your vlog.
00:12:57How are your classes going?
00:12:59Real good.
00:13:00Really? Because you're failing them all.
00:13:02I've got a D in English.
00:13:04I'm good at English.
00:13:06Hope, I really think it's a good idea for you to apply yourself a little bit more.
00:13:11Why? Because, you know.
00:13:17Are you familiar with the idea that life is about the journey and not the destination?
00:13:25Yeah, they tell you that when you're dying, so.
00:13:27Look, I know you might be reaching your destination sooner than some.
00:13:32But don't you want your journey to be richer?
00:13:36I think it's more rich.
00:13:38They're both right, actually.
00:13:41Well, how can two things be right at the same time?
00:13:43Well, if you showed up to philosophy class, you would know.
00:13:46Ha, good one, Mr. G.
00:13:51You need that cupcake.
00:13:55Rub it in.
00:13:56Mom, I basically am hand sanitized at this point.
00:13:59So you don't need to tell me what to do.
00:14:00I know how to rub it in.
00:14:02After this, let's go get some of that, uh, that tree of life tea.
00:14:05You know what?
00:14:06I'd rather not because I don't like drinking stale farts.
00:14:09So I'd rather just, you know, die without the tea.
00:14:15Oh, hey, Dr. Chowdhury.
00:14:17Good morning, ladies.
00:14:18We have some news.
00:14:20There are no signs of cancer in both Hope's blood work and her PET scan.
00:14:24What are you saying?
00:14:26We're talking about clinical remission here.
00:14:29Clinical remission?
00:14:31Oh, okay.
00:14:31Okay, but am I going to live or die?
00:14:36There was always a really good chance of this happening.
00:14:38But I would never take telling you something like this lightly.
00:14:41And we would never use the word cure.
00:14:44We're going to have to monitor you very closely for the first five years.
00:14:47Cancer is tricky.
00:14:49You know, we should have a party.
00:14:53Right? We should invite all of your new friends.
00:14:57Bowling. We should go bowling.
00:14:58No. No. No. Please. No.
00:15:01Come on, we have to celebrate, right?
00:15:03Yeah, you used to love bowling. We used to go bowling all the time.
00:15:05Yeah, we went bowling all the time when I was 12.
00:15:08Hey, what's your guy's counselor's name again?
00:15:10Mr. Byron.
00:15:14Mr. Byron.
00:15:14Mr. Byron.
00:15:15Mr. Byron.
00:15:16Mr. Byron.
00:15:16Mr. Byron.
00:15:17Mr. Byron.
00:15:17Mr. Byron.
00:15:20Oh, I'm writing thank you notes to all your teachers and I'm telling them the good news.
00:15:26Why do you do these things?
00:15:27Dear Mr. Garner, thank you for all the help you've given to help these past few years.
00:15:32I am happy to let you know that Hope's cancer is in remission and she can resume studies full time.
00:15:36It's not, it's not terrible.
00:15:38Yes, it's back to homework.
00:15:42Thank you, Mother.
00:15:45Hey, you, you like Mr. Garner, right?
00:15:49He was helpful with all the extension stuff.
00:15:51Yeah, he's fine.
00:15:53Well, do you want to maybe talk to him instead of a therapist?
00:15:55I'm fine up here. It's the body that's not cooperating.
00:15:58All right, well, just, I just, you know, if it's a money thing,
00:16:01you can figure out a way to make it work.
00:16:05Look, he knows we're poor. I mean, it's okay.
00:16:09It's true.
00:16:10But we're not really...
00:16:11I mean, I could help her study, you know?
00:16:15Thank you for your enthusiasm, both of y'all.
00:16:20Hate you guys.
00:16:29How are you eating?
00:16:32Oh, I, I just told my mom I'd try harder to eat, so...
00:16:37Now it's your turn for guided imagery.
00:16:41Oh, okay.
00:16:42So close your eyes and keep them closed.
00:16:45Describe to me your dream meal in detail.
00:16:52I would have spaghetti with meat sauce,
00:16:58parmesan cheese, you know, like the kind they grate on top right in front of you
00:17:03and they ask you when to stop.
00:17:04But I would never say stop.
00:17:06I feel you.
00:17:07I would just start eating and the whole meal, the waiter would just be shredding away.
00:17:14And, um, what about dessert? I know that's your favorite part, so...
00:17:19I would have original tart froyo with a pizzelle cookie
00:17:23shoved down the middle to create a firm boundary.
00:17:25So on one side, I could put maraschino cherries and gummy bears.
00:17:30And on the other side, I could put hot fudge and Reese's Pieces.
00:17:37Um, Hope?
00:17:42Uh, yeah, um...
00:17:43Oh my gosh, I did that whole visual imagery thing just so you could sneak your burger.
00:17:48No, I didn't. I'm just, I'm just hungry because I don't have to get chemo today, so...
00:17:54Why don't you have chemo today?
00:17:57Um, Dr. Chaudhry thought, you know, I didn't need chemo.
00:18:00I count them in remission and, um, you know, no biggie, so...
00:18:04Oh my gosh, Hope, that's amazing!
00:18:07Yeah, you know, um, I guess...
00:18:11I should probably, um, just get to school.
00:18:14I'm sure the man wants me to study more, so...
00:18:20I love you. Love you more.
00:18:23Not possible.
00:18:25Things are just happening too fast for me right now.
00:18:27I, I just, I don't know how to feel.
00:18:29Am I, am I happy? Scared? Angry? Hungry?
00:18:33I mean, why am I still hungry?
00:18:35I, I feel like I need a sign, you know?
00:18:38Should I tell everyone or should I just let it ride a little bit longer?
00:18:47So you need any help?
00:18:50With what?
00:18:52Telling everyone.
00:18:53No, I'm just gonna tell Sarah first and then tell everyone else, so...
00:18:57Didn't you stop at the hospital earlier?
00:18:59Yeah, but she was sleeping and so cute and I, I don't want to bother her, you know?
00:19:04All right.
00:19:05Gonna go do one of your free periods?
00:19:08All right.
00:19:09Bye. See you around.
00:19:12So you know how I've always been into street art, yeah?
00:19:15No, I, I did not know that.
00:19:17No, you just have so many ideas, I can't keep track of them all.
00:19:21Well, this is my first attempt at street art.
00:19:24Oh, wow, um, there's so many of them.
00:19:32Where are you gonna put all of these?
00:19:34Well, these are all part of my new campaign, Hope.
00:19:37I'm gonna stick them all over the city.
00:19:39Hopefully I don't get done by the junk haul.
00:19:42The wallopers.
00:19:44The fuzz, the coppers.
00:19:46Yes, yes, I know that one.
00:19:49So, hopefully after you're gone there's gonna be a small piece of you left around the city.
00:19:55This is so cool.
00:19:56Yeah, uh, can we, can we, can we please, can we just go talk someplace more private?
00:20:13Hope, you're shaking.
00:20:16Yeah, well, look at that.
00:20:18Is it the K-Mart?
00:20:22Is it bad news?
00:20:24Well, to find bad news, um.
00:20:27Whatever it is, you can tell me.
00:20:31I'm just not ready for this to end.
00:20:33It's, it's not, it's not going to end.
00:20:36And if it does, I'll be here.
00:20:40Well, what if it's forever?
00:20:44I'll be here.
00:20:47I'll be here.
00:20:54This is nice.
00:21:00So Dee, in her never-ending overstepping of my boundaries,
00:21:03has decided to put all the letters in my teacher's mailboxes.
00:21:06So many problems with this.
00:21:16Hope, I've got math.
00:21:17Get back.
00:21:19Any student who has not turned in their permission slip to attend
00:21:23Hip Hop Hollabaloo will not be attending Hip Hop Hollabaloo.
00:21:29Thank you.
00:21:30Okay, are you gonna help me or not?
00:21:32I don't even know what we're doing.
00:21:33We're gonna go get back the letters.
00:21:35And don't give me that look, okay?
00:21:37It's technically not stealing shoes on my stationery, so.
00:21:40Okay, one more time.
00:21:40Why would we get rid of letters that completely solve your whole dilemma?
00:21:43I don't have to tell people until, you know, I get my life back together.
00:21:47Okay, so what's the plan?
00:21:49Okay, we're gonna go in there and we're gonna steal.
00:21:51Take back, take back the letters from the mailboxes.
00:21:55That's the plan?
00:21:56Well, it's the first draft of a plan.
00:21:59What if Mr. Burda catches you?
00:22:01That's why you're here.
00:22:02You're the lookout in case, you know, um, I get in trouble or something.
00:22:07Or you just, you can distract him or something.
00:22:11I really love the detail you put into this.
00:22:13Okay, I got it.
00:22:14Yeah, same.
00:22:14Okay, let's go.
00:22:15Hands on.
00:22:20Go team!
00:22:21Okay, let's do this.
00:22:40Okay, Mop.
00:22:42You got your tea.
00:22:44Now what?
00:22:51Mrs. Thompson.
00:22:55She's such a sweetie pie.
00:22:57Oh, who rearranged this?
00:23:00Mrs. Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson.
00:23:07There she is.
00:23:09And the next lucky winner is Stuart.
00:23:14Snippy, snappy Stuart.
00:23:17She's a cow.
00:23:20Stuart, Stuart, up we go.
00:23:24Oh, I think I put that in the wrong box.
00:23:27Nope, that's good.
00:23:30Coach, Kallenberg, hurrah, rah, rah, sis bomba.
00:23:35Football team's not going to go so far.
00:23:39Kallenberg, Kallenberg, there we go.
00:23:50All done.
00:23:52Now what?
00:23:54Oh, lunch.
00:24:10I'm eating.
00:24:13Come back after lunch.
00:24:24She even wrote one to the janitor.
00:24:25You know what?
00:24:25Maybe I'm just going to drop out.
00:24:27My mom did.
00:24:28Yeah, because she stopped fitting into the uniforms.
00:24:30She was pregnant.
00:24:31I'm kidding.
00:24:34Mostly, but I'll study.
00:24:38Wait, you're not planning on using cancer as a way to not study, right?
00:24:40No, I'll do it.
00:24:42It's important for you to start focusing and actually learning something.
00:24:45Seth, I got it.
00:24:47You know what this means?
00:24:48We can go to college and grad school now.
00:24:50We can get apartments in the city.
00:24:52I'm not ready to think about that yet.
00:24:57So what does Kai think?
00:24:59He's really cool with it.
00:25:02He doesn't know, does he?
00:25:03I mean, what is knowing?
00:25:05You didn't tell him.
00:25:06I told him.
00:25:07No, you're lying right now because your voice gets super high when you lie.
00:25:10That's what's happening right now.
00:25:11Yeah, you're lying right now.
00:25:11I can hear it.
00:25:12No, he's not.
00:25:12That's why I know you're lying every time.
00:25:14These are for you.
00:25:15Also, we're totally wearing these stickers of your face to support you.
00:25:20What does Zoe smell like?
00:25:23Not like desperation.
00:25:27I wanted to know if you wanted to get a mani-pedi with me after school.
00:25:31Oh, I've never gotten real mani-pedi before.
00:25:34Okay, cool.
00:25:35We can have some quality time.
00:25:41These look better than the last batch, so...
00:25:45Hey, bub.
00:25:47So right now, I'm in a lot of trouble for these stickers.
00:25:50Apparently, you guys had this street artist who designed Barack Obama's first campaign
00:25:54and he had the slogan, Hope, too.
00:25:56So it makes me look like a complete cherry picker.
00:26:00I look like a dag.
00:26:03I look like a silly bum.
00:26:05No, just...
00:26:06I look like One Direction stealing Janoskian's music.
00:26:09I look like a fraud.
00:26:11Oh, they're everywhere.
00:26:19So, uh, you still want to come study with me?
00:26:22No, I'm gonna go get a mani-pedi.
00:26:24I can't study with my nails looking like normal, can I?
00:26:28Of course not.
00:26:36Ah, thanks for inviting me.
00:26:37Yeah, I do it every week.
00:26:40It's expensive, but that's what my dad's credit card is for.
00:26:43He feels bad that he's never around.
00:26:44And that's why he does it, but it doesn't stop him.
00:26:47Cool, right?
00:26:48The coolest.
00:26:51So, um, are you dating anyone?
00:26:54God, no.
00:26:55Guys my age are so obnoxious.
00:26:57I think I need someone more sensitive.
00:26:59Yeah, you know, I got lucky with Kai.
00:27:01But even then, I had to travel halfway across the world to get him, so...
00:27:07My nails look so pretty.
00:27:11So, what did the teacher say about the good news?
00:27:25Uh, about what now?
00:27:27About your remission letters that I sent.
00:27:29Right, um, no, nothing, you know.
00:27:33No one's called me yet.
00:27:33Everyone's super busy with midterms and students.
00:27:38Are you taking those?
00:27:39That's the plan, and if it's all on chapter one,
00:27:42page one, paragraph one, I'll be fine.
00:27:46You're gonna be great.
00:27:47Yeah, well, I have plenty of time to be great now, so...
00:27:53What's happening on your fingernails?
00:27:56Oh, I got a manicure.
00:27:57Do you like it?
00:27:58Yeah, I like...
00:28:00Uh, we can't afford a manicure.
00:28:03Okay, well, Zoe paid for it, and she considers it therapeutic, so...
00:28:07Mm. Zoe. Zoe the doctor.
00:28:11Uh, when do I get to meet her?
00:28:13Maybe later.
00:28:15I don't know, Mom, but, um, I'm gonna go study mitosis,
00:28:18and if I can remember correctly, it's how cancer cells replicate.
00:28:45Can't wait to hear why these were in your bag and not in your teacher's mailboxes.
00:28:49Well, why were you going through my stuff?
00:28:52Why are you stealing from mailboxes?
00:28:54This is a fun game.
00:28:56Because I want to tell everyone on my own.
00:28:59I... I was only trying to help.
00:29:03I don't need your help, so...
00:29:07Okay. Yeah.
00:29:10Okay. Can you close the door?
00:29:32Then she says, close the door.
00:29:35There's no closed doors in our house.
00:29:37So, I want to keep helping her,
00:29:39but I have to help her in the way that I haven't always helped her, so...
00:29:41I need your help.
00:29:43What can I do?
00:29:44You know, I want to respect her boundaries, and I want to give her space.
00:29:48But I also have to keep tabs on her hardcore.
00:29:50You want me to spy on her?
00:29:52I'm not gonna do that.
00:29:54You know, then guide her. Or counsel her.
00:29:57You know, it's actually built into your job title.
00:30:00You know, what do you guys actually do?
00:30:02Both those things.
00:30:03But not always in that order.
00:30:07Sorry, I'm, uh, coming off angrier than I intend to.
00:30:11Just, I... I do not know how to help her anymore.
00:30:16Look, if anything happens, I will definitely let you know about it.
00:30:20But otherwise, you're gonna have to let her figure it out on her own.
00:30:24And what if she ends up making terrible choices?
00:30:28She's a kid. She's definitely gonna make bad choices.
00:30:38Thank you.
00:30:44Oh, Dolores.
00:30:46Could you close the door?
00:30:48Oh, yeah, I see what you did there.
00:31:02Is it better to burn out or fade away?
00:31:05I mean, look at Heath Ledger, or James Dean, or Janis Joplin, or Jimi Hendrix.
00:31:10I mean, they all died young.
00:31:11Not like these old people that just keep on living, and you're just like,
00:31:15uh, when is it gonna happen?
00:31:17That was mean, but...
00:31:19Anyway, I'm just asking a hypothetical question for a friend.
00:31:23Is it better to die poor than to live in poverty?
00:31:27I'm just asking a hypothetical question for a friend.
00:31:30Is it better to die popular or live a loser?
00:31:36Oh my god, you see that girl over there?
00:31:41Go ask her if she wants to sit with us.
00:31:42And when she's like, yes, say, oh, I'm kidding.
00:31:47That's not really funny.
00:31:48That's quite a joke.
00:31:50I'll do it.
00:31:57Hey, do you want to come sit with us?
00:32:04Hey, you were supposed to meet me.
00:32:06What happened?
00:32:08I just forgot.
00:32:09I'm sorry.
00:32:10You mean you didn't want to?
00:32:11No, I did.
00:32:12I was just studying last night.
00:32:13Did you know that I have six midterms, one for every subject?
00:32:18Seth, stop bothering her.
00:32:19She has cancer.
00:32:21Yeah, but it's...
00:32:22Oh my god, it's getting worse.
00:32:29Oh my god, the cancer?
00:32:30Oh my god.
00:32:34Hey, here you go.
00:32:37Those guys are jerks.
00:32:37Don't worry about it.
00:32:38Thank you.
00:32:40It's getting worse.
00:32:46Hey, Hope, what did you do today?
00:32:47You know, I just told everyone and their mom that my cancer is getting worse.
00:32:51And that's so not true.
00:32:53And I'm such a liar.
00:32:54And I hate myself.
00:32:55Oh my god, I'm so sad.
00:32:57We just got mani-pedis.
00:32:59I want to throw you a party to, you know, help.
00:33:01It'll be kind of like a wake, but you're still alive.
00:33:03No, no, no, no.
00:33:03I can't let you do that.
00:33:05You're not letting me?
00:33:06I want to.
00:33:06My house next Friday?
00:33:08Okay, well, that wasn't part of the plan, but there was...
00:33:11Hope, where have you been?
00:33:13Why didn't you tell me?
00:33:15I just told Zoe like 60 seconds ago.
00:33:17How did you find out?
00:33:18Okay, um...
00:33:19Is it true?
00:33:22I need to tell you something.
00:33:24Okay, so some of the most perfect things in life don't last forever,
00:33:27like sunsets or rainbows or the polar ice caps.
00:33:32And I know you're not going to be around forever,
00:33:35so I wanted to tell you how I really feel.
00:33:39I love you.
00:33:39No, no, no.
00:33:43Oh my god, you do.
00:33:44Well, I love you too, guys.
00:33:46So, the coolest thing happened today.
00:33:50Kai told me he loved me, and I love him too, so that's cool.
00:33:54Hey, are you coming to the bowling party tomorrow?
00:33:57Yeah, I'll be there.
00:33:57So great that you told everyone.
00:33:59Now, is Zoe throwing that party for you Friday night?
00:34:01Hey, are her parents going to be there?
00:34:03Um, probably not.
00:34:04They have weird jobs, so...
00:34:06Oh, okay.
00:34:08Yeah, Mom.
00:34:09Okay, so we're, um, hanging out, so you can just not be there.
00:34:12Okay, I'll be there.
00:34:13Okay, I'll be there.
00:34:13Okay, I'll be there.
00:34:14Okay, I'll be there.
00:34:14Okay, I'll be there.
00:34:15So, Zoe's throwing you a party.
00:34:23It's pretty cool.
00:34:24Yeah, okay, it's not a big deal.
00:34:25Okay, so let's just watch, you know, watch a movie.
00:34:28What about Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl?
00:34:30Or how about Life of Pi?
00:34:33Or The Kings of Summer?
00:34:35Or Life is Beautiful?
00:34:37No more movies about death, okay?
00:34:38Death isn't a joke.
00:34:39Okay, I'll put on Life of Pi or whatever, but I'm not happy about it.
00:34:43I'm not happy about anything.
00:34:46Oh, I know.
00:34:47What if you weren't dying?
00:34:49Would that make you happy?
00:34:53Okay, okay, look, I need you more than anyone to understand what I'm going through, you know?
00:34:58I'll tell them.
00:35:04Wait, you didn't even tell them yet?
00:35:06I'm getting there.
00:35:08I just need more time.
00:35:10You need more time?
00:35:11Oh my god, that is such a non-terminal person thing to say.
00:35:14Hey, that's the meanest thing anyone's ever said to me.
00:35:17No, it's not, and the sixth grade boys called you cats for the flat chested ghost.
00:35:22Stop, look, I already feel pretty bad.
00:35:25You should have seen Seth and my mom's faces.
00:35:27They were like so happy.
00:35:30And you're not happy?
00:35:32I'm not not happy.
00:35:33I'm just scared for how everything's gonna change.
00:35:37Things were always going to change anyway.
00:35:40This kind of change is good.
00:35:42I like things the way they are.
00:35:45I like my boyfriend.
00:35:46I like my friends.
00:35:47I mean, you should see how mean everyone is to the kids who don't fit in.
00:35:51They broke some girl's phone today.
00:35:53God, cancer is all about the attention for you.
00:35:57Because for me, it's about how I can't go to school or swallow food.
00:36:04That I'll never be kissed and that pretty soon I will be completely forgotten.
00:36:10I won't forget about you.
00:36:12You already have.
00:36:13That's so not true.
00:36:15No, maybe we aren't really friends.
00:36:17Maybe we never really were.
00:36:18Maybe we just had dying to keep us close.
00:36:21Because right now, it seems like we have nothing in common.
00:36:26You know what?
00:36:27You're right.
00:36:29Because I have Zoe now and I don't even care about you anymore.
00:36:34They don't actually like you.
00:36:36They actually love me.
00:36:37Kai told me so.
00:36:38You're just jealous.
00:37:01Okay, I convinced that nurse to let us get in to see the doctor first.
00:37:04And then I was able to push back my 230.
00:37:06So now we will be able to squeeze all of this in.
00:37:09Then I'm going to drop you off at home.
00:37:11And then I've got to get back to the office.
00:37:16It's a busy day, huh?
00:37:19Yeah, it's a busy day.
00:37:20I just walked right up to her and I was like,
00:37:23my daughter is having a transplant.
00:37:25We need to meet with Dr. Corrado immediately.
00:37:28It's a power thing with these doctors.
00:37:31Making you wait drives me nuts.
00:37:35Hey, how are you feeling?
00:37:40I'm fine.
00:37:47Go for Helen.
00:37:49No, no, absolutely not.
00:37:51You tell him no.
00:37:55Hey, come on.
00:37:58Come on.
00:37:59You know, I really should be studying, getting a grade.
00:38:01No, no, hey, don't worry about it.
00:38:02This is great.
00:38:04This is the future.
00:38:05If this is the future, where's cancer when you need it, you know?
00:38:07Look, you can finally embrace all the things life has to offer.
00:38:10Okay, everything you could ever want is within reach.
00:38:13Well, I can reach the pamphlets.
00:38:16Do I need the pamphlets?
00:38:17You do.
00:38:18Look, we've got community college.
00:38:20We've got computer programming school.
00:38:22We've got the army and the navy.
00:38:25Look, come on.
00:38:26Why don't we just grab a couple of these pamphlets and go over them?
00:38:28I don't know, Friday, 10 p.m.
00:38:32I think you know that's when Zoe's party for me is.
00:38:35Guess you're planning on going to that.
00:38:37Yeah, I'm gonna go with my boyfriend to this super cool party being planned for me
00:38:40instead of sitting inside looking at lame pamphlets that are for careers 15 years ahead.
00:38:46Hey, at least you may have got 15 more years.
00:38:48Go over, mates.
00:38:49Hey, babe.
00:38:51You're a good girl.
00:38:52You're a good girl.
00:38:52You're a good girl.
00:38:53You're a good girl.
00:38:55You're looking bonzer as usual.
00:38:58So, uh, what are you doing here?
00:39:01Um, I'm...
00:39:02For me, it's for Seth.
00:39:04Oh, cool.
00:39:05You're gonna be a digger, mate.
00:39:06What'd you call me?
00:39:07You want to join the army?
00:39:09Oh, God, no.
00:39:10Now I want you to take this pamphlet home.
00:39:12And look at this.
00:39:13You get some pair of sunglasses, too.
00:39:15How about that?
00:39:17Hope, it's so brave of you to be here.
00:39:21It must be so depressing to see people inspired to have a career.
00:39:24I think it's aspire, actually.
00:39:31Nurse Joyce.
00:39:32Oh, Hope, is this the famous guy?
00:39:36Nice to meet you.
00:39:38His eyes are even more sparkly than you described.
00:39:40Yep, there are many solar systems.
00:39:42And that accent.
00:39:45Um, I just want to thank you so much for looking after Hope.
00:39:47It's been hard, you know.
00:39:49Despite all the treatment, she's still getting worse.
00:39:51What are you talking about?
00:39:53Oh, that Hope is super close to dying and there's nothing you can do about it.
00:39:57Hope's not dying.
00:39:59Oh, do you guys call it something else?
00:40:02You guys as in doctors?
00:40:04Hope, I thought you told them.
00:40:07What's she talking about, babe?
00:40:08Yeah, babe, what's she talking about?
00:40:11Uh, I was going to tell you.
00:40:15Your manicure.
00:40:16I'm, I'm going to tell you, uh, right now.
00:40:24Well, are you going to tell us?
00:40:26Uh, totally.
00:40:27Um, well, uh, you know, it's really meant a lot to me to have so many new friends.
00:40:32And Kai, you, you know how I feel about you.
00:40:36And I know how you feel about me.
00:40:38So I'm just, I'm just going to say it.
00:40:40Um, I'm actually not getting sicker.
00:40:42I'm actually getting better.
00:40:43So I'm getting so much better that I don't need treatment on account that I'm getting better.
00:40:49Um, in conclusion, I am not dying a teenager.
00:40:58We're supposed to replace you.
00:40:59Hey, this has nothing to do with you.
00:41:01Yes, it does.
00:41:01We brought her cupcakes.
00:41:04Kai, say something.
00:41:08You lied to me.
00:41:09It was an accident.
00:41:10It just came out and I'm better.
00:41:12Isn't that all that matters?
00:41:14Look, Hope, I care about you.
00:41:17I do.
00:41:19I'm 17.
00:41:20I'm not ready for a long-term commitment.
00:41:23I left Australia for you.
00:41:26I haven't seen my family in ages.
00:41:31But you love me.
00:41:36I mean, you love me, right?
00:41:40Bigger wanker than I thought.
00:41:42Yeah, well, at least I'm not in love with some girl who thinks I'm just some bloke.
00:41:45Oh my god, you totally love her.
00:41:51Whatever, I'm just gonna go paint something.
00:42:04I heard Hope doesn't have cancer anymore,
00:42:06so we're gonna have to change the name of my party.
00:42:09What about a cupcake party?
00:42:16I hope you're happy.
00:42:21You're the only reason I'm at this stupid career fair to begin with.
00:42:24Embracing dumb life and its stupid opportunities.
00:42:28No, that's life.
00:42:29Sometimes you get hurt.
00:42:30What do you know about getting hurt?
00:42:33Dying is easy.
00:42:35Life is hard.
00:42:36You have no idea what I go through.
00:42:40I've been around you every day now.
00:42:43Every day I'm here with you.
00:42:44You tell me your problems and I'm listening to you.
00:42:46I know what you're going through.
00:42:48All you do is just follow me around.
00:42:52Fine, I'm out.
00:42:56Well, thanks for another great life event.
00:43:03So today was kind of, kind of the worst day ever.
00:43:07It went from being at the top of the top to nothing.
00:43:15Don't have any more fake friends and my real friends can't stand me.
00:43:29What are those?
00:43:30These are apology brownies.
00:43:34Oh, I'm sorry, they're not for you.
00:43:35They're for all of the people that Hope lied to.
00:43:39But why are you sorry?
00:43:40You didn't, you didn't do anything wrong.
00:43:42I didn't do anything wrong, but Hope did and she's my kid and reflects on me.
00:43:46So I baked brownies.
00:43:51Dolores, it is not your job to protect her.
00:43:58You know, people say that.
00:44:02People say that a lot.
00:44:05But if I didn't protect her, she could have died.
00:44:10You know, I've protected her from.
00:44:11I've protected her from germs, getting too much sun.
00:44:15I have actually protected her from elderly people hugs, right?
00:44:19I have been a one-person defensive line.
00:44:22And this high school, it's like a malignancy, right?
00:44:25Those mean girls, they're like an infection.
00:44:28High school is just hard.
00:44:31Forget cancer or a girl with one parent.
00:44:34It's just hard.
00:44:37All day long, I've got kids who need to learn how to build up their own immunities.
00:44:42Half of high school is learning how to live in this world.
00:44:47She wasn't supposed to live in this world.
00:44:53And I didn't prepare her to.
00:44:56Well, guess what, Dolores?
00:44:57She is now.
00:44:59And there is no right way of going about this.
00:45:02But you got to let her figure it out.
00:45:06Oh, I don't like it.
00:45:11What do you want me to tell you?
00:45:14Told me enough.
00:45:17I got it.
00:45:17See, I guided and counseled.
00:45:21Caught it.
00:45:21Yeah, thank you.
00:45:22It's quite impressive.
00:45:25Bring yourself a plate of brownies.
00:45:26No, no, no, no, I can't.
00:45:28That's, I can't.
00:45:28All right.
00:45:29No, no, no, it's actually.
00:45:36Do you think anyone is going to come to this bowling party tomorrow?
00:45:40What bowling party?
00:45:44Five bucks, this is a gutter ball.
00:45:48Well, this isn't sad at all.
00:45:50No one came to your bowling party, Dee.
00:45:53Mr. G came.
00:45:56Hey, look, I'm sorry that Kai broke up with you.
00:45:58Yeah, well, I feel like cancer broke up with me too.
00:46:01You were dating cancer.
00:46:03Yeah, well, it lived with me, slept with me,
00:46:05brought me lots of flowers and attention.
00:46:08Uh, no, people brought you those.
00:46:13Yeah, because I had cancer.
00:46:17You know, forget about Kai and those girls,
00:46:19because the people who matter still care about you.
00:46:22Well, I screwed that up too, so.
00:46:24I texted Seth and Sarah like a million times and nothing.
00:46:28Were you being a brat?
00:46:30Thank you, glad to know you're not on my side either.
00:46:33This isn't about sides.
00:46:35You know what, I don't need to be here,
00:46:37so enjoy your gutter balls.
00:46:51Should we still?
00:46:52Yeah, we're bowling.
00:46:53You should have a pity party all by yourself.
00:46:57I'm sorry, I thought this would be fun.
00:47:00Thank you for actually coming.
00:47:01No, my pleasure, thank you for having me.
00:47:03No, I had this big idea,
00:47:06because we used to come here all the time when she was little.
00:47:09She loved it here, you know, before all of this.
00:47:15It still has the same smell.
00:47:16You know, it's very, uh, I don't know, comforting.
00:47:19Old shoes.
00:47:21I get it.
00:47:22I like to go down to the river.
00:47:25Yeah, dead fish, that's a great smell.
00:47:26No, I'm not a dead fish.
00:47:28I, I, I, I watch for boats.
00:47:33Do we have boats on the river?
00:47:34No, we don't, but we do have the second most drawbridges of any city in the world.
00:47:38Second to Amsterdam, but first in diversity.
00:47:41The more you know.
00:47:42I just completely geeked out on you right now, I'm sorry.
00:47:46I'm from Rhode Island, and we have a rich maritime tradition there,
00:47:49and I just said maritime, I don't know why I'm rambling about boats.
00:47:54But I get it, change can be hard.
00:47:59Yeah, Hope's going through a lot.
00:48:03I meant for you.
00:48:07You know, it's hard.
00:48:08What's that?
00:48:09That you're about to lose.
00:48:11Oh, my God.
00:48:13Okay, let's see what you got.
00:48:20Good morning, I'm Nurse Kelly.
00:48:21I'm going to be taking you down to the operation today, okay?
00:48:24Can you tell me your date of birth?
00:48:30And can you tell me what you're having done today?
00:48:32An autologous hematopoiesis cell transplantation.
00:48:37And can you tell me your pain level?
00:48:45Okay, thank you.
00:48:48All right, let's go.
00:48:53I would love to see everybody at the basketball game tonight.
00:48:56I can't promise you an amazing game,
00:48:59but as you know, the nachos are free with your student ID.
00:49:05Hey, hey, hey.
00:49:07The bell does not dismiss you.
00:49:08I dismiss you.
00:49:12Okay, you can go.
00:49:22Hands to yourself, man.
00:49:24Look, if it's about the D, it's not going to happen again.
00:49:28Hope, it's nothing to do with the test.
00:49:32Now, I and every other teacher have let certain things slide.
00:49:35We've been grading you based on your situation.
00:49:38And I know this is hard.
00:49:39I mean, I've been in high school before.
00:49:41It can be very challenging to navigate,
00:49:43but it doesn't benefit you for you to keep thinking
00:49:46that you can be this straight-A student
00:49:49if you're not putting forth serious effort.
00:49:51I think you're capable of more than you know.
00:49:56Come on.
00:49:58You kicked Kansas' butt.
00:50:01So if there's anything I can do, I'm happy to help in any way.
00:50:05But you gotta let me know.
00:50:19Watch it.
00:50:22So much.
00:50:35But do you want to pass the message?
00:50:37Do you want to sit here?
00:50:42So, how's the boy doing?
00:50:44So, um, how's the boy thing going right now?
00:50:47Seeing anyone?
00:50:48No, I kind of want to.
00:50:53How long have you been seeing him?
00:50:54Do you know anyone?
00:50:57So you're saying Australians are good kissers?
00:51:04Seth, are you here?
00:51:14Come on, pick up, please.
00:51:15Pick up.
00:51:44I'm pathetic.
00:52:10But where's Sarah?
00:52:12She's already gone.
00:52:14I'm sorry, I just mean you missed her.
00:52:16She left for a procedure, but I can't tell you for what.
00:52:18Nurse Joyce, please just tell...
00:52:18I, as a nurse, I can't tell you that information.
00:52:21I can't tell you that she's downstairs going into surgery.
00:52:26Thank you.
00:52:28Don't tell him I told you that.
00:52:29This is Helen.
00:52:30Where's Sarah?
00:52:32Well, she hasn't been responding to any of my texts.
00:52:35She's in recovery.
00:52:38She's had a pretty delicate transplant procedure.
00:52:43Well, I have to see her.
00:52:45She's resting.
00:52:48Well, what can I do?
00:52:52I have to go.
00:54:27I'm sorry for how I've been acting lately.
00:54:30You've been through so much.
00:54:34Half of me wants to tell you that you don't ever have to apologize for anything ever again.
00:54:43And the other half?
00:54:46You don't want to know.
00:54:52I'm gonna fix this.
00:54:54I promise.
00:55:05So, my boyfriend is now dating the most popular girl in school.
00:55:09My two best friends hate me.
00:55:10I'm failing all my classes.
00:55:13And I'm sitting in a toilet where someone definitely puked before.
00:55:16So that's great.
00:55:18This is my life now.
00:55:19No more cupcakes.
00:55:20Just toilet sandwiches.
00:55:24You'll get used to it.
00:55:27Thanks, but I don't really want to get used to it.
00:55:32Are you the girl who's dying?
00:55:38Well, when I was in the sixth grade, I got braces.
00:55:42Orthopedic shoes.
00:55:43Scoliosis brace.
00:55:45My parents got divorced.
00:55:47It was...
00:55:48It was brutal.
00:55:51Okay, I'm coming out.
00:55:52This is weird.
00:55:58This can be so mean.
00:56:01Or nice.
00:56:02It's just so random.
00:56:04Like, cancer scoliosis.
00:56:08Look, I was such a big jerk.
00:56:10And I should have stopped them.
00:56:12And I didn't.
00:56:13And I'm sorry.
00:56:17Thanks for that.
00:56:19But you can't just apologize.
00:56:23What do you mean?
00:56:24Who cares if you're sorry?
00:56:25You have to do something about it.
00:56:30You're right.
00:56:31Well, I go by Mildred.
00:56:34With an I-E.
00:56:36Hope, you know.
00:56:37Like Obama.
00:56:42My mom would love you.
00:56:44Gotta sanitize.
00:56:45If you wanna fraternize, you know what I mean?
00:56:50It's nice.
00:56:51I like that.
00:56:56What's this?
00:56:57It dries them.
00:56:58Oh, it's the smell of going.
00:57:09I need you to guide me.
00:57:12The MCATs?
00:57:13Yes, I want to be a pediatric oncologist.
00:57:15Are you out of your mind?
00:57:17Probably not even gonna graduate high school.
00:57:19Do you have any doubt I'm down for the impossible?
00:57:23I'm not a betting man.
00:57:24More of a board game man, actually.
00:57:26But if I was, I would definitely bet on you.
00:57:31Why don't we focus on passing junior year first?
00:57:35And then we'll work on the MCATs.
00:57:39Thank you.
00:57:41You're welcome.
00:57:58You know, your hands really look like they're itching to touch some zooks.
00:58:11So why don't you take over?
00:58:16I'm pretty good at this, actually.
00:58:25I'm sorry I'm late.
00:58:27Nearly 20 minutes late.
00:58:28I can't give you the test.
00:58:29No, Mr. Baser, please.
00:58:30I've studied.
00:58:30I'm ready.
00:58:31Just give me the test.
00:58:32School policy.
00:58:36You can't give it to me, but you can't stop me from taking it.
00:58:39Oh, what are you doing?
00:58:40You don't even have the questions.
00:58:42Well, then I'll just have to write down everything I know.
00:58:47And everybody, just keep your eyes on your paper.
00:58:49And it'll be good, right?
00:58:57How'd the test go?
00:59:02Well, I probably got a C, but I nailed the stuff on cancerous cell growth.
00:59:05So what's next?
00:59:06Next, you have...
00:59:09Tests on early American history.
00:59:11Quickly name the first five presidents.
00:59:13Monroe, Madison, Jefferson, Adams, Washington.
00:59:16No, that's completely wrong.
00:59:17I said them in reverse.
00:59:19Because I can.
00:59:21So Millie told me I can't actually just say I'm sorry.
00:59:24I have to do something.
00:59:26And she's right.
00:59:27And I think I have a plan.
00:59:30I just don't know whether it's going to work or not.
00:59:44Thanks for agreeing to meet.
00:59:46I'm sorry.
00:59:48Thanks for agreeing to meet.
00:59:50Yeah, sure.
00:59:51So you and Hope are like friends now?
00:59:54I'm helping her.
00:59:58Because she screwed up, but she's trying to make it better.
01:00:03Where is she?
01:00:05You know, she is so far behind.
01:00:08Yeah, I've been trying to tell her to study, actually.
01:00:11Well, at least she's doing it now.
01:00:13Um, what I want to ask you is that are you going to Zoe's party this Friday?
01:00:20Yeah, of course.
01:00:22Hope's got something planned, but we need your help.
01:00:25Can we count on you?
01:00:28Yeah, I don't know about that.
01:00:30What do you mean?
01:00:31You guys are Hope and Seth, Seth and Hope.
01:00:35Yeah, I just, I don't really know how I feel about her right now.
01:01:13Why are you so boring?
01:01:34Do you want to dance?
01:01:36Oh, no, thank you.
01:01:39Shut up.
01:01:43I danced across the parking lot, so nervous, but I laughed it off.
01:01:59Now I can't stop looking at my phone, just want to see your name.
01:02:11His headlights pouring down my street.
01:02:17I try to forget, but I can't lie.
01:02:20His words keep me up at night.
01:02:23If it's 4 30 and I can't sleep, you don't have to guess.
01:02:28What's keeping me up at night?
01:02:35What's keeping me up at night?
01:02:41Hey, thank you for coming to my party.
01:02:44Yeah, sure.
01:02:45Where are your parents?
01:02:47I don't know.
01:02:49No, I'm sorry.
01:02:50Is she dead yet?
01:02:51Uh, no, still not.
01:02:53Uh, you know, I don't know.
01:02:54I just, I kind of want her to get it, you know, again.
01:03:00You want her to get cancer again?
01:03:02No, what's wrong?
01:03:03No, I wanted to, like, understand what's important.
01:03:06Oh, that's hard.
01:03:07I gave up on that like a year ago.
01:03:10You really like her.
01:03:12Of course.
01:03:12I mean, she's my best friend.
01:03:15Like, mate, you like her, like her, like, like her, like.
01:03:21Yeah, you two are really perfect for each other, really.
01:03:23Oh, thanks, mate.
01:03:28Hey, how'd it go with Seth?
01:03:30I'm not sure.
01:03:32Okay, well, we have to do this.
01:03:38Yep, let's go.
01:04:02Hey, uh, everyone, everyone, everyone.
01:04:13Hey, um, I have to show you something, so.
01:04:17Ew, this is my party.
01:04:18You can't just use my TV.
01:04:20May I please use the TV?
01:04:22You may.
01:04:30I'm Hope Grayson.
01:04:32What is this?
01:04:33It's Hope.
01:04:35Hey, I used to date that girl.
01:04:37Shut up.
01:04:38You probably know me as the girl who had cancer.
01:04:41Cancer and I were inseparable since I was 12.
01:04:44At first, I was scared, and then something weird happened.
01:04:51It became familiar.
01:04:53I stopped hating it.
01:04:55It was really messed up, but I started liking it.
01:04:59And when I found out I was in remission, I was scared and confused,
01:05:02and I got angry that something that I had become so used to was taken away from me.
01:05:07And I lost sight of what really mattered.
01:05:09My real friends and family.
01:05:11My best friend Sarah still has cancer, and she's the best thing that's ever happened to me.
01:05:18And I owe it to her to figure life out.
01:05:21I'm sorry I lied.
01:05:22I never should have done that.
01:05:24I just wanted you guys to like me more than anything,
01:05:27and that was my mistake.
01:05:31And I should have known better.
01:05:37How was it?
01:05:40Good job.
01:05:57Hey, what's up?
01:06:11So, how was the party?
01:06:14Um, they kind of turned your death party into a cupcake party.
01:06:17Can't believe they actually did that.
01:06:20I can.
01:06:22Zoe and Kai and all of them are kind of the worst people ever.
01:06:25Good cupcakes.
01:06:26Bad people.
01:06:30I'm sorry I keep making you sneak into places.
01:06:35No, you're not.
01:06:35No, I'm not.
01:06:37I'm not even a little bit.
01:06:39Yeah, I mean, at least you admit it.
01:06:41Well, you love it.
01:06:42I mean, I get us into trouble, you get us out of trouble.
01:06:46We're the perfect team.
01:06:48We kind of are.
01:06:51Yeah, we kind of are.
01:06:52So, you don't hate me?
01:06:57I don't hate you.
01:07:02Because I couldn't stand it if you hated me.
01:07:22Oh, visiting hours are over.
01:07:29But it's important.
01:07:31Like, life or death important.
01:07:32Her immune system is still weak.
01:07:40This, we know the drill.
01:07:45You have 10 minutes.
01:07:46When I come back to check her blood pressure again, you're gone.
01:07:50Thank you.
01:07:52You're welcome.
01:07:57Sarah, I'm so, so, so sorry.
01:08:04You mentioned that in the video.
01:08:07You watched it?
01:08:10I have an alert on your channel.
01:08:19I mean, could you ever forgive me?
01:08:22And before you answer, just know,
01:08:23I plan on spending the rest of my life trying to make it up to you.
01:08:27Oddly, I kind of get it.
01:08:33You've always gotten it.
01:08:34And I forgot.
01:08:38I forgot.
01:08:38I mean, I forgot you guys are what make me special.
01:08:43Not being popular, whatever.
01:08:48How was it, though?
01:08:50Being popular?
01:08:52It was not the worst thing.
01:08:59But it was so not worth it.
01:09:02I'm so sorry I hurt you.
01:09:06Thank you.
01:09:10And it's the stupidest thing in the history of the world
01:09:13that I'm in remission and you're still sick
01:09:15and I can't do this if you're not here.
01:09:20Well, I'm still here.
01:09:22And I'm happy you're here, too.
01:09:34I love you.
01:09:35I love you more.
01:09:38Not possible.
01:09:42Come on.
01:09:44You guys are gonna make me cry.
01:09:48Hope springs eternal in the human breast.
01:09:50Man never is but always to be blessed.
01:09:53The soul, uneasy and confined from home,
01:09:56rests and expatiates and a life to come.
01:10:00What I think that means is that there's always a reason to be optimistic,
01:10:03even though life can be really hard.
01:10:06But you can get through it if you focus on what really matters.
01:10:09Sarah got to re-enroll in school for the coming fall.
01:10:12And Sarah's mom has been spending more time at home with her.
01:10:15Mr. Garner is going to take us on vacation to Rhode Island
01:10:18to look at boats, which sounds lame,
01:10:20but if it makes them happy, I'm happy.
01:10:24Millie doesn't have to eat in the bathroom anymore.
01:10:27And Seth, Seth, Seth, who knows what'll happen.
01:10:32And I am super into my schoolwork and being stupid with friends again.
01:10:36So that's the story of how I learned to live life without an expiration date.
01:10:40After all, I was named Hope for a reason.
01:10:48You are not your makeup, not your clothes,
01:10:58an anonymous face that no one knows.
01:11:01You're not a skin color, a pretty face,
01:11:04the number of inches around your waist.
01:11:06There's so much that you've been through that nobody knows.
01:11:12So many things you never show.
01:11:14You're more than labels, more than pay.
01:11:20Maybe you're more than your mistakes.
01:11:24You got something to say.
01:11:28Oh, oh, oh, oh.
01:11:30When will you realize?
01:11:32Maybe you're worth it.
01:11:34You don't have to do it all.
01:11:36You're more than labels, more than pay.
01:11:38Maybe you're more than your mistakes.
01:11:40You got something to say.
01:11:42Oh, oh, oh, oh.
01:11:44When will you realize?
01:11:46Maybe you're worth it.
01:11:48You don't have to do anything to earn it.
01:11:50Maybe you're perfect.
01:11:52You deserve it.
01:11:54When will you see what I see?
01:11:56And realize you're worth it.
01:11:58You are not a burden, not a waste.
01:12:00You're not a copy, can't be replaced.
01:12:02You're not your pain, not your past.
01:12:04Your scars will never heal.
01:12:06You're not a burden, not a waste.
01:12:08You're not a copy, can't be replaced.
01:12:10You're not your pain, not your past.
01:12:12Your scars will never hold you back.
01:12:14There's so much that you've been through
01:12:16that nobody knows.
01:12:18So many things you never show.
01:12:20More than labels, more than pay.
01:12:22Maybe you're more than your mistakes.
01:12:24You got something to say.
01:12:26Oh, oh, oh, oh.
01:12:28When will you realize?
01:12:30Maybe you're worth it.
01:12:32You don't have to do it all.
01:12:34You're more than labels, more than pay.
01:12:36Maybe you're more than your mistakes.
01:12:38You got something to say.
01:12:40Oh, oh, oh, oh.
01:12:42When will you realize?
01:12:44Maybe you're worth it.
01:12:46You don't have to do anything
01:12:48to earn it.
01:12:50Maybe you're perfect.
01:12:52You deserve it.
01:12:54When will you see what I see?
01:12:56And realize you're worth it.
01:12:58You're not a burden, not a waste.
01:13:00You're not a copy, can't be replaced.
01:13:02You're not a copy, can't be replaced.
01:13:04You're not a copy, can't be replaced.
01:13:06You're not a copy, can't be replaced.
01:13:08And realize you're worth it.
01:13:10You're worth it, baby, you're worth it.
01:13:12You're worth it, baby, you're worth it.
01:13:14You're worth it, baby, you're worth it.
01:13:16You're worth it, baby, you're worth it.
01:13:18You're worth it, baby, you're worth it.
01:13:20You're worth it, baby, you're worth it.
01:13:22You're worth it, baby, you're worth it.
01:13:24You're worth it, baby, you're worth it.
01:13:26You're worth it, baby, you're worth it.
01:13:28You're worth it.
01:13:30More than labels, more than pay.
01:13:32More than labels, more than pay.
01:13:34Baby, you're more than your mistakes.
01:13:36You're more than your mistakes
01:13:38You've got something to say
01:13:40You've got something to say
01:13:42You've got something to say
01:13:44You've got something to say
01:13:47I wanted to share my story, because in sharing we can grow stronger together.
01:13:51And making fun of things that scare us, we can overcome them.
01:13:56The problem is now that, well I'm not dying.
01:13:58So I've to figure out what to make fun of.
01:14:00That's gonna be fun.
01:14:32You're worth it, baby, you're worth it
