00:00Oh, hello there. You know, in this age of hustle and bustle and noise, sometimes it's nice just to slow down and take it easy.
00:10You see, see this book? Well, the guy that wrote this book, he got it right. Three Men in a Boat. It's a great book. It's all about a gentle trip up the River Thames.
00:18You know, these people have got it right as well. Look at this. A nice Victorian picnic. Style, elegance, sophistication. You just don't seem to get sophistication these days.
00:29Matthew, the toilet's blocked.
00:31See what I mean?
00:32It wasn't me. It was Sweep. He dropped something in it and now it won't flush. Mind you, I think it might have been something to do with a lollipop stick.
00:38All right, all right. Spare us the detail, Sue. I'll see to it later. All right.
00:42Matthew, what are all these clothes and things doing on your bed?
00:45Well, I'm just planning a little trip and a picnic.
00:47A trip?
00:49And a picnic? Oh yippee, I must tell the boys.
00:52Hang on, hang on. Sue, Sue, it's too late. Sue, you're not coming. I'm going on my own.
00:59Yes, sorry. I'm going off on my own, without Sooty and without Sweep. I'm going off to try and recreate some of the style of the old days. Bring back style.
01:12The toilet's unblocked now. Sooty did it. Bye.
01:15Hang on a minute.
01:16Oh, by the way, it's really great news about the picnic. Bye.
01:19Sue, you're not invited. None of you are. Oh, hello, Sweep. Hi.
01:24It's great news about the picnic.
01:26Yeah, well, we'll talk about the picnic in a moment.
01:28Look, I gather that the toilet's been blocked again. Is that right?
01:31What's all this about a lollipop stick?
01:35You're using it to get the sock out?
01:37The sock?
01:38Well, what's the sock doing down in the toilet?
01:41It was an accident?
01:42I'm glad you didn't put a sock down there on purpose.
01:46Oi, this is not a laughing matter. Sweep, why are you laughing? What's funny?
01:51I've got something funny on my head.
01:54Is it a fruit basket?
01:56It is not a fruit basket. It's a straw hat.
01:58It's actually called a boater, which is why I'm wearing it.
02:00I'm going to wear it this afternoon on the boat trip.
02:05You're going on a boat trip?
02:06Just a minute.
02:07Sweep, I don't want to give you the wrong idea.
02:09Sweep, Sweep, you're not...
02:12He thinks he's going on a boat trip.
02:13Poor old Sweep, he gets so excited.
02:15Actually, in a way, it seems a shame to disappoint him.
02:18No, no, I'm going to be strong.
02:20It's my trip and I'm going on my own.
02:22A trip with style, elegance and sophistication.
02:28Oh, dearie me.
02:29It's you, is it?
02:30What are you doing with the toilet plunger?
02:32You've been unblocking the toilet?
02:33Oh, actually, yes, yes, Sue did tell me.
02:35There was a sock down it.
02:36Yes, she told me that as well.
02:37As a matter of fact, Suzy, I'm proud of you.
02:39You've done a good job, so put it there.
02:42No, he has, he's done quite a good...
02:44No, I didn't mean put the wet sock there.
02:46I meant put your poor...
02:47Oh, never mind, never mind.
02:48Look, I want to talk to you about this picnic.
02:52It all sounds very exciting.
02:53Just a minute, come back here, come back here.
02:55I want to...
02:56You're going to get a few things together.
02:57Come back here.
02:58Listen, Sweep's already told you...
02:59Sutty, Sutty, please!
03:05Isn't Matthew kind to take us on a picnic?
03:09Yes, and the boat trip.
03:13Yes, Sweep, they know we're going on a boat trip.
03:16Sweep, Sutty knows we're going on a boat trip.
03:20Oh, he's gone into overdrive, Sutty.
03:22Can't you do something?
03:24Sweep, Sweep, Sweep!
03:27Sutty wants you.
03:40What, Sweep?
03:41What, Sweep?
03:43Oh, come over here, Sweep.
03:46Let me take that thing off.
03:50Now, listen, you two, you shouldn't be fighting.
03:52We should all be happy.
03:53I mean, after all, Matthew's arranged a super day for us.
03:56The last thing we should be doing is fighting.
03:58So, I'm going to try and find my watering.
04:00So, why don't you two get a few things together to take with you?
04:04And listen, no fighting.
04:09Don't forget now.
04:10No fighting.
04:11See you later.
04:14What, Sweep?
04:17Yes, Sweep, you're right.
04:18We are going on a boat trip, so get some things together.
04:25Well, when it comes to getting things together, Sutty is pretty good.
04:29He's got a bird spotting book and a pair of binoculars.
04:33They'll be useful.
04:34Well done, Sutty.
04:36And off he goes to find something else.
04:39When it comes to getting things together, Sweep is definitely a sausage brain.
04:44The only thing he can think of getting together is his favourite bone,
04:48together with his second favourite bone.
04:52And off he goes to find something else,
04:55which leaves the room completely empty, as you can see.
04:59Oh, apart from one little bundle of mischief known as Little Cousin Scampy.
05:08I wonder what sort of trouble this naughty little bear is going to cause.
05:12I've got a nasty feeling we're about to find out.
05:17Uh-oh, he's hiding Sutty's binoculars.
05:21But it won't be him who gets the blame for it, and no prizes for guessing who will.
05:33Sutty's noticed that they're missing.
05:35No, they're not under the pillow.
05:38And they're not down there either.
05:41He asks Sweep if he's seen the binoculars, but of course he hasn't.
05:46Sutty decides to check under the other pillow.
05:49No, not there.
05:52But what's this?
05:55Aha! The missing binoculars!
05:59Sutty returns the binoculars to their rightful place
06:03and politely asks Sweep for a word in private.
06:10Uh-oh, here's that naughty Scampy again.
06:13And this time it's Sweep's bones he's hiding.
06:33Poor old Sweep, always the underdog.
06:37But now things are going from bad to worse as he discovers his bones are missing.
06:42He's found them! And guess who's going to get the blame?
06:46You're right, poor old Sutty.
06:54He's found them!
06:57And guess who's going to get the blame?
07:00You're right, poor old Sutty.
07:20No, you don't. Come back here, you naughty little bear.
07:23Just look at the trouble you've caused.
07:26Well, you've had quite some battle, you two.
07:29But I suspect you've been blaming the wrong person.
07:32So, if you'd like to go back where you came from,
07:35there's somebody here who has a little lesson to learn.
07:38By the left, quick march.
07:40Come along, Scampy. Hop to, hop to, hop to.
07:45You're ready, Sweep. We're in your own time.
07:57Come along, boys. It couldn't happen to a nicer teddy bear, if you ask me.
08:15Roll, roll, roll your boat, Scampy, down the stream.
08:18Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.
08:22What a clever little toy. Isn't it lovely, Sweep?
08:25Yes, but the best thing is, we're going to be doing it for real later on.
08:29Oh, I am looking forward to it.
08:31An afternoon on the River Thames.
08:34What, Sweep?
08:37Are there any sharks in the River Thames?
08:39Well, I hope not. There aren't, are there, Sutty?
08:42No, of course not. Silly Billy.
08:44There are definitely no sharks in the River Thames.
09:02Funny, Sutty. Look at his little arms go.
09:13Oh, dear. One minute he was happily rowing along, and then one glug and down he went.
09:18It could be a shark. Don't be silly, Sweep. There are no sharks around here.
09:26I'm going to leave you two in charge of the salvage operation. I'm off to see Matthew.
09:31Mind out for sharks.
09:33Of course I will, Sweep. And if I see one, I'll let you know.
09:38Oh, so it's you again, Stumpy, is it?
09:42Allow me to close the door.
09:46Right. Get in, boys.
10:08Smoked salmon, grapes, caviar, everything ship-shape and Bristol fashion. I am now ready to set sail.
10:15And so are we, Captain. One ship's crew reporting for duty.
10:18Hang on a minute. You're really looking forward to this?
10:21You're going on a boat trip? You are not going on a boat trip, Sweep.
10:25For goodness sake, don't start that again, Sweep.
10:28What do you mean, he's not going on a boat trip?
10:31Well, he's not, Sue. That's what I've been trying to explain, but nobody would listen.
10:34He's not going on a boat trip. In fact, none of you are going on a boat trip.
10:37I'm going on a boat trip, but I'm going on my own.
10:41What? Won't you feel lonely?
10:44That's the whole idea, Sweety. I want to be alone. I want to get away from everybody and everything.
10:50Even you. Especially you.
10:53Remember what happened the last time we went on a boat trip?
10:56Messing about with boats
11:05Come over here. Listen, I'm going on this trip on my own.
11:09I'm going to have a picnic on my own. I'm going on the boat on my own.
11:12And I want you three to leave me alone. OK?
11:16I'm going to get away from everybody and everything.
11:19I'm going on a boat trip.
11:22to leave me alone, ok? I'm going to get away from everybody and everything, understand?
11:28We understand.
11:30All right, go on, go on.
11:32At last, my trip with style, elegance and sophistication.
11:51Tu aimes la voiture? Attends, je te donne un petit tour.
11:55Oh, oh! Assieds-toi, assieds-toi, assieds-toi!
11:58Tu déchires le bateau.
12:01Je pense que je peux gérer un petit verre de la vieille bouteille.
12:05Ah! Voici un bon conseil pour le bateau.
12:08Ce que vous faites, c'est que vous collez votre bouteille de bubbly
12:12fermement avec un morceau de corde, comme celui-ci, vers le bateau.
12:15Et ensuite, vous baissez la bouteille dans l'eau
12:17et ça la garde bien calme.
12:20C'est comme ça, n'est-ce pas?
12:26Écoute, je te le dis, je te le dis,
12:28dis-moi, dis-moi,
12:30rien à boire, alors.
12:32Qu'est-ce que tu dois dire?
12:33Rien à boire, alors.
12:35J'ai peur de ne rien.
12:37J'ai peur de ne rien.
12:39J'ai peur de...
12:41Non, ce n'était pas très drôle, n'est-ce pas?
12:42Attends, il y a beaucoup de monde qui arrive.
12:44On va devoir se concentrer un peu, maintenant.
12:52Coui, Chris!
12:54Il y a un bon verre de thé en dessous.
12:56Est-ce que tu veux le boire maintenant
12:57ou vas-tu descendre pour le boire?
12:59C'est, c'est, c'est, c'est eux!
13:02Oh, d'accord.
13:03Prends-le quand on passe par la porte.
13:04Oh, regarde!
13:05C'est Mathieu, les garçons.
13:07Coui, Mathieu!
13:10Je n'y crois pas.
13:11Regarde, je t'ai dit de me laisser seul.
13:14Tout va bien, tout va bien.
13:15On dit seulement bonjour.
13:18Est-ce que je voudrais un verre de thé?
13:20Non, merci.
13:21J'ai déjà quelque chose à boire.
13:22C'est lié au bateau.
13:25Non, je ne veux rien boire.
13:26Merci beaucoup.
13:27Laissez-moi seul.
13:28Ah, toi aussi.
13:29Allez, les garçons.
13:32Je ne leur demande rien.
13:33Je veux juste qu'ils me laissent seul.
13:52C'est un bon travail.
13:53C'est un bon travail.
13:54On ne t'a pas laissé seul juste là-bas, n'est-ce pas?
14:00Oui, tout va bien.
14:01Très drôle, très drôle.
14:02Mon moteur s'est cassé.
14:03Quelqu'un doit m'aider, n'est-ce pas?
14:09Regarde ça.
14:10N'est-ce pas brillant?
14:11Ça a l'air bon à manger.
14:18Regarde ça.
14:20Un barbecue.
14:21Pas de style.
14:23Mais au moins, ils ont fait ce que je leur ai demandé.
14:25Au moins, ils m'ont laissé seul.
14:27Où est le sel?
14:29Non, c'est de retour sur le bateau.
14:30Je vais juste chercher le sel.
14:33Par ailleurs, c'est un...
14:34un vendeur de sel en silver.
14:45Où ai-je mis...
14:48le sel?
14:52Où est-ce que je l'ai mis?
15:07C'est du sel et de la poudre, n'est-ce pas?
15:12Oh, wow!
15:13Ce nourriture est délicieuse, n'est-ce pas?
15:22J'ai trouvé le vendeur de sel.
15:24C'était sur le bateau.
15:27Est-ce qu'il s'est réglé sous le...
15:30Regarde ça!
15:32Mon nourriture!
15:33Mon nourriture!
15:38Il pleut.
15:40Oh, non, il pleut.
15:42En tout cas, ne t'inquiète pas.
15:43On a tout mangé.
15:44Pouvons-nous tous retourner sur le bateau, Chris?
15:46C'est bon pour moi aussi.
15:47Hey, nous pouvons faire une course!
15:48C'est une bonne idée!
15:52Rappelez-vous ce que j'ai oublié?
15:54J'ai oublié l'ombrelle.
15:57Je ne peux pas partir parce que l'engin est brisé.
16:00Et maintenant, je suis faim,
16:02je suis faim,
16:03je suis froid,
16:04et je suis moche,
16:05et je suis fatigué.
16:07Et regardez-les!
16:08C'est une bonne idée.
16:19Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un...
16:23qui peut faire un parti?
16:30Excusez-moi, mon amour!
16:31Mon amour!
16:33Pouvez-vous me demander
16:34un très...
16:35un très petit favor?
16:40Je dois partir!