Under the Umbrella Tree S02 E001 - Chez Iggy

  • il y a 3 mois


00:002 of the best of Under the Umbrella Tree
00:02So many great memories
00:04I remember the time when you opened your own restaurant Iggy
00:07Chez Iggy
00:08Yeah boy that makes me hungry
00:10Me too
00:11A nice suet ball could sure go good now
00:13Pure fat wrapped with bird seed
00:16How can you eat that stuff?
00:18What you need is good old gopher food
00:20Roots and tubers covered in dirt
00:23You know, I'm not hungry anymore
00:25Me neither
00:26Let's just watch the show
00:31Do you ever wonder
00:33What could happen under
00:34Under an umbrella tree
00:37Sunny days of thunder
00:39Your friends are waiting under
00:41Under the umbrella tree
00:44So come on everybody
00:46See you up at Holly's
00:47There's no better place to be
00:50In your imagination
00:52You'll find an invitation
00:54Under the umbrella tree
01:01There, sheets are all folded
01:04How are the socks coming?
01:06But I can't seem to find a mate to this red sock
01:09Well it must be here some place
01:12Did someone say they were looking for a red sock?
01:15Oh Jacob
01:16Now that's what I call using your head
01:19I wish all our chores were as much fun as doing the laundry
01:23Chores are always easier when everyone pitches in
01:26I wonder how Iggy is getting on
01:29I wonder how Iggy is coming along with his chore
01:31He was supposed to make lunch
01:33Yeah and I'm hungry
01:35It was nice of him to offer to make lunch
01:37I wonder what he's making
01:39I don't know
01:40All he would say was that it would be a surprise
01:42Well now that the laundry's finished
01:44Let's go upstairs and see what it is
01:46I'm starved
01:48Ok Jacob you can help me carry the laundry basket upstairs
01:50Alright sure
01:52Oh boy it's heavy
01:54Yeah I don't remember it being this heavy
01:56When I brought it downstairs
01:59Hey wait a minute
02:01Where's Gloria?
02:04I think I know
02:11Trying to get another free ride eh Gloria?
02:14I almost did too
02:16Ok there's the tomatoes all cut up
02:18Cucumbers are ready
02:20Hi Iggy we're back
02:22Oh hi
02:23My goodness Iggy you look like a real chef
02:25Oh yeah
02:26Thank you
02:27What's a chef?
02:28Oh chef is another word for cook
02:30Well what's for lunch chef?
02:33I'm going to make the best salad ever eaten by a person or lizard
02:37Well how about blue jays?
02:39Or gophers
02:40Oh yeah I mean the best salad ever eaten by a person or lizard
02:44Or gophers
02:45Oh yeah I mean the best salad ever eaten by a person or lizard
02:48Sounds wonderful
02:50Well what kind of salad is it?
02:52Well I took a recipe from this cookbook called The Green Gourmet
02:55And added a pinch of a recipe from that cookbook called Salad Secrets
02:58Mixed it all together and came up with my own creation
03:01I call it Salad a la Iggy
03:04Salad a la Iggy
03:07It sounds fantastic
03:09Well if you think it sounds good wait until you taste it Gloria
03:13When do you think it will be ready Ig?
03:15Hey Jake you can't rush a masterpiece
03:17Do you think we have time to finish up a few more chores before lunch?
03:20Sure good idea do what you have to do and I'll call you
03:23When I'm finished creating
03:26Oh brother
03:27Ok well I guess I'll put the laundry away and do a little vacuuming
03:30Oh well I'll set the table
03:34Oh well maybe I'll do a little dusting
03:43Gloria thank you for doing the dusting
03:45Oh you're welcome Holly
03:46And Jacob thank you for setting the table
03:48Oh you're welcome Holl
03:49I like setting the table
03:51Did you know that the fork always goes on the left?
03:55I learned that from my Granny Blue
03:57Well now that all the chores are finished
03:59Is lunch ready Iggy?
04:01It'll be ready for tasting in just a few minutes
04:03Gloria, Jacob
04:04I want to talk to you for a minute
04:05What is it Holly?
04:06Iggy has worked very hard making this salad
04:08And we don't want to hurt his feelings
04:10So if you don't like it just take a few bites and then say that you're full ok?
04:14Oh ok
04:15But what if it tastes yucky?
04:17Ok the wait is over
04:19The masterpiece is finished
04:21Do you want a hand there Ig?
04:22Salad a la Iggy
04:24You first Holly
04:25Go ahead have a taste
04:28Just a little one to start off
04:30Oh you picked a good part
04:31Oh well
04:33So what do you think?
04:37It's fantastic
04:39It's the best salad I've ever tasted
04:41So you really like it?
04:43Like it I love it
04:44It's so good you could open a restaurant
04:46Open my own restaurant?
04:48What a great idea
04:50Um Holly excuse me but may we have some salad now too?
04:54Yeah I'm starved
04:56Oh sorry Iggy
04:57Oh no no no
04:58No no no
05:00Yeah I'm starved
05:01Oh sorry no not right now
05:04How come?
05:05I can't serve you my salad a la Iggy like this
05:07Why not?
05:08A salad like this needs to be served in a place with more atmosphere
05:14What's he talking about?
05:16Well I think he wants to serve his salad some place special
05:20And I know just the place
05:25I wonder why Iggy asked us to come down to the basement
05:28Oh who knows I just hope he's got something to eat for us I'm starved
05:33Me too
05:35Hey what happened to the basement?
05:38It looks like a restaurant
05:42Ah my first customers
05:45Bonjour and welcome to Chez Iggy's
05:49Chez Iggy's?
05:51That's right it's the name of my restaurant
05:53It means Iggy's place
05:57Well I thought my salad needed to be served in a special place
06:00A place with more atmosphere
06:02And this is it my new restaurant Chez Iggy's
06:06I've never been to a restaurant where you could do your laundry
06:09Well that's what I thought
06:11While you're waiting to use the dryer you can have a salad
06:14I think it's a great idea to have a restaurant in the basement
06:18Yeah cause I'm hungry
06:20Let's eat
06:21So that's a table for three
06:23Would you care to sit by the washing machine or by the furnace?
06:26By the furnace please
06:28An excellent choice
06:29This way please
06:34There you are a table for three
06:38Oh nice table Ig
06:43Thank you
06:44Your waiter will be with you in a moment
06:46Oh this is fun
06:50Hello welcome to Chez Iggy's
06:52My name is Iggy and I'm your waiter for today
06:54Are you ready to order?
06:55Hum well I think I'll have a hamburger
06:58Sorry no hamburgers
07:00Oh well in that case I'll have a grilled cheese sandwich
07:04Sorry no grilled cheese sandwiches
07:06Well what do you have?
07:08Well the thing that Chez Iggy's is famous for
07:10The salad a la Iggy of course
07:14Well that settles it
07:15I will have a salad a la Iggy
07:17Ah excellent choice
07:19I'll have a salad too please
07:21Very good
07:22Make that three salads
07:24Got it three salad a la Iggy
07:26I'll go and tell the chef
07:27Oh and while we're waiting for our salad
07:30Could we have a glass of water please?
07:33Good idea
07:36Restaurants always give you water
07:38They do?
07:39They do
07:42Ah in that case I'll run upstairs and get you some
07:46Be right back
07:49Iggy has a nice restaurant here doesn't he?
07:51He certainly does
07:53Yes we'll have to drop down more often
07:56I hope he comes back with the water soon
07:58I'm thirsty
07:59Yeah me too
08:01Here he comes
08:03Here's your water
08:06Thanks Ig
08:07You're welcome it's a long climb
08:08Thank you
08:16What do you think Polly?
08:20Excellent water
08:22Ladies and gentlemen birds and gophers
08:24It's show time here at Chez Iggy
08:28Oh boy there's even entertainment
08:31Right now I'd like to play a little tune
08:33And dedicate it to my special guests at table number one
08:37Hey that's us
08:54Is that it?
08:56Oh that was very good Iggy
08:57Yes it was
08:58Thank you
08:59Thank you very much
09:00It's nothing
09:01Just part of the service here at Chez Iggy
09:05Speaking of service
09:07Do you think we could have some bread?
09:10You usually get bread in a restaurant
09:13And Chez Iggy's is no exception
09:16I'll be right back with your bread
09:19I'll have a bread roll please
09:22I like it here at Chez Iggy's
09:25It's just like a real restaurant
09:27Iggy has done a fine job
09:29I hope he comes back with the bread soon
09:31I'm hungry
09:32Me too
09:33Moi aussi
09:36Voici le pain et les bretons
09:43Où est le beurre?
09:46Le beurre?
09:48J'aime bien avoir du beurre sur mon pain
09:50Tu le fais?
09:51Chaque fois
09:53Chaque fois
09:55Pas de problème
09:56Chez Iggy's le client est toujours correct
09:59Je reviens
10:02J'espère qu'il est en bonne santé
10:04Notre appartement est à deux vols
10:06C'est beaucoup de courir
10:09Je reviens avec le beurre
10:12C'est ce que j'appelle le service
10:14Merci Iggy
10:15De rien
10:17Où est le beurre?
10:19Le beurre?
10:21Tu sais, des couteaux, des pinceaux, des cuillères
10:23Comment est-ce qu'on fait le beurre sans le beurre?
10:28Très bien
10:29Je vais
10:31Je reviens tout de suite
10:32Avec le beurre
10:35Et n'oublie pas les assiettes
10:39Les assiettes?
10:42Ah oui
10:44Mon dieu, faire du boulot dans un restaurant
10:47Tu peux le dire encore
10:50Mon dieu, faire du boulot dans un restaurant
10:53Jacob, elle ne voulait vraiment pas que tu le dises deux fois
10:56C'est juste une expression
10:59Je le savais
11:02Je reviens avec le beurre et les assiettes
11:11Merci Iggy
11:15Là, maintenant tu as tout ce dont tu as besoin
11:18Eh bien, pas vraiment, Iggy
11:23Qu'est-ce qui manque?
11:25Et la nourriture? Nous n'avons pas nos salades
11:29Oh, pitié, pitié, pitié
11:32Je peux résoudre ça en courant des escaliers
11:36Et en les achetant de la cuisine
11:42N'y va pas
11:46J'espère qu'il y en aura, il a l'air assez fatigué
11:49J'espère qu'il y en aura aussi
11:51J'ai faim
11:53J'ai hâte de goûter cette salade
11:56Oui, c'est bon aussi, n'est-ce pas?
11:58C'est délicieux
12:03Voici ta salade
12:07Holly, tu penses peut-être que tu peux m'aider avec ça?
12:10Bien sûr
12:16Jake, fais-moi un favori
12:18Bien sûr, Iggy, qu'est-ce que c'est?
12:20Rappelle-moi la prochaine fois que tu auras la cuisine sur le même sol que le restaurant
12:25Pauvre chef-lizard
12:27Jacob, fais-moi une salade
12:29Oui, à la fin
12:32J'ai faim
12:34C'est bon
12:35Ça te démarre, Gloria
12:38Je vais juste rester ici un moment
12:39C'est délicieux
12:41Et pour moi
12:50C'est terminé, c'était délicieux
12:52C'est terminé, c'était délicieux
12:54C'est terminé
12:55Je pense que je vais en prendre une autre salade à l'Iggy
12:59Désolé, Jake, Chez Iggy's a juste...
13:04...fait l'affaire
13:06Fait l'affaire?
13:08Putain, Iggy, pourquoi?
13:12Eh bien, j'ai juste réalisé
13:14qu'il faut être plus qu'un bon chef pour gérer un restaurant
13:18Il faut aussi être un bon chasseur
13:52Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
