MILF Manor S2 Episode 9 - Runaway MILF

  • 3 months ago
MILF Manor Season 2 Episode 9


00:00I know my man's ass when I see it.
00:02Oh, OK.
00:02The woman who correctly identified the most butts,
00:08I'm a butthole, girl!
00:11You good, smelling good?
00:12What's going on with you, Chicago?
00:14Thank you.
00:15I'm definitely interested in both Shauna and Crystal.
00:18Ask her to come in here and cook your ass a meal
00:20and see how that rolls.
00:24I have this great connection with Nanette.
00:26Give me a kiss first.
00:27But Rebecca is hot, and bubbly, and fun.
00:30That's it.
00:31You're mine, Nanette.
00:33We're here to meet people.
00:34I'm not here to meet anybody else.
00:37I'm not.
00:38I don't enjoy the fact that he's got a plan A and a plan B.
00:42It doesn't make me feel very special.
00:44I can't tell if Joey has a thing for me or not.
00:46So now that Connor's here, like, I'm moving on.
00:49He's so hot.
00:51Can I go to the cinema?
00:53I'm coming.
00:55What do I wear?
00:56Let's go.
00:57Rebecca is what we call thirsty.
00:59And I'm like, bitch, you need to, like, step off.
01:02Actually, you better run.
01:03Have the best night of your life.
01:05Thank you, guys.
01:14Come on in.
01:15Come on in.
01:16All right, we got tequila!
01:17All right.
01:18Bring it in.
01:20Oh, my god.
01:23Now you bring out the tequila.
01:26What's up, David?
01:27So who did you go in the shower with?
01:29We went in the steam room.
01:31Myself, Connor, and Rebecca.
01:35There's a threesome in the steam room.
01:36What happened?
01:38We just got some steam.
01:40But steam can be a variety of things, you know?
01:42Steam can be, you know.
01:43Yeah, well, you know, steam can be steam, steam.
01:47No, steam means steam, steam.
01:50I got some steam in the steam room.
01:53Kelly and Christine are very interested in what
01:54happened in the steam room.
01:56But we're here to explore and spend time with different women
01:59at different times.
02:01And Christine has been exploring different options
02:03throughout the house.
02:03So it's all fair game.
02:05So it's a failed mission.
02:06Say it again?
02:07So it was a failed mission.
02:09What do you mean?
02:09What was the mission?
02:12It was a joke.
02:14Connor and I, we are always attracted to the same woman.
02:17And I'm still very attracted to Rebecca.
02:20She's a very fun, flirtatious girl.
02:26But Connor, Rebecca, and Anthony are
02:30involved in a love triangle.
02:32And, you know, I still have the attraction towards Christine.
02:35And I'd really like to just spend some more time with her
02:37to see where our relationship could go.
02:40I'll wear those later.
02:42Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
02:43Lynette going to whip that ass.
02:45You heard it first from me.
02:47Lynette going to whip that ass.
02:49Save those for later.
02:51Fold those up.
02:52Right now, I'm having a difficult time
02:55choosing between Lynette and Rebecca.
02:58This craving for Lynette's soft side.
03:01And then Rebecca, she's more of a fun girl.
03:05To be dating other women in front of another woman
03:08is hard for me, very difficult. But it's
03:10just the situation we're in.
03:15Where's she at?
03:23Where's my lady at?
03:26I don't have any idea what Chris and I are going to do tonight.
03:29It's a surprise.
03:30This whole thing has been a surprise.
03:32I did not come in here with any expectations.
03:35I thought maybe I was going to be one of the women that
03:39didn't find anybody, because I'm so picky.
03:41I'm so set in my ways.
03:42So when I tell you I did not see the connection with Chris
03:45coming, I mean for real.
03:47I just couldn't think about being with anyone
03:49else in the house but him.
03:50So I'm really excited to see what we're going to get into.
03:54In this cute little dress.
04:02Lucky man, lucky man!
04:10You ready?
04:12All right, ladies and gentlemen.
04:13Y'all enjoy y'all's night, because Lord knows we will.
04:15Y'all have fun.
04:16We'll wait up for you.
04:18Let's go have a good night.
04:21I got you, love.
04:23All right, everybody.
04:25Truth or dare, don't drop the tower.
04:29We're all going to play together, all right?
04:31Everyone get around the table.
04:33We need more chairs.
04:35No, I don't want to play.
04:36You don't want to play?
04:37OK, let's go.
04:40Tonight, I think the house is just down to have a fun night.
04:43There's some new relationships that are forming in the house.
04:45My dad and Lynette have a thing going on,
04:47but he's definitely all over Rebecca.
04:50Rebecca and Connor are kind of getting it going right now.
04:53But he also has a connection with Talia.
04:56Crystal and Stacey's a funny situation,
04:58because Crystal's 100% into Stacey.
05:00And you know what?
05:01I think Stacey's definitely digging her a little bit,
05:03but I also think he's a lot more into Shauna.
05:07But me and Shauna are vibing out.
05:09All these relationships are clearly
05:11intertwining with one another.
05:13So this can get definitely a little interesting.
05:15I wouldn't be shocked if there's a wine glass thrown
05:18by the end of the night.
05:19Say I pull a block, right?
05:21It depends what the block says, if it's truth or dare.
05:23If it's truth, I give someone a truth.
05:25And if it's a dare, I give someone a dare.
05:27Oh, that's fair.
05:28If you don't want to take the truth or the dare,
05:30you can deny, but you got to drink.
05:32I'm very eager to play truth or dare,
05:34because I want to know how Stacey feels about me and Shauna.
05:38I'm worried about if he's attracted to her.
05:41I've been showing him all of this feminine energy,
05:44and I cannot get a peep out of him.
05:47So I want to play this game.
05:48And there's no telling what I'm going to find out.
05:51All right, here we go.
05:53Christina's got it.
05:55Oh, dare.
05:58OK, I dare Connor to French kiss Kelly.
06:05You can thank me later.
06:07My girl's, you know, feeling Connor.
06:09And so I thought I needed to maybe give
06:11it a little more of a push.
06:24Way to go, nephew!
06:26Way to go!
06:27She really went in for that kiss.
06:29Like, she was taking her man back.
06:33She sucked that tongue right in there.
06:35OK, yeah.
06:36Yeah, so I guess that was uncomfortable.
06:39She pulled my weave out.
06:47You're cold, girl.
06:48I'm always cold.
06:49You just shivered.
06:50Why'd you come out here?
06:51I thought we were going to stay.
06:52Because you're way too loud there.
06:53That's true.
06:55There's a lot here that is out of my comfort zone.
06:58And so I don't know if I want to participate in something
07:01like Truth or Dare.
07:03I consider Darren and I to be old fashioned.
07:06So I want to confirm that we're on the same page.
07:09I really love our new friends and, you know,
07:14all the activities that, you know, we do together.
07:18But I'm here for one reason.
07:23And I want to spend time with the person that I find
07:30most interesting to me.
07:37Yes, I want to spend as much time as we can together.
07:40But yes, I will also get involved in some of the stuff.
07:44So I don't know if that's one of your concerns,
07:46that you think I'm, oh, as soon as I go to bed,
07:48he's down there hanging out with the rest of them
07:52and he's still looking.
07:55I don't need to have potential with a bunch of people.
07:57I just need one.
07:58Just one.
08:00I'm relieved.
08:00Darren and I are definitely on the same page.
08:04He's learning my boundaries, my comfort zone.
08:08We're still new, but we're investing in ourselves.
08:15All right, David, go ahead.
08:17It's all about that.
08:18Oh, you've been eyeing that one up.
08:21You went right there.
08:23Two new girls.
08:27I dare you guys both to kiss Joey.
08:32Make it erotic.
08:35Start making out with that ear.
08:36Get on it.
08:38No, at the same time.
08:40At the same time.
08:41It's Joey's turn.
08:47Your dad is watching you.
08:49You do not need to see this.
08:51All right.
08:54They are going all in.
08:5510 minutes.
08:5710 minutes.
08:5810 minutes.
09:00No, it's not done.
09:03As close as we are, this is testing
09:05our boundaries a little bit.
09:06Me and my son go out on dates together when we're back home
09:10and it's normal, you know?
09:12But there's some things that you just don't do
09:15with your son or with your father.
09:17Come on, Rebecca.
09:19I'm just going to run over there.
09:21Oh, you ran, boo.
09:24All right, go ahead and say it.
09:25I was like, hey.
09:26Oh, thank God.
09:29Why do you guys touch like that?
09:30There you go.
09:31There you go.
09:33I didn't know how this would work.
09:35Oh, boy.
09:38We're going to go straight to it.
09:40Shauna, would you like to go out here and sit
09:43down and have a glass of wine?
09:48That was smooth.
09:50You got balls.
09:51How dare you ask her?
09:53Right there, smack dab in front of me,
09:55he was definitely stepping on my toes
09:57by asking Shauna out on a date.
10:00The temperature in the house just
10:01got like 110 degrees hotter.
10:04She rolled her eyes and I was like, Houston,
10:08we have a problem.
10:12Oh, my God.
10:18I saw Lucille Ball do it on I Love Lucy.
10:20Should I try it?
10:21You don't want to talk about Lucille Ball
10:22who knows how to do this.
10:24Lucille, excuse me.
10:26I dare you to me like you want to.
10:33You can watch and learn a bit.
10:34I know.
10:40I do not want to go out and have a glass of wine.
10:45Oh, shit.
10:46What is this?
10:49I caught you.
10:51I don't know what's going on with him and Crystal,
10:53but I knew that Crystal had some sort of feelings for him.
10:57So I just wanted to stay away from that energy
10:59because he definitely gave me smooth vibes.
11:01And I want to continue to get to know Julia better.
11:06You're giggling way too much.
11:08Look, you don't even have to look at me.
11:11She feeling Jory.
11:13The fact that Sean has turned down Stacey for the date
11:15makes me a little extra confident.
11:18I'm happy about it.
11:20You know, I was actually a little irritated
11:22because I think Crystal made it known that Stacey is off limits.
11:26I really don't see another reason.
11:28Who's going to turn me down for a date?
11:30My turn.
11:31Do your thing, girl.
11:32This is going to be a decision-making truth
11:35for somebody who doesn't even know.
11:37Oh, I already do.
11:39I've had a lot of fun with Kelly.
11:40She's a spitfire.
11:41She's very outspoken.
11:42And I think I can definitely see some chemistry there.
11:45But Rebecca definitely had my attention.
11:48She's very free-spirited and fun.
11:50It's a tough decision.
11:51And I don't know what I'm going to do yet,
11:53but I want to make the right choice.
11:56Poke it out.
11:56Poke it out.
11:57There you go.
12:00You got a dare.
12:01You got a dare, girl.
12:02My dare.
12:03Connor, I dare you to me like you want me.
12:10Oh, my god.
12:11Close on.
12:12Like, in front of us?
12:13With your clothes on.
12:14Clothes on.
12:16Of course.
12:17It's like a dry hump.
12:20You can watch and learn, bitch.
12:25Sorry, but it's not for the public.
12:27No, he's old.
12:28Oh, he's drinking instead of the booze.
12:32Finishes the drink.
12:33Being respectful.
12:35I'm sorry.
12:39Kelly was definitely just trying
12:40to mark me as her territory, which was very off-putting.
12:45I don't know if Kelly's intimidated by Rebecca,
12:47just because I think Kelly is very
12:49comfortable in her own skin.
12:51I just, I think that she was more pissed off
12:53that I'm giving Rebecca more attention
12:55than she's getting.
12:58It's my turn?
12:59It's your turn.
13:00Be careful.
13:01Don't knock it down, girl.
13:03One hand, one hand, one hand.
13:05One hand.
13:06That's good.
13:07You're going to have to pull it quicker than that.
13:08It's going to fall.
13:10Like, snatch.
13:13I got you, Lynette.
13:14Thank you.
13:17I dare you to give him a lap dance.
13:20Oh my god.
13:21I think Rebecca's getting most of the steamy dares
13:23because she's made a lot of waves.
13:25A lot of the guys are into her.
13:27I can see Lynette is jealous.
13:30Not that jealousy is good, but a little bit
13:33of territorialness is good.
13:34If my lady does that for me, it shows me that she cares.
13:47Hey, where's the music?
13:48If I was 5'5", I would do that, too.
13:51Kelly's getting jealous.
13:52Let me turn around.
13:54All right, Rebecca and Connor.
13:55OK, we're, OK.
13:56I don't know what's going on with Rebecca and Connor,
13:59but it's not sitting well with me at all.
14:01Everyone knows that he's mine, and I'm not down to share.
14:05She's not done.
14:06Yeah, she's not done.
14:10I know what you're doing.
14:11Very good.
14:13Very, very, very, very.
14:15I'm getting that bitch off you.
14:17I'm not a bitch.
14:20Smarter than I look, baby.
14:22I could tell there was a little connection or some kind
14:24of vibe going on there.
14:25So I'm like, let's see if we can't, like,
14:27facilitate this a little bit.
14:29If I was a guy, and I saw a girl that I wanted
14:32to have a relationship with behave
14:34that way with other guys, I'm not
14:37sure I would want to pursue anything with her.
14:41But that's just me.
14:421, 2, 3.
14:45That's drinks for everybody.
14:47No, I didn't knock that down.
14:47No, hell no.
14:49We're done.
14:49We need a break.
14:51I want to know what it's like to be loved by you.
14:57Wider than all of your tears.
15:00Love that's deeper than the sea.
15:03You look amazing.
15:03You look just like you're going to have a grand time.
15:06What it's like to be loved by you.
15:12This is going to be a really nice moment.
15:14Want to grab a card?
15:16I didn't bring my readers.
15:17I got it.
15:17OK, you already got it.
15:19Welcome to your romantic date at this beautiful winery.
15:22Before you get to enjoy the delicious wine,
15:24you get to make some yourselves.
15:26Get in the tub and get ready to crush
15:28some grapes with your feet.
15:29Don't forget to take a sip.
15:31Oh, wait, for real though?
15:33That's been like a long life dream of mine,
15:35to have a I love Lucy moment.
15:37Squishing grapes.
15:40I'm really excited to have a date with Chris
15:42outside of the house.
15:45I think I've gotten through a layer of Chris
15:47that I didn't expect to get through.
15:49Hold on, let me take my jacket off.
15:50This is about to get messy.
15:52But I still think that there's still more to learn about him.
15:56Have you ever done anything like this?
15:58I saw Lucille Ball do it on I Love Lucy when I was young.
16:01Do you remember her?
16:04I love Lucy?
16:05Who the fuck is Lucy?
16:06Oh my god.
16:09It's like she's the greatest female comedian of all time.
16:14How do you not know who Lucy is?
16:15There's like the age gap right there, you know?
16:18But there is something exciting about younger guys.
16:23She's making faces.
16:24She's making faces.
16:25Yeah, exactly.
16:26If anyone ever judged me for dating a younger guy,
16:29I would say, don't walk until you try it.
16:31I could have missed out on this experience.
16:34And it's emotional.
16:37It's exciting.
16:38It's scary.
16:39It's uncomfortable.
16:40I mean, it's everything.
16:42Oh my god.
16:46I can step into a ring with any man
16:49and go toe to toe with no fear in my heart.
16:52But on the way over here, my heart's
16:53racing because I'm scared of, well, if I mess this up.
16:57It's been a while since I've let my guard down.
16:59And she's not taking advantage of that.
17:02She's not shying away from it.
17:04She's diving into it.
17:05And so as long as I know that, OK, Barbie's
17:08going to be there with me, I'm here for it.
17:11Is this actually how they make wine, though?
17:13This is how Lucy did it.
17:15So like, we're drinking like people's foot juice?
17:18Pretty much.
17:19And people think that's like, OK?
17:21I really, I have feelings for Chris already.
17:24And it's a lot to take in, you know?
17:29Neither of us hesitate to tell each other
17:31how we feel about each other, which is nice.
17:33It's nice not to play those games and just say I like you.
17:38Not hitting the spot.
17:39I don't.
17:40Am I drunk?
17:42I'm kidding.
17:48I'm going to give you a massage later.
17:50The best one you've ever had.
17:51I need a f***ing massage.
17:56Just put me on the table.
17:58I think I was really, really uncomfortable,
18:00to the truth of the dare.
18:02And I still don't know where it's going with Rebecca.
18:04Because I see her eyes on the young guy.
18:06I see that me and her have this great connection.
18:09But I understand the allure for a woman
18:12to be with a young guy.
18:13And I get it, you know?
18:14It's just something they want to conquer.
18:16But as far as competing with me, there's no competition.
18:20I need a massage.
18:26Oh my God, that feels so good.
18:29Physically, I'm more attracted to Connor.
18:31But getting to know Anthony is great.
18:33He makes you feel so comfortable.
18:35You can tell he's a very loving person.
18:38There's a sexy older guy.
18:39There's a sexy younger guy.
18:41I'm just, you know, keeping my options open.
18:44I feel so good.
18:47I literally can't look.
18:51I mean, it's definitely a little weird
18:53to see, you know, my dad massaging Rebecca.
18:55I know my dad cares about Lynette.
18:57But I mean, I think it's more than okay
18:59for my dad to go out and experience
19:01and this entire, you know, journey.
19:04But like, at the same time,
19:05I think Lynette's better for my dad.
19:10Oh gosh.
19:14Wait, what?
19:16I'm not sure how much more of this I'm going to take.
19:20We got a friend over there.
19:22Oh yeah.
19:24I don't think Anthony is doing anything he sees as wrong.
19:29He's kind of playing with fire though.
19:30Because I think Lynette might see something wrong with him.
19:35I just think he's going to have a tougher time
19:37explaining it to Lynette than he would to me or you.
19:42She's not going to take that.
19:43She's going to talk to him about it.
19:44So we'll see how that all goes.
19:47We're going to get the booboo, all right?
19:50Oh, no, I ain't dealing with that.
19:53You are a troublemaker.
19:55Oh my God.
20:01I feel really bad.
20:03I'm liking Lynette, but Rebecca's a lot of fun.
20:08She's a whip.
20:09That's what makes it hard.
20:11I mean, like we're here to date people, meet people,
20:14but I'm going to have a lot of explaining to do with Lynette.
20:18I just walked in the realty room
20:19and he was in there with her.
20:24I'm so confused.
20:25Anthony was in there with Rebecca.
20:29I'm not doing that.
20:31I will cut this off and in New York say, done.
20:35How do you see this playing out after we leave?
20:43Rebecca's out with Connor in the hot tub.
20:45I feel like my relationship with Connor
20:47is going to get better from this point on.
20:50Bye, Rebecca.
20:51Bye, bitch.
20:56Anthony was in there with Rebecca.
20:58How do you know?
20:59I saw it.
21:00What'd you see?
21:01She's laying on the bed.
21:02He's leaning over her.
21:03Are you kidding?
21:05He is such a dirty.
21:07I'm regretting everything now.
21:10I'm questioning everything.
21:12I'm feeling like I'm being made a fool of.
21:16He did that to me too in the beginning.
21:18Oh, I like you, I like you.
21:21I'm hurt.
21:22I'm upset.
21:23It was very triggering.
21:24It brought back a lot of memories
21:26of how I've been treated in the past.
21:28And I'm not going to stand for that anymore.
21:32But tonight to do that though,
21:34I think it's sad because she genuinely felt for Anthony.
21:37I think Anthony's a genuine person.
21:40I think sometimes men get caught up in the wrong thing.
21:45It's f***ed.
21:47We done.
21:53♪ Said give you time, I said give it to me ♪
21:58♪ Give it to me, give it to me ♪
22:03How do you see this playing out after we leave?
22:07♪ In a world that's so wrong, you're right beside me ♪
22:14I've just been holding back, you know?
22:16Cause it's just scary to put yourself out there.
22:21But I want to, I want to be in your life.
22:25♪ Just take it day by day ♪
22:32I want to be at your stupid fights
22:33as much as I'm going to hate it.
22:36You know?
22:40I just feel like I'm kind of dreaming right now.
22:42The way that everything's unfolding is very surreal.
22:45I can honestly say that in my lifetime
22:48that I've ever felt almost like the peace
22:50that I do with him.
22:53I need more wine.
22:55I might be a little struck at the moment
22:59and it's, it's scary to admit that.
23:03Because if, if I lose that,
23:07then yeah, it's going to hurt a little bit.
23:12I'm a fighter, through and through,
23:13not even just in a ring.
23:14Mindset-wise, I will fight for what I want.
23:18♪ We were meant to be ♪
23:23And you are what I want.
23:25Just what scares me is that like,
23:27my body is just going to get older before yours, you know?
23:37As long as you allow me to be there, I will be here.
23:39I can tell you that now with the utmost sincerity, love.
23:41I will be here.
23:45I just have never been in a situation
23:47where a guy has been so open about his feelings towards me.
23:52I've been in relationships where they say,
23:53I love you or I care about you, but he's like, he's dead set.
23:58Like his goal is this with me
24:01and that is just really foreign to me.
24:04My nature is to say, what's the catch?
24:08I need a woman's touch in my life.
24:09I know that.
24:10And I trust your touch.
24:19I am just in my feelings
24:23about what a beautiful date we're having.
24:25And it's one of the most beautiful dates
24:27I've ever been on.
24:27And I've been on a lot of dates.
24:35You want to get changed and go to the hot tub?
24:37Oh yeah, let's go to the hot tub.
24:39I'm game.
24:40All right.
24:42Can we go nude?
24:44Can we go nude?
24:47The house has been crazy tonight.
24:48Rebecca got a massage from Anthony,
24:51which obviously upset Lynette.
24:53And right as Anthony goes to bed,
24:56Rebecca starts joking about getting naked with Connor.
25:00When Kelly finds out, it's not gonna be pretty.
25:03I was really thinking for a split second
25:07that we were in the clear for some drama.
25:09And we were not.
25:10And we were not even close.
25:12Not at all.
25:13Go get my bikini on.
25:16So what's up?
25:17Me and you?
25:18Yeah, what's going on?
25:19I just came in here.
25:20I don't know what the is going on.
25:22Come on, St. Louis, go.
25:24I'm embarrassed because he knows that I like him.
25:26And then here he goes and he asks Shauna on a date
25:29and I'm left looking like a fool.
25:33I think I really need to talk with Stacey
25:35so I can make a decision on what I need to do.
25:37Either still pursue him
25:40or pursue someone else at this point.
25:43I have an attraction to you.
25:45You didn't grasp on to that.
25:48Did, what makes you think I didn't?
25:51You wanted to take Shauna out.
25:52You asked her out for a date.
25:55And you never told me,
25:57I would like to go on a date with you,
26:00but you told her in that.
26:07You ain't gotta be into me,
26:09but just keep it real with me, dude.
26:12If old girl is what the,
26:14you want to pursue, go ahead.
26:17First of all, I'm not jumping
26:19into no relationship with anybody.
26:21Seriously, when I first got divorced,
26:23I didn't think I was ever going to even be
26:25in a relationship, let alone marriage.
26:29No, I'm out of divorce
26:30and I'm taking my time to get to know the people.
26:32Crystal and Shauna, they both caught my attention.
26:35I want to, you know, be genuine and fill them out
26:38to see if there's any type of connection to go forward.
26:41That's what this experience is about.
26:43But for me to get to a point where I'm starting to date
26:46and meet people and mingle,
26:48that's a big ass step for me.
26:51I respect the fact that Stacey doesn't want to get close
26:54because he's coming out of a divorce,
26:58but the door is open.
27:00And if you don't walk through,
27:02I'm not going to keep trying for long.
27:04I love the hot tub.
27:22Kelly does not like what's going on with me and Rebecca.
27:25I don't have anything to hide. It's a double standard.
27:28Kelly was interested in both me and Joey,
27:30so we're both here for the same reason.
27:33Kelly has just been, like, crazy.
27:36I don't get involved in that.
27:38I'm not going to, like, fight or, like, you know,
27:41make it a thing, so I'm like, whatever.
27:44You know, like, okay.
27:45Yeah, I feel like Kelly, she's trying to be territorial.
27:47Yeah. It's just, like, a huge turnoff to me.
27:50I think that you match my vibe a little bit better.
27:53Yeah. Just, like, fitnessy vibe.
27:55I feel that, but, like, I wasn't sure.
27:59I'm just overly excited that he, you know,
28:02decided I'm going to pursue Rebecca.
28:05Even though I know that Kelly does have an attraction to him,
28:09I came here to pursue men, so I'm exploring my options, too.
28:13Well, come on over here.
28:15All right.
28:18Kind of stuck in this hole.
28:30I feel like my relationship with Connor
28:32is going to get better from this point on.
28:35Rebecca's out with Connor in the hot tub?
28:38Yeah. It's going to be second choice.
28:43Let's go. Where are we going?
28:44Hot tub.
28:47Let's go.
28:48Oh, my gosh.
28:52Let's go see what's up.
28:53Catch me inside. How about that?
28:59Do not slip now. I'm going to slip.
29:01Rebecca is clearly a pick-me girl.
29:03She's going into saunas with a couple dudes,
29:05getting massaged from Anthony,
29:07and now she's in a hot tub with a guy all within 24 hours?
29:09Like, girl, who does Rebecca think she is?
29:12She needs to get in her car and drive back to Buffalo.
29:15Oh, she's all over him.
29:16Ew. Gross.
29:18Bye, Rebecca. Bye, bitch.
29:22That's so cute of you.
29:23No, keep going on, babe.
29:26What's up?
29:28Just trying to see where you stand.
29:30Where I stand?
29:31Where she stands.
29:38You've come on to every guy in the house.
29:40You just got here, and now you're on Connor.
29:44How does it feel to be second choice?
29:47I don't feel like that.
29:48Well, you are.
29:49I'm just enjoying my time here, that's all.
29:51On every guy?
29:53I mean, isn't that the job of, like, coming into the house?
29:55No, it's not a job.
29:56Yeah. It's about connection.
29:58You're supposed to connect with people, right?
30:00I wouldn't say everyone.
30:02You're about the positive energy, right?
30:03I am, and that's not.
30:05She's not positive energy,
30:07and I told you that when she came in.
30:09You're not, at all, and you know it.
30:12That's why you have no response,
30:15and she's on the same track as me.
30:16There are other women like I'm still with you.
30:19I'm just being honest with you.
30:20I didn't mean it for it to be like that.
30:22Yeah, you are. You know what you're doing.
30:24I really don't. You did with Anthony.
30:26You don't. Please.
30:28Girl, the only reason why you're going after him
30:32is because you saw he had an interest in me.
30:35Be honest. I mean, honestly,
30:36when I saw him from the beginning,
30:38I just really had an attraction to him.
30:40Oh, and Anthony, and blah, blah, blah, blah.
30:44You're full of ...
30:46Well done. You look like an ass.
30:47Come on. Come on. Come on.
30:50Looks like I made the right choice.
30:52Yeah, you made the right choice.
30:54I mean, that's ... The true colors just came out, so ...
30:57I mean ...
31:00I don't feel like that I've done anything wrong.
31:02I came here to find some sort of love or a match.
31:08I am ... I'm feeling vulnerable right now,
31:12but I'm strong, so I'm going to just keep doing my thing
31:15and just be me, and if you don't like me,
31:18I guess you don't like me.
31:21She thinks I don't want every guy in the house, okay?
31:24That's so funny.
31:25I think that you handled that nice, though.
31:26Yeah. Like, very relaxed and calm.
31:29Bye, Rebecca. See you never, bitch.
31:34That makes me want to ... gag.
31:35Why are you yelling? What happened?
31:38Rebecca, nose up, I had an interest in Connor,
31:42and then, boom, on top of him in the spa.
31:46All over your dad right here to make Lynette feel uncomfortable.
31:49She's a ... hoe bag.
31:51Well, hey, it wasn't like she asked him.
31:53Connor did approach her to go to the lobby,
31:54so don't take it ...
31:56Why, he made out when he's on top of me for a minute?
31:58Yeah, but it's not ... It's just ...
32:00That's not her.
32:01She was on top of him at the spa.
32:02She was with little David and Connor earlier today.
32:04Exactly. What I'm talking about, she's been with everybody.
32:07Wait, but they asked her.
32:09Yeah. Really?
32:10Yeah. I don't see any problem with Rebecca
32:12spending time with however many men in the house she wants to.
32:16She came in after the first OGs.
32:19She has to be more aggressive and competitive and adventurous.
32:23I am okay with people not liking me,
32:26but don't be disingenuous to me and kiss me
32:30and then go get in the hot tub with another woman
32:32within 30 minutes and ... you and ... her.
32:36And the kiss was in a truth or dare game.
32:39It was a dare.
32:40Kelly, her argument, there's no validity to it.
32:43Let's go back.
32:45Rebecca's definitely different.
32:47Yeah, of course she's going to hop around
32:49until she maybe makes a connection.
32:51She got in the house and she felt a different way than I did.
32:54So ...
32:56Rebecca's really not the bad guy here.
33:00We're here to meet men.
33:02And Rebecca don't care. She's so unbothered.
33:05And Kelly's just bothered.
33:07She is out for Rebecca.
33:09How do you feel about that? Are you going to talk to Rebecca?
33:13I haven't talked to Rebecca all day.
33:14She's been living her best life.
33:16Do you think she's here to find love?
33:18Or do you think she's here to just have fun?
33:22Yeah. I'm not too, too sure
33:23where my dad stands with Rebecca.
33:25Obviously, you know, she's having her fun around the house,
33:27and I know that's not my dad's style.
33:29I want my dad to have someone more mature than that.
33:33What's up, brother?
33:34What's up?
33:36What's up?
33:37She's in the shower.
33:38I love your glasses. They're so cute.
33:42Thank you.
33:43Y'all okay?
33:44Oh, yeah. There's a lot of people unhappy.
33:47What's up, dude?
33:48I know. I'm not doing anything bad.
33:50Let's go.
33:52You don't have to worry about me.
33:54Do you think I'm worried about you?
33:55No, I don't think you are.
33:57You've tried to infiltrate every relationship here.
33:59I honestly have not.
34:01Rebecca, own it.
34:02I'm not that kind of person, so you're not going to bring it on me.
34:04Yeah, you are. Actually, you are.
34:05You did to Lynette.
34:07I'm sorry. Go ahead.
34:08That's you. It's not me.
34:09Why are you walking away? Why are you walking away?
34:11You've done to Lynette, Christina, and me.
34:13I didn't do anything to Christina.
34:15I didn't do anything to Lynette.
34:16She didn't do anything to Christina.
34:18I didn't do anything to Lynette.
34:19I'm not that kind of person. You don't know.
34:21You saw Connor kiss me, and you intentionally went for him.
34:23I did not see him kiss you.
34:25You were at the table, and he's all over me.
34:28Are you joking? It was a dare.
34:30You're so f****** bull****. Go to bed.
34:32You're a f****** liar. Go to bed.
34:33I'm not a liar. All over me.
34:34You're here to meet people. It's okay.
34:36That's meeting people? You can have whoever.
34:37You were on top of him in the spa.
34:39You're so thirsty. You can have whoever you want.
34:41You're so thirsty. Lights are out. I'm pouting.
34:44Then I hear other people calling Rebecca to the carpet.
34:46Like, what are you doing? Why are you doing this with Anthony?
34:49And you know that Lynette likes Anthony.
34:53And then, you know, sprinkling a little humiliation
34:57and realizing that you were trusting somebody
34:59that was looking in other directions.
35:02It doesn't make you feel very special.
35:08It just took me to a place that I didn't want to go.
35:19I'm done. I don't have to be here.
35:29What are you doing?
35:31It's time to go home.
35:33It's been a great experience. I've learned a lot.
35:36I'm excited to go home. I cannot go on.
35:41So, at this point, the uncertainty of it all is just too much.
35:46I'm willing to give up the happiness at this point
35:50just to preserve myself and my family.
35:56To preserve myself and reduce the likelihood of being hurt.
36:01I'm willing to give that up, because that's how much I've been hurt.
36:06And I don't want to be hurt again.
36:08When I get upset, I run, because I'm going to go home where it's safe.
36:13Do you know what I'm saying?
36:18I don't need this.
36:21I do care for Lynette.
36:23Like, you have real reason to be concerned or frustrated.
36:28But when you lead by emotions, it's not always the best.
36:33I think she should give herself a chance to find love,
36:37even if it didn't happen with Anthony.
36:41Go to bed! I don't want to talk to you.
36:44Go to bed! Nobody cares about you.
36:46You're not a good person.
36:48You're not a good person.
36:50I'm under the impression that we're all here to get to know other people,
36:53especially the men.
36:55So here I'm thinking the women are here doing that, like I am.
36:58You know, looking for their love connection.
37:01I know that you feel a way right now, and I don't blame you for...
37:04When do I give a shit to Lynette?
37:06And that has been bothering me for a long time.
37:09I'm out. I'm out.
37:11She wants to leave too. She wants to leave too, because of her.
37:14I'm out. I'm out.
37:16She wants to leave too, because of her.
37:18I'm sorry. I'm sorry I came and messed everything up.
37:20So am I.
37:22I didn't mean for that to happen.
37:24One second. Wait one second. Lynette, Lynette, it's me.
37:27Hang on. Two seconds. Two seconds.
37:29I think Lynette should stay because she did come here to find love.
37:33Anthony didn't work out, but she shouldn't let anybody, like, push her out of the home.
37:37Maybe there's a potential relationship with somebody else.
37:40I can't take this kind of shit.
37:42I know. Put your bag down.
37:44I know. I know. I know.
37:46Don't get it spilled.
37:47I know.
37:48Do you understand?
37:49I know.
37:50I've only got so much in me.
37:52Take your backpack off. Sit down.
37:54I know. Take it off.
37:55Yeah, take it off, baby.
37:56I'm just here to meet people and have fun.
37:58You're okay, though?
38:01Yeah, I just don't want to be, like, called a bitch and all kinds of stuff.
38:05When you get me my age, you get used to it.
38:07I'm called a bitch all the time.
38:09I don't need to deal with this shit.
38:11I've had a great life. I've got a great...
38:13I've got a great car. I've got a great family.
38:15I've got great kids.
38:16I don't need this bullshit.
38:18I know. It's me. I know.
38:20Do you think I'm going to be vulnerable ever?
38:22Baby, you have to.
38:23Do you think I am?
38:24You have to.
38:25Why? Why?
38:26Because it's not permanent.
38:28So somebody else can lie to me and deceit me and fucking trick me?
38:34Do you think I'm going to do that to my...
38:36I've been hurt enough.
38:39Do you want to think I've been hurt enough?
38:43I know my dad cares about Lynette,
38:45and I feel like it's my obligation to keep her from leaving the house.
38:49My dad has a strong character, so he needs a girl to follow that up.
38:52Lynette is very pure. She has a very good heart.
38:55She loves everyone, and I don't want her to leave.
38:59I am so damaged.
39:01I am so hurt.
39:03I will never have that.
39:06Not because I don't deserve it,
39:08because I'm not capable of it.
39:11I am so hurt and so damaged.
39:14Like, I will never have that, and I'm okay with that.
39:17Like, I will still die a happy woman.
39:19You know, I've got my kids.
39:21I've got my career.
39:22I've got my cats.
39:24Like, I'm okay with that.
39:26Like, I've already mourned the death of that for me.
39:29Look at fucking Anthony.
39:31He's smooth. He's smooth, and I fell for that shit.
39:36My picker is broken.
39:38Like, I don't pick the right guy.
39:40I don't pick the right guys,
39:42because what is bad for me is familiar to me.
39:45That is comfortable to me,
39:47and I gravitate towards that level of comfort.
39:49Even though it's bad, it is still what I know,
39:53because what I've always known is bad.
39:57I did have a talk with my dad.
39:59He genuinely cares about you.
40:01If he saw this right now, us three wouldn't be here.
40:04Yeah, he'd want to have a one-on-one.
40:06110%, but...
40:09When someone lies to you, that's the tough part.
40:11They may have only lied about one thing,
40:13but it calls into question everything.
40:15I'm out. I'm done.
40:17And I don't know what's true or what's not anymore,
40:20and I'm starting to question my own judgment
40:22and my own decision-making.
40:24And I'm not going to stand for that anymore.
40:26That's not how I'm going to be treated anymore.
40:29Let go
40:32Love you, Elena.
40:34I need you to
40:36Let go
40:39My time in the manor taught me
40:42that I am strong enough to be vulnerable,
40:45and I have to be a little more discriminating
40:49in who has access to that part of me.
40:52Give me a hug.
40:54Love you.
40:56Take care.
40:58Bye, ladies.
41:00Let me go
41:02There is still a part of me that thinks
41:04the opportunity to be with someone will come.
41:19I wish you would have told me, Anthony,
41:21this is bothering me, that you're going out with Rachel.
41:26It's been, like, three dudes in two days.
41:29I thought that's what we're here to do.
41:31Rebecca is definitely the cause of all this.
41:33You don't just, like, come into the house
41:35and start stealing men.
41:37Jealousy is pretty bad.
41:39It's showtime.
41:41Hey, you ready to cause some trouble?
41:44You guys, oh, Jesus Christmas, dude!
41:47Hey, look, it's two new dudes.
41:49Say hello.
41:51I don't mind a little rivalry to get Stacy a little jealous.
41:54What is the best sex position?
41:57We already know this one.
41:59No, you would think, you'd be surprised.
42:01I remember what they would do.
42:03There's certain things you just don't talk or do
42:05in front of each other, you know.
42:07Unwritten rules. Yeah.
42:09Something I said or did made you upset.
42:12Disrespect about what you said,
42:14and I'm not gonna sit here and be disrespected like that.
42:16I'm good.
42:18He's willing to throw everything we have away
42:20and treat me like,
42:22this is not how I deserve to be treated.
42:24He's not the same person
42:26that I was just with last night.