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Do Me Over Full Movie Full Episode
00:03 And you went home with him.
00:07 What's your name?
00:08 You can call me anything you want.
00:14 Let me acquire your company.
00:16 You take companies and you rip them apart.
00:19 You have no heart.
00:20 You don't deserve to be a father.
00:25 Sarah, there's something you should know.
00:29 What?
00:30 Do I have cancer?
00:32 You don't have cancer.
00:33 You're pregnant.
00:40 [LAUGHING]
00:43 I mean, it's a joke, right?
00:45 How old are you?
00:48 Sarah, I saw the reports.
00:52 My husband's been dead a year.
00:55 I mean, tell me if I'm birthless, OK?
00:57 I think I would have known if I slept with someone.
00:59 You haven't?
01:05 You can do it over my dead body.
01:09 I don't think you know what you're doing.
01:19 I have decided to keep my husband's company.
01:22 The deal is canceled.
01:23 Miss Lorraine, you won't know how to run this company
01:25 without your husband.
01:26 If anyone wants to purchase my company,
01:30 you can do it over my dead body.
01:36 Mrs. Lorraine, I don't think you know what you're doing.
01:39 If you do not sign this contract,
01:41 you will be going to war with us.
01:45 Then so be it.
01:45 I do not think you know what you are doing.
01:55 You will be going to war with us.
01:56 Please go to hell.
02:03 You are dissizing.
02:04 Let me acquire your company.
02:06 Ethan Cole is a blood-sucking asshole.
02:08 I think you should reconsider my acquisition offer, Sarah.
02:15 It's Miss Lorraine to you.
02:16 And now we're reorganizing.
02:18 You are downsizing.
02:19 And based on my calculations, Lorraine Enterprises
02:22 will be thin air in about two years,
02:24 maybe less.
02:25 So here's my offer to you.
02:28 Let me acquire your company.
02:30 Here's my final answer to you.
02:32 Fuck you, and please go to hell.
02:35 Sarah, wait, wait, wait.
02:40 Maggie, stop.
02:41 It's never going to happen.
02:42 I know.
02:43 Cole is a blood-sucking asshole, OK?
02:45 A cute one, but he's still an asshole.
02:47 But he's correct.
02:48 We need to reconsider his offer, please.
02:51 Absolutely not.
02:52 Sarah, we laid off half of our employees, OK?
02:56 We lost two major accounts.
02:58 Our stakeholders, they want to sell.
03:00 This is very, very, very bad.
03:03 Sarah, please think about yourself.
03:07 If you can pay off the loans, are you
03:10 ready to fight for bankruptcy?
03:12 Mom, are we bankrupt?
03:15 Mr. Cole, if you don't leave right now,
03:21 I'm going to call the police.
03:23 No can do.
03:24 Hey, I'm going to go to Aaron's, OK?
03:31 All right, well, don't come home too late.
03:33 OK.
03:34 Hey.
03:45 What the hell?
03:49 What are you doing at my house?
03:50 Well, you wouldn't return my calls.
03:54 And I have no plans to give up.
03:56 You need to leave, right now.
03:59 Have you given any thought to my proposal?
04:02 Mr. Cole, if you don't leave right now,
04:04 I'm going to call the police.
04:05 Sarah, I'm only doing what's best for you.
04:10 What's best for me is for you to keep your grimy hands off
04:12 my company.
04:13 No can do.
04:18 My decision is final.
04:19 You have three days.
05:10 Nice.
05:15 What's up?
05:17 I'm just talking to her, OK?
05:19 Nice.
05:32 What's up?
05:34 I'm just talking to her, OK?
05:37 Maybe we can do this tomorrow?
05:40 Yeah, just let me do the work.
05:43 You could just sit there, and I'll--
05:45 Liz, I said that I'm tired, so you can go home.
05:51 All right.
05:52 OK.
05:53 See you then.
06:08 Well, this one is different.
06:10 God damn.
06:12 You want to fuck her.
06:13 I've never knew this invested.
06:19 Jaina Conference?
06:20 Jaina Conference?
06:21 Je ne comprends pas.
06:23 Oui, monsieur.
06:25 I dug up everything I could possibly find on her.
06:28 College, marriage, her first boyfriend, kindergarten crush.
06:34 Yeah, thank you for that, by the way.
06:36 I owe you one.
06:37 Come on.
06:38 We've known each other like 10 years.
06:41 I've never seen you like this.
06:43 Well, this one is different.
06:46 She's a challenge.
06:47 God, you want to fuck her.
06:52 What happened to not mixing business with pleasure?
06:55 Jake, do you remember the girl that I was looking for?
07:02 This is her.
07:05 But I've got a plan.
07:06 Miss Loren, Agent Sandy, IRS.
07:17 Yes, Maggie.
07:23 Uh, 15 minutes.
07:27 I am about to head out.
07:29 Oh.
07:32 Uh.
07:34 Yes.
07:35 Oh, coming right away.
07:40 Miss Loren, Agent Sandy, IRS.
07:52 What's going on?
07:55 We've received a credible report that you evaded $3 million in taxes.
08:03 It was Ethan, wasn't it?
08:05 If it was really Ethan Cole, that's one tricky business.
08:15 That fucking piece of shit.
08:21 Maybe it's not Ethan Cole.
08:24 You know, the agent didn't name anyone.
08:27 Maggie, confidential sometimes means confession.
08:29 God, I thought you had better brains than me.
08:32 It is Ethan fucking Cole.
08:35 This investigation is going to be a disaster.
08:38 We didn't do anything wrong, did we?
08:40 It's a witch hunt.
08:41 He's trying to bully me into selling him the company.
08:45 If it was really Ethan Cole, one tricky bastard.
08:50 Oh, hello.
08:54 Are you OK?
08:56 Yeah.
08:57 Maggie, I need a favor.
09:04 Anything.
09:06 Let's take this motherfucker down.
09:13 Hello.
09:14 Mr. Cole.
09:27 Hello.
09:36 Mr. Cole, I've given more thought to your proposal.
09:40 Really, Sarah?
09:41 That's good to hear.
09:42 Your numbers are generous.
09:44 Good.
09:45 Can't say I'm not moved.
09:48 Meet me at the warehouse.
09:50 I want to give you a tour of all the assets before we proceed.
09:52 Is that good?
09:53 I mean, is a tour really necessary?
09:55 I have no exact fit I'm acquiring.
09:58 Mr. Cole, the devil is in the details.
10:02 I'll send you the address.
10:04 OK.
10:05 Bye.
10:07 Same time tomorrow?
10:10 Um, no, Liz.
10:12 I think this is it.
10:15 We're done.
10:16 So when do you start calling me Ethan?
10:22 Ethan.
10:23 Mr. Cole.
10:48 Mr. Cole.
10:49 So when do you start calling me Ethan?
10:55 Ethan.
11:02 Thank you.
11:03 You're being very amicable today.
11:05 So you're not mad at me for being hostile?
11:07 No, I don't think so.
11:10 Well, Ethan, this is one of our many warehouses.
11:14 We use Warehouse 3.0 technology.
11:16 And each of our loading docks is equipped with auto scanning,
11:19 ident--
11:20 Sarah, there's no need for an RFID.
11:23 OK, I'm very aware.
11:26 And I'm impressed.
11:27 Why after a year?
11:36 Sarah, do you really not remember?
11:38 I think you're doing this because you want me to.
11:44 Thanks.
11:48 Be careful.
11:49 Before we proceed with our deal, why are you so fixated
11:57 on acquiring my company?
11:59 There are many others out there just like mine.
12:01 And why after a year?
12:07 Sarah, do you really not remember?
12:09 Remember what?
12:12 Let's just say that I'm finishing
12:13 what I started a year ago.
12:16 I saw potential.
12:19 And I know how to run a company very well.
12:23 And you know our business.
12:24 We acquire, we buy, and we sell.
12:27 And we do it all for the good.
12:29 I find that hard to believe.
12:31 What?
12:33 I think you're doing this because you want me.
12:40 That was unexpected.
12:44 What the hell do you want?
12:49 That was unexpected.
13:05 You know what's more unexpected?
13:06 What the hell, Sarah?
13:15 Don't bother.
13:21 The passcode's six digits.
13:23 That means there's 900 million possible combinations.
13:26 You'll be an old man to stop the last.
13:29 What the hell do you want?
13:35 Hey, Aunt Maggie, what do you know
13:36 about the Coal Capital Group?
13:37 Hey, Mom.
13:43 Here comes your nanny for the day.
13:47 What is your tummy craving today?
13:51 So when's Mom going to be back?
13:54 I don't know.
13:55 It depends.
13:56 I don't know.
13:57 It could be a day or--
13:58 it could be a day or two.
14:00 OK, you're acting really shady.
14:02 Why are you and Mom acting like this?
14:03 What's going on lately?
14:06 Shouldn't you, like, get ready for your soccer practice?
14:10 Well, I'm not going to go tonight, actually.
14:12 I probably should stay back, do some homework for--
14:17 for college.
14:20 You know, Justin, you don't have to give up on your soccer
14:23 practice for college, you know?
14:26 Sometimes the things that we love and the things
14:30 that we have to do for life, they can go head in hand.
14:34 Hey, Aunt Maggie, what do you know
14:35 about the Coal Capital Group?
14:40 If you don't make up your mind by then,
14:48 we're both going to be locked in here
14:49 until we die of starvation.
14:51 So what's it going to be?
14:52 You're being dumb.
14:58 You played dirty.
15:00 The IRS agent, that was a shit move.
15:04 Threatening me is the dumbest business
15:06 strategy anyone could make.
15:10 You got to work hard for what you want.
15:13 Yeah, because you worked so hard to lock us in this warehouse
15:16 to--
15:17 I never said threats don't work.
15:19 I want you to call the board.
15:25 Tell them after investigating our warehouses,
15:27 you've decided to pull out of the acquisition
15:29 because it's a very bad deal.
15:30 I've got 28% left on my phone.
15:38 If you don't make up your mind by then,
15:40 we're both going to be locked in here until we die of starvation.
15:45 So what's it going to be?
15:56 You are fucking crazy.
15:58 I don't think you would unless you want to look
16:00 like an incompetent dumbass.
16:01 You are fucking crazy.
16:11 Do you know that?
16:12 I'm just fighting fire with fire.
16:13 Well, how do you know that I'm not going to call the board,
16:15 and the second I leave here, call them back
16:17 and say I changed my mind?
16:19 I heard you and your brothers are fighting for ultimate reign
16:22 over the company.
16:24 I don't think you would unless you want to look
16:26 like an incompetent dumbass.
16:29 You did your research.
16:31 Wow.
16:33 A man as high profile as you, it really wasn't that hard.
16:36 15%.
16:43 Do not test me, Sarah.
16:46 I mean, if I wanted to call the board--
16:48 I mean, if I wanted to call--
16:49 Wow.
16:51 A man as high profile as you, it really wasn't that hard.
16:54 15%.
17:01 Do not test me, Sarah.
17:04 I mean, if I wanted to call the board--
17:06 I can't because they are asleep.
17:08 So let me out of here.
17:12 The consequences of what?
17:19 Well, there's no one here, Sarah.
17:21 So let me out of here, and we can figure all this out
17:29 in the morning, huh?
17:30 It's almost 9 AM in Paris.
17:37 The board should just be starting their day.
17:41 I think I picked the time I did to lock you in.
17:47 You should be flattered.
17:49 At least you're worth planning everything ahead for.
17:51 But did you even consider the consequences?
17:59 The consequences.
18:01 Well, there's no one here, Sarah.
18:07 It's just me and you disabled all your surveillance system.
18:10 Just let them know what happens here.
18:13 It's just me and you, Sarah.
18:16 No one else.
18:17 I'm giving you one last chance.
18:24 Open the goddamn door.
18:26 Get off me!
18:35 You should have thought of that before you thought of this stupid fucking plan.
18:38 You wouldn't.
18:41 I would.
18:42 I'm giving you one last chance.
18:49 Open the goddamn door.
18:52 Open it.
18:55 No!
18:56 Sarah, open the door.
18:59 Open the door.
19:01 Give me the phone.
19:16 Give me the phone.
19:20 Give me the phone.
19:21 I'll call the board.
19:23 I'll call the board.
19:25 There, are you happy?
19:36 Can you let us out now?
19:38 Sarah?
19:39 Yes.
19:46 Cancel it.
19:48 I just told you.
19:51 I told you to run Enterprise's warehouse.
19:53 It is no longer a profitable acquisition.
19:57 I know what I said before, okay?
20:00 Cancel it.
20:02 The decision is made.
20:04 There, are you happy?
20:09 Can you let us out now?
20:11 Sarah?
20:12 Sarah?
20:15 Sarah?
20:19 Sarah, there's something you should know.
20:21 Hey, Sarah. Are you okay?
20:42 Where am I?
20:43 We are at Ethan Cole's.
20:45 How?
20:47 What are you doing here?
20:49 Why am I here?
20:51 Ethan called me because I'm listed as your emergency contact.
20:54 And you're here because...
21:01 Where's Ethan?
21:03 Oh, he's downstairs talking to his private doctor.
21:07 He called him to check on you.
21:09 Sarah, there's something you should know.
21:12 What?
21:14 Do I have cancer?
21:16 You don't have cancer.
21:18 You're pregnant.
21:24 You're pregnant.
21:38 Sarah, let me tell you about something that happened.
21:43 [♪♪♪]
21:46 [phone buzzing]
22:12 Yeah.
22:13 No, I'm going to an event right now.
22:17 So just give the Lorraine files to Jake,
22:19 and he can drop them when I'm gone.
22:21 Thank you.
22:24 [♪♪♪]
22:31 [♪♪♪]
22:34 Thank you, too.
22:45 My tab.
22:47 Hi, how are you?
22:52 [indistinct chatter]
22:54 Anyone I can get started for you?
22:56 An old-fashioned, please.
22:59 Thank you.
23:01 My tab.
23:03 Coming right up.
23:04 Is it just me, or is this party really lame?
23:07 Is that your go-to pick-up line?
23:09 I mean, I have better ones.
23:13 Thanks, but I'm just in.
23:16 [♪♪♪]
23:20 [♪♪♪]
23:23 Another.
23:34 I don't think I've ever seen anyone chug an old-fashioned that fast.
23:38 There are a lot of things you haven't seen.
23:42 Hold on.
23:46 What does all this have to do with me supposedly being pregnant?
23:49 My husband's been dead a year.
23:55 Tell me exactly what happened the way that you remember it.
23:59 It's true.
24:06 You fainted.
24:08 So I called my doctor.
24:10 They ran some tests.
24:12 And, um...
24:14 [laughing]
24:17 I mean, it's a joke, right?
24:19 How old are you?
24:22 Sarah, I saw the reports.
24:26 My husband's been dead a year.
24:29 I mean, tell me if I'm birthing Jesus, okay?
24:32 I think I would have known if I slept with someone.
24:35 You haven't?
24:38 No!
24:41 [♪♪♪]
24:43 I'm gonna leave you to a minute.
24:46 [clears throat]
24:48 You met a guy.
24:54 And you went home with him.
24:56 Your face looked familiar to me, but I couldn't quite put your name to your face.
25:07 You met a guy, and you went home with him.
25:10 I'm not sure what happened.
25:16 But you don't seem to remember.
25:18 Your face looked familiar to me, but I couldn't quite put your name to your face.
25:28 Until I saw the documents from the learning project.
25:32 [♪♪♪]
25:34 Alright, Sarah, um, let's try something different.
25:44 Why don't you tell me exactly what happened
25:49 the way that you remember it from the beginning?
25:52 Last time I went with Steve.
26:00 Steve is gone.
26:01 You gotta move home.
26:03 I really don't wanna go.
26:12 But you have to, and not just because you're meeting a potential client,
26:16 but because you need a break.
26:17 Okay? And just have fun.
26:19 Yeah, but Justin--
26:20 Oh my God, woman! Justin's gotta be fine.
26:23 I'm gonna cook for Justin.
26:25 I'm gonna make Justin stay in his bed, tucked in,
26:28 and doesn't sneak out of the window, okay?
26:30 By the way, you need to cut this guy some slack.
26:33 He's gonna be dull super soon.
26:36 Last time I went with Steve.
26:40 Oh, honey.
26:42 Hey, you know, Steve is gone.
26:45 You gotta move on.
26:47 He would want you to be happy.
26:49 There's nothing wrong with that.
26:51 Being doesn't mean you forget the past.
26:53 Okay, now, we have a last thing to put.
26:59 This bad boy here.
27:02 And you are ready.
27:06 Let me ask you for a dance first.
27:12 An old-fashioned, please.
27:18 I'll take that, too. Old-fashions.
27:20 On my tab.
27:22 Is it just me, or is this party late?
27:26 Is that your go-to pick-up line?
27:29 I have better ones.
27:30 Thanks, but I'm not interested.
27:33 Another.
27:52 What's the matter?
27:53 I don't think I've ever seen anyone chug an old-fashioned that fast.
27:56 There are things you haven't seen.
27:58 Here you go.
28:02 Hold on.
28:05 At least let me ask you for a dance first.
28:10 That's how you remember everything?
28:15 That's how it happened.
28:16 Shall we?
28:18 And then what?
28:24 I mean, it was a blur.
28:26 I think I got drunk, and then I probably called an Uber home,
28:31 and then the Uber got into an accident.
28:34 I woke up in the hospital, and then...
28:37 I mean, nothing serious, just some cuts and scrapes.
28:40 That's how you remember everything?
28:44 That's how it happened.
28:52 At least let me ask you for a dance first.
28:54 What part of "I'm not interested" do you not understand?
28:59 Or are you just not used to taking no for an answer?
29:02 It's exactly that, actually.
29:04 So why don't you tell me what I can do to get a yes?
29:19 Buy everyone a drink at the bar.
29:21 It is a fundraiser, after all. All profits go to charity.
29:25 Hurt your pockets?
29:29 Then leave me alone.
29:31 Hold on. Just...
29:33 Wait for it.
29:43 Ladies and gentlemen, please make your way to the bar
29:45 for some free drinks from our generous sponsor.
29:49 [applause]
29:51 Shall we?
29:53 Ethan, please! Just stay out of my life!
30:17 Have I met you before?
30:19 Is that a cheesy pickup line?
30:21 What's your name?
30:32 You can call me anything you want.
30:34 [music]
31:02 Where are my clothes?
31:03 Hey, you need to rest.
31:04 No, I do not want to talk to you. You are clearly delusional.
31:06 Sarah, Sarah!
31:07 I'm leaving Maggie!
31:08 Hey, hey, hey, you have a concussion, you have memory loss, alright?
31:10 Look, I'm telling you the truth. I can help you.
31:12 I can refer you to a neuroscientist.
31:14 Ethan, please! Just stay out of my life!
31:16 How do you expect me to stay out of your life when you are carrying my baby?
31:19 Don't make the same mistake your father did with your half-brothers.
31:28 [music]
31:30 You cancelled it?
31:34 Which one?
31:36 Buddy, I know you didn't ask me for advice, but I just gotta give you a little bit.
31:41 You say you want to be with Sarah?
31:44 I mean, she has a kid. She's a single mother.
31:46 Take them to the movies or a baseball game or something and you're set.
31:51 Don't make the same mistakes your father did with your half-brothers.
31:57 Matter of fact, her kid's school asked me to speak at some event coming up.
32:01 Why don't you go with them instead?
32:03 [phone rings]
32:27 Maggie?
32:28 Find me a doctor.
32:30 I need to know what happened.
32:33 I can't have Ethan Cole's baby.
32:37 I can't have a baby.
32:39 Well, it looks like you are all clear.
32:51 Like I said, death and taxes.
32:53 You can't avoid 'em, can you?
32:55 You can't avoid 'em even if you try.
32:57 Well, you'd be surprised how many people do try.
32:59 Ethan Cole.
33:12 Showing empathy. What a fucking joke.
33:16 Hello everybody and welcome.
33:22 My name is Ethan Cole with the Cole Capital Group.
33:25 When you start thinking about the future,
33:28 finances you want to have, the job you want to have,
33:31 the family you want to take care of,
33:33 us at Cole Capital, that's what we do.
33:35 We take care of our clients.
33:37 We work hard for people.
33:39 We do things every single day for people just like you.
33:43 What do you see?
33:50 A door.
33:51 Open the door, Sarah.
33:53 Okay, Sarah, Leshen, you have to relax and let me in.
34:05 This is not going to work if you don't.
34:08 Now take a deep breath.
34:10 Close your eyes again.
34:13 What do you see?
34:20 A door.
34:21 Open the door, Sarah.
34:24 Oh wow, okay. Wow, put pressure on me.
34:45 That's not something a typical you would move.
34:48 Typical.
34:50 Yeah, putting it all on the woman.
34:53 I can't believe you paid for those drinks.
35:05 Be a little spontaneous.
35:09 Okay.
35:11 [phone beeps]
35:13 [dramatic music]
35:16 [dramatic music]
35:19 [dramatic music]
35:21 [dramatic music]
35:23 (dramatic music)
35:25 (dramatic music)
35:54 - I do not think you know what you are doing.
35:56 You will be going to war with us.
35:58 - You keep living in the past.
36:10 - You know you can talk to me, right?
36:12 - You suffered from what we call retrograde amnesia,
36:20 a sudden memory loss of current events due to head trauma.
36:24 Although based on your accounts,
36:26 you might have also suffered from disassociative amnesia
36:29 because of the guilt associated with realizing
36:32 it was too painful.
36:33 My recommendation is to see a therapist, Sarah.
36:39 You can't keep living in the past.
36:41 - Hey, you want some tea?
36:51 - Thank you, honey.
36:52 - Yeah, you're welcome.
36:54 (sighing)
36:56 - You know you can talk to me, right?
37:13 I'm not a baby anymore, I'm all grown up, you know?
37:17 - Of course you are.
37:18 You'll always be my baby boy.
37:21 - Mm-hmm.
37:22 Why are you crying?
37:29 - I just miss your dad, that's all.
37:35 - Yeah, me too.
37:38 I miss him a lot too.
37:43 But you know, there always comes a point in time
37:51 where you, have you ever thought
37:55 that maybe it's time to start moving on?
37:58 Ethan Cole.
38:07 - How do you know Ethan Cole?
38:08 - I miss him too, I miss him every day, a lot.
38:18 But mom, you've changed so much
38:21 and it's really hard to see like this, mom.
38:25 Every day it's like you're trapped in this shell.
38:27 And as weird as it sounds, as weird as it feels to say,
38:32 I wonder if it would be good for you to start dating again.
38:37 - Just worry about yourself, Justin.
38:42 Find yourself a prom date.
38:47 - Oh, I actually already got myself a prom date.
38:51 - You did?
38:52 - Yeah, well, that actually reminds me.
38:55 You know someone that I really think is just really cool?
39:00 Ethan Cole.
39:02 - How do you know Ethan Cole?
39:06 - Oh, uh.
39:08 - Justin, how do you know Ethan Cole?
39:12 - He was at school, he was a keynote speaker
39:15 and he's like in the Forbes 40 under 40
39:18 or something like that.
39:19 He just seems like a really cool guy, that's it.
39:22 He approached me and he said that he knew you
39:24 and that you're really good friends.
39:26 - I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.
39:43 (knocking)
39:46 - You approached my son?
39:51 How dare you?
39:52 - I can explain everything.
39:57 - Oh, you better have a good explanation.
39:59 - Ever since the night that we met,
40:00 I've been looking for you.
40:01 And then I come across the Loren files
40:02 and I realized I finally found you
40:04 and I had to interfere, okay?
40:05 I'm sorry.
40:06 But if it wasn't me, my brothers were going to take
40:08 the project and they would have torn you apart.
40:11 (dramatic music)
40:13 I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.
40:17 - What does that have to do with my son?
40:19 - I don't know, okay?
40:20 I wanted to meet the kid, I wanted to say hi.
40:22 You didn't remember who I was, I had to do something.
40:25 Why do you hate me, Sarah?
40:28 We have a friend, everything is fine
40:31 and then all of a sudden you wake up
40:33 and you hate me, why?
40:34 - That was before I knew you were Ethan Cole.
40:38 That was before I knew you were trying to break
40:39 my husband's company apart.
40:41 Before I knew his heart was broken
40:45 because of something you did.
40:46 Right before he died.
40:49 (dramatic music)
40:53 - We're done here, Ethan.
40:54 - Wait, no, you haven't told me what you're doing
40:58 with the baby.
40:59 (dramatic music)
41:01 (door slams)
41:02 - I got rid of her.
41:03 (dramatic music)
41:05 - You got rid of her?
41:06 (dramatic music)
41:09 - I lost everything.
41:11 I lost him.
41:13 (dramatic music)
41:16 We're done here, Ethan.
41:18 (dramatic music)
41:20 - Wait, no, you haven't told me what you're doing
41:22 with the baby.
41:23 (dramatic music)
41:23 (door slams)
41:24 - I got rid of her.
41:25 (dramatic music)
41:27 - You got rid of her?
41:28 (dramatic music)
41:31 What, I don't get to say what happens here?
41:34 - A say?
41:35 It is my body.
41:37 - You actually thought I was going to have your baby.
41:40 You take companies and you rip them apart.
41:44 How many families have you ruined
41:46 trying to advance your career?
41:48 You have no heart.
41:49 You don't deserve to be a father.
41:51 (phone chimes)
41:59 (door slams)
42:05 (dramatic music)
42:08 You see, I'm interested in your company.
42:12 (dramatic music)
42:14 - Sarah, Sarah.
42:19 - Yeah?
42:20 - Hey, there is a guy by the name of Jake Palmer
42:23 in the waiting room, waiting for you.
42:26 - Who is this Jake Palmer?
42:29 - I think you might want to meet him.
42:35 (dramatic music)
42:37 - Mr. Palmer, Sarah Loren.
42:44 - I know who you are.
42:45 I wouldn't be here if I didn't.
42:46 - So Mr. Palmer, what brings you here today?
42:49 - Well, you see, I'm interested in your company.
42:53 Is $20 million enough?
42:56 I forgot, I'm an angel investor.
43:00 (dramatic music)
43:03 Jake, I'm gonna quit my job.
43:12 - I did as you asked.
43:21 - Thank you.
43:22 - So what's your next step?
43:25 - I don't have one.
43:27 - What?
43:30 Ethan has a next step.
43:32 - Not this time.
43:34 This time, I am lost, Jake.
43:39 I finally like someone enough to be with them
43:46 and she hates my guts.
43:47 Maybe it's karma or something.
43:51 - Come on.
43:54 No, I don't believe in that shit.
43:58 Jake, I'm gonna quit my job.
44:00 - This is fucking amazing!
44:11 - Have you been thinking about them?
44:12 - Yes, of course.
44:18 We offer the best solutions to your needs.
44:21 Yes, Mr. Lee, we look forward to working with you.
44:23 - This is fucking amazing!
44:28 We are getting contracts left and right
44:31 and with Jake Palmer's investment,
44:32 we are going to weather the storm.
44:34 - I knew it, I knew things would start looking up!
44:37 - Call a team bonding this weekend.
44:38 Company treat.
44:40 We can make a reservation at Pineapple and Pearl
44:42 to celebrate.
44:44 - But go, Michelin Star, excusez-moi, madame!
44:47 - They deserve it, it's been a tough year.
44:49 - Have you been thinking about the baby?
44:54 - I think I'm going to keep her.
44:58 - And not tell Ethan Cole?
45:00 - I am done with your expectations.
45:08 Just give your goddamn empire to somebody who will.
45:12 (phone buzzing)
45:21 (phone buzzing)
45:23 - Father?
45:30 - Do you know the consequences
45:32 of you quitting the US company?
45:34 - Yes, I do.
45:38 - What the hell are you thinking?
45:40 Your brothers were right.
45:44 You lack discipline.
45:45 You don't have what it takes to run my empire.
45:48 And I should have.
45:49 - Father.
45:51 I am done living up to your expectations.
45:53 Just give your goddamn empire to somebody who will.
46:18 (door slams)
46:21 - Oh my God!
46:27 - Maybe he grew a conscience.
46:29 - And maybe he met a youth.
46:31 - Oh my God!
46:38 Have you seen the news?
46:40 - No, what's wrong?
46:41 - E stepped down as CEO of Cole Capital Group US.
46:47 You don't find it strange that Ethan
46:50 just casually resigns from his own company?
46:54 - Maybe he grew a conscience.
46:56 - And maybe he met a youth.
46:58 - Don't be absurd.
47:01 - You know what else I found out?
47:03 - What?
47:05 - Watch this.
47:07 Ethan Cole, Jake Palmer, best buddies.
47:12 (soft music)
47:14 - Oh no.
47:20 - So Ethan just casually resigns from his own company?
47:25 - Maybe he grew a conscience.
47:27 - And maybe he met a youth.
47:29 - Don't be absurd.
47:32 - You know what else I found out?
47:34 - What?
47:36 - Watch this.
47:38 Ethan Cole, Jake Palmer, best buddies.
47:43 - Ethan Cole is not in love with me.
47:53 - Who's Sarah?
47:53 - Okay, so they're your best friends.
48:00 - Sarah, he did that for you.
48:03 - No, he's not.
48:03 He tried to rip our company apart.
48:05 - Yeah, but that was before he fell in love with you.
48:07 - Ethan Cole is not in love with me.
48:09 - Oh no?
48:10 So we've been like having new contracts
48:13 with people we don't know, just like that?
48:17 And Jake Palmer invests in our company for no reason.
48:22 And the IRS drops the investigation in three days.
48:25 - He didn't do anything wrong in the first place.
48:27 - Okay, okay, what I'm saying is that
48:30 I think this time you made the wrong call.
48:32 I know it's hard.
48:34 You've been holding on to the past.
48:37 But Steve is gone.
48:38 You can't die with him.
48:42 - The number you dialed is not in service.
48:52 - Can I speak to him?
48:53 - The number you dialed is not in service.
49:07 (knocking)
49:09 - Mr. Palmer, can we meet?
49:21 - Mr. Palmer, I'm not sure how to put this,
49:26 so I'm just gonna cut straight to it.
49:27 Why did you invest in my company?
49:30 - What kind of answer are you expecting?
49:35 - Did you because of Ethan Cole?
49:37 - Oh, okay, so you figured that out, huh?
49:41 - Well, help me understand, because he's just this asshole
49:43 who just came in to try to--
49:44 - An asshole?
49:46 He's an asshole that paid your IRS fines?
49:49 You probably don't know this,
49:50 but your husband did evade taxes?
49:53 Think the IRS just drops those charges
49:55 in like three fucking days?
49:57 Such an asshole that he asked me
49:59 to invest $20 million in your company?
50:01 Such an asshole he's been pulling all the strings.
50:04 Got you your clients and then immediately quits his job
50:07 after you tell him that you got rid of his baby.
50:10 What do you think he's doing?
50:11 Obviously he's in love with you.
50:13 - Can I speak to him?
50:18 - I don't think that's possible.
50:20 He went to Paris.
50:21 - What am I supposed to do, fly to Paris?
50:30 (dramatic music)
50:33 - Guess it wasn't meant to be.
50:37 - Just gonna give up?
50:38 - What am I supposed to do, fly to Paris?
50:40 - I don't see why not.
50:44 - I'm not some 20-year-old careless free spirit.
50:46 I can't just drop everything and fly to Paris.
50:48 - Hello, 20-year-olds cannot go to Paris on a whim.
50:53 - Perks of being a grown-ass woman
50:56 who owns her own business.
50:58 - Mom, are we going to Paris?
51:00 - Oh, I'm trying to get your mom to fly to see Ethan Cole.
51:03 - Maggie, what?
51:05 - I already got you a ticket.
51:07 - Good job.
51:08 I hate you guys.
51:12 If anything happens, call me, okay?
51:18 - Okay.
51:19 - I'll see you guys in a few days.
51:20 - Okay, see you soon.
51:21 It'll be okay, we can take care of ourselves.
51:24 - And the company's gonna be fine.
51:25 You just go, okay?
51:28 - Okay, see you guys in a few days.
51:31 - Or maybe we'll see you in a few hours.
51:34 - Huh, why?
51:35 - Hi, Sarah.
51:45 - Hi.
51:47 - Do you think they're gonna get me?
51:51 - I don't know, but I do know you have a baby sister
51:54 on the way.
51:56 (gasps)
51:58 - The beginning, huh?
52:01 - Yeah, you know, something casual, like drinks tonight.
52:05 - Sorry.
52:06 - You going somewhere?
52:12 - Yeah, Paris.
52:16 - Oh, and what do you plan to do there?
52:19 - Well, I thought I'd see Moulin Rouge.
52:24 - Okay.
52:25 - Maybe try some Escargot.
52:26 - Yeah, yeah.
52:27 - Oh, see the Eiffel Tower, of course.
52:29 - Yeah, anything else?
52:33 Anyone you wanna see there?
52:37 Anybody at all?
52:41 - I thought you left.
52:42 - I did.
52:44 And then Jay called me and said that you were looking
52:48 for me, so I came back.
52:54 - Just like that?
52:54 - Yeah, just like that.
52:57 - I'm so sorry for what I said before.
53:04 You didn't deserve that.
53:05 - No, I did.
53:08 Ever since you said it, I've been thinking a lot
53:12 about my life, who I am, and you're right.
53:16 I wasn't the kind of man that I would want my kid
53:19 to look up to.
53:20 I was thinking maybe we could start over
53:24 from the beginning.
53:25 - The beginning, huh?
53:27 - Yeah, you know, something casual,
53:31 like drinks tonight.
53:35 - Sorry, I can't do drinks tonight.
53:38 - Okay.
53:41 - I'm still pregnant with your baby.
53:43 (gentle music)
53:46 That is my love, and I love her.
54:00 Ooh, ooh, ooh, I got you, I got you, I got you, I got you.
54:07 - No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
54:09 No!
54:10 - Yes.
54:11 - That was, did you just.
54:12 - No.
54:13 - You're dead.
54:14 - That was not luck.
54:14 That was all skill, my friend.
54:17 Well, we're doing a rematch.
54:18 - No, we are not, because I gotta get dinner with your mom.
54:23 - No.
54:24 - Yeah.
54:25 - Well, tomorrow then.
54:26 - Mr. Reynolds, if you think for one minute
54:30 I am going to back down from this, you are dead wrong.
54:33 So just listen to what I said, and I'll call you later.
54:36 Bye.
54:37 - I don't know how you can stand her.
54:39 Ever since she was pregnant, she's been acting like a gorilla.
54:41 And is my Godzilla.
54:43 And I love her.
54:44 Justin, Justin, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
54:47 (all yelling)
54:49 - We did it!
54:51 - All right, okay, yeah, congratulations, I lost, cool.
54:53 - That was bad.
54:54 - All right, I'm leaving.
54:55 - Go on.
54:57 - Have fun, yeah?
54:58 - Bye.
54:59 - Okay.
55:03 - You dare challenge me?
55:03 - Mm-hmm.
55:05 - Hi, babe.
55:06 - Hi.
55:07 - Hi, how are you?
55:08 - Good.
55:09 - Hungry?
55:09 - Yeah.
55:10 - Yeah?
55:11 - Yeah, what do you want?
55:12 - Um, no, boo.
55:14 - Okay, cool, let's go.
55:16 - Do you think I'm getting fat?
55:20 - I think you're pregnant, so, I mean, beautiful.
55:27 I think you're the most beautiful pregnant person
55:28 in the whole world.
55:29 But I do have to take this away from you.
55:37 I'm sorry, the doctor said your sugar's too high.
55:39 - No!
55:40 - Mm-hmm.
55:40 - Give it back!
55:41 - Um, if you want it back, you gotta get a kiss.
55:45 That is so messed up, dude.
55:52 (laughing)
55:55 - Ethan.
55:56 - What?
55:57 - Ethan.
56:00 - Mrs. Cole.
56:02 - Ethan.
56:09 You're going to make a great father.
56:11 Thank you for everything.
56:14 Have I met you before?
56:40 Is that like a cheesy pickup line?
56:42 - Mm-hmm.
56:43 - What's your name?
56:53 - You can call me anything you want.
56:55 (romantic music)
56:58 (romantic music)
57:02 (sighing)
57:04 (somber music)
57:13 (somber music)
57:16 (upbeat music)
57:38 (upbeat music)
57:41 (upbeat music)
57:43 (upbeat music)
57:46 (upbeat music)
57:49 (upbeat music)
57:50 (upbeat music)
57:53 (upbeat music)
57:55 (upbeat music)
57:58 (upbeat music)