MILF Manor Season 2 Episode 6

  • 3 months ago
MILF Manor S2 Episode 6 - Failure To MILF


00:00 - Hey, somebody's coming!
00:02 - What?
00:03 - These two men are here to find romantic connections.
00:07 - I don't want them to be comfortable in this house at all.
00:10 - You have very good energy.
00:11 - I appreciate it. - You do.
00:12 - I definitely see them flirting back and forth a bit.
00:15 It does make me nervous.
00:16 - Cheers to this beautiful place and beautiful ladies.
00:19 - And gorgeous men.
00:20 - Honestly, having a great time with David,
00:22 but I'm obviously, you know, vibing with Sam also.
00:26 And at this point, I'm a little confused.
00:29 - Thigh blow.
00:31 - Connor definitely has some moves.
00:35 It's amazing.
00:36 - I think you know by now I'm digging you.
00:39 I would like to go on a date with you.
00:41 - Give me a hug. Hug it out.
00:43 - That's the first hug I got. Oh, God, no.
00:47 - If I do find something that I want to pursue,
00:50 I'm very competitive, I'm going to go get it done.
00:53 - Seeing her with Chris, it's a difficult thing to see.
00:56 - 100% fine.
00:57 Should we go spot him?
00:59 - I find that Chris knowing what he wants is very sexy.
01:03 And apparently he wants me.
01:05 - I kissed her four hours ago.
01:09 - You kissed her? - Yeah.
01:10 - No, you didn't. - Yeah, I did.
01:12 - What?
01:13 ♪ Left out in the dark ♪
01:26 ♪ To fend for my own heart ♪
01:30 ♪ I don't mean a thing to you ♪
01:34 - Are you getting a bony?
01:40 - Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm.
01:43 But Lord knows I'm getting worked up.
01:46 Tonight I just kind of wanted to let her know
01:50 that I'm willing to put forth the effort,
01:51 let her know that, you know, I do care.
01:53 - My whole concern with Barbie going from Jacob to Chris
01:57 was I did not want to see him get hurt,
02:00 but when I heard that he was going to the hot tub,
02:02 I'm like, "Okay, he gonna seal the deal
02:04 with the hot tub hands down."
02:07 - I'm so nosy.
02:08 I want to know what's going on, don't I?
02:10 - There's so much going on right now.
02:11 - Oh.
02:12 - Did you know that him and Barbie kissed at the beach?
02:15 - Today? - Yeah.
02:17 - I brought her for, like, a stroll.
02:19 I told her about the whole situation.
02:20 She was like, "No, let's kiss it out."
02:23 Yeah, so, like, I hugged her like that.
02:25 - You hugged that and kissed it.
02:26 - And she was like, "No, let's kiss it out,"
02:27 and then it was like a...
02:29 Do you think that means anything?
02:31 - Oh, yeah.
02:32 - Dude, that's what I said.
02:34 - So now there seems to be a connection
02:36 with Barbie and Chris,
02:37 so I'm not sure what happened to Jacob
02:40 or where that transition occurred,
02:43 but I think us older women do appreciate
02:46 a man that knows what he wants and goes after it,
02:49 so kind of taking a back seat or playing hard to get
02:52 or not being really aggressive or assertive,
02:56 I think is gonna hurt Jacob in the long run.
03:00 - Wait a second. Where's Stacey in...
03:02 - I don't know.
03:03 - It feel good out here. - Actually, it does.
03:06 - I'm a little concerned that Stacey's a little slow
03:08 when it comes down to intimacy with me.
03:10 I'm not sure if he's just not attracted
03:13 and he's not being 100 about it
03:16 or if he's got something going on back at home
03:19 that is preventing him from gravitating towards me,
03:22 but I'm trying to give him time to warm up to me.
03:27 - So how'd you enjoy the day?
03:30 - I had a great time. I really did.
03:32 I had a really, really good time.
03:34 Craziest thing to me about it is that
03:37 when I look at this situation that we're in,
03:41 I feel like we have found a bond
03:43 and I feel like we are honest enough
03:46 and we're so true to each other
03:47 and we're so true to ourselves
03:48 that if we did have a problem with each other,
03:51 you would tell me, I would tell you.
03:54 - As I'm bonding with Crystal on a daily basis,
03:58 I think we're on the same page.
04:00 The main reason that I went through divorce
04:03 is because we didn't communicate well.
04:06 Now, with Crystal, I'm taking a different approach.
04:09 The key on communication,
04:11 because of the trauma from divorce,
04:14 I move a little differently now.
04:17 - Look at this. You see how I'm all like this?
04:21 You see how I'm like--
04:24 - Like, for real, at this point in life,
04:26 do you really want to get in a marriage
04:30 or do you just want kind of like a life partner?
04:33 You know, I was married for 15 years,
04:35 so that took a lot out of me.
04:38 - I'll be honest with you.
04:39 Okay, let me tell you something.
04:41 - Okay. - At this point...
04:44 I think I am down for whatever we agree on.
04:50 To get married again, yeah, I would do it,
04:55 but if I still found someone that I was in love with
05:00 and he said, "You know what?
05:02 "I really don't want that right now.
05:04 "I really don't want that tie, that bond,"
05:07 at this point, let's be lifelong partners
05:10 without all the red tape.
05:13 If we can do that, if we got--
05:16 - Right, what about Nick? - If we got--
05:18 Let me catch Nick.
05:19 If we got the next 20 years together,
05:22 I'm cool with it.
05:24 [soft music]
05:27 - Hey, what's up, dog?
05:29 [bleep]
05:30 You know what I'm saying?
05:31 - Hey, that's the me and Joe bro thing.
05:34 - Yo, Chris.
05:36 - Where?
05:38 - Hold on.
05:39 I gotta make sure she gets water first.
05:41 - I need to talk to Jacob.
05:43 I need to talk to him right now.
05:45 Trust, just trust.
05:46 Just gotta trust me.
05:47 - Say less. Let's get it.
05:50 - What do you want to get? - Barbie?
05:52 - No. - I need to talk.
05:53 You get water first, right now.
05:56 I gotta pull Barbie aside,
05:57 because she's macking on Jacob at the beach,
06:00 then she's gonna go mack on Chris in the hot tub
06:03 in the same four hours.
06:04 Like, that's crazy.
06:06 - Just listen, real quick. - Okay.
06:08 - I'm only saying this to you,
06:09 because you would do the same thing to me.
06:11 - Okay. - So...
06:13 I was told that you initiated a kiss with Jacob today
06:17 at the beach.
06:18 - Oh, God. - No, no, no, no, no.
06:20 - Oh, God. - No, no, no, no, no.
06:21 - See, this is-- I can't, like, this, like--
06:23 - I wanted to clear it, so there's no drama.
06:25 - Now there's, like, drama being stirred.
06:27 - No, no, that's why I wanted to do it,
06:29 so there was no drama.
06:30 - Tell me how you [bleep] figured it out.
06:32 Why is Joey in the middle of this?
06:34 Why is Joey concerned about what I'm doing?
06:37 I'm a grown woman.
06:38 I am handling this the way that I see fit for me.
06:41 Why are you guys gossiping about my love life?
06:45 Stupid. This is so dumb.
06:48 - I want to tell you this, 'cause you're my brother, bro.
06:50 Me and Barbie, we went for a stroll on the beach,
06:53 and we were talking,
06:54 and I was just telling her about the situation.
06:56 And we had, like, an ending hug,
06:59 and she said, "Let's kiss it out."
07:01 And we had a little kiss.
07:03 And I just want to tell you,
07:05 because I don't know if that changes any context.
07:09 You know, that's what Joey's talking to Barbie about,
07:12 and I don't want this to be, you know, taken the wrong way.
07:16 You know?
07:18 - Yeah, no, that's-- thank you for letting me know that,
07:23 'cause she definitely didn't run that past me.
07:25 But as far as it comes, like, down to a kiss,
07:28 I've done worse with girls
07:29 that have full-ass boyfriends.
07:31 And so it's not like I can hold that against her.
07:34 Like, that I can work with.
07:36 I'm gonna say--but like I said, if it's one of those--
07:38 - Yo, Joey, bro. - What's up, bro?
07:40 - Good brother. - How the [bleep]
07:41 you gonna jump in a conversation that me and this [bleep] have?
07:44 Because I was involved, I think.
07:46 - Oh. - And, um, what did you say?
07:49 - Nothing. I told her, and I thought, um,
07:51 like, that was just-- was on her part.
07:54 You know? A little weird.
07:57 - This is between me and Jacob.
07:59 Like, I'm gonna say the fact that you jumped in,
08:02 I'm gonna say that was a little theatrical.
08:04 - No, it's a fair assessment, for sure.
08:06 Obviously, me and Barbie had a connection, you know?
08:09 We have a connection. We didn't have--
08:11 we have a connection.
08:12 - Yeah, I'm gonna say so. I'm not sweating it.
08:15 - I just want to tell you,
08:18 because I'm looking to pursue that connection.
08:21 - I'm not hurt about it. I'm gonna say that's--
08:22 - No, I'm glad we discussed it, though.
08:24 - Yeah, I'm definitely glad we discussed it,
08:25 'cause if it would have popped up, like, later,
08:26 that would have pissed me off.
08:28 - First of all, you have a lot of [bleep] nerve
08:30 to pull me aside and start some [bleep]
08:32 while you're trying to, at the same time,
08:35 pull one over on Christina and, like, be a hypocrite
08:38 while you're [bleep] making out with Kelly in the hot tub.
08:40 - Stop. Stop.
08:42 [dramatic music]
08:45 ♪ ♪
08:49 - No, no, no. Stop.
08:50 - You guys are good. We just talked about it.
08:52 - No, no. - [bleep]
08:53 - This isn't you, love. Stop it.
08:56 - Like, it was just ended,
08:57 and she comes out storming like a maniac.
08:59 - This isn't you. - Oh, she's not happy.
09:02 - Normally, I would go back in there and say something,
09:04 but I'm not even gonna do it. - Yeah.
09:05 - Bro, it's not even worth it. - Not even worth it.
09:07 - Take a step back, deal with your boys,
09:09 stop blaming me for reacting naturally
09:12 for how your [bleep] friends are acting.
09:14 - Didn't you just tell me to-- - Check yourself, then.
09:17 - Love--ooh, love. Okay, now what?
09:20 - I will. I must have apologized for that.
09:25 Where my boys at?
09:27 - It's hurtful that Chris is not listening
09:29 to what I'm saying, and it just feels like
09:32 there's a disconnect there.
09:33 Chris is a hot boy, but I need him to be a man,
09:36 and he's not being a man right now.
09:38 - Barbie's bugging, bro.
09:40 We were--we don't want anything to get
09:42 in between the guys, okay?
09:44 And that's all we were doing, confirming that,
09:46 and she just tripped out.
09:48 We were all good outside.
09:49 Like, Chris was ready to go up, kiss her goodnight.
09:51 Like, it was good.
09:52 She comes storming out with an attitude uncalled for.
09:54 Me and Barbie have such a good relationship like that,
09:56 you know, we can definitely call each other out
09:58 on our own bull[bleep] right now,
09:59 like, she gets where I'm coming from.
10:01 [dramatic music]
10:03 ♪ ♪
10:05 Barbie's yelling "liar" from the bedroom right now.
10:08 ♪ ♪
10:13 - This is about finding love,
10:16 and today actually has made it clear
10:18 who is connecting with who.
10:21 And now things are about to change.
10:24 ♪ ♪
10:26 [upbeat music]
10:31 ♪ ♪
10:33 - Oh!
10:35 [water splashing]
10:37 - That's a ten. That's a ten.
10:39 - Oh, yeah, that's a ten.
10:41 - So what do you think about Connor?
10:45 - Oh, I like him.
10:46 - His eyes are, like, piercing, though.
10:48 - I know, right? - Yeah.
10:50 - Totally. What a fun night.
10:52 Did you have fun?
10:53 - Yeah, so, you know, of course,
10:55 I think David's an awesome person, you know.
10:58 He's cool.
10:59 He's a cool ginger.
11:00 - He's a--we're joking about ginger.
11:02 - I know, right? - Yeah, yeah.
11:04 But--there's a but. - Mm-hmm.
11:06 - I'm still into Sam. - Oh.
11:09 - I went to bed last night just confused, you know.
11:12 I don't know how to navigate this.
11:15 It'll be interesting.
11:16 - I'm excited for you.
11:17 So I'm kind of feeling like I'm in the same dilemma as you.
11:21 So we have some time to keep--
11:23 - Very true. Like, the hormones--
11:25 - Feeling it out. - My hormones need to, like--
11:27 - Calm down, girl.
11:28 - But I definitely want Connor to kiss me.
11:30 - Yeah, so as they say,
11:31 may the best [bleep] win.
11:33 - Cheers. - Cheers.
11:35 Winning.
11:37 - All right, all right, all right, all right.
11:39 Here we go in two.
11:42 So how'd things go last night, Chris?
11:44 - Oh, the date was--
11:47 The date was smooth, baby.
11:50 - All right.
11:51 - Oh, yeah.
11:52 - Yeah.
11:53 - I just trust that you got that London appeal.
11:55 - Yeah, that'd be helpful. - Jab it in.
11:57 - But, uh-- - Yeah.
11:58 - Things got a little heated, but--
12:00 I'm gonna say ain't nothing--
12:01 ain't nothing I can't stand. - Okay.
12:03 Still feeling the same, though?
12:05 - About-- - About her.
12:07 - Yeah.
12:09 And I talked to her about it,
12:10 and she said that she doesn't like--
12:13 everything going on right now,
12:15 so it's taking her out of her character.
12:17 - It's a vibe. Okay. - Yeah.
12:18 - It's life. It's lifin'.
12:20 - Oh, life be lifin', all right.
12:22 - Jab and hook.
12:24 - Last night was a bit of a rough one,
12:26 but there's one thing I've learned from Barbie
12:28 is she's a woman who expresses herself.
12:32 I like that.
12:33 We both know that we have emotions,
12:34 so there's no point in faking it like we're robots.
12:37 You know, we speak loudly.
12:39 - Jab. - Jab, jab.
12:41 - Ooh, yeah.
12:43 - So what's your experience like now,
12:45 or anybody that you're feeling?
12:47 - Mm...
12:49 Emotionally, I'm finding it really difficult.
12:51 My former wife and I, we grew apart,
12:55 and it's hard to reconnect,
12:57 and I had the divorce papers served on me,
13:00 which was really hard,
13:01 'cause I didn't see that coming.
13:03 - Mm-hmm.
13:05 - Emotionally, that's quite raw.
13:07 You know, my former wife was my world.
13:11 - That's gotta be hard.
13:16 - Yeah. - Yeah.
13:17 - Wow.
13:19 - I'm sorry. - Yeah.
13:20 - That's tough.
13:21 - I think, you know, over 24 years,
13:25 you build a relationship,
13:26 and you get to know them so well.
13:28 You've had three children together, and...
13:31 [inhales and exhales]
13:34 Um...
13:36 [inhales and exhales]
13:39 It's okay, man.
13:40 - It's okay. Take a break. Come on.
13:42 Just take a breath.
13:44 - Yeah, you-- - I know how you feel.
13:46 - You grow closer together.
13:48 You--you form connections,
13:50 and then all of a sudden, it disappears,
13:54 and to try and rebuild that again,
13:58 it's really tricky.
14:01 - I walked down the aisle, and I said the words,
14:04 you know, "Until--until death do we part."
14:07 [sighs]
14:09 I meant that.
14:10 - Yeah, I meant it too.
14:11 - You know, I'm--I would've worked through it, but...
14:15 I was a broken man after...
14:17 [inhales and exhales]
14:19 - It's okay.
14:21 [snaps fingers]
14:24 - A year ago, I had a heart attack,
14:26 and my heart attack was instigated by,
14:29 I suppose, the stress of the divorce.
14:31 He was the only person by my bed.
14:34 [sniffles]
14:37 And that's a lot for a young boy.
14:41 My former wife was not even there.
14:45 [sobs]
14:47 And I had to go through that.
14:50 So maybe I'm not ready to have my heart broken again.
14:54 [snaps fingers]
14:56 [inhales and exhales]
14:59 [sniffles]
15:01 That's one thing that separated, like,
15:03 my wife from other women,
15:05 is that I opened up and became vulnerable.
15:08 For me to trust, that's just gonna take time.
15:11 Like, I gave that all to someone else,
15:13 and this is what happened.
15:15 That--that's still taking a lot for me to get over.
15:19 - I think the only way to do that
15:21 is be okay to get hurt again.
15:25 [dramatic music]
15:28 ♪ ♪
15:30 - ♪ I know we'll always be together ♪
15:35 ♪ ♪
15:37 - Are you, like, a fitness guy people know in your city?
15:41 - Yeah. - Oh, okay.
15:43 There's a couple of those running around here already.
15:46 Last night, things got a little nuts with Chris and Jacob.
15:49 Sometimes I have to remember that I'm here
15:51 to make a connection with a potential partner,
15:55 so I have to stay focused on that going forward.
15:58 [phone chimes]
15:59 - Oh, I got a message.
16:01 - Uh-oh. [laughs]
16:03 - All right, so we gotta get everybody up
16:05 so we can read it, I guess.
16:06 Yo! I got a message!
16:10 - Everybody, we have a message.
16:12 - I'm coming!
16:14 - Today, we're doing things a little differently.
16:17 Instead of challenges, you ladies will have the opportunity
16:20 to take your relationships to the next level.
16:23 - Ooh. - [laughs]
16:24 - That's right. It's time to start sexting.
16:27 ♪ ♪
16:29 - What is that? Really, what is that?
16:31 I know texting, but sexting? What's sexting?
16:35 - It may sound silly, but we usually only sext
16:38 the people we like, trust, and have genuine interest in.
16:42 - [laughs]
16:43 - One at a time, each woman will head to the realty room
16:46 to take sexy selfies.
16:48 - Oh, my God. I cannot wait.
16:50 - I got that. I ain't worried about that.
16:52 - Please--please sext your favorite pics
16:55 to the men that you have romantic interest in.
16:59 If you are into more than one guy, that's okay, too.
17:02 Fellas, keep your phones handy. You won't want to miss this.
17:06 - I'm not used to getting sexted.
17:08 - Yeah, so I'm used to it.
17:09 It's not something that's, like, new to me.
17:11 - Wow. - Like, they have apps.
17:12 - But you get 'em from MIPS? - No.
17:15 - [laughs]
17:16 - I got some lingerie upstairs. I gotta get ready.
17:19 - I love it. - Whoo!
17:21 - Yeah! - Oh.
17:22 - There we go.
17:24 - All right. - Can we take 'em together?
17:26 - Oh, can we do a group? - Encouraged.
17:29 [laughter]
17:30 - All right, girls, what are you waiting for?
17:31 Let's go. Go to your room.
17:32 - I really hope I'm gonna get a picture from Kelly, you know?
17:36 She's been building a connection with Connor,
17:38 but I think she's feeling me, too.
17:40 So I'm excited to see what today brings.
17:42 - I'm gonna laugh, bro, when someone--
17:44 when all of our phones go off.
17:46 Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing.
17:47 [laughter]
17:48 - Yeah! - Whoo!
17:50 - It's very hard for me to open up with people,
17:53 so to send out sexy selfies to these guys,
17:57 that's a very intimate side of me
17:59 that it's not for everyone.
18:01 It's definitely for somebody special,
18:03 which is not [bleep] true.
18:05 - It's not true.
18:07 - That's a lie. I just lied.
18:09 I just lied. I lied about myself.
18:11 [laughter]
18:14 I used to send sexy selfies to multiple people all the time,
18:18 and then I stopped.
18:20 And now I guess I'm doing it again.
18:22 - You need, like, to be showing some cheeks,
18:24 and there's, like, some bend over type of position.
18:26 - So what if I go like that? - That's fine.
18:28 You just need to show your cheeks
18:29 however you want them to, put up or whatever.
18:33 - So I kind of have an unfair advantage.
18:35 I did a boudoir shoot before with a girlfriend.
18:38 - Okay. This will be the first for you.
18:40 - No way. - Yes way.
18:42 - You're a virgin sexter.
18:44 - Yes, I am a virgin sexter.
18:46 So I got you to help me.
18:48 - I am not a virgin sexter.
18:52 - This is way beyond my comfort zone.
18:57 I am beyond nervous.
19:00 - What is your best asset?
19:02 What do you like the most about your body?
19:04 - So it's--usually my eyes are my teeth.
19:06 - Okay, well, focus on the face.
19:08 But, like, work the angles. - Okay.
19:10 - Do you know what I mean? And the boobs are poppin',
19:12 so, like, any angle you shoot those from are gonna be good.
19:15 - Like, she has a bangin' body, but she doesn't know it.
19:19 I'm like, "Bitch, please.
19:21 You look better than most 25-year-olds out here,
19:23 and you are 59 [bleep] years old."
19:25 - Oh, girl. [laughs]
19:28 - Yeah. - This is so you.
19:30 - Okay, so you think this is a good one?
19:32 - Yeah. - Howdy.
19:34 - You got some assless chaps.
19:36 [laughs]
19:38 I'm kidding.
19:40 Representing 59-year-olds.
19:43 I've never sexed it before.
19:46 What makes me feel good about it
19:48 is because I'm in control of what I want to send.
19:52 Just a hat, baby. Just a hat.
19:54 That represents the fun country girl that I am deep inside.
20:00 I am a once-in-a-lifetime find,
20:03 and the man that I share with,
20:06 if he doesn't get it, then that's not my man.
20:10 My first...
20:13 scent.
20:16 [doorbell rings]
20:18 - Hey, uh-oh. - Uh-oh.
20:20 - Do you need to walk away?
20:21 - I'd fall down if I was on my crutches right now.
20:24 - Oh, lordy, lordy, lordy.
20:26 - Lordy, lordy, lordy. - Good Lord.
20:29 - Is it a surprise, or is it--
20:31 - I'm very surprised at how absolutely creative
20:36 and sexy these pictures are.
20:38 - Yeah, that's good. - Good, good, good.
20:41 - ♪ Breathe you in, breathe you in again ♪
20:44 - I'm not gonna brag,
20:46 but I may have, like, perfected this sh--.
20:49 When I got divorced, I entered my ho phase.
20:52 I was really at a phase where I was starting to respect
20:56 and to understand my body and the things it could do,
20:59 and I had been sheltered from that.
21:02 - ♪ I'll let you in, I'll let you in again ♪
21:05 - I'm ready to enter the next stage of my life
21:08 and settle down with someone and build a life with them.
21:11 - The eyes are poppin'.
21:13 The brows look good. The hair looks good.
21:16 The boobs are big, so we're good.
21:19 - ♪ Hold that down, hold that down, hold that down ♪
21:21 - He's gonna sh--. [laughs]
21:25 - ♪ I'll let you in, I'll let you in again ♪
21:27 - Oh, here they come.
21:29 Mamma mia.
21:31 ♪ ♪
21:34 - Chris? - Yeah?
21:36 - What, you think you're gonna get a text from somebody?
21:38 - No, I'm getting a text. - Yeah, I know.
21:40 I'm with Barbie, Barbie with me, period.
21:42 - Okay.
21:43 - At this point, me and Jacob both kind of have a thing
21:45 for Barbie, so it's gonna be interesting
21:47 to see how this goes.
21:49 ♪ ♪
21:54 - I'm sorry I can't show you this, guys.
21:56 ♪ ♪
21:58 Ay-yi-yi. Oh, [bleep]
22:01 That's very beautiful.
22:04 I've gotten some of these before,
22:06 and I really think it's a fun way to foreplay, you know?
22:11 Planting a seed, something to look forward to later,
22:14 a little fun, you know? Definitely think it's cool.
22:17 ♪ ♪
22:21 You know, for someone to be vulnerable like that
22:24 and send me a picture and trust me,
22:27 means a lot to me, you know?
22:29 That took a lot of courage.
22:31 - What about y'all, we got anything yet?
22:33 - No, your boy's running dry right now.
22:35 - Is that boy's dry right now?
22:36 - I think all the boy's dry right now.
22:38 I'm not gonna lie.
22:39 I want to pick from Christina, Crystal, Kelly,
22:42 Barbie, she can send me one.
22:44 I'll take all the pictures.
22:45 - Lynette's been very close to your dad.
22:47 How does that make you feel?
22:48 - Dude, I don't [bleep] have anything with Lynette.
22:51 - Well, yeah, obviously--
22:52 - That's dope. I actually like Lynette.
22:53 - I feel weird hearing my dad spit game.
22:55 - Really? I'm [bleep] cheering him on and [bleep]
22:57 - I'm cheering him on, but also at the same time
22:59 hearing my dad be like, "Oh, yeah, I hope I get a sexy pic,"
23:01 is not something I normally want to hear.
23:03 - Did he say that? - Absolutely.
23:05 - You are a child in a grown man's body.
23:08 Every single guy here, you're definitely the most immature.
23:11 - Yeah. I'm okay with that.
23:14 - I know my best assets,
23:15 and I definitely know how to take a picture.
23:19 - Okay, I don't believe I'm doing this.
23:22 [laughs]
23:24 Let me do one more.
23:27 That one, let me see if I can take it off.
23:30 - Usually I don't send selfies to people
23:33 that I haven't at least made first base with.
23:36 - Hmm, I think he may like some of me on this bed,
23:40 so let's try this out.
23:43 - But I said, "Why not just take a chance?"
23:46 Maybe that will help progress what I want from him,
23:50 and maybe we can get some action.
23:54 I can get some action. [laughs]
23:58 - So this experience, there's gonna be
24:00 lots of multifaceted layers like an onion.
24:04 There's gonna be the erotic moments like the striptease
24:07 with all the [bleep]
24:09 - Oh, my God. - Speaking of--
24:11 - Speaking of layers of the onion.
24:13 - These are definitely layers of onions being pulled back.
24:15 - Don't pull it too hard. - Okay.
24:18 - [laughs] - All righty then.
24:20 Okay. - You ready to roll?
24:22 - We're ready to roll. - Who you thought
24:24 it was gonna be or someone else?
24:26 - Of course. Yeah, of course.
24:28 Are we supposed to respond to them?
24:30 - Yes! Come on, that's so rude.
24:32 - Oh, my God. - You're ghosting her.
24:34 - Poor girl's like sitting there like--
24:36 - That's like the rudest thing possible.
24:38 - Oh, my God!
24:39 - In my 20s, I'd have been jumping at it.
24:42 - Hey, what's up? Let's meet.
24:44 Now that I'm a little older, got a lot more to lose.
24:47 - She's sitting there like this. Look right now.
24:50 - The... [bleep]
24:52 Most of the time, I don't even respond.
24:54 Some I might just put a little heart, like--
24:56 but I really am not trying to engage like that.
25:00 - Yeah. - [laughs]
25:03 - Ooh, I look good.
25:07 - [laughs]
25:08 - Okay. Hmm.
25:10 Oh, photogenic as [bleep]
25:13 Okay. Sexy, sexy, ooh.
25:17 Hey. Ooh.
25:19 - You know, as an ex-stripper,
25:22 I have been featured in calendars and things like that,
25:25 so for me, I'd rather send somebody a silly picture.
25:30 - [laughs]
25:33 I can't.
25:36 - Sexy only is a little bit boring.
25:40 - Ooh, that is naughty.
25:44 Naughty, naughty, naughty.
25:46 - I have a connection with both Chris and Jacob,
25:49 but I think it's time for me to decide
25:51 who I'm gonna move forward with,
25:52 and that's gonna be a really hard decision to make.
25:56 - Is anybody gonna feel upset or feel bad
26:00 if they're not gonna get the text?
26:01 - Yeah. For me, if I didn't get it from Barbie,
26:04 I feel a bit uncomfortable about the situation.
26:06 Obviously, getting a text from Barbie
26:08 will help sort of clear things up.
26:10 There's definitely questions that need answering,
26:12 and, you know, obviously, if I get one,
26:13 it feels like she wants to explore a connection with me.
26:15 Obviously, if she doesn't send me one,
26:17 then that sends a pretty clear message,
26:19 and so we'll see.
26:21 - Chris? - Yeah?
26:22 - Do you think you're gonna get a text from somebody?
26:24 - No, I'm getting a text.
26:25 No, I'm with Barbie. Barbie with me, period.
26:28 - Okay.
26:29 - At this point, me and Jacob both kind of have a thing
26:31 for Barbie.
26:32 Whoever she sends the picture to,
26:34 that's kind of like--
26:35 you know that's who she's--
26:37 like, who she's looking to move forward with.
26:39 If I don't get a picture, I'm gonna be a little confused,
26:42 so it's gonna be interesting to see how this goes.
26:45 - Done.
26:47 Still got it.
26:49 - How much action is Dad's getting over there on the phones?
26:52 'Cause we're dry over here.
26:53 - Yeah, no--no texts come in.
26:55 - Couple guys down there so far.
26:57 - This is worrying me now.
27:00 [music fades]
27:02 [upbeat music]
27:05 - [laughs]
27:18 - I decided to send the photos to Chris
27:21 because I feel like there's a lot of potential there.
27:24 Chris understands my humor,
27:25 and I'm attracted to the fact that he's a goofy person like me.
27:30 - You know what I noticed? - Yes, baby.
27:32 - Ain't nobody else's phone ring.
27:33 - I mean, I do feel bad for Jacob,
27:34 but I think it's worse to lead him on
27:36 and to keep a connection with him when it's not there anymore.
27:40 - Mm-hmm.
27:41 - That was definitely the highlight of my day.
27:43 She's sexy and goofy.
27:44 That's the beauty behind it.
27:45 She made it known that, okay, she's interested in me,
27:48 and we're just gonna keep taking it one day at a time.
27:52 [soft music]
27:55 Chris has got a text from Barbie,
27:58 and, you know, that's definitely put me on the back foot.
28:00 I was super confident that I would get at least one from Barbie,
28:03 and the fact that she didn't set one my way is disheartening,
28:06 and, yeah, absolutely gutted, to be honest.
28:09 - Something special, like school T-shirt type vibes.
28:16 [camera shutter clicks]
28:19 You know, I love fashion, and I'm a very visual person,
28:25 so I put these outfits together because, listen,
28:28 if you're being that vulnerable with someone,
28:31 I want it to be my best pictures.
28:33 [camera shutter clicks]
28:34 Hot.
28:35 [soft music]
28:37 I'm gonna do something else.
28:39 Step here on the counter, baby.
28:41 Then I'm gonna, like, touch my nipple.
28:44 [camera shutter clicks]
28:47 [soft music]
28:50 ♪ ♪
28:54 - Dad? - Yeah?
28:55 - How much action is Dad's getting over there on the phones?
28:58 'Cause we're dry over here.
28:59 - Yeah, no--no texts come in.
29:01 - Couple guys down there so far.
29:03 Don't worry, guys.
29:04 - All right. - All right?
29:06 - Yeah.
29:07 - It's tough seeing Christina and David
29:09 developing a-- something of a relationship.
29:12 I definitely see them flirting back and forth a bit.
29:14 I mean, there's definitely kind of that competitive drive
29:17 where I almost just see them as an opposing team or the enemy.
29:20 - Sam, if Christina doesn't see you for who and what you are
29:25 and that you're a better match fit than David,
29:30 then it's gonna be her loss in the end.
29:33 [soft music]
29:36 [birds chirping]
29:37 - Okay, I-- - What you got?
29:39 - I take you to photo.
29:40 - Oh! - All right!
29:42 - Holy [bleep]
29:44 - Yeah.
29:45 - I do have a picture of just an ass.
29:47 Is there a bite mark on it?
29:48 And then I can tell you who it is.
29:50 [laughter]
29:52 Bro, did she take your trench coat?
29:54 [laughter]
29:56 - What? - I don't know, bro.
29:58 - I did get a text.
30:00 - You did? - Some good [bleep]
30:03 - Do you know how bad I want to know
30:05 if that's the same photo?
30:06 - I actually have a feeling it's the same photo.
30:09 - Oh, no.
30:10 - Oh, he's on the same page.
30:12 - He's wearing the trench coat.
30:14 [laughter]
30:15 - My trench coat's doing work today, boys.
30:18 - ♪ Everybody look at Hollywood ♪
30:21 ♪ Doing it, doing it, doing it good ♪
30:25 [upbeat music]
30:27 - The problem is, I'm really digging
30:30 the two hottest guys in the house now.
30:32 Connor and I had a great first day,
30:34 and I definitely want to get to know them better.
30:37 Joey, on the other hand, is fun to hang around with,
30:42 and at the same time, I think he's very mature for his age.
30:46 Whatever it is, I don't even know his age.
30:49 So I don't know.
30:51 It's a great problem to have.
30:53 - ♪ Doing it good ♪
30:55 - Which one would be their favorite?
30:57 - Still want a piece of this scent.
31:03 [doorbell rings]
31:07 [birds chirping]
31:10 [upbeat music]
31:13 ♪ ♪
31:15 - I got one. - Yeah, I got one.
31:16 - Yeah, yeah, I figured so.
31:18 You look pretty happy right now.
31:20 - Yeah, I mean, I'm happy right now.
31:23 [doorbell rings]
31:25 - We got one text.
31:26 - All right. - We got a text message.
31:28 - Let's go.
31:29 - Still want a piece of this, question mark.
31:32 - [laughs]
31:35 - [bleep]
31:36 - Obviously I want a piece of that, yeah.
31:38 It's--yeah.
31:39 It's biteable. It's biteable.
31:42 - ♪
31:43 - Kelly looks phenomenal in the photos,
31:45 and even though she sent it to Connor as well,
31:47 I am always gonna be the best.
31:49 If Kelly's gonna be interested in more than one guy,
31:51 and I'm in the equation, I don't even wanna be,
31:53 like, I don't wanna--because I'm a number one pick, okay?
31:56 I'm a number one draft pick,
31:57 which deserves to be a number one draft pick.
31:59 - You are a number one draft pick.
32:01 Hands [bleep] down. - Exactly.
32:03 - You're a number one draft pick.
32:05 - So she needs to lock in and realize that.
32:07 - Lock it in.
32:08 - ♪
32:10 - There's still some texts that we're waiting for, right?
32:13 Did all six send the texts?
32:15 Is there one left?
32:16 Or is that everybody?
32:17 - It's kind of hard for me to break out my shell
32:19 just 'cause of everything going on with my dad,
32:22 but there is a group of beautiful,
32:24 intelligent women here.
32:25 I do like Kelly's bold personality,
32:27 and she goes after what she wants,
32:29 and I think that's something I can explore later on.
32:32 - Say one, two, three, four, five, six.
32:37 Oh, yeah. All right.
32:39 Yeah, it's all done.
32:41 - ♪
32:44 - I didn't get one,
32:45 and I'm definitely one not giving up on love
32:49 because I believe that there's a person for me,
32:52 and that person is out there.
32:53 - I'm gonna reciprocate that.
32:54 I feel like I'm in the same position.
32:56 But I'm gonna put up a good fight.
32:59 - ♪
33:00 - Yeah, we'll see. We'll see.
33:01 - ♪
33:06 - ♪
33:13 - I got a message!
33:15 - [cheering]
33:17 - Let's go outside, guys.
33:19 - You did it! - Message!
33:21 - What? - Got a message.
33:23 - I knew there was gonna be some bull[bleep] tonight.
33:26 - Uh-oh. - Knew it.
33:27 I just knew it.
33:28 - Kelly's got a text, and we're not really too sure
33:31 what's gonna be happening.
33:32 I'm kind of hoping that it's sort of like
33:33 a part two of the challenge,
33:34 and it gives me an opportunity to potentially
33:36 show Barbie my interest.
33:38 - I guess we're going down the stairs again.
33:40 - [laughs]
33:41 - You know, are we gonna get some banana hammock pictures?
33:45 I mean, I hope.
33:46 - ♪
33:49 - Earlier today, the ladies sent sexy text messages
33:54 to the men they are most interested in.
33:57 - Oh, we know.
33:58 [laughter]
34:00 - This is about finding love,
34:03 and today actually has made it clear
34:05 who is connecting with who.
34:08 And now things are about to change.
34:11 - ♪
34:14 - If you received a message from any of the women,
34:22 you will stay here, fighting for a chance for love.
34:26 That means Miles, Michael, Jacob, and Ashley,
34:36 unfortunately, it's time for you to go home.
34:41 - ♪
34:43 - What?
34:44 - Please say your goodbyes and leave.
34:46 - ♪
34:49 - What?
34:51 - [bleep]
34:52 - Oh, hey.
34:55 - It's been lovely to meet everybody.
34:58 We'll stay in touch,
34:59 and I'd just like to say goodbye to everyone.
35:03 It's been a real journey.
35:05 - Ashley, it's been a pleasure.
35:07 - I certainly feel that nine months out of a divorce,
35:11 the realization that everything is so raw at the moment
35:15 and I'm not ready to form a relationship
35:18 with somebody has become very clear.
35:22 - ♪
35:23 - I love you. - I love you too.
35:25 - I'm just not ready to form any bonds with anyone.
35:29 I just...
35:32 Sorry, Jacob.
35:33 - Is it good?
35:34 - It's tough.
35:36 - You know, we're disappointed, you know.
35:39 - Excuse me?
35:41 [clears throat]
35:44 You all right?
35:45 - Mm, not really.
35:47 - Not at the moment. - Yeah.
35:50 - I didn't [bleep] expect you to leave tonight.
35:53 - I know, I know, I know, I know, I know.
35:55 - [sniffling]
35:58 - [sniffling]
36:01 - I love you too, Dad.
36:03 I love you, Chris. I love you.
36:05 - I love you too, Dad. - You're so amazing.
36:07 - We got to have fun.
36:08 We got to do a strip tease with each other.
36:11 - You got memories, too.
36:12 - Oh, yeah, memories.
36:14 I love you, Dad.
36:15 - I love you, Chris. - I love you.
36:17 - I love you, love you, love you so much.
36:20 - Doing this with my dad has--
36:22 it's definitely brought us closer together.
36:25 The whole reason I do a lot of everything I do
36:27 is for my family, for my dad.
36:29 He gave his all to make sure we didn't have to stress about
36:32 what are we eating, where are we going, what are we wearing,
36:35 like, what clothes are we wearing.
36:36 Like, it was a struggle.
36:37 Like, it was always a struggle.
36:39 Whoo, it was a struggle.
36:40 But he's a strong man, and I want to be able to--
36:43 I want to be the strongest man I can be,
36:46 so I eventually can take care of him, my brothers, my mom.
36:52 Be familiar.
36:55 - Let's go ahead and bid everyone adieu.
36:58 - I didn't even need to find love in this experience.
37:04 I reconnected with you, and that means more than anything.
37:08 - Yeah.
37:09 - I found the love that I was missing.
37:13 - Right. You're right about that.
37:16 I'm doing everything I can in my power to be a better father.
37:23 - Oh.
37:30 - I didn't see it coming, but it's understandable.
37:40 I know I didn't get out of my shell as much as I'd like to,
37:43 and I didn't find any connection.
37:48 - This whole experience,
37:51 it's a stepping stone for our relationship,
37:54 bridging the gap that has been present for the past few years.
37:59 - Just the beginning for us.
38:01 - Definitely.
38:03 - Well, I hope from this experience
38:08 that we establish a real tight bond,
38:10 'cause I learned how important relationships are.
38:13 Whether it's just friends or family members,
38:18 we can't go back in time,
38:20 so the times that you have with those family members,
38:23 enjoy them and enjoy the experiences
38:25 that you have with them.
38:27 - All right, bro. Love you.
38:30 - Love you.
38:32 - See you when I get back to the real world.
38:34 - Sounds good.
38:35 - All right, bro. Love you.
38:37 - Love you.
38:39 - You got Joey's information?
38:48 - Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll be in touch.
38:50 - Jacob.
38:52 - Well, I already know we had a battle.
38:55 - It's okay. It's okay.
38:58 - It's okay.
39:00 - You and your dad are crying.
39:02 I'm so sorry.
39:03 - We love you. We love you.
39:04 - It's been a lot, you know?
39:05 - It's okay. It's been a lot for all of us.
39:07 - I think a regret for me was sort of shutting down
39:10 and taking so long to sort of get my thoughts across.
39:13 I should have acted a little bit quicker,
39:15 and I think what I'm gonna sort of take
39:17 from that into the real world is, you know,
39:19 when you really care about someone,
39:21 you can't stall for too long,
39:22 because that sort of shows that potentially
39:24 your intentions aren't as strong as you want them to appear.
39:29 - ♪ I'm gonna let you go
39:34 ♪ And I'll let you go
39:39 - Come on, then.
39:40 - I've appreciated now that I'm not ready for a relationship,
39:45 and that's fine.
39:47 - [ grunts ]
39:48 - I love that you're always there for me.
39:51 - Yeah? - I love it.
39:52 - Come here.
39:54 Gonna run out of tears in a minute.
39:57 There we go.
39:58 That's good.
40:00 - ♪
40:06 - It's okay.
40:09 That one took all of us off guard.
40:11 - I thought we were gonna have, like,
40:12 a couple more days to kick it, you know?
40:14 - Yeah. - Catch up on life,
40:16 talk about how he's doing.
40:19 - Wasn't ready for this one.
40:21 - Watching Chris with his dad and then seeing how he is with me,
40:24 I do believe that he does have some mature sides.
40:27 It's whether or not he's gonna be able to
40:29 stay consistent with that.
40:31 - It's okay.
40:33 - ♪
40:39 - Did Barbie and Chris go in the real theater?
40:42 - What, you wanna go in there?
40:43 - Yeah, monopolize it.
40:45 - You go in there every night.
40:47 - At this point, I'm all in with Anthony.
40:51 I'm not pursuing other people.
40:54 I'm not interested in trying to find any other connections.
40:58 - You're safe.
41:00 - Yeah, that's good.
41:02 'Cause I'd hate to have to [bleep] a bitch up.
41:04 - Yeah, you're not going over.
41:05 - [laughs]
41:07 I'm kidding. - Gotcha.
41:09 - I'm very hopeful about this with Anthony.
41:12 I've never really felt this way about somebody like this
41:17 so quickly.
41:18 - What'd you say? I hate to have to--
41:19 what'd you say? - To [bleep] a bitch up.
41:20 - Oh. [laughs]
41:22 I thought you said pack up.
41:23 - Oh, no. Mm-mm.
41:25 I really like this guy.
41:27 ♪ ♪
41:32 - Welcome to your next challenge!
41:34 [cheers and applause]
41:36 - I love watermelon. - I love handcuffs.
41:39 - Handcuffs and watermelon.
41:41 Like, what in the hell is this?
41:43 - Whoo! Yeah!
41:44 - That was fast. You just started.
41:47 - Come on, Pac-Man-o!
41:49 - Come on, Vietnam!
41:51 - Let's go!
41:53 ♪ ♪
41:58 - Fresh meat coming in, it changes the whole experience.
42:02 - Hi, ladies.
42:03 My son and I look at each other, we're like,
42:06 "These are beautiful women."
42:07 - Chris is the one thing he doesn't want.
42:09 - I think the women are concerned about the new arrivals,
42:13 and I know I am too.
42:15 I'm concerned about a younger guy
42:18 having low attention span.
42:21 - My blood is boiling.
42:23 - Look at this.
42:25 - If he makes her dinner, my feelings are gonna be hurt.
42:29 - Oh, undercooked. You sound nice.
42:31 - I thought maybe, you know, there could be a connection there.
42:34 Now I'm starting to wonder.
42:36 (dramatic music)