• last year
Si le soleil disparaissait soudainement, la Terre serait confrontée à une catastrophe cosmique. Obscurité instantanée, chute des températures et perturbation de la chaîne alimentaire, le tout sans la chaleur et la lumière du soleil. La Terre dériverait même dans l'espace sans l'attraction gravitationnelle du soleil. C'est un scénario de science-fiction, mais heureusement, le soleil est stable et ne va nulle part. ☀️ Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00And if the sun was booming, you guessed it, it would be very bad news.
00:05Hmm, this video was really short today, huh?
00:09But wait, I have something else.
00:11If the sun exploded, it would be chaos in the solar system.
00:14And scientists tell us that it will inevitably happen one day.
00:18But why?
00:20And how will it happen exactly?
00:23Will it be possible for us to survive?
00:25Well, we'll see all that.
00:28We will first make a trip to the heart of the sun.
00:31It is filled with hydrogen atoms which are delivered to an incredible dance of the devil.
00:36These atoms are so excited that they collide constantly with all their strength.
00:41And when they collide, something magical happens.
00:45What is called nuclear fusion.
00:47Thanks to this huge fiesta, hydrogen atoms combine to form helium atoms.
00:52A large-scale chemistry experiment.
00:55During this nuclear fusion, a very small part of the mass of hydrogen atoms is transformed into a huge amount of energy.
01:03It's Einstein's famous equation, E-PAC-MC2.
01:08The energy is released in the form of light and heat,
01:11shining outward and illuminating the entire solar system.
01:15And once this process is underway,
01:17a whole bunch of energized particles called photons join the adventure.
01:22These photons are like tiny packets of light
01:25that bounce and move in all directions.
01:28They play a crucial role in transporting the energy of the sun into space,
01:32illuminating our world and warming our planet.
01:35But for all this to continue, for the atoms not to escape to create total chaos,
01:41the heart of the sun must be subjected to enormous pressure.
01:44This pressure comes from the immense weight of the outer layers of the sun that weigh on the heart.
01:50The outer layers compress the inner nucleus.
01:53But the inner layers don't let go.
01:55Energy and photons do everything they can to escape the heart of the sun.
01:59But this nucleus is very dense, immensely dense.
02:02And the pressure is so strong that energy takes an eternity to escape.
02:06It bounces, is absorbed and re-emitted by other particles.
02:10Finally, after a long time, it reaches the surface of the sun
02:14and flies into space to reach us in the form of light.
02:17You now know how the sun works.
02:20Now, what happens when it finally comes to life?
02:23Well, here it is.
02:24Our sun has a limited reserve of hydrogen.
02:27In about 5 billion years, it will run out of fuel.
02:31After that, our star will undergo great changes.
02:34So be careful, because there is a good chance that we will miss the event.
02:39First of all, the sun will swell and become a giant red, dilating like a balloon.
02:45It will become so big that it will engulf the inner planets, including our beloved Earth.
02:51A really boring sun, which takes up all the space.
02:55So we will not see these last days, unless we move very far.
03:00After the giant red phase, the sun will shrink a little.
03:04Its outer layers will vanish into space, leaving behind a magnificent planetary nebula.
03:10It will reveal its incandescent nucleus.
03:13Oh, the nucleus, now filled with helium, will have a strange voice.
03:18No, it will start to fuse heavier elements, like oxygen and carbon.
03:23These reactions will not be as vigorous, as at the end of a party, when you are a little tired.
03:28Finally, helium will eventually run out too, and the sun will become a compact white dwarf.
03:34A stellar retiree, enjoying his old days.
03:37Scientists estimate that it will remain in the sun for about 7 to 8 billion years, before it turns off its lights.
03:44Don't worry, by then, humanity may have already gone to a distant galaxy,
03:49or even evolved into a new and surprising species.
03:53Our sun will not go out with a flash, like a firework.
03:57It is not big enough to become a supernova or a black hole.
04:01These space superstars need a much larger mass than our sun can become.
04:07But what would happen if it suddenly exploded?
04:09Like that, brutally and without reason.
04:13Imagine, the sun goes boom, a situation of the most delicate on earth.
04:18The event releases a crazy amount of energy, sending a shock wave that crosses space at the speed of light.
04:24It takes about 8 minutes for this wave to reach us.
04:27Why? Well, the sun is about 150 million kilometers from us.
04:32It takes a little more than 8 minutes and 20 seconds for its light to travel all this distance and reach us.
04:38But let's talk about the event itself.
04:40It would be a great show, but unfortunately, it would also be the end.
04:44The crazy amounts of energy released would cause a rapid expansion of the sun,
04:49which would swallow the inner planets, including our Earth.
04:53And that's not all.
04:54Get ready for a gigantic burst of radiation.
04:57The sun would pour a torrent of supercharged particles.
05:00X-rays and gamma rays, the kind of particles that can seriously shake everything.
05:06By reaching our atmosphere, these high-energy particles will cause incredible chaos.
05:11They will ionize the atmosphere, creating a huge electromagnetic impulse.
05:16This impulse is like a shock wave for electronic devices.
05:20It grills them and makes them unusable.
05:23If your gadgets are not protected, they may go a bad quarter of an hour.
05:27Speaking of a bad quarter of an hour, after that, it is the instantaneous evaporation that awaits us.
05:33But the final bouquet of the sun will not only touch the Earth.
05:36It will wreak havoc on the entire solar system.
05:39This huge explosion of energy will crush everything in its path.
05:43The planets will be ejected from their comfortable orbits, which will cause a huge mess.
05:48The asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter?
05:51Goodbye, it will disappear.
05:53Obliterated or dispersed in the cosmic winds.
05:56And even the planets that will survive the event will leave their orbits to go back into space.
06:01And let's not forget the external planets, like Jupiter and Saturn.
06:04These giants generate their own heat, which gives them a certain comfort and attracts many moons.
06:10But the boom of the sun would steal this heat from them, turning them into incredibly cold places.
06:16Now that we have talked about the disaster that this would represent for the solar system.
06:21Let's ask the following question.
06:23Can humanity get by without it?
06:25The short answer is no, it is not possible.
06:28Everything would be destroyed, except perhaps some discrete bacteria hidden in the shadows.
06:33But in the unimaginable case where the sun would have warned us in advance,
06:37we could have a chance of getting by.
06:40If we were informed and had enough time to prepare,
06:44we could activate our survival mechanism.
06:46What does that mean?
06:48As the Earth would not survive the anger of the sun, we would have to move elsewhere.
06:52Do you remember that we said that all the planets would not be completely destroyed?
06:57Alas, the closest to the sun, Mercury, Venus and Earth would disappear.
07:02The simplest option would be to move to another solar system with a planet similar to Earth.
07:08But what would happen if Earth managed to survive the disaster?
07:12Let's not ask how, but let's just think about the consequences.
07:16Well, our climate would go crazy.
07:19During the first moments of the big explosion,
07:21the radiation and particles would raise the temperature by an arrow.
07:25A never-ending heatwave, a nightmarish greenhouse effect,
07:28the oceans would evaporate, creating thick clouds that would retain the heat
07:33and would no longer let it escape into space.
07:35And after that, without the heat of the sun, the Earth would become a real freezer.
07:41So we have to get out of the beaten path.
07:43An idea would be to take shelter deep underground,
07:46where we will not be so affected by radiation and sudden temperature changes.
07:51The more you dig, the higher the temperature.
07:54Thus, with the right tools and the right resources,
07:58humanity could dig into fortified bunkers
08:01and survive for a few years without the sun's rays.
08:04Why only a few years?
08:06Do you remember that we said that the sun is the center of gravity of our solar system?
08:11Without it, the Earth would be drifting, looking for a new center of gravity.
08:17Imagine our planet, our faithful satellite, the moon,
08:21and all the other planets floating slowly in space.
08:24Fortunately, our faithful sun is doing well,
08:27keeping us warm and lighting us up for quite some time.
08:30We are therefore safe for a few billion years.
08:33But it is always fun to imagine impossible scenarios.
08:37So see you soon for new adventures.
