• 3 months ago
Imaginez si la Lune décidait soudainement de s'écraser sur la Terre – ce serait un sacré voyage ! En seulement 20 minutes, nous verrions la Lune devenir de plus en plus grande dans le ciel, provoquant des marées gigantesques et un chaos avant le grand impact. Les scientifiques adorent explorer ces scénarios hypothétiques pour comprendre les forces extrêmes de la nature et les résultats possibles. À côté de cela, il y a d'autres idées folles comme celle de ce que ce serait si la Terre cessait de tourner ou si nous vivions sur Mars à la place. Ces expériences de pensée nous aident à apprécier l'équilibre délicat de notre planète et stimulent notre imagination sur les possibilités de l'univers. Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00Everything started with a minor change on our planet.
00:04First of all, people noticed that the moon had become brighter and a little bigger.
00:10But no one paid attention to it.
00:12It affected the tides all over the world, so that the water submerged the beaches,
00:17but it was not a tragedy.
00:19Many fish came closer to the shore.
00:21People started to find giant squids,
00:24and other creatures close to the coast,
00:26while they usually lived in the dark depths.
00:30New and stranger things happened every day.
00:33Birds no longer fly south in winter.
00:36They gather in huge swarms that fly around cities without a precise goal.
00:41The moon helped them to orient themselves in nature,
00:43but now they can no longer know in which direction to fly.
00:47From the seas, ship captains notice that the compasses are now unstable.
00:52The arrow points in different directions since the magnetic poles of the Earth have changed.
00:57People realize that the moon has begun to approach it for an unknown reason.
01:02The gravity of the moon affects that of our planet.
01:06This leads to changes in the climate,
01:08in the behavior of all living beings,
01:10and in the magnetic field.
01:12Now it rains in the driest places,
01:15and it's hot in the coldest lands.
01:17This harms the ecosystems of the entire planet.
01:20People who live near forests often hear the screams of wolves,
01:24because the moon makes these animals go crazy.
01:27The natural satellite of the Earth never ceases to grow,
01:30and illuminates the night in a much brighter way.
01:33Nothing irremediable has happened yet.
01:35People still don't panic,
01:37because they don't want to believe that the end is coming.
01:40But one day, the moon reached a critical point.
01:43You walk down the street listening to music,
01:46and at that moment, someone bumps into you.
01:49Well, this guy may be late for work.
01:52You keep walking, and a girl passing by bumps into your shoulder.
01:56Sorry, sorry, she says.
01:58Then she leaves.
02:00You could read fear in her eyes.
02:02You look in front of you, and see people running in your direction.
02:05You finally take off your headphones,
02:07and you hear screams and sirens.
02:09People leave their cars and run away.
02:12Hundreds of seagulls fly in the sky.
02:15You hear a strange noise among all this noise.
02:18It seems to be ...
02:21How is this possible?
02:22You are in the city center, a few kilometers from the coast.
02:25But you don't have time to think.
02:27You notice that a huge wave floods the streets,
02:30and heads straight for you.
02:32You run into a building, and climb to the 10th floor.
02:36From here, you observe the water that submerges the city.
02:39The powerful torrent carries all the cars,
02:42the buildings on one floor, and the trees on its road.
02:45You notice a shark fin, and other fish in the water.
02:48The fields hide in the houses and on the roofs.
02:51The whole city quickly plunges into a state of disaster.
02:55The television works in the building where you hide.
02:58You learn that floods occur all over the world.
03:01Massive tsunamis cover coastal cities.
03:05In some places, the waves reach the height of a 30-story building.
03:09Many cities have been torn off the map.
03:12The Moon is too close to the Earth,
03:14and massive floods are just the beginning.
03:17The Moon orbits around the Earth,
03:19and helps to keep our blue house on its axis.
03:22The Moon ensures the stability of the climate,
03:24and helps living organisms to develop.
03:27But now, this balance is broken.
03:30The Moon approaches and alters the gravity of our planet.
03:34The Moon has to tilt slightly to the side
03:36to cause massive floods all over the world.
03:40Imagine that you hold a glass of round water, a little tilted.
03:43You see how the liquid moves from one side to the other?
03:46It's the same thing that's happening now with the oceans.
03:50But the Moon doesn't just come close to us.
03:53It orbits around the planet and gets closer to every revolution.
03:57It constantly causes natural disasters in different parts of the Earth.
04:01Now, the ocean floods one side, and a few hours later, another.
04:06You see all the water coming back from the streets to the shore.
04:09It's possible that the ocean will flood the city again by the end of the day.
04:13Wait, it seems that the end of the day is already here.
04:16You notice that the sky has become dark.
04:19It's strange, because it's only 3 p.m.
04:21The Moon influences the rotation speed of the Earth,
04:24and makes the day go by faster.
04:26It now covers almost the entire sky, and brilliantly illuminates our planet.
04:31You can see the huge lunar craters.
04:33It's so close that you can see it even when the sun is shining.
04:37In some places, the Moon even hides the entire sun.
04:41The water leaves the streets, and everyone goes out.
04:44It's at this moment that an earthquake begins.
04:47The road cracks, and the houses collapse.
04:50There are landslides in the street itself.
04:52The tectonic plates move all over the planet.
04:55Imagine two magnetic balls getting closer to each other.
04:59One of the balls is the Moon, and the other is the core of the Earth.
05:03In your opinion, what will happen to what is above the core?
05:07This represents hundreds of thousands of kilometers of our Earth's crust.
05:12And now, everything is moving.
05:15Destructive cracks appear all over the world.
05:18The highest mountains on the planet collapse and turn into a pile of stones.
05:23The seabed cracks and releases magma from underground depths.
05:27Volcanoes wake up and spit out their incandescent lava.
05:31Volcanic ash clouds cover the sky, hiding the sun and the Moon.
05:37But the most frightening is yet to come.
05:40The collision is inevitable.
05:42The Moon spins around the planet like a ball in a forensic game with a hole in the center.
05:47This force leads to the formation of clouds all over the planet.
05:51The storm rumbles now, but in five minutes it will snow.
05:55Then the night comes, and it starts to rain.
05:59Water droplets are made up of mud and volcanic ash.
06:02It is difficult for people to breathe without a gas mask.
06:05Atmospheric pressure is constantly changing.
06:08Some people have severe migraines, and others have painful joints.
06:12But you don't have time to dawdle on this.
06:15Humanity must find a way to escape this collision.
06:18A new gravitational order will appear when the Moon crumbles on Earth.
06:23The continents will change shape.
06:25They will combine into one gigantic piece of Earth,
06:28or will divide into a hundred smaller ones.
06:31The energy of the collision could burn all the oxygen in the atmosphere
06:35and make the whole planet lifeless.
06:38There is also no point in hiding underground because of all these deep earthquakes.
06:43People decide to spend their last moments with their loved ones and their families.
06:47The Moon is getting closer and closer.
06:49It is now at the same distance as the International Space Station is from us.
06:54The Moon darkens the sky.
06:56Many cities are in the dark because of the waves.
06:59Tsunamis of several kilometers high crash against the ground.
07:03Millions of tons of magma come into contact with the ocean.
07:07Billions of liters of water evaporate.
07:10Humidity rises in the air, mixes with ash,
07:13and spreads on the planet in the form of a giant cumulus.
07:18About 8 million inhabitants of the planet Earth have learned the terrible news at the same time.
07:24Some have learned it by watching TV,
07:26others by looking at their phones,
07:28or while listening to music.
07:30Some have learned it in a dream.
07:32Once announced this speech in all languages so that everyone understands.
07:38I have good and bad news.
07:40Let's start with the bad one.
07:42You are all characters in a YouTube video
07:44in which your planet faces the break of the Moon in two pieces.
07:48For the viewers, it is a scenario, but for you, it is reality.
07:53The good news is that ...
07:55there is no good news.
07:57But do not worry, the apocalypse is not planned.
08:00Or just a little.
08:02Have a good day.
08:04At first, the whole population panics.
08:07A few days later, calm comes back little by little.
08:10It was perhaps a collective hallucination,
08:12and in fact, the Moon is doing very well.
08:14It is then that researchers spot the danger.
08:17A huge meteorite is approaching us from the deep end of space.
08:21This meteorite is super fast and almost flat.
08:25Luckily, it will pass right next to Earth.
08:28But the Moon will not have this chance.
08:31The meteorite will hit it right in the middle.
08:35Here, the meteorite has divided the Moon in two,
08:39it passed next to our planet, and it goes back into space.
08:43People can not turn away their gaze from the sky.
08:47The Moon is perfectly cut in two.
08:50It was fast and painless.
08:52But what are we going to do now?
08:54Is the Earth going to survive?
08:57Our satellite is divided into two equal parts,
09:00but fortunately, they stay stuck.
09:02The important gravity of the Moon acts like a magnet.
09:06Researchers are convinced that the two pieces will stick together in a few million years,
09:10and that the Moon will become exactly as it was.
09:14But the coolest thing is that no one notices any difference.
09:18The way is wrong.
09:21But here's another problem.
09:24A huge meteorite in the shape of a shoe is coming towards us.
09:29It enters the solar system and quickly approaches Earth.
09:33The space shoe hits half of the Moon and continues its trajectory.
09:37Now there is really only a half Moon in the sky.
09:41The first half is where it has always been.
09:44The second half is heading towards Earth.
09:47A rain of meteors falls on Earth because of the fragments of the Moon.
09:51But whatever we do, everything is fine.
09:53Most of these pebbles burn in the atmosphere.
09:56Almost all of the half-moon of Gomé is fragmented and enters orbit.
10:01A ring of rocks is formed, and now the Earth is like Saturn.
10:05These fragments of the Moon destroy several of our artificial satellites.
10:09Communications and the Internet are regularly interrupted.
10:13It takes about two years to restore connections.
10:17The International Space Station no longer exists.
10:20Fortunately, all astronauts have managed to return to Earth before the Big Bang.
10:24The fragments of the Moon fly around the planet,
10:27and there is only half of the Moon in the sky.
10:30Life does not change too much the following days.
10:33But people who live on the seaside and in the oceans see the difference.
10:37The Moon influenced the tides.
10:40It turned around the Earth, and the oceans then took an oval shape.
10:44The tide was high where the Moon was closest,
10:47while it was low on the opposite side.
10:49But now everything has changed.
10:52A half-moon does not influence the same amount of water.
10:55Yes, the Moon weighs only half its weight, and it has approached Earth.
10:59But its gravitational force has also diminished.
11:02Marine birds, many species of fish,
11:05turtles and other marine animals could not survive in these conditions.
11:10Their natural instinct, strongly guided by the Moon,
11:13would allow them to determine their life cycle.
11:17For example, baby turtles waited for the high tide in the morning to run in the water.
11:22Now, the water is too low,
11:25they cannot hide in the ocean, and the seagulls eat them.
11:29Crabs no longer lay eggs because the high tide appears earlier than expected.
11:33Wolves lose their heads.
11:35They howl every night.
11:38The fauna no longer understands what is happening.
11:43The human body also has to face some consequences.
11:46Many people have problems with blood pressure and headaches.
11:52This half-moon changes the whole ecosystem of the planet.
11:55It will take several decades, even several hundred years.
11:59A few weeks later, people notice that the days are getting shorter and shorter.
12:04The Moon has always slowed the rotation of the Earth,
12:07so that the days lasted 24 hours.
12:10The Earth is spinning faster now.
12:13Day and night follow each other faster than usual.
12:16The speed of rotation of the Earth has increased,
12:19and the days no longer last more than 15 hours.
12:22People suffer from insomnia or sleep too much.
12:25It takes time for the body to get used to it.
12:28Working hours change all over the world.
12:31Before, we arrived at the office at 9 o'clock and left at 6 o'clock.
12:35Now, people arrive at 7 o'clock and leave at 2 o'clock.
12:38There is less time to sleep, and everyone suffers from this situation.
12:43Progress slows down because of very short working days.
12:47Future technologies are 20 to 30 years behind.
12:50Time remuneration has not changed.
12:53Employees are less paid because they work less hours.
12:56The Moon, when it was whole, regulated the weather and climate on Earth.
13:01Look at Mars. It has two small moons.
13:04They rotate around it quickly and make it swing on its axis.
13:07The result? Wind, sandstorms and storms on a daily basis on the Red Planet.
13:14This half-moon modifies the stable rotation of the Earth.
13:18Temperatures change all over the world.
13:21It gets hotter in hot places, and snowstorms rage in cold regions.
13:26There are only brief, very intense downpours.
13:29It never gets nice again.
13:31A small wind can turn into a tornado, and the waves become tsunamis.
13:36Seasons change faster, winters are colder, and summers are warmer.
13:42The planet's rotation changes affect its magnetic field.
13:46All compasses and navigation systems are out of service.
13:50We need to learn how to navigate again.
13:53Birds no longer go to the heat in winter because they don't know where to go.
13:57Their internal compass is broken.
14:01Several hundred years have passed.
14:04People have become totally used to new terrestrial conditions.
14:08New species of animals have appeared.
14:10Birds have found themselves again thanks to the half-moon.
14:13The planet's economy has been restored.
14:16Wages have increased.
14:18People are used to sleeping 5 to 6 hours a day and working 4 to 5 hours.
14:23You're sitting in the car, waiting for the fire to go green.
14:26The temperature is so high today that it looks like the city is about to melt.
14:31You look at the traffic light and notice that it is deforming.
14:34Drops are falling.
14:36You don't want to believe that this is happening for real.
14:39So you rub your eyes and you discover that your silver ring is slowly dripping along your finger.
14:44You scream in fear because you are waiting for the melting metal to burn your skin, but nothing happens.
14:49The tricolor fire disappears completely.
14:52You want to press the accelerator, but there is only a kind of puddle under your feet.
14:56The seat belt comes off on its own and the car slowly collapses.
15:01You open the door and it falls.
15:03You get out of the car at full speed and you watch it melt slowly.
15:07The wheels, the blue bodywork, the engine, everything turns into liquid.
15:12Only the tires, the plastic objects, the seats, the carpets and the windows remain intact.
15:17You hear screams behind you and you see that all the cars around you are melting.
15:22You also want to take a video, but your phone has also become liquid.
15:26You take out the remaining glass screen and the plastic case.
15:29All the metals around you are melting.
15:32The streetlights and the bus stops turn into a homogeneous mass.
15:36Suddenly, there is total silence.
15:38The car horns, the sirens, the exhaust fumes and the engine noise.
15:43All this has disappeared.
15:45All this has disappeared.
15:47Rivers of liquid metal flow into the streets and you are in the middle.
15:51The metal current carries the tires and other elements of the cars.
15:54It turns people upside down.
15:56Then a noise is heard in the city.
15:59People run out of shopping malls, libraries, cafes, houses, business centers.
16:05Flags are formed around all the houses.
16:08Each building is equipped with metal structures, reinforcement bars and fittings.
16:13Now, everything melts and infiltrates the concrete.
16:16The metals melt slowly, so that people have time to evacuate the city.
16:20All buildings collapse and raise dust in the air.
16:23The city's sewage system is also melting.
16:26Water mixed with liquid metal is poured into the streets.
16:29People swim in this mass.
16:31They use hundreds of thousands of rubber tires as a lifebuoy.
16:35Someone even goes surfing.
16:37Parts of liquid money flow out of your wallet.
16:40Hundreds of automatic ticket distributors melt in the city.
16:43Millions of paper banknotes drown in the metal flows.
16:47All gold reserves become liquid and paint the city orange.
16:51Thousands of letters float on melting letter boxes.
16:55All data centers, computers and servers become a part of the huge metal flow.
17:00Instantly, all digital information in the world disappears.
17:04TVs, video games consoles, amusement parks melt.
17:08Radio receivers, telephones, electric wires, cables and internet connections disappear.
17:14Millions of tons of metal fill the streets, then spill into rivers and oceans.
17:19Water takes a dark silver hue.
17:21And one day, people lose all their modern technology and go back to the Stone Age.
17:26Metallic rivers flood cities.
17:28People take refuge in the countryside.
17:30Bicycles, motorcycles and other means of transport have disappeared.
17:34The inhabitants of cities are deprived of electricity and everything that works with it.
17:38They are also not sure they are in the middle of nature.
17:41Metals are hidden in the mountains and underground.
17:44Now they turn into liquid and cause deformations in the ground and stone.
17:49Some mountains turn into ice cream in the sun.
17:53Earthquakes vibrate the ground all over the world.
17:56Seismic activity awakens volcanoes.
17:59They project a huge amount of lava and cover the sky with ashes.
18:03Volcanic magma contains a lot of melting metal.
18:06But it does not solidify.
18:08Cold lava pools form around volcanoes.
18:11People learn to live again in such conditions.
18:14They build plastic and wood houses using ropes and glue to bind the materials.
18:20Now you can easily light a fire with wood and stones.
18:23People burn glass to make it more solid.
18:26They make axes and other very resistant glass and stone tools.
18:30But these objects deteriorate and break quickly.
18:33You learn to build shelters.
18:35You drain the earth and use wooden planks to support the ceilings and walls.
18:40Almost all of the planet's population lives underground.
18:43This allows it to warm up in winter.
18:45But it is not possible to live like this for a long time because of frequent earthquakes.
18:50Wooden carts appear again on the roads.
18:53Harvesting problems begin.
18:55Metals infiltrate the soil, which disrupts the growth of crops.
18:59Many people live near the ocean.
19:02During earthquakes, they get on wooden rafts or inflatable boats and move away from the shore.
19:08To travel long distances, people fly to Mongolia.
19:12You can even go to a neighboring city if the wind doesn't take you far.
19:16It is impossible to send a letter to another country because there are no more railroads.
19:21People make long journeys on foot and live like nomads.
19:24Traveling pigeons are used to communicate with friends living in the neighboring city.
19:29It is difficult to get food and live in winter without electricity, but there is hope.
19:35Scientists now favor a theory that says that metals have changed molecular levels.
19:41Molecules have moved away from each other, which has led to melting.
19:45To bring everything back together, metal molecules must be brought closer to each other.
19:50To do this, an electric current is necessary.
19:53Fortunately, there is enough of it in the sky.
19:56Every day, lightning strikes somewhere.
19:59All you have to do is catch it.
20:01Scientists create plastic containers and fill them with liquid metal.
20:05All containers are connected by a rubber band with molten copper inside.
20:10Copper is one of the most conductive metals.
20:13People place hundreds of these containers in a huge field.
20:17Clouds accumulate, a strong storm begins.
20:20The lightning strikes the ground several times and ends up hitting the container.
20:24It crosses a copper wire and distributes the charge to all other tanks.
20:29A chain reaction begins.
20:31When the storm ends, people discover containers with solid metal.
20:35It worked!
20:36Now we have a few tons of ordinary metals.
20:39Scientists send travel pigeons to spread the news.
20:43Quickly, people from all over the world try to catch the lightning.
20:47The metals obtained are enough to build the minimum equipment for an electric power plant.
