• 2 months ago
Construire une tour jusqu'à l'espace semble être le rêve ultime de science-fiction, mais en réalité, ce serait un désastre total. Tout d'abord, le poids même des matériaux serait impossible à supporter—elle s'effondrerait sous son propre poids avant même de s'approcher de l'espace. Ensuite, il y a le fait que la Terre tourne, donc tout ce qui s'élève droit vers le haut devrait faire face à des forces insensées qui le tireraient de côté. Même si nous parvenions d'une manière ou d'une autre à la construire, les conditions météorologiques, comme les ouragans ou les tremblements de terre, la déchireraient en un rien de temps. Et n'oublions pas les débris spatiaux—de minuscules morceaux de déchets filant à des vitesses folles pourraient déchiqueter la structure comme des confettis. Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00In the science fiction film Ad Astra, the astronaut Roy McBride was amazed.
00:05He contemplates the Earth from the top of a colossal space tower.
00:08An unexpected event knocks McBride down from his perch and throws him into the abyss.
00:13While everything seems lost, a parachute arises.
00:16It slows his descent and allows him to survive.
00:19Well, it's all very beautiful.
00:21But you may be wondering if such a tower could one day become a reality?
00:25Could we create a structure that reaches space?
00:28Well, in fact, yes, it's possible.
00:31Let's see how.
00:33First of all, let's address the question of height.
00:36It is quite difficult to draw a clear line between Earth and space.
00:40However, most scientists agree that this unreachable frontier
00:45is located somewhere between 80 and 96 km above the surface.
00:51Unfortunately, building a column in the direction of space
00:55would be a disaster.
00:58Do you remember how disappointing it was?
01:00The EgoBankal tower collapses under its own weight
01:03and the bricks scatter in all directions.
01:06If it's a disaster for a child, imagine what it would be on a large scale.
01:10It is therefore not by building a fluid tower that we will succeed.
01:14We must show creativity.
01:16For example, why not build a majestic pyramid towards the stars?
01:20We already know that pyramids are capable of traversing the millennia.
01:24A solid base that shrinks to the top.
01:27That's exactly what we need, isn't it?
01:31But moderate your enthusiasm.
01:33Even if we miraculously managed to build such a high pyramid,
01:38there would still be a problem.
01:40Our humble Earth would certainly suffer under the weight of such a massive structure.
01:45Let's take a look at the layers of our Earth.
01:48We will try to peel its surface like an onion.
01:51First of all, we have the crust.
01:53A thin crusty layer that covers the planet,
01:56with an average depth of 27 km.
01:59It is at its surface that we build our cities,
02:01that we climb majestic mountains
02:04and that we dig to find hidden treasures.
02:06Under this layer is the mantle, which is hot and dynamic.
02:10There, we find turbulent currents and rocks dancing a flaming tango.
02:14This is where things get interesting.
02:17If we built an extremely high pyramid that would reach space,
02:21its weight would exert great pressure on the surface of the Earth.
02:25And since the crust and the mantle are not very resistant,
02:28they would begin to sink under the effect of this pressure.
02:31All this would cause a kind of depression or pit on the surface of the planet.
02:36Imagine now that this happens over a very long period.
02:40We are talking about thousands of years.
02:42The relentless weight of our pyramid would continue to weigh on the Earth,
02:46causing its surface to sink more and more deeply.
02:50It wouldn't be nice to see, would it?
02:52And let's not forget the most important thing.
02:54The Earth's mantle is the engine of geological activity.
02:58It is at the origin of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions
03:02and the impetuous movement of tectonic plates.
03:05So you can imagine what would happen if we disturbed it.
03:08Especially with a huge pyramid.
03:11This could lead to serious disasters.
03:13Thus, even if having a structure of such height would be incredibly cool,
03:18we must take into account the limits of our planet.
03:21But hey, that's why scientists are still finding new ingenious ideas.
03:26Physicists have therefore imagined another solution that reverses the concept of the tower.
03:31A ribbon.
03:33Yes, you heard right.
03:35Imagine a ribbon that would gracefully float on the Earth's orbit,
03:39and whose end would slowly descend to the surface.
03:42Instead of flying on a rocket,
03:44explorers would just have to climb this structure.
03:47This crazy concept is known as the Space Elevator.
03:51It is not very new.
03:53A visionary scientist had the intuition in the 1800s.
03:56Since then, this incredible idea has been used in countless science fiction stories and films.
04:02But here's the best part of it all.
04:05Some scientists take this idea seriously.
04:08However, this elevator would have to go a little over 9,600 meters,
04:13of about 96,000 kilometers.
04:15Yes, that's right.
04:17It would have to extend over a quarter of the distance that separates the Earth from the Moon.
04:22This is what we call aiming for the stars.
04:25Now imagine a gigantic ribbon spinning gracefully around our planet,
04:29like an acrobat.
04:31At one of its ends, the ribbon remains perfectly still,
04:35positioned in orbit above a fixed point on Earth.
04:38It's as if you were watching a magic trick with a stone tied to a string.
04:43Just as the stone undergoes a force that pulls it outward,
04:47the Space Elevator would defy gravity and remain suspended.
04:51But we are not at the end of our emotions.
04:54At the other end of this incredible elevator is a weight companion.
04:59Its role is to maintain the stability and solidity of the structure.
05:03It ensures that the elevator is well secured.
05:06The need for this weight depends on the weight and length of the cable used.
05:11It's about finding the perfect balance.
05:14All of this may seem completely crazy to you, and perhaps even useless.
05:18But wait to discover all the advantages of such an invention.
05:21At present, the International Space Elevator Consortium is working relentlessly
05:27to make this idea a reality.
05:29Why? Because a Space Elevator could revolutionize space travel,
05:34making it easier and more affordable than ever.
05:37Today, sending half a kilo of goods to the Moon costs an astronomical sum of $10,000.
05:43But if we had a Space Elevator, this cost could drop radically to only $100.
05:50Suddenly, the exploration of space and the transport of goods
05:54become much more accessible to everyone.
05:57This opens up a whole universe of possibilities.
06:00Imagine, you get on board a climber vehicle, ready to leave Earth.
06:04This climber clings to the ropes with wheels or ropes,
06:08like on a high-tech treadmill.
06:11You are now on a vertical railroad, ready to live a breathtaking experience.
06:16When the climber begins his ascent, you feel almost nothing.
06:21The climb is done gently, like in an ordinary elevator.
06:25But this is where the magic happens.
06:27When you look through the window, the anchor station,
06:31the point where the ribbon is connected to the Earth,
06:34slowly disappears from your field of vision.
06:36The adventure finally begins.
06:38The climber accelerates and slides on the ribbon at an incredible speed.
06:43Imagine yourself going at a speed between 160 and 320 km per hour.
06:49The outside view transforms under your eyes.
06:52You see clouds and hypnotic lightning.
06:55Discover the majestic curvature of our planet.
06:58You will even pass in front of the International Space Station
07:02and you will be able to greet other space explorers.
07:05But guess what?
07:07The pleasure does not stop there.
07:09The way the end of the elevator rotates creates an amazing opportunity.
07:14It can project you into distant worlds, like a space front.
07:18By letting go at the right time,
07:20you could be propelled to incredible destinations like the Moon,
07:24Mars or even the powerful Jupiter.
07:27As you can see, with a space elevator,
07:30the universe would become our playground.
07:33With endless possibilities of exploration and adventure.
07:37The biggest obstacle would be the length of the cable.
07:4096,500 km of pure engineering wonder.
07:44It would therefore be necessary to be of a solidity to any test
07:47to resist the gravitational forces and centrifuges.
07:51Ordinary steel would not be enough.
07:53This project would require an unimaginable amount.
07:56But do not be afraid.
07:58Physicists of genius have looked at a material of superheroes.
08:01Carbon nanotubes.
08:03They are composed of sheets of carbon atoms
08:05wrapped around themselves and forming a tube.
08:08They form a kind of grid.
08:11But they are much more resistant than the wire we use for our closures.
08:15These microscopic wonders
08:17are among the most solid materials known to humanity.
08:21And they have a remarkable weight-resistance ratio.
08:25They are light and powerful.
08:27Researchers have already made fibers, cables and ribbons
08:31from these carbon nanotubes.
08:33Their potential is immense.
08:35In 2018, scientists made them even more resistant than steel.
08:40There is only one small challenge left to face.
08:42Create lengths reaching tens of thousands of kilometers.
08:46But this material is not the only concern of engineers.
08:49The resistance of the ribbon also depends on the weaving.
08:52And the flaws may exist.
08:54Even if we all face these challenges,
08:56our space elevator will have to brave the lightning
08:59and avoid space debris.
09:01A real race of obstacles.
09:03So yes, there is still a long way to go.
09:07But don't forget that many things
09:09formerly considered science fiction
09:11have become scientific facts.
09:14The future is full of surprises.
09:16So who knows?
09:17Maybe one day,
09:18we will join the stars aboard a super space elevator.
