Pourquoi La Colonisation Spatiale est une Très Mauvaise Idée

  • last month
Parlons de pourquoi la colonisation de l'espace pourrait ne pas être aussi géniale qu'elle le semble. Tout d'abord, l'espace est un environnement dur et impitoyable – pensez à l'extrême radiation, l'absence d'air, et les températures glaciales. Ensuite, il y a le coût et la logistique fous de transporter des personnes et des fournitures vers d'autres planètes ; ce n'est pas comme si nous pouvions simplement monter dans un bus ! De plus, les voyages spatiaux à long terme peuvent sérieusement perturber votre corps, de la perte de muscles à la détérioration des os. Enfin, il y a le dilemme éthique de potentiellement perturber des écosystèmes existants ou des formes de vie là-bas. Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00 In the movies, we often see humans living on other planets, like Mars.
00:05 The colonization of our solar system and beyond has long been a dream for humanity.
00:11 The idea that humans travel in space dates back to at least 1610.
00:15 A German astronomer named Johannes Kepler had written to the Italian astronomer Galileo.
00:20 Kepler claimed that we could build ships to travel in space and even draw star maps.
00:27 Our interest in the cosmos has intensified during the famous space race.
00:31 NASA was created in the 1950s.
00:34 It has accomplished many impressive feats,
00:37 such as sending space stations, astromobiles to Mars and exploring other planets.
00:42 All this has made space travel more concrete.
00:45 Today, we have evolved to the point where we can seriously discuss the possibility of space tourism.
00:52 We are already sending ordinary people into space, and, of course, very, very rich people.
00:59 But many believe that, in a few decades, space tourism will become widespread.
01:05 We will be able to travel to Earth's orbit and return, as if it were a tourist circuit.
01:11 Space ships will replace airplanes, and it will only take two hours to go from Australia to England.
01:17 And finally, we will start traveling to other planets in our solar system.
01:21 Some scientists estimate that we could have colonies on the Moon or on Mars by the year 2060.
01:28 In the future, we could not only colonize Mars, but also some moons like ours, Ceres, Titan and others.
01:35 But the question arises, why do we want to live on other planets so much?
01:40 It's a surprising question, isn't it?
01:42 But the answer may seem obvious at first glance.
01:45 Humans want to know more about space and other planets.
01:49 This curiosity is what led us to great discoveries, such as the exploration of Antarctica and our trips to the Moon.
01:57 Then, there is the question of safety.
02:00 Humans are extremely concerned about their survival.
02:03 And colonizing space could protect us from disasters that could destroy all life on Earth.
02:09 By spreading in space, we improve our chances of survival and meet this goal.
02:14 In addition, with the overpopulation of Earth, colonizing other planets could relieve the pressure on our home planet.
02:21 The colonization of a planet involves settling there and exploiting its resources.
02:26 And there is an abundance of resources in space.
02:29 Our solar system is full of useful elements, such as the Titan.
02:33 Space colonization could provide us with clean energy, access to new materials, new technologies and much more.
02:41 The more we colonize space and learn about it, the more we can benefit from its advantages for humanity.
02:48 This means more technology, more exploration, more innovation, and so on.
02:54 History also shows us that explorers are much less likely to compete.
03:00 "To extend and explore," say scientists, "occupies us with fascinating discoveries, generating growth and research."
03:08 The more we explore, the less we are overwhelmed by our terrestrial problems.
03:12 But on the other hand, not everyone is interested in space adventure.
03:16 And maybe colonization of space is not such a good idea as it seems.
03:20 First of all, is it even possible?
03:23 Some say that living in space is simply unrealistic.
03:27 You may have heard of terraforming.
03:30 Terraforming essentially means "changing and improving a planet according to our convenience,"
03:36 as in the card reader of a video game.
03:39 It sounds great, in theory.
03:42 But in reality, terraforming Mars, for example, could take hundreds of years and cost billions of dollars, according to experts.
03:50 Colonizing our moon could cost 104 billion dollars, a pharaonic amount.
03:55 That's seven times the annual budget of NASA.
03:58 And that's not to mention the costs of the Earth.
04:00 But here's the most important question.
04:02 Is it really that great to live in space?
04:06 It's not a welcoming environment at all.
04:08 Most celestial bodies are exposed to intense radiation due to solar winds.
04:13 Imagine a wind so powerful that it can sweep away the planets from their atmospheres.
04:18 Our sun represents a real danger to each planet in the system, including our own Earth.
04:25 The stars are incredibly powerful.
04:28 They constantly emit charged particles that can move at phenomenal speeds, reaching up to 8 million kilometers per hour.
04:36 These particles' bursts can make a planet entirely sterile.
04:40 Poof! No more life.
04:42 The water on the planet would evaporate and then freeze.
04:45 The temperature would drop to become extremely cold.
04:48 And even the sky in broad daylight would be as dark as night.
04:52 Fortunately for us, the Earth has an incredible shield called the magnetosphere.
04:57 It protects us from solar winds.
04:59 Scientists study these winds to help us find other habitable planets.
05:03 By examining the properties of the stars, their gravity and their magnetic field,
05:08 we can determine whether their planets can really shelter life.
05:12 It is extremely difficult to find a planet that is not constantly bombarded by radiation.
05:17 To avoid this, a planet must have a very thick atmosphere, like that of the Earth.
05:23 But unfortunately, we have not yet discovered such planets.
05:27 This is why living in space would pose considerable health problems.
05:31 Extreme temperatures and radiation are just the beginning.
05:35 What about muscle loss, vision problems and other complications?
05:39 Humans are far too vulnerable for this.
05:42 Robots, on the other hand, are better suited to space exploration
05:46 because of their ability to resist these hostile conditions.
05:50 Take Mars, for example. The red planet is icy and very inhospitable.
05:55 In fact, the Earth could face almost any major disaster
05:59 and would nevertheless remain more habitable than Mars.
06:02 It is a desert with very little water, far from the idea of a "peaceful harbor".
06:06 Let's imagine that the Earth's air is too polluted.
06:09 Mars would still not be better.
06:11 Its atmosphere is extremely thin and composed of 96% carbon dioxide.
06:17 Compared to this, the Earth's air is much more breathable.
06:20 Even if a huge asteroid had just crashed on Earth,
06:23 we would still be better off here than on any other planet.
06:27 Take a massive asteroid like the one that exterminated the dinosaurs.
06:31 This event was truly catastrophic, plunging the Earth into unnamed chaos.
06:36 It created a huge crater, that of Chik-Sulub.
06:41 The impact caused gigantic fires, tsunamis
06:45 and a huge amount of dust and debris was propelled into the atmosphere.
06:50 It hid the sunlight for a long time.
06:55 Can you imagine what happens when there is no sunlight for a long time?
07:00 Everything becomes dark and icy.
07:02 This darkness and this cold have seriously affected plants and animals.
07:07 Without sunlight, plants could not do photosynthesis,
07:12 depriving many animals of their food source.
07:16 And this is where the consequences are short-term.
07:20 Of course, many species have disappeared as a result.
07:24 But despite all this, 25% of species have managed to survive in one way or another.
07:30 If the same asteroid had hit Mars, there would not be much left.
07:34 The planet does not have enough resources like water and air to support life as the Earth does.
07:40 This environment would not be more livable.
07:44 In fact, the Earth has survived not one, but five mass extinctions.
07:49 And despite this, life has always managed to thrive on our planet.
07:53 As you can see, it is almost impossible to make the Earth completely uninhabitable.
07:58 Our planet will always remain the most habitable place compared to any other place in our solar system.
08:04 Unless we do something extremely irresponsible.
08:09 That's why we have to protect it.
08:12 We come to the famous argument that the Earth is in trouble.
08:17 If our planet is threatened, why not focus on its recovery instead of looking for equity?
08:23 Critics argue that if we cannot even take care of the Earth,
08:27 we should not extend our problems to other celestial objects.
08:31 Are we really able to colonize other worlds responsibly if we can't even manage ours?
08:37 Moreover, there is still so much to explore on our own planet.
08:41 Humans have not even populated Antarctica or the seabed.
08:45 Are we sure we are ready for even more extreme worlds?
08:49 So, even if the Earth is in trouble, we should not give up.
08:54 We have to work hard to create safe places.
08:57 It's a big challenge, sure, but it's much more conceivable and less expensive than establishing space colonies.
09:04 Of course, the idea that humans live in space and travel to other planets is very exciting,
09:10 but we should never forget our home.
09:13 And we should remember that life is not science fiction.
09:16 We should use our technology rationally and focus on improving the quality of life on Earth.
09:23 And you, what do you think?
