La vie sur une Autre Planète Vous Changerait Complètement

  • 2 months ago
Imaginez partir en jet vers une planète lointaine dans une galaxie distante – quelle aventure qui changerait la vie ! D'abord, vous échangeriez votre confortable demeure terrestre contre un terrain et un climat totalement inconnus. Et imaginez cela – vous devriez vous adapter à un tout nouvel ensemble de règles, comme une gravité différente ou peut-être même un tout nouvel écosystème. C'est comme recommencer à zéro, mais avec une touche spéciale ! Votre corps changerait complètement, et vous ne vous reconnaîtriez même plus. Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound

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00:00 Look at this guy with a red skin.
00:03 He has been on Mars for a good minute.
00:05 That's why he seems to have used the wrong auto-tint.
00:09 All the carotenoids contained in carrots, sweet potatoes, peppers, tomatoes and pumpkins
00:15 protect him from UV rays.
00:17 The more he eats, the more he turns orange.
00:20 As for his body, it is due to Martian weight.
00:23 Gravity here makes us perceive our weight differently.
00:26 And if you want to be sure on Mars, you have to eat a lot.
00:29 For example, if a person weighs 68 kg on Earth,
00:33 she does not weigh more than 30 on Mars.
00:35 Eating more can help reduce the gap between gravity and weight.
00:39 Mercury is quite different.
00:41 It is warmer than on one of the hottest asphalts of the day,
00:45 but colder than the castle of Elsa at night.
00:47 It must be made of metal with a high melting point to survive here.
00:52 But for us, ordinary humans, we would be quickly grilled.
00:55 Literally.
00:57 Although Mercury is the closest planet to the sun,
01:00 Venus remains the warmest.
01:02 Life on Venus?
01:04 Talk more about the evil twin of the sun.
01:07 The temperature there is also generally around 465 ° C on average.
01:12 Surviving at the boiling point of water or in the extreme heat of Venus
01:16 is a challenge for most terrestrial species.
01:19 Only a handful of them can withstand boiling temperatures.
01:23 Others rush to Starbucks to have an ice cream bar as soon as the first rays of the spring sun.
01:28 No human being can therefore evolve enough to survive on Venus.
01:33 The only creatures that could thrive there are probably tardigrades
01:37 and weird people who put spicy sauce on everything.
01:40 You wonder what tardigrades are?
01:42 Well, they are tiny and adorable creatures that look like caterpillars
01:47 and are incredibly resistant.
01:49 They can withstand boiling water, the depths of a sea pit,
01:53 and the glacial void and no light from space.
01:56 Recently, tardigrades have been the subject of a scientific study on board a spaceship
02:01 which unfortunately crashed on the moon.
02:04 Scientists think that tardigrades were able to survive the impact.
02:08 Would you like to turn into this creature and live on Venus?
02:12 Well, we're done with terrestrial planets.
02:14 Let's move on to the gas giants.
02:16 Now, look at this guy who comes from Saturn.
02:19 He has fins, not arms.
02:21 He has small holes in the outer ears instead of normal ears.
02:25 Most of this gas giant is colder than your ex's heart
02:29 because the temperature there is about -140 ° C.
02:33 You can't walk on it, but you can turn into a snowball
02:37 or an ice crystal if you feel frantic.
02:39 The situation is quite similar on Jupiter,
02:42 so turning into a seal and getting stuck there is probably not a bad idea.
02:47 At least you can live there without paying rent.
02:50 And don't even tell me about Neptune and Uranus.
02:53 They are ice giants that have no solid surface,
02:56 so these guys with clenched claws that we see in the movies,
02:59 yes, they don't exist.
03:01 Besides, these two are not really welcoming to us.
03:05 I'll stick to my sweet potatoes on Mars. Thank you very much.
03:10 You feel well rested, I hope,
03:12 because I'm going to offer you something a little difficult.
03:14 Don't worry, it's going to be fun.
03:16 You're going to visit different planets in our solar system
03:19 and try to run on each of them.
03:21 We'll see where you'll run like a gazelle
03:23 and where, on the contrary, you'll barely be able to walk.
03:26 The fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt,
03:30 can run at an average speed of 38 km/h.
03:33 But his top speed is even higher, 43 km/h.
03:37 Unfortunately, we can't all be Usain Bolt.
03:40 An average person runs at a speed between 10 and 13 km/h.
03:44 But maybe there is a planet
03:46 where you could beat the record of the famous Jamaican sprinter.
03:49 First of all, let's see what will affect your speed
03:53 when you run on other planets.
03:55 To start with, gravity.
03:57 Depending on its force on the planet you visit,
04:00 it will influence your weight.
04:01 And in most cases, the heavier you are, the slower you run.
04:05 In addition, on all the planets in our solar system,
04:08 except for Earth,
04:09 you'll have to wear a rather bulky space suit.
04:12 Without it, your chances of survival will be absolutely zero.
04:15 Not to mention that the weather conditions
04:17 are extreme on most of our neighbors.
04:19 It's either freezing cold or suffocating heat.
04:22 And the winds can be extremely,
04:24 and I mean extremely,
04:26 violent.
04:27 In short, your fabulous trip is about to begin.
04:30 Fasten your seatbelt.
04:31 The first planet on your itinerary is Mercury.
04:34 Looking at this world from the sky of your spaceship,
04:37 you notice that this planet looks strangely like our good old Moon.
04:41 But a few moments later,
04:43 you realize that it's just an illusion.
04:45 On the entire surface of Mercury,
04:47 you see craters,
04:48 the result of numerous meteorite impacts.
04:51 And yes, this may make your race on this planet much more difficult.
04:55 That's your big space suit.
04:58 Yes, but you wouldn't survive on Mercury without this protection.
05:02 The temperatures there are extreme.
05:04 427 degrees during the day
05:06 and -179 degrees during the night.
05:09 But there's one thing that can play in your favor
05:13 on this unwelcoming planet.
05:15 Let's say you weigh 70 kilos on Earth.
05:18 On Mercury, you'll weigh about 26 kilos.
05:21 Which means that despite your space suit being so bulky,
05:24 you'll be able to move much faster than on Earth.
05:27 And you may even be able to reach a speed of 21 km/h
05:31 if you make an effort.
05:33 The next planet on your itinerary is Venus,
05:37 also known as the Morning Star.
05:39 As you approach, you see a world that's very different
05:42 from what you've seen in astronomy books.
05:44 Before landing, you have to cross a super dense atmosphere
05:48 made up of carbon dioxide.
05:50 And as your spaceship descends,
05:52 you see sulfuric acid drips.
05:55 It's often said that Venus is a bit like the Earth's twin,
06:00 but both planets have a similar size and density.
06:03 On Venus, you weigh almost as much as on Earth.
06:06 63 kilos.
06:08 So your weight is a bit lighter here.
06:10 But don't forget that you're wearing this space suit.
06:13 Despite that, as the conditions are quite similar on both planets,
06:18 you may be able to run a bit faster than on Earth,
06:21 at about 14 km/h.
06:23 Your first impression of Mars is that it's freezing cold.
06:28 The average temperature is -62°C.
06:31 Even from afar, the planet has a reddish hue.
06:35 Once you've landed on the surface of Mars, you understand why.
06:39 The ground is covered in a reddish dust.
06:41 This very fine dust floats in the air all around you.
06:45 Wherever you look, you see shades of gold, brown, orange, and even green.
06:51 It's the minerals that make up the ground that determine the colours of the landscape.
06:55 The thickness of the dust layer varies from one area to another,
06:58 but the average is about 2 meters.
07:01 Yes, it will make running a bit more difficult.
07:04 On Mars, your weight will be much lighter than on Earth.
07:09 Only 26 kilos.
07:11 This will allow you to reach an impressive speed of 19 km/h.
07:15 You're a champion!
07:17 But what do you see on the horizon?
07:20 It looks like a tornado. A dust storm?
07:23 It's time to go!
07:25 Dust storms can happen all over the planet.
07:28 The biggest ones are even visible from Earth.
07:31 And now, you're facing another problem.
07:35 You see, Jupiter, like Saturn, is a gas giant.
07:39 This means that the largest planet in our solar system,
07:42 and Jupiter is so big that it could swallow 1,300 Earths,
07:46 has no solid surface.
07:48 So you have to imagine what your sprint would look like
07:51 if it was possible to run on Jupiter.
07:54 The atmosphere of this planet is composed of hydrogen and helium.
07:58 During your descent, you see brown, yellow, red and white clouds.
08:03 It's thanks to them that this planet is so beautiful,
08:05 with all its colourful stripes.
08:07 On Jupiter, you would weigh 177 kilos.
08:11 You would get exhausted just by walking in your space suit,
08:14 which is not very practical.
08:16 Well, if you could walk on the surface of this planet, of course.
08:19 If you tried to run on it, you would drag yourself
08:21 at a speed between 1.6 and 3 km/h.
08:25 And as if all this wasn't already ridiculous enough,
08:28 there is a lot of wind on Jupiter,
08:30 and it blows between 322 and 644 km/h.
08:34 You see these rings? It's Saturn,
08:36 another gas giant without a solid surface.
08:39 This planet is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium,
08:42 and its temperature and density change as you go down.
08:46 If you decided to leave your space ship
08:48 and walk on the surface of Saturn,
08:50 you would simply fall into the planet.
08:53 But seen from above, it would seem that Saturn has a surface.
08:57 This yellow-brown sphere is surrounded by several layers of clouds.
09:02 The visible outer layer is composed of ammonia clouds.
09:05 Below, there are clouds of ammonium hydrosulfide.
09:08 And the deepest layer is composed of water clouds.
09:13 Even though Saturn is a gas giant,
09:15 your weight wouldn't be very different.
09:17 About 75 kg.
09:19 The reason is that the gravity of this planet is similar to that of Earth.
09:23 But because of the conditions that reign there,
09:25 and your fancy space suit,
09:27 you would run a little slower there than on Earth,
09:30 at a speed of about 6 km/h.
09:33 Before leaving, you admire the most famous feature of Saturn.
09:37 Its superb grey, beige and faux rings.
09:41 They are made up of pieces of rock and ice.
09:44 You also see some of the 53 moons of Saturn.
09:48 Here is Titan, a frozen world
09:50 larger than our Moon and even than Mercury.
09:53 It is the second largest moon in the solar system.
09:57 The next planet on your itinerary
09:59 is a blue-green ball made of ice and gas.
10:02 It is the giant frozen Uranus.
10:04 It owes its beautiful colour to the sunlight
10:07 reflecting on its surface.
10:10 Uranus is not solid.
10:12 It is a fast-acting object.
10:14 If you can't stop in time,
10:16 your spaceship will cross the high atmosphere of the planet
10:19 and sink into its liquid and icy core.
10:22 I doubt you can do it.
10:25 So, we need to use a little imagination again.
10:30 On Uranus, your weight is about 62 kg.
10:34 And against all odds,
10:36 you could reach a good speed here,
10:38 at least 13 km/h.
10:40 If you don't find yourself in the middle of a hurricane, of course.
10:43 In summer, there are huge storms on this planet
10:46 when Uranus is at its highest level of heat.
10:49 Hurricanes can then spread over more than 9,650 km.
10:53 The planet farthest from the sun, Neptune,
10:56 is four times larger than Earth,
10:58 but 17 times heavier.
11:00 The blue surface you see as you approach it
11:03 is actually a layer of turbulent gas and permanent clouds.
11:08 The mantle of this planet is made up of water, ammonia and methane.
11:13 And that's pretty much all Neptune has as a surface.
11:16 So there is no solid ground or market.
11:19 So, once again, we're going to use our imagination.
11:24 On board your ultra-modern space ship,
11:26 you fly away from Earth at a safe distance, and then...
11:29 Bam!
11:30 You travel faster than the speed of light through interstellar space.
11:34 The light of thousands of stars passes at full speed in front of you.
11:37 A few minutes later, you are on the other side of the Milky Way
11:40 and you go to work.
11:42 Such trips have become commonplace for humans for a long time
11:45 because you are part of the civilization that conquered the entire galaxy.
11:49 But it took nearly 90 million years to get there.
11:52 So how did we get there?
11:54 It's like a video game.
11:55 At first, we had a fleet of three sea vessels
11:58 that could travel at 500 km per second.
12:01 Each of them had 10 colonization platforms.
12:04 A ship could unwind a platform and drop it on the planet it wanted.
12:08 We also had two fast ships that traveled twice as fast
12:11 but could only colonize one planet.
12:13 Each colonized planet could send a new ship on an expedition.
12:17 So humanity was able to spread in the galaxy in 90 million years.
12:21 Most of this time was spent flying from star to star.
12:24 The main problem with colonization is speed.
12:27 In 2021, our space ships can currently fly at about 40,000 km per hour.
12:33 That's enough speed to go from New York to Los Angeles in less than 4 minutes.
12:37 But a trip to neighboring planets like Mars still takes about 7 months.
12:41 The star closest to the sun, Proxima Centauri,
12:44 is 4.2 light years away.
12:47 This means that light, the fastest element in the universe,
12:51 takes 4.2 years to reach it from the sun.
12:54 It will take our rocket 73,000 years to get there.
12:57 It's more than the existence of an advanced human civilization.
13:01 However, our galaxy, the Milky Way, measures 105,000 light years from the Earth.
13:05 So even traveling at the speed of light, it would take an eternity.
13:09 So naturally, humanity imagined other ways to travel.
13:13 Let's move into the future and imagine that we have solved this problem.
13:17 We started accelerating with microscopic probes
13:20 propelled by directional laser beams from the Earth.
13:23 This allowed us to reach speeds equivalent to 25% of the speed of light.
13:28 It's still too slow.
13:29 The problem was that nothing that has a mass can travel at the speed of light.
13:34 So we went to the study of Alcubierre's metric.
13:37 This method does not involve moving from point A to point B,
13:41 but rather compressing the space between its points.
13:44 Here is a sheet of square paper.
13:46 Imagine that we had to travel three squares to reach our destination.
13:50 Instead of moving in a straight line as fast as possible,
13:53 we compress these squares so that our spaceship is at point B.
13:56 Now we depressurize them, the space is normalized,
13:59 and we have traveled, in a way, at the stop.
14:02 This is how Alcubierre's metric works.
14:04 It compresses the space in front of the spaceship and expands it behind its tail.
14:08 So theoretically, a spacecraft propelled by Alcubierre
14:11 can move at any speed, even faster than the speed of light.
14:16 But the amount of energy needed to get there is huge
14:19 and could be compared to the mass of energy of Jupiter's entire planet.
14:23 So while some scientists worked to improve Alcubierre's engine,
14:27 others looked inside the most mysterious object in the universe, the black hole.
14:32 A black hole is a celestial body so dense that it even attracts light and does not let it out.
14:37 Imagine a circular trampoline.
14:39 It's our spacetime.
14:41 Let's place a basketball in the center.
14:43 The trampoline is a bit too small.
14:45 Now all the objects we put on the trampoline will roll towards the basketball.
14:49 This is how gravity works.
14:51 But if you roll a golf ball beyond the basketball,
14:54 it has a chance of getting out of this funnel.
14:57 Now put a very heavy bowling ball in the center of the trampoline.
15:00 The trampoline is even smaller.
15:02 Now the golf ball will inevitably fall into the funnel with the bowling ball,
15:07 with no chance of escaping.
15:09 This is how a black hole works.
15:11 And some scientists think there could be a glass hole in the heart of a black hole.
15:16 It's a shortcut between point A and point B of the universe.
15:20 Let's go back to our sheet of paper.
15:22 Instead of going straight, we fold the sheet so that point A is just above point B.
15:27 Now we make a hole in the paper and we move to point B.
15:31 We unfold it again and voila!
15:34 We have arrived at our destination.
15:36 There is a theory that says that if a spaceship enters the gravitational field of a black hole
15:41 and resists the incredible tension that reigns there,
15:44 it can go out to any other point in the universe to which this glass hole leads.
15:48 It could even be another galaxy or a parallel universe.
15:52 Our research has been fruitful and now, by looking at a map of the Milky Way,
15:56 we can go absolutely everywhere.
15:58 We just have to choose the right place to colonize.
16:01 There are about a billion stars.
16:03 Around each of them are planets likely to fit life.
16:07 We must therefore reduce the list.
16:09 First, we look for relatively young stars, almost like our sun.
16:13 Near it, a human colony can potentially live for a long time.
16:17 Then, when a star ages, it begins to expand and turn red.
16:21 In the last stages of its life, it can absorb all the planets around it,
16:25 then explode with such force that the light of the explosion can be seen for tens of light years.
16:30 Secondly, the candidate for a human colony must be in the habitable zone of the star.
16:35 This is a narrow area, not too far away or too close to the star,
16:39 so that it is neither too cold nor too hot.
16:41 In other words, the water on the planet must exist in a liquid form.
16:44 In addition, the candidate planet must have a solid surface so that we can live there.
16:49 Another important factor is the size of the planet.
16:52 If it is too large, its gravitational force will put pressure on us.
16:55 It will be more difficult for us to jump, walk and lift weights on this planet,
17:00 because we are used to the gravity of the Earth.
17:03 But if the planet is too small, we will feel like superheroes.
17:07 We will be able to jump very high and lift heavy weights.
17:10 But then our muscles will lose their tonicity and our health will deteriorate.
17:15 We therefore look for a planet the size of the Earth in all.
17:18 We have about 100,000 stellar systems that correspond to our parameters,
17:22 so we start exploring and colonizing.
17:25 And here is our first target.
17:27 We named this planet "New House".
17:30 We start our engine faster than light and...
17:33 Bam! We're there!
17:34 Even if this planet meets all our criteria, it is still difficult to consider this place as our home.
17:40 It is made of desert landscapes with many craters and canyons.
17:43 We will have to work hard to make this place look like Earth.
17:47 The terraforming phase of the planet is about to begin.
17:51 This means that we will change the climate and atmosphere here.
17:55 We need about 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen to be able to breathe without space suits.
18:01 We will therefore grow air plants, other factories will produce water,
18:05 we will also build power plants and a factory to produce fuel for our space ship.
18:11 And finally, very important, the production of food.
18:14 Once everything is ready, the colony will be able to exist on its own.
18:18 And after several centuries, this planet will be sufficiently developed and populated
18:22 to send an expedition to colonize the neighboring worlds.
18:25 Thus, for several million years, humanity has woven its web in the Milky Way.
