Ek Qabar Mein Ek Say Zayada Tadfeen - Ulma Karama Ki Kya Raye Hai

  • 3 months ago
00:00 According to our mind, it is not Allah's command to keep him on the cross.
00:06 But the family members normally do this, that they make him on the grave.
00:10 They want to support him on the soil.
00:12 Break his head, bury him in the soil.
00:18 So, the rest is that in the minds of people, this is a ghost ride.
00:23 That our great grandfather, we don't have our own graves.
00:27 We don't remember our great grandfather, our great grandmother.
00:30 We are seeing our parents, till we come.
00:32 Our children will not come.
00:35 We will not remember, the name of the grave is to be buried.
00:38 So, what should be done is that the one who is being buried,
00:40 can be dug up and put in another one, because they are killing the other one.
00:43 So, the people who come, who do it at their own will,
00:45 they come after talking to the mother.
00:47 Yes, yes, absolutely.
00:48 Our government officials, they say that the phone is formed.
00:54 They tell them to write that we are in our own graves.
00:58 Okay, so they write it.
00:59 Because it is not an illegal work.
01:02 Because it is a government work.
01:05 And suppose, there is no relative here, still they manage.
01:08 That is managed.
01:09 You know that if there is a graveyard, there is no place, this can never happen.
01:12 May Allah protect you.
01:13 Thank you.
01:14 This can never end.
01:16 This is true.
01:17 Build or demolish, do whatever you want.
01:19 But the graveyard can never be closed.
01:22 The graves have to be buried.
01:24 The graveyard will not be closed till the Day of Judgment.
01:27 So, this will continue like this.
01:28 The sequence will continue.
01:29 No one can finish the graveyard.
01:31 Okay, thank you.
01:32 Once again, thank you.
01:34 In Karachi, the lack of space in the city's graveyards,
01:38 and the burial of more than one dead person in one grave is now a reality.
01:43 But it was very important to know the opinion of the scholars of different offices
01:47 regarding the burial of this style.
01:52 In the name of Allah, the most merciful.
01:53 In terms of the rules of burial in graves,
01:55 there are laws in Shariah.
01:59 Generally, the rule is that only one person will be buried in one grave.
02:03 However, in a war situation,
02:05 like we are seeing in Palestine,
02:07 that collective graves are made.
02:09 So, in that regard, since the topic is secondary,
02:11 and the order there has changed,
02:13 it is not possible to make a grave in a war situation.
02:16 The city is destroyed.
02:17 In such a situation, the situation will change.
02:19 Generally, in urban life,
02:21 where we live,
02:22 there is an effort to bury only one dead person in one grave.
02:26 It is not permissible to bury more than one dead person in one grave at a time.
02:31 And doing so will be against Sharia.
02:33 Making a grave on top of a grave,
02:35 making a floor,
02:36 so, anyway,
02:37 let's understand that the requirements of a grave
02:41 or the requirements of burying a person are against it.
02:45 For example,
02:46 God forbid,
02:47 you see, buildings fall down sometimes,
02:49 God forbid,
02:50 we hear that a building has been buried.
02:53 God forbid, an earthquake occurs,
02:55 a storm,
02:57 God forbid, the ground is pushed down.
03:00 And the flooring you have made,
03:02 if it breaks,
03:03 then the graves will be unlawful.
03:05 The dead will be unlawful.
03:06 So, that thing which is against human rights,
03:09 or against the rights of Muslims,
03:11 then it should not be taken up.
03:14 The tradition of burying different members of the same family in the same grave,
03:20 remember that there is no special concept of it in the Islamic Sharia.
03:24 Turning graves into different floors,
03:27 that is, making multiple floors of graves,
03:30 is not permissible.
03:31 The way Iqral Hussain and the Sariyam team
03:34 criticize the way the best and healthiest programs
03:38 criticize the way the best and healthiest programs
03:41 are in a state of order.
03:44 It is certainly a matter of praise.
03:46 And I think that these programs should be taken to a higher level
03:49 in terms of the expertise of the scholars who are requested to do so,
03:53 and to be implemented on the ground.
03:56 The machinery of the government should be taken forward.
04:00 The Sariyam team is indeed in awe of this.
04:03 It is such an important issue,
04:04 a Sharia issue,
04:05 and it has to do with our Akhira,
04:06 and it has to do with both the world and the people.
04:10 In a society where no one looks at the issues,
04:15 no one tries to raise them,
04:17 or does not dare to do so,
04:19 Iqral Hussain raises those issues
04:22 and gives awareness to the society.
04:24 Like the issue of graves,
04:26 I have never heard that anyone is doing a program on it,
04:29 but he took a good step so that people become aware.
04:32 Iqral Hussain has,
04:34 in the form of this campaign,
04:37 raised this issue.
04:40 May Allah reward him well.
04:42 It is a good deed,
04:43 and it is a good deed.
04:45 I think that the Muslims,
04:47 and the common people,
04:48 need this very fundamentally.
04:50 The government should pay attention to this immediately.
04:53 Now the government says,
04:54 the people of the graveyard say,
04:56 this graveyard is full,
04:58 the population is spreading,
04:59 there is population everywhere,
05:01 we cannot even increase the space,
05:02 and when there is no space,
05:05 what will we do?
05:06 We will dig the old grave and bury it.
05:08 The solution to this is,
05:10 you go from Karachi to Hyderabad,
05:12 there is enough space.
05:14 There are so many big places,
05:16 so why doesn't the government,
05:18 if it is a private place,
05:20 buy and donate it.
05:22 Who is responsible for the arrangements to bury the dead?
05:27 It is the responsibility of the government.
05:29 But the government does not do anything about it.
05:31 If the government does not do this,
05:33 then people should do this privately.
05:35 It has always been the case among Muslims,
05:37 that rich people buy a place and donate it for the graveyard.
05:41 All your life is a means of reward for you.
05:43 The deceased is being honored,
05:45 he is getting a separate grave.
05:47 This is also a great reward,
05:48 a great charity.
05:50 So rich people need to go out of Karachi,
05:54 buy a place, buy land,
05:56 and donate it for the graveyard.
05:58 So that the deceased,
05:59 like we are being dishonored,
06:01 is being buried in a grave.
06:03 The body of a deceased is also safe,
06:05 and a third grave is being kept in that grave.
06:08 Then the graves of men and women are being built one after the other,
06:11 which is against dignity and humanity.
06:13 So this is the wrong way.
06:15 So this was today's Saryam.
06:17 There were some amazing discoveries for me as well.
06:20 In the city of Qaid,
06:21 where life is very difficult,
06:23 there, perhaps, dying is more difficult than life.
06:26 In the last 75 years,
06:28 the rulers of this country,
06:30 have not been able to give people the ease of living.
06:34 But unfortunately,
06:35 people are not getting the ease of dying.
06:39 I wish that in this country,
06:40 along with the people who are alive,
06:42 we can also protect the rights of the people who are dying.
06:46 The graveyards of this city,
06:48 the graves spread all over my body,
06:50 remind us that we,
06:52 all of us,
06:53 will one day leave this world.
06:55 You are the ruler of this country,
06:57 you are the officer of this country,
06:59 you are the ruler of the courts of this country,
07:02 you too,
07:03 have to go to one of these graves.
07:05 Ultimately,
07:06 this is our journey to the hereafter.
07:08 If we are alive today,
07:10 on a position,
07:11 if Allah has given us any authority,
07:13 then we should,
07:14 for our hereafter,
07:16 make the hereafter of these people,
07:17 and the burial of these people,
07:18 and the stages of their death,
07:20 easier.
07:21 May Allah have mercy on us all,
07:24 and guide us all.
