• last year
(Adnkronos) - Avviato nel 2001 il progetto Icaro è una delle principali campagne della Polizia di Stato per promuovere tra i giovani la cultura di una guida consapevole e responsabile. Nato in collaborazione con il Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, il Ministero dell'Istruzione e del Merito, la Sapienza Università di Roma, e vari partner istituzionali e privati, è giunto alla 23ª edizione con il tema "Una mobilità sicura, innovativa e responsabile. Racconta come la immagini nel futuro". Nella giornata dedicata alla legalità e alla sicurezza stradale, che ha coinvolto oltre 2.000 studenti romani, sono stati premiati gli studenti vincitori presso l'Auditorium Capitalis del Palazzo dei Congressi di Roma.


00:00 The Icaro project is one of the main campaigns of the Italian Police to promote among young people the culture of a conscious and responsible driving.
00:13 It was born in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the Ministry of Education and Merit, the University of Rome and various institutional and private partners, and it has reached the 23rd edition with the theme "A safe, innovative and responsible mobility. Tells how you imagine it in the future".
00:30 The day dedicated to legality and road safety involved more than 2,000 students, offering a wide range of educational and educational routes for the younger. The older students took part in a debate on youth incidentality and interactive interventions of road education by the Italian Police.
00:49 The Italian State Police, with its road police, invests a lot in communication, because we believe that the culture of road safety is the key to reach the halving of the victims in 2030 and the zeroing in 2050, which are global, European and national goals.
01:09 We must focus on a new awareness of driving. Driving is no longer a simple factor, not for the driving technique, but for the whole world that surrounds the car or the vehicle or the pedestrian, because the road is actually everyone's and everyone must be able to use it in a conscious way.
01:31 "Road safety is a collective responsibility and each of us can make a difference", said the Mayor Renato Cortese, Director of the Specialty of the State Police, underlining the importance of awareness campaigns to consolidate a culture of road safety among young people.
01:49 The road safety campaign "Icaro" touches thousands and thousands of young people in schools throughout the Italian territory. It is the largest road safety campaign at the national and international level. It has been going on for 24 years, we are in the 24th consecutive year, and sees the synergy of the most important partners at the national level who deal with road safety.
02:12 The point is to involve the children from childhood to the entire school and then to the university in a path that makes them understand, cognitively, but also emotionally, the relevance of road safety, the relevance of respect, but above all the relevance of understanding the consequences of their actions.
02:40 The consequences can be dramatic.
02:43 The "Icaro" project continues to be a fundamental pillar to educate young people to a responsible and conscious driving, demonstrating that prevention and education can save lives.
