• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Presentati a Modena i risultati del progetto che ha visto coinvolti oltre 3mila giovani e 2.000 cittadini in 130 attività realizzate nelle periferie di sei città italiane. La serata di presentazione, condotta dallo scrittore e giornalista Valerio Millefoglie, ha visto la partecipazione, tra gli altri, del Presidente di Bper, Fabio Cerchiai, del Presidente della Fondazione Gruppo Abele, don Luigi Ciotti, e di numerosi educatori e giovani delle comunità territoriali coinvolte nel progetto. Cerchiai, “Progetto sociale con risultati importanti merito del lavoro degli educatori e degli oltre 3000 giovani che hanno partecipato alle attività". Don Ciotti, “I giovani quando trovano punti di riferimento, ci sono”.


00:00More than 3,000 young people and 2,000 citizens have participated in the 130 activities carried out in the outskirts of six Italian cities to create new territorial networks, promote intergenerational dialogue to improve the quality of life in the most vulnerable urban contexts.
00:21These are the results of the Present4Future project promoted by BiperBanca in collaboration with the Gruppo Abele Foundation.
00:28The initiative, born in 2022, is active in six Italian cities, Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin, Palermo and Genoa.
00:35It has involved young people between 14 and 24 years old, has regenerated neglected public spaces, promoted educational paths and counteracted school dropout through targeted initiatives.
00:46Psychopedagogic sports have been created, literacy courses for young people of foreign origin have been organized and sensitization activities on issues of collective interest have been launched, such as legality and the fight against mafias or gender violence.
00:59It has tried to transform marginalization into integration. I believe this is the point where we really have to measure the result, especially given the fact that young people can give and must give.
01:16But in order to give, we must allow them a really important contribution, living as protagonists that ability to react that we must favor, but that they have inside them.
01:29The presentation of the results was held at the Biper Forum in Modena. The evening was conducted by the journalist Valerio Millefoglia and saw the participation of the young people, the operators and the president of the Abele Foundation, Don Luigi Ciotti.
01:44Young people, when they find real, coherent, credible points of reference, they are there, they are there. Let's invest in our young people, let's give them opportunities.
01:55If we think that the young people who have gone abroad in recent years, only last year, are 100,000, Italy is increasingly poorer than young people and many go abroad because here everything is precarious, everything is in difficulty, everything is uncertain.
02:11My experience has been very positive, we have done many projects around Italy, we have made exchanges with other young people.
02:19The message I bring with me is certainly a message of hope, that many young people can act like me, like the others who have collaborated with me, to try to make a difference and to change a few things.
