Crusader Rabbit Crusader Rabbit S02 E014

  • il y a 4 mois


00:00 [Musique]
00:15 [Narrateur] When we left off last time, you may recall the scene of tiny Crusader Rabbit's doings had shifted all the way northward to New York City.
00:21 [Musique]
00:25 Not that Crusader was doing very much at the moment, he was still trapped inside the very bottle that had carried him so far.
00:31 Alas, if he could only break free and warn New York of the sinister pirate ship anchored in a fog-bound harbor.
00:37 For not only was his old pal Rags the Tiger a prisoner down in her dark hold, but up in the captain's cabin,
00:42 Black Bilge, the villainous pirate, was busily laying plans to steal every last piece of silverware in the city.
00:49 Impossible, you say? Not at all, for his accomplice was none other than the Professor.
00:55 The world's only nine-legged octopus.
00:59 From that moment, years ago, when he first laid eyes on the Professor, Black Bilge had realized that here indeed was a gold mine.
01:05 If he could just find a use for all those arms, perhaps he could train him as a musician.
01:11 No, Bilge hated music. Or maybe a stenographer, one who could take dictation and type it up at the same time.
01:21 Nah, no money in that. Well then, how about teaching him to be a pickpocket?
01:28 But of course, that was it! And thus Bilge had sent the young nine-legged octopus abroad to study pickpocketry with feather-fingered fill,
01:36 the world's most notorious pickpocket. A talented pupil, he finished the course in record time and was graduated with honors.
01:44 No one, not even Bilge, was safe when the Professor, as he came to be called, was on the loose.
01:54 And so there had been nothing to do but keep his sticky fingers locked up until the opportune moment should arrive.
01:59 Now finally that moment was at hand, and so it was with a great deal of satisfaction that Black Bilge and Garlic
02:06 watched the Professor slip into the harbor and on his way toward an unsuspecting city. It didn't take him long to begin operations.
02:14 At the swanky Ritz Astoria, for instance, a simple disguise enabled him to remove their silverware quite unnoticed.
02:28 Even the professional spoon-snatcher fell easy prey to his expert technique.
02:32 Yes, things looked mighty black. And what was Crusader doing about all this down in the wine cellar?
02:37 Nothing, but hold on, someone was coming. It turned out to be Monsieur Garçon, the nearsighted waiter.
02:43 Garçon was so nearsighted that he wore not one, but two pair of glasses.
02:47 Unfortunately, he couldn't even see as far as the first pair. He had been sent down here to fetch an especially rare champagne.
02:53 And to his fuzzy eyes, that bottle full of Crusader looked like just the thing.
03:03 Thus Crusader made the long trip from the wine cellar all the way up to the moonbeam dining room high atop the Chutney Arms Hotel.
03:10 And after being wrapped in a towel and chilled in an ice bucket, he was rolled right up beside the one man who could possibly foil Black Bilge's fantastic scheme,
03:19 the Admiral of the Harbour. But can we Crusader gain his attention in time? Don't miss episode 15 of Crusader and the Pirate.
