Coronation Street 25th May 2024

  • 4 months ago
Coronation Street 25th May 2024
00:13 Here, let me take over.
00:40 Oh, thank you.
00:41 Come on, come on, come on.
00:48 Oi, I said I'd do this so you can get your head down
00:51 and not stand there glued to that thing.
00:54 I thought you said the Gazette had it taken down.
00:57 Yeah, they have, but I've since found
00:59 it on a load of, you know, sites.
01:01 You're joking.
01:02 Do I look like I'm joking?
01:04 I've been emailing every single one of them,
01:06 telling them it's illegal revenge porn,
01:07 and there's one of them got back to me after the act.
01:10 Yeah, well, it's still early.
01:12 They'll take it down eventually.
01:15 Eventually?
01:16 You sound like I'm waiting for a nail appointment.
01:18 Look, I didn't mean it like that.
01:19 I'll speak to Dee Dee, ask what else can be done.
01:22 Is there anything I can do?
01:24 Yeah, you can take Alfie to nursery for me.
01:28 What, you don't want to?
01:30 Of course I want to.
01:31 But to be honest, Kev, I've got half my mind on reporting it.
01:34 And like I said, I want to speak to Dee Dee.
01:35 OK, OK.
01:36 You asked me if there was anything you could do.
01:38 Yes, I know.
01:39 I just thought fresh air might do you good.
01:41 Are you filling me lungs?
01:42 It ain't going to get this taken down, is it?
01:44 No.
01:45 All right.
01:47 You're going to eat up, big fella.
01:48 Bye.
01:52 Bye.
01:53 Right, so that is my email signature done.
01:58 But if you see anything else with Barlow on,
02:00 will you just let me know?
02:01 I'll make it my top priority.
02:03 Well, obviously you'll see Barlow on because it's your name.
02:05 But I mean, if you see Sarah Barlow, get it, Sarah.
02:09 Yeah, Platt, Sarah Platt.
02:11 Get it, Sarah Platt.
02:13 Hiya.
02:13 You all right?
02:14 Sorry, Si, I'm up to my eyeball.
02:16 Oh, it's all right.
02:16 Can I talk to you later?
02:19 No, no, I'm worried.
02:20 What?
02:21 No, it's fine.
02:22 What, Si?
02:24 It's nothing to worry about.
02:25 But my dad's offered me a job on his yacht.
02:28 And it's for definite this time, he promised me.
02:30 Oh!
02:31 Oh, Si, that's amazing.
02:33 Come here.
02:34 Mm-hmm.
02:36 That's amazing, it really is.
02:38 Congrats.
02:39 Thanks.
02:39 Yeah, congratulations.
02:40 Shall we meet up later then for a brew and a cake
02:43 and you can fill me in on all the juicy details?
02:45 Yeah, sounds great.
02:46 I'll see you in a bit.
02:47 In a bit.
02:47 That's-- that's amazing.
02:53 So happy for him.
02:54 I mean, I'm happy for both of them, you know?
03:03 Yeah, of course.
03:04 I don't think you're far from being quite a competent player.
03:11 Really?
03:12 Yes.
03:13 Although, if I may, there is some room for improvement
03:17 with regards to your visualization.
03:20 Nice.
03:21 What was that tactic you mentioned the other day?
03:24 Can you be a bit more specific?
03:26 The one which means a win?
03:28 Oh, well, there is the-- there's the fork tactic
03:31 and also the skewer.
03:33 We're talking about chess or cult, you know?
03:35 Chess.
03:36 Now, if you'll excuse me, I do need to make a call.
03:40 Yeah, thank you.
03:50 Hello, hello?
03:51 Hello.
03:52 Roy.
03:53 How are you doing?
03:54 I'm-- I'm fine, yeah.
03:56 Good.
03:57 Now, listen, because I've been having to think.
04:01 How about if you and I start a book club?
04:04 A book club?
04:05 Yeah, a book club so that we both read the same book
04:09 and then once a week we compare opinions over the phone.
04:13 Oh, I see, yeah.
04:14 Yeah, and I'll take the number till you choose it,
04:16 the first book.
04:17 And then I'll make sure somehow that you get a copy of it.
04:20 Well, they might have it here in the library.
04:23 Oh, good.
04:23 Well, it's called Poor Caroline by--
04:27 Winifred Holtby.
04:28 Ah, see, you're not just a pretty face, are you?
04:34 Take a flaming picture, will you?
04:35 It'll last longer.
04:37 Kev, can you just calm down a bit?
04:40 Oh, to lose friends and alienate people.
04:42 What did you just say?
04:44 Nothing.
04:44 Oh, my dear.
04:45 Kevin, it was a joke.
04:47 Oh, so you did say something?
04:49 What is wrong with you?
04:51 Right.
04:52 Him, not you.
04:53 Come on, get out of here.
04:55 Yeah, that's exactly what I'm in the mood for, jokes.
04:58 Right, I'll have to--
04:59 I'll have to hang up because they're--
05:00 they're kicking off in here.
05:01 Evelyn, is-- is everything all right?
05:04 Right, what can I get you, Kev?
05:05 A brew and three buns, sir.
05:07 Is she all right, Abby?
05:08 Not the best, to be honest.
05:10 I mean, I've only heard about it from Nina, so I'm sorry.
05:13 I just-- sounds absolutely dreadful.
05:16 Yeah.
05:19 Thanks.
05:20 What?
05:20 [CHATTER]
05:23 You're the ready?
05:31 I am.
05:32 Hey, today's going to be a good day.
05:35 It is.
05:35 Cinema and milkshakes, what's not to love?
05:38 You going to get that?
05:39 Yeah.
05:41 Go on.
05:42 Might be important.
05:45 It's the STC.
05:47 Hello?
05:52 That's great news.
05:53 Wow.
05:55 Thank you for letting me know.
05:56 What now?
06:00 Uh, can I give you a ring back in 10?
06:05 OK, thank you.
06:07 They want you back?
06:08 Suspension's been lifted.
06:10 That's brilliant.
06:11 Yeah, but they want to see me.
06:12 There's lunch.
06:13 Amazing.
06:14 No, I'll tell them I can't do it today.
06:15 No, no, don't do that.
06:16 Ring them back now and tell them that you'll be there.
06:19 Are you sure?
06:20 Yeah.
06:21 If you don't, I'll be really cross.
06:23 I'm sorry.
06:24 No, you've got nothing to apologize for.
06:26 And listen, I'll be fine, OK?
06:28 We'll do our date another time.
06:30 Mm-hmm.
06:30 [KISS]
06:31 OK.
06:44 Never had you down as a "take that" fan.
06:48 How did you guess that?
06:49 Either you're a hardcore fan, or I need to get a side hustle
06:53 as a Gary Barlow tribute act.
06:55 Gary?
06:56 Surely we're Team Robbie all the way.
07:00 Controversial.
07:01 Mm.
07:03 I'm glad one of us is happily humming away.
07:05 What do you mean?
07:07 What's the matter?
07:10 I've just heard back from the linguistics expert.
07:12 He was meant to be looking into Roy's text messages.
07:16 She's saying it's going to be at least a three-month wait.
07:19 Seriously?
07:21 You know, those messages were meant to be our ace card.
07:25 How am I going to break it to Nina?
07:28 Oh, babe.
07:30 Morning.
07:32 I was just coming to do a bun run.
07:33 No need.
07:36 How you doing?
07:38 A bit better.
07:39 Why didn't you take the day off, eh?
07:41 Tyrone's managing five.
07:43 Sorry, did I die and make you boss?
07:45 I was only trying to be nice.
07:48 Yeah, I know.
07:49 I'm sorry, but what am I going to do at home, eh?
07:52 Sit and think a little bit more about the internet.
07:56 Sitting and watching my wife having sex.
07:58 Not ideal, is it?
07:59 I mean, it's just horrific, and the shock of it.
08:03 I mean, she must have known that tape was out there.
08:09 Then again, I suppose it's not the type of thing
08:11 you want to bring up.
08:12 You do know she didn't know she was being filmed, don't you?
08:15 No.
08:16 She has no memory of it happening whatsoever.
08:19 You're joking?
08:20 That's horrific.
08:23 I mean, I knew Dean was a scumbag,
08:25 but I didn't have him down as that particular type
08:29 of scumbag.
08:31 Who said it was Dean?
08:34 Who said it was Dean?
08:36 Oh, look, Kev, I don't want to get involved.
08:38 Yeah, well, you're going to have to now.
08:40 Is everything all right?
08:41 No, I'm not all right.
08:43 You're going to have to tell me everything you know right now.
08:46 I saw him and Abby arguing before the video was released.
08:50 And?
08:51 And yesterday, I heard Abby on the phone to Dean.
08:54 Saying?
08:55 Saying that she was going to meet him today at the precinct,
08:58 and she was going to bring the cash along.
09:01 Kev.
09:02 Kev, where are you going?
09:03 Where do you think?
09:06 So I said to him, there's no such thing as edible Play-Doh,
09:09 especially not if it's purple and covered in glitter.
09:12 No.
09:13 Do you know what he said?
09:14 Too late, he's already eaten it.
09:17 What?
09:18 I know.
09:18 It's an idiot.
09:21 So if Dev does a purple glittery you-know-what down the bog,
09:24 you'll know why.
09:26 And luckily, this was when we were tidying up,
09:28 so the kids had already gone to bed.
09:30 But still, what kind of an example is that to set?
09:35 Gia, have you finished that?
09:36 Yep.
09:37 Got Joseph's mate coming round later after school for tea.
09:41 This place is a tip.
09:43 What, Nancy thought that'd be a good idea?
09:45 Mate, that'd be nice for him.
09:48 Oh, oh, it is.
09:50 So what have you got in for him?
09:52 Fish fingers, chips, peas.
09:55 What?
09:56 Well, won't you be wanting something posher for that lot?
09:59 Well, I'm not giving him the arctic roll.
10:01 I'm saving that for the start of Woffa Highland.
10:03 Yeah, it'd be like a little expedition for them.
10:06 What?
10:07 And into the depths of Backstreet Terrace,
10:10 our intrepid explorer's venture, where the local cuisine is
10:14 known as something called the fish finger.
10:17 Mam, are you helping or not?
10:20 Thought Leda was picking up Joseph today.
10:22 Yeah, she is.
10:24 After school, she's bringing them all back here.
10:26 You know, she always looks like she's
10:27 had a tetanus jab right up the jacksie every time
10:29 she comes in this place.
10:31 Mam, you're not helping.
10:32 I'm never going to get this place sorted in time.
10:37 Oh, don't sweat it, darling.
10:38 The kids will have wrecked it in half an hour anyway.
10:41 He'll be fine.
10:42 Will he?
10:43 Yeah.
10:45 Yeah, he just needs a quick whizz round with the hoover.
10:47 Sorted.
10:52 There you go.
10:54 Do you want a free biscuit?
10:55 Oh, oh.
10:58 Are they out of date?
10:58 No.
11:00 Just thought you could do with one,
11:01 and I'm a lovely person.
11:02 It might help to steady my nerve.
11:03 Well, good luck with whatever it is that you're nervous about.
11:05 Ta.
11:07 Hey.
11:08 Hiya.
11:09 Um, Bethany tells me you're off to the cinema later.
11:11 Actually, there's been a little bit of a change of plan.
11:14 Is your eye?
11:14 Yeah.
11:16 I've been called into work unexpectedly.
11:18 I feel awful, but I can't miss it.
11:21 Do you mind checking in on her later?
11:22 I think she could do with the company.
11:23 Yeah, of course.
11:24 Just trying to keep everything at bay,
11:26 but Nathan being back and all the abuse
11:29 that he brings with him, it's affecting her, basically.
11:31 So--
11:32 Yeah, I'll get round there as soon as I can.
11:34 Thank you.
11:35 I'll see you.
11:36 Bye.
11:39 Bye.
11:40 Cheers for this.
11:53 Now, I know I asked you for the ton,
11:55 but I was just wondering if you could do with--
11:57 Oh, what's this?
11:59 Get kick out of me, did you?
12:01 What's the matter with you?
12:02 Admit it.
12:03 Admit you took that video.
12:04 Video?
12:05 Yes, video.
12:06 The vile, disgusting, humiliating--
12:08 Oh, you're off your head.
12:09 --defeater.
12:10 I've no idea what you're all about.
12:12 Liar!
12:13 Get on your phone and take it down now.
12:26 Take what down?
12:27 The sex video.
12:28 I don't know anything about any sex video.
12:30 What is it, are you?
12:31 Yes, it's me.
12:32 It's the one you took of me when I was sparkled.
12:34 I never took no video.
12:35 Yes, you did.
12:36 Oh, listen, love, I'm sure there's
12:37 plenty of people out there with material like that.
12:39 Are you?
12:40 You absolute pig.
12:41 Anyways, what good is one person taking down one video?
12:43 The internet's for life, babe, not just for-- well.
12:46 Abi!
12:47 I've called the police!
12:48 Yeah, I'm glad someone has.
12:49 Not for her, for you!
12:51 I've done nothing!
12:52 She's lost her plan.
12:54 Come on, hey, let's just calm down, eh?
12:55 I can handle him.
12:56 I'm not your junior!
12:57 Don't be stupid.
12:58 What's going to happen, eh?
12:59 You'll get done for assault when you're the victim.
13:02 Abi, come on.
13:03 Think of Alfie.
13:06 Mad cow.
13:07 There you are.
13:14 What's that?
13:15 It's a brew.
13:17 You always moan when I ask you to make me one.
13:19 Oh, just drink it while it's warm.
13:21 This is a pity brew.
13:25 What?
13:27 That's a pity brew.
13:28 You feel sorry for me.
13:29 No, I don't.
13:30 Yes, you do, about Peter and Simon.
13:32 Right, OK, fine.
13:33 Maybe I do, a little bit.
13:36 Well, don't feel sorry for me, because I
13:37 don't feel sorry for me.
13:39 OK.
13:40 Good.
13:41 Yes, good.
13:45 Carla, are you sure you're all right?
13:47 Yes.
13:49 Yeah, I mean, you know, it's good for him.
13:54 I want him to be happy.
13:56 But?
13:57 No, there's no buts when it comes to that.
14:00 Although I remember there's a tiny but, but--
14:02 OK, right, I'm here for it, big or small.
14:04 Go on.
14:05 It's just maybe in the--
14:09 in the back of my head, I thought,
14:12 if Peter ever was to come home, you know,
14:15 it'd probably be for Simon.
14:18 And if Simon's with him--
14:19 He's not coming home, is he?
14:21 Yes, all right, Sarah.
14:22 Just drop it to me nicely.
14:24 Yeah, no.
14:24 Easy.
14:25 I didn't-- I didn't mean it like that.
14:27 Well, is that what you want?
14:28 Do you actually want to get back with Peter again?
14:31 No.
14:32 No, no, no, it was the right decision that we made.
14:36 You know, we buried all that on Boxing Day,
14:39 along with the decks and the dyad.
14:40 It's just-- it's not that.
14:46 I just-- I miss him.
14:50 I miss him.
14:52 Job's a good one, I reckon.
14:54 Yes, ma'am.
14:55 Hey.
14:57 Where's everyone else?
14:58 Oh, slight change of plan.
15:00 Grandma Linda's taking us all to the bistro instead.
15:03 Oh, is she?
15:05 Well, you don't want a house full of kids.
15:07 Well, what do you think she normally has?
15:09 Oh, well, the bistro's booked now.
15:11 So?
15:12 So all of Joseph's little friends
15:14 have been told to meet him there, haven't they?
15:16 Yeah.
15:18 And that's what you want, is it, Joseph,
15:19 to meet your mates at the restaurant?
15:21 What, are they mini Bezos?
15:23 I hope not.
15:24 I hope so.
15:25 Honestly, it's just the boys having some fun.
15:28 You don't need to get yourself worked up about it, Bernie.
15:31 Go on, get yourself changed out of your uniform.
15:34 Yeah, I'll take your bag.
15:36 You're upset, are you, Gemma?
15:38 No, of course not.
15:40 Well, it's a good job we are going to the bistro, really.
15:43 It would have taken ages to get this place cleaned up.
15:46 (SIGHS)
15:48 (SIGHS)
15:54 Hi.
15:55 Hi.
15:56 Well, it's five o'clock somewhere, isn't it?
15:58 Er, it's not for me.
16:00 Well, it is, but also for...
16:02 for Bethany.
16:04 Bethany?
16:05 Hmm.
16:06 Yes, and no, it's not my weapon of choice,
16:08 if that's what you're thinking.
16:10 It's just quite an unusual collaboration, isn't it,
16:13 you and Bethany?
16:15 Yes.
16:16 Yes, it is, but, er...
16:18 there have been stranger ones.
16:20 You know, Sting and Shaggy.
16:23 Taylor and Zane. I get the gist.
16:25 Truth is, I heard that Bethany could do with someone checking in on her,
16:29 given she's had a rough ride lately.
16:31 Oh.
16:34 Well, that's good of you.
16:35 Hmm.
16:36 Despite what you might think,
16:38 sometimes I shed my mean girl act and melt my icy heart.
16:41 Don't go telling anyone.
16:43 No, I can't promise to do that.
16:44 Huh.
16:45 Is anyone serving?
16:46 No, Jenny's changing a barrel.
16:48 What, she's left the place unattended?
16:51 Looks that way.
16:52 No staff, you see.
16:54 Thanks.
17:00 Hiya.
17:01 Oh.
17:02 You all right?
17:05 What did they say?
17:07 Not a lot.
17:08 They recommend me steering clear of Dean.
17:11 When did they say they'll let you know if he's been charged?
17:14 When they finish going through his devices.
17:16 They're still questioning him, speedy as ever.
17:18 Hello, my darling. And how are you? How's your...
17:20 Hello, Mummy.
17:22 Had a good day, haven't you?
17:24 What's up?
17:25 It's Tyrone. Four more videos have been put online.
17:28 What do you want?
17:35 Charm personified you.
17:37 You didn't answer my question.
17:39 I heard you've been going through a rough time.
17:42 And I thought you could do with a friend.
17:44 A friend? Fair enough.
17:47 Confidant?
17:49 Frenemy?
17:50 Punch bag?
17:52 I'm good.
17:53 Bethany, hey.
17:54 Look...
17:57 I've been through some stuff.
18:00 As you know.
18:01 And I know it's not the same, but...
18:04 If you want someone to talk to...
18:08 The offer's there.
18:12 What good is it going to do?
18:14 I need to see what's out there.
18:15 No, you don't!
18:16 Oh, shut up, Kevin!
18:18 It isn't you, it ain't your body, it ain't your choice.
18:20 What?
18:24 It's... It's not...
18:27 What?
18:28 It's not me.
18:30 Of course it's not. You're out of it.
18:32 No, I mean, it's not me. It's literally, it's not me.
18:35 Eh?
18:36 Look, I haven't got a tattoo of a dragon on me legs.
18:40 Well, my legs, they aren't like that.
18:42 I don't understand.
18:45 I think it's fake.
18:48 I think... I think these are all deep fakes.
18:51 Hiya, Nina, love. Is it OK if we leave a couple of those in here?
19:01 What's it for?
19:02 A car wash fundraiser for Little Big Shots.
19:04 Oh, yeah, go ahead.
19:05 Ta, love.
19:08 No, no, no, no, no.
19:10 You've got to be more on the front foot than that.
19:12 Goodness sake, who's the kid?
19:14 You are.
19:15 Show her your strapped-for-cash smile. Go on.
19:17 That'll do. Now, go over those two and just sign them up.
19:21 Oh, you are no great-grandchild of mine.
19:24 Watch and learn.
19:26 Hiya.
19:28 Oh, hi.
19:29 What's this, then?
19:30 Oh, I see.
19:33 All right, well, I'll have a wash and polish, please. I'll pay you after.
19:37 Well, I don't actually have a car, and I'm going to go live on a yacht with my dad, so...
19:41 Oh.
19:42 But I do have friends that have cars, so I can always take a picture of it and send it to them if you like.
19:45 All right, thanks.
19:47 Or you could just make a donation instead.
19:54 Right, OK.
19:56 Here you go.
20:00 Thank you very much.
20:02 Chip off the old block. That's my good gal.
20:05 No words.
20:07 Where are we going next, then? Bistro?
20:09 Oh, yeah. Why do I feel like I've just been scammed?
20:11 Because you have. Five 13-year-olds.
20:14 Well, I think there's 70-something-year-olds something to do with it as well.
20:17 I think so, too.
20:18 Come on, then. Show us this lovely yacht you're going to live on.
20:22 Mm. Right, OK.
20:24 There we are.
20:27 Oh, wow.
20:30 Sorry.
20:32 You've got to look at the sunset on this as well.
20:34 Oh, my word. Look at that.
20:37 Show me that picture again.
20:43 Say, show me...
20:45 Who's that, then?
20:50 Your dad's got his arms round.
20:52 So can anyone join this book club, then?
20:56 Define anyone.
20:59 Me.
21:00 Mm.
21:01 Well, since I know you, go on.
21:04 Oh, hey. What can I get you?
21:07 You're not going to dampen our spirits today, are you?
21:10 Yeah, because Roy's managed to bag himself a friend inside
21:13 and an evil in book club to boot.
21:15 That's great.
21:17 He's going to be all right, isn't he?
21:19 Yeah, of course he is.
21:23 You miss me?
21:34 Oh.
21:35 How can that be someone else's body?
21:49 Well, take a closer look. Surely you can tell.
21:51 No, I know it's your face, but it just looks so real.
21:55 Like I said, it's a deep fake.
21:57 I don't understand. How did he do it?
21:59 It's AI, innit?
22:01 Flaming AI?
22:03 Well, it can't be Dean, that's for sure.
22:05 How do you know?
22:07 His ficker's too short-planked,
22:08 cos he can barely put a number in his phone,
22:10 let alone do something like this.
22:12 Well, he might have got someone else to do him.
22:14 No. Dean's more of a do-it-yourself kind of bloke,
22:18 usually violent, so blackmail.
22:19 I mean, I could believe he'd released videos he already had,
22:22 but this, it's way too sophisticated.
22:24 So, who could have done it?
22:27 I've no idea.
22:30 But the police need to know.
22:32 You could have told us you booked the bistro.
22:36 Well, I've only just done it.
22:38 Joseph's mates were supposed to come here.
22:40 We've got food and everything.
22:42 Well, he didn't tell me that.
22:44 Well, you probably didn't give him a chance.
22:46 Too busy taking over, as usual.
22:48 Actually, no.
22:50 What, Linda wants? Linda does?
22:52 It was my idea.
22:54 I asked her to.
22:56 Oh.
22:57 Why?
22:59 We weren't round to Matthews for tea, it was just dead posh and...
23:02 So what?
23:04 No, it's fine, I get it, you wanted to go somewhere nicer.
23:07 No, it's not like this house isn't nice or anything.
23:10 And I didn't know you'd gone to so much effort.
23:12 Me neither.
23:13 We could still come here if you like.
23:15 No, it's fine, I'd rather you were comfortable.
23:17 Shall we go, then, Grandma?
23:21 Yeah. Come on.
23:22 Oh.
23:23 Look, going forward, I'm looking to buy a boat haul in Manchester.
23:28 So they can always come to mine.
23:30 You should have put your foot down.
23:37 It's fine, I don't want him being embarrassed.
23:39 The kids would have got here, mainlined on sugar and had a laugh.
23:42 No-one would have noticed the house.
23:44 Joseph would.
23:45 That's all that matters, innit?
23:47 Got your little pick-me-up?
23:51 It's Sam.
23:53 Hm.
23:55 How did Nina take the news?
23:57 I didn't tell her.
23:59 I couldn't.
24:01 Hey.
24:07 Hey.
24:08 You know what?
24:12 The one chance I have to finally prove his innocence and it's going to take months.
24:17 That's not your fault.
24:21 Joel, if something happens to Roy in prison, it's on me.
24:25 Every time I think I've found a way to get him out, it just falls apart.
24:30 Those texts were my last hope.
24:32 So what are you going to do?
24:38 Are you going to just give up?
24:40 What can I do?
24:41 You can be the brilliant badgering and other words beginning with B that I know you are.
24:48 Maybe I'm just beaten.
24:50 You? Never.
24:52 The day Dee Dee Bailey throws the towel in is the day I quit the law.
24:57 So now my job's on the line, I really need you to do something.
25:02 I suppose I could...
25:09 I could get on the phone again.
25:12 Just go in all guns blazing, you know, I need them to understand how vulnerable Roy is.
25:18 I suppose you could.
25:21 Right.
25:25 Like the new throne?
25:33 Oh, yeah, well, anything to cover that dull armchair.
25:37 I didn't pick that, that was Daniel. I wanted something less Ken.
25:41 Yeah, he doesn't have very adventurous taste when it comes to decor.
25:45 I know, bless him.
25:47 I'm sorry about what Ryan said.
25:51 That Daniel attacked Justin?
25:53 He was trying to help, but it must have seemed like he was stirring.
25:57 He was genuinely sticking up for Daniel, but Daniel didn't see it that way.
26:02 Well, I gave him an earful. I know it caused problems.
26:07 And despite our past, I actually don't want to cause problems between you and Daniel.
26:11 It's OK. It wasn't him that attacked Nathan anyway.
26:15 And is he gone now? Nathan?
26:19 Apparently. Doesn't stop me from seeing him round every corner.
26:23 Yeah, I know exactly how that feels.
26:26 Even after Justin was locked up, I didn't feel safe.
26:29 I could have sworn I saw him several times, even though my logical brain knew that that wasn't possible.
26:34 I'm glad it's not just me.
26:36 No, it's PTSD.
26:38 You can't get over something like that.
26:41 And what you went through, it's way worse.
26:45 Thanks.
26:48 Daniel tries to understand, but...
26:51 He can't.
26:53 It was the same with Justin.
26:56 And his overprotection, it just...
26:59 makes you more tense.
27:01 Exactly.
27:04 I'm glad you came over.
27:08 Me too.
27:12 Fresh start.
27:15 Go on, then.
27:17 Deepfakes!
27:21 Yes, I know there's five videos out there.
27:24 And are you sure it wasn't Abbie?
27:26 Yes.
27:27 Good.
27:28 I mean, it's not good, but it's better than it being real.
27:32 Yeah, but no-one else is gonna know they're not real.
27:34 Dean must really have it in for her.
27:36 I'll be certain it's not him.
27:38 Reckons he's not got the nose, but I'm not so sure.
27:42 Hey.
27:48 What do you want?
27:50 Look, I, er... I just wanted to say I was sorry about earlier.
27:54 I didn't know about that video.
27:56 Videos? There's more?
27:58 Oh, sorry.
28:00 No way. Deepfake?
28:02 Someone's put their head on someone else's body.
28:05 Oh, well, that's awful.
28:07 I guess it's easy nowadays to get that kind of software.
28:11 Couldn't make it any better.
28:12 Oh, of course not.
28:14 Well, anyway, I just came to say sorry.
28:18 If you want that website doing, I'll do it for free.
28:20 Oh, bless.
28:22 Why?
28:23 Well, I know what it's like to have damaging videos out there,
28:27 stuff people judge you for, so, yeah, I feel for Abbie.
28:30 Oh. Thanks.
28:32 No worries. If you want to sit down, check content, just let me know, yeah?
28:36 Will do.
28:38 He's not as bad as he say.
28:42 Maybe not.
28:46 So, have you spoken to Simon, Ken?
28:48 Yes, he came round earlier.
28:50 He told me he was joining Peter.
28:52 Yeah, what do you think?
28:53 I think it's a great idea. Yeah, a whole new start for him.
28:55 Yeah, I totally agree.
28:57 I mean, he's had a tough couple of years, hasn't he?
29:00 He's not really found his feet, but this, something different,
29:03 completely different, would be brilliant for him, I think.
29:06 And grab her on the same page.
29:07 Yeah.
29:08 I was just wondering whether Peter was in the right headspace to look after him.
29:13 Oh, I gather he's in a good place.
29:15 He's good. That's good.
29:17 Good.
29:19 I hear he's seen somebody else.
29:21 Is it time I tell you?
29:23 Well, no, I...
29:24 Oh, Daniel?
29:25 Daniel.
29:26 Oh, Adam?
29:27 Pardon? No.
29:28 No, nobody told me. I saw a photo.
29:30 What, you all knew?
29:31 Well, we weren't quite sure how to tell you.
29:34 Well, why not? I mean, me and Peter were over, weren't we?
29:39 So, it's fine. I'm fine. I mean, I'm changing my name back to Connor, so...
29:42 Well, I don't think it's serious.
29:45 It doesn't matter. I'm fine with it.
29:47 Really?
29:48 Yes.
29:49 Just a bit of a shock. A bit quick, that's all.
29:52 But, you know, this is Peter we're talking about, and he, er...
29:55 Well, you know.
29:56 Indeed.
29:57 So, anyway, my feeling's not the point, totally.
30:00 Er, it's just I cared whether he was in the right headspace to look after Si, that's all.
30:06 Well, I understand your concern, but, er, I do believe he is.
30:10 Good.
30:11 Good.
30:12 That's all I care about.
30:14 Oh, can I get you a cup of tea?
30:16 Oh, yes.
30:18 OK.
30:19 From the little I've read so far, she seems a rather eccentric character.
30:27 Well, all the best characters are, Roy.
30:29 I mean, the best people, in my experience.
30:32 True. And I am enjoying the satirical bent of the novel.
30:36 Well, what I like is the fact that the heroine is over 70.
30:41 Ah, so you are identifying with her, are you?
30:44 Should we be calling you Poor Evelyn?
30:47 Hardly.
30:48 No, but I like the book because it pokes fun at your so-called philanthropist.
30:54 Ha-ha-ha! A misanthrope to the end.
30:57 Ha! Yeah. To the bitter one, yeah. That's me.
31:00 Ha-ha-ha-ha!
31:02 Cropper, you got a visitor.
31:05 I wish you'll have to continue this on another occasion.
31:08 Yes, yes, I heard. You've got a visitor, Roy.
31:11 I'm really glad you're letting people come and see you, sir.
31:15 I'll speak later. Yeah, bye-bye. Bye. Bye.
31:18 Eh? Seems like it went well.
31:22 He chuckled.
31:24 I mean, he actually chuckled.
31:31 Oh, these are snazzy.
31:33 Spread the word. Little Big Shots bank holiday car wash special.
31:37 Oh, it's a bit of a mouthful. Yeah, I know.
31:40 Oh, Cooey! Can I interest you in a Little Big Shots car wash?
31:44 She didn't say we had to give one per person.
31:47 Yes, I get it, but...
31:49 All right, I'll, er, see you soon.
31:53 Was that Abbie? Yeah, she's told the police about the other videos,
31:57 but they said it can't be Dean, because he was with them when they got released.
32:01 Plus, there's nothing to indicate he's involved.
32:04 So who was it, then? No idea.
32:06 Someone who's got a massive grudge against Abbie.
32:09 Obviously. And someone who's really good with computers.
32:13 Ooh. Larry Nell.
32:24 Blonde ambition. Not thinking of dying your hair, are you?
32:27 Having a midlife crisis?
32:29 Not yet. It's Max's.
32:32 Has he dyed his hair?
32:34 Apparently.
32:36 Where did you get those?
32:38 I found them, actually. Under your bed.
32:41 Why are you looking under my bed?
32:43 I was hoovering and thought I'd be thorough.
32:46 Well, you shouldn't be rooting round my room.
32:48 All right. I'm sorry.
32:50 Look, if there's anything you want to talk about, you know you can do.
32:53 Oh, yeah, like you can be completely open with us.
32:56 Maybe not, Gail.
32:58 Well, they're not mine, all right? They're Lauren's.
33:01 Were Lauren's.
33:03 I forgot she left them here, to be honest.
33:06 I should chuck them out. No. No, no way.
33:09 She's not going to need them now, is she?
33:12 Yeah, well, I want to keep them. I don't care.
33:15 Open the door!
33:17 That's either an angry person or a very keen delivery driver.
33:20 Let me in!
33:22 Is Max in here?
33:24 What have you done now? I don't know. Honestly, nothing.
33:27 Hey!
33:43 That video, it was you.
33:45 What video? Deepfake of Abi.
33:47 You put an end on someone else's body having sex.
33:49 No, I didn't. What?
33:51 To be you. Yeah, and why would I do that?
33:53 Because I wouldn't pay you for the website.
33:55 Are you serious, when I've literally just offered to do it for free?
33:58 Yeah, out of guilt. Max, if you...
34:00 No, David, I would never do something like that.
34:02 You said yourself it was easy to get the software.
34:04 Yeah, that doesn't mean I've got it.
34:06 Look, honestly, all my life, it wasn't me.
34:08 I think you got it wrong, Kev.
34:10 I want his computer. Give it to police. No.
34:12 Well, if it wasn't you, you'd have knocked it away.
34:14 Come on, David. I think you're overreacting.
34:16 I want his computer!
34:18 I've got your text. This is stupid!
34:20 It was him. It really wasn't.
34:22 I know it wasn't, Max, and I'm so sorry about this.
34:24 You come with me now. How do you know it wasn't him?
34:26 Cos he's got no reason! Exactly. Thank you.
34:28 Come on. Come with me now.
34:30 I am so sorry about this.
34:33 It's fine.
34:35 How are you holding up?
34:42 Well, somewhat better than I had.
34:44 I'm glad to hear it.
34:46 And I've actually got some news.
34:48 Oh?
34:50 The police have recovered some threatening messages
34:53 to Lauren from the messaging app she use.
34:56 They weren't from me. Exactly.
34:58 They're from an unregistered mobile number.
35:01 Now, even if the police could prove that you were using a burner...
35:04 Oh, sorry, what?
35:06 A burner is a disposable mobile.
35:09 But even if they could prove that,
35:12 these messages do not read as yours, Roy.
35:16 So I've engaged a linguistics expert to analyse them all.
35:20 Initially, they were saying it was going to take months,
35:23 but I've put the pressure on
35:25 and they've agreed to make it a priority.
35:27 We should know by next week.
35:29 What if she concludes the opposite?
35:32 I'm doubtful she will, otherwise I wouldn't be telling you.
35:36 Well, I shall endeavour not to raise my voice.
35:41 And not to raise my hopes too much.
35:43 But thank you.
35:45 You have brought me some cheer.
35:47 Hey.
35:55 Grandad said you'd been round.
35:57 I'm sorry we didn't tell you about my dad.
36:01 We weren't sure how you'd react.
36:03 Yeah, it's fine.
36:05 I was a little bit hurt, but, you know,
36:07 one of us had to move on first,
36:09 and he was a good job that it's your dad,
36:12 because, let's face it, he's not very good at being on his own, is he?
36:15 Yeah, you're right about that.
36:17 I hope you find someone to.
36:19 Oh, I'm not bothered about that.
36:21 I quite enjoy being on my own, actually.
36:24 If there is one little man, I'm going to miss being in my life very much.
36:30 Yeah, I'll miss you too.
36:32 Better make the most of the next two weeks, eh?
36:35 Yeah.
36:37 Daisy? Yeah?
36:39 I've been thinking.
36:41 I don't suppose you want your old job back, do you, at the Rovers?
36:43 Really? Well, things change.
36:45 Life's too short to be angry.
36:47 Well, yeah.
36:49 Thank you, I appreciate that.
36:51 And I'll start whenever you want.
36:53 Except now, because I'm having a sesh with Bethany.
36:55 You and Bethany? Yeah.
36:57 Yeah.
36:59 Life's too short to be angry.
37:05 Why did you have to go storming over there?
37:08 I thought it must be him.
37:10 On what basis?
37:12 He did videos for the Far Eyed, Deepfake Porn's not much of a leap.
37:15 But why would he? I get on well with Max.
37:17 I thought we both did.
37:19 Because I wouldn't pay for that website.
37:21 Oh, and you think that's a motive? Yeah.
37:23 Well, you really think these videos are to get at you?
37:25 Well, maybe.
37:27 The world doesn't revolve around you, Kevin!
37:29 These are because someone's got a grudge against me
37:32 and I really don't think it's Max.
37:34 Maybe it was a bit hasty. Yes, you were.
37:36 And shouting the odds all over the street just makes everything worse.
37:39 I don't want attention drawing to this, Kevin.
37:41 But now the plats are going to tell people,
37:43 which means more clicks on the video, which means more gossip,
37:46 and every beggar talking about it when I walk into a room!
37:49 Do you see what you've done?
37:51 I'm sorry. Where are you going?
37:53 To clear my head before I say something I regret.
37:55 So sorry, love.
38:02 I'm sorry, love.
38:04 That's Roy Cropper, isn't it?
38:10 The one that murdered Lauren Bolton?
38:12 Yeah.
38:14 So, basically, he's ashamed of us.
38:26 No, I'm sure he's not.
38:28 I was worried when he went to Oak Hill things would change,
38:31 but now it's happening.
38:33 He's new. He's trying to impress people.
38:36 Hey, I remember when I first went to secondary school.
38:39 I told everyone my dad was a bodyguard.
38:41 Oh, yeah, protecting the rich and famous.
38:43 I think he even told them that he worked for Princess Diana.
38:46 Oh, no, I know, but it explained why he'd always pick me up in a black suit.
38:51 Unfortunately, I had to come clean when he turned up in a hearse.
38:54 Yikes!
38:56 To be fair, everyone was really cool with it,
38:59 but the truth made me more popular than a lie.
39:02 Well, the truth about us isn't cool.
39:05 We've got no money. We're living in a tiny terraced house.
39:08 The truth about you is you're lovely people.
39:11 You're kind, you.
39:13 You're funny, you're generous.
39:15 And all of Joseph Powell's love.
39:17 He wants to get to know you.
39:19 What if he never wants us to meet them?
39:21 Oh, of course he will.
39:23 I'll tell you what I can do.
39:25 Get him to hand these out to his mates.
39:28 All those parents of massive SUVs will be crying out for a good wash.
39:33 Well, is that going to help?
39:35 Well, it won't, but you'll be doing me a favour.
39:38 That was a bit hasty.
39:40 Tell me about it. I could have dropped you off after Streets watched those videos by now.
39:45 (SIGHS)
39:46 What?
39:48 - Enjoyed your video? - That wasn't me, you flaming pervert.
39:51 - Eh? - Do you really think I'd do something like that?
39:54 I thought it was great.
39:57 The way you took down Corey and...
39:59 The, er... The Gazette video, yeah.
40:01 There's another video?
40:03 Apparently. Apparently there's several.
40:05 What?
40:07 I'm sorry, I can't help it. If I've got ears like a pippi-strile bat, what can I do for you?
40:12 Hey, er, two coffees to go, please.
40:15 Did the police say they could trace the videos?
40:18 You know, find the IP address or something?
40:21 If they said that, that would be hard not to hold my breath.
40:24 Surely you can get it taken down?
40:27 Well, apparently that's gonna be hard and all.
40:29 They can contact the sites hosting them,
40:32 but are from a based overseas and can't do out or won't do out.
40:35 - Oh. - I'm sorry.
40:37 I'm relieved. It's not me.
40:40 You know, that's not another reminder of my addiction,
40:43 but at the same time, you're still my face on a sex video
40:45 that could be online forever that anyone can see.
40:48 Yeah, I mean, you're the victim, eh? They've committed a crime against you.
40:55 There you go.
41:00 - Ooh. - What's happened?
41:03 - I don't see why she's so annoyed. - I am.
41:06 Well, you were upset on her behalf.
41:08 If I had a bloke breaking down doors to confront someone who'd wrong me,
41:11 I'd be grateful.
41:13 - But it wasn't him. - Oh. So she says.
41:17 Anyway, it doesn't matter.
41:19 You've got to act unprotectively and Abi should see that.
41:22 Maybe.
41:24 - She's a very lovely woman. - Thanks.
41:27 Just say what I see.
41:30 - Rewind. - I'm trying.
41:32 - Try harder. - Rewind. Rewind.
41:35 Rewind. Stop it! Stop it, stop it, stop it!
41:37 Rewind. No, stop! Stop it! Stop it, stop it, stop it!
41:40 - (GIGGLING) - What are you doing?
41:42 Oh, hi.
41:44 We're watching the original Mean Girls. It's a classic.
41:47 I've rewound to the best bit.
41:49 That shirt.
41:51 It's so...
41:53 - Fetch! - Fetch!
41:55 Eh, it's a good thing it's Friday,
41:58 cos on Wednesdays we wear pink.
42:01 Right. OK.
42:03 - Do you want me to join you? - Oh, no.
42:06 Why don't you go and get us some more snacks?
42:08 - I want pizza. - Ooh, yeah.
42:10 - OK. - Oh, and then, and then, go out again.
42:14 Yeah, afterwards we're gonna watch Barbie.
42:17 - Just put on my delivery man outfit, shall I? - Bye.
42:20 Bye!
42:22 (BOTH LAUGH)
42:24 Oh, good boy.
42:27 Well, that's marvellous news.
42:29 Hopefully, yeah.
42:31 - And you've told Roy? - I have.
42:33 Um, he must have been delighted.
42:35 Well, cautiously optimistic, I'd say.
42:38 Which is how I'm feeling about it.
42:41 But, you know, if this expert comes back with what I hope she will,
42:44 it'll be invaluable should we go to trial.
42:46 Well, surely that'll prove he's innocent.
42:48 Not entirely, but it will prove that someone else was threatening Lauren.
42:52 And that this mystery boyfriend is still out there somewhere.
42:55 - Hmm. - Thank you so much, Dee Dee.
42:58 Well, as I said, it's not definitive proof he's innocent,
43:01 but it would be enough to create reasonable doubt.
43:04 Which I'm hoping would be enough to get him out of prison.
43:08 I'm sure we'll all agree the sooner he's out of there, the better.
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