I would do it again, says teacher at Henry Gurney

  • 4 months ago
Meet Hishamuddin Husin, a dedicated English teacher who volunteered to be transferred to Sekolah Henry Gurney (SHG) in Melaka, to help the students achieve their goals through education.

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00:00 After a solid two years, from 4 to 5, studying, making preparations for SPM, the most satisfying
00:10 moment was after they finished their exam papers.
00:14 Some of them came to me and said, "Thank you so much for taking us out of the darkness
00:21 to the light."
00:22 So that really touched me so much.
00:26 If someone asked teacher Hishamuddin Hussein whether he would teach at Sekolah Henry Gurney
00:31 or SHG in Iyer Molik again, the answer is always a "yes."
00:36 Despite some perceiving teaching at such an institution as a thankless job, it is the
00:40 opposite for Hishamuddin.
00:43 The dedicated English teacher volunteered to be transferred into SHG in 2009 after applying
00:49 a year before.
00:50 This was after two of his students came into conflict with the law.
00:54 Years ago, I had a student who was sent to Tunas Bhakti School because of stealing his
01:05 neighbor's handphone.
01:08 And another student was sent to here, Henry Gurney School, because of keeping stolen goods.
01:18 It was a C70 model of Honda motorbike.
01:24 These two incidents really hit me so hard.
01:34 Because of that, it was a turning point for me to reconsider or change my views on the
01:44 education system.
01:45 Since then, I followed closely the system here in Henry Gurney School.
01:53 And finally, in 2009, my application was accepted by the headquarters of the prison department.
02:02 And since then, I started teaching here.
02:04 I think Henry Gurney School is a very important correctional center for juveniles because
02:13 of its system, especially designed to practice the education system of the Ministry of Education
02:23 and also the spiritual rehabilitation in the form of religious and moral education, counseling
02:30 and guidance in the daily routine of the Henry Gurney School residents so that they are ready
02:39 when they return back to their families and communities.
02:44 Hisha Mudeen says students at SHG come from various backgrounds and social status.
02:49 As such, many lack the readiness to cope with the education system.
02:54 Many students also have to start all over again, especially in learning English.
02:58 But they have the opportunity as well as the means to focus for two years in Form 4 and
03:03 Form 5 to develop their learning technique.
03:06 This is why Hisha Mudeen feels compelled to try his best for the students in the hope
03:11 of helping them achieve their goals.
03:14 Of course, I myself cannot do it.
03:17 But at least I can learn to know the system and maybe I can tell the world, tell the community
03:28 that these things happen.
03:30 So hopefully, if I cannot do anything, I can just help them to achieve their goals.
03:37 At least they feel that they are important to their families and their communities.
03:43 They can contribute back to their communities.
03:46 As for the students at SHG, they say the school has given them hope that they can turn their
03:51 lives around.
03:52 In the middle, I think my life was end.
03:56 But when I entered this school, they gave me inspiration.
04:01 There's a lot of chance to arise again.
04:04 So, here, it's more to discipline.
04:10 Besides that, they teach a lot about religion.
04:13 It's good here.
04:14 They offer it to people who want to take SPM.
04:18 So, it's not like we came here and it feels like it's the end.
04:22 Everything ends.
04:23 So, they give a chance to people who want to take SPM.
04:27 If we are not interested in studying, it's a workshop here.
04:33 Education here will make us realize that we have a second chance to reconsider our voyage
04:46 of life to be more accurate with success.
04:50 When I entered this school, I think that I have really dedicated myself to change in
04:57 this school.
04:58 And I really want to make my mom and dad proud by excelling in my SPM examination.
05:05 Hishamuddin says the school has many success stories of students who have re-entered the
05:09 community.
05:11 He points out that by offering a change in their lives and giving second chances, the
05:15 deeds bear fruit.
05:17 So, Henry Gurney School is like a big opportunity to do good things.
05:27 They are special, special juveniles who lack of love and attention.
05:35 So by giving them the opportunity to change their lives, I would say second chance, it
05:47 will pay back when you see their success in life.
05:51 So they can contribute to their families and communities and the nation and the country.
05:58 There are many of the students who have success.
06:05 You can see from the media.
06:08 So it's worth giving opportunity.
06:13 Yeah.
06:14 Yeah.
06:15 Yeah.
06:16 Yeah.
06:17 Yeah.
06:18 Yeah.
06:19 Yeah.
06:20 Yeah.
06:21 Yeah.
06:22 Yeah.
06:23 Yeah.
06:24 Yeah.
06:24 Yeah.
06:25 Yeah.
06:26 Yeah.
06:26 [Music]
