Education Ministry studying proposal to bring English teachers from S'pore

  • 3 months ago
The Education Ministry is studying how the proposal to bring in Singaporean teachers to teach English in Malaysia on a voluntary basis could be implemented, said Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek in the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday (July 16).


00:00For your information, Mr Ali, as a result of the discussion between the Honourable Ministers,
00:05together with the Minister of Singapore Barbaru, we have proposed to establish a support scheme
00:10or a voluntary scheme in the form of a diplomatic relationship between the two countries
00:15and funded by the Government of Singapore.
00:18This scheme aims to help increase the English-language learning in the poor areas,
00:24the suburbs and the outskirts of the city, including Sabah and Sarawak.
00:28The KPM welcomes and is investigating this voluntary scheme,
00:32especially from the point of view of implementation in the institution of KPM education,
00:36so that this matter is consistent with the existing rules and regulations.
00:40The KPM will also recognize the voluntary scheme that has certain qualifications
00:44to ensure the quality of education and learning.
00:48Such initiatives have been implemented by the KPM,
00:51involving teachers from developing countries such as Australia, the United States and Korea.
00:58For your information, under the Malaysia Education Development Plan 2013-2025
01:03and the Malay Language Accord, KPM implements various initiatives
01:10and professionalism development programs for teachers who teach English,
01:15including English courses for preschool teachers under the KPM.
01:20This EPT program has been expanded to preschool teachers from other agencies
01:25such as KEMAS and the Institute for National Development, Training and Integration.
01:30In addition, KPM implements the Professional Upskilling of English Language Teachers program
01:35to ensure that all English language teachers in all institutions of KPM education
01:41reach a minimum C1 level in the Common European Framework of References for Languages.
01:47Teachers who have not yet reached C1 level need to take the English language proficiency test starting in 2019.
01:54In addition, KPM implements an integrated micro-learning program with robust virtual experience
02:03that offers self-access courses in Talian
02:06to help the development of skills and knowledge of English language teachers
02:10as a training in continuous enjoyment.
02:13In 2024, KPM introduces the English Language Education Development Plan
02:18as an effort to enhance English language education
02:21and to improve technology-based pedagogy based on the goals of Malaysia Madani.
02:26Among the programs implemented are such as HIPMAX, Malaysian Folklore Story Fest,
02:32Critical Reading Strategy and Oral Communication.
02:36For your information, under the 2024 Reformation of Education,
02:40teacher schools are established as a medium of professional learning community
02:45with the purpose of providing meaningful learning for teachers and students.
02:51Among the contents of the teacher schools is the English Language Friendship Program.
02:55The establishment of these teacher schools aims to form a healthy human being
02:58through the values of etiquette, communication and cohesion
03:02that are contained in the implementation of PDP and PLC activities.
03:06In addition, to empower teacher pedagogy, KPM implements a novice teacher program
03:10under the Teach for Malaysia program.
03:13KPM is confident that the initiatives and programs implemented
03:16are able to enhance the English language teacher experience in PDP
03:20to improve the fluency of all students in the country.
03:23Thank you.
03:28Is the Ministry of Education, through its officials in the Department of State Education,
03:32PPD and school administrators, will monitor
03:36and do the English language teachers from Singapore
03:40also comply with the rules on how local teachers teach,
03:47i.e. involve themselves in activities at school,
03:51including under the English language curriculum.
03:55Thank you, Speaker, and additional questions from the honoured guests.
03:59My short answer to all the questions from the honoured guests,
04:03the answer is yes, all of that will be monitored by the Ministry of Education of Malaysia.
04:07We will study this proposal to ensure that all the aspects
04:12that are closely related to what the honoured guests have raised are truly monitored
04:16because that is the result we want, Speaker.
04:19The result must achieve what we want
04:22and as a result of the discussions that the Minister and the Minister of Singapore have had,
04:27to ensure that the English language proficiency among our children is improved.
04:31Thank you.
04:34Thank you, Speaker.
04:36My additional question to the Minister.
04:38Yes, it is important for the sake of national competitiveness,
04:43we need to improve the English language proficiency among Malaysians.
04:49I encourage the government to work with the Republic of Singapore
04:55to get permission from there to Malaysia to teach English.
04:59But my personal view, Dato,
05:01actually I do not consider Singaporeans to be very fluent in English.
05:06In fact, I feel that we have many experts,
05:08many more people in Malaysia who are also fluent in English.
05:11So, is the government actually trying to engage
05:17or find people who are more fluent in English in Malaysia?
05:20For example, the big teachers.
05:22We have many big teachers,
05:24now they do not have a job.
05:26Why don't we engage them?
05:27Bring them to teach English.
05:29If Singapore is willing, okay, we will accept.
05:32But do not forget the Malaysians.
05:33Thank you.
05:34Honourable Minister for your answer.
05:36Thank you, Speaker.
05:38Honourable Minister for your answer.
05:41Honourable Minister for your answer.
05:43Honourable Minister for your answer.
05:45Perhaps, if I can answer like this.
05:47If Singapore is willing to come, we will accept.
05:50If the big teachers want to work with us, we will accept.
05:54There is no problem.
05:55Because this has actually been in,
05:58in fact, the involvement of these big teachers
06:00has also helped a lot in the effort of KPM
06:03to increase the teaching and learning of respected English.
06:08As an example, the HIP program,
06:10Mentor, which has been introduced,
06:12this is one of the programs that we run
06:15together with teachers and teachers who have grown up
06:20to help provide English-language environment in schools
06:23through various approaches
06:25and interesting English-language activities.
06:29So, this program allows English-language teachers
06:32who have grown up to support and help
06:36in the English-language environment
06:39that is immersive in schools
06:41in line with our objectives
06:43to improve the English-language governance.
06:45Those who are involved are referred to as mentors.
06:48The involvement of HIP mentors is as affordable friends
06:51represented by the committee
06:52who voluntarily contribute their expertise
06:54in helping students to improve the use of English
06:58in a more confident and comprehensive way.
07:01So, actually, there is no problem
07:03for us to make room for these teachers
07:07to join us and contribute their expertise
07:10and provide suggestions
07:12on how we can provide
07:14and learn English more effectively.
07:17There is no problem.
07:19Thank you.
