Ireland to recognize Palestinian state

  • 4 months ago
Ireland is set to recognize Palestine as a state. Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris says Wednesday, May 22, Norway and Spain are following suit.

Full story:


00:00 Ireland is set to recognize Palestine as a state
00:04 Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris says Wednesday, May 22, Norway and Spain are following suit
00:10 He expects other countries will follow in the coming weeks after talking to world leaders
00:15 He says a two-state solution was the only credible path to peace and security for Israel, Palestine and their peoples
00:21 The leader also says the recognition of statehood has particular resonance in Ireland given its history
00:28 Harris also calls for all hostages in Gaza to be immediately returned
00:32 Irish Foreign Minister Michael Martin meantime says Ireland's recognition of Palestine will be formally enacted on May 28
00:40 (upbeat music)
