00:00 "Hey, Frank, what do you want to do tonight?"
00:02 "The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world."
00:06 *Musique*
00:32 *Musique*
00:48 *Coup de feu*
00:48 "AAAH!"
00:49 *Musique*
01:04 *Cris*
01:09 *Musique*
01:13 *Musique*
01:39 *Cris*
01:40 *Musique*
01:57 *Musique*
02:10 "Pinky?"
02:10 *Musique*
02:11 *Cris*
02:11 *Cris*
02:12 *Cris*
02:12 *Cris*
02:13 *Cris*
02:13 *Cris*
02:14 *Musique*
02:15 *Cris*
02:15 *Cris*
02:16 *Cris*
02:16 *Cris*
02:17 *Cris*
02:17 *Cris*
02:18 *Cris*
02:18 "See, Pinky? Music is dangerous."
02:21 "Oh, you're wrong, brain. Shoes are dangerous."
02:24 "Nah!"
02:24 *Musique*
02:53 "Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
02:56 "I think so, brain. But wouldn't anything lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight?"
03:00 "No, Pinky. Come."
03:03 *Musique*
03:04 "I will tap out a subliminal world domination message in Morse code."
03:08 "Using a pair of tap-dancing steam-powered legs of my own creation."
03:12 "Ooooh, steam-powered legs! You can press your pants while you wear them!"
03:18 "Sartorial splendor is not my primary concern, Pinky."
03:22 "I have something more ambitious in mind."
03:24 "Our venue, the 1939 New York World's Fair."
03:28 "Where the world will come to see the future."
03:30 "And the future will be... yours truly!"
03:33 "Naaaf!"
03:35 *Musique*
03:42 "I give you that marvel of modern technology, your companion of the future!"
03:46 "Television!"
03:48 *Musique*
03:50 "Ooooh, brain! Maybe someday there'll be one of those in every home!"
03:54 "Don't be foolish, Pinky. People don't want their radios staring back at them."
03:59 *Musique*
04:02 "Welcome to our scale model of the city of the future."
04:05 "Where freeways will end traffic jams forever!"
04:09 "Look, brain! Trolls! Hork! In the city of the future, all big and giant!"
04:13 "Mwaaah! Hohohoho!"
04:15 "But apparently your mind will retain its current Lilliputian dimensions."
04:19 "Oh well, one can only hope! Mwaaah!"
04:22 "Come, Pinky! Victory looms imminent!"
04:24 "The fair's opening ceremonies commence in precisely ten minutes."
04:28 "We have but mere moments to remove the one fly from our ointment."
04:31 "Mmm, yummy! I like ointment!"
04:33 "Zot!"
04:34 "Pinky, if you had a mind, it would be a terrible thing to waste."
04:38 *Musique*
04:40 "Woohoohohohoho!"
04:42 *Musique*
04:44 "Heeheehee!"
04:46 *Musique*
04:48 "Hello!"
04:49 "Bill Bojangles Robinson, greatest tap dancer on the planet?"
04:53 "Some do say so. Who's this?"
04:55 "This is, uh, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt."
04:59 "And I want to have a, uh, fireside chat with you right here on the phone."
05:04 "I'm ordering you to go immediately to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and give a goodwill performance to boost military morale."
05:10 "Uh, but Mr. President, I'm afraid I gotta lead the world's fair parade in nine minutes."
05:15 "You have nothing to fear, but fear itself."
05:20 "We'll get a replacement. Your country needs you."
05:23 *Musique*
05:24 "Oh, well, it is Hawaii."
05:26 "Everything is in place, Pinky."
05:28 "Soon I shall take over the world using steam-powered legs."
05:32 "Zot!"
05:33 "Hoh! It's enough to make me want to start wearing pants!"
05:36 *Musique*
05:38 "Heeey!"
05:39 *Musique*
05:41 "Prepare all systems, Pinky."
05:43 "I hear World's Fair President Grover Whalen and his coterie of officials approaching."
05:47 "Woohoo! I'm tingling all over!"
05:50 "We must find someone to replace Bojangles."
05:53 "The world of tomorrow won't wait for yesterday."
05:56 "You said it, Mr. Whalen!"
05:58 "Allow me to introduce myself."
06:00 "Now, Pinky."
06:02 "And be sure to keep the music going no matter what."
06:05 *Musique*
06:24 "He's the cat's pajamas!"
06:26 "I love it! The technology of tomorrow meets the arts of today."
06:30 "You're hired!"
06:32 "I want a total publicity blitz on this guy today."
06:35 "Not tomorrow, or it'll seem like yesterday."
06:37 "Yes, sir!"
06:39 "Now, who did you say you are, right now, today?"
06:42 "Just refer to me as a highly proficient lab mouse, poised to take over the world."
06:47 "That's rich!"
06:48 "A techno marvel with a sense of humor."
06:50 "It makes tomorrow seem like yesterday, today."
06:53 "You've got to get to the opening parade before today turns into last week."
06:57 "Brother, you said a mouthful!"
06:59 *Musique*
07:01 "For some astounding reason, I feel that I should follow his dancing footsteps into the world of tomorrow."
07:06 "Right now?"
07:07 "Now you're talking, Grover!"
07:09 *Musique*
07:14 "If you don't know where to be, don't fight the urge."
07:17 "Come on and tap dance here with me."
07:20 "Undividedly."
07:22 "Yes!"
07:23 "Don't delay, come tap with me."
07:25 "And like you say, you're gonna see where genius sits."
07:29 *Musique*
07:53 *Cris de joie*
08:00 *Musique*
08:05 "Belaine!"
08:07 *Musique*
08:09 "Don't bother me now, Pinky."
08:10 "I nearly have them completely under my steam power."
08:13 "Just keep the music going no matter what."
08:15 *Musique*
08:19 "And long last, Pinky."
08:20 "One more burst of steam driven morse code turksickery and the world shall belong to..."
08:24 *Musique*
08:25 "AGAIN!"
08:26 "Huh?"
08:27 "Pinky, where's the music?"
08:32 *Musique*
08:38 *Musique*
08:40 *Musique*
08:42 "What's going on? This is the music of yesterday, today!"
08:45 "It's a solid track!"
08:47 *Musique*
08:55 "NO!"
08:56 *Musique*
08:59 "Look everybody, Konga!"
09:01 *Musique*
09:09 *Musique*
09:14 *Cris de joie*
09:16 *Musique*
09:17 "I just talked to the real president."
09:19 "And no steam driving tap dance is gonna trick me out of my place at the head of this parade."
09:23 *Musique*
09:32 "Watch how it's done, hot pants."
09:34 *Musique*
09:54 "You realize what this means, Pinky?"
09:56 "Hmm, point! Um, Shirley Temple needs a new partner?"
10:00 "Yes, Pinky, but it also means we must ready ourselves for the next New York World's Fair in 1964."
10:08 "What, Brain? What are we going to do at the next World's Fair?"
10:11 "Same thing we do at every World's Fair, Pinky. Try to take over the world!"
10:15 "YAY!"
10:17 *Musique*
10:20 "Pinky, lend me your comb."
10:22 *Musique*
10:24 "Hey, Pinky!"