• l’année dernière


00:00 *musique*
00:12 Oh, oh, Raine, je pensais que j'avais un cauchemar, mais c'est juste toi qui travaille sur le tableau de verre.
00:18 Raine, sur le tableau de verre !
00:20 Merci pour ce cri d'encouragement, Pinky.
00:23 Pas de problème.
00:25 Je veux ralentir le processus d'âge.
00:27 Tu sais ce qu'est aujourd'hui ?
00:29 Hum... Le jour où nous allons dégager les trous dans mon cerveau avec du spam ?
00:33 Ça serait un dégât de bon spam.
00:36 Non, aujourd'hui est le jour qui marque mon arrivée dans ce monde.
00:41 Raine, c'est ton anniversaire ?
00:43 Oh, ton 1 ?
00:45 Hum... Qu'est-ce qui vient après 1, Raine ?
00:48 2, Pinky. Je suis 2 ans aujourd'hui.
00:50 N'auf !
00:52 On commence à avoir ce petit, flabby, saggy, baggy, wiggle, jiggly, ponchy, thingy, hein, Raine ?
00:56 Bon, quelle jolie, amusante summation de mon dégât corporel.
01:01 Regarde ça. Un raisin.
01:04 J'ai trouvé ça ce matin, en cachant sous un de mes jowls.
01:07 Il a probablement été là depuis des mois.
01:10 Hum... Tu vas manger ça ?
01:12 Non, je suis en diet.
01:14 Ici. Mon visage est entièrement plongé.
01:18 Comment ça me ressemble ?
01:21 Un magnifique cerveau !
01:23 Un peu comme un nouveau Hello Kitty.
01:26 Ça l'est, Pinky. On ne va plus entendre de ce que sont les anniversaires.
01:30 Point ! Ça veut dire qu'il n'y a pas de cadeaux, Raine ?
01:33 Oui. Je n'ai toujours pas trouvé un utile pour ce demi-bouton que tu m'as donné l'année dernière.
01:38 Oh, c'est un beau bouton, Raine. N'aime-tu pas ?
01:42 J'apprécie le souhait, Pinky. Mais le seul truc que je veux dans le monde, c'est le monde !
01:48 Eh bien, je ne sais pas où trouver ça, Raine. En plus, comment je vais le réparer ?
01:53 Alors laisse-moi finir ma douleur par mon exercice en paix.
01:56 Hum... Qu'est-ce que je vais faire pour le reste du jour ?
01:59 Je n'en ai pas envie, Pinky. Juste me surprenez et restez sans problème.
02:02 Te surprener ?
02:06 Oh, c'est brillant, Raine !
02:08 Hum... Est-ce que tu penses ce que je pense ?
02:12 Qu'est-ce que tu dis, Pinky ?
02:14 Oh, rien, Raine !
02:16 Maintenant, je commence à entendre aussi.
02:19 Où ? "Chunky Cheesy" !
02:23 Oh, Raine aimerait ça !
02:26 Oh, je n'ai jamais fait une fête de surprise !
02:29 Je n'ai jamais fait de chose à part des pellets de nourriture.
02:33 Où trouverais-je des chaussettes de fête ?
02:35 Raine !
02:41 Désolée, Raine ! Il y avait un... un... un vol sur ton tête !
02:52 Sorry Pinky there was a... stupid look on your face. What are you doing at my chalkboard?
02:58 I was tracing my hand Brain. Yes, you know drawing... hands!
03:04 Zot!
03:05 By the way Brain, what is your hat size?
03:08 Pinky if you're going to act sillier than usual, which in itself is a feat, do it quietly. I'm going to meditate!
03:15 Rightio Brain! Buit!
03:19 Now to invite all the world leaders! Let's see... the National Inquisitor!
03:24 Hello! All night party? Toast to our Brain? Is this Roger? Forget it Buster!
03:32 Oh well, he's lost.
03:34 Not!
03:35 Now who's next? Yosser Arafat!
03:39 No!
03:43 Yet!
03:46 No way!
03:48 There's going to be plastic balls and chocolate cake!
03:51 No!
03:52 Oh, too bad.
03:53 Okay, bye Mr. Sonny Bono!
03:56 Oh dear, nobody can come to Brain's party!
03:59 Not!
04:00 I'm a failure!
04:02 How come I never get any important messages?
04:05 Party at Chunky Cheesy tonight? I'm there!
04:09 He's going to a party? Tonight? Well if he's going, I'm going!
04:17 Chunky Cheesy? Anywhere food goes, Boris goes!
04:22 What do you think Pinky? Does this make me look younger?
04:25 Turn this way. You know, actually Brain, it makes you look a little like Richard Simmons. Traws!
04:31 That's it! I'm cancelling my membership in the hair club for months!
04:36 Now what? Who is it?
04:41 Hey, hey! Mr. Pinky, Mr. Pinky, Mr. Pinky, Mr. Pinky, these are all for Mr. Pinky.
04:48 Oh, that would be me! I mean, I'm Mr. Pinky!
04:51 Zut!
04:52 I mean, you know, it's probably just junk mail, Brain.
04:54 Not!
04:55 I'll get rid of it right away!
04:57 Joy, what lovely luck! Traws, these heads of state are coming to Brain's party after all!
05:04 I do hope they bring their bodies of state.
05:07 Pinky, Pinky, I know you're in there. I demand to know what's going on.
05:12 Um, just having a little chat with the, um, cleaning products.
05:16 Boink! Be out in a jiff, Brain!
05:18 Brain?
05:20 Hmm.
05:26 Who? World leaders!
05:33 Hmm.
05:34 World leaders, chunky cheesy.
05:39 Tonight, my best friend is out to betray me.
05:43 Pinky taking over the world without me?
05:46 At two, Pinkus?
05:48 How could this happen? My only friend about to betray me.
05:56 Just when you think you know someone, he tries to take over the world right under your nose!
06:01 Ha! Over my rapidly improving, still, new-bile body.
06:05 If Pinky thinks he can steal my destiny, he's wrong!
06:09 Here, Brain. When you're done talking to yourself, why don't you meet me at this address at 7pm?
06:15 Don't come before 7, or you'll spoil the plan! Boink!
06:19 Oh, I won't show up before 7.
06:23 But a certain Mr. Richard Simmons will.
06:27 Boba! Boba! Boba!
06:31 12 pizzas! Top that, Boris!
06:39 Not now, Billy-Boy-Baba. I'm too busy doing my wacky dance.
06:44 Oh, you world leaders are so much fun!
06:47 I can't wait for another game of pin the maple leaf on Brian Mulrooney!
06:54 Now, everybody! Boris? Thank you.
06:57 If I could just have your attention for a moment, please.
07:00 I'd like to tell you about my friend, the Brain.
07:03 He has them in the palm of his hand. What Machiavellian self-promotion could he be feeding them?
07:09 Then he found a raisin under his towel.
07:12 And he gave it to me!
07:20 And that is my selfless, smart, pudgy friend, the Brain.
07:24 And it would mean so much to him if today, on his birthday, you would hand over your countries to him.
07:31 - No! - As a gift! Like it says on my refrigerator.
07:35 Love is dot dot dot.
07:37 Hmm, I do not know.
07:40 A country's kind of an important thing, eh?
07:43 Oh, but he's really, really smart!
07:45 I think of all he can do for the world. Think of the children. Think of the puppies.
07:50 Think of Sally Struthers!
07:52 He sounds like the cream of the borscht. Counting me in!
08:02 I said, here are the keys to my country.
08:09 Your Brain fellow sounds like a jolly good chap.
08:12 Yeah! And besides, that pizza was tasty!
08:15 My Brain will be so grateful!
08:19 Ah ha!
08:21 Everyone, meet Brain!
08:24 Looks more like Richard Simmons to me.
08:26 Have you people lost your minds? You fools!
08:30 Can't any of you multinational dolts see that this so-called Mr. Pinky is pulling a fast one on you?
08:39 He's a devious traitor! He's been plotting behind my back, planning this whole...
08:44 - Birthday party? - Birthday party, yes!
08:47 - Birthday party? - Oh yes, Brain.
08:49 And your gift is the world! Surprise!
08:52 No!
08:53 Pinky, you did all this for me, and now the world is mine?
08:59 This is not puppy-loving genius you tell us about!
09:03 I'll jolly well not turn my country over to Richard Simmons!
09:07 Yeah!
09:10 I'm not Richard Simmons, I'm the Brain!
09:13 You are too, Richard Simmons! Hey, I knew all along that thing was a wig!
09:17 I'm an idiot.
09:19 So am I!
09:21 Trods, want some cake?
09:23 I don't deserve a friend like you, Pinky.
09:25 No!
09:28 What do you want to do for your birthday next year, Brain?
09:30 Same thing I do every birthday, Pinky. Try to take over the world!
09:35 ♪ Hey Pinky, hey Pinky, I'm the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain! ♪
09:39 ♪ ♪ ♪
