• 5 months ago


00:00 Excuse me, I've got some rounds to make.
00:02 Wait, wait, wait.
00:03 Lucky man, my friend.
00:10 I sure am.
00:11 Sam, I was gonna ask you, how's the PI business?
00:15 Any interesting new cases?
00:17 Same old, same old.
00:19 Hey, Jason!
00:21 Hey.
00:21 Hey! I'm so glad Monica got you to come.
00:24 Yeah, I know she wanted to come herself.
00:28 And I know she would've wanted to tell you.
00:30 Congratulations.
00:31 Thank you.
00:33 Good to see you.
00:34 Sonny, we don't see enough of you.
00:39 You don't come around the neighborhood as much as you should.
00:41 Gloria's right.
00:42 Now listen, we're having a big Fourth of July party, just like every year.
00:46 I wanna see you there, Miss Shakin'.
00:47 Alright, I'll try.
00:48 No, no trying. Come here.
00:50 I'm so glad you came.
00:53 I would not miss this for the world.
00:56 Okay, say "Formaggio!"
00:58 Oh, no, that's okay.
01:00 We're not...
01:01 Well, you're not the mother of the bride.
01:03 I am, and I'm walking around taking pictures of everyone.
01:05 So, pick your favorite cheese and say "Formaggio!"
01:09 Formaggio!
01:11 Formaggio. Great. Oh, you're beautiful.
01:14 Our great-grandkids love your music.
01:18 Thank you.
01:19 Don't be embarrassed. You tell her.
01:21 Tell me what?
01:22 She loves it, too.
01:23 Kids start dancing, she's right there with them.
01:26 I'm pretty sure you know she's gonna break something.
01:28 I'm gonna break you.
01:30 So, Blaze, are you gonna perform today?
01:34 For our Brooklyn?
01:35 Yeah, who we love so much.
01:36 Oh, Blaze is a guest.
01:38 Yeah, I know she's a guest, but she's here and she's got that amazing voice.
01:41 Oh, well, um...
01:42 Well, actually, she really wanted to perform, but when you think about it,
01:45 if Brooklyn had her most important client perform at her wedding...
01:49 Exploitation.
01:51 Yeah, see? You got it.
01:53 Exactly. No, that's not it.
01:54 Yeah, yeah.
01:55 Not at all.
01:56 What did you think of my song?
01:59 We loved your song.
02:00 And you wrote that all by yourself?
02:02 Yes, I did.
02:03 Jason, it is so good to see you.
02:08 At this wedding, obviously, but also just in general, Spinelli really missed you, and so did I.
02:13 It's always good to see you.
02:14 Are you free to enjoy yourself, or do you still have responsibilities?
02:17 Uh, no, this is Olivia's show now. My responsibilities ended at the church.
02:21 Can I commend you on the music? That violinist was superlative.
02:24 I thought so, too, but I can't take any credit for that.
02:27 He's a cousin of the Cerullos or something.
02:29 Usually when a family says they have someone they want to play at the ceremony, it can be a total mess,
02:33 but I think he was really good.
02:35 Oh, Gio, your performance was perfection.
02:42 You could not have given Brooklyn a greater gift.
02:45 I'm glad that she liked it, but, I mean, Brooklyn was a little busy. I doubt she even noticed.
02:49 Are you kidding me? Everyone noticed your talent.
02:52 Oh, honey. All the family is so proud of you.
02:57 Daddy?
03:04 Huh?
03:05 I need to ask you a question, and you need to be honest with me.
03:09 Okay. Ask away.
03:13 What did you think about my song?
03:15 Honestly? I thought you were amazing.
03:19 Violet, it's almost dinner time. Why don't you go find our police cards in the ballroom?
03:30 You seem upset. Something happen?
03:40 No.
03:41 What's this?
03:52 It's samples. I just finished up wrapping up all the after party prep.
03:59 Hmm. Catering for two families. What were you thinking, volunteering for such a mission?
04:06 I honestly feel so bad that I couldn't make it to the wedding.
04:11 I wanted to go. I was planning on going, but I had no idea how much Lois and Olivia were expecting from me for this after party.
04:20 They gave me this long list of food to prepare, and being so new at the job, I couldn't say no.
04:27 I get it.
04:29 Well, Yuri and Leo are splitting some take out and playing video games.
04:36 Monica wanted a light dinner.
04:38 And being as everyone else is still at the reception, it seems that you and I have the core to main mountainside to ourselves.
04:50 Hmm.
04:56 Sorry, I didn't mean this, darling.
04:59 Not at all. Not at all. Actually, it's been really nice getting to see you hang out with your really loving family and friends.
05:05 Oh.
05:06 My God. For the love of God, I know it's a party, but you're causing a scene. Can you just reign it in?
05:14 Everything okay?
05:17 Why wouldn't it be?
05:19 I don't know, three names. Kate, Brennan, Pikeman. Why don't you just forget about all that for the evening, yeah?
05:27 I will if you will.
05:30 I will.
05:32 [toilet flushing]
05:36 [toilet flushing]
05:39 [toilet flushing]
05:42 [toilet flushing]
05:45 [toilet flushing]
05:48 [toilet flushing]
05:50 [toilet flushing]
05:52 [toilet flushing]
06:15 [kissing]
06:17 Thank you so much for playing. Didn't I tell you he was brilliant?
06:20 You did, and you did not exaggerate.
06:23 What?
06:25 I know it's not in your nature, but it wouldn't kill you to mingle?
06:29 You're right.
06:31 Yeah?
06:32 It's not in my nature.
06:33 Oh. I see.
06:35 It's not like I'm asking you to just go up to total strangers and start discussing the trends in, I don't know, coffee, fashion.
06:44 Gadgetry.
06:46 But there's a lot of people here who really miss you.
06:50 Look, no matter what my cousins say or do, we are not going to this after party.
06:56 Okay? They're going to try and get to me through you.
06:58 They're going to get you to go and then drag me along and we're going to present a united front, okay?
07:03 This is new for you.
07:05 What is?
07:06 Cowardice.
07:08 Wow.
07:12 [Clapping]
07:17 Too slow.
07:22 What do you mean?
07:24 I saw it, man. Pretty little homemade shank.
07:29 Well, I'm not saying that I have such an item, but if I did, what could I offer you to pretend you never saw it?
07:40 How about I just take the item?
07:42 You wouldn't want the guards finding something like that on you.
07:45 Ah, an ideal. You see, I made it.
07:50 Make a new one.
08:03 Well, I know Jack about wine, but judging from this year, I'm guessing these grapes were not growing in Napa last summer?
08:11 They were not.
08:12 And you didn't get this bottle from a local wine and spirit outlet?
08:16 Ned uncorked it last night and only had one glass.
08:20 Okay, but I'm wondering, are the Q's going to be okay with us absconding with this bottle?
08:28 We didn't abscond with anything. I did.
08:31 I'm a chef.
08:33 Even so.
08:34 Cody, please. I have had their wine before and it never bothered them, so why would it now?
08:39 Maybe because this bottle is expensive, even for them.
08:43 It probably was before it was corked, but you can be sure of one thing.
08:48 That wine is good tonight and it definitely won't be tomorrow.
08:52 Well then, as a budding wine connoisseur, I cannot in good conscience allow today's good wine go to waste tomorrow.
09:01 [Sighs]
09:02 How are you and Brooklyn related again?
09:06 Oh, we're cousins once removed. Wait, or is it twice? I always get that part confused.
09:10 Anyways, he's a cerulo on his mom's side. He gets his musical talent from his mom.
09:14 Oh, so your dad's not musical?
09:16 Uh, I don't really know. He was in the military. He died before I was born.
09:22 I am so sorry.
09:25 No, no, no, no. It's fine. I'm very proud of him. As you should be.
09:29 You know, actually, that guy in the blue suit there, he served in Afghanistan. He's now at the police academy.
09:35 Does he like it? You gotta ask him.
09:39 Oh, no, no, no, no. Do not try to recruit Gio to be a cop.
09:43 My grandmother would have a heart attack, not to mention the rest of the family.
09:46 No, no, no. Gio is going to be a concert violinist. Isn't that right?
09:50 Yeah, that's the plan.
09:57 I know it wasn't easy seeing your dad struggle. Look, he's fine.
10:02 Yeah, he seems to have recovered thanks to Tracy. She's really good with him.
10:06 Yeah, she is. Who would have thought?
10:09 Point is, let's not think about what happened, because your dad is having a wonderful time right now.
10:16 You are absolutely right.
10:26 It's been a while.
10:28 Yeah, it has. Excuse me.
10:31 Hey, you know what? Cadet Heller, how's he doing in the academy?
10:38 I'm not about to discuss that with you. And you should know better than to ask.
10:43 Should we go find our seats? What do you think?
10:48 Yeah, yeah. Let's do it.
10:49 Okay.
10:54 This program is brought to you by...
10:56 One of the most important lessons I've learned from Brooklyn is that just because you can't stand somebody,
11:02 for very good reasons, I might add,
11:05 doesn't mean that your lifelong enemy can't become one of your very best friends.
11:11 A friend that is there for you when you need someone the most.
11:18 Congratulations, Brooklyn.
11:23 Love you.
11:24 Love you.
11:25 Oh yeah, and Chase.
11:29 You sweet, handsome, honorable man, just do your best not to arrest her again.
11:35 Good luck with that.
11:37 Congratulations to the happy couple.
11:40 Aw.
11:41 Cheers, happy couple.
11:44 Thank you.
11:53 For being the best wicked stepmother ever.
11:55 I do what I can.
11:58 You've done good.
12:04 You didn't do too bad yourself.
12:07 Hi, I'm Gio.
12:12 Dex Heller.
12:14 Chase was telling me that you served in Afghanistan.
12:17 My dad did too.
12:19 Oh yeah?
12:21 No, no, he was killed in action before I was born, so, uh, no, I don't have a lot of details about his service.
12:27 I'm sorry for your loss.
12:29 Thanks.
12:31 I didn't mean to put you on the spot or anything, I just...
12:34 I think what you did was very important.
12:38 Thank you. So do I.
12:41 Your dad must have gone over there pretty early, was it 2001, 2002?
12:45 It was 2002, yeah.
12:46 Did you like it, serving in the military?
12:50 I... I did.
12:51 You know, it's hard when you're deployed. You, um, you spend a lot of time thinking about home.
12:55 I bet your dad spent a lot of time thinking about your mom and wondering who you would turn out to be.
12:59 A violinist?
13:02 I bet he would have really liked that.
13:04 When you're surrounded by destruction, you have a lot of respect for the people who create the things that are beautiful.
13:11 Like your music.
13:12 Hey, Dad.
13:16 Since I was all nothing to you, can you stop, you, talking to that guy right there?
13:20 Why?
13:22 He used to work for me, he's not trustworthy.
13:23 Oh, come on, it's a wedding reception, Sonny. They're probably talking about sports scores.
13:28 I don't care. I don't want him talking to him.
13:30 What? Listen, the bigger deal you make of this, the bigger of a deal it's gonna be. So just let it go, okay?
13:38 I don't want to do that, so...
13:41 There's probably never a...
13:43 There's probably never a...
13:44 Maxine?
13:49 Yeah.
13:50 Maximista?
13:52 Uh-huh.
13:54 When's the last time I told you how beautiful you look?
13:59 You mean, like, in the last 15 minutes?
14:04 That's far too long.
14:06 It's my life.
14:08 Allow me...
14:09 Got a minute?
14:11 I'm so not sure.
14:13 I really wonder how the wedding is going.
14:17 It's a wedding. It's either great or it's God-awful. There's no in-between.
14:20 Well, if those are the options, then I think it's going great.
14:24 Well, you can wish all you want, but there's about a billion things that could go wrong.
14:28 They could forget the rings, someone could object, there could be food poisoning, runaway bride, runaway groom.
14:35 Oh, okay. Well, until I hear otherwise, I choose to believe that this wedding day is everything Brooklyn and Chase would want.
14:43 And I can't wait to see pictures.
14:45 You want some more? I could use some.
14:49 Hey! Whoa. What...
14:52 What is with you?
14:54 You're with me.
14:56 Do you have something against weddings?
14:58 No, no. Not weddings, per se.
15:02 I just kind of thought, you know, hoped it was a cliche that all women dream of a big formal church wedding.
15:08 Why does it matter?
15:10 Because even if a guy like me could convince a woman to marry him, I doubt I could afford the big fancy wedding of her dreams.
15:21 I thought you didn't want to discuss this tonight.
15:28 Yeah, well, I changed my mind.
15:29 Okay, look, Samantha, you know I would love to help you, but I also value my freedom far too much to investigate the FBI.
15:35 Spinelli.
15:36 Okay, what is... what's the goal here anyway, besides getting locked up in federal prison?
15:41 Full disclosure?
15:43 Yes, by all means. Redact nothing.
15:45 I'm not sure.
15:47 Samantha, okay, a fishing expedition is one thing, but the data stores of federal law enforcement are vast beyond comprehension.
15:57 How would we even know how to start?
15:59 I don't know. Maybe you can help me.
16:01 All I do know is that Jason has been working for the FBI as an informant.
16:07 I'm sorry. Working for the FBI?
16:13 Yeah. I know. It sounds crazy, right?
16:17 But Jason actually told me so himself. And the only reason why he would work as an informant would be...
16:26 If the FBI held damning evidence against him.
16:30 Yeah. And we have to find it.
16:33 Well, it is that time, folks, where we welcome our beautiful newlyweds to the dance floor.
16:43 [applause]
16:46 [music]
16:49 [applause]
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16:59 [applause]
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17:05 [music]
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17:59 [music]
18:02 [music]
18:05 [music]
18:08 [music]
18:15 [music]
18:19 [music]
18:23 [music]
18:27 [music]
18:32 May I have this dance?
18:33 Yes, you may. Don't be jealous.
18:35 Of what?
18:36 Think of a reason.
18:37 [laughter]
18:39 I'm gonna go dance with Gregory.
18:41 [music]
18:46 [music]
18:50 Um...
18:52 We don't need that.
18:53 [music]
18:55 [music]
18:59 [music]
19:25 [music]
19:28 Looks like he's having a good time.
19:41 He's surrounded by Skrullos.
19:43 How could he not be?
19:44 [laughter]
19:45 Well, you know, you're lucky to have a dad like Sonny.
19:49 But I think you already know that.
19:51 I do.
19:53 Although I gotta say, if you only knew him back in the day...
19:57 Oh.
19:58 Do I even wanna know?
20:00 Your dad is a stand-up guy.
20:03 Always has been.
20:05 And always will be.
20:07 This would help Jason?
20:14 Honestly, I don't know.
20:17 But I think we have to at least try.
20:19 Because Jason would do the exact same thing for us.
20:23 I'm in.
20:28 Thank you.
20:31 [music]
20:35 Keep up with my sick moves.
20:38 Hi.
20:42 Hi.
20:43 [music]
20:47 [music]
20:50 The bride gets to pick who she dances with on her wedding day.
20:59 It would be my honor.
21:02 I thought you'd never ask.
21:12 [laughter]
21:13 [music]
21:15 [music]
21:17 Italy.
21:26 KFC.
21:27 First of all, I don't think that all women dream of getting married in the first place.
21:32 Let alone have a big wedding that takes over a year to plan.
21:36 And at least a year's salary to pay for.
21:39 And traditionally, the groom doesn't even pay for the wedding.
21:42 The bride's family does.
21:44 Okay, is that a part of the dowry?
21:46 Or is that in addition to, since we're talking tradition?
21:48 And traditionally, sure, every fairy tale ends with a wedding.
21:54 You clearly weren't raised by Germans.
21:56 Grimm brothers.
21:57 And popular culture tells little girls that their wedding day is the one day they get to be a princess.
22:04 But I think that it's just one way to celebrate love.
22:12 If you have a better way, I'm all ears.
22:15 Well, take me and Brenda, for example.
22:18 We got married in a garage.
22:20 And yeah, that wasn't really what we imagined, but we were just so excited to get to the happily ever after part.
22:29 And when that didn't happen, yeah, I felt cheated.
22:38 Because a wedding day is just one day of your life.
22:45 But the marriage, chance to grow old with your best friend, that lasts a lifetime.
22:54 Or it's supposed to, anyway.
22:58 All the single ladies.
23:03 Come.
23:05 Ladies, ladies, keep your head in the game.
23:08 All right.
23:09 You're ready.
23:10 Okay.
23:11 You ready?
23:12 Oh!
23:15 [applause]
23:18 Congratulations, Brian.
23:20 [applause]
23:26 I'm so glad.
23:27 I want to have a dance with my beautiful bride.
23:30 I love you.
23:31 I want to dance with you, but I've got to check the Viennese table.
23:34 Uh, but do you really?
23:38 Fine.
23:42 Hey, you're going so soon?
23:44 Yeah, I've got a big day ahead.
23:46 Can I give you a ride?
23:48 No, you know, I think I'm going to stay a little longer.
23:50 Well, that's too bad.
23:51 I've been meaning to tell you about my last conversation with McConkie.
23:54 Please don't tell me he wants an entire pier to go with Esplanade.
23:58 No, no, no, let's just, uh, let's just say the congressman has given me a lot to think about.
24:04 We'll talk.
24:06 Your teeth.
24:08 Excuse me, would you like water?
24:11 Oh, thank you, young man.
24:13 Of course.
24:14 With all the excitement and the dancing and everything, my head was beginning to spin a little bit.
24:19 Um, what's your name?
24:21 I'm Dex Heller.
24:22 Hi, Dex.
24:23 And how do you know my granddaughter and her new husband?
24:27 I'm a cadet with the PCPD.
24:29 Ah, you're a policeman.
24:31 Oh, your family must be so proud of you.
24:34 Oh, we're so pleased and thrilled to have Chase in our family.
24:38 Well, Chase is an exceptional officer.
24:40 Yes, and of course you know Dante.
24:42 Yes, ma'am.
24:43 Yes, well, Dante, let me see, he's got to be a three.
24:45 No, fifth cop in his generation in the falconary side of the family.
24:52 No, Lois, do you know Dex?
24:54 Mm-hmm.
24:55 Yes, he saw that I was parched and he brought a glass of water over to me.
25:00 I was very thoughtful of you.
25:02 Thank you, Dex.
25:03 It was no problem.
25:04 And you know what else?
25:05 Mm-hmm.
25:06 Dex is at the police academy.
25:08 You should introduce him to your cousin Lucia.
25:11 If they were to marry, then there would be four cops on the Cerullo side.
25:16 Ma, you just met the guy and you're already marrying him.
25:19 I'm so sorry.
25:20 Oh, not at all.
25:21 For my mother, really.
25:23 Although I will say, you should meet Lucia.
25:25 I mean, she is a beautiful girl and also very smart.
25:28 She has a degree in computer science.
25:30 But no, no pressure, though.
25:31 Stop, stop.
25:32 No pressure at all.
25:33 Ma.
25:43 [GROANING]
26:20 The whole ever after thing, you know?
26:22 I make sure the horses are healthy.
26:24 I clean out their stalls.
26:25 I live day to day.
26:26 Given where I'm from, the whole long-term thing didn't really seem like a great option.
26:33 You get that?
26:34 When you marry someone you love, thinking long-term is the default setting.
26:40 But then when it's cut short, you realize that making big plans and relying on them happening,
26:47 it sets you up for disappointment.
26:51 Don't-- don't get me wrong.
26:53 I mean, you know, hoping for a future with the person you love doesn't seem like a bad thing.
26:59 It's just in my personal experience, when you don't plan too far ahead, it leaves you open for surprises.
27:05 Like parachuting into a swimming pool.
27:07 Yeah.
27:08 Or quitting your spokesmodel job because someone calls you too wholesome.
27:11 Or finding a family, even though you can't tell them you're a part of it.
27:15 Or this, you know?
27:17 Great wine, great food, great company.
27:23 Hold that thought.
27:25 I didn't say anything.
27:26 Nah, hold it.
27:40 May I have this dance?
27:46 I remember how much trouble you used to be.
27:49 Well, I married a cop, needed an inside man.
27:53 I don't know, I was good thinking.
27:54 Well, you should try it sometime.
27:56 Oh!
27:57 Just saying.
28:00 Well, Brooklyn, congratulations.
28:03 I know next time my Maxi gets drawn into a convoluted deception involving risk, danger, and intrigue, she'll be an excellent dancer.
28:11 That's sort of our thing.
28:15 Believe it or not, I think I've said all I have to say.
28:17 And I heard it.
28:19 You're gonna have the best life.
28:20 I just wish I deserved it.
28:22 What are you talking about?
28:23 Of course you deserve it.
28:25 That's why it's yours.
28:32 We saw you two on the dance floor.
28:33 Nice moves.
28:34 Yeah.
28:35 You know, it's kind of like Dex forgot that Jocelyn's my little sister and that I'd do anything to protect her.
28:39 Okay, that's enough.
28:41 Thank you.
28:42 Dex knows that I'm kidding.
28:44 Actually, I'm not kidding.
28:49 Found someone's hearing aid.
28:50 It's probably Carmine's.
28:52 I'm gonna go find him then.
29:16 You're coming to the after party, Dante.
29:18 I won't take no for an answer.
29:20 Patty, I would love to go, but I've got kids to tuck in and crime to fight.
29:23 That sounds great.
29:24 I think you should go right ahead.
29:26 Deputy Mayor, you coming?
29:28 Oh, you know, I can't.
29:30 I got a city to deputy run.
29:33 Dante, don't worry.
29:35 Spinelli and I can drive you and Jordan to the after party.
29:37 I don't want to go.
29:39 Yeah, I really can't.
29:42 Yes, you do.
29:44 Yeah, you can.
29:46 Oh, okay, yeah, yeah.
29:48 Hey, you know what, Patty, we'll meet you there.
29:50 How's that?
29:51 Perfect.
29:52 Yeah, can't wait.
29:53 See you there.
29:54 See you there.
29:55 Bye.
29:56 Dad, I cannot stop thanking you.
30:00 I would do it again in a heartbeat.
30:02 And thank you for...
30:04 Yeah.
30:06 I certainly hope you regret, um, arresting me.
30:11 You know, I would do it again in a heartbeat.
30:14 Good answer.
30:16 Good answer.
30:18 Come on, Violet, let's go.
30:19 Let me walk you out.
30:25 Thank you.
30:27 For what?
30:29 Everything.
30:31 Always.
30:34 [♪♪♪]
30:37 Cirillos are my people.
30:49 You enjoying yourself?
30:51 With my people?
30:54 Having a good time?
30:56 A good time, actually.
30:58 That's the wrong answer.
31:01 You're like family to me.
31:03 You stay away from my family.
31:08 I was invited the same as you.
31:10 You are snitch!
31:11 A spy!
31:15 You're lucky to be breathing.
31:18 I'm gonna tell you.
31:21 You stay away from me and mine.
31:27 Or you may not be breathing much longer.
31:34 I'm not your enemy.
31:36 [♪♪♪]
31:38 [♪♪♪]
31:40 [♪♪♪]
31:42 [sighs]
31:53 Wow.
31:56 [door slams]
31:59 Come on.
32:01 We did it.
32:03 Yeah.
32:04 We tied the knot.
32:05 We crossed the finish line.
32:07 Oh, and you are my husband.
32:11 And you are my wife.
32:13 Oh, wife.
32:16 Now what?
32:18 Now we have a great wedding night,
32:21 followed by a great honeymoon in Florence,
32:24 and then we spend the rest of our lives together.
32:27 How's that sound?
32:28 I'm so glad I hit you with that bottle.
32:32 Wait, I thought that was an accident.
32:34 Oh, that was no accident.
32:36 That was luck.
32:38 [♪♪♪]
32:40 Hey, Christina, I seem to have misplaced your father.
32:48 Oh, sorry about that.
32:50 Uh-oh, what'd you do to him?
32:52 I didn't.
32:54 He hasn't seen his family in a long time.
32:56 Probably got caught up telling stories from back in the day.
32:59 Oh, well, that makes sense.
33:00 I'm just ready to go up.
33:01 Do you want to ride up with me?
33:03 I'm not tired just yet.
33:05 Okay.
33:06 Well, will you tell your dad I had a great time?
33:08 Thanks again, and have a really great evening.
33:10 Yeah, sure.
33:11 Okay.
33:12 [♪♪♪]
33:14 Okay, don't judge me,
33:16 but I kind of want to get another piece of cake.
33:19 Grab two and meet me in my room.
33:21 Done.
33:22 Ah.
33:23 [♪♪♪]
33:25 The reception should be all right.
33:41 Probably.
33:45 Lyd and Olivia and Tracy will be home soon.
33:50 Can't keep them waiting.
33:53 And I've got an after-party to throw, so...
33:59 Yeah, I gotta go.
34:02 Okay.
34:04 One more song.
34:08 [♪♪♪]
34:10 [♪♪♪]
34:12 What have we got?
34:16 Stab wound to the abdomen.
34:17 BP 70 over 40, heart rate 130.
34:19 He's lost a lot of blood.
34:20 Let's get him to trauma one.
34:22 Ooh, Olivia, Olivia.
34:24 What's wrong? Who's under arrest?
34:26 We were so close. No.
34:27 No one's under arrest.
34:28 I just wanted to say it was a great party.
34:31 Thank God.
34:32 Always good when a wedding is over and no one is in custody.
34:34 It is.
34:35 I'm just glad when the wedding happens at all.
34:36 Oh, well, it was lovely.
34:38 Congratulations.
34:39 Thank you. Thank you.
34:40 Good night, Anna.
34:41 Good night.
34:42 Bye.
34:43 [phone ringing]
34:45 Devane?
34:51 Where's Brennan now?
34:55 Okay, I'm on my way.
34:59 Joss, can we give you a lift?
35:01 Uh, no, I think I'm okay, actually.
35:03 Thank you, Val.
35:04 Are you sure it's not in some trouble?
35:06 No, Michael, I'm sure Joss can make her own arrangements.
35:09 Why, why, why should she?
35:11 Okay, we're leaving.
35:13 Have a fun rest of your night.
35:14 Okay, thank you.
35:15 You too.
35:16 Bye.
35:17 Come on.
35:23 Come on.
35:24 You know what I do to traitors?
35:28 Huh?
35:29 Come on.
35:31 Let go of me.
35:33 Let go.
35:35 Get out of here.
35:36 I'm gonna kill you both.
35:37 You're both dead to me.
35:39 I'm gonna put a gun in your heads.
35:41 [whispering]
35:44 [gunshot]
35:46 (dramatic music)
35:48 (upbeat music)
