• 5 months ago


00:03 You talked to Carly?
00:10 Yeah.
00:11 We've got trouble.
00:14 Your regular wine list is somewhat lacking tonight.
00:18 Didn't the previous owner keep a supply of interesting wine
00:21 for the more discriminating customer?
00:22 That's still the case.
00:23 Special occasion?
00:28 Hoping to rekindle an old flame.
00:33 Yes?
00:38 This is Clement, the pharmacist.
00:41 I'm aware.
00:43 Our deal is off.
00:46 I'm going to need you to clarify that.
00:48 I'm done messing with Sonny Corinthos's medications.
00:51 His wife is onto us.
00:55 The basis for my disbarment was an accusation
00:58 of perjury based on hearsay evidence.
01:01 No one involved with the accusation
01:03 was present for or affected by the statement in question.
01:08 That bad, huh?
01:10 I'm sorry.
01:12 I got distracted by pictures of the rehearsal
01:15 dinner in Coney Island.
01:17 Let me see.
01:19 Aw.
01:20 It looks like they're having a good time.
01:23 How long do you think it'll be before Lois convinces
01:26 Tracy to go on the cyclone?
01:29 Anything's possible.
01:31 Well, nothing compares to our parachute jump.
01:33 Nothing at all.
01:34 No, I didn't mean to get us off track.
01:37 Let's get back to rehearsing your pitch
01:39 for reinstatement to the bar.
01:42 You know what?
01:43 It's fine.
01:44 Let's take a breather.
01:46 Absolutely not.
01:46 If you're going to spend your evening babysitting me,
01:49 at least let me make myself useful.
01:53 How bad?
01:54 Oh, god, well, I think the severity of this situation
01:59 all hinges on whether or not you can handle Carly before she
02:03 blows this entire operation and gets herself
02:07 sent to prison in the bargain.
02:12 Look at the McConkie esplanade like the High Line
02:34 in Manhattan, right?
02:37 The plan is to transform something that's run down
02:39 and flat out dangerous into something that's
02:42 beautiful and safe and clean, a place where pedestrians
02:46 can gather in large numbers.
02:48 I'm telling you, we do this right,
02:51 and it should vastly improve the city's fortunes.
02:54 And alter the perception people have of Port Charles being
02:57 a haven for organized crime.
02:59 Yeah, that couldn't hurt.
03:00 So what do you think?
03:01 I mean, is this kind of what you pictured?
03:04 Well, I am definitely impressed.
03:07 It's a bold and imaginative idea and a big investment
03:10 for the future of Port Charles.
03:11 Well, that's great news.
03:12 I'm glad we are in agreement on that.
03:14 But it's not big enough.
03:17 The way you have it laid out, this proposal
03:19 won't even get off the ground.
03:22 Come on, Alexis.
03:23 I know Finn asked you to watch over me while everyone's
03:27 off at Coney Island.
03:29 He did not.
03:31 He is worried about your well-being while he's away,
03:33 but my coming here was my idea.
03:35 Because A, I really do want your help.
03:38 And B, you are my friend, not my charge,
03:43 and certainly not someone that I need to babysit for.
03:47 OK, maybe that was a poor choice of words,
03:50 but my point remains.
03:53 Gregory, Finn just wants you to be OK.
03:59 And he agonizes over how to do that without trespassing
04:04 on your autonomy.
04:06 He knows that your time is limited,
04:09 and he doesn't want to waste any of it with the two of you
04:12 being at odds with each other.
04:16 Wow, sounds like you two had quite
04:19 the emotional conversation.
04:23 I'm guessing he also told you that I lost my temper
04:27 and dredged up his little tryst with Jackie
04:30 on our wedding eve.
04:33 Of course he did.
04:34 Finn was hurting, and you're his friend.
04:37 Look, I got frustrated.
04:40 I wanted to be left alone by myself for a few hours.
04:44 And when he argued against it, I retaliated by laying
04:49 a hell of a guilt trip on him.
04:50 It was a cheap shot, as cheap as they come.
04:56 OK, listen, tell me exactly what's happened.
04:59 Sonny's wife came to my office earlier today
05:02 asking a lot of questions about his prescription.
05:05 She knows he's not on the full dose of his meds.
05:07 OK, and?
05:08 And what?
05:09 Isn't that bad enough?
05:12 She knows.
05:13 She threatened you?
05:15 Have the police been contacted, Sonny?
05:17 No, no, but you're not listening to me.
05:20 No, I am listening.
05:21 I've heard everything that you've said.
05:23 You said that a woman claiming to be Mrs. Corinthos
05:25 approached you claiming that she knows
05:27 you have been delivering Sonny a lower than prescribed dose
05:30 of his bipolar medication.
05:31 And rather than going to the authorities,
05:34 she turned and walked away.
05:35 Does that sound about right?
05:37 More or less.
05:39 Why aren't you as upset about this as I am?
05:41 OK, listen, if this wife of Sonny's wanted you arrested,
05:45 you'd be in handcuffs by now.
05:48 Can you describe her to me?
05:49 Well, she was blonde, beautiful.
05:53 Honestly, that's all I remember.
05:55 It all happened so fast.
05:56 I can identify her.
05:58 In the meantime, you stay the course
05:59 and continue to deliver Sonny the lower dose.
06:02 But what if Sonny's wife actually does report me?
06:06 Sonny doesn't have a wife, not currently.
06:08 But he does have several beautiful blondes in his orbit,
06:14 and I am familiar with all of them.
06:18 I'll identify the woman who approached you,
06:21 and I will deal with her appropriately.
06:27 You were right.
06:28 Carly was listening in on your conversation with John,
06:31 and she took it upon herself to go visit Brennan in Pentonville,
06:34 where she proceeded to inform him that Kate
06:37 was looking into Pikeman.
06:39 So now that means that this operation is--
06:42 is blown.
06:43 Yeah, because Brennan, he's going
06:45 to reach out to whatever allies he has left at the WSB
06:49 to obstruct this investigation.
06:52 And if the FBI can't build the case against Brennan--
06:54 Then my-- my deal with Kate's is blown.
06:58 And Carly will be prosecuted.
06:59 And that can't happen.
07:00 I know.
07:00 It can't happen.
07:03 Well, I've been thinking.
07:06 It stands to reason that the first person he would reach out
07:08 to is ostensibly the same target that we're after.
07:11 Whoever's running Pikeman.
07:12 Right.
07:13 So if we can find out how he makes
07:15 contact with his successor, then actually, we
07:19 could use Carly's mistake to our advantage.
07:24 Well, this is fortuitous.
07:25 I was thinking about you, and here you are.
07:27 Oh, perfect timing.
07:28 What's up?
07:29 I heard from Charlotte.
07:30 I have an update on that equestrian event in Normandy.
07:32 Oh, I do want to hear about that.
07:34 But unfortunately, I have a meeting that I have to get to.
07:37 Oh, all right.
07:38 Well, then another time. - OK.
07:39 Just one question.
07:40 You haven't reconciled with Sonny, have you?
07:44 No, no.
07:45 I'm sorry, where did you hear that?
07:47 I thought I heard somebody say-- obviously, I was mistaken.
07:49 No, Sonny and I are not together,
07:51 and we're not getting back together either.
07:53 Sonny and I are done for good.
07:54 OK, well, you know how I feel about him, his loss.
07:57 And Ava's gain.
07:59 Come again?
08:00 No, Ava's warming her way into Sonny's house and his life,
08:04 and she somehow made it, where she's
08:07 one of the very few people that Sonny
08:08 feels like he could trust.
08:10 They're very close now, and Ava wouldn't have it any other way.
08:15 Well, then I guess you're well and truly out of it.
08:17 Perhaps I am, yeah.
08:20 Remember, they have to go.
08:21 I'll see you.
08:22 This program is brought--
08:30 Ava, spare a few moments for a friend.
08:38 Projects of this size need so many different approvals
08:44 from the regulatory bodies in the government,
08:46 and they're all just looking for a reason to say no.
08:49 Now, the environmental review will be particularly tough,
08:52 but our chances will increase exponentially
08:55 if we have enough powerful friends in Albany and DC.
08:59 And I'm assuming you know how to win them over?
09:03 I thought you'd never ask.
09:05 Let's start with the parking lots.
09:07 That's incredibly valuable real estate,
09:10 and you have so much space allocated for them.
09:12 Well, people have to park.
09:14 Only if you drive in.
09:15 Now, there's an abandoned rail line
09:17 ending right at the waterfront.
09:20 It may be old, but it's still viable.
09:23 What if we get it back into workable shape,
09:25 then connect it to the existing light rail network?
09:29 And voila, now it's not just a waterfront redevelopment.
09:34 It's mass transit.
09:36 Exactly, and we can just sit back
09:38 and watch the state and federal grants pour in.
09:40 That is an amazing idea, Jordan.
09:43 It is, isn't it?
09:44 But I'm not done yet.
09:45 I also think we should dredge the harbor
09:48 at the dock adjacent to the Esplanade
09:52 and make it suitable for ferry service.
09:54 Like service to Canada?
09:57 Yeah, think about it.
09:59 The current drive time to Toronto
10:01 from Port Charles is three hours.
10:03 A high-speed ferry will cut that time down to one hour.
10:06 We would be an international tourist destination.
10:10 And those tax dollars will pour in.
10:13 Jordan, you are really good at this.
10:15 (laughs)
10:16 I appreciate the enthusiasm.
10:18 How could anybody say no to this?
10:19 I feel like the next thing to do is just break ground.
10:22 Okay, slow down, slow down.
10:24 We still have to get official approval.
10:25 And then we can pop the champagne.
10:28 What are we celebrating?
10:32 Okay, so if Brendan reaches out
10:37 to whoever's controlling Pikeman,
10:38 we just need to be ready and marching.
10:39 Okay, I'll talk to the authorities at Meadow.
10:43 Meanwhile, I'm still pursuing the other angle.
10:46 What was that?
10:47 Valentin.
10:49 So I'm meeting with him shortly.
10:52 You okay with that?
10:53 Yeah, I mean, you know, he claimed to be in Europe
10:58 when he was actually here
11:00 monitoring the first attempt on Sonny's life.
11:03 So that's proof that he's more involved with Pikeman
11:07 than he's letting on.
11:09 And I really need to find out just how involved.
11:13 And you are our best chance
11:15 of getting any information from him.
11:17 Maybe.
11:18 I think there's something else that we need to discuss.
11:23 Do we give John a heads up as to what we're doing?
11:26 As far as I'm concerned,
11:29 I don't need to talk to him
11:30 until I tell him who's running Pikeman.
11:31 I don't wanna work with him.
11:32 I don't wanna deal with him.
11:34 But you're the police commissioner.
11:35 This is a joint operation, so I will take your lead.
11:39 I agree with you.
11:40 John's playing it very close to the best.
11:42 So will we.
11:45 Sorry, Nina.
11:48 Gallery's closed.
11:49 Oh, you can make time for me, Ava.
11:51 After all, I never told Sonny
11:52 how you manipulated me into selling my hotel to Jason.
11:56 Is that what I did?
11:58 I'm sure you can appreciate my discretion.
12:01 On the other hand, I wished you'd be more forthcoming
12:04 in your dealings with Crimson.
12:06 Well, I don't know what you're talking about.
12:08 I have nothing to do with Crimson.
12:10 Really?
12:11 Well, that's odd,
12:12 because my assistant just asked me for my approval
12:15 for a last minute addition
12:17 to Next Issue's cultural calendar.
12:20 When you know, there's an exciting new African artist
12:23 making her debut in the United States,
12:26 and her opening just happens to be taking place
12:29 in the very gallery we're standing in.
12:31 I'm very successful at what I do.
12:35 It stands to reason that a talented artist
12:37 would choose my gallery.
12:39 And to promote said artist,
12:41 you've lobbied one of our assistant editors
12:44 for the mention.
12:45 Okay.
12:48 All right, Nina, you got me.
12:50 But the fact is, the artist is extremely talented,
12:54 and their work deserves to be seen.
12:56 I make no apologies for that.
12:57 I agree, I agree.
12:58 Her work is beautiful,
12:59 and I think Crimson should spotlight worthy artists.
13:03 I have no issue featuring her,
13:05 despite your many, many transgressions.
13:08 Then what's the problem?
13:10 I don't like that you went behind my back.
13:12 You come to me first.
13:13 Next time, I'm not gonna be so generous.
13:15 I was protecting the artist, Nina.
13:19 I thought you would cancel the mention
13:22 if you knew it came from me.
13:23 Yeah, you're smart to worry.
13:25 'Cause you snake Sonny away from me,
13:27 all while lying and pretending to be my friend.
13:30 If that's not worthy of payback,
13:32 I don't know what is.
13:35 There you go again.
13:37 Always looking for somebody to blame.
13:39 You ruined your relationship with Sonny,
13:43 all on your own, with your lies.
13:46 And you didn't wait five minutes
13:48 before you took advantage of our breakup.
13:50 That's okay.
13:52 It's done, it's done.
13:53 I don't have a future with Sonny, I know that now.
13:56 I have finally accepted that we're over for good.
14:02 (dramatic music)
14:04 - Fine, with your marriage to Sonny being over.
14:07 - You were there when I signed the divorce papers.
14:10 Oh, I imagine that you delivered those papers
14:12 to Sonny yourself, didn't you?
14:14 It's not what I wanted,
14:16 but I've accepted the reality of it.
14:19 - Well, that sounds too evolved to be true.
14:23 - I mean, you don't think that I can grow and change?
14:26 - The way I see it, baby snatching.
14:30 Letting Sonny's family believe he was dead
14:32 and anonymous tips to the SEC are all different sides
14:36 of the same vindictive coin.
14:39 So no, no, I don't see any evidence
14:42 of you growing or changing, Nina.
14:44 - Well, I never claimed to be perfect.
14:46 The point is I'm trying to be better.
14:48 You should know what that looks like.
14:50 You tried it once for a minute or two,
14:52 you Nicholas, sort of had something real, didn't you?
14:55 And who knows if you could have sustained it, Ava?
15:00 You might still be married and he wouldn't be in prison.
15:02 - Well, you're probably right about that.
15:06 I went to see him.
15:08 - Don't mistake me for someone who still cares.
15:12 We have no friendship anymore.
15:14 - We did.
15:15 - I know that.
15:17 It was really nice being able to confide in you.
15:21 With the first chance you had to help yourself
15:23 to something that was mine, you took it.
15:25 And the friendship is over.
15:27 I mean, professionally, I'm sure that the two of us
15:30 can be mature enough to get the most out of it,
15:33 but that's all that we will ever be to each other now.
15:37 I hope it was worth it.
15:41 - Things just got out of hand.
15:45 I felt like he was ignoring my wishes,
15:48 like he wasn't listening to me.
15:51 He wasn't seeing me, his father,
15:54 and it just reduced me to this stinking disease again.
15:59 I should have just stopped the conversation
16:02 and said, "Let's start again when we've calmed down."
16:04 But instead I lashed out
16:07 and said the cruelest thing possible.
16:09 Can't tell you how much I regret it.
16:12 - Do you have any idea how much stress you're under?
16:15 It's ridiculous.
16:16 Show yourself some grace.
16:18 I mean, my God, do you know how many times
16:20 I've screwed up as a mother?
16:22 And I had no excuse.
16:24 - Did I ever tell you about the time
16:27 Christina came out to me?
16:28 Did I tell you about how I reacted?
16:30 - I don't believe so.
16:33 - Yeah, well, she didn't get the love and acceptance
16:36 that she was hoping for and deserved.
16:38 - Really, that surprises me.
16:40 I would have thought--
16:41 - Yeah, that I would have put out the rainbow flag.
16:44 And yes, I am 100% supportive of the LGBT community,
16:47 but when it was my own daughter in front of me,
16:51 I got scared.
16:53 - Of what?
16:55 (gentle music)
16:55 - Of how much harder her life could be
16:58 and people's prejudices and scary moments
17:02 that would happen to her
17:03 and I wouldn't be able to protect her.
17:05 I mean, there she was, so vulnerable
17:09 and wanted my unconditional love.
17:11 And honestly, it was one of my worst moments as a mother.
17:15 - Sorry to hear that.
17:18 - Well, it became my best moment,
17:23 one of my best moments anyway,
17:25 because you make a mistake, you learn from it.
17:27 And I did, I self-reflected, I educated myself,
17:31 I listened to other people talking to me.
17:33 I apologized to her and I explained to her
17:35 why I reacted the way I did and she understood
17:39 and we were better off for it.
17:42 - I'm glad to hear that,
17:44 but I really don't think our situations are the same.
17:48 - Gregory, your situation is exactly the same.
17:52 You made a mistake, you're human.
17:54 And by the way, that is quite a relief
17:56 because your being so saintly is really infuriating.
17:58 Just apologize to him, don't let it fester.
18:03 - I plan to.
18:04 I just, I'm not sure that an apology alone will do.
18:10 - I didn't expect to see you today, Jordan.
18:14 It's been a while.
18:15 - It has.
18:17 I think the last time we spoke,
18:18 I sent a group of apartment residents over to your office.
18:21 Sent, sicked is I think the word you're looking for
18:25 and they were mightily disgruntled
18:27 that I didn't wanna support their affordable housing project
18:31 - And was dealing with them not worth the return
18:35 of my get out the vote efforts for your reelection campaign?
18:39 - I always know where my bread is buttered.
18:41 - Jordan is a valuable ally.
18:43 - And don't you forget it.
18:45 I have to get going,
18:46 but thank you for getting behind the esplanade.
18:49 We are really appreciative of your help
18:51 and we will definitely do good things in your name.
18:53 - Oh, I appreciate that.
18:55 - Jordan, we'll talk soon.
18:56 - Yeah, I'll see you soon, bye.
18:57 - So your timing is impeccable because I've got a lay out.
19:01 - Yeah, just leave that alone for now.
19:03 I've got another reason for being here.
19:05 Why do you think I should get into bed
19:09 with a convicted criminal?
19:11 (dramatic music)
19:14 - Danny.
19:22 What are you doing here?
19:27 - Came here to see you.
19:29 Or are you gonna tell me to leave?
19:32 - You started without me.
19:35 - Just a little something to calm my nerves?
19:41 - Good Lord, you're beautiful.
19:43 - I didn't realize I could still make you nervous.
19:47 - Well, you can.
19:51 It's been a while since we've done this.
19:56 - Exactly.
19:57 So you should enjoy.
19:59 Relax.
20:01 I need to be so serious.
20:05 - With you, it's always been serious.
20:08 (dramatic music)
20:12 - Sometimes the difference is the ongoing business of Sonny.
20:16 - Ongoing's a good way to put it.
20:18 He's been a thorn in the PCPD's side for decades.
20:21 - It got a bit more complicated recently
20:23 because a former employee of his,
20:26 a young man, Dex Heller,
20:28 got accepted into the police academy.
20:30 - Oh yeah?
20:30 From mob foot soldier to police cadet?
20:33 That's a hell of a career train.
20:34 - Yes.
20:35 The other officers have been very quick to judge
20:38 because of his former occupation.
20:40 But I'm more worried that Sonny will retaliate,
20:44 you know, because he's switched sides.
20:46 - Yeah.
20:47 Sonny's not really a forgive and forget, is he?
20:49 Why would Dex risk his wrath by becoming a cop?
20:52 - It was my doing.
20:56 I originally suggested that he should
21:01 apply to the police academy
21:03 because I thought it would be a way to back Sonny off
21:06 and protect the young man.
21:08 But now I think the drive behind it is Dex
21:11 and his need to redeem himself.
21:13 You can understand how powerful that is, yeah?
21:18 - Well, he could hardly find a better mentor
21:23 if he's looking for redemption.
21:24 I mean, you've been spending your entire career
21:26 chasing that.
21:27 - Why do you think an apology is not enough for Finn?
21:31 - I honestly don't know.
21:33 Like your reaction to Christina's coming out,
21:37 I shocked myself with what I said to Finn.
21:40 I thought I was long over all the hurt and anger
21:45 about what happened between him and Jackie.
21:47 I was just grateful to have Finn back in my life
21:51 and be able to spend time with him and Violet.
21:53 I was blindsided to realize
21:57 that I'm holding on to that resentment.
22:00 - Explain it to Finn the way you explained it to me.
22:02 He will understand
22:03 because I know that he still feels guilt about this too.
22:06 - I thought we were long past all of this.
22:11 - What happened in the past happened.
22:13 Pretending it didn't happen is just giving it power.
22:17 So just acknowledge it and just get over it
22:20 and beyond it, move on.
22:22 - I see your point.
22:24 - The fact that you two love each other
22:26 is literally all that matters right now.
22:31 - You make a very compelling case.
22:33 Anyone ever tell you you'd make a great lawyer?
22:36 That's your cue to hit me
22:39 with your opening statement again.
22:41 - Really, I don't know,
22:42 I dare you in the headspace for that?
22:44 - Absolutely, come on, give it a go.
22:46 Counselor, convince me you should be reinstated.
22:49 - May it please the court.
22:52 - Well, then I guess we're done here.
22:54 - I guess so.
23:00 - Agent Cates?
23:01 - Ms. Jerome, am I interrupting something?
23:04 - Not at all.
23:07 Nina was just leaving.
23:09 - Ms. Reeves, I don't think that we've officially met.
23:13 Oh, I did see you at the Metro Court with Carly.
23:16 If I recall, you were wearing a lot less at the time.
23:20 - You seem to have gotten the wrong idea.
23:22 - I don't think I care enough to really remedy that.
23:24 Enjoy the art.
23:27 Beware the gallery owner.
23:30 She'll take you for all you're worth, if you are careful.
23:33 - You two seem close.
23:40 - It's been a very long day.
23:44 So can whatever you came here for,
23:46 please wait until tomorrow?
23:48 - No, it can't.
23:49 I'm here about Sonny.
23:52 - Oh, of course I like seeing you,
23:55 but there are good reasons I told you
23:57 not to come to the warehouse.
23:58 This part of the neighborhood is very dangerous,
24:00 especially at night.
24:02 - Oh, well, you don't have to worry.
24:03 You know, Yuri's, he's outside waiting
24:04 and no one's gonna mess with him.
24:06 So...
24:06 This place is pretty cool.
24:11 - Does your mom know you're here?
24:14 - Oh, it's fine.
24:15 Brooklyn has her running some last minute errands
24:17 for the wedding tomorrow.
24:18 And so she's dropped me and Scout and Rocco
24:20 off at the quarter mains.
24:22 - That's right.
24:22 It's Brooklyn and Chase's wedding tomorrow.
24:25 - Yeah.
24:25 That's why I'm here.
24:27 - Uh, Grandma Monica, she has a message for you.
24:30 - When I ran a search on you,
24:33 what do you think was the first thing that popped up?
24:36 - My conviction for SEC violations.
24:40 - And did you think I wouldn't find out?
24:42 I mean, popular notions aside,
24:46 politicians do do their own research.
24:49 - I wasn't trying to hide it from you.
24:51 - Well, because you wouldn't wanna open with that
24:54 when you're trying to sell me on the Esplanade.
24:57 - It wasn't relevant to the deal.
24:59 And yes, had I brought that up,
25:00 it would have been the only thing
25:01 that you were thinking about,
25:02 and I would have gotten an immediate no on the Esplanade.
25:05 But I had to make you fall in love with the project first.
25:08 - Well, what makes you think I won't pull out now?
25:10 - Because it's a great idea for Port Charles.
25:13 And if my name is an obstacle,
25:15 we will just leave it out.
25:16 Really.
25:17 I'll delegate everything to my nephew, Michael,
25:19 so there isn't even a hint of scandal.
25:21 - Really?
25:22 You would do that, even though it's your idea?
25:25 - Of course I would.
25:26 It's not about me.
25:27 It's just about doing something great for Port Charles.
25:29 - Sounds like a campaign slogan.
25:31 - Look, this is my home.
25:34 This is where my daughter's growing up.
25:35 And if I have a chance to make it an even better place,
25:38 why would I sacrifice that just for stroking my own ego?
25:42 - It's good to hear you say that.
25:43 But fun fact, you can still be convicted
25:46 and serve in the US House of Representatives.
25:49 - Here's a fresh take.
25:53 - How is Monica?
25:56 - She's, she's pretty good.
25:59 I mean, she still has pneumonia,
26:01 but she says she'll be back to normal by the summer.
26:04 She just has to stay in bed and rest up until then, though.
26:07 - Well, I'm glad she has you as her messenger.
26:12 - Dad, that's why I'm here.
26:14 Grandma needs you to represent her at Brooklyn's wedding.
26:18 - So if my career has been all about redemption,
26:25 what's at the heart of yours?
26:26 - Crippling self-doubt.
26:29 - That's funny.
26:34 No, I think it's the opposite.
26:36 I think you've always believed
26:40 you were smarter than everyone else.
26:42 - I don't feel the need to analyze what motivates me.
26:45 I don't think I'd like what I find.
26:47 - That's disappointing, to be honest.
26:50 I think self-reflection is very good for the soul.
26:55 Others have found plenty about you to like.
26:58 Love even.
27:00 Myself included.
27:03 - You know the whole story, don't you?
27:07 - Yeah.
27:08 - The chip on my shoulder.
27:09 How badly I wanted to fit into the WSB,
27:12 and when that didn't happen, I went my own way,
27:14 and I hurt a lot of people,
27:15 did a lot of bad things for a long time.
27:17 - Which I know you regretted.
27:20 - Charlotte came along.
27:23 She made me want to be a better man.
27:25 But Anna, I don't think that you can ever close the door
27:29 on your past entirely.
27:31 And so I compartmentalize
27:34 to ensure that whatever I feel compelled to do
27:39 doesn't affect the things and the people
27:43 that I love the most.
27:44 - What is it you want to know?
27:48 - Has Sonny received any overtures
27:52 from the other crime families?
27:54 Does he have any theories as to why he's been targeted?
27:57 - Well, I don't speak for him.
27:59 You're gonna have to ask Sonny these questions.
28:01 - Sonny won't talk to me.
28:03 - Well, he doesn't talk to me either.
28:04 Not about that kind of stuff anyway.
28:07 - I find that hard to believe.
28:08 You were glued to Sonny's side
28:10 the night of the warehouse shooting
28:11 and have barely left it since.
28:13 And you're a member of the Jerome crime family.
28:16 You had mob ambitions of your own a few years ago.
28:19 - I don't know what you're getting at,
28:21 but my business here is totally legitimate.
28:24 - That's good to know.
28:26 But I'm more interested in your relationship with Sonny.
28:29 Are you in love with him?
28:30 Or are you setting him up for a takeover?
28:32 - How dare you?
28:34 - What's your end game?
28:35 Are you planning to walk away
28:37 with control of Sonny's organization?
28:39 - What's my end game?
28:41 My end game is co-parenting a child
28:43 Sonny and I both adore.
28:45 - And you need to live with Sonny to do that?
28:48 - Not that it's any of your business,
28:49 but I'm between residences.
28:52 Sonny offered his place and I took him up on it
28:54 because I want to keep my daughter safe
28:56 'cause somebody keeps shooting at her father.
28:58 Crimes you haven't been able to solve, by the way.
29:01 - You can try to turn this around on me,
29:03 but it's obvious you know more than you're saying.
29:05 So consider yourself on notice.
29:08 Sonny's a person of interest for the FBI.
29:11 And now so are you.
29:12 So if you get the feeling you're being watched,
29:18 it's because you are.
29:20 - I have stage four lung cancer.
29:25 Hearing those words, getting my, well, ticket punched,
29:30 makes me wonder just what I want to leave as a legacy.
29:35 I got into politics to help people.
29:40 I want my seat to go to someone
29:42 who desires to serve their country.
29:46 But, well, the people in my party want me
29:48 to endorse somebody who is either a crook
29:51 or a moron or sometimes both.
29:54 - Well, that's a tough position to be in.
29:56 - I liked what I saw when we were talking before.
29:58 You have convictions and you're not afraid
30:01 to stand up for them.
30:02 I believe you would use the office to do good things.
30:06 - Well, that's very kind of you, sir,
30:08 but I don't think I have the pedigree for politics.
30:11 - Well, clearly you can handle tough situations,
30:14 which is good because politics is not for the faint of heart.
30:18 Not to mention that you're rich,
30:20 which means, of course, that you won't have to bow down
30:22 to the lobbyists to get something done.
30:25 - It may be technically legal for an ex-convict
30:28 to run for Congress, but I mean, who's gonna vote for him?
30:31 - Oh, well, the world loves a comeback.
30:35 And, you know, you're kind of a cowboy hero.
30:38 I think you're a perfect fit for it.
30:42 Even so, you need more than just a good story
30:45 to win an election.
30:47 - Well, yeah, that's true.
30:50 You need me.
30:51 - And so, after presenting all the evidence,
30:56 I'm asking you to render the only verdict
30:58 that respects the law in precedent
30:59 and overturn my disbarment.
31:01 Thank you.
31:02 What do you think?
31:05 - Well, with the caveat that I'm obviously not a lawyer.
31:10 I'm asking for a rhetorical review, not a legal analysis.
31:15 - I think you're off to a really good start.
31:17 But it could definitely use some streamlining.
31:21 My guess is because it's so personal to you
31:26 that you've gotten caught in the trap
31:28 of restating your argument too many times
31:30 in hopes of winning them over.
31:33 - That's a good note.
31:34 All right, I'll take a look at it.
31:35 All right, what about the logic?
31:37 What about, did I make my case?
31:39 - I think you have a really strong argument
31:42 to overturn your disbarment.
31:44 You're clear and articulate.
31:45 You have great command of your subject matter.
31:48 As far as I'm concerned,
31:49 you have all the elements necessary to triumph.
31:53 All except one.
31:55 - Hell.
32:00 - Wasn't expecting you to say that.
32:01 - I got this medal in seventh grade.
32:05 - Debate, first place.
32:07 - Winning this changed the course of my life.
32:10 It gave me the confidence
32:11 to pursue the things I wanted in life.
32:14 I've had it with me ever since.
32:15 Every debate, every big lecture, every public engagement,
32:19 even when I was defending my dissertation.
32:23 It'll fit right in your pocket.
32:24 It's guaranteed to bestow good luck on whoever holds it,
32:28 which is why I'm giving it to you,
32:32 because no one deserves a win more than you.
32:36 (gentle music)
32:39 - No one wants to say no to a dying man.
32:48 I mean, how would that look?
32:50 I mean, if I endorse you,
32:51 the rest of my party will fall in line
32:54 and then I'll put my considerable resources to work
32:57 making sure you get elected.
32:59 - I can't say how flattered I am in your belief in me,
33:04 but I mean, I've never even considered a career.
33:07 - Well, get considering and fast.
33:10 I mean, it's already May.
33:11 You only got a few months before the election.
33:14 Look, if you're not interested, I understand, I'll move on,
33:18 but I think you're making a huge mistake.
33:20 You could do some great things
33:22 with a real chance of winning.
33:24 You might also want to change your name to Quartermain.
33:30 (gentle music)
33:32 We'll talk.
33:35 - You care for a nightcap?
33:40 - Not tonight.
33:43 Maybe next time.
33:46 - I'm happy to hear there'll be a next time.
33:49 Mind place?
33:50 I'll cook for you.
33:51 - Really?
33:53 What?
33:55 - You wanna find out?
33:57 You have to show up.
33:59 - I look forward to it.
34:01 - You wouldn't dare put me under surveillance.
34:03 - I already have.
34:07 - You're bluffing.
34:09 - This morning, you dropped your daughter off at school.
34:15 Then you had a long breakfast with Sonny.
34:17 Feel free to tell me what the two of you talked about.
34:20 Then you went to the hospital
34:22 where you spoke to the chief pharmacist.
34:23 Then you went back home,
34:25 and then you finally came here to work.
34:28 - It's a wonder the gallery is so successful,
34:30 given the odd hours you keep.
34:33 - Bastard.
34:34 You stay the hell away from me.
34:37 - I have been tasked with uncovering
34:40 why Sonny's been targeted.
34:42 So I will be using the full weight of the FBI
34:45 to investigate whomever I want until this case is resolved.
34:49 - Monica said she isn't well enough
34:53 to attend Brooklyn's wedding,
34:54 so she needs you to go in place of her.
34:57 She knows you don't like wearing a suit and tie,
34:59 but says you can handle anything for just a few hours.
35:01 - All right, I'll go.
35:06 - You will?
35:08 - Yeah, I mean, look, I can't.
35:10 I can't argue with Monica.
35:12 - And now you?
35:13 - Come on, it's late.
35:17 I'll give you a ride home.
35:18 - What about Yuri?
35:20 - I'll explain to Yuri that I can give my son a ride home.
35:24 (gentle music)
35:26 (upbeat music)
35:29 My family loves you.
